Energies 14 07459 v2
Energies 14 07459 v2
Energies 14 07459 v2
Methods of Condition Monitoring and Fault Detection
for Electrical Machines
Karolina Kudelina 1, * , Bilal Asad 1 , Toomas Vaimann 1 , Anton Rassõlkin 1 , Ants Kallaste 1
and Huynh Van Khang 2
Abstract: Nowadays, electrical machines and drive systems are playing an essential role in different
applications. Eventually, various failures occur in long-term continuous operation. Due to the
increased influence of such devices on industry, industrial branches, as well as ordinary human
life, condition monitoring and timely fault diagnostics have gained a reasonable importance. In
this review article, there are studied different diagnostic techniques that can be used for algorithms’
training and realization of predictive maintenance. Benefits and drawbacks of intelligent diagnostic
techniques are highlighted. The most widespread faults of electrical machines are discussed as well
as techniques for parameters’ monitoring are introduced.
Keywords: artificial intelligence; condition monitoring; failure detection; fault diagnosis; fuzzy logic;
machine learning; neural networks; reliability
In the case of supervised machine learning (“learning with a teacher”), the training
dataset and test dataset are set so that the algorithm can map inputs to the desired outputs
by the labelled examples. These algorithms are suitable for classification and regression
tasks [6,7]. Unlike supervised learning, unsupervised machine learning (“learning without
a teacher”) is dedicated to understanding and discovering patterns from an unknown
dataset. Unsupervised algorithms are primarily used for the generalization and association
of datasets [8,9]. In this case, the primary function is to group objects into clusters and
reduce the amount of data. Reinforcement learning is used to decrease errors and increase
accuracy by analyzing the data after each iteration. These algorithms are spread in robot
navigation, resource management, and real-time decisions [10–12]. In diagnostics of
electrical machines, the following algorithms are used: decision trees [13], support vector
machines [14], principal component analysis [15], and genetic algorithm [16].
Decision trees are the simplest among decision-making algorithms and require a very
small amount of data to achieve a result. To obtain more accurate results, decision trees are
frequently used in parallel with other algorithms. However, decision trees are considered
unstable algorithms; insignificant changes in input data can lead to serious changes in
decision trees’ structure, leading to inaccurate results. Additionally, regression algorithms
usually fail.
Generally, support vector machines are an optimal tool if there is no initial information
about datasets. Similar to decision trees, less computation power is needed to provide
accurate results. However, it can take a lot of time to process the information in datasets
that are especially large. Moreover, managing a kernel machine for non-linear processes
can be a complicated task.
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Figure 4. Principal component analysis: (a) initial data points, (b) creation of optimal vector PCA, (c) projection of initial
data points on the vector PCA, (d) definition of new datasets [24].
Firstly, experimental data points with the specific coordinates are set on a plane. Then, the
vector of maximum data change is set on the plane. Next, experimental points are projected on
the vector. Finally, these projections create new datasets on the vector, and any deviations from
the vector are considered to be noise. The main benefit of principal component analysis is that
the algorithm considers each data point as an independent component and does not correlate
between them. Thus, this method can significantly reduce training as well as processing time.
Nonetheless, considering each datapoint as an independent component can lead to a loss of
information and reduced accuracy of the results.
Figure 5. Genetic algorithm: (a) definition of initial population, (b) fitness function application, (c) selection of coincidences,
(d) definition of resultant population.
To solve a problem, neurons transfer signals between the input and output layer
through connections. These algorithms are not to be programmed; they are supposed to be
learned. Searching for the connection coefficients between neurons is meant to occur by
learning. The easy and fast learning process is one of the main benefits of neural networks.
Algorithms are also able to restore incomplete or even destroyed data when training has
been successful.
Neural networks also have several limitations. For accurate results, a balance must
be found between overfitted and underfitted data; an overly approximated model will
not give precise results, while an extremely detailed algorithm will be too flexible but too
complicated for further implementation. Additionally, the “black box” phenomenon is
quite widespread in the case of neural networks, where approximating a hidden layer can
lead to mistakes in artificial structure [31,32].
In fuzzy fault diagnosis, there are many approaches available, such as the Mamdani
approach [35], fuzzy neural network [36], Takagi–Sugeno approach [37], etc. Therefore,
it is essential to select the best-suited algorithm to be applied to the system. Each of
them has certain benefits and drawbacks. Generally, fuzzy logic is considered a simple
solution in decision-making tasks. Fuzzy logic can also perform approximate reasoning by
a combination of membership functions through a set of rules [38]. However, to develop a
fuzzy system, a large amount of data is needed. Moreover, the development of fuzzy rules
can complicate data analysis.
