Risk Assessment-FGD MECH
Risk Assessment-FGD MECH
Risk Assessment-FGD MECH
Activity/Task concerned
Risk Assessment for overall activities -FGD
and its location
Likelihood (L): Probability of the undesired event to happen (shall consider the frequency and
Severity (S): Importance of harm, damage or impact caused by the event.
duration of exposure and the potential for the undesired event to happen).
Rating Definition Rating Definition
the occurrence is extremely unlikely to happen and has never None or very limited consequences on people (e.g. first aid injury) or property
1 - Negligible 1 - Minor
happened according to our knowledge (e.g. scratch on equipment painting)
the occurrence is unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future but Injury requiring medical treatment without lost work days or property damage /
2 - Low 2 - Moderate
has already been experienced business interruption below 50 k€ of cost involved
4 - High the occurrence is predictable to happen in the short term 4 - Major Severe Accident as per Alstom e-book definition
5 - Definite the occurrence is certain and immediate. 5 - Catastrophic Several Severe Accidents
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Marching trailer from Page 2 of 85
yard & Positioning of
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Incidence due to
Hydraulic Jack Power Pack to be placed over dip
damge in oil seal of Can result in contamination in
tray to prevent oil and to preserve the
Hydraulic Jack soil effecting the environment. Hydraulic jack operator should only be
3 3 9 environment from any contamination. Periodic 2 2 4 2 1
power pack or Any person can easily slip due allowed to operate the power pack.
Maintenance of the Hydraulic Jack and power
damaged hose pipe to oil spill causing Injury.
pack to be done.
resulting in Oil Spill.
Never lift if people are nearby, keep safe distance Always make sure the lift is sufficient
Can Result in serious injuries to from load before starting the operation. Never lift for intended operations. Never Use
Incidence due to
the people nearby due to falling more than the lifting capacity shown in the jack. damaged or worn jack. Never to exceed
lifting of more load
of lifting load and also 3 3 9 Always make sure the ground is firm enough to 2 2 4 the maximum height of the lift marked. 2 1
than the lifting
damaging the surrounding support safely fully loaded jack and lifting Always maintain the jack capacity more
nearby. operation. Alaways make sure the Load is than the load to be erected (keeping
properly placed on the Jack. 40% safety margin).
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Erection &
dismantling of
6 683061748.xls Page 5 of 85
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Erection of below
• perforated tray
• spray header Page 6 of 85
7 beam mist eliminator
Health and Safety Risk Assessment
1)Gas Cutter shall check leakage in cylinder valve Supervisor shall ensure damage/leaking
Explosion/Fire in cylinder
by soap solution method. cylinders are removed from site
Lekage In Cylinder (WIEworkers & Near by area 3 3 9 2 2 4 1 2
2)Cylinder valve shall be opened or closed or immidiately and keep it in isolated zone
adjusted only with cylinder key. and report to the concern immidiately
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Operation of grinding Sudden start of machine due to All the machine shall be labelled and
All grinding machine shall have non latching type
machine without latching and injury person GE 3 3 9 2 3 6 inspection as per schedule by 1 3
removal of latching Employee, WIE Employee.) component person.
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Welding bits,waste
welding holder Slip trip due to haphazardous 1) Segregation of all types of scrap/waste shall be Housekeeping of the work area shall be
2 3 6 1 3 3 1 3
cables electrode box condition (WIE Employee.) done and store at designated waste bins. regularly both before and afterthe job
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13 Working at Height
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Auxiliary Storage Tank, Process Water Tank, Primary Hydro-cyclone, secondary Hydro cyclone tank, Filtrate Water Tank, Wastewater Tank, Neutralization Tank, Cake Wash Tank, Belt cloth wash tank, Lime storage
Tank, Limestone Slurry Transfer Tank, quench water tank, Mill circuit tank.
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Marching Of
Crane,Anchoring of Material damage. 2 3 6 2 2 4 1 3
lifting Competent signal man shall be deployed and
tools,Lifting,Placing Poor communication should be visible to the operator. Communication between the workmen
On Trailer,Unloading between operator and Tool box talk shall be conducted prior to the start shall be kept strong to avoid accidents.
by Crane/Farana signal man.
of activity
&Lasching of Injury to personnel. 2 4 8 2 3 6 2 2
Uncontrolled speed may hit to Experienced and competent crane operator shall
2 3 6 2 2 4 1 2
other material/Personnel. be deployed on the crane.
Uncontrolled speed All the workmen on job shall be instructed to Only trained and competent persons
of material during maintaint a safe distance of atleast 2mtrs from the shall be deployed near and around the
Lifting operation. crane. working area.
