URL https://github.com/mrc-ide/odin
BugReports https://github.com/mrc-ide/odin/issues
Imports R6, cinterpolate (>= 1.0.0), deSolve, digest, glue, jsonlite,
ring, withr
Suggests dde (>= 1.0.0), jsonvalidate (>= 1.1.0), knitr, mockery,
pkgbuild, pkgload, rlang, rmarkdown, testthat
VignetteBuilder knitr
RoxygenNote 7.1.1
Encoding UTF-8
Language en-GB
NeedsCompilation no
2 can_compile
R topics documented:
can_compile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
odin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
odin_build . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
odin_ir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
odin_ir_deserialise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
odin_options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
odin_package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
odin_parse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
odin_validate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Index 13
Test if compilation appears possible. This is used in some examples, and tries compiling a trivial C
program with pkgbuild. Results are cached between runs within a session so this should be fast to
rely on.
can_compile(verbose = FALSE, refresh = FALSE)
verbose Be verbose when running commands?
refresh Try again to compile, skipping the cached value?
We use pkgbuild in order to build packages, and it includes a set of heuristics to locate and organise
your C compiler. The most likely people affected here are Windows users; if you get this ensure that
you have rtools installed. Using pkgbuild::find_rtools() with debug = TRUE may be helpful for
diagnosing compiler issues.
odin 3
A logical scalar
can_compile() # will take ~0.1s the first time
can_compile() # should be basically instantaneous
Create an odin model from a file, text string(s) or expression. The odin_ version is a "standard
evaluation" escape hatch.
odin(x, verbose = NULL, target = NULL, workdir = NULL, validate = NULL,
pretty = NULL, skip_cache = NULL, compiler_warnings = NULL,
no_check_unused_equations = NULL, options = NULL)
x Either the name of a file to read, a text string (if length is greater than 1 elements
will be joined with newlines) or an expression.
verbose Logical scalar indicating if the compilation should be verbose. Defaults to the
value of the option odin.verbose or FALSE otherwise.
target Compilation target. Options are "c" and "r", defaulting to the option odin.target
or "c" otherwise.
workdir Directory to use for any generated files. This is only relevant for the "c" target.
Defaults to the value of the option odin.workdir or tempdir() otherwise.
validate Validate the model’s intermediate representation against the included schema.
Normally this is not needed and is intended primarily for development use. De-
faults to the value of the option odin.validate or FALSE otherwise.
pretty Pretty-print the model’s intermediate representation. Normally this is not needed
and is intended primarily for development use. Defaults to the value of the
option odin.pretty or FALSE otherwise.
skip_cache Skip odin’s cache. This might be useful if the model appears not to compile
when you would expect it to. Hopefully this will not be needed often. Defaults
to the option odin.skip_cache or FALSE otherwise.
4 odin
Previously this attempted detection of compiler warnings (with some degree of
success), but is currently ignored. This may become supported again in a future
version depending on underlying support in pkgbuild.
If TRUE, then don’t print messages about unused variables. Defaults to the option
odin.no_check_unused_equations or FALSE otherwise.
options Named list of options. If provided, then all other options are ignored.
Do not use odin::odin in a package; you almost certainly want to use odin_package instead.
A generated model can return information about itself; odin_ir
An odin_generator object (an R6 class) which can be used to create model instances.
User parameters
If the model accepts user parameters, then the parameter to the constructor or the $set_user()
method can be used to control the behaviour when unknown user actions are passed into the model.
Possible values are the strings stop (throw an error), warning (issue a warning but keep go-
ing), message (print a message and keep going) or ignore (do nothing). Defaults to the option
odin.unused_user_action, or warning otherwise.
Rich FitzJohn
## Compile the model; exp_decay here is an R6ClassGenerator and will
## generate instances of a model of exponential decay:
exp_decay <- odin::odin({
deriv(y) <- -0.5 * y
initial(y) <- 1
}, target = "r")
Build an odin model generator from its intermediate representation, as generated by odin_parse.
This function is for advanced use.
odin_build(x, options = NULL)
x An odin ir (json) object or output from odin_validate.
options Options to pass to the build stage (see odin_options
In applications that want to inspect the intermediate representation rather before compiling, rather
than directly using odin, use either odin_parse or odin_validate and then pass the result to odin::odin_build.
The return value of this function includes information about how long the compilation took, if it
was successful, etc, in the same style as odin_validate:
See Also
odin_parse, which creates intermediate representations used by this function.
6 odin_ir
# Parse a model of exponential decay
ir <- odin::odin_parse({
deriv(y) <- -0.5 * y
initial(y) <- 1
# All results:
# The model:
mod <- res$model$new()
Return detailed information about an odin model. This is the mechanism through which coef works
with odin.
odin_ir(x, parsed = FALSE)
x An odin_generator function, as created by odin::odin
parsed Logical, indicating if the representation should be parsed and converted into an
R object. If FALSE we return a json string.
