Expression of Interest - Kosovo

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Team: Salif OUEDRAGO, Anhelina DOMBROVSKA, Linda-Nour GOUCHAM, & Barkha AWAN

Expression of Interest
Increase of Enterprise Competitiveness and Export promotion
Country: Kosovo
Name of legal entity: SOFRECO

➢ Description of project
Contracting Authority: European Union, represented by the European Commission on behalf of and for the
account of the beneficiary country, Pristina, Kosovo
Nature of contract: Fee-based
Contract description: To support the continuous development of Kosovo companies through improving their
performance and overall competitiveness and to increase exports of products and services generated in
Kosovo, as a means of reducing the trade deficit.
The expected outcomes of the project:
• Better competitiveness by means of higher share of goods and services produced in Kosovo traded;
• Higher number of start-ups succeeding;
• Increasing the number of companies that grow fast;
• Improve the business environment to encourage exports;
• Increasing the number of exporting companies, products, volume and enhanced quality of value-
added products made in Kosovo;
• Increase brand recognition of Kosovo originated companies.
The maximum budget: 2,000,000.00 EUR.
Initial period of implementation of tasks: November / December 2013

➢ Consortium
SOFRECO is a leading company in consultancy and technical assistance for sustainable economic and
social development. It is in a Consortium with GFA Consulting Group GmbH (DE) and Go Exporting. GFA
Consulting Group is one of the leading European consulting firms active in the development cooperation
sector. Go Exporting is a specialist consulting company that concentrates solely on the export business.

Fields of Organization Project reference

Experience in design Go Exporting Stimulation of export
and implementation One of its expertise is to provide firms with growth by the Jordan
of comprehensive support and guidance to be fully prepared and Chamber of Industry
Training Programme deploy the winning strategy for a successful Jordan
to Enterprises export journey. As specialists in international 2019
including monitoring trade, Go Exporting offers training in the
and evaluation evaluation of export readiness, and market
potential assessment. They also provide
workshops of webinars, keynote speeches, and of
special events in all aspects of the export
Experience in GFA Consulting Group GmbH (DE) Support to
market/sector/value It provides services in strategic business areas Industrialisation and
-chain/enterprise which result from adapting to market Productive Sectors
research developments. The GFA expert team facilitates (SIPS) project for the
dialogue between the public and private sector at Southern African
the regional level to identify and address
bottlenecks in the policy and regulatory Development
environment for the value chains. GFA develops Community (SADC)
guidelines to improve the integration of local Multi-country
SMEs in the regional value chains.
EU, 2021 – 2025
Contract value:
2,047,212.68 EUR
Experience in SOFRECO Capacity building for
designing the export It provides consultant services in the field of trade policies and
promotion policy private sector development and enterprises. It analysis
supports programmes for the modernisation of Bosnia and
economic sectors with a view to re-establishing Herzegovina,
their competitiveness and/or exportation 2015 – 2017
capacity. Moreover, it supports SME/SMIs in
terms of upgrading them in the face of

GFA Consulting Group GmbH (DE) Technical Assistance

for trade
By working in the field of private sector
development, GFA experts strive to support Colombia
countries’ export expansion and diversification EU, 2009 - 2013
strategies and to assist them in strengthening Contract value:
national and regional trade-related institutions. 2,669,710 EUR

➢ References of projects matching the technical criteria

Bosnia and Herzegovina - Capacity building for trade policies and analysis : Promote and further
strengthen Bosnia and Herzegovina's trade policy and its integration into the world economy in general and
the EU economy in particular, through the expansion of trade, and in particular an increase in exports.

• GFA Consulting Group GmbH (DE)

Multi-Country - Support to industrialisation and productive sectors SIPS : Promotion of agro-industrial and
pharmaceutical value chains within the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, starting
in March 2021. The project spans four years and aims to contribute to the improvement of policy, regulatory
and trade frameworks at national levels enabling the sustainable development of leather, antiretrovirals
(ARV) and associated value chain actors and products in the region.

Colombia - Technical Assistance for Trade (2009-2013) : Promote commercial exports while strengthening
Colombian foreign trade. The project helped overcome non-tariff barriers to trade in coordination with the
Ministry of Commerce, and improved mechanisms to overcome barriers to free competition for Colombian
exports and companies working in the country through advice on sanitary and phytosanitary measures in
particular and by strengthening institutional capacities in trade.

• Go Exporting
Go Exporting was commissioned to carry out an Audit on a database of 25 Jordanian manufacturing
companies for the Jordanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the ILO. One Audit per company has
been carried out. The goal is to regulate the unemployment rate in the country. A theoretical workshop over
two days, entitled "Export audit process". Training was provided to the participants so that they could
develop the necessary knowledge to improve their abilities to perform export audit services for industrial

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