Material fall may cause serious No men shall be allowed to stand under the
2 3 6 suspended load. 2 2 4 1 3
injury to the personnel.
Improper tool
selection for Hand/leg injury. 2 3 6 2 2 4 1 2
lasching. Guide rope shall be tied for lasching of
Guide rope shall be tied for lasching of material .
material .
Proper hand tool shall be used for tightening the
Proper hand tool shall be used for
Fall of lasching due tightening the lasch.
May result in injury to workmen
to sudden release 2 3 6 2 2 4 1 3
due to sudden release of lasch.
from anchor point.
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1) The crane/ farana should be certified by
competent person.
2) The condition of crane/ farana shall be checked
before putting in use. Quality person shall do visual
Temporary lug 1) SWL
3) All temporary
of the crane lugshall
be ensuredshallbefore
be done as
3 4 12 2 4 8 inspection and all protocols to be signed 1 4
installation on plates per drawing
putting approved from GE
into use. before lifting operation
4) Lifting plan to be made and approved by
authorised persons.
6) visual inspection of the equipments shall be
job to be carried under strict
Erection of bottom Crushing, falling of loads, done on daily basis.
plate, shell plate & Heavy lifting improper equipment operations. 7) Hydraulic
1) Levelled and jackcompacted
must always ground shouldofbefirm
be placed
3 3 4 12 1 4 4 Job specific training to be imparted and 1 4
Roof Plate by operations (WIE/GE persons/ other ensured
and levelfor positioning of crane.
surface. tool box talk to be conducted.
farana/crane pedestrian) 8)
2) Access roads ensure
oerator must shouldthatbe free fromused
the jack traffic.
has a PTW system to be followed
9) Authorised
sufficient ratingsignalman
to lift andand operator
sustain shall be
the load.
3) after the load has been liftedit must be properly
10) Competent
lockedand riggers
properly foreman shallbe engaged
secured. PTW system shall be strictly followed.
Erection and fitup of slipping /falling of load from in lifting operations.
4) jacks must be properly lubricated at all times. All activities must be carried out under
plates and shells by jack topple of jack crushing 3 3 9 11) Mechanical 2 3 6 1 3
5) TPI and MTClifting must beclamp to bebefore
ensured used for
putting the supervision of Enginners and
Hydrolic Jack injury lifting plates.
the jacks in use. supervisors.
6) Areacompetent
barricading andtoauthorised
be done beforepersoncrane
1) Manual
operate thehandling
jack. training for all workers.
PPE's shall be ensured for Ladder shall
toinspected prioron
to daily
Material Manual Strain,sprain injury(WIE
1) Proper
daily lifting
visual by experienced
shall have green tagallworkmen.
must bepersons
fordone. under
safe to use Tool box be conducted
3 3 9 supervision.
8) All 2 3 6 and
and jobwith box type
specific ladder
training clamp.
to be 1 3
handling workers) and redlifts
unsafe.with the jack
3) PPE use suitable hand and Only
givenauthorised scaffolding inspector
2) Scaffold at ahave
shall righttop rail,head
angle theprotection.
tomid load.
rail toe board to all workmen
shall be allowed to inspect the scaffold
to prevent workers and materials from fall.
and install tags as per condition.
3) Alluminium ladder shall be provided to ascend
Only BS/EN standard material shall be
and descend from working platform.
used for scaffold erection.Painting on
Fall from height 3 4 12 4)Only authorised and trained person shall be 2 3 6 1 3
scaffold material shall not be
allowed to work at height.
allowed.Scaffold shall only be
5) All persons
Scaffold shall beworkmadeon with
scaffold shall material
standard wear and ulter,modifiy or dismantal by competent
before fall protection
scaffoldand areashall
shallanchor at suitable
be compacted Supervisor to keep a check to make
and authorised personnel with prior sure
Erection & anchor point.sole board shall be provided to
and suitable that scaffold
Collapse of scaffold (WIE and approval fromis scaffolding
not overloaded with
4 dismantling of Working at height 2 4 8 ensure equal load distribution. 1 4 4 materials. 1 4
GE persons)
scaffolding Only specified weight on scaffold shall be given. Supervisor shall check the weather
Incase of bad weather condition no work shall be forcaste everyday before start of work.
done on scaffold. Supervisor to monitor use of safety hats
Loose materials shall be removed from and
Falling objects (WIE and GE
3 3 6 scaffolding and place on waste skip. 2 3 protective footwear. 1 3
All platform shall be have standard toe guard. Supervisor shall ensure no material is
thrown from height.
