Guidelines KL Bike Pedestrian 2019 2028
Guidelines KL Bike Pedestrian 2019 2028
Guidelines KL Bike Pedestrian 2019 2028
Chapter 01
Aims of Walkaway and Cycle Lane Design Guidelines…..…………………1-1
Strategies of the Design Guidelines………………………...…………….………. 1-3
Standards and Guidelines for Walkway and Bicycle Lane
Infrastructures…………………………………………………………………………….... 1-4
Protecting the Pedestrians and Cyclists…....…………………………………… 1-5
Chapter 02
Specifications……………………….…………………………………………..…………… 2-2
Regulatory Signages…….………………………………………………..………………. 2-8
Warning Signages……..…………………………………………………………………... 2-11
Guidance Signages………………….……………………………………..….………….. 2-28
Chapter 03
Design Specifications.....……………………….………………………..……………….3-4
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Construction Sites..……………….…………………………………………..……………5-2
Drainage or Stormwater Cover………………..............................................5-5
Chapter 01
Kuala Lumpur Walkway And Cycle Lane Design Guidelines Chapter 1 1-2
Streets are meant for all Pedestrians and cyclists are KL is a world-renown
users – regardless of travel the most vulnerable among destination among tourist,
modes or physical abilities. road users. Physical local and international, as
Hence, this document obstructions on pedestrian well as expatriates who
ensures that pedestrians walkway and bicycle lane chose to call KL home.
and cyclists are not may present inherent danger Conformance to global
forgotten, and they have to their wellbeing. Hence, standards, including in the
their rightful place on the this document promotes design of walkway and
road space. good design practices that bicycle lane, will make KL a
guarantee safe passages for truly global city where safety
both pedestrians and and user-friendliness are
cyclists alike. inherent traits.
1-3 Chapter 1 Introduction
Existing local specifications must be maintained or
improved upon
This document does not replace or supersede existing guidelines
published by relevant authorities e.g. JKR, REAM, PLANMalaysia, etc.
Rather, this document builds upon existing guidelines to aid the
application of design standards within Kuala Lumpur.
Fill the gap of existing guidelines
This document fills the gaps that were not addressed adequately within
the existing design and engineering literatures. Where still relevant,
existing standards or guidelines will be maintained and replicated.
Road hierarchies are important, so do user priorities
Hierarchies of road users, as gazetted in the Kuala Lumpur Urban Design
Guidelines (KLUDG), are strictly adhered to. Designs are made to enforce
correct priority level among road users.
SAFETY first! Safety must be consciously designed to
guarantee protection
In this design document, safety is not a by-product. Instead, safety is the
ultimate aim of this design guidelines and is consciously incorporated in all
design considerations.
Functions over forms
As pedestrian walkway and cycling lane are public facilities, they must first
be designed to serve their purpose (i.e. functions). Aesthetics (i.e. forms)
are just embellishment that will improve the quality of the facilities.
Kuala Lumpur Walkway And Cycle Lane Design Guidelines Chapter 1 1-4
In developing standards and design guidelines for walkways and cycling lanes in Kuala
Lumpur, several world-class standards and guidelines were referred to, among them:
In the process of developing this document, the following are among local standards and
guidelines that were referenced:
1. JKR (1985). Standard Traffic Signs. Arahan Teknik (Jalan 2A/85). Jabatan Kerja Raya. Kuala
2. JKR (1985). Traffic Sign Application. Arahan Teknik (Jalan 2B/85). Jabatan Kerja Raya. Kuala
3. JKR (1986). A Guide to the Design of Cycle Track. Arahan Teknik (Jalan) 10/86. Jabatan Kerja
Raya. Kuala Lumpur
4. JKR (1997). Basic Guidelines on Pedestrian Facilities. Nota Teknik Jalan 18/97. Jabatan Kerja
Raya. Kuala Lumpur.
5. REAM (2004). Guidelines and Traffic Control and Management Devices. Part 4: Pavement
Marking and Delineation. Road Engineers Association of Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur.
1-5 Chapter 1 Introduction
Passive protection of pedestrians and cyclists from bodily injuries is accomplished through
two design strategies – (1) enforcing correct priority level of road users and (2) establishing an
adequate physical separation among road users. Desirably, with this passive design
strategies, walking and cycling can be adopted as the preferred travel mode of the people of
Kuala Lumpur.
A protected zone is defined as a space of 1.5 m wide × 2.5 m high that must be provided
along the walkway and cycle lane to protect the pedestrians and cyclists, respectively (Figure
If the minimum width is not attainable, then the width will extend to the full width of the facility.
