Risk Assessment-FGD MECH

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment

GE/FGD/RA/ Participants Name Job Title Signature

Activity/Task concerned
Risk Assessment for overall activities -FGD
and its location

Risk Rating (RR) guideline:

Likelihood (L): Probability of the undesired event to happen (shall consider the frequency and
Severity (S): Importance of harm, damage or impact caused by the event.
duration of exposure and the potential for the undesired event to happen).
Rating Definition Rating Definition

the occurrence is extremely unlikely to happen and has never None or very limited consequences on people (e.g. first aid injury) or property
1 - Negligible 1 - Minor
happened according to our knowledge (e.g. scratch on equipment painting)

the occurrence is unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future but Injury requiring medical treatment without lost work days or property damage /
2 - Low 2 - Moderate
has already been experienced business interruption below 50 k€ of cost involved

Lost Time Injuries, with full recovery, or property damage/business

3 - Moderate the occurrence is predictable to happen in the mid-term 3 - High
interruption below 200 k€ of cost involved

4 - High the occurrence is predictable to happen in the short term 4 - Major Severe Accident as per Alstom e-book definition

5 - Definite the occurrence is certain and immediate. 5 - Catastrophic Several Severe Accidents

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Operating Conditions: Normal / Abnormal / Emergency

Reviewed By Checked By Approved By

Competent Discipline Engineer (Name,

EHS Representative (Name, Signature and Date) SIM (Name, Signature and Date)
Signature and Date)

Activity Initial Residual risk

Control Measures Re-assessment
Sr. (Job steps in Hazard Risk and affected person assessment Additional Control Measures assessment
sequence) L S RR L S RR L S


Skilled and medically fit manpower to be

Safety Induction and Job specific training
A) Working in provided to workmen before engage them on job.
Hazard analysis to be done with
construction area. Injury to personal, Material Competent supervisor to be deputed during the
3 3 9 2 3 6 workmen followed by risk assessment 1 3
Lack of awareness on damage work, who shall be responsible to ensure safety
and work permit.
safety rules. rules implementation at site.
Safety posters to be displayed at site to increase
Mandatory and job specific PPE's shall be used

1 GENERAL High Risk Activities to be identified prior to start

of activity. Risk assessment to be done and
Injury to personal, Material reviewed by experts before start of activity.
lack of job planning. Permit To Work to be obtained for all
damage, 3 3 9 All Control measures as per risk assessment to be 2 3 6 1 3
critical excavations.
Loss of Time in place before start of activity.
Proper co-ordination between site management
and execution supervisor to be ensured.

IP standard electrical DB and plug/ plug top to be

used at site. Live parts to be kept inside lock and All Electrial Pannal shuld be lock and
Electrical shock key arrangement. All secondary connections to be kay.
Electrical Hazard 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
short circuit routed through RCD. All cables to be routed Loto must be apply in all electrical
properly, so that it should not obstruct access or work.
movement area.

Blind area for Chance of accident due to poor

2 4 8 2 3 6 1 2
operator. communication. Only trained and competent Trailer Operator shall A Flag man shall be deployed for
be deployed on trailer. providing proper guidance to the
Inexperienced trailor Hit to personnel may result in operator.
2 3 6 2 2 4 1 2
operator/driver injury.

Marching trailer from Page 2 of 85
yard & Positioning of
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Marching trailer from Failure of Trailer Regular maintainance checklist of trailer

Workmen injury & material Before marching the trailer to the loading point,
yard & Positioning of brake. 2 3 6 2 3 6 shall be carried out to have safe work 1 4
damage. all brakes shall be checked.
2 Trailer at progress.
point(GE Store) Non provison of Sudden trailer movement &
EnsureParked vehicle(Trailer) must
wheel choker under results in injury to personnel 2 3 6 Parked vehicle must have wheel choker. 2 2 4 1 2
have wheel choker.
the tyre. &material.

banksman shall be deployed to guide the vehicle

Improper guidance Material fall due to improper Additional signal man shall be provided
2 2 4 and should be away from vehicle at least 2mtr 2 2 4 1 3
by signal man. guidance. to the operator, if necessary.
from rear end/front end.

1.Ensure the Out-rigger/tyres are correctly

Inflated as per load chart.
2.Ensure the ground condition is Firm enough to
1.Experienced crane operator shall be
support the axle loads.
deployed on job.
Faranna operation by Person getting hit by moving 3.Reduce the rated capacity of the crane by
2.All the person on job shall be
incompetent parts, 2 4 8 the percentage value for the crane - remember 2 3 6 1 2
instructed to maintain a safe distance of
personnel. Crane failure. the crane’s load indicator will not
atleast 2 Meter from the marching
automatically derate the rated capacity.
4.Use the Minimum boom length and boom
angle practical to keep the boom tip as close to
the ground as possible.

Slings shall be attached at identified shackle

All lifting gears must have visual
Personnel may get hand/foot points through proper access.
Improper selection of inspection, unique number, color code
injury during handling of Lifting 2 2 4 Good rigging practise may be followed. 2 2 4 1 3
Marching Of tools for anchoring. and Certificate of Competent authority
tools and tackles. Adequate capacity of lifting gears shall be taken
Crane,Anchoring of shall be provided.
into use.
tools,Lifting,Placing Material damage. 2 3 6 Competent signal man shall be deployed and 2 2 4 1 3
3 Poor communication
On Trailer,Unloading should be visible to the operator. Communication between the workmen
by Crane/Farana between operator and
Tool box talk shall be conducted prior to the start shall be kept strong to avoid accidents.
signal man. Injury to personnel. 2 4 8 2 3 6 2 2
&Lasching of of activity
Experienced and competent crane operator shall
Uncontrolled speed may hit to
2 3 6 be deployed on the crane. 2 2 4 1 2
other material/Personnel.
Uncontrolled speed All the workmen on job shall be instructed to Only trained and competent persons
of material during maintaint a safe distance of atleast 2mtrs from the shall be deployed near and around the
Lifting operation. crane. working area.
Material fall may cause serious
2 3 6 No men shall be allowed to stand under the 2 2 4 1 3
injury to the personnel.
suspended load.
Improper tool
selection for Hand/leg injury. 2 3 6 2 2 4 1 2
lasching. Guide rope shall be tied for lasching of
Guide rope shall be tied for lasching of material .
material .
Proper hand tool shall be used for tightening the
Fall of lasching due Proper hand tool shall be used for
May result in injury to workmen lasch.
to sudden release 2 3 6 2 2 4 tightening the lasch. 1 3
due to sudden release of lasch.
from anchor point.

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Quality person shall do visual

Temporary lug Failure of lugs, fall of load 1) All temporary lug installation shall be done as
3 4 12 2 4 8 inspection and all protocols to be signed 1 4
installation on plates WIE/GE per drawing approved from GE
before lifting operation

1) The crane/ farana should be certified by

competent person.
2) The condition of crane/ farana shall be checked
before putting in use.
3) SWL of the crane shall be ensured before
putting into use.
4) Lifting plan to be made and approved by
authorised persons.
6) visual inspection of the equipments shall be
Erection of bottom done on daily basis.
plate, shell plate & 7) Levelled and compacted ground should be
Roof Plate by ensured for positioning of crane. job to be carried under strict
farana/crane Crushing, falling of loads, 8) Access roads should be free from traffic. supervision.
Heavy lifting
improper equipment operations. 3 4 12 9) Authorised signalman and operator shall be 1 4 4 Job specific training to be imparted and 1 4
deployed tool box talk to be conducted.
10) Competent riggers foreman shallbe engaged PTW system to be followed
in lifting operations.
11) Mechanical lifting clamp to be used for
lifting plates.
12) Area barricading to be done before crane
13) PPE's shall be ensured for allworkmen.
14) Absence of over head power cable in close
proximity of crane operation shall be ensured.
15) In case of presence of over head power lines
minimum 5mtr distance shall be maintained from
it as per approved lift plan.

Incidence due to
Hydraulic Jack Power Pack to be placed over dip
damge in oil seal of Can result in contamination in
tray to prevent oil and to preserve the
Hydraulic Jack soil effecting the environment. Hydraulic jack operator should only be
3 3 9 environment from any contamination. Periodic 2 2 4 2 1
power pack or Any person can easily slip due allowed to operate the power pack.
Maintenance of the Hydraulic Jack and power
damaged hose pipe to oil spill causing Injury.
pack to be done.
resulting in Oil Spill.

Never lift if people are nearby, keep safe distance Always make sure the lift is sufficient
Can Result in serious injuries to from load before starting the operation. Never lift for intended operations. Never Use
Incidence due to
the people nearby due to falling more than the lifting capacity shown in the jack. damaged or worn jack. Never to exceed
lifting of more load
of lifting load and also 3 3 9 Always make sure the ground is firm enough to 2 2 4 the maximum height of the lift marked. 2 1
than the lifting
damaging the surrounding support safely fully loaded jack and lifting Always maintain the jack capacity more
nearby. operation. Alaways make sure the Load is than the load to be erected (keeping
properly placed on the Jack. 40% safety margin).

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Check the jack and support face

During lifting or lowering the load the bottom of
visually, whether they are without
the cylinder of the jack must lay on firm and big
Can Result in serious injuries to defects. By the move of check the
Incidence due to enough base, so as the jack will not sink into
the people nearby due to falling function of the jack without a load.
improper positioning ground. Make sure the jack stand upright during
of lifting load and also 3 3 9 2 2 4 Provide several lifting and lowering 2 1
of Jack while lifting lifting. ALWAYS pay attention during lifting so
damaging the surrounding with a suitable load (10% up 50% lifting
or lowering. as not exceed maximum height of lift. NEVER
nearby. capacity). At the same time check the
lift the piston of jack over the red marked groove,
Erection of shell plate jack, whether during lowering and stop
5 you will find under piston thread.
By Jacking Method keep the load without a drop of piston.

The operating staff of the hydraulic jack must be

demonstrably familiarized with this operation
manual, must observe applicable safety and
hygienic regulations and must be qualified for During the work with the jack the
operation of this equipment.The operating staff suitable distance of the operating staff
should be equipped with protective footwear and from the load must be kept. It is
Can Result in serious injuries to
gloves for work with the jack.The operating staff prohibited to lift or lower bulky loads
the people nearby due to falling
Incidence due to must have a clear and unobstructed view preventing to keep sufficient safety
of lifting load and also 3 3 9 2 2 4 2 1
incompetent person. of the whole working area before starting the distance. Daily inspection: visual
damaging the surrounding
work. When it is not possible, one or more inspection, carried by the operator,
persons must help to supervise in the nearby area designated by the user.ALWAYS
of the jack. The operating staff must check, lubricate more often in corrosive
whether the entire work place is safe and whether environment then in normal one
there is as possibility of escaping from this
area in case of endanger, before starting to
operate the jack.

Can result in the uneven Maintain the capacity of jacks 50%

Extra jacks to be kept in spare for the immediate
Incident due to distribution of load during more than the load to be erected so that
2 3 6 replacement of the failed jack. Dip tracks to be 2 2 4 2 1
failure of jack erection resulting in uneven if any jack fails the weight of the shell
provided for any leakage
erection of shell / tank. can be sustained by the other jacks.
1) Manual handling training for all workers.
2) Proper lifting by experienced persons under Tool box talk to be conducted on daily
Material Manual Strain,sprain injury(WIE
3 3 9 supervision. 2 3 6 basis and job specific training to be 1 3
handling workers)
3) PPE use suitable hand and head protection. given to all workmen

Erection &
dismantling of
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Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Ladder shall be inspected prior to use

1) Scaffold shall have green tag for safe to use
and secured with box type ladder clamp.
and red tag incase of unsafe.
Only authorised scaffolding inspector
2) Scaffold shall have top rail, mid rail toe board
shall be allowed to inspect the scaffold
to prevent workers and materials from fall.
and install tags as per condition.
3) Alluminium ladder shall be provided to ascend
Only BS/EN standard material shall be
and descend from working platform.
used for scaffold erection.Painting on
Fall from height 3 4 12 4)Only authorised and trained person shall be 2 3 6 1 3
scaffold material shall not be
allowed to work at height.
allowed.Scaffold shall only be
5) All persons work on scaffold shall wear
ulter,modifiy or dismantal by competent
suitable fall protection and shall anchor at suitable
and authorised personnel with prior
anchor point.
approval from scaffolding inspector.
Erection &
6 dismantling of
scaffolding Working at height

Scaffold shall be made with standard material and

before erecting scaffold area shall be compacted Supervisor to keep a check to make sure
and suitable sole board shall be provided to that scaffold is not overloaded with
Collapse of scaffold (WIE and
2 4 8 ensure equal load distribution. 1 4 4 materials. 1 4
GE persons)
Only specified weight on scaffold shall be given. Supervisor shall check the weather
Incase of bad weather condition no work shall be forcaste everyday before start of work.
done on scaffold.