1)Gas Cutter shall check leakage in cylinder valve Supervisor shall ensure damage/leaking
Explosion/Fire in cylinder
by soap solution method. cylinders are removed from site
Lekage In Cylinder (WIEworkers & Near by area 3 3 9 2 2 4 1 2
1)DCP typevalve shall be opened
fire extinguisher shallorbeclosed or
provided immidiately and keep it in isolated zone
adjusted onlymaterial
2)flammable with cylinder key.
shall be removed or and report to the concern immidiately
prevented from coming in contact with hot metal
Flammable Material slag.
near working area Material damage burn injury 3) Gas cutting area should be isolated. Good housekeeping shall be maintined
3 3 9 2 2 4 1 2
presence of hot (WIEworker) 4) cooling arrangements must be kept handy and before and after the work
materials hot slags must be secured in a designated separate
1) bucket.
Proper stacking of cylinders shall be ensured.
5) Gas cutter
Cylinders shall
shall be provided
be placed with PPE's-
on seprate trolleys and
Improper way of leather hand gloves, Supervisor must ensure that only the
Fall of Cylinder (WIE tied with chain or PPblack goggles.
rope to prevent from fall.
7 Gas Cutting work stacking the cylinders 3 3 9 2 3 6 needed quantity/ number of cylinders 2 2
Employees) 2)Cylinder cap shall be ensured for all cylinders
during use are broght at the work site
3) Cylinder caps/ regulators shall be ensured free
from grease and oil contact
Operation of grinding Sudden start of machine due to All the machine shall be labelled and
All grinding machine shall have non latching type
machine without latching and injury person GE 3 3 9 2 3 6 inspection as per schedule by 1 3
removal of latching Employee, WIE Employee.) component person.
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Welding bits,waste
welding holder Slip trip due to haphazardous 1) Segregation of all types of scrap/waste shall be Housekeeping of the work area shall be
2 3 6 1 3 3 1 3
cables electrode box condition (WIE Employee.) done and store at designated waste bins. regularly both before and afterthe job
A.1. Skilled and medically fit manpower to be
A.2. Safety Induction and Job specific training
provided to workmen before engage them on job.
Working in
A.3. Hazard analysis to be done with workmen Hazard analysis to be done with
construction area. Injury to personal,
3 3 9 followed by risk assessment and work permit. 2 3 6 workmen followed by risk assessment 1 3
Lack of awareness on Material damage B.1. High Risk Activities
A.4.Competent supervisortotobe
beidentified prior to
deputed during and work permit.
safety rules. start of activity. Riskbeassessment toto
done and
the work, who shall responsible
reviewed byimplementation
safety rules experts before start of activity.
at site.
B-2.All Control
A.5. Safety measures
posters as per risk
to be displayed at assessment
site to
Injury due to lack of Injury to personal,
to be in place
increase before start of activity.
awareness. Permit To Work to be obtained for all
job planning. Material damage 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
B-3. Proper co-ordination between site critical excavations.
Loss of Time C-(I) Approved
management andquality of PPE’s
execution to be used.
supervisor to be
ensured. properly before use. As per site rules no
person will be
B-4. Permit Toallowed
Work totobeenter into work
obtained for allsite
Use of Personal without minimum PPE’s like safety shoe, safety
critical excavations. As per site rules no person will be
Protective Injury to personal 3 3 9 helmet, safety goggles and fluorescent jacket. 2 3 6 1 3
allowed to enter into work site.
Equipment’s PPE's like hand gloves, nose mask, safety harness
1 GENERAL with double lanyard, safety goggles, ear plug/
muff etc. to be used as per job requirement. All
PPE”s to be stored properly in a dry place.
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2 Materials Handling.
• Make sure the load is properly attached to
the lifting equipment. If necessary, securely bind
the load to prevent it slipping or falling off;
Injury to person Workmen shall be explained about the
Fall of Material 3 3 9 before lifting an unbalanced load, find out its 2 3 6 1 3
Material Damage do's & don’t's while executing te job.
centre of gravity.
• Keep men & materials away from the
suspended load.
Access and egress Slippery path ways The pathways to be inspected for any slippery No work will be done without work
3 Injury to Personal 2 3 6 1 3 3 1 3
and of inadequate surface. PERMIT
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6 Working at Height
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• Two tier work to be strictly avoided.
• Bellow area to be barricaded.
• Loose materials like spanner, chisel, hammer
etc to be tied with rope to avoid fall from height.