Within this protected zone, there shall not be any physical obstacles nor shall there be any
potential conflict with motorised traffic that may hamper safe passage of pedestrians or
1-7 Chapter 1 Introduction
The separation between non-motorised (i.e. pedestrians and cyclists) and the motorized
traffics is further enhanced through the provision of a spatial separation. The combination of
lateral and spatial separators brings the probability of illegal encroachment by motorised
traffic even lower and can effectively absorb the impact of motorisation on non-motorised
users. Figure 1.3 shows the landscape zone acting as a spatial separator between the
motorized and the non-motorized traffics. Further, the buffer zone also acts as the space for
placement of street furniture (e.g. signages, lamp posts, fire hydrant etc.), thus, freeing the
pedestrian and bicycle zones from any obstacles.
The spatial separator has other uses than functioning as a buffer zone between motorized and
non-motorized traffics. Where required, the buffer zone may be designed to also act as
spaces for on-street parking of either motorcycles or cars. The on-street parking, indirectly,
functions as a physical separator between the two different categories of road users.
Kuala Lumpur Walkway And Cycle Lane Design Guidelines Chapter 1 1-8
The City of Utrecht in the Netherands practices clear seperation between motorised
and non-motorised traffics. The use of lateral and spatial seperations are used
wherever possible to provide safe and comfortable environment for both pedestrians
and cyclists. Here, it can be seen that the buffer zone doubles-up as motorcycle
parking area – making effective use of valuable spaces.
Chapter 02
2.1 Specifications
Currently, there are limited road symbols and signages that guide motorists and provide relevant
information regarding pedestrians and cyclists movement on the road. The lack of appropriate
signages for pedestrians and cyclists as compared to motorized traffic attach a seemingly higher
importance to motorists rather than pedestrians and cyclists. This is a potential cause for
Malaysians to consider motorized traffic to have higher priorities than pedestrian and bicycle
To reverse the misleading sense of priorities to motorists, several new road signages are
proposed. These new road symbols and signages provide enhanced locational and situational
awareness, not only to motorists but also, to pedestrians and cyclists.
The new road symbols and signages follow global standards and best practices. The adherence
to global standards is important as Kuala Lumpur receives significant number international
tourists and expatriates annually. These symbols and signages are divided into three (3)
categories for easy referencing and future enhancements (refer to Table 2.1). Within the three
categories, road symbols and signages have been created to regulate, warn and provide
guidance and information to pedestrians, cyclists as well as motorists.
Signage Category Code Purpose
Unhindered and comfortable passages are the basic rights of pedestrians and cyclists. To
guarantee such an environment within walkway and cycling lane, signages must be placed at
safe distances and heights. A minimum lateral distance of 600 mm must be provided between
pedestrian/cyclists from the outer dimension of the sign. Additionally, a minimum height of 2120
mm must be provided to ensure overhead clearance for both pedestrians and cyclists (Figure
If there is no lighting for the signage, the face of the signage must use Microprismatic
Retroreflective sheeting to provide adequate luminance to the users during nighttime.
Kuala Lumpur Walkway And Cycle Lane Design Guidelines Chapter 2 2-4
2.1.3 Typeface
Following the recommendation of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the United
States of America and published in the Manual of the Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD),
all traffic signages must use the Highway Gothic typeface.
The Highway Gothic typeface has been evaluated and proven through various studies to be
superior in terms of clarity and legibility when read from a distance as well as during adverse
weather condition. Figure 2.3 shows three examples of road signages with the Highway Gothic
Highway Gothic
Figure 2.2: Characters and Digits of the Highway Gothic Typeface
Colours create meaning in traffic signages. Unfortunately, as there are no specific chromatic
standards on the use of colours on traffic signages within existing local standards, users can see
myriad of colours on Malaysian traffic signages.
To provide some form of standardization, Table 2.2 provides colour codes and their
representation in the CMYK and RGB notations. The meaning of each of the colours are also
provided for reference.
Colour Meaning Sample
C0 M0 Y0 K100
Black Regulation
R0 G0 B0
C0 M40 Y90 K0
Orange Temporary traffic control
R250 G166 B52
C100 M44 Y0 K0
Red Stop or prohibition
R227 G24 B55
C0 M0 Y0 K0
White Regulation
R255 G255 B255
C0 M16 Y100 K0
Yellow Warning
R255 G210 B0
Traffic signages have specific colour schemes, achieved through the combination of different
colours. Each scheme conveys specific meaning. Thus, strict adherence to the colour schemes
cannot be overemphasized as it guarantees consistency and standardization of meanings, thus
avoiding confusion among road users.
