MCD 00001
MCD 00001
MCD 00001
R = “Design is Acceptable”
Protected Area
Enclosure Data
Enclosure Data
Design Pressure Pd = 285 psi Operating Pressure Po = 220 psi Corrosion allowance CA = 0.0625 in
Inputs correspond to internal reference materials
References: ASME BPVC Section IID
Material of enclosure fasteners StudMaterialb1 = “SA-193 Grade B7”
Enclosure Data
Material of construction (plate) PlateMaterial = “SA-516 Grade 70”
Header Data
C1/D1 C2/D2 C3/D3
External diameter of pipe Dh1 = 2.375 in Dh2 = 2.375 in Dh3 = 0 in
Minimum wall thickness th1 = 0.154 in th2 = 0.154 in th3 = 0 in
Length of header subject to injection pressure Lh1 = 0.375 in Lh2 = 0.375 in Lh3 = 0 in
Enclosure Analysis
Rectangular Plate Stress Calculations
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section II, Part D, (Table for Maximum Allowable Stresses), 2019 Edition
Formulas for Stress and Strain by Roark and Young, 7th Edition; Table 11.4, Case 8a & 10a
Cover Wall 1; Case 8a Table 11.4, Case 8a
⎢ 0.126 0.081 ⎥
‖ ‖ ‖ rab ⋅ ――――――――――――| | |
⎢ ⎥ ‖ ‖ ‖ 1.5 |||
⎢ 0.286 0.173 ⎥ ‖ ‖ |||
Case10av2 = ⎢ 0.511 0.321 ⎥ ‖ ‖ else if rab < 37.037 |||
⎢ 1.073 ‖ ‖ ‖ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
⎛⎝10 0.135 + 1.782 ⋅ log ⎝rab ⎠⎞⎠
⎛ -1⎞ |||
0.727 ⎥ ‖ ‖ ‖ r ⋅ ――――――― |||
⎢ 1.568 1.226 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ‖ ‖ ‖ ab 1.5 |||
⎣ 1.982 2.105 ⎦ ‖ ‖ ‖ |||
‖ ‖ else |||
‖ ‖ ‖ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
⎛ 2 ⎞ |||
‖ ‖ ‖ ⎝3 ⋅ ⎛⎝rab ⎞⎠ ⎠
‖ ‖ ‖ rab ⋅ ―――― |||
‖ ‖ ‖ 1.5 |||
‖ |
Sidewall 1
Corrosion Allowance CA = 0.0625 in Ratio of major and minor lengths bs1.10a ≡ if ts1 ≠ 0 in |
‖ |
Wall Thickness (minimum) ts1 = 1 in as1 + 2 CA |
‖ ―――
‖ bs1 + CA |
‖ |
Parallel to splitline as1 = 7.75 in |
‖ |
Perpendicular to splitline bs1 = 1.75 in ‖0 |
Maximum Allowable Stress σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi
bs1.10a = 4.345
Ratio of major and minor lengths
Stress factor from hybrid model Fs1 ≡ Fhyb ⎛⎝bs1.10a⎞⎠
‖ ―――――― |
2 |
⎛⎝ts1 - CA⎞⎠ |
else |
‖ |
‖ 0 psi ||
Sidewall 2
Corrosion Allowance CA = 0.0625 in Ratio of major and minor lengths bs2.10a ≡ if ts2 ≠ 0 in |
‖ |
Wall Thickness (minimum) ts2 = 1 in as2 + 2 CA |
‖ ―――
‖ bs2 + CA |
‖ |
Parallel to splitline as2 = 4.75 in |
‖ |
Perpendicular to splitline bs2 = 1.75 in ‖0 |
Maximum Allowable Stress σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi
bs2.10a = 2.69
Sidewall 3
Corrosion Allowance CA = 0.0625 in Ratio of major and minor lengths bs3.10a ≡ if ts3 ≠ 0 in |
‖ |
Wall Thickness (minimum) ts3 = 0 in as3 + 2 CA |
‖ ―――
‖ bs3 + CA |
‖ |
Parallel to splitline as3 = 0 in |
‖ |
Perpendicular to splitline bs3 = 0 in ‖0 |