Supervisor to monitor use of safety hats

Loose materials shall be removed from and
Falling objects (WIE and GE
3 3 6 scaffolding and place on waste skip. 2 3 protective footwear. 1 3
All platform shall be have standard toe guard. Supervisor shall ensure no material is
thrown from height.
1) Power cables to be routed properly away from
Improper cable entrapment between cables Supervisor to ensure cable routing is
3 2 6 walk way. 2 2 4 1 2
laying done away from walkway
2) power cable shall not be laid overlapping

Quality person shall do visual

Temporary lug Failure of lugs, fall of load 1) All temporary lug installation shall be done as
3 4 12 2 4 8 inspection and all protocols to be signed 1 4
installation on plates per drawing approved from GE
before lifting operation

Erection of below
• perforated tray
• spray header Page 6 of 85
7 beam mist eliminator
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

1) The crane/ farana should be certified by

competent person.
Erection of below 2) The condition of crane/ farana shall be checked
parts before putting in use.
• perforated tray 3) SWL of the crane shall be ensured before
beam putting into use.
• spray header 4) Lifting plan to be made and approved by
7 beam mist eliminator authorised persons.
beam 6) visual inspection of the equipments shall be
• cone roof plates done on daily basis.
and structure 7) Levelled and compacted ground should be
• Elbowduct ensured for positioning of crane. job to be carried under strict
• spray header Crushing, falling of loads, 8) Access roads should be free from traffic. supervision.
Heavy lifting
improper equipment operations. 3 4 12 9) Authorised signalman and operator shall be 1 4 4 Job specific training to be imparted and 1 4
deployed tool box talk to be conducted.
10) Competent riggers foreman shallbe engaged PTW system to be followed
in lifting operations.
11) Mechanical lifting clamp to be used for
lifting plates.
12) Area barricading to be done before crane
13) PPE's shall be ensured for allworkmen.
14) Absence of over head power cable in close
proximity of crane operation shall be ensured.
15) In case of presence of over head power lines
minimum 5mtr distance shall be maintained from
it as per approved lift plan.

1)Gas Cutter shall check leakage in cylinder valve Supervisor shall ensure damage/leaking
Explosion/Fire in cylinder
by soap solution method. cylinders are removed from site
Lekage In Cylinder (WIEworkers & Near by area 3 3 9 2 2 4 1 2
2)Cylinder valve shall be opened or closed or immidiately and keep it in isolated zone
adjusted only with cylinder key. and report to the concern immidiately

1)DCP type fire extinguisher shall be provided

2)flammable material shall be removed or
prevented from coming in contact with hot metal
Flammable Material slag.
near working area Material damage burn injury 3) Gas cutting area should be isolated. Good housekeeping shall be maintined
3 3 9 2 2 4 1 2
presence of hot (WIEworker) 4) cooling arrangements must be kept handy and before and after the work
materials hot slags must be secured in a designated separate
place/ bucket.
5) Gas cutter shall be provided with PPE's-
leather hand gloves, black goggles.

8 Gas Cutting work

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8 Gas Cutting work

1) Proper stacking of cylinders shall be ensured.
Cylinders shall be placed on seprate trolleys and
Improper way of Supervisor must ensure that only the
Fall of Cylinder (WIE tied with chain or PP rope to prevent from fall.
stacking the cylinders 3 3 9 2 3 6 needed quantity/ number of cylinders 2 2
Employees) 2)Cylinder cap shall be ensured for all cylinders
during use are broght at the work site
3) Cylinder caps/ regulators shall be ensured free
from grease and oil contact

1)Hose must be properly laid separately and shall

not be left over ground in scattred manner.
Ovelaping of hose Hose may get punctured due to
2)Gas cutter shall keep their hose uncoiled near to Prior to start the work supervisor must
over heat generated by welding cable
3 2 6 his visibility area. 2 2 4 ensure that no welding or power cable 1 2
welding/grinding/ and lead to fire in hose. (WIE
3) Care must be taken that the cutting hose. Pipe shall run near by gas cutting hose.
electrical cables. Employee)
must nt cross over any other welding
/Grinding/Electrical Cable.

Operation of grinding Sudden start of machine due to All the machine shall be labelled and
All grinding machine shall have non latching type
machine without latching and injury person GE 3 3 9 2 3 6 inspection as per schedule by 1 3
removal of latching Employee, WIE Employee.) component person.

1) DCP type fire extinguisher shall be taken into

Spark generation resulting in fire
Fire hazard. resulting in material damage 2 3 6 1 3 3 Fire blanket shall be used. 1 3
2)No flammable material material shall be kept
(WIE worker)
near the work area.

1)All rotating parts shall be covered by safety

2)Only right type of wheel shall be used with
Material damage resulting in Appropriate type of wheel be used with
Grinding machine grinding machine. Non expired wheel shall be
workmen injury(Breaking of grinding machine to avoid breaking and
with Inappropriate used.
Grinding wheel (WIE 3 3 9 2 3 6 accident.Grinder shall check grinding 1 3
9 Grinding Work guard and grinding 3) Job specific PPEs shall be provided (PPEs
Employee. Other agency wheel condition and expiry before
wheel. Safety helmet .safety shoes. Leather hand gloves
employee. starting the job.
Safety google.
4)Guard of the machine shall be ensured before
starting work.

Equipments/ machines to be inspected

1) Ensure to keep body parts away from pinch
before the start of work to verify all
Pinch Point/ sharp point.
Crush Injury guarding is in place
edge and rotating 2 3 6 2) Only competent person to operate Grinding 2 2 3 1 2
(WIE persons) All engaged workemen to be made
part of wheel machines.
aware of the hazards and risks involved
4) proper PPE's to used- hand gloves
and control measures explained.

Scrap grinding wheels must be handed

Waste wheel Land contamination (WIE and All waste wheel shall be segregated and kept in
2 3 6 2 2 4 over to authorized waste disposis 1 2
generation other agency) designated waste storage yard.

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1) Have adequate ventilation in workplace to

Breathing Problem, Supervisor should decide a desigmnated
prevent the displacement or enrichment of oxygen
Fumes Generation Asphyxiation(Lack of Oxygen) 2 3 6 2 2 4 place for welding test and grinding work 1 2
and to prevent the acumulation or flammable
(WIE Employee) for test piece

Authorised and licenced Electrician

1) 30mA ELCB/RCCB shall be provided to shall be deployed. Inspection of earth
Fire & Electrical electrical power source. resistance shall be done as per schedule.
Electrical Shock Damage of
hazard. Presnece of 2)Double body earthing shall be ensure.Weding Any maintenance work in welding
material and personal injury 3 4 12 2 3 6 1 3
Flammable materials holder shall have guard on crocodile machine shall only be done by
(WIE Workers)
in the surrounding teeth.Welding return lead must be connected authorized person. Supervisor shall
directly to the job. ensured no welding machine is kept in
ON Condition if it is not in use.

10 Welding work Regulor monitroring of deployed

Hot surface of Contact of body parts on hot supervisor shall be ensured. Supervisor
1)PPE's Hand sleev.foot sleev & apron shall be
welding object and surface or object (WIE 2 3 6 1 3 3 shall ensurd that worker involed in 1 3
provided with Leather handgloves.
electrode Employee.) hotwork shall have briefed about hazard
and risk of hot work.

1)Whenever possible,isolate arc. Welding

operations so that other individuals arc not Supervisor shall ensured good quality of
Infrared/ Ultraviolate Eye irriation/Injury (WIE
3 3 9 exposed to direct rays. 2 3 6 PPE'S have been provided to workers 1 3
rays Employee.)
2)Welding shield with attached helmet shall be engaged in work.
provided to welder.

Welding bits,waste
welding holder Slip trip due to haphazardous 1) Segregation of all types of scrap/waste shall be Housekeeping of the work area shall be
2 3 6 1 3 3 1 3
cables electrode box condition (WIE Employee.) done and store at designated waste bins. regularly both before and afterthe job

• Slip, Trip and • Access should be free from any obstruction.

All materials must be properly arranged
fall Personal Injury 3 3 9 Regular House Keeping to be ensured 2 3 6 1 3
& stacked in the working area.
• Skilled man power will be engaged

• Job specific PPE”s like hand gloves, safety

Manual Materials goggles, Nose mask (dust mask during grinding All chemicals and FRP materials should
11 • Materials can
Handling. Injury to person 3 3 9 and chemical mask during lamination). Face 2 3 6 be shifted carefully and kept at 1 3
fall during shifting.
shield to be used designated area.
• Good quality of PPE”s to be provided
Never bend back use your thighs. Apply
Improper body Workmen shall be explained about the
Injury, strain 3 3 9 ergonomics postures.All nozzles must be handled 2 3 6 1 3
posture. do's & don’t's while executing te job.
carefully and bolted

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Proper ventilation to be provided. If require

addition exhaust fan to be provided.
Gases Level to be checked by Multi gas detector
before, during and after work and it should be
recorded properly.
Breathing suitability will be checked then will be
allowed to entry inside to confined space.
• Oxygen Sufficient water bottle will provided for drinking.
deficiency PP rope will be tie with each workman safety
Authorised watcher to be stand with log
• Heavy humidity harness, which will be used in case of any
book register in the front of confined
and temperature. emergency.
space door.
12 Confined space work • Present of 3 3 9 Proper ventilation must be ensured in confined 2 3 6 1 3
Before entering to confined space log
flammable and toxic space before start the work.
book register will be maintained for
gases. Blower and suction pump should be provided to
their entry and exist.
• Poor proper ventilation in confined space.
illumination. Flammable materials to be remove at near work
Firefighting equipment to be provided at work
Sufficient lighting arrangement to be provided.
Only 24 V DC current light should be used in
confined space.

• Adequate working platform to be ensured

while working at height.
• The platform should be fully decked with
double hand railing and toe board and to be
Ladder shall be visually inspected
erected and inspected by competent/ experienced
before use. Damage ladder shall be
scaffold person.
removed from site or discarded.
Workmen can fall • Access to be provided.
Personal Injury 3 4 12 3 3 9 4:1 1 3
from height • Scaffolding can only be used only after
aspect ratio for ladder placement & 3-
inspection and tagging
point contacts shall be ensured.
• Safety harness with double lanyard and
energy absorber to be used while working at
• Trained and experienced workmen to be

13 Working at Height

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• Two tier work to be strictly avoided.

• Bellow area to be barricaded.
• Loose materials like spanner, chisel, hammer
etc to be tied with rope to avoid fall from height.
• Housekeeping shall be maintained in regular
Tool box talk shall be given to all the
• No materials shall be dropped from height.
Fall of Portable tool Injury to Personal, workmen deployed on job.
13 Working at Height 3 3 9 They should be lowered by a tag-line. An 2 3 6 1 3
from height Injury to other Material damage All porteble hand
employee should be posted at ground level to
tools proper kept in bag.
clear and caution person from coming under the
lowering material.
• Portable hand tools must be tightened with
additional rope and that must be anchored with
wrist or waist belt to avoid drooped to the lower
level due to encase of slipped from their hand.
Scaffolding should be erected, modified and
dismantled, only by the competent saffloders.
 Scaffolding material should be in good
 Scaffolding must include base plate,
upright, ledgers and bracing.
 Base plate with adjustable jack to be placed
on sole plate.
 Square size wooden plank / channel will be
All the workmen on job shall be
Collapse of used as Sole plate which will be placed on hard
Injury to Personal 3 3 9 2 3 6 instructed to follow the lead person 1 3
Scaffolding platform surface.
instructions provided.
 All standards and ledgers to be plumbed
with the help of spirit level.
 All personnel should be use appropriate
 Working platform (gratings) which will be
used for erection purpose shall not be over
 Scaffolding structure shall be adequately
Chemical mask,
with rigid chemical hand gloves and
safety goggles to be used.
• All chemicals should have MSDS
Chemical Lamination Inhalation of Toolbox shall be done with MSDS kept
14 Unconscious 3 3 9 • During handling and uses MSDS must be 2 3 6 1 3
at FRP Joints Chemical fumes as its basis.
• Must be kept on secondary container
• Keep out of hot work area

Keep safe distance from hot surface.