Table 2.3 shows the application of combining colour specifications to create different colour
schemes, each having a specific application and/or meaning.
§ Mandatory
White on Blue background § Directive (destination and distance)
§ Inform on general services.
Figure 2.4: Shapes used in Traffic Signages – (a) octagon, (b) equilateral triangle, (c)
circle, (d) pentagon pointed-upward, (e) diamond and (f) rectangle
Kuala Lumpur Walkway And Cycle Lane Design Guidelines Chapter 2 2-8
Regulatory signages are meant to inform road users of enforced road traffic law or regulations
that must be abided at all time. Table 2.4 lists the regulatory signages:
Code R1-0
Shape Circle
Code R2-0
Shape Circle
Warning signages alert and notify motorists of potential conflicts which may be risky and
hazardous to the pedestrians and/or cyclists. As these warning signages are mostly targeted at
motorists, they are normally placed along the carriageway. Table 2.5 lists the warning signages
and their meaning:
Code W1-0
Shape Diamond
Target User(s)
Code W1-2
Code W1-3
Code W1-4
Code W2-0
Shape Diamond
Code W2-1
Shape Diamond
Code W2-2
Code W2-3
Code W2.4
Code W3-0
Shape Diamond
Code W3-1
Code W3-2
Code W4-0
To warn road users that they are entering a school zone where
there will be school children movements. Hence, road users must
exercise extreme caution. Also, there will be specific regulations
that are enforced within this zone (e.g. speed limit)
Code W4-1
Warn road users that, within the school zone, there is an enforced
speed limit of 30 km/h. Road users are also advised to exercise
extreme caution when entering the school zone as there are
school children movements.
Warning signages alert and notify motorists of potential conflicts which may be risky and
hazardous to the pedestrians and/or cyclists. As these warning signages are mostly targeted at
motorists, they are normally placed along the carriageway. Table 2.6 lists the warning signages
and their applications:
Code G1-0
Shape Circle
Code G2-0
Inform road users this facility is dedicated for the sole use of
bicycles and personal mobility devices e.g. e-scooter. Other
forms of mobility, including pedestrians, are not permitted on this
facility all the time.
Shape Circle
Code G3-0
Shape Circle
Code G4-0
Shape Circle
2.4.5 Shared Pedestrian and Bicycle Lane with Priority Notice (G4-1)
Code G4-1
Description To inform users that the facility is shared by both pedestrians and
bicycles. Within this shared facility, the pedestrians have higher
priority and cyclists must always give way to pedestrians.
Shape Circle and Rectangle
Code G5-0
Chapter 03
3.1 General
3.1.1 Installation Guidelines
To ensure consistent walking and cycling experience that guarantees safety and comfort, a set
of street design guidelines was developed. The guidelines serve to promote compliance and
conformance to quality infrastructure development that meet the needs of the intended users.
Hence, this action provides guidance to planners and engineers to design and plan walkways
and bicycle lanes for a variety of roadway specifications.
The installation of walkways and cycling lanes varies by the type of land uses and roadway
functional classification. Table 3.1 guides planners in identifying the type of installation that
should be provided, for both new streets and for retrofitting existing streets. Table 3.1 will also
be used later for developing design standards.
Table 3.1: Installation guidelines for walkways and bicycle lane based on land use
Commercial and Industrial (all Dedicated walkway and cycling Every effort to retrofit to include
streets) lanes on both sides with clear dedicated walkways and cycling
physical and spatial separation lanes on both sides, where they do
between non-motorized and not exist
motorized traffic
Residential (Major arterials) Dedicated walkway and cycling Every effort to retrofit to include
lanes on both sides with clear dedicated walkways and cycling
physical separation between non- lanes on both sides, where they do
motorized and motorized traffic not exist
Residential (Collectors) Dedicated walkway on both sides Every effort to retrofit to include
with physical separation from dedicated walkways and cycling
motorized traffic. Cycling lanes lanes on both sides, where they do
may be on the street but adequate not exist
protection must be provided to
prevent conflict with motorized
Residential (Local Streets - More Shared walkways and cycling lanes Prefer shared walkways and
than 4 units per acre) on both sides. The shared facility cycling lanes on both sides;
must be physically separated from requires at least one side.
the motorized traffic.
