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Society Registration No .

: LUC/09613/2022-23

eme : Perioperative Medicine: the unexplored frontier

th th
Venue : Lecture Theatre Complex
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
Programme Highlights

1. Developing a Perioperative Care Program 6. Review of guidelines for perioperative management

2. Perioperative quality improvement initiatives ( EPOC / ERAS etc.) 7. Perioperative outcome assessment
3. Preoperative Risk strati cation 8. POCUS in perioperative care
4. Cardio-Pulmonary Exercise Testing (CPET) 9.Advanced hemodynamic monitoring: Beyond pressure measurement
5. Optimization of surgical patients with medical illnesses 10. Arti cial Intelligence in Perioperative Care

Dr. S.P Ambesh Dr. Puneet Goyal Dr. L.N. Yaddanapudi Dr. SS Nath Dr. Sanjay Kumar Dr. Amit Rastogi
Organising Chairperson Organising Secretary Scienti c Chairperson Scienti c Secretary Scienti c Co-Secretary Treasurer

“Bonanza for PG students” Registration Fee

Abstract Submission until : 15th September 2023
ISICPM Members Non Members Postgraduates*
Ÿ Novel concepts and Recent advances in perioperative
medicine by experts Early Bird Extended INR. 8000+18% GST INR. 9000+ 18% GST INR. 5000+ 18% GST
(up to 31/7/2023) Total 9440 Total 10620 Total 5900
Ÿ Opportunity to present Research paper/ case reports /
case series / posters in national conference (To meet NMC Regular (up to INR. 9000+ 18% GST INR. 10000+ 18% GST INR. 6000+ 18% GST
criteria for postgraduate students) 30/8/2023) Total 10620 Total 11800 Total 7080

Ÿ Post graduate Quiz with attractive prizes * For Postgraduate Bona de student certi cate
from head of department is mandatory. by

Conference Secretariat
Scan to
Department of Anaesthesiology & Intensive Care Pay
Register Now

Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences , Lucknow

0522-2494497, 2494496 , 2494481 8765751795 , 7905209345

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