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Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services

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JSS Job ID: 4346190
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Engineering Design Calculations

Milled Enclosure
Design Pressure Pd = 285 psi Design Temperature Td = 450 °F Corrosion allowance CA = 0.063 in
Calculated Enclosure Design Stresses
Maximum stress in cover plate 1
σc1.max = 16613 psi < σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi Result8a.1.d = “Pass”
Total Weight
Maximum stress in cover plate 2
Wtotal = 87.2 lb
σc2.max = 0 psi < σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi Result8a.2.d = “Not applicable”
Maximum stress in sidewall 1
σs1.max = 1335 psi < σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi Result10a.1.d = “Pass”
Maximum stress in sidewall 2
σs2.max = 1187 psi < σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi Result10a.2.d = “Pass”
Sealant = “18X”
Maximum stress in sidewall 3
σs3.max = 0 psi < σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi Result10a.3.d = “Not applicable”

Bolting Stresses | Design Loading

Pressure area 1 Torquepl1 = 46 ft ⋅ lbf
Resultb1.d = “Pass”
σb1.req = 7374 psi < σb1.hj.a.d = 25000 psi

Pressure area 2 Torquepl2 = 46 ft ⋅ lbf

Resultb2.d = “Pass”
σb2.req = 14612 psi < σb2.hj.a.d = 25000 psi

Pressure area 3 Torquepl3 = 0 ft ⋅ lbf Resultb3.d = “Not applicable”

σb3.req = 0 psi < σb3.hj.a.d = 0 psi
Buckling of Pipe due to External Pressure
Buckling of pipe C1/D1 Buckling of pipe C2/D2 Buckling of pipe C3/D3
σC1.D1 = 2405 psi σC2.D2 = 2405 psi σC3.D3 = 0 psi
Resultσ.C1.D1.i = “Pass” Resultσ.C2.D2.i = “Pass” Resultσ.C3.D3.i = “Not applicable”

R = “Design is Acceptable”

Protected Area

Confidential and Proprietary Information Milled Enclosure Calculations

Registration # F-003143
Enclosure Data Page 1 of 10
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
Verified by: Date:
JSS Job ID: 4346190

Enclosure Data
Enclosure Data
Design Pressure Pd = 285 psi Operating Pressure Po = 220 psi Corrosion allowance CA = 0.0625 in
Inputs correspond to internal reference materials
References: ASME BPVC Section IID
Material of enclosure fasteners StudMaterialb1 = “SA-193 Grade B7”

Material allowable stress σb1.hj.a.d = 25000 psi

Pressure Area 1 Pressure Area 2 Pressure Area 3

Pressure area used is the greater of
Aseal1 = 36.688 in 2 Aseal2 = 14.54 in 2 Aseal3 = 0 in 2
the user entered area and L ⋅ W
Stud size Sb1.hj = 0.5 in Sb2.hj = 0.5 in Sb3.hj = 0 in

Number of studs Nb1.hj = 10 Nb2.hj = 2 Nb3.hj = 0

Enclosure Data
Material of construction (plate) PlateMaterial = “SA-516 Grade 70”

Material Allowable Stress σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi

Cover Plate | Case 8a Cover Plate | Case 8a

Cover thickness tc1 = 0.5 in tc2 = 0 in
Major length ac1 = 7.75 in ac2 = 0 in
Minor length bc1 = 4.75 in bc2 = 0 in

Sidewall 1 Sidewall 2 Sidewall 3

Sidewall thickness ts1 = 1 in ts2 = 1 in ts3 = 0 in

Parallel to splitline as1 = 7.75 in as2 = 4.75 in as3 = 0 in
Perpendicular to splitline bs1 = 1.75 in bs2 = 1.75 in bs3 = 0 in

Wencl = 41.68 lb Weight of enclosure (measured from SolidWorks)

Header Data
C1/D1 C2/D2 C3/D3
External diameter of pipe Dh1 = 2.375 in Dh2 = 2.375 in Dh3 = 0 in
Minimum wall thickness th1 = 0.154 in th2 = 0.154 in th3 = 0 in
Length of header subject to injection pressure Lh1 = 0.375 in Lh2 = 0.375 in Lh3 = 0 in

Confidential and Proprietary Information Milled Enclosure Calculations

Registration # F-003143
Enclosure Analysis Page 2 of 10
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
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JSS Job ID: 4346190