1 – 4 units per acre Shared walkways and cycling lanes Shared walkways and cycling lanes
on both sides. The shared facility on one side. A shoulder of at least
may be on the street with 1.5 m is required on the side where
motorized traffic. However, a clear the shared facility is not provided.
demarcation of space must be
Less than 1 unit per acre Shared walkways and cycling lanes At least 1.5 m (6 ft.) shoulder on
on one side. Shoulder of at least both sides required
1.5 m on both sides required
2-1 Chapter
KL 3
BIKE PED Pedestrian Walkway and Bicycle Lane
In designing pedestrian walkways and bicycle lanes, the physical dimension of the road users
and vehicles must be taken into consideration. However, road users and vehicles come in
various physical dimension – shapes, sizes and conditions. For example, a male pedestrian can
vary in their height and width. Similarly, wheelchair users come in a range of width depending
on their wheelchair size. Failure to consider these physical dimensions may lead to movement
conflicts, injuries and other safety issues.
To optimize the utilization of finite resources (e.g. road space), it is not possible to consider all
the range of values for these dimensions. Hence, a representative model to represent each type
of road users and vehicles must be created and used as reference model in the engineering
design of roadways, walkways and bicycle lanes. These reference models are the standard
models and they have standard dimensions.
Figure 3.1 shows the different types of road users and vehicles, and their standard dimensions.
Each design proposed in this guideline will be based on these standard dimension to ensure full
user compatibility and usability.
As for wheelchair user, the standard dimension will be used specifically to ensure that all
walkways in Kuala Lumpur are disabled-friendly. This means that wheelchair users should not
only move on the walkway, but also be able to turn around.
The specifications for ROW in Kuala Lumpur is given in Table 3.2. These ROW specifications are
the basis for the proposed design schemes for pedestrian walkway and bicycle lane in Table
Dedicated Non-Motorized Lane, Conpenhagen
Copenhagen cares! The city spares no effort to ensure safety and comfort of its
who chose to walk and ride bicycles. Everywhere in the city, dedicated walkways
and cycling lanes can be found from the busiest of streets to local neighbourhood
Each user is given their own right-of-way separated by clear physical demarcation in
the form of stones paving – ensuring durability and low maintenance. Not only that
the lanes – walkway, cycling and traffic – are separated, their separation are also
staggered at different height.
This utmost consideration to safety and comfort are what make Copenhagen the
best cycling city in the world.
2-1 Chapter
KL 3
BIKE PED Pedestrian Walkway and Bicycle Lane
Dedicated Walkway, Kampung Bahru, Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur cares too! With beautiful and carefully selected plants, dedicated
walkways in Kampung Bahru (top pic.) and Jalan Raja Laut (bottom pic.) invites
people of Kuala Lumpur to enjoy walking and the landscapes.
The potted plants along Kampung Bahru’s walkways disguises as a natural spatial
and physical barriers. As for Jalan Raja Laut, the non-climbable fence is expertly
covered with shrubs to soften the hard elements. Regardless of the approach, both
are effective in separating the pedestrians from the motorized traffic, thus,
enhancing the perceived safety of the pedestrians – one of the major concerns of
people in Kuala Lumpur.
Kuala Lumpur Walkway And Cycle Lane Design Guidelines Chapter 3 3-8
Figure 3.2: Design DU6-1 for ROW U6 = 132 ft./40 m (60 km/h)
2-1 Chapter
KL 3
BIKE PED Pedestrian Walkway and Bicycle Lane
Figure 3.3: Design DU6-2 for ROW U6 = 132 ft./40 m (60 km/h)
Kuala Lumpur Walkway And Cycle Lane Design Guidelines Chapter 3 3-10
Figure 3.4: Design DU5-1 for ROW U5 = 100 ft./30 m (60 km/h)
2-1 Chapter
KL 3
BIKE PED Pedestrian Walkway and Bicycle Lane
Figure 3.5: Design DU5-2 for ROW U5 = 100 ft./30 m (60 km/h)
Kuala Lumpur Walkway And Cycle Lane Design Guidelines Chapter 3 3-12
Figure 3.6: Design DU5-3 for ROW U5 = 100 ft./30 m (60 km/h)
2-1 Chapter
KL 3
BIKE PED Pedestrian Walkway and Bicycle Lane
Chapter 04
4.1 General
4.1.1 Risk of Accidents
As the most vulnerable of the road users, pedestrians and cyclists are constantly exposed to the
risk of accidents. Some of these risks may be related to the physical environment of the
walkway and cycling lane e.g. uneven and slippery surfaces, broken tiles, protruding tree roots,
unkempt tree branches, incorrectly placed street furniture, etc. Nonetheless, most dangerous
risks come from the potential conflict with motorized vehicles. Nowhere is this risk of conflict
with motorized vehicles at is higher than when the pedestrians or cyclists are attempting to
cross the carriageway. At these crossings, pedestrians and cyclists will leave their protected
environment of the walkway and the cycling lane and embark into an environment of speeding
vehicles and unruly drivers.