Maximum Allowable Stress σpl.en.a.d = 20000 psi
bs3.10a = 0
σs3.max ≡ if ts3 ≠ 0 in |
‖ |
‖ Fs3 2 ⋅ ⎛⎝bs3 + CA⎞⎠ ⋅ Pd |
‖ ―――――― |
2 |
⎛⎝ts3 - CA⎞⎠ |
else |
Result10a.3.d = “Not applicable” ‖ |
‖ 0 psi ||
σs3.max = 0 psi
Pressure Area 1
Bolting Stresses | Design Loading
Calculated parting force due to design conditions Fa1.d ≡ Pd ⋅ Aseal1 Fa1.d = 10456 lbf
Total load restrained by bolting Fb1.allow ≡ Nb1.hj ⋅ σb1.hj.a.d ⋅ Ab1.t.hj Fb1.allow = 35450 lbf
Required stress in half joint studs to retain parting force σb1.req ≡ try | σb1.req = 7374 psi
‖ |
‖ ――――Fa1.d |
‖ Nb1.hj ⋅ Ab1.t.hj |
Resultb1.d = “Pass” ‖ |
on error |
‖ |
‖ 0 psi |
Stud tensile area Ab1.t.hj = 0.1418 in 2 Stud nominal diameter Dtq1 ≡ Sb1.hj Dtq1 = 0.5 in
Stud prestress σ = 45750 psi Target bolt preload Ftq1 ≡ σ ⋅ Ab1.t.hj Ftq1 = 6487 lbf
Pressure Area 2
Bolting Stresses | Design Loading
Calculated parting force due to design conditions Fa2.d ≡ Pd ⋅ Aseal2 Fa2.d = 4144 lbf
Total load restrained by bolting Fb2.allow ≡ Nb2.hj ⋅ σb2.hj.a.d ⋅ Ab2.t.hj Fb2.allow = 7090 lbf
Required stress in half joint studs to retain parting force σb2.req ≡ try | σb2.req = 14612 psi
‖ |
‖ ――――Fa2.d |
‖ Nb2.hj ⋅ Ab2.t.hj |
Resultb2.d = “Pass” ‖ |
on error |
‖ |
Torque ‖ 0 psi |
Stud tensile area Ab2.t.hj = 0.1418 in 2 Stud nominal diameter Dtq2 ≡ Sb2.hj Dtq2 = 0.5 in
Stud prestress σ = 45750 psi Target bolt preload Ftq2 ≡ σ ⋅ Ab2.t.hj Ftq2 = 6487.35 lbf
Pressure Area 3
Bolting Stresses | Design Loading
Calculated parting force due to design conditions Fa3.d ≡ Pd ⋅ Aseal3 Fa3.d = 0 lbf
Total load restrained by bolting Fb3.allow ≡ Nb3.hj ⋅ σb3.hj.a.d ⋅ Ab3.t.hj Fb3.allow = 0 lbf
Required stress in half joint studs to retain parting force σb3.req ≡ try | σb3.req = 0 psi
‖ |
‖ ――――Fa3.d |
‖ Nb3.hj ⋅ Ab3.t.hj |
Resultb3.d = “Not applicable” ‖ |
on error |
‖ |
‖ 0 psi |
Stud tensile area Ab3.t.hj = 0.0000 in 2 Stud nominal diameter Dtq3 ≡ Sb3.hj Dtq3 = 0 in
Stud prestress σ = 0 psi Target bolt preload Ftq3 ≡ σ ⋅ Ab3.t.hj Ftq3 = 0 lbf
Protected Area
Sealant Properties
Sealant designation Sealant = “18X”
Sealant density δsealant = 0.049 ――
in 3
Sealant compression ratio rcomp = 1.25
Total number of injection valves = 14 Total injection valves weight ≡ wiv ⋅ = 7.00 lb
Weight per injection valve wiv = 0.5 lb Total injection valves void ≡ viv ⋅ = 2.5 in 3
Void per injection valve viv = 0.18 in 3
Total perimeter seal void volume before compression ≡ + = 13.2 in 3
Total perimeter seal void volume after compression ≡ ⋅ rcomp = 16.5 in 3
Total perimeter seal sealant weight ( = 10.698 in ) ≡ δsealant ⋅ ⋅ rcomp = 0.66 lb
Total perimeter seal weight ≡ Weightencl + + = 87.2 lb