STD 8 Cre Paper 1
STD 8 Cre Paper 1
STD 8 Cre Paper 1
11. Who among the following confirmed to 16. In the parable of the Sower, the seeds that
Herod that Messiah would be born in fell along the path meant
A people who hear God’s message and bear
A Pilate fruits.
A King
18. Why were Paul and Silas put in prison?
B Messiah
A They prayed and sang hymns
C Child
B They healed a young servant girl
D Jesus
C They had a lot of power
23. The following are examples of things people
D They were accused of causing troubles in
fear EXCEPT_____________________
the city.
A accidents
19. In Romans 8: 23-25, we learn that it was by
_______ that we were saved. B darkness
D success
D Hope
24. Which one of the following commandments
20. “ I alone knows the plans I have for you encouraged us to have leisure?
plans to bring prosperity and not disaster.”
D They were accused of causing troubles in
These words were said by God through which
the city.
19. In Romans 8: 23-25, we learn that it was by
A Isaiah
_______ that we were saved.
B Jeremiah
A Power B Luck C Sacrifice
C Ezekiel
D Zechariah D Hope
21. Which one of the following is not a cause of 20. “ I alone knows the plans I have for you
disappointment? plans to bring prosperity and not disaster.”
These words were said by God through which
A Unemployment
B Losing a loved one
A Isaiah
C being accepted by others
B Jeremiah
D not performing well in exams.
C Ezekiel
D Zechariah A accidents B darkness
22. The unique star the wise men saw D spiritual nourishment
symbolized the birth of a
30. Apostle Paul worked as a ___in order to
A King earn a living.
B Messiah A. preacher
C Child B. carpenter
D Jesus C. fisherman
D. tent maker