Enclosure Analysis
Rectangular Plate Stress Calculations
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II, Part D, (Table for Maximum Allowable Stresses), 2019 Edition
Formulas for Stress and Strain by Roark and Young, 7th Edition; Table 11.4, Case 8a & 10a
Cover Wall 1; Case 8a Table 11.4, Case 8a

Corrosion Allowance CA = 0.0625 in ⎡1 ⎤ ⎡ 0.308 ⎤

⎢ 1.2 ⎥ ⎢ 0.383 ⎥
Cover Thickness (minimum) tc1 = 0.5 in ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
1.4 ⎥ 0.436 ⎥
Case8av1 = ⎢ Case8av2 = ⎢
Major Length ac1 = 7.75 in ⎢ 1.6 ⎥ ⎢ 0.468 ⎥
⎢ 1.8 ⎥ ⎢ 0.487 ⎥
Minor Length bc1 = 4.75 in ⎢2 ⎥ ⎢ 0.497 ⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
Maximum Allowable Stress σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi Interpolating for β
| ‖ |
Ratio of major and minor lengths b8a1 ≡ if tc1 ≠ 0 in βc1 ≡ ‖ βc ← linterp ⎛⎝Case8av1 , Case8av2 , b8a1⎞⎠ |
‖ |
ac1 + 2 ⋅ CA | ‖ min ⎛⎝βc , 0.50⎞⎠ |
‖ ―――― ‖ max ⎛0 , β ⎞ |
‖ bc1 + 2 ⋅ CA | ‖ ⎝ c⎠ |
‖ |
else | βc1 = 0.469
‖ |
‖ zero | Maximum stress
σc1.max ≡ try | σc1.max = 16613 psi
‖ 2
‖ βc1 ⋅ Pd ⋅ ⎛⎝bc1 + 2 CA⎞⎠ |
‖ ――――――― |
‖ |
‖ ⎝⎛tc1 - CA⎠⎞ |
Result8a.1.d = “Pass” on error |
‖ |
‖ 0 psi |

Cover Wall 2; Case 8a

Table 11.4, Case 8a
Corrosion Allowance CA = 0.0625 in ⎡1 ⎤ ⎡ 0.308 ⎤
⎢ 1.2 ⎥ ⎢ 0.383 ⎥
Cover Thickness (minimum) tc2 = 0 in ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 1.4 ⎥ ⎢ 0.436 ⎥
Case8av1 = Case8av2 =
Major Length ac2 = 0 in ⎢ 1.6 ⎥ ⎢ 0.468 ⎥
⎢ 1.8 ⎥ ⎢ 0.487 ⎥
Minor Length bc2 = 0 in ⎢2 ⎥ ⎢ 0.497 ⎥
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
Maximum Allowable Stress σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi Interpolating for β
| ‖ |
Ratio of major and minor lengths b8a2 ≡ if tc2 ≠ 0 in βc2 ≡ ‖ βc ← linterp ⎛⎝Case8av1 , Case8av2 , b8a2⎞⎠ |
‖ |
a c2 + 2 ⋅ CA | ‖ min ⎛⎝βc , 0.50⎞⎠ |
‖ ―――― ‖ max ⎛0 , β ⎞ |
‖ bc2 + 2 ⋅ CA | ‖ ⎝ c⎠ |
‖ |
else | βc2 = 0
‖ |
‖ zero | Maximum stress
σc2.max ≡ try | σc2.max = 0 psi
‖ 2
‖ βc2 ⋅ Pd ⋅ ⎛⎝bc2 + 2 CA⎞⎠ |
‖ ――――――― |
Result8a.1.d = “Pass” ‖
⎛⎝tc2 - CA⎞⎠
‖ |
on error |
‖ |
‖ 0 psi |

Confidential and Proprietary Information Milled Enclosure Calculations

Registration Hybrid Roark's & Timoshenko
# F-003143 Page 3 of 10
‖ |
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services‖ 0 psi |
Verified by: Date:
JSS Job ID: 4346190

