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PRIME WebSocket Automation Interface

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Chyron - Since Day One!
Chyron is driving the next generation of storytelling in the digital age. Founded in
1966, the company pioneered broadcast titling and graphics systems. With a strong
foundation built on over 50 years of innovation and efficiency, the name Chyron is
synonymous with broadcast graphics.

We developed the character generator and defined the category. Even today, text and graphics
broadcast over live video is referred to as a “chyron,” whether it is produced by our technology
or an imitator.

Chyron continues that legacy as a global leader focused on customer-centric broadcast

solutions. Today, the company offers production professionals the industry’s most
comprehensive software portfolio for designing, sharing, and playing live graphics to air with

We offer a full range of tools for any live video production, including news, sports, venues,
eSports, corporations, houses of worship, and education. Our products are scalable,
cloud-ready, reliable, software based, HTML5 and IP ready. Chyron products are increasingly
deployed to empower OTA and OTT workflows and deliver richer, more immersive experiences
for audiences and sports fans in the arena, at home, or on the go. Chyron encompasses three
● chyron.com: Graphics Production Platform
● hego.tv: Live Production Services
● tracab.com: Sports Tracking and Data Visualization

Chyron provides a full slate of services, including Creative Services, Production Services,
Solutions Engineering, Commissioning and Training, and Support.

The Chyron Community

To get the most out of your Chyron experience, we encourage you to take advantage of all that
we have to offer.
● To keep in touch and gain product and industry insights, as well as event invitations,
please subscribe to our mailing list.
● Unique in the industry, Chyron Academy provides self-guided training and professional
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can join Chyron’s freelancer database.

Chyron. It’s even in the dictionary.

3 Chyron.com
PRIME WebSocket Automation Interface 4.3 Reference Guide
Publication Date: October 29, 2021

Limitation of Liability
This document describes, explains and offers step-by-step instructions for many of the
features and functionality of PRIME WebSocket Automation Interface Reference Guide. As any
software may contain undiscovered bugs, may be updated frequently and may function
differently in different environments, this document offers no implied or explicit warranty of the
performance of this or other Chyron products.

All Rights Reserved.

© 2021 Chyron


4 Chyron.com
Chyron - Since Day One! 3

Contents 5

Interface Specification 7
API Overview 7
Assets/Projects API 7
Graphics/Clips API 8
Switcher API 10

Communication Protocol 13

Responses 15
Response Specification 15
Examples 15

Tools 15

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6 Chyron.com
Interface Specification

API Overview
interface Root
● Runtime Runtime { get; }
● ProjectManager Projects { get; }

interface Runtime
● Switcher Switcher { get; }
● IChannel[] Channels { get; }
● IClipPlayer[] ClipPlayers { get; }

Assets/Projects API
enum PathType

interface IName
string Name { get; }

interface IPath : IName

PathType Type { get; }
string Path { get; }

interface IProject : IPath

interface ProjectManager
/// Returns the current project
IProject CurrentProject { get; }
/// Returns a list of all project names (same as available in combobox)
string[] AllProjects { get; }
/// Changes the current project for the application
void SetCurrentProject(string name)

7 Chyron.com
Graphics/Clips API
enum PlayoutState

interface ISize
int Width, Height { get; }

interface IScene : IName

InstanceId { get; }
ISize Size { get; }
float FrameRate { get; }
IBitmap Thumbnail { get; }
PlayoutState PlayoutState { get; }
IReplaceable[] Replaceables { get; }
IControlPanel ControlPanel { get; }
bool Update(string name, object value);
event PlayoutStateChanged(PlayoutState playoutState);
event ReplaceableChanged(string id, string value);

string[] Actions { get; } // Typically actions are only triggered through button control
void PlayAction(string action)

interface IReplaceable
string Id { get; }
string Type { get; } //String, Boolean, Int32, Double
string Value { get; set; }