• Housekeeping shall be maintained in regular
Tool box talk shall be given to all the
Portable tools can Injury to Personal, • No materials shall be dropped from height.
workmen deployed on job.
fall from Injury to other 3 3 9 They should be lowered by a tag-line. An 2 3 6 1 3
All porteble hand
height. Material damage employee should be posted at ground level to
tools proper kept in bag.
clear and caution person from coming under the
6 Working at Height lowering material.
• Portable hand tools must be tightened with
additional rope and that must be anchored with
wrist or waist belt to avoid drooped to the lower
level due to encase of slipped from their hand.
Scaffolding should be erected, modified and
dismantled, only by the competent safflowers.
Scaffolding material should be in good
Scaffolding must include base plate,
upright, ledgers and bracing.
Base plate with adjustable jack to be placed
on sole plate.
Square size wooden plank / channel will be
All the workmen on job shall be
Collapse of used as Sole plate which will be placed on hard
Injury to Personal 3 3 9 2 3 6 instructed to follow the lead person 1 3
Scaffolding platform surface.
instructions provided.
All standards and ledgers to be plumbed
with the help of spirit level.
All personnel should be use appropriate
Working platform (gratings) which will be
used for erection purpose shall not be over
Isolate work zone, erect barricading &
signage, structure
Unauthorized shallmust
persons be adequately
be restricted
from thewith rigid
Lifting structure.
• Unwanted materials scraps must be stacked
separately from the working area.
• Ensure that the tools & tackles must be in
good working condition with authorized
• Slip, trips & certifications & should be inspected periodically.
• Improper lifting • Load is only to be released when adequately
gears. fixed & supported.
• Improper • Avoid men/materials under suspended load
Ensure that all safety devices must be in
Rigging Personal injury Material and between load and rigid structure.
7 Lifting Operation 3 3 9 2 3 6 working condition & all crane related 1 3
• Injury from Damage • Loose / unwanted materials must be
documents should be available at site.
releasing load too removed from the load.•
soon. • Skilled and competent lifting gang to be
• Fall of engaged.
materials. • Crane and other lifting accessories to be
• Adverse checked prior to use.
weather • ASLI and Limit switch to be in working
• No lifting will be allowed when the wind
speed is more than 14 m/s
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85 must be prepared before lifting
loads more than 5T/ length 3 meters/ CG not in
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Safe scaffolding with guard rail, midrail & toe- Scaffolding pipes, clamps must be used
guard shall be ensured before starting work. at site as per BIS-1139. All scaffolding
Ladder must be tied with the scaffolding for must be checked by authorized
Personnel Injury, Injury to
Fall of person 3 4 12 access & egress of person on scaffolding top. Use 3 3 9 personnel before using for work. Green 3 2
of full body safety harness shall be ensured before tag shall be ensured on scaffolding
working over scaffolding. Trained & experienced before starting work & red tag while
Working over workmen shall be involved in work. dismantling of scaffolding.
Processing of film
1. Only BARC/ AERB authorised personnel must
be allowed to work inside the developing room, 2.
No release of chemicals on to open drains/ sewers
must be allowed, 3. Use of chemical resistant
1. The chemical used for developing of
hand gloves must be ensured while developing
radiography film must be tested before
Release of chemicals Environmental pollution, the film approved by BARC/AERB, 4. Flush of
to check the components present in it, 2.
into drain lines, ecological disbalance, land 3 4 12 the chemicals to sewer with large amounts of 2 3 6 2 2
Before release of chemicals onto the
Spillage of chemicals contamination water is eligible for disposal of the chemical, 5. In
drain lines of plant, higher authorities
case of spillage of chemical spill kit must be used
must be made aware of it using a letter
with immediate effect to prevent land
contamination chances, 6. Presence of fit to use
fire extinguishers must be ensured outside the
develpoing room.
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2 Materials Handling.
• Make sure the load is properly attached to
the lifting equipment. If necessary, securely bind
the load to prevent it slipping or falling off;
Injury to person Workmen shall be explained about the
Fall of Material 3 3 9 before lifting an unbalanced load, find out its 2 3 6 1 3
Material Damage do's & don’t's while executing te job.
centre of gravity.
• Keep men & materials away from the
suspended load.
Access and egress Slippery path ways The pathways to be inspected for any slippery No work will be done without work
3 Injury to Personal 2 3 6 1 3 3 1 3
and of inadequate surface. PERMIT
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2 Materials Handling.