Sidewall; Hybrid Roark's & Timoshenko

‖ ||
Fhyb ⎛⎝rab⎞⎠ ≡ ‖ if rab ≤ 0
Table 11.4, Case 10a ‖ ‖ return zero ||
‖ ‖
‖ else if rab < 2.431 ||
⎡ 0.25 ⎤ ‖ ‖ “Roark's model” ||
⎢ 0.5 ⎥ ‖ ‖ ||
⎢ ⎥ ‖ ‖ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
⎛⎝linterp ⎛⎝Case10a , Case10a ⟨⟨0⟩⟩ , r ⎞⎠⎞⎠
v1 v2 ab ||
⎢ 0.75 ⎥ ‖ ‖ ――――――――――― ||
‖ ‖ 1.5
Case10av1 = ⎢ 1 ⎥ ||
⎢ 1.5 ⎥ ‖ else ||
⎢2 ⎥ ‖ ‖ ||
⎢ ⎥ ‖ ‖ “Timoshenko's model” ||
⎣3 ⎦ ‖ ‖ if rab < 3.333 |||
‖ ‖ ‖ | |
‖ ‖ ‖ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
⎛ ‾‾‾‾ 16.5778 ⎞ |||
↲ ⎟ |||
‖ ‖ ‖ ⎜1.4108 - 8.2389 ⋅ rab + ―――
‖ ‖ ‖ ⎜ r ab ⎟ |||
⎜ 1.5 2⎟ ||
‖ ‖ ‖ |
⎡ 0.031 0.02 ⎤ ⎝- 12.0672 ⋅ ⎛⎝rab ⎞⎠ + 3.0098 ⋅ ⎛⎝rab ⎞⎠ ⎠ |
-1 -1

⎢ 0.126 0.081 ⎥
‖ ‖ ‖ rab ⋅ ――――――――――――| | |
⎢ ⎥ ‖ ‖ ‖ 1.5 |||
⎢ 0.286 0.173 ⎥ ‖ ‖ |||
Case10av2 = ⎢ 0.511 0.321 ⎥ ‖ ‖ else if rab < 37.037 |||
⎢ 1.073 ‖ ‖ ‖ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
⎛⎝10 0.135 + 1.782 ⋅ log ⎝rab ⎠⎞⎠
⎛ -1⎞ |||
0.727 ⎥ ‖ ‖ ‖ r ⋅ ――――――― |||
⎢ 1.568 1.226 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ‖ ‖ ‖ ab 1.5 |||
⎣ 1.982 2.105 ⎦ ‖ ‖ ‖ |||
‖ ‖ else |||
‖ ‖ ‖ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
⎛ 2 ⎞ |||
‖ ‖ ‖ ⎝3 ⋅ ⎛⎝rab ⎞⎠ ⎠
‖ ‖ ‖ rab ⋅ ―――― |||
‖ ‖ ‖ 1.5 |||
‖ |
Sidewall 1

Corrosion Allowance CA = 0.0625 in Ratio of major and minor lengths bs1.10a ≡ if ts1 ≠ 0 in |
‖ |
Wall Thickness (minimum) ts1 = 1 in as1 + 2 CA |
‖ ―――
‖ bs1 + CA |
‖ |
Parallel to splitline as1 = 7.75 in |
‖ |
Perpendicular to splitline bs1 = 1.75 in ‖0 |
Maximum Allowable Stress σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi
bs1.10a = 4.345
Ratio of major and minor lengths
Stress factor from hybrid model Fs1 ≡ Fhyb ⎛⎝bs1.10a⎞⎠

Maximum stress σs1.max ≡ if ts1 ≠ 0 in |

‖ |
Result10a.1.d = “Pass” 2
‖ Fs1 ⋅ ⎝bs1 + CA⎞⎠ ⋅ Pd |
2 ⎛

‖ ―――――― |

2 |
⎛⎝ts1 - CA⎞⎠ |

else |
‖ |
‖ 0 psi ||

σs1.max = 1335 psi

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Sidewall#2F-003143 Page 4 of 10
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
Verified by: Date:
JSS Job ID: 4346190

Sidewall 2

Corrosion Allowance CA = 0.0625 in Ratio of major and minor lengths bs2.10a ≡ if ts2 ≠ 0 in |
‖ |
Wall Thickness (minimum) ts2 = 1 in as2 + 2 CA |
‖ ―――
‖ bs2 + CA |
‖ |
Parallel to splitline as2 = 4.75 in |
‖ |
Perpendicular to splitline bs2 = 1.75 in ‖0 |
Maximum Allowable Stress σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi

bs2.10a = 2.69

Stress factor from hybrid model Fs2 ≡ Fhyb ⎛⎝bs2.10a⎞⎠

Result10a.2.d = “Pass” σs2.max ≡ if ts2 ≠ 0 in |

‖ |
‖ Fs2 2 ⋅ ⎛⎝bs2 + CA⎞⎠ ⋅ Pd |
‖ ―――――― |

2 |
⎛⎝ts2 - CA⎞⎠ |

else |
‖ |
‖ 0 psi ||

σs2.max = 1187 psi

Sidewall 3

Corrosion Allowance CA = 0.0625 in Ratio of major and minor lengths bs3.10a ≡ if ts3 ≠ 0 in |
‖ |
Wall Thickness (minimum) ts3 = 0 in as3 + 2 CA |
‖ ―――
‖ bs3 + CA |
‖ |
Parallel to splitline as3 = 0 in |
‖ |
Perpendicular to splitline bs3 = 0 in ‖0 |
Maximum Allowable Stress σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi
bs3.10a = 0

Stress factor from hybrid model Fs3 ≡ Fhyb ⎛⎝bs3.10a⎞⎠

σs3.max ≡ if ts3 ≠ 0 in |
‖ |
‖ Fs3 2 ⋅ ⎛⎝bs3 + CA⎞⎠ ⋅ Pd |
‖ ―――――― |

2 |
⎛⎝ts3 - CA⎞⎠ |

else |
Result10a.3.d = “Not applicable” ‖ |
‖ 0 psi ||

σs3.max = 0 psi

Confidential and Proprietary Information Milled Enclosure Calculations

Registration Area 1
# F-003143 Page 5 of 10
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
Verified by: Date:
JSS Job ID: 4346190

Pressure Area 1
Bolting Stresses | Design Loading

Calculated parting force due to design conditions Fa1.d ≡ Pd ⋅ Aseal1 Fa1.d = 10456 lbf

Total load restrained by bolting Fb1.allow ≡ Nb1.hj ⋅ σb1.hj.a.d ⋅ Ab1.t.hj Fb1.allow = 35450 lbf

Required stress in half joint studs to retain parting force σb1.req ≡ try | σb1.req = 7374 psi
‖ |
‖ ――――Fa1.d |
‖ Nb1.hj ⋅ Ab1.t.hj |
Resultb1.d = “Pass” ‖ |
on error |
‖ |
‖ 0 psi |

Stud size Sb1.hj = 0.5 in Nut factor Ktq1 = 0.17

Stud tensile area Ab1.t.hj = 0.1418 in 2 Stud nominal diameter Dtq1 ≡ Sb1.hj Dtq1 = 0.5 in

Stud prestress σ = 45750 psi Target bolt preload Ftq1 ≡ σ ⋅ Ab1.t.hj Ftq1 = 6487 lbf

Torque Torquepl1 ≡ Ktq1 ⋅ Dtq1 ⋅ Ftq1 Torquepl1 = 46 ft ⋅ lbf

Pressure Area 2
Bolting Stresses | Design Loading

Calculated parting force due to design conditions Fa2.d ≡ Pd ⋅ Aseal2 Fa2.d = 4144 lbf

Total load restrained by bolting Fb2.allow ≡ Nb2.hj ⋅ σb2.hj.a.d ⋅ Ab2.t.hj Fb2.allow = 7090 lbf

Required stress in half joint studs to retain parting force σb2.req ≡ try | σb2.req = 14612 psi
‖ |
‖ ――――Fa2.d |
‖ Nb2.hj ⋅ Ab2.t.hj |
Resultb2.d = “Pass” ‖ |
on error |
‖ |
Torque ‖ 0 psi |

Stud size Sb2.hj = 0.5 in Nut factor Ktq2 = 0.17

Stud tensile area Ab2.t.hj = 0.1418 in 2 Stud nominal diameter Dtq2 ≡ Sb2.hj Dtq2 = 0.5 in

Stud prestress σ = 45750 psi Target bolt preload Ftq2 ≡ σ ⋅ Ab2.t.hj Ftq2 = 6487.35 lbf

Torque Torquepl2 ≡ Ktq2 ⋅ Dtq2 ⋅ Ftq2 Torquepl2 = 46 ft ⋅ lbf

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Registration Area 3
# F-003143 Page 6 of 10
Bolting Stresses | Design Loading
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
Verified by: Date:
JSS Job ID: 4346190

Pressure Area 3
Bolting Stresses | Design Loading

Calculated parting force due to design conditions Fa3.d ≡ Pd ⋅ Aseal3 Fa3.d = 0 lbf