interface IPoint
int X, Y { get; }

8 Chyron.com
interface IControl : IName
string Type { get; } // Button, CheckBox, TextBox, ComboBox
IPoint Location { get; }
ISize Size { get; }
object Value { get; }
string ForeColor, BackColor { get; } // "#FF7F00" or "#7FFF7F00" with alpha
string FontName
float FontSize
string FontStyle // "Bold", "Italic", or "Bold, Italic"
IBitmap BackgroundImage // can be null

interface IControlPanel : IControl

IControl[] Controls { get; }

interface IChannel
string Name { get; }
IScene[] OpenScenes { get; }
IScene GetScene(int instanceId)
void LoadScene(string path)
void PlayScene(string path)
void StopScene(string path)
void CloseScene(string path)
void CloseAllScenes()
event PlayoutStateChanged(int instanceId, PlayoutState playoutState)
event SceneAdded(IScene scene)
event SceneRemoved(IScene scene)

enum ClipState

interface IClipScene : IScene

ClipState ClipState { get; }
float Rate { get; }
int TotalFrames { get; }
int CurrentFrame { get; }
bool Loop { get; set; }
event ClipStateChanged(ClipState clipState)

9 Chyron.com
interface IClipPlayer : IChannel
IClipScene CuedScene { get; }
IClipScene PlayingScene { get; }
void HomeCued()
void PlayCued()
void ClearCued()
void HomePlaying()
void PlayOrResumePlaying()
void PausePlaying()
void StopPlaying()
void ClearPlaying()
event ClipStateChanged(int instanceId, ClipState clipState)

Switcher API
enum SourceType
● Black
● VideoInput
● ClipPlayer
● Graphic
● Dve
● MixEffect

interface Source
● string Name { get; }
● int Index { get; }
● SourceType Type { get; }

interface Bus
● int Index { get; }
● int Layer { get; } // 0 for Preset, Program, 1-N for Key 1-N
● string Name { get; } // Preset, Program, Key1 - KeyN
● Source ActiveSource { get;}
● bool IsOnProgram { get; }
● event ActiveSourceChanged(Source source);
● event IsOnProgramChanged(bool onProgram);
● void SetActiveSource(string name);

10 Chyron.com
interface AudioBus
● double Volume { get; set; }
● bool IsMuted { get; set; }
● /// Lowers volume by animating towards "scale * Volume"
/// scale: applied to current volume to get new volume (0-1)
/// frames: animation duration in frames. Optional: defaults to configured audio duck
frame count
void Duck(double scale, int? frames);
● /// Reverts volume to value before Duck
/// frames: animation duration in frames. Optional: defaults to configured audio duck
frame count
void Unduck(int? frames);
● /// Fades volume to given level
● /// targetLevel: fade to this level (0-1)
/// frames: duration in frames. Optional: defaults to configured audio duck frame count
void Fade(double targetLevel, int? frames);

interface KeyBus : Bus

● void Cut()
● void AutoTrans()

interface Transfer
● int Index { get; }
● string Name { get; } // Background, Key1 - KeyN
● bool Enabled { get; set; }
● event EnabledChanged(Transfer transfer)

interface Bank
● string Name { get; }
● Bus[] Buses { get; } // all buses
● Transfer[] Transfers { get; }
● Bus Preset { get; }
● Bus Program { get; }
● Bus[] BackgroundBuses { get; } // Preset and Program
● KeyBus[] KeyBuses { get; }
● void Cut()
● string[] TransitionNames { get; }
● string ActiveTransition { get; }
● event ActiveTransitionChanged(string transitionName)
● void SetActiveTransition(string name)
● void AutoTrans()
● Transfer GetTransfer(string name)
● bool SetTransfer(string name, bool enabled)

11 Chyron.com
interface Switcher
● Source[] Sources { get; }
● Bank[] Banks { get; } // all banks
● Bank Main { get; }
● Bank[] MixEffectBanks { get; }
● AudioBus[] AudioBuses { get; }
● AudioBus GetAudioBus(string name);
● Switcher GetState()