2.7. Summary
In Table 1, the benefits and drawbacks of all of the aforementioned diagnostic tech-
niques are summarized.
Under industry conditions, data collection can be a complicated task. Due to the
regular controls in production, only a limited number of faulty rotating machines are
possible, which means a limited number of tests to be performed for training purposes.
Additionally, data collected in cases of composite faults in the same machine are not
straightforward in another scenario. Therefore, for effective AI training, mathematical
models with different faulty conditions must make diagnostic algorithms more reliable.
Therefore, it is important to understand the nature of machine failures, causes, and impacts.
Energies 2021, 14, 7459 7 of 20
operation time, and bearing material. Bearing current-related damage can be revealed
by increased noise and vibration, but in the late stages when the surface of the bearing
is already damaged [50]. The damage is visible on the bearing surfaces at places where
the load is the largest. Practically, the following bearing current-related damage can be
classified as fluting, frosting, pitting, and dull-finish. Fluting occurs in a combination with
low voltage and constant rotational speed, which does not appear for a longer period of
time [51]. In Figure 9, an example of bearing fluting is shown in magnification.
At the same time, frosting can appear in cases of varying rotational speeds. Pitting
usually appears in applications with a high-voltage source, causing a multiplicity of small
craters on the bearing surface [52]. In the case of dull-finish, this phenomenon resembles
pitting but with much smaller craters that can be studied in detail only by a microscope
with a particularly high magnification [53].
Bearings, as a critical part of rotating machinery, are prone to damage and failure. For
this reason, it is extremely important to monitor the condition of the bearing operation.
Temperature measurement, noise, and vibration analysis, as well as periodical control of
the lubricant quality can significantly reduce the risk of bearing damage.
Figure 10. Damages caused by centrifugal force: (a) rotor wear and (b) stator wear.
An air gap is considered to be faulty if it exceeds 10% of the nominal value [55].
As shown in Figure 11, there are the following types of rotor eccentricity: static [56],
dynamic [57], and elliptic [58]. Authors in [59] have discussed these cases.
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Figure 11. Types of rotor eccentricity: (a) healthy; (b) static; (c) and (d) dynamic; and (e) elliptic
eccentricities [59].
Static eccentricity (SE) is the most widespread type of eccentricity in the motor, where
the rotation axis of the rotor is parallel to the stator axis and fixed in time. In the case of
dynamic eccentricity (DE), the air-gap length changes in time. Elliptic eccentricity (EE)
occurs when stator and rotor center points match; however, a non-uniform air gap still
exists because the elliptical shape of the rotor and angles change over time. The width of the
air-gap in cases of different eccentricities can be found with the following equations [59]:
gSE = Rs − Rr + R2r − (d · sin β)2 (5)
|OW ·Or |
δDE = (6)
s 2 2
ωt ωt
gEE (t) = Rs − (R r +d)·cos( − β) + (R r − d)·cos( − β) (7)
p p
where g—air-gap, RS —radius of the stator, Rr —rotor radius, d—deviation, β—initial
eccentricity angle, Ow —rotational center, Os —stator symmetry center, p—number of poles.
Practically, mixed eccentricity can also be found when rotor and stator center points
and rotational axis are shifted from each other.
The most frequent permanent magnet fault is demagnetization, which means partial
or complete magnetization loss [60]. Partial demagnetization that produces additional
harmonics in the stator currents can be found at the following frequencies [61]:
fpdem = ff 1 ± (8)
are made of copper, while laminations are made of steel, bars will expand more quickly in
cases of increased operating temperature.
Figure 12. Stator winding faults: (a) improper winding placement, (b) insulation damage.
fh = fs (1 + 2sk); k = 1, 2, 3, . . . ; k ∈ N (9)
Classical and intelligent approaches are frequently used in combination. In [82], authors
propose a novel method for predicting the remaining useful lifetime of bearings based on
continuous wavelet transform and convolutional neural networks, where image features
improve result accuracy. At the same time, in [83], the authors propose a novel hybrid method
of convolutional neural network and support vector machine to effectively identify an incipient
fault in rotating machinery. The proposed solution does not need manual feature extraction or
data processing. Authors in [84] also propose a condition-monitoring method of bearing fault
based on deep convolutional neural network and random forest ensemble learning to achieve
high accuracy in failure diagnosis under complex operating conditions. However, there are
several limitations: computational time and quality of raw data. Authors in [85] use a genetic
algorithm for diagnostics of gearboxes based on vibration signals to improve the process of
data exploration and exploitation.