Hot surface Burn injury 2 3 6 Wear leather hand gloves while performing 1 3 3 Signage to be displayed
Avoid use of damaged power cable .
15 Joining of PP pipe 1) 30mA ELCB/RCCB shall be provided to
electrical power source.
Electric hazard Electric shock to workmen 3 4 12 2)Double body earthing shall be ensured. 1 3 3
Electrical work shall be perfomed by authorised

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competency of QC person shall ensure competency of

workmen can get injury 2 3 6 Trained and experienced person shall be deployed 1 3 3
people workmen

Pre inspection of equipment shall be done.

Helium test Caliration certificate of equipment and pressure
16 Failure of equipment during
preparation Defective equipment 2 3 6 gauge to be obtained. 1 3 3

Handling and storage of helium gas to be

Handling of helium perfomred based on MSDS
Injury to workmen 2 3 6 1 3 3
gas cylinder to be stored properly

1) 30mA ELCB/RCCB shall be provided to Authorised and licenced Electrician

Electric hazard Electric shock to workmen 3 4 12 electrical power source. 2 3 6 shall be deployed. Inspection of earth 1 3
2)Double body earthing shall be ensure.. resistance shall be done as per schedule.
17 Performing testing
Testing prope shall be fixed properly
Person to be engaged to monitoring any
Gas leakage Failure to getting results 2 3 6 Inspect any leakage on joints and hoses.
Wear proper PPE's while performing task

Auxiliary Storage Tank, Process Water Tank, Primary Hydro-cyclone, secondary Hydro cyclone tank, Filtrate Water Tank, Wastewater Tank, Neutralization Tank, Cake Wash Tank, Belt cloth wash tank, Lime storage
Tank, Limestone Slurry Transfer Tank, quench water tank, Mill circuit tank.

Blind area for Chance of accident due to poor

2 4 8 2 3 6 1 2
operator. communication.
Only trained and competent Trailer Operator shall A Flag man shall be deployed for
be deployed on trailer. providing proper guidance to the
Inexperienced trailor Hit to personnel may result in
2 3 6 2 2 4 1 2
operator/driver injury.

Marching trailer from

yard & Positioning of Regular maintainance checklist of trailer
Failure of Trailer Workmen injury & material Before marching the trailer to the loading point,
1 Trailer at 2 3 6 2 3 6 shall be carried out to have safe work 1 4
brake. damage. all brakes shall be checked.
loading/Unloading progress.
point(GE Store)

Non provison of Sudden trailer movement &

EnsureParked vehicle(Trailer) must
wheel choker under results in injury to personnel 2 3 6 Parked vehicle must have wheel choker. 2 2 4 1 2
have wheel choker.
the tyre. &material.

banksman shall be deployed to guide the vehicle

Improper guidance Material fall due to improper Additional signal man shall be provided
2 2 4 and should be away from vehicle at least 2mtr 2 2 4 1 3
by signal man. guidance. to the operator, if necessary.
from rear end/front end.

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1.Ensure the Out-rigger/tyres are correctly

Inflated as per load chart.
2.Ensure the ground condition is Firm enough to
1.Experienced crane operator shall be
support the axle loads.
deployed on job.
Faranna operation by Person getting hit by moving 3.Reduce the rated capacity of the crane by
2.All the person on job shall be
incompetent parts, 2 4 8 the percentage value for the crane - remember 2 3 6 1 2
instructed to maintain a safe distance of
personnel. Crane failure. the crane’s load indicator will not
atleast 2 Meter from the marching
automatically derate the rated capacity.
4.Use the Minimum boom length and boom
angle practical to keep the boom tip as close to
the ground as possible.

Slings shall be attached at identified shackle

All lifting gears must have visual
Personnel may get hand/foot points through proper access.
Improper selection of inspection, unique number, color code
injury during handling of Lifting 2 2 4 Good rigging practise may be followed. 2 2 4 1 3
tools for anchoring. and Certificate of Competent authority
tools and tackles. Adequate capacity of lifting gears shall be taken
shall be provided.
into use.

Marching Of
Crane,Anchoring of Material damage. 2 3 6 2 2 4 1 3
lifting Competent signal man shall be deployed and
tools,Lifting,Placing Poor communication should be visible to the operator. Communication between the workmen
On Trailer,Unloading between operator and Tool box talk shall be conducted prior to the start shall be kept strong to avoid accidents.
by Crane/Farana signal man.
of activity
&Lasching of Injury to personnel. 2 4 8 2 3 6 2 2

Uncontrolled speed may hit to Experienced and competent crane operator shall
2 3 6 2 2 4 1 2
other material/Personnel. be deployed on the crane.
Uncontrolled speed All the workmen on job shall be instructed to Only trained and competent persons
of material during maintaint a safe distance of atleast 2mtrs from the shall be deployed near and around the
Lifting operation. crane. working area.
Material fall may cause serious No men shall be allowed to stand under the
2 3 6 suspended load. 2 2 4 1 3
injury to the personnel.

Improper tool
selection for Hand/leg injury. 2 3 6 2 2 4 1 2
lasching. Guide rope shall be tied for lasching of
Guide rope shall be tied for lasching of material .
material .
Proper hand tool shall be used for tightening the
Proper hand tool shall be used for
Fall of lasching due tightening the lasch.
May result in injury to workmen
to sudden release 2 3 6 2 2 4 1 3
due to sudden release of lasch.
from anchor point.

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment
1) The crane/ farana should be certified by
competent person.
2) The condition of crane/ farana shall be checked
before putting in use. Quality person shall do visual
Temporary lug 1) SWL
3) All temporary
of the crane lugshall
be ensuredshallbefore
be done as
3 4 12 2 4 8 inspection and all protocols to be signed 1 4
installation on plates per drawing
putting approved from GE
into use. before lifting operation
4) Lifting plan to be made and approved by
authorised persons.
6) visual inspection of the equipments shall be
job to be carried under strict
Erection of bottom Crushing, falling of loads, done on daily basis.
plate, shell plate & Heavy lifting improper equipment operations. 7) Hydraulic
1) Levelled and jackcompacted
must always ground shouldofbefirm
be placed
3 3 4 12 1 4 4 Job specific training to be imparted and 1 4
Roof Plate by operations (WIE/GE persons/ other ensured
and levelfor positioning of crane.
surface. tool box talk to be conducted.
farana/crane pedestrian) 8)
2) Access roads ensure
oerator must shouldthatbe free fromused
the jack traffic.
has a PTW system to be followed
9) Authorised
sufficient ratingsignalman
to lift andand operator
sustain shall be
the load.
3) after the load has been liftedit must be properly
10) Competent
lockedand riggers
properly foreman shallbe engaged
secured. PTW system shall be strictly followed.
Erection and fitup of slipping /falling of load from in lifting operations.
4) jacks must be properly lubricated at all times. All activities must be carried out under
plates and shells by jack topple of jack crushing 3 3 9 11) Mechanical 2 3 6 1 3
5) TPI and MTClifting must beclamp to bebefore
ensured used for
putting the supervision of Enginners and
Hydrolic Jack injury lifting plates.
the jacks in use. supervisors.
6) Areacompetent
barricading andtoauthorised
be done beforepersoncrane
1) Manual
operate thehandling
jack. training for all workers.
PPE's shall be ensured for Ladder shall
toinspected prioron
to daily
Material Manual Strain,sprain injury(WIE
1) Proper
daily lifting
visual by experienced
shall have green tagallworkmen.
must bepersons
fordone. under
safe to use Tool box be conducted
3 3 9 supervision.
8) All 2 3 6 and
and jobwith box type
specific ladder
training clamp.
to be 1 3
handling workers) and redlifts
unsafe.with the jack
3) PPE use suitable hand and Only
givenauthorised scaffolding inspector
2) Scaffold at ahave
shall righttop rail,head
angle theprotection.
tomid load.
rail toe board to all workmen
shall be allowed to inspect the scaffold
to prevent workers and materials from fall.
and install tags as per condition.
3) Alluminium ladder shall be provided to ascend
Only BS/EN standard material shall be
and descend from working platform.
used for scaffold erection.Painting on
Fall from height 3 4 12 4)Only authorised and trained person shall be 2 3 6 1 3
scaffold material shall not be
allowed to work at height.
allowed.Scaffold shall only be
5) All persons
Scaffold shall beworkmadeon with
scaffold shall material
standard wear and ulter,modifiy or dismantal by competent
before fall protection
scaffoldand areashall
shallanchor at suitable
be compacted Supervisor to keep a check to make
and authorised personnel with prior sure
Erection & anchor point.sole board shall be provided to
and suitable that scaffold
Collapse of scaffold (WIE and approval fromis scaffolding
not overloaded with
4 dismantling of Working at height 2 4 8 ensure equal load distribution. 1 4 4 materials. 1 4
GE persons)
scaffolding Only specified weight on scaffold shall be given. Supervisor shall check the weather
Incase of bad weather condition no work shall be forcaste everyday before start of work.
done on scaffold. Supervisor to monitor use of safety hats
Loose materials shall be removed from and
Falling objects (WIE and GE
3 3 6 scaffolding and place on waste skip. 2 3 protective footwear. 1 3
All platform shall be have standard toe guard. Supervisor shall ensure no material is
thrown from height.

1) Power cables to be routed properly away from

Improper cable entrapment between cables Supervisor to ensure cable routing is
3 2 6 walk
1) Theway.
crane/ farana should be certified by 2 2 4 1 2
laying (WIE/GE persons) done away from walkway
2) power cable
competent shall not be laid overlapping
2) The condition of crane/ farana shall be checked
before putting in use.
Assembly & Bolting 3) SWL of the
Keep hands andcrane shall from
leg away be ensured
pinch before
of Structural gallary, putting intocommunicate
5 Pinch point Hand/leg injury, Cut Injury 2 3 6 aware and to each workmen during 2 2 4
Column & Bracing 4) Lifting plan to be made and approved by
Connection. authorised persons.
6) visual inspection of the equipments shall be
job to be carried under strict
Crushing, falling of loads, done on daily basis.
Erection of structural supervision.
Heavy lifting improper equipment operations. 7) Levelled and compacted ground should be
6 column and Gallary 3 4 12 1 4 4 Job specific training to be imparted and 1 4
operations (WIE/GE persons/ other ensured for positioning of crane.
by farana or crane tool box talk to be conducted.
pedestrian) 8) Access roads should be free from traffic.
PTW system to be followed
9) Authorised signalman and operator shall be
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10) Competent riggers foreman shallbe engaged
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

1)Gas Cutter shall check leakage in cylinder valve Supervisor shall ensure damage/leaking
Explosion/Fire in cylinder
by soap solution method. cylinders are removed from site
Lekage In Cylinder (WIEworkers & Near by area 3 3 9 2 2 4 1 2
1)DCP typevalve shall be opened
fire extinguisher shallorbeclosed or
provided immidiately and keep it in isolated zone
adjusted onlymaterial
2)flammable with cylinder key.
shall be removed or and report to the concern immidiately
prevented from coming in contact with hot metal
Flammable Material slag.
near working area Material damage burn injury 3) Gas cutting area should be isolated. Good housekeeping shall be maintined
3 3 9 2 2 4 1 2
presence of hot (WIEworker) 4) cooling arrangements must be kept handy and before and after the work
materials hot slags must be secured in a designated separate
1) bucket.
Proper stacking of cylinders shall be ensured.
5) Gas cutter
Cylinders shall
shall be provided
be placed with PPE's-
on seprate trolleys and
Improper way of leather hand gloves, Supervisor must ensure that only the
Fall of Cylinder (WIE tied with chain or PPblack goggles.
rope to prevent from fall.
7 Gas Cutting work stacking the cylinders 3 3 9 2 3 6 needed quantity/ number of cylinders 2 2
Employees) 2)Cylinder cap shall be ensured for all cylinders
during use are broght at the work site
3) Cylinder caps/ regulators shall be ensured free
from grease and oil contact

1)Hose must be properly laid separately and shall

not be left over ground in scattred manner.
Ovelaping of hose Hose may get punctured due to
2)Gas cutter shall keep their hose uncoiled near to Prior to start the work supervisor must
over heat generated by welding cable
3 2 6 his visibility area. 2 2 4 ensure that no welding or power cable 1 2
welding/grinding/ and lead to fire in hose. (WIE
3) Care must be taken that the cutting hose. Pipe shall run near by gas cutting hose.
electrical cables. Employee)
must nt cross over any other welding
/Grinding/Electrical Cable.

