Binocular single vision with a missing detail in each eg. two similar rabbits , one
lacking a tail and the other lacking a bunch of flowers.
The ability of the brain to perceive a single mental image,
with the added blessing of depth perception, by receiving
two retinal - two dimensional- images.
Grades of BNV
Advantages of BNV
1. Larger field
2. Stereopsis (depth
Testing of BNV
1) Synaptophore
1) Retinoscopy : reveals ametropia
2) Corneal light reflex ( Hirshburg test ) : NO primary
angle of deviation
3) Cover – uncover test :
o Central corneal scar
o Complete ptosis
o Congenital cataract
o Retinal pathology eg.retinoblastoma
Significant difference in the refractive power of both eyes
- more than 4 D in most people - which is beyond the Types
fusional capacity of the brain dt the big difference According to which eye deviates
between the size of retinal images ( anisokonia ) 1) Unilateral : one eye is always deviating while
the fellow eye is always fixing eg.
Anisometropia and Unilateral or bilateral
asymmetric organic disease (sensory obstacle
in one eye)
a) Alternating : the two eyes alternate deviation
and fixation eg. uncorrected error almost of the
same degree in both eyes.
Clinical picture
1) If below 6 years and uncorrected = Amblyopia and i. Cosmetic ( crossed eyes)
ii. Of cause
concomitant squint iii. NO diplopia
2) if corrected by glasses eg. unilateral aphakia = Signs
Binocular diplopia . { as the spectacle 1) Visual acuity: Unequal VA usually accompanies
magnification factor of glasses is 33 % which is unilateral squint, & may point out to amblyopia.
beyond the fusional capacity of the brain } 2) External and slit lamp examination = cause eg.
Ptosis, corneal scar, cataract.
Treatment = Contact lens ( anisokonia < 10 %) 3) Cycloplegic Refraction = anisometropia or
uncorrected error of refraction
NB: In case of a planned cataract surgery = IOL 4) Fundus examination
implantation ( anioskonia of about 1-2%)
Any child with concomitant squint fundus examination is a
must to exclude sensory cause, the most serious of which
is retinoblastoma
5) Corneal light reflex : there is a primary angle of o If any residual angle is left = surgery
deviation which is constant in all gazes o Treatment of amblyopia = occlusion or patching
of the fixing eye to give a competitive advantage
If the light reflex falls on the pupillary edge = 15 for the squinting amblyopic eye
If the light reflex falls on the limbus = 45
o Rules of occlusion :
o Before 6
o After treating the cause
o Part-time occlusion = one week per each year of
life - 6 hours each day . It’s essential to follow up to
monitor your treatment and more importantly to
avoid inducing amblyopia of the sound eye.
6) Cover test :
secondary angle of deviation = primary angle of
Diagnose the type of squint after cover removal
Alternating : remains fixing with the squinting eye
Squint surgeries
Etiology = Lower motor neuron lesion of the 3rd +/- 4th +/-
6th nerves. Esotropia in 6th nerve palsy
Symptoms = Binocular diplopia as the image falls on The diplopia and primary angle of deviation is maximum towards the
non-corresponding points direction of the affected muscle eg.
o In abduction in 6th nerve palsy,
o On looking down eg. reading or going downstairs in 4th nerve
Types :
Uncrossed ( homonymous) : paralytic esotropia or in
lateral rectus palsy or 6th nerve palsy
Of the cause : Refer to neurologist , MRI brain eg.
Aneurysm, neoplasm
To avoid diplopia : Alternate occlusion or relieving
Treatment :