Total load restrained by bolting Fb3.allow ≡ Nb3.hj ⋅ σb3.hj.a.d ⋅ Ab3.t.hj Fb3.allow = 0 lbf

Required stress in half joint studs to retain parting force σb3.req ≡ try | σb3.req = 0 psi
‖ |
‖ ――――Fa3.d |
‖ Nb3.hj ⋅ Ab3.t.hj |
Resultb3.d = “Not applicable” ‖ |
on error |
‖ |
‖ 0 psi |

Stud size Sb3.hj = 0 in Nut factor Ktq3 = 0

Stud tensile area Ab3.t.hj = 0.0000 in 2 Stud nominal diameter Dtq3 ≡ Sb3.hj Dtq3 = 0 in

Stud prestress σ = 0 psi Target bolt preload Ftq3 ≡ σ ⋅ Ab3.t.hj Ftq3 = 0 lbf

Torque Torquepl3 ≡ Ktq3 ⋅ Dtq3 ⋅ Ftq3 Torquepl3 = 0 ft ⋅ lbf

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Registration # F-003143
Buckling of Pipe due to External Pressure Page 7 of 10
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
Verified by: Date:
JSS Job ID: 4346190

Buckling of Pipe due to External Pressure

Reference: Roark's Formulas for Stress & Strain, Warren C. Young, Fifth Edition, Table 30, case 17, page 464.
Header Input Data
Modulus of Elasticity Eh = 27900 ksi Injection Pressure Pi = 785 psi
Pipe yield stress σpe.h.y.o = 29900 psi Operating Pressure Po = 220 psi
Poisson's Ratio ν = 0.3
‖ |
σbuckling ⎛⎝Dh , th , Lh⎞⎠ ≡ ‖ if Dh = 0 in ∨ th = 0 ∨ Lh = 0| |
‖ ‖ return 0 psi | |
‖ ‖ | |
External Radius of pipe Rh
‖ R h ← Dh ÷ 2 |
Pressure acting to buckle pipe qh ‖ qh ← P i - P o |
‖ |
Factor a ‖ Lh |
‖ a ← ―
2 |
‖ 1
‖ ―
‖ ⎛ 3 ⋅ ⎝⎛1 - ν 2 ⎠⎞ ⎞ |
Factor λ ‖ λ ← ⎜―――― ⎟ |
‖ ⎜⎝ h R 2
⋅ t h
⎟⎠ |
‖ 3 |
‖ Eh ⋅ t h |
Factor D ‖ D ← ―――― ⎛ 2⎞ |
‖ 12 ⋅ ⎝1 - ν ⎠ |
‖ qh -λ ⋅ a |
Maximum Moment per unit length Mmax ‖ Mmax ← ―― ⋅e ⋅ sin ⎛⎝λ ⋅ a⎞⎠ |
‖ 2⋅λ |
‖ qh |
Maximum deflection ymax ‖ ymax ← -――― ⋅ ⎛⎝1 - e -λ ⋅ a ⋅ cos ⎛⎝λ ⋅ a⎞⎠⎞⎠ |
‖ 4⋅D⋅λ |
‖ ‖ | |
Circumferential membrane stress σpe.h.2 σpe.h.2 ← ‖ σ1 ← 0 psi |
‖ |
‖ ‖ | ymax ⋅ Eh | | |
‖ ‖ σ2 ← |――― | |
| + |ν ⋅ σ 1 | | |
‖ ‖ | Rh | | |
‖ -6 ⋅ Mmax |
Meridional bending stress σpe.h.1b ‖ σpe.h.1b ← ――― |
‖ th 2 |
‖ |
‖ pe.h.2b ← ν ⋅ σ pe.h.1b
Circumferential bending stress σpe.h.2b |
‖ σpe.h.max ← max ⎛⎝||σpe.h.2|| , ||σpe.h.1b|| , ||σpe.h.2b||⎞⎠ |
Maximum calculated stress σpe.h.max ‖ |
‖ return σpe.h.max |
Header Data
C1/D1 C2/D2 C3/D3
External diameter of pipe Dh1 = 2.375 in Dh2 = 2.375 in Dh3 = 0 in