To ensure a safe environment for crossings to pedestrians and cyclists, all the above three
categories must be tackled effectively. Table 4.1 provides a list of potential causes of accident
for each of the three categories of crossing risks listed above:
For the purpose of this guideline, there are two types of sight distance that must be considered,
which are:
1. Stopping Sight Distance, the length required to enable a vehicle travelling at or near the
design speed to stop before reaching an object (e.g. pedestrians/cyclists) in its path.
2. Decision Sight Distance, the distance required for a driver to detect an unexpected hazard
(e.g. pedestrians/cyclists) and to select appropriate speed or path to avoid this hazard.
The specification of these two types of sight distance are given in Table 4.2. For urban roads,
the specifications for design speed between 30 – 60 km/h are of interest (as highlighted in the
shaded rows of Table 4.2). It follows that, for urban roads, the minimum stopping distance must
at least be 85 m as longer stopping distance is better. And, if worst condition scenario is
considered, a minimum sight distance of approximately 100 m is then required.
60 85 97 195
50 65 74 155
40 50 53 Not Available
30 35 35 Not Available
Source: JKR (2015). A Guide on Geometric Design of Roads (Table 4.1, p. 32; Table 4.2, p. 33.; and
Table 4.3, p. 35)
Kuala Lumpur Walkway And Cycle Lane Design Guidelines Chapter 4 4-4
The determination of a minimum sight distance of 100 m in the previous section dictates that
there must also be a visual clearance of 100 m at the site. This visual clearance guarantees
drivers that there will be no sight obstruction within 100 m of the crossing facility – regardless of
whether the crossing is located at mid-block or at an intersection.
Figure 4.1 shows how a combination of road signages and traffic calming features (i.e. speed
breaker and hump) are used in the design of a crossing – in this case, a mid-block, unsignalized
crossing – for a 2-way, 2-lane carriageway.
Figure 4.1 shows that there are no sight obstruction within 100 m thus providing a minimum of
100 m of visual clearance. Figure 4.1 also shows the placement of the traffic signages at different
locations to convey different traffic warnings to the drivers. For the meaning of each of these
traffic signages, please refer to Section 2 – Signages.
Figure 4.1: Design of crossing with the application of traffic signages and sight
4-1 Chapter
KL Crossings
BIKE 4PED 2019-2028
WC ≥ WS (4.1)
As for the colour of the crossing, only WHITE marking is allowed for at-grade crossings
regardless of whether the crossing is signalized or unsignalized – for both mid-block and
intersection crossings. However, where the crossing facility involves a raised crossing, e.g.
table-top or flat-top crossing, then, a different rule will apply as will be discussed in later section.
Figure 4.2 provides a schematic design for an at-grade, unsignalized, mid-block crossing.
Table 4.3: Crossing category and apparatus matrix by urban road hierarchy
Figure 4.5 shows the crossing signals with countdown-on-green and countdown-on-red
indicators which would enhance user experience when walking and crossing the road.
Chapter 05
Photo Credit: 9M Studio
Kuala Lumpur Walkway And Cycle Lane Design Guidelines Chapter 5 5-2
Figure 4.6 shows the different types of obstructions that may be present at construction sites:
For each of the type of obstructions, a special remedial action must be put in-place, albeit a
temporary one (for the duration of the construction until completion). Next section will outline
the remedial actions to be taken to mitigate the safety risks and hazards posed by these
construction sites.
5-3 Chapter 5 Safety
Hence, for protection, concrete blocks MUST be used to provide temporary barrier segregating
the motorised and non-motorised traffic (see Figure 4.8). The dimension and specification of the
concrete barrier are given in Figure 4.9.
Figure 4.8 Re-alignment of pedestrian and bicycle traffic using concrete barriers
as protection mechanism
When the grate orientation is parallel to the direction of travel, the drainage cover poses as
hazard for people on wheel chair, the visually impaired who uses stick for guidance, as well as
cyclists who share the same facility with pedestrians. A correct orientation of the cover is shown
in Figure 4.10.
of Travel
Drainage cover
Grate Orientation