Obs 2 Carone 1

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Internship Observation Form

Observation Number (Please Circle) 1 2 3 4

Intern’s Name_Delaney Carone________________________________________ Date__9/28/22___________

School___Socastee Elem_________ Program_____Elem Educ_____________ Grade/Subject___2_________

Cooperating Teacher_______Sanchez___________ University Supervisor__Terry Chvala________________

Evaluator/Observer_______Terry Chvala____________________________________________________________


T used I” Can” statement with the S, I can identify symbols that are important in the U.S.

T activated prior knowledge with S from two prior lessons ((significant historical events, important U.S.
people/figures that impacted our history).

T explained A symbol is an object or picture that represents something. For example, an apple can be a symbol for
a teacher (Can ask them WHY?) Or a peace sign represents peace.

T Turn and talk to your shoulder partner aout different symbols that we know that represent the U.S. (Can ask
WHY? To make learning more relevant. It would help students understand how symbols came to be or how they
are identified to represent)

S T&T strategy, discussed with partners different symbols (flag, eagle, Statue of Liberty)

T showed BrainPop video about US symbols to learn more about them

T After the video, it is tie to become historians and do some research. Let’s put on our historian glasses. You will
use Pebble Go to research what things represent the US. Let’s get started!

T For your key words, enter Social Studies, United States, and US Symbols to get started.

S researched. T facilitated learning by rotating around the room to each table, answering any Q from S.

Each S completed an activity sheet for 100% accountability.

Lesson Plan includes measurable goals aligned to state content standards is aligned to standards.

Activities are sequenced from basic to complex.

Activation of prior knowledge present, students making connections to prior skills and experiences.

Criteria is clear, appropriate, measurable.

Students supported, measures of accountability for content (e.g. written tasks with supporting evidence, drawing
conclusions, predicting outcomes generating ideas).

Activities include variety of types of problem solving.

Provides regular opportunities for individualization.

Evidence of teacher to student, student to teacher, however, can focus more on student to student interaction.

Content is developmentally appropriate.

Plans include appropriate activities for Early Finishers.

Promotes positive learning environment using several techniques to maintain student engagement.

Recognizes and motivates positive behaviors and only allows minimal disruptions.

Creates learning opportunities where all students can experience success.

Clearly states and reinforces academic and behavioral expectations, stronger follow through with CM plan.

Most students are engaged in behaviors that optimize learning with on-task behavior.

T and S interactions demonstrate a respectful culture.



Prepared for the lesson.

Makes thoughtful and accurate assessments of his/her lessons’ effectiveness through self-reflection.

Professional demeanor exhibited throughout lesson.

Post Conference Form

University Supervisor/Cooperating Teacher will determine the below information upon completion of the observed
Instruction: Teacher Knowledge of Students
Rubric Domain(s)
Rubric Indicator(s)
Differentiated Instruction
Rubric Descriptor(s)

University Supervisor/Cooperating Teacher will complete this after the observed lesson and prior to the post
Provide evidence from the observed lesson that describes . . .

 What did the teacher candidate say and do?

 What was the student response to the instruction?
 What did the students say and do?

that connects to the identified area of reinforcement.

(Please ensure there is a minimum of 3 pieces of evidence that establish a “trend” of practice throughout the

T rotated around to each table fairly and equitably while they were using their iPads to research on the Pebble
Go website.
You specifically returned to one student several times, we discussed in our post-conference that he needed
continuous reinforcement and validation. That demonstrates your Knowledge of Students, knowing that is what
he needed in a mutually respectful manner.
You regularly demonstrated patience and caring.
You demonstrated Knowledge of Students regularly providing individual, personalized feedback to strengthen
learning targeting individual challenge areas students were experiencing.
Continue to hone this skill to ensure students have the opportunity to master what is being taught.

Teacher Candidate and University Supervisor/Cooperating Teacher will determine the below information upon
completion of the observed lesson:
Motivating Students
Rubric Domain(s)
Rubric Indicator(s)
Engaging Students
Rubric Descriptor(s)

University Supervisor/Cooperating Teacher will complete this after the observed lesson and prior to the post
Provide evidence from the observed lesson that describes . . .

 What did the teacher candidate say and do?

 What was the student response to the instruction?
 What did the students say and do?

that connects to the identified area of refinement.

T: Let’s put on our historian glasses (modeled putting on glasses) (motivation, creativity)
S: Make motion to put on historian glasses
T: What are symbols?
S: It’s like a picture on a sticker.
T: Validated S reply.
T: Have you seen the movie “Cars”? (referenced Lightening Fast symbol)
S: Yes (they were familiar with the lightening bold symbol (relevant to their lives, but could discuss more about
WHY the symbols represent the U.S.)
T: Turn and talk (think pair share) with your shoulder partner and discuss, What are some different symbols that
are important to the U.S.?
S: Partner discussions, shared out important U.S. symbols (Statue of Liberty, flag, eagle)

Suggestion(s) for how to improve upon the described practice:

Although you activated prior knowledge to begin the lesson in regards to learning significant historical events in
US, and important people that impacted US historically, you could make the lesson more relevant by:
 Reasons WHY the U.S. a great place to live
 All students and others from other countries may not know why U.S. is a great place to live (freedoms,
This could connect this new learning about symbols to other prior knowledge to make content more relevant to
their personal lives, thus more intellectually engaged and excited to connect to the learning in meaningful ways.
You have stated that the majority of your students are ELL’s. Has there been any additional content that you/CT
has taught in regards to this content for these students that would strengthen this new learning? (e.g. building
additional background knowledge, pre-teaching of specific academic vocabulary, using any alternative
supplemental materials during instruction)

Evaluator/Observer’s Signature______________________________________________________________________

Intern’s Signature_________________________________________________________________________________

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