Energies 2021, 14, 7459 13 of 20
Figure 14. Flux distribution of healthy and faulty rotor bars in an induction motor [92].
Most of the rotating electrical machines are symmetrical, generating uniformly dis-
tributed magnetic flux. Any fault in the machine results in asymmetrical flux distribution,
resulting in more local magnetic stresses. An example of flux distribution in the case of
healthy and faulty rotor bars is shown in Figure 14. It is clear from the figure that the flux
density across the broken bar increases in magnitude, which increases the peak induced
current in subsequent rotor bars. These increased current and magnetic forces make them
vulnerable to a fault, leading to a kind of chain reaction. A machine’s performance parame-
ters such as torque, speed, voltage, and currents function to distribute flux. The analysis of
those performance parameters can detect any change in flux distribution due to any fault.
These facts make the diagnostic algorithms non-invasive and open a broad field of signal
processing techniques that can be used for condition monitoring of electrical machines.
In harmonic spectrum and data analysis-based techniques, the frequency components
of any global signal are evaluated according to cause of production. The discovered
frequency components can be further used for the health monitoring of electrical machines,
either by visual inspection or with the help of advanced statistical data analysis techniques.
A variety of research articles dealing with spectrum analysis for various machines can
be found in the literature. The stator winding insulation degradation fault analysis of
permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) using the harmonic analysis of fault current
is presented in [93]. The authors of [94] used matching pursuit and wavelet transformation
for current features extraction and machine learning-based fault diagnostic algorithms for
induction motor analysis. The detection of bearing faults by statistical analysis of a motor’s
stray flux is presented in [95]. The inter-turn short circuit fault analysis in permanent
magnet multiphase machines using spectrum analysis of combined voltage space vector
is presented in [96]. The fault diagnosis of induction machines using harmonic order
tracking analysis of a stator’s current is presented in [97]. The use of wavelet transform for
stator current analysis during motor startup is presented in [98,99]. The utilization of non-
stationary stray flux harmonics for training feed-forward neural networks for monitoring
wound rotor induction motors is presented in [100]. The use of transient stray fluxes and
Energies 2021, 14, 7459 14 of 20
the currents for the fault diagnosis of damper winding in synchronous motors is presented
in [101], while a similar work for fault detection of circular pumps is reported in [102].
Based on the type of the signal, the harmonic spectrum and data analysis-based techniques
can be broadly classified into two categories: transient analysis and steady-state analysis.
Although both types are very diverse fields, a good glimpse of induction machines fault
diagnosis can be seen in: transient [103–105], steady-state [106,107].
The harmonic spectrum analysis-based techniques are very old and well established
because most of those techniques are based on non-invasive signals. Various signal pro-
cessing techniques can be easily deployed, computationally less intense, and no kind of
sophisticated apparatus is required. The measured signals can be analyzed at any remote
location. However, with the increasing trend of drive utilization, special purpose machines
and different working environments make the conventional current and flux monitoring
techniques very challenging. The reliability of diagnostic algorithms will no doubt increase
if the algorithm mathematically knows the machine under inspection. Moreover, if the
mathematical models in the drive are compatible with the diagnostic algorithm, the drive
can continuously monitor the machine’s health.
Due to these factors, researchers are moving towards modelling- and parameters
estimation-based diagnostic techniques. For this purpose, the development of mathematical
models with reduced simulation time and that are compatible with faults simulation is the
first milestone to be achieved. Various modelling techniques are available in the literature,
e.g., modified winding function-based models [108–111], circular convolution theory-
based [112], the hybrid FEM-analytical [113,114]. These models can be used in parallel with
the real working machine to estimate design parameters. For example, authors in [114]
proposed utilizing an induction motor’s FEM model for parameters estimation using
hardware in the loop environment. In [115], the induction motor’s inversion model was
used to estimate different performance parameters for health monitoring.
Thermal imaging is another potential option for thermal monitoring in rotating ma-
chinery. In [123], as shown in Figure 15, the authors present a method of feature extraction
using thermal images. For classification, the nearest neighbor classifier, k-means, and
back-propagation neural network were used.
Figure 15. Thermal image of healthy as well as a faulty motor with damaged ring of squirrel-cage [123].
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