Operation of grinding Sudden start of machine due to All the machine shall be labelled and
All grinding machine shall have non latching type
machine without latching and injury person GE 3 3 9 2 3 6 inspection as per schedule by 1 3
removal of latching Employee, WIE Employee.) component person.

1) DCP type fire extinguisher shall be taken into

Spark generation resulting in fire
Fire hazard. resulting in material damage 2 3 6 1 3 3 Fire blanket shall be used. 1 3
1)All flammable material
rotating parts material
shall be coveredshall be kept
by safety
(WIE worker)
near the work area.
8 Grinding Work 2)Only right type of wheel shall be used with
Material damage resulting in Appropriate type of wheel be used with
Grinding machine grinding machine. Non expired wheel shall be
workmen injury(Breaking of grinding machine to avoid breaking and
with Inappropriate used.
Grinding wheel (WIE 3 3 9 2 3 6 accident.Grinder shall check grinding 1 3
guard and grinding 3)PPEs shall be provided (PPEs Safety
Employee. Other agency wheel condition and expiry before
wheel. helmet .safety shoes. Leather hand gloves Safety
employee. starting the job.
google. Equipments/ machines to be inspected
1) Ensureoftothe
4)Guard keep body parts
machine shall away from pinch
be ensured before before the start of work to verify all
Pinch Point/ sharp point.
starting work.
Crush Injury guarding is in place
edge and rotating 2 3 6 2) Only competent person to operate Grinding 2 2 3 1 2
(WIE persons) All engaged workemen to be made
part of wheel machines.
aware of the hazards and risks involved
4) proper PPE's to used- hand gloves
and control measures explained.

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Scrap grinding wheels must be handed

Waste wheel Land contamination (WIE and All waste wheel shall be segregated and kept in
2 3 6 2 2 4 over to authorized waste disposis 1 2
generation other agency) designated waste storage yard.

1) Have adequate ventilation in workplace to

Breathing Problem, Supervisor should decide a desigmnated
prevent the displacement or enrichment of oxygen
Fumes Generation Asphyxiation(Lack of Oxygen) 2 3 6 2 2 4 place for welding test and grinding work 1 2
and to prevent the acumulation or flammable
(WIE Employee) for test piece
atmospheres. Authorised and licenced Electrician
1) 30mA ELCB/RCCB shall be provided to shall be deployed. Inspection of earth
Fire & Electrical electrical power source. resistance shall be done as per schedule.
Electrical Shock Damage of
hazard. Presnece of 2)Double body earthing shall be ensure.Weding Any maintenance work in welding
material and personal injury 3 4 12 2 3 6 1 3
Flammable materials holder shall have guard on crocodile machine shall only be done by
(WIE Workers)
in the surrounding teeth.Welding return lead must be connected authorized person. Supervisor shall
directly to the job. ensured no welding machine is kept in
Regulor monitroring
ON Condition if it is of
in use.
Hot surface of Contact of body parts on hot supervisor shall be ensured. Supervisor
1)PPE's Hand sleev.foot sleev & apron shall be
welding object and surface or object (WIE 2 3 6 1 3 3 shall ensurd that worker involed in 1 3
provided with Leather handgloves.
electrode Employee.) hotwork shall have briefed about hazard
and risk of hot work.
9 Welding work
1)Whenever possible,isolate arc. Welding
operations so that other individuals arc not Supervisor shall ensured good quality of
Infrared/ Ultraviolate Eye irriation/Injury (WIE
3 3 9 exposed to direct rays. 2 3 6 PPE'S have been provided to workers 1 3
rays Employee.)
2)Welding shield with attached helmet shall be engaged in work.
provided to welder.

Welding bits,waste
welding holder Slip trip due to haphazardous 1) Segregation of all types of scrap/waste shall be Housekeeping of the work area shall be
2 3 6 1 3 3 1 3
cables electrode box condition (WIE Employee.) done and store at designated waste bins. regularly both before and afterthe job
A.1. Skilled and medically fit manpower to be
A.2. Safety Induction and Job specific training
provided to workmen before engage them on job.
Working in
A.3. Hazard analysis to be done with workmen Hazard analysis to be done with
construction area. Injury to personal,
3 3 9 followed by risk assessment and work permit. 2 3 6 workmen followed by risk assessment 1 3
Lack of awareness on Material damage B.1. High Risk Activities
A.4.Competent supervisortotobe
beidentified prior to
deputed during and work permit.
safety rules. start of activity. Riskbeassessment toto
done and
the work, who shall responsible
reviewed byimplementation
safety rules experts before start of activity.
at site.
B-2.All Control
A.5. Safety measures
posters as per risk
to be displayed at assessment
site to
Injury due to lack of Injury to personal,
to be in place
increase before start of activity.
awareness. Permit To Work to be obtained for all
job planning. Material damage 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
B-3. Proper co-ordination between site critical excavations.
Loss of Time C-(I) Approved
management andquality of PPE’s
execution to be used.
supervisor to be
ensured. properly before use. As per site rules no
person will be
B-4. Permit Toallowed
Work totobeenter into work
obtained for allsite
Use of Personal without minimum PPE’s like safety shoe, safety
critical excavations. As per site rules no person will be
Protective Injury to personal 3 3 9 helmet, safety goggles and fluorescent jacket. 2 3 6 1 3
allowed to enter into work site.
Equipment’s PPE's like hand gloves, nose mask, safety harness
1 GENERAL with double lanyard, safety goggles, ear plug/
muff etc. to be used as per job requirement. All
PPE”s to be stored properly in a dry place.

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment

D-(I) Portable fire extinguisher, fire bucket filled

Burn Injury with water and sand, will be kept at work site to Emergency contact no. and fire fighting
D) Fire/ heat. 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
Property Damage prevent fire if any. Guard over hot parts to be team no. shall be displayed at site.

E- 1. IP standard electrical DB and plug/ plug top

to be used at site. Live parts to be kept inside lock All Electrial Pannal shuld be lock and
Electrical shock and key arrangement. All secondary connections kay.
Electrical Hazard 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
short circuit to be routed through RCD. All cables to be routed Loto must be apply in all electrical
properly, so that it should not obstruct access or work.
movement area.

• Make sure that right equipment to be taken

for the job
Hit by objects
• Use only certified lifting equipment, marked Awareness training to be given to all
Personal injury 2 3 6 2 3 6 1 3
with its safe working load, which is not overdue workmen including supervisor.
for examination
• Use tag lines wherever requires.

2 Materials Handling.
• Make sure the load is properly attached to
the lifting equipment. If necessary, securely bind
the load to prevent it slipping or falling off;
Injury to person Workmen shall be explained about the
Fall of Material 3 3 9 before lifting an unbalanced load, find out its 2 3 6 1 3
Material Damage do's & don’t's while executing te job.
centre of gravity.
• Keep men & materials away from the
suspended load.

Access and egress Slippery path ways The pathways to be inspected for any slippery No work will be done without work
3 Injury to Personal 2 3 6 1 3 3 1 3
and of inadequate surface. PERMIT

• Use packaging to prevent sharp edges of the

load from damaging slings and do not allow
tackle to be damaged by being dropped, dragged
• When using multi-slings make sure
from under loads or subjected to sudden loads.
the sling angle is taken into account.
• Never let a sling kink or shorten it with
Use of Lifting •Substandard Lifting • Have a responsible/ competent
Injury to Personal knots, bolts or other makeshift devices.
4 Equipment and Gears. •Improper 3 3 9 2 3 6 person and use a recognised signalling 1 3
Material Damage • When using multi-slings make sure the sling
Accessories way of slinging. system.
angle is taken into account.
• All damage lifting equipment and
• Have a responsible/ competent person and
accessories will be removed from site.
use a recognised signalling system.
• All damage lifting equipment and
accessories will be removed from site

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment

• All electrical installation should be done in

presence of licensed electrician.
• All electrical connection should be through
• All cables should be routed either
underground or overhead. Maintenance and repair and other
Electrical shock
Electrocution. 4 3 12 • No cable should obstruct the access and no 2 3 6 installation work shall be done by 1 3
short circuit
secondary joint to be allowed. authorised person.
• All electrical cables, RCCB, Fuse wire,
connection of cables, double earthling to the all
electrical equipment’s from two earthling pits,
5 Grinding work earth resistance to be inspected by electrician on
monthly basis and record to be maintained.

• All combustible materials to be removed

from hot work area.
Burn Injury, Fire extinguisher, sand buckets & water
Fire 3 3 9 • Fire extinguishers muat be available near 2 3 6 1 3
Material damage shall be kept near hot work area.
grinding work.

Workers must be made aware of the

Waste wheel All waste wheel shall be segregated and kept in
Land contamination 3 2 6 2 2 4 hazards via toolbox meeting before 1 2
generation designated waste storage yard.
starting work.

• Adequate working platform to be ensured

while working at height.
• The platform should be fully decked with
double hand railing and toe board and to be
Ladder shall be visually inspected
erected and inspected by competent/ experienced
before use. Damage ladder shall be
scaffold person.
removed from site or discarded.
Workmen can fall • Access to be provided.
Personal injury 3 4 12 2 4 8 4:1 1 4
from height • Scaffolding can only be used only after
aspect ratio for ladder placement & 3-
inspection and tagging
point contacts shall be ensured.
• Safety harness with double lanyard and
energy absorber to be used while working at
• Trained and experienced workmen to be

6 Working at Height

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Health and Safety Risk Assessment
• Two tier work to be strictly avoided.
• Bellow area to be barricaded.
• Loose materials like spanner, chisel, hammer
etc to be tied with rope to avoid fall from height.
• Housekeeping shall be maintained in regular
Tool box talk shall be given to all the
Portable tools can Injury to Personal, • No materials shall be dropped from height.
workmen deployed on job.
fall from Injury to other 3 3 9 They should be lowered by a tag-line. An 2 3 6 1 3
All porteble hand
height. Material damage employee should be posted at ground level to
tools proper kept in bag.
clear and caution person from coming under the
6 Working at Height lowering material.
• Portable hand tools must be tightened with
additional rope and that must be anchored with
wrist or waist belt to avoid drooped to the lower
level due to encase of slipped from their hand.
Scaffolding should be erected, modified and
dismantled, only by the competent safflowers.
 Scaffolding material should be in good
 Scaffolding must include base plate,
upright, ledgers and bracing.
 Base plate with adjustable jack to be placed
on sole plate.
 Square size wooden plank / channel will be
All the workmen on job shall be
Collapse of used as Sole plate which will be placed on hard
Injury to Personal 3 3 9 2 3 6 instructed to follow the lead person 1 3
Scaffolding platform surface.
instructions provided.
 All standards and ledgers to be plumbed
with the help of spirit level.
 All personnel should be use appropriate
 Working platform (gratings) which will be
used for erection purpose shall not be over
Isolate work zone, erect barricading &
 Scaffolding
signage, structure
Unauthorized shallmust
persons be adequately
be restricted
from thewith rigid
Lifting structure.
• Unwanted materials scraps must be stacked
separately from the working area.
• Ensure that the tools & tackles must be in
good working condition with authorized
• Slip, trips & certifications & should be inspected periodically.
• Improper lifting • Load is only to be released when adequately
gears. fixed & supported.
• Improper • Avoid men/materials under suspended load
Ensure that all safety devices must be in
Rigging Personal injury Material and between load and rigid structure.
7 Lifting Operation 3 3 9 2 3 6 working condition & all crane related 1 3
• Injury from Damage • Loose / unwanted materials must be
documents should be available at site.
releasing load too removed from the load.•
soon. • Skilled and competent lifting gang to be
• Fall of engaged.
materials. • Crane and other lifting accessories to be
• Adverse checked prior to use.
weather • ASLI and Limit switch to be in working
• No lifting will be allowed when the wind
speed is more than 14 m/s
683061748.xls • Page
19 ofplan
85 must be prepared before lifting
loads more than 5T/ length 3 meters/ CG not in
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