The returned data is subject to change for a few versions while I work out how we’ll use it.
exp_decay <- odin::odin({
deriv(y) <- -0.5 * y
initial(y) <- 1
}, target = "r")
odin_ir_deserialise 7
Deserialise odin’s intermediate model representation from a json string into an R object. Unlike
the json, there is no schema for this representation. This function provides access to the same
deserialisation that odin uses internally so may be useful in applications.
A named list
See Also
# Parse a model of exponential decay
ir <- odin::odin_parse({
deriv(y) <- -0.5 * y
initial(y) <- 1
# Convert the representation to an R object
For lower-level odin functions odin_parse, odin_validate we only accept a list of options rather than
individually named options.
8 odin_options
verbose Logical scalar indicating if the compilation should be verbose. Defaults to the
value of the option odin.verbose or FALSE otherwise.
target Compilation target. Options are "c" and "r", defaulting to the option odin.target
or "c" otherwise.
workdir Directory to use for any generated files. This is only relevant for the "c" target.
Defaults to the value of the option odin.workdir or tempdir() otherwise.
validate Validate the model’s intermediate representation against the included schema.
Normally this is not needed and is intended primarily for development use. De-
faults to the value of the option odin.validate or FALSE otherwise.
pretty Pretty-print the model’s intermediate representation. Normally this is not needed
and is intended primarily for development use. Defaults to the value of the
option odin.pretty or FALSE otherwise.
skip_cache Skip odin’s cache. This might be useful if the model appears not to compile
when you would expect it to. Hopefully this will not be needed often. Defaults
to the option odin.skip_cache or FALSE otherwise.
Previously this attempted detection of compiler warnings (with some degree of
success), but is currently ignored. This may become supported again in a future
version depending on underlying support in pkgbuild.
If TRUE, then don’t print messages about unused variables. Defaults to the option
odin.no_check_unused_equations or FALSE otherwise.
rewrite_dims Logical, indicating if odin should try and rewrite your model dimensions (if us-
ing arrays). If TRUE then we replace dimensions known at compile-time with
literal integers, and those known at initialisation with simplified and shared ex-
pressions. You may get less-comprehensible error messages with this option
set to TRUE because parts of the model have been effectively evaluated during
Logical, indicating if odin should try and rewrite all constant scalars. This is a
superset of rewrite_dims and may be slow for large models. Doing this will
make your model less debuggable; error messages will reference expressions
that have been extensively rewritten, some variables will have been removed
entirely or merged with other identical expressions, and the generated code may
not be obviously connected to the original code.
odin_package 9
A list of parameters, of class odin_options
Create an odin model within an existing package.
path_package Path to the package root (the directory that contains DESCRIPTION)
I am resisting the urge to actually create the package here. There are better options than I can
come up with; for example devtools::create, pkgkitten::kitten, mason::mason, or creating
DESCRIPTION files using desc. What is required here is that your package:
Point this function at the package root (the directory containing DESCRIPTION and it will write
out files src/odin.c and odin.R. These files will be overwritten without warning by running this
10 odin_parse
path <- tempfile()
Parse an odin model, returning an intermediate representation. The odin_parse_ version is a "stan-
dard evaluation" escape hatch.
odin_parse(x, type = NULL, options = NULL)
x An expression, character vector or filename with the odin code
type An optional string indicating the the type of input - must be one of expression,
file or text if provided. This skips the type detection code used by odin and
makes validating user input easier.
options odin options; see odin_options. The primary options that affect the parse stage
are validate and pretty.
A schema for the intermediate representation is available in the package as schema.json. It is
subject to change at this point.
odin_validate 11
See Also
odin_validate, which wraps this function where parsing might fail, and odin_build for building odin
models from an intermediate representation.
# Parse a model of exponential decay
ir <- odin::odin_parse({
deriv(y) <- -0.5 * y
initial(y) <- 1
Validate an odin model. This function is closer to odin_parse_ than odin_parse because it does not
do any quoting of the code. It is primarily intended for use within other applications.
odin_validate(x, type = NULL, options = NULL)
x An expression, character vector or filename with the odin code
type An optional string indicating the the type of input - must be one of expression,
file or text if provided. This skips the type detection code used by odin and
makes validating user input easier.
options odin options; see odin_options. The primary options that affect the parse stage
are validate and pretty.
12 odin_validate
odin_validate will always return a list with the same elements:
Rich FitzJohn
# A successful validation:
odin::odin_validate(c("deriv(x) <- 1", "initial(x) <- 1"))
# A complete failure:
can_compile, 2
coef, 6
odin, 3, 5
odin_ (odin), 3
odin_build, 5, 11
odin_ir, 4, 6
odin_ir_deserialise, 7
odin_options, 5, 7, 10, 11
odin_package, 4, 9
odin_parse, 5, 7, 10, 11
odin_parse_, 11, 12
odin_parse_ (odin_parse), 10
odin_validate, 5, 7, 11, 11
pkgbuild::find_rtools(), 2
proc.time, 5
tempdir(), 3, 8