• Make sure the load is properly attached to
the lifting equipment. If necessary, securely bind
the load to prevent it slipping or falling off;
Injury to person, Workmen shall be explained about the
Fall of Material 3 3 9 before lifting an unbalanced load, find out its 2 3 6 1 3
Material Damage do's & don’t's while executing te job.
centre of gravity.
• Keep men & materials away from the
suspended load.
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Use of Lifting
Equipment and • Use packaging to prevent sharp edges of the
Accessories load from damaging slings and do not allow
tackle to be damaged by being dropped, dragged
from under loads or subjected to sudden loads.
When using multi-slings make sure the
• Never let a sling kink or shorten it with
sling angle is taken into account.
Improper way of Injury to Personal, knots, bolts or other makeshift devices.
3 3 9 2 3 6 • Have a responsible/ competent 1 3
slinging. Material Damage • When using multi-slings make sure the sling
person and use a recognised signalling
angle is taken into account.
• Have a responsible/ competent person and
use a recognised signalling system.
• All damage lifting equipment and
accessories will be removed from site
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2 Materials Handling.
• Make sure the load is properly attached to the
lifting equipment. If necessary, securely bind the load
Injury to person to prevent it slipping or falling off; before lifting an Workmen shall be explained about the do's
Fall of Material 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
Material Damage unbalanced load, find out its centre of gravity. & don’t's while executing te job.
• Keep men & materials away from the suspended
Access and egress No work will be done without work
3 Slippery path ways and Injury to Personal 2 3 6 The pathways to be inspected for any slippery surface. 1 3 3
1 3
of inadequate width
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All waste wheel shall be segregated and kept in Workers must be made aware of the hazards
Waste wheel generation Land contamination 3 2 6 2 2 4 1 2
designated waste storage yard. via toolbox meeting before starting work.
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8 Hot Work
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8 Hot Work
Workmen shall be briefed about PTW,
RAMS in tool box talk.
Area shall be barricaded and displays shall
Paint drum shall never be kept on bare floor.
be installed.
Always the use of high density plastic and tarpaulines
shall be ensured beneath the paint drum to control oil
Fire extinguishers near and around the
Paint drum manual spillage/leakage.
1 handling.
Manual hazard. Hand/foot injury. 3 2 6
Nitrile coated cut resistant handgloves shall be
2 2 4 working area shall be kept available to avoid 1 2
major fire accidents.
provided to all the workmen deployed on job. Safety
Contact for
shoes, goggles etc. shall be provided to all the
fire brigade shall be displayed near the
workmen deployed on job.
working area to tackle hard situations.
Regular monitoring of the workmen shall be
done by the supervisor deployed on job.
Personnel deployed on job should be provided by fit Workmen shall be briefed about PTW, RAMS in
Dust flow out of Respiratory/breathing problem to tool box talk. Monitoring of the work area should
3 2 6 for use type nose mask, goggles. 2 2 4 1 2
Structure the personnel deployed on job. be done by the deployed supervisor on job.
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Poor illumin\tion or no Fall of personnel. Personnel injury Workmen shall be briefed about PTW,
3 3 9 Proper and adequate lighting shall be provided to carry 2 3 6 1 3
lighting. standing near by. RAMS in tool box talk.
out the job.
3 Cleaning of Structure
Since the entry/exit walkway is single in the tank, Workmen shall be briefed about PTW,
personnel deployed on job shall be instructed to take RAMS in tool box talk.
Slip, trip & fall Fall hazard, resulting in personnel
3 3 9 utmost care while using the ladder. Ladder in 2 3 6 Only competent person shall be deployed on 1 3
hazards. injury
use for entry/exit shall be kept free of oil, grease and job. Regular workforce monitoring shall be
other slippery items. done by the deployed supervisor on job.
4 Working at Height
Paint bucket should be secured properly to avoid
Injury to Personal, Only competent person shall be deployed on
Paint bucket may fall fall.
Injury to other, 3 3 9 2 3 6 job. Regular workforce monitoring shall be 1 3
from height. Only minimum quantity of paint to be shifted at
Material damage done by the deployed supervisor on job.
5 Painting Work
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None or very limited consequences on people (e.g. first aid injury) or property
(e.g. scratch on equipment painting)
Injury requiring medical treatment without lost work days or property damage /
business interruption below 50 k€ of cost involved
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Residual risk
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k, Filtrate Water Tank, Wastewater Tank, Neutralization Tank, Cake Wash Tank, Belt cloth wash tank, Lime storage
fer Tank, quench water tank, Mill circuit tank.
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bottom plate
shell erection
Mist elminator
roof cane assem
painting o/s
Vaccum testing