12 Chyron.com
Communication Protocol
Each request is a JSON object containing the following fields:

Id: request identifier (positive integer), used to couple requests and responses within one
connection. Always required.
Type: request type, one of following:
- get: retrieve value
- set: set value
- call: call method
- attach: add event handler, events are sent containing the id supplied as parameter
- detach: remove event handler
Can be omitted, in which case call is assumed.
Method: request path relative to connected endpoint. See API for available paths. Each part of
the path is separated by a dot. Always required. Arrays can be indexed by placing the index
inside parentheses at the end of the path. For function calls, the parentheses at the end must
be omitted, they are implied by the call type.
Params: parameters for the request. Not allowed for get requests.
set: exactly one parameter must be supplied. This will be the new value.
call: number of parameters must match function parameters.
attach: exactly one parameter must be supplied. This can be any id which will be sent in
event invocations.
detach: any number of parameters can be supplied. Without parameters all handlers will be
removed for that path. Any parameter supplied must be an id that was previously attached,
which will be detached.

Multiple requests can be sent at once by putting multiple request objects into a JSON array.
//send; connect to switcher: wss://
{ id: 1, type: "set", method: "Main.Transfers(0).Enabled", params: [ true ] } //
Main.Transfers[0].Enabled = true;
{ id: 2, method: "Main.Cut" } // Cut();
{ id: 3, method: "Main.SetActiveTransition", params: [ "Dissolve" ] } //
{ id: 9, method: "Main.Preset.SetActiveSource", "params": [ "GFX5" ] } //
{ id: 4, type: "get", method: "Main.Program.ActiveSource" } // return Program.ActiveSource;
{ id: 5, type: "attach", method: "Main.Preset.ActiveSourceChanged", params: [ 6 ] } //
Program.ActiveSourceChanged += 6;
{ id: 7, type: "detach", method: "Main.Preset.ActiveSourceChanged", params: [ ] } //
Program.ActiveSourceChanged -= 6;
{ id: 8, type: "get", method: "Sources(1)" } // return Sources[1];

13 Chyron.com
{ id: 9, type: "call", method: "AudioBuses(0).Duck", params: [0.2] } // AudioBuses[0].Duck(0.2);

//send; connect to bus directly: wss://

{ id: 1, type: "set", method: "Transfers(0).Enabled", params: [ true ] } // Transfers[0] = true;
{ id: 2, method: "Cut" } // Cut();
{ id: 3, type: "call", method: "SetActiveTransition", params: [ "Dissolve" ] } //
{ id: 9, method: "Preset.SetActiveSource", "params": [ "GFX5" ] } //
{ id: 4, type: "get", method: "Program.ActiveSource" } // return Program.ActiveSource;
{ id: 5, type: "attach", method: "Preset.ActiveSourceChanged", params: [ 6 ] } //
Program.ActiveSourceChanged += 6;
{ id: 7, type: "detach", method: "Preset.ActiveSourceChanged", params: [ 6 ] } //
Program.ActiveSourceChanged -= 6;

// allow array of commands to be sent

{ id: 1, type: "get", method: "Preset.Source", params: [ "CAM1" ] },
{ id: 2, method: "Cut" }

14 Chyron.com
Each request sent triggers a response. Attached event handlers also send these response

Response Specification
This response is a JSON object containing the following fields:

Id: the request id used to trigger the request. If no id was supplied (invalid request) this will be
-1. For event handlers this will be the supplied parameter.
Error: an object containing two fields: Code (integer) and Message (string). Only present if the
request fails.
Result: the value returned by a get request, omitted for other request types
Params: the event parameters. Only present for event callbacks.

{ Id: 3 }
{ Id: 4, Result: { Index: 0, Type: "Input", Name: "CAM1" } }
{ Id: 5 }
{ Id: 6, Params: [ { Name: "Program", Source: "CAM2" } ] }
{ Id: 7 }
{ Id: 9, Error: { Code: 123, Message: "Invalid command" } }

The API can easily be tested from the browser using this page:

15 Chyron.com

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