PMG 481 Module 2 Worksheet
PMG 481 Module 2 Worksheet
PMG 481 Module 2 Worksheet
Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.
The situation that I will be addressing is the disconnect that has happened between corporate
and the store level. At our founding, we established a belief that our partners are important.
This belief echoed through our organization and was evident through our success. This
success was built on the foundation of our partner envolvement and satisfaction. Twice in our
organizations history has a major reframing happened when we lost that connection. Howard
Schultz was brought back to the company because it was losing this connection. Today, a
specific example can be used to illustrate this disconnect. Employee turnover is rising and
satisfaction is low. There is a lack of motivation to encourage the partner to move faster. We
are told that our customer connection is low and needs to be better and in the next breathe,
we are told to go faster. We measure our speed by OTW, or Out The Window times. This
usually has the opposite effect with customer connection. “The most widespread
improvement strategy is upgrading management talent.”. (Bolman & Deal, 2021, p.9). We do
not need to change our people, just change they way they are leading.
The structure of our organization is hierarchy. The top executives, since our foundation,
has tried to instill a sense of belonging within all positions. At the time, this was very
effective. However, since that time, our CEO was brought back to reinstill this belief and turn
things around. There is a clear chain of command, with our CEO at the top, and filtering
down through top executive positions all the way to the store level. At the core foundation
you have your store partner. Then it has a clear line to the top. Next in line is the trainers,
then Shift Leads, Assistant Mangers, Store Managers, District Managers and Regional
Managers. The hierarchy continues directly to the one at the top.
This structure has tied the hands of imagination and creativity. For example, our store had
laid out the drink making stations to our liking and efficiency. Our district manager came to
evaluate our store to improve our customer connection. The district manger said we had
everything laid out wrong and proceeded to change our stations to what corporate had
designed without asking one question, like why we had it planned out the way we did. The
store manger had no option but to abide by what she was told. In my opinion, this ties to the
situation above, that the hierarchy is not concerned with the satisfaction of the partners but
achieving the numbers that are the measure of our success. This mentality only hampers
employee satisfaction and gets you the bare minimum of efforts from your team.
3) Recommend how you would use structure for an alternative course of action
regarding your case.
Through our readings and annotations that we use for our class work I have discussed the
structure of an organization might not be the problem but how we implement our strategies.
Our core structure os based on employees first. Our hiring practices are intended to attract a
higher quality individual than your average applicant. The structure includes higher wages,
benefits, which include medical, dental, vision, food, and our education to ASU. The
situation is that we have gone away from our core values and culture and our organization
has felt the effects.
The evidence that our structure works is fairly clear. Starbucks has grown to multi-billion
dollar organization. However, our founder, Howard Schultz, was asked to return as CEO to
re-energize the company. The course of action that I would recommend is we need to focus
our attention to our partners again. At my core beliefs, humans can be amazing if motivated
to excel. Our original mission statement started like this, “To Inspire and nuture the human
spirit…”. If we get back to this core belief and value, the goals that have been set, our OTW
times, would take care of themselves. I would recommend a small restructuring at the store
level. This would rename the store manager to Store Mentor, or Store Motivator. The model
would be based similarly to something we all know and are familiar with and that is our
Success Coaches at ASU. Our coaches job to to help us succeed. If we apply this train of
thinking and coaching to ensure the future success of our partners, the partners will give their
heart to our organization again.
4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.
The structure of our organization is working to a certain extent. Fom what I have learned,
orgainzations from different fields use many types of structures. Each structure could be used
for numerous fields and sizes. The success of the structure and organization comes down to
the leaders and how we implement our culture and values. I would not change the structure
of the organization as a whole but how we inspire and motivate individuals to come together
and be a team.
The structure will help with the implementation. You will need the permission and
authority to carry out this plan. I would take pieces from what has proven to be successful
from different organizations. Our executive vice president, chief partner officer is Sara Kelly.
I would work with Sara and create a training program that would teach our Store mentors
how to connect with the partners at their location. Much like our success coaches at ASU, the
store mentor/motivator primary purpose is to ensure the success of their partners. The
connection that is made with the partner will go beyond helping them succeed, but with teach
them how to connect with our customers. This connection in todays world is being lost, in
my opinion. Not only will the partner have the support to succeed, but this will create the buy
in at the store level to create a team. At the end, the numbers, or the Out The Window times,
will take care of themselves.
Reference or References
Reference or References
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