• Inspect site & clear of all

flammable/combustible materials from the
•Personnel or working area.
equipment exposed • Ensure fire watch for all hot works.
to sparks from • Keep fire extinguishers nearby. PTW, RAMS shall be briefed to all
Injury to Personal,
welding, grinding, • Ensure Flash Back Arrestors on both ends of workers.
Injury to othe, 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
cutting cutting set. Regular workforce monitoring shall be
Material damage
• burns from • Hoses should be in good working conditions done by the deployed supervisor on job.
contact with the & ensure tightening of jubilee clamps wherever
flame or hot metal; appropriate.
• All appropriate & usable PPE’s must be
worn while engaged in hot work.
8 Hot Work

• Remove nearby combustible materials (such

as flammable liquids, wood, paper, textiles,
packaging or plastics) 1. Emergency contact no. and fire
• Keep fire extinguishers nearby. fighting team no. shall be displayed at
Burn Injury \ • All appropriate & usable PPE’s must be site.
Fire Hazard 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
Property Damage worn while engaged in hot work. 2. If required use of fire blanket.
• Reduce two tier works 3. Provide fire watcher and inspect work
• Prevent flame, heat, sparks or hot spatter area 30mins after hot work.
from landing on the hoses.
• Proper supervision ensured

• While crossing the road, traffic rules to be

followed. Sufficient distance (A minimum of 2
Hit by vehicles meters) to be maintained from moving vehicles.
A competent supervisor shall ensure the
9 TRAFFIC plying on Personal Injury 3 3 9 • At road intersections, engage flagman to 2 3 6 1 3
placement of scotch block.
road control vehicles movements.
The priority shall be given to prevent the
movement of vehicles close to excavated area


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Health and Safety Risk Assessment

1.Never touch or handle radiography source with

bare hands. 1. Only BARC/AERB authorised
2.Store radiography source inside a pit in an personnel must be deputed for handling
exclusive isolated stroge room with lock and key & mobilisation of source at site. 2.
arrangement. The pit should be approved by After storage of source at the source pit,
Leakage of radiation from
BARC/AERB. radiation survey meter must be used to
source pit/ stoarge area,
Source storage at Storage of 3. BARC/AERB have to be informed before check whether any leakage of source
unauthorised entry into the 3 3 9 2 3 6 2 2
storage Pit radioactive source source movement radiation is there or not.
source pit, cancer, skin irritation,
4. Storage areas of radioactive source must be 3. Storage area must be isolated & away
dermatitis etc
away from hazardous substances like explosives. from normal working area & handling
5. Warning signs & symbols clearly depicting the must be ensured during night time
hazards related with radiography must be during absence of other workers at site.
displayed near the source storage area.

1.The vehicle used to transport radiography 1. Blinking light / Revolving light

source from its storage area to where it will be provided on vehicle top must be ensured
used must be in roadworthy condition. during source transportation.
Toppling/ Fall of radiographic source in 2. Use of separate vehicles for transport of source 2. Competent, trained & experienced
Transportation of overturning of open ground leading to spread of must be ensured. vehicle driver must be involved for
3 3 9 2 3 6 2 2
Source vehicle during radiation, Skin & Eye irritation, 3. Authorised personnel relating to radiography transportation work.
transportation Skin & lungs cancer work must be present in the vehicle while 3. In case of any emergency the
transporting to handle any emergency situation. authorised personnel must be involved
4. PTW, RA & MS must be ensured before for regrouping of source using TLD
1 starting work. badges & other required PPE's
1. Try to locate with the help of Survey Meter.
Mishandling of radio-isotope,
Radiography source may be
Loss of Radio 1.Unauthorised entry of Personnel shall
exposed to open environment 2 3 6 2 2 4 2 2
isotope not be allowed
leading to skin and lungs
2. Inform to BARC/ AERB 3.The
cancer, dermatitis etc
safe transportation of radiography source during
absence of other workforce must be ensured.

1. Only trained, competent & experienced

workmen must be involved in work.
2. Safe platform in form of scaffolding structure
erected using guard rail, mid-rail , toe-guard must
be ensured.
3. Safe to use ladder must be used for access & 1. Work must be ensured in presence of
Fall of personnel from height, egress to height. authorised supervisor.
Radiography work at
Work At Height Fall of material from height,& 3 4 12 4. Presence of green tag in scaffolding structures 2 3 6 2. No work must be done in case of 2 2
-5 Mtr. To +38 Mtr.
injury to workmen. must be ensured. heavy wind, storm or rainy conditions.
5. Good illumination in the area where height
work is going on must be ensured.
6. Full body safety harness with shock absorber
must be used while working at height.
7. Use of rope must be ensured for shifting any
kind of material to height

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1. Ladder shall be secured properly and tied with

a permanent structure.
2. Movable ladder shall be used on floors 1. Movable ladder must be always used
with firm ground to shift the RT instruments to in the area of firm ground.
Fall of personnel from height, working platform. 2. Work must be done in presence of
Temporary Use of
Fall of material from height,& 3 3 9 3. Only one person must climb on to a ladder at a 2 3 6 supervisor. 2 2
injury to workmen. single time. 3. Adequate illumination in the area
4. No over reaching of person above the ladder where work on movable ladder is going
must be allowed. on must be ensured.
5. Use of full body safety harness while working
on movable laddermust be ensured.

While working during night, the work areas as

Poor illumination of
well as the access to each floor shall be ensured
working areas.(-5 Injury to workmen due to slip, Wherever necessary halogen lamp of
2 3 6 with adequate lighting. Illumination of working 2 2 4 1 2
Meters to 38.5 trip and fall. adequate capacity must be ensured.
area is to be ensured prior to start work using the
Lux Meter.

Personnel deployed on job shall be provided by

2 RT work at Height Manual handling at fit for use type handgloves.Use of safety helmet, Medically fit, experienced & trained
Hand/foot injury. 2 3 6 1 3 3 1 3
Height safety shoe, reflective jacket, safety goggles must workmen must be deployed in work.
be ensured.

1. Work must be initiated mainly during the night

hours after 10pm at night in absence of other
agency, 2. PTW, RA & MS must be ensured
before starting work, 3. Workers wearing 1. Use of blinking light/ revolving light
dosimeter only must be allowed to work with or must be ensured before starting work, 2.
Radiography near to the source, 4. Work must be done in Use of authorised, trained &
Exposure to radiation leading to
Exposure( taking of presence of RSO certified by BARC/AERB, 5. experienced personnel must be ensured,
skin, lungs cancer, skin 3 4 12 3 3 9 3 2
RT shots)/ Use of Total area of work must be cordoned off before 3. Before starting work all workmen
irritation, dermatitis etc
source starting work using safety caution tape indicating must be made aware about the risk
radiography work, 6. Radiography survey meter assessment related with the radiography
must be used to check the level of radiation at work via toolbox talk,
around the area of work, 7. Other agencies
working around must be made aware well before
starting work regarding the radiography activity

Safe scaffolding with guard rail, midrail & toe- Scaffolding pipes, clamps must be used
guard shall be ensured before starting work. at site as per BIS-1139. All scaffolding
Ladder must be tied with the scaffolding for must be checked by authorized
Personnel Injury, Injury to
Fall of person 3 4 12 access & egress of person on scaffolding top. Use 3 3 9 personnel before using for work. Green 3 2
of full body safety harness shall be ensured before tag shall be ensured on scaffolding
working over scaffolding. Trained & experienced before starting work & red tag while
Working over workmen shall be involved in work. dismantling of scaffolding.

Use of fire blanket over scaffolding platform shall

be ensured before using scaffolding. No one must Barrication of the area below shall be
683061748.xls bePage
22 to
of drop
85 any material from top of ensured while working over scaffolding.
Fall of material Injury to workmen 3 3 9 3 2 6 2 2
scaffolding. All tools & tackles used at height Strict supervision shall be ensured while
Working over
Health and Safety Risk Assessment
Use of fire blanket over scaffolding platform shall
be ensured before using scaffolding. No one must Barrication of the area below shall be
be allowed to drop any material from top of ensured while working over scaffolding.
Fall of material Injury to workmen 3 3 9 3 2 6 2 2
scaffolding. All tools & tackles used at height Strict supervision shall be ensured while
must be tied with hand while working over working over scaffolding.

1. Before using the chemical MSDS of the

1. The box/ jar containing the chemical
chemical must be explained to the person
must be kept away from heat & flame &
developing the film, 2. Experienced & trained
Use of developing stored in a cool place, 2. All the
workmen must be involved in the work, 3. Use of
chemical ( Fixer Severe skin & eye burns , eye & containers must be kept closed and no
chemical resistant hand gloves & safety goggles
Developer-KODAK respiratory tract irritation due to unauthorised entry into the developing
3 3 3 9 must be ensured before starting the work, 4. 2 3 6 2 2
INDUSTREX vapors, allergic skin reaction, room must be allowed, 3. Use of
Provision of eye & skin wash must be there, 5. In
developer flammable in nature protective clothing if required must be
case of airborne exposure the person affected
replenisher) ensured, 4. No spillage of chemicals
must be brought into fresh air, 6. Presence of
inside developing room must be
CO2/ DCP or Foam type fire extinguisher must
be ensured.

Processing of film
1. Only BARC/ AERB authorised personnel must
be allowed to work inside the developing room, 2.
No release of chemicals on to open drains/ sewers
must be allowed, 3. Use of chemical resistant
1. The chemical used for developing of
hand gloves must be ensured while developing
radiography film must be tested before
Release of chemicals Environmental pollution, the film approved by BARC/AERB, 4. Flush of
to check the components present in it, 2.
into drain lines, ecological disbalance, land 3 4 12 the chemicals to sewer with large amounts of 2 3 6 2 2
Before release of chemicals onto the
Spillage of chemicals contamination water is eligible for disposal of the chemical, 5. In
drain lines of plant, higher authorities
case of spillage of chemical spill kit must be used
must be made aware of it using a letter
with immediate effect to prevent land
contamination chances, 6. Presence of fit to use
fire extinguishers must be ensured outside the
develpoing room.

683061748.xls Page 23 of 85
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

1. While doing radiography work at site presence

of RSO at site is to be ensured to cope up with
any emergency rising from radiography exposure,
2. Ambulance must be immediately called up &
worker must be taken to first aid for treatment, 3.
In case of splashing of developing chemicals onto
Fall from height, Exposure to
face, skin or eye the affected area must be washed
radiation, Personal Injury,
thoroughly with running water & then moved on
Toppling of vehicle for transport
Emergency for first aid treatment, 4. Use of spill kit to handle
of radiography source, spillage
spillage of chemicals must be ensured, 5. Display
or splash of developing
of emergency contact no's at site muist be
ensured, 6. Provision of 4x2kg bags of lead shot,
1x1.5m lead tongs and other radiation monitoring
devices must be ensured to cope with emergency
arising from radiography. Use of self contained
breathing apparatus shall be ensured during time
of emergency.


A.1. Skilled and medically fit manpower to be

A.2. Safety Induction and Job specific training
provided to workmen before engage them on job.
Working in
A.3. Hazard analysis to be done with workmen Hazard analysis to be done with
construction area. Injury to personal,
3 3 9 followed by risk assessment and work permit. 2 3 6 workmen followed by risk assessment 1 3
Lack of awareness on Material damage
A.4.Competent supervisor to be deputed during and work permit.
safety rules.
the work, who shall be responsible to ensure
safety rules implementation at site.
A.5. Safety posters to be displayed at site to
increase awareness.

B.1. High Risk Activities to be identified prior to

start of activity. Risk assessment to be done and
reviewed by experts before start of activity.
B-2.All Control measures as per risk assessment
Injury due to lack of Injury to personal,
to be in place before start of activity. Permit To Work to be obtained for all
job planning. Material damage, 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
B-3. Proper co-ordination between site critical excavations.
Loss of Time
management and execution supervisor to be
1 GENERAL B-4. Permit To Work to be obtained for all
critical excavations.

683061748.xls Page 24 of 85
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

C-(I) Approved quality of PPE’s to be used.

Checked properly before use. As per site rules no
person will be allowed to enter into work site
Use of Personal without minimum PPE’s like safety shoe, safety
As per site rules no person will be
Protective Injury to personal 3 3 9 helmet, safety goggles and fluorescent jacket. 2 3 6 1 3
allowed to enter into work site.
Equipment’s PPE's like hand gloves, nose mask, safety harness
with double lanyard, safety goggles, ear plug/
muff etc. to be used as per job requirement. All
PPE”s to be stored properly in a dry place.

D-(I) Portable fire extinguisher, fire bucket filled

Burn Injury, with water and sand, will be kept at work site to Emergency contact no. and fire fighting
D) Fire/ heat. 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
Property Damage prevent fire if any. Guard over hot parts to be team no. shall be displayed at site.

E- 1. IP standard electrical DB and plug/ plug top

to be used at site. Live parts to be kept inside lock
All Electrial Pannal shuld be lock and
Electrical shock and key arrangement. All secondary connections
Electrical Hazard 3 3 9 2 3 6 kay. Loto must be apply in 1 3
short circuit to be routed through RCD. All cables to be routed
all electrical work.
properly, so that it should not obstruct access or
movement area.

• Make sure that right equipment to be taken

for the job
Hit by objects
• Use only certified lifting equipment, marked Awareness training to be given to all
Personal injury 2 3 6 2 3 6 1 3
with its safe working load, which is not overdue workmen including supervisor.
for examination
• Use tag lines wherever requires.

2 Materials Handling.
• Make sure the load is properly attached to
the lifting equipment. If necessary, securely bind
the load to prevent it slipping or falling off;
Injury to person Workmen shall be explained about the
Fall of Material 3 3 9 before lifting an unbalanced load, find out its 2 3 6 1 3
Material Damage do's & don’t's while executing te job.
centre of gravity.
• Keep men & materials away from the
suspended load.

Access and egress Slippery path ways The pathways to be inspected for any slippery No work will be done without work
3 Injury to Personal 2 3 6 1 3 3 1 3
and of inadequate surface. PERMIT

683061748.xls Page 25 of 85
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

• Use packaging to prevent sharp edges of the

load from damaging slings and do not allow
tackle to be damaged by being dropped, dragged
• When using multi-slings make sure
from under loads or subjected to sudden loads.
the sling angle is taken into account.
• Never let a sling kink or shorten it with
Use of Lifting •Substandard Lifting • Have a responsible/ competent
Injury to Personal knots, bolts or other makeshift devices.
4 Equipment and Gears. •Improper 3 3 9 2 3 6 person and use a recognised signalling 1 3
Material Damage • When using multi-slings make sure the sling
Accessories way of slinging. system.
angle is taken into account.
• All damage lifting equipment and
• Have a responsible/ competent person and
accessories will be removed from site.
use a recognised signalling system.
• All damage lifting equipment and
accessories will be removed from site

• All electrical installation should be done in

presence of licensed electrician.
• All electrical connection should be through
• All cables should be routed either
underground or overhead. Maintenance and repair and other
Electrical shock
Electrocution. 4 3 12 • No cable should obstruct the access and no 2 3 6 installation work shall be done by 1 3
short circuit
secondary joint to be allowed. authorised person.
• All electrical cables, RCCB, Fuse wire,
connection of cables, double earthling to the all
electrical equipment’s from two earthling pits,
5 Grinding work
earth resistance to be inspected by electrician on
monthly basis and record to be maintained.

• All combustible materials to be removed

from hot work area.
Burn Injury, Fire extinguisher, sand buckets & water
Fire 3 3 9 • Fire extinguishers muat be available near 2 3 6 1 3
Material damage shall be kept near hot work area.
grinding work.

Workers must be made aware of the

Waste wheel All waste wheel shall be segregated and kept in
Land contamination 3 2 6 2 2 4 hazards via toolbox meeting before 1 2
generation designated waste storage yard.
starting work.

683061748.xls Page 26 of 85
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

• Adequate working platform to be ensured

while working at height.
• The platform should be fully decked with
double hand railing and toe board and to be
Ladder shall be visually inspected
erected and inspected by competent/ experienced
before use. Damage ladder shall be
scaffold person.
removed from site or discarded.
Workmen can fall • Access to be provided.
Personal injury 3 4 12 2 4 8 4:1 1 4
from height • Scaffolding can only be used only after
aspect ratio for ladder placement & 3-
inspection and tagging
point contacts shall be ensured.
• Safety harness with double lanyard and
energy absorber to be used while working at
• Trained and experienced workmen to be

• Two tier work to be strictly avoided.

• Bellow area to be barricaded.
• Loose materials like spanner, chisel, hammer
etc to be tied with rope to avoid fall from height.
• Housekeeping shall be maintained in regular
Tool box talk shall be given to all the
Portable tools can Injury to Personal, • No materials shall be dropped from height.
workmen deployed on job.
fall from Injury to other, 3 3 9 They should be lowered by a tag-line. An 2 3 6 1 3
All porteble hand
height. Material damage employee should be posted at ground level to
tools proper kept in bag.
clear and caution person from coming under the
6 Working at Height lowering material.
• Portable hand tools must be tightened with
additional rope and that must be anchored with
wrist or waist belt to avoid drooped to the lower
level due to encase of slipped from their hand.

683061748.xls Page 27 of 85
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Scaffolding should be erected, modified and

dismantled, only by the competent safflowers.
 Scaffolding material should be in good
 Scaffolding must include base plate,
upright, ledgers and bracing.
 Base plate with adjustable jack to be placed
on sole plate.
 Square size wooden plank / channel will be
All the workmen on job shall be
Collapse of used as Sole plate which will be placed on hard
Injury to Personal 3 3 9 2 3 6 instructed to follow the lead person 1 3
Scaffolding platform surface.
instructions provided.
 All standards and ledgers to be plumbed
with the help of spirit level.
 All personnel should be use appropriate
 Working platform (gratings) which will be
used for erection purpose shall not be over
 Scaffolding structure shall be adequately
secured with rigid structure.

• Isolate work zone, erect barricading &

signage, Unauthorized persons must be restricted
from the Lifting area.
• Unwanted materials scraps must be stacked
separately from the working area.
• Ensure that the tools & tackles must be in
good working condition with authorized
• Slip, trips & certifications & should be inspected periodically.
• Improper lifting • Load is only to be released when adequately
gears. fixed & supported.
• Improper • Avoid men/materials under suspended load
Ensure that all safety devices must be in
Rigging Personal injury Material and between load and rigid structure.
7 Lifting Operation 3 3 9 2 3 6 working condition & all crane related 1 3
• Injury from Damage • Loose / unwanted materials must be
documents should be available at site.
releasing load too removed from the load.•
soon. • Skilled and competent lifting gang to be
• Fall of engaged.
materials. • Crane and other lifting accessories to be
• Adverse checked prior to use.
weather • ASLI and Limit switch to be in working
• No lifting will be allowed when the wind
speed is more than 14 m/s
• Lifting plan must be prepared before lifting
loads more than 5T/ length 3 meters/ CG not in
center/using more than one lifting equipment

683061748.xls Page 28 of 85
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

• Inspect site & clear of all

flammable/combustible materials from the
•Personnel or working area.
equipment exposed • Ensure fire watch for all hot works.
to sparks from • Keep fire extinguishers nearby. PTW, RAMS shall be briefed to all
Injury to Personal,
welding, grinding, • Ensure Flash Back Arrestors on both ends of workers.
Injury to other, 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
cutting cutting set. Regular workforce monitoring shall be
Material damage
• burns from • Hoses should be in good working conditions done by the deployed supervisor on job.
contact with the & ensure tightening of jubilee clamps wherever
flame or hot metal; appropriate.
• All appropriate & usable PPE’s must be
worn while engaged in hot work.
8 Hot Work

• Remove nearby combustible materials (such

as flammable liquids, wood, paper, textiles,
packaging or plastics) 1. Emergency contact no. and fire
• Keep fire extinguishers nearby. fighting team no. shall be displayed at
Burn Injury, • All appropriate & usable PPE’s must be site.
Fire Hazard 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
Property Damage worn while engaged in hot work. 2. If required use of fire blanket.
• Reduce two tier works 3. Provide fire watcher and inspect work
• Prevent flame, heat, sparks or hot spatter area 30mins after hot work.
from landing on the hoses.
• Proper supervision ensured

• While crossing the road, traffic rules to be

followed. Sufficient distance (A minimum of 2
Hit by vehicles meters) to be maintained from moving vehicles.
A competent supervisor shall ensure the
9 TRAFFIC plying on Personal Injury 3 3 9 • At road intersections, engage flagman to 2 3 6 1 3
placement of scotch block.
road control vehicles movements.
The priority shall be given to prevent the
movement of vehicles close to excavated area


A.1. Skilled and medically fit manpower to be

A.2. Safety Induction and Job specific training
provided to workmen before engage them on job.
A) Working in
A.3. Hazard analysis to be done with workmen Hazard analysis to be done with
construction area. Injury to personal,
3 3 9 followed by risk assessment and work permit. 2 3 6 workmen followed by risk assessment 1 3
Lack of awareness on Material damage
A.4.Competent supervisor to be deputed during and work permit.
safety rules.
the work, who shall be responsible to ensure
safety rules implementation at site.
A.5. Safety posters to be displayed at site to
increase awareness.

683061748.xls Page 29 of 85
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

B.1. High Risk Activities to be identified prior to

start of activity. Risk assessment to be done and
reviewed by experts before start of activity.
B-2.All Control measures as per risk assessment
Injury to personal,
lack of job planning. to be in place before start of activity. Permit To Work to be obtained for all
Material damage, 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
B-3. Proper co-ordination between site critical excavations.
Loss of Time
management and execution supervisor to be
1 GENERAL B-4. Permit To Work to be obtained for all
critical excavations.

C-(I) Approved quality of PPE’s to be used.

Checked properly before use. As per site rules no
person will be allowed to enter into work site
C) Use of Personal without minimum PPE’s like safety shoe, safety
As per site rules no person will be
Protective Injury to personal 3 3 9 helmet, safety goggles and fluorescent jacket. 2 3 6 1 3
allowed to enter into work site.
Equipment’s PPE's like hand gloves, nose mask, safety harness
with double lanyard, safety goggles, ear plug/
muff etc. to be used as per job requirement. All
PPE”s to be stored properly in a dry place.

D-(I) Portable fire extinguisher, fire bucket filled

Burn Injury, with water and sand, will be kept at work site to Emergency contact no. and fire fighting
D) Fire/ heat. 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
Property Damage prevent fire if any. Guard over hot parts to be team no. shall be displayed at site.

E- 1. IP standard electrical DB and plug/ plug top

to be used at site. Live parts to be kept inside lock
All Electrial Pannal shuld be lock and
Electrical shock and key arrangement. All secondary connections
Electrical Hazard 3 3 9 2 3 6 kay. Loto must be apply in 1 3
short circuit to be routed through RCD. All cables to be routed
all electrical work.
properly, so that it should not obstruct access or
movement area.

• Make sure that right equipment to be taken

for the job
Hit by objects
• Use only certified lifting equipment, marked Awareness training to be given to all
Personal injury 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
with its safe working load, which is not overdue workmen including supervisor.
for examination
• Use tag lines wherever requires.

2 Materials Handling.
• Make sure the load is properly attached to
the lifting equipment. If necessary, securely bind
the load to prevent it slipping or falling off;
Injury to person, Workmen shall be explained about the
Fall of Material 3 3 9 before lifting an unbalanced load, find out its 2 3 6 1 3
Material Damage do's & don’t's while executing te job.
centre of gravity.
• Keep men & materials away from the
suspended load.

683061748.xls Page 30 of 85
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

• Make sure you have chosen the right

equipment for the job.
• Use only certified lifting equipment, marked
Substandard Lifting Injury to Personal, with its safe working load, which is not overdue All damage lifting equipment and
3 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
Gears. Material Damage for examination. accessories will be removed from site.
• All lifting equipment and accessories should
be tested by third party competent person and
gone through punching and yellow colour coding.

Use of Lifting
Equipment and • Use packaging to prevent sharp edges of the
Accessories load from damaging slings and do not allow
tackle to be damaged by being dropped, dragged
from under loads or subjected to sudden loads.
When using multi-slings make sure the
• Never let a sling kink or shorten it with
sling angle is taken into account.
Improper way of Injury to Personal, knots, bolts or other makeshift devices.
3 3 9 2 3 6 • Have a responsible/ competent 1 3
slinging. Material Damage • When using multi-slings make sure the sling
person and use a recognised signalling
angle is taken into account.
• Have a responsible/ competent person and
use a recognised signalling system.
• All damage lifting equipment and
accessories will be removed from site

• All electrical installation should be done in

presence of licensed electrician.
• All electrical connection should be through
• All cables should be routed either
underground or overhead. Maintenance and repair and other
Electrical shock
Electrocution. 3 3 9 • No cable should obstruct the access and no 2 3 6 installation work shall be done by 1 3
short circuit
secondary joint to be allowed. authorised person.
• All electrical cables, RCCB, Fuse wire,
connection of cables, double earthling to the all
electrical equipment’s from two earthling pits,
3 Grinding work earth resistance to be inspected by electrician on
monthly basis and record to be maintained.

• All combustible materials to be removed

from hot work area.
Burn Injury, Fire extinguisher, sand buckets & water
Fire 3 3 9 • Fire extinguishers muat be available near 2 3 6 1 3
Material damage shall be kept near hot work area.
grinding work.

Workers must be made aware of the

Waste wheel All waste wheel shall be segregated and kept in
Land contamination 3 2 6 2 2 4 hazards via toolbox meeting before 1 2
generation designated waste storage yard.
starting work.

683061748.xls Page 31 of 85
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

• Adequate working platform to be ensured

while working at height.
• The platform should be fully decked with
double hand railing and toe board and to be
Ladder shall be visually inspected
erected and inspected by competent/ experienced
before use. Damage ladder shall be
scaffold person.
removed from site or discarded.
Workmen can fall • Access to be provided.
Personal injury 4 3 12 2 3 6 4:1 1 3
from height • Scaffolding can only be used only after
aspect ratio for ladder placement & 3-
inspection and tagging
point contacts shall be ensured.
• Safety harness with double lanyard and
energy absorber to be used while working at
• Trained and experienced workmen to be

• Two tier work to be strictly avoided.

• Bellow area to be barricaded.
• Loose materials like spanner, chisel, hammer
etc to be tied with rope to avoid fall from height.
• Housekeeping shall be maintained in regular
Tool box talk shall be given to all the
Portable tools can Injury to Personal, • No materials shall be dropped from height.
workmen deployed on job.
fall from Injury to other, 3 3 9 They should be lowered by a tag-line. An 2 3 6 1 3
All porteble hand
height. Material damage employee should be posted at ground level to
tools proper kept in bag.
clear and caution person from coming under the
4 Working at Height lowering material.
• Portable hand tools must be tightened with
additional rope and that must be anchored with
wrist or waist belt to avoid drooped to the lower
level due to encase of slipped from their hand.

683061748.xls Page 32 of 85
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

Scaffolding should be erected, modified and

dismantled, only by the competent safflowers.
 Scaffolding material should be in good
 Scaffolding must include base plate,
upright, ledgers and bracing.
 Base plate with adjustable jack to be placed
on sole plate.
 Square size wooden plank / channel will be
All the workmen on job shall be
Collapse of used as Sole plate which will be placed on hard
Injury to Personal 3 3 9 2 3 6 instructed to follow the lead person 1 3
Scaffolding platform surface.
instructions provided.
 All standards and ledgers to be plumbed
with the help of spirit level.
 All personnel should be use appropriate
 Working platform (gratings) which will be
used for erection purpose shall not be over
 Scaffolding structure shall be adequately
secured with rigid structure.
• Isolate work zone, erect barricading &
signage, Unauthorized persons must be restricted
from the Lifting area.
• Unwanted materials scraps must be stacked
separately from the working area.
• Ensure that the tools & tackles must be in
good working condition with authorized
certifications & should be inspected periodically.
• Slip, trips &
• Load is only to be released when adequately
fixed & supported.
• Improper lifting
• Avoid men/materials under suspended load
and between load and rigid structure.
• Improper
• Loose / unwanted materials must be Ensure that all safety devices must be in
Rigging Personal injury Material
5 Lifting Operation 2 3 6 removed from the load. 2 2 4 working condition & all crane related 1 3
• Injury from Damage
• Ensure that all safety devices must be in documents should be available at site.
releasing load too
working condition & all crane related documents
should be available at site.
• Fall of
• Skilled and competent lifting gang to be
• Adverse
• Crane and other lifting accessories to be
checked prior to use.
• ASLI and Limit switch to be in working
• No lifting will be allowed when the wind
speed is more than 14 m/s
• Lifting plan must be prepared before lifting
loads more than 5T/ length 3 meters/ CG not in
center/using more than one lifting equipment

683061748.xls Page 33 of 85
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

• Inspect site & clear of all

flammable/combustible materials from the
• Personnel or working area.
equipment exposed • Ensure fire watch for all hot works.
to sparks from • Keep fire extinguishers nearby. PTW, RAMS shall be briefed to all
Injury to Personal,
welding, grinding, • Ensure Flash Back Arrestors on both ends of workers.
Injury to other 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
cutting cutting set. Regular workforce monitoring shall be
Material damage
• burns from • Hoses should be in good working conditions done by the deployed supervisor on job.
contact with the & ensure tightening of jubilee clamps wherever
flame or hot metal; appropriate.
• All appropriate & usable PPE’s must be
worn while engaged in hot work.
6 Hot Work

• Remove nearby combustible materials (such

as flammable liquids, wood, paper, textiles,
packaging or plastics) 1. Emergency contact no. and fire
• Keep fire extinguishers nearby. fighting team no. shall be displayed at
Burn Injury, • All appropriate & usable PPE’s must be site.
Fire Hazard 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
Property Damage worn while engaged in hot work. 2. If required use of fire blanket.
• Reduce two tier works 3. Provide fire watcher and inspect work
• Prevent flame, heat, sparks or hot spatter area 30mins after hot work.
from landing on the hoses.
• Proper supervision ensured

• Provide fully guarded working platform,

inspected and green tagged before use.
• Provide proper access to the working
Working platform
• If required, Use 12mm wire rope for life line
Erection &Alignment purpose and ensure that it was clamped on both Experienced foreman shall be engaged.
7 Collapse of bucket Injury to Personal 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
of Bucket Elevator sides with three cross-by clamps. TBT Proviede to workman
• Ensure that all fasteners must be tightened
• Proper support must be provided before
releasing the crane.
• Barricade the surrounding area to avoid un-
authorized entry.


683061748.xls Page 34 of 85
Health and Safety Risk Assessment

A.1. Skilled and medically fit manpower to be

A.2. Safety Induction and Job specific training
provided to workmen before engage them on job.
Working in
A.3. Hazard analysis to be done with workmen Hazard analysis to be done with workmen
construction area. Lack Injury to personal,
3 3 9 followed by risk assessment and work permit. 2 3 6 followed by risk assessment and work 1 3
of awareness on safety Material damage
A.4.Competent supervisor to be deputed during the permit.
work, who shall be responsible to ensure safety rules
implementation at site.
A.5. Safety posters to be displayed at site to increase

B.1. High Risk Activities to be identified prior to start

of activity. Risk assessment to be done and reviewed
by experts before start of activity.
Injury due to lack of Injury to personal, B-2.All Control measures as per risk assessment to be
Permit To Work to be obtained for all
job planning. Material damage 3 3 9 in place before start of activity. 2 3 6 1 3
critical excavations.
Loss of Time B-3. Proper co-ordination between site management
and execution supervisor to be ensured.
B-4. Permit To Work to be obtained for all critical


C-(I) Approved quality of PPE’s to be used. Checked

properly before use. As per site rules no person will be
allowed to enter into work site without minimum
PPE’s like safety shoe, safety helmet, safety goggles
Use of Personal As per site rules no person will be allowed
Injury to personal 3 3 9 and fluorescent jacket. PPE's like hand gloves, nose 2 3 6 1 3
Protective Equipment’s to enter into work site.
mask, safety harness with double lanyard, safety
goggles, ear plug/ muff etc. to be used as per job
requirement. All PPE”s to be stored properly in a dry

D-(I) Portable fire extinguisher, fire bucket filled with

Burn Injury , Emergency contact no. and fire fighting
D) Fire/ heat. 3 3 9 water and sand, will be kept at work site to prevent fire 2 3 6 1 3
Property Damage team no. shall be displayed at site.
if any. Guard over hot parts to be provided.

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E- 1. IP standard electrical DB and plug/ plug top to be

used at site. Live parts to be kept inside lock and key All Electrial Pannal shuld be lock and kay.
Electrical shock
Electrical Hazard 3 3 9 arrangement. All secondary connections to be routed 2 3 6 Loto must be apply in all electrical 1 3
short circuit
through RCD. All cables to be routed properly, so that work.
it should not obstruct access or movement area.

• Make sure that right equipment to be taken for

the job
Hit by objects
• Use only certified lifting equipment, marked Awareness training to be given to all
Personal injury 2 3 6 2 3 6 1 3
with its safe working load, which is not overdue for workmen including supervisor.
• Use tag lines wherever requires.

2 Materials Handling.
• Make sure the load is properly attached to the
lifting equipment. If necessary, securely bind the load
Injury to person to prevent it slipping or falling off; before lifting an Workmen shall be explained about the do's
Fall of Material 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
Material Damage unbalanced load, find out its centre of gravity. & don’t's while executing te job.
• Keep men & materials away from the suspended

Access and egress No work will be done without work
3 Slippery path ways and Injury to Personal 2 3 6 The pathways to be inspected for any slippery surface. 1 3 3
1 3
of inadequate width

• Use packaging to prevent sharp edges of the load

from damaging slings and do not allow tackle to be
damaged by being dropped, dragged from under loads
or subjected to sudden loads. • When using multi-slings make sure the
• Never let a sling kink or shorten it with knots, sling angle is taken into account.
Use of Lifting •Substandard Lifting
Injury to Personal , bolts or other makeshift devices. • Have a responsible/ competent person
4 Equipment and Gears. •Improper way Material Damage
3 3 9
• When using multi-slings make sure the sling
2 3 6
and use a recognised signalling system.
1 3
Accessories of slinging.
angle is taken into account. • All damage lifting equipment and
• Have a responsible/ competent person and use a accessories will be removed from site.
recognised signalling system.
• All damage lifting equipment and accessories will
be removed from site

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• All electrical installation should be done in

presence of licensed electrician.
• All electrical connection should be through
• All cables should be routed either underground or
overhead. Maintenance and repair and other
Electrical shock
Electrocution. 4 3 12 • No cable should obstruct the access and no 2 3 6 installation work shall be done by authorised 1 3
short circuit
secondary joint to be allowed. person.
• All electrical cables, RCCB, Fuse wire,
connection of cables, double earthling to the all
electrical equipment’s from two earthling pits, earth
resistance to be inspected by electrician on monthly
basis and record to be maintained.

5 Grinding work • All combustible materials to be removed from hot

work area.
Burn Injury, Fire extinguisher, sand buckets & water
Fire 3 3 9 • Fire extinguishers muat be available near 2 3 6 1 3
Material damage shall be kept near hot work area.
grinding work.

• Don’t start the machine until the wheel guard is

in place.
• Do check machine speed against the established
RPM to be check the Grinding Machine and
Grinding Machine Cut injury 3 3 9 maximum safe operating speed marked on the wheel. 2 3 6 1 3
• Do visually inspect all wheels before mounting
for possible damage.
• All appropriate & usable PPE’s to be worn.

All waste wheel shall be segregated and kept in Workers must be made aware of the hazards
Waste wheel generation Land contamination 3 2 6 2 2 4 1 2
designated waste storage yard. via toolbox meeting before starting work.

• Adequate working platform to be ensured while

working at height.
• The platform should be fully decked with double Ladder shall be visually inspected before
hand railing and toe board and to be erected and use. Damage ladder shall be removed from
inspected by competent/ experienced scaffold person. site or discarded.
Workmen can fall from
Personal injury 3 4 12 • Access to be provided. 2 4 8 4:1 aspect ratio for ladder 1 4
• Scaffolding can only be used only after placement & 3-point contacts shall be
inspection and tagging ensured.
• Safety harness with double lanyard and energy
absorber to be used while working at height.
• Trained and experienced workmen to be engaged.

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• Two tier work to be strictly avoided.

• Bellow area to be barricaded.
• Loose materials like spanner, chisel, hammer etc
to be tied with rope to avoid fall from height.
• Housekeeping shall be maintained in regular
basis Tool box talk shall be given to all the
Portable tools can fall Injury to Personal,
• No materials shall be dropped from height. They workmen deployed on job.
from Injury to other, 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
Material damage should be lowered by a tag-line. An employee should All porteble hand tools
be posted at ground level to clear and caution person proper kept in bag.
from coming under the lowering material.
• Portable hand tools must be tightened with
6 Working at Height
additional rope and that must be anchored with wrist or
waist belt to avoid drooped to the lower level due to
encase of slipped from their hand.

Scaffolding should be erected, modified and

dismantled, only by the competent safflowers.
 Scaffolding material should be in good
 Scaffolding must include base plate, upright,
ledgers and bracing.
 Base plate with adjustable jack to be placed on
sole plate. All the workmen on job shall be instructed
Collapse of Scaffolding
Injury to Personal 3 3 9  Square size wooden plank / channel will be used 2 3 6 to follow the lead person instructions 1 3
as Sole plate which will be placed on hard surface. provided.
 All standards and ledgers to be plumbed with the
help of spirit level.
 All personnel should be use appropriate PPE.
 Working platform (gratings) which will be used
for erection purpose shall not be over loaded.
 Scaffolding structure shall be adequately secured
with rigid structure.

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• Isolate work zone, erect barricading & signage,

Unauthorized persons must be restricted from the
Lifting area.
• Unwanted materials scraps must be stacked
separately from the working area.
• Ensure that the tools & tackles must be in good
working condition with authorized certifications &
should be inspected periodically.

• Slip, trips & falls • Load is only to be released when adequately

• Improper lifting fixed & supported.
gears. • Avoid men/materials under suspended load and Ensure that all safety devices must be in
7 Lifting Operation • Improper Rigging Personal injury Material Damage 3 3 9 between load and rigid structure. 2 3 6 working condition & all crane related 1 3
• Injury from • Loose / unwanted materials must be removed documents should be available at site.
releasing load too soon. from the load.•
• Fall of materials. • Skilled and competent lifting gang to be engaged.
• Adverse weather • Crane and other lifting accessories to be checked
prior to use.
• ASLI and Limit switch to be in working
• No lifting will be allowed when the wind speed is
more than 14 m/s
• Lifting plan must be prepared before lifting
loads more than 5T/ length 3 meters/ CG not in
center/using more than one lifting equipment

• Inspect site & clear of all flammable/combustible

materials from the working area.
•Personnel or • Ensure fire watch for all hot works.
equipment exposed to • Keep fire extinguishers nearby.
sparks from welding, Injury to Personal,, • Ensure Flash Back Arrestors on both ends of PTW, RAMS shall be briefed to all workers.
grinding, cutting Injury to other, 3 3 9 cutting set. 2 3 6 Regular workforce monitoring shall be done 1 3
• burns from Material damage • Hoses should be in good working conditions & by the deployed supervisor on job.
contact with the flame ensure tightening of jubilee clamps wherever
or hot metal; appropriate.
• All appropriate & usable PPE’s must be worn
while engaged in hot work.

8 Hot Work

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8 Hot Work

• Remove nearby combustible materials (such as

flammable liquids, wood, paper, textiles, packaging or
1. Emergency contact no. and fire fighting
• Keep fire extinguishers nearby.
team no. shall be displayed at site.
Burn Injury, • All appropriate & usable PPE’s must be worn
Fire Hazard 3 3 9 2 3 6 2. If required use of fire blanket. 1 3
Property Damage while engaged in hot work.
3. Provide fire watcher and inspect work
• Reduce two tier works
area 30mins after hot work.
• Prevent flame, heat, sparks or hot spatter from
landing on the hoses.
• Proper supervision ensured

Workmen shall be briefed about PTW,
RAMS in tool box talk.
Area shall be barricaded and displays shall
Paint drum shall never be kept on bare floor.
be installed.
Always the use of high density plastic and tarpaulines
shall be ensured beneath the paint drum to control oil
Fire extinguishers near and around the
Paint drum manual spillage/leakage.
1 handling.
Manual hazard. Hand/foot injury. 3 2 6
Nitrile coated cut resistant handgloves shall be
2 2 4 working area shall be kept available to avoid 1 2
major fire accidents.
provided to all the workmen deployed on job. Safety
Contact for
shoes, goggles etc. shall be provided to all the
fire brigade shall be displayed near the
workmen deployed on job.
working area to tackle hard situations.
Regular monitoring of the workmen shall be
done by the supervisor deployed on job.

wear protective gloves,eye and face

use fire fighting measures that suit the
protection.as with any fire,wear self
enironment.ignition will give rise to a class b fire.in
contained brething apparatus pressure
case of fire suitable extinguishing agents are:water
burn injury to person 3 2 6 2 2 4 demand and full protective gear.if protective 1 2
spray, alcohal resistant foam for large scale
equipment is not available or not used,fight
fires,forsmall fires,dry chemicals or fire extinguishing
fire from a protected location or safe
powder,and carbon dioxide(co2)
Fire hazard.
store in accordance with
Storage(Secondary internationalregulations.Caution.Highly
2 All paint drums should be kept in secondary
contaiment) flammable liquid or vapour,keep away from
Damage material,personnel injury 3 2 6 containment.use fire fighting measures that suit the 2 2 4 1 2
heat,sparks,open flame and other ignition
sources during storage.store away from
food and beverages.store away from
incompatible materials.

 Hot work should not be allowed where painting

Fire extinguisher should be kept near
work is going on and near storage area.
painting area and paint drum storage area
Explosion burn injury to person 3 2 6  Paint container should be kept a cold place and 2 2 4 1 2
and fire watcher should be available for fire
avoid sunlight, flam, heat .
fighting in-case of emergency.

Personnel deployed on job should be provided by fit Workmen shall be briefed about PTW, RAMS in
Dust flow out of Respiratory/breathing problem to tool box talk. Monitoring of the work area should
3 2 6 for use type nose mask, goggles. 2 2 4 1 2
Structure the personnel deployed on job. be done by the deployed supervisor on job.

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Poor illumin\tion or no Fall of personnel. Personnel injury Workmen shall be briefed about PTW,
3 3 9 Proper and adequate lighting shall be provided to carry 2 3 6 1 3
lighting. standing near by. RAMS in tool box talk.
out the job.
3 Cleaning of Structure

Since the entry/exit walkway is single in the tank, Workmen shall be briefed about PTW,
personnel deployed on job shall be instructed to take RAMS in tool box talk.
Slip, trip & fall Fall hazard, resulting in personnel
3 3 9 utmost care while using the ladder. Ladder in 2 3 6 Only competent person shall be deployed on 1 3
hazards. injury
use for entry/exit shall be kept free of oil, grease and job. Regular workforce monitoring shall be
other slippery items. done by the deployed supervisor on job.

 Good quality scaffolding material to be used.

 Experienced and trained scaffolders to be
Workers must be made aware of the hazards
engaged. Authorization and competency to be assessed.
via toolboxx meetiing before starting
 Standard spanners to be used and will be tied to
work,Area below must be barricaded while
prevent fall during working at height.
Collapse of scaffolding Fall of person 3 3 9 2 3 6 working at height. Strict supervision must be 1 3
 Base plate, jack and level checking to be ensured
ensured while doing work. POWRA must be
during erection.
done before starting work & with change of
 Plumb of Scaffolding to be ensured.
workplace & activity.
 Landing platform to be ensured at each 2 meter
height with access ladder.

4 Working at Height
 Paint bucket should be secured properly to avoid
Injury to Personal, Only competent person shall be deployed on
Paint bucket may fall fall.
Injury to other, 3 3 9 2 3 6 job. Regular workforce monitoring shall be 1 3
from height.  Only minimum quantity of paint to be shifted at
Material damage done by the deployed supervisor on job.

 Usable portable hand tools should be kept in tool

box or bag to avoid fall.
Tool box talk shall be given to all the
Injury to Personal,  All portal hand tools must be tight with additional
Hand tools may fall workmen deployed on job.
Injury to other 3 3 9 rope. 2 3 6 1 3
from height All porteble hand tools
Material damage  While work is going on at height, the below
proper kept in bag.
working area must be barricaded to avoid unauthorised

 Rubber hand gloves should be used by

 Clean the hand with detergent prior eating/
Experts consultation shall be carried out in
drinking all engaged workmen’s.
Stomach burns, mouth & throat case of ingestion/inhalation.
Indigestion 3 3 9  During painting workmen’s should not be eat / 2 3 6 1 3
burns. Regular monitoring shall be done by the
chewing any food.
supervisor deployed on job.
 In case of accidental indigestion, sufficient
drinking water will be provide to the victim and also
provide necessary medical help.

5 Painting Work

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 Workmen will be instructed not to inhale the

Stomach burns, mouth & throat  Use inorganic vapors proof type nose mask. MSDS shall be made available in prior to
Inhalation 3 3 9 2 3 6 1 3
5 Painting Work burns. In case of accidental inhalation remove the victim in start the use of chemicals.
fresh air. If breathing is not restored then follow CPR
or artificial breathing.

 Splash proof type eye glass will be provided and

used by workmen. Personnel deployed on job shall be
 Tool box talk will be given to the workmen to instructed to inform the deployed supervisor
share the salient features of MSDS of the paint and in case of any emergency.
Spillage at Eye/Eye
Eye damage or redness. 3 3 9 thinner. 2 3 6 Regular monitoring shall be done by the 1 3
 In case of contact with skin, contaminated cloth supervisor deployed on job. In case of
will be removed and wash with soap and water. contact with eye the affected person must be
 In case contact with eye flush eye with plenty of taken to eye wash station for washing eyes.
fresh water and provide medical help.

 Motor area to be barricaded to avoid

unauthorized entry.
 All the tripping devise should be checked and
installed properly.
Fire and explosion
Property damage.  All the cable installed and connected as per Fire extinguisher, sand buckets & water
6 Fire hazards.
Burn Injury and Eye Injury.
3 3 9
2 3 6
shall be kept near hot work area.
1 3
 Firefighting arrangements to be available.
 Emergency and first-aid arrangements should be
available in panel room.
 Required PPE’S to be used.

 Adequate working platform to be ensured while

working at height.
 The platform should be fully decked with double Tool box talk shall be given to all the
Fall of man / Materials Injury to Personal, hand railing and toe board to be erected and inspected workmen deployed on job.
7 Working at Height
from height.
Injury to other , 3 3 9
by competent/ experienced scaffold person.
2 3 6
All porteble hand tools
1 3
Material damage
 Safe access to be provided. proper kept in bag.
 Full body Safety harness with double lanyard and
energy absorber to be used while working at height.

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S): Importance of harm, damage or impact caused by the event.


None or very limited consequences on people (e.g. first aid injury) or property
(e.g. scratch on equipment painting)

Injury requiring medical treatment without lost work days or property damage /
business interruption below 50 k€ of cost involved

Lost Time Injuries, with full recovery, or property damage/business

interruption below 200 k€ of cost involved

Severe Accident as per Alstom e-book definition

Several Severe Accidents

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Residual risk


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k, Filtrate Water Tank, Wastewater Tank, Neutralization Tank, Cake Wash Tank, Belt cloth wash tank, Lime storage
fer Tank, quench water tank, Mill circuit tank.

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bottom plate
shell erection
Mist elminator
roof cane assem
painting o/s
Vaccum testing

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