Minimum wall thickness th1 = 0.154 in th2 = 0.154 in th3 = 0 in

Length of header under injection Lh1 = 0.375 in Lh2 = 0.375 in Lh3 = 0 in

Maximum allowable calculated stress σpe.h.allow = 26910 psi

C1/D1 C2/D2 C3/D3
Definitions σC1.D1 ≡ σbuckling ⎛⎝Dh1 , th1 , Lh1⎞⎠ σC2.D2 ≡ σbuckling ⎛⎝Dh2 , th2 , Lh2⎞⎠ σC3.D3 ≡ σbuckling ⎛⎝Dh3 , th3 , Lh3⎞⎠

Results σC1.D1 = 2405 psi σC2.D2 = 2405 psi σC3.D3 = 0 psi

Resultσ.C1.D1.i = “Pass” Resultσ.C2.D2.i = “Pass” Resultσ.C3.D3.i = “Not applicable”

Confidential and Proprietary Information Milled Enclosure Calculations

Registration # F-003143 Page 8 of 10
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
Verified by: Date:
JSS Job ID: 4346190

Protected Area

Weight and Void

Enclosure Weight

Weight of enclosure, strongback (SolidWorks generated) Wencl = 41.68 lb Wstrongback = 31.00 lb

Studs and Nuts
Half-joint stud 1 Half-joint stud 2 Half-joint stud 3
Size Sb1.hj = 0.5 in Sb2.hj = 0.5 in Sb3.hj = 0 in
Length Ls1 = 8 in Ls2 = 8 in Ls3 = 0 in
Quantity Nb1 = 10 Nb2 = 2 Nb3 = 0
Number of half-joint nuts Nn1.hj = 20 Nn2.hj = 4 Nn3.hj = 0
lb lb lb
Weight per inch wpis1 = 0.06 ― wpis2 = 0.06 ― wpis3 = 0 ―
in in in
Weight per nut wpnn1 = 0.07 lb wpnn2 = 0.07 lb wpnn3 = 0 lb
Total weight of fasteners Wfasteners ≡ wpis1 ⋅ Ls1 ⋅ Nb1 + wpnn1 ⋅ Nn1.hj ↲ Wfasteners = 6.89 lb
+ wpis2 ⋅ Ls2 ⋅ Nb2 + wpnn2 ⋅ Nn2.hj ↲
+ wpis3 ⋅ Ls3 ⋅ Nb3 + wpnn3 ⋅ Nn3.hj

Weight of enclosure, fasteners, Weightencl ≡ Wencl + Wfasteners + Wstrongback Weightencl = 79.6 lb

& strongbacks

Sealant Properties
Sealant designation Sealant = “18X”
Sealant density δsealant = 0.049 ――
in 3
Sealant compression ratio rcomp = 1.25

Confidential and Proprietary Information Milled Enclosure Calculations

Registration Seal Volume
# F-003143 Page 9 of 10
Designed by: KDY Date: 02/17/22 TEAM Industrial Services
Verified by: Date:
JSS Job ID: 4346190

Perimeter Seal Volume

Perimeter seal volume calculations
Void of perimeter groove (including bores) Vbores = 1.1 in 3
⎛⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎞ π
Vbores ≡ ⎝⎝⎛⎝db1 + 2 Dper⎞⎠ - Dh1 2 ⎠ ⋅ wg1 + ⎝⎛⎝db2 + 2 Dper⎞⎠ - Dh2 2 ⎠ ⋅ wg2 + ⎝⎛⎝db3 + 2 Dper⎞⎠ - Dh3 2 ⎠ ⋅ wg3⎠ ⋅ ―
Perimeter seal splitline groove Vper ≡ Lper ⋅ Wper ⋅ Dper Vper = 1.7 in 3
Perimeter seal stud bores VStudholes = 8 in 3
Total perimeter seal volume ≡ Vbores + Vper + VStudholes = 10.7 in 3
Perimeter seal injection valves

Total number of injection valves = 14 Total injection valves weight ≡ wiv ⋅ = 7.00 lb
Weight per injection valve wiv = 0.5 lb Total injection valves void ≡ viv ⋅ = 2.5 in 3
Void per injection valve viv = 0.18 in 3

Total perimeter seal void volume before compression ≡ + = 13.2 in 3
Total perimeter seal void volume after compression ≡ ⋅ rcomp = 16.5 in 3
Total perimeter seal sealant weight ( = 10.698 in ) ≡ δsealant ⋅ ⋅ rcomp = 0.66 lb

Total perimeter seal weight ≡ Weightencl + + = 87.2 lb

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Registration # F-003143 Page 10 of 10

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