CCMT - Us6214998

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,214,998 B1

Decker (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 10, 2001

(54) PROCESS FOR PREPARING 2-CHLORO-5- 5,034,404 7/1991. Uneme et al. ....................... 514/365
CHLOROMETHYLTHAZOLE 5,180,833 * 1/1993 Uneme ................ ... 548/202
5,204,360 4/1993 Shiokawa et al. ................... 514/342
(75) Inventor: Matthias Decker, Köln (DE) 5,298,507 3/1994 Shiokawa et al. ................... 514/256
5,489,603 2/1996 Uneme et al. ....................... 514/365
5,633.375 5/1997 Uneme et al. ....................... 544/336
(73) ASSignee: Er Aktiengesellschaft, Leverkusen 5,679,796 10/1997 Kraatz. .................................. 548/202
(DE) 5,705,652 1/1998 Jackson et al. ...................... 548/202
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
2Y- - -2
19653 586 6/1968 (DE).
(21) Appl. No.: 09/507,341 97/10226 3/1997 (WO).
1-1. 97/23469 7/1997 (WO).
(22) Filed: Feb. 18, 2000 98/32747 7/1998 (WO).
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data 98/45279 10/1998 (WO).
Feb. 26, 1999 (DE) .............................................. 199 O8.447 * cited by examiner
(51) Int. Cl." ................................................... Co7D548,202
(52) U.S. Cl
277.22 Primary Examiner-Robert Gersil
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Joseph C. Gil
(58) Field of Search ............................................... 548/202 (57) ABSTRACT
(56) References Cited The invention relates to a novel process for preparing
2-chloro-5-chloromethylthiazole by reacting
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2-halogenoallyl isothiocyanates with a chlorinating agent.
4,748,243 5/1988 Beck et al. ........................... 548/202
5,001,138 3/1991 Shiokawa et al. ................... 514/342 3 Claims, No Drawings
US 6,214,998 B1
The invention relates to a novel proceSS for preparing
2-chloro-5-chloromethylthiazole. 5
is obtained in good yields and with high purity when
Background of the Invention 2-halogeno-allyl isothiocyanate of the formula (II)
It is known that 2-chloro-5-chloromethylthiazole is
obtained when allyl isothiocyanate (allyl mustard oil) of the (II)
formula (A) is reacted with a chlorinating agent according to
the following reