The information was provided by the Philippines’ Department of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR), the primary government agency responsible for the conservation,
management, development, and proper use of the country’s environment and natural
resources, specifically forest and grazing lands, mineral resources, including those in
reservation and watershed areas, and lands of the public domain, as well as the
licensing and regulation of all natural resources as may be provided for by law in order to
ensure equitable sharing of the benefits derived therefrom for the welfare of the present
and future generations of Filipinos.
Guided by the provided questionnaire, the DENR’s responses include information on the
adverse effects of climate change, the mechanisms set in place to measure and monitor
its impact, and the specific policies, initiatives and programs it complies with to mitigate
these effects. Also provided are detailed initiatives on international and multilateral
cooperation as well as shared best practices and supplementary information that may be
useful to support climate change action as it relates to the human rights of people in
vulnerable situations.
1. Please describe the impacts of the adverse effects of climate change on the
full and effective enjoyment of the human rights of people in vulnerable
situations. Where possible, please share specific examples and stories.
Ranking 3rd among the most vulnerable countries to the effects of climate
change, the observed changes in the Philippines include increased frequency of
extreme typhoons and flooding causing thousands of casualties and millions of
lives disrupted. This, in turn, threatens food security and drives the emergence of
food-, water- and vector-borne diseases. Research predicts that rising global
temperatures will continue to alter the timing, distribution, and severity of future
Below are some specific scenarios on the effects of climate change on the
enjoyment of the human rights of Filipinos in vulnerable situations:
Philippines’ Contribution to the UNSG Thematic Report on Human Rights and Climate Change
- Aside from human trafficking, due to the lack of opportunities and loss of
livelihood, children share the burden of providing for their families. Jericho, a
16-year old boy from Basey, Eastern Samar was hired to do the heavy lifting
as they clear coconut trees from a privately-owned land and sell them only to
earn 100 to 200 pesos a day.
- Aside from them, the farmers in the country are among those who bore the
brunt of climate change the most. The climate crisis worsened their plight and
pushed them further into poverty. Felix, a farmer, highlighted in his statement
how ironic it is that the farmers who have been tirelessly creating the food we
eat are also the ones who do not have food to eat and land to till at the end of
the day.
It was also observed by the residents that since it has become warmer in
their communities, the number of fish being caught in the municipal waters
has been declining. Farming, copra making, and backyard vegetable
gardening have also been difficult, and recently, often unproductive. Some of
their crops, coconuts, and other vegetables had low yields and were of
almost unmarketable quality.
- In Verde Island Passage, it is projected that climate change will cause rising
sea levels, higher ocean temperatures, and more acidic waters. This will
result in the alteration of the frequency, intensity, and distribution of storms,
floods, heatwaves, and the amount and distribution of rainfall, making its
unique biodiversity at risk.
2. Please describe any specific policy, legislation, practice or strategy that your
Government has undertaken, in compliance with applicable international
human rights law, to promote an approach to climate change mitigation and
Philippines’ Contribution to the UNSG Thematic Report on Human Rights and Climate Change
adaptation, as well as loss and damage that ensures the full and effective
enjoyment of the human rights of people in vulnerable situations. Please also
note and identify any relevant mechanisms for ensuring accountability for
these commitments including their means of implementation.
Executive Order No 120 (EO No 120) - Creation of the Task force Build,
Back Better
- Signed on 18 November 2020 by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, EO No.
120, creating the Build Back Better Task Force, ensures the post-disaster
rehabilitation and recovery efforts of typhoon-hit areas in the country.
- The "Build Back Better Task Force" is a high-level institutional platform and a
more permanent body that will streamline and expedite post-disaster efforts
in a sustained and integrated manner, with a clear unity of command
- The efforts of the Task Force are focused on 6 Key Result Areas, namely:
Better and Resilient Infrastructures
Stronger Shelter and Resilient Settlement
Improved Systems and Essential Services
Restored Sustainable Livelihood
Strengthened Governance thru Broad-based Citizen Input
Intensified Watershed Management
- Recognizing the threats of the illegal wildlife trade (IWT) to the country's
biodiversity and economy, the Philippine government passed legislation,
created inter-agency groups to combat the trade in illegal wildlife and wildlife
parts, and is building capacity across the law enforcement chain.
- The 10-year national Wildlife Law Enforcement Action Plan (WildLEAP) 2018-
2028, which is aligned with the Philippine Biodiversity Strategy and Action
Plan, serves as the national road map to address wildlife crimes and a guide
to prioritizing enforcement activities, allocating funds and resources, and
evaluating impacts of enforcement.
- Below are the proposed to policies and measures under the Industrial
Processes and Product Use (IPPU) sector, solid waste sub-sector and
Philippines’ Contribution to the UNSG Thematic Report on Human Rights and Climate Change
Compliance to Expansion of
Waste water Mandamus on Manila sewerage and
sub-sector Bay rehabilitation septage treatment
Philippines’ Contribution to the UNSG Thematic Report on Human Rights and Climate Change
3. Please share a summary of any relevant data that captures how the adverse
effects of climate change have affected people in vulnerable situations, taking
into account multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination (i.e.
discrimination based on a combination of multiple grounds, including
disability, gender, race, colour, sex, language, religion, nationality and
migration status).
In terms of water security and resiliency, a study conducted by Deltares shows that
water resources is another area where there has been underinvestment. This is
despite the gap faced now for water, and the expected gaps that will be faced under
climate change.
Analysis of the water gap across the 18 major river basins by Deltares showed that
under the baseline scenario, the Philippines is currently already sufferinq from a
water gap of 32%, implying that a substantial part of water demand cannot be met
at the national level.
Compared to the base case, under low climate scenario, both water demand growth
and climate change are in the extreme low bounds of plausible outcomes, resulting
in a lower water gap (24%) in 2050.
4. Please describe any mechanisms and tools that are in place to measure and
monitor the impacts of climate change on the full and effective enjoyment of
the human rights of people in vulnerable situations.
Philippines’ Contribution to the UNSG Thematic Report on Human Rights and Climate Change
- The PCRD tool will be used to support planning and decision making mainly
at the provincial level, with the ability to support LGU-Ievel planning and
decision making, cross-province planning, and climate risk and resilience
tracking at the national level.
- The PCRD project will likewise involve the application of the tool in four
selected Provinces, namely Southern Leyte, Bukidnon, Sultan Kudarat, and
Zamboanga Del Norte. The provinces under this initiative will be provided
technical assistance in applying the PCRD in developing their respective
Provincial Investment Portfolio for Risk Resilience (IPRR).
5. Please identify and share examples of good practices and challenges in the
promotion, protection, and fulfilment of the human rights of people in
vulnerable situations in the context of the adverse effects of climate change.
- For 2022, the CCAM-DRR, through the DENR, recently submitted to the
Department of Budget and Management for 2021 budget appropriation
through the CCAM-DRR Cabinet Cluster a total of 126 PAPs with budgetary
requirements of Php 521,599,304,451 ,000.00
Philippines’ Contribution to the UNSG Thematic Report on Human Rights and Climate Change
- For 2022, the RRP will focus on ensuring water security and resiliency
considering the gap being faced now by the country on water.
- The challenges in RRP include Ihe limited funding for the proposals of the
priority climate-vulnerable provinces as well as the limited technical capacity
of the technical staff at the local government level to develop their technically
sound and bankable proposals. This is crucial considering that the
implementation of Mandanas Ruling will already start next year, 2022.
6. Please include examples and good practices that highlight international and
multilateral cooperation and approaches that are implemented through close
consultation with and active involvement of people in vulnerable situations.
Some of these also form part of the PPAs being enrolled by the DENR under the
Cabinet Cluster's Risk Resiliency Program, which are being implemented in the
identified priority climate-vulnerable areas in the country. These PPAs include but
are not limited to the Enhanced National Greening Program and Responsible ENR
Research and Development.
Philippines’ Contribution to the UNSG Thematic Report on Human Rights and Climate Change
Philippines’ Contribution to the UNSG Thematic Report on Human Rights and Climate Change
In the pursuit of addressing the climate crisis as we promote the full and effective
enjoyment of the human rights of people in vulnerable situations, the DENR joins
the Commission on Human Rights in advocating for the improved enforcement of
environmental laws owards the protection of human rights of all Filipinos.
DENR Secretary Roy Cimatu said in a statement that the effective enforcement of
environmental laws is evident with the impact on curbing environmental degradation
in Boracay and, now, in Manila Bay. Aside from this, the DENR also pushes for the
effective implementation of environmental laws on anti-illegal logging, illegal mining,
poaching, and illegal trade of wildlife, as well as environmental pollution.
According to the United Nations, "Climate change threatens the effective enjoyment
of a range of human rights including those to life, water and sanitation, food, health,
housing, self-determination, culture and development. States have a human rights
obligation to prevent the foreseeable adverse effects of climate change and ensure
that those affected by it, particularly those in vulnerable situations, have access to
effective remedies and means of adaptation to enjoy lives of human dignity.”
It is therefore imperative that as we deal with these multiple crises, we must rethink,
re-evaluate our directions, our choices for the economy, for the environment, for
humanity. We need to see clear signs that the pandemic and our societal response
to it will lead to significant and permanent changes in the path of future global
The Government of the Philippines hopes that the above inputs contribute to a deeper
appreciation of the topic to be addressed in upcoming UN Secretary General thematic
report on climate change. END.
Philippines’ Contribution to the UNSG Thematic Report on Human Rights and Climate Change
Item 1
PHL at the forefront of seeking climate justice with CHR's landmark inquiry on the
effects of climate change to human rights. (2018, March 29).
Three Young Faces of Tragedy IABS-GSN News. (2013) .
Calma, J., & Commentary. (2017, May 2). Climate change has created a new
generation of sex-trafficking victims in the Philippines. Quartz; Quartz.
PETITION To the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines Requesting for
Investigation of the Responsibility of the Carbon Majors for Human Rights Violations or
Threats of Violations Resulting from the Impacts of Climate Change. (n.d.). Retrieved
November 22. 2021. From
Item 4
Nieves, R. V. (2016, June). MGB's Geohazard Maps now viewable and downloadable
Manual on Vulnerability Assessment of Watersheds - Ecosystems Research and
Development Bureau - DENR. (2017, January 29). Ecosystems Research and
Development Bureau DENR.
Emissions Inventory 2018 I Air Quality Management Section. (2018).
Item 6
Consolidated and modified from the UNEP Division for Environmental Law and
Conventions, 2016. of Multilateral Environmental Agreements in Achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals and the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022
Item 7 (2021, June). CHR expects “stronger commitment” from DENR to
enforce environmental laws.
Miguel, M. (2019). DENR launches lecture series on environment with ex-Chief Justice
OHCHR I OHCHRs work on human rights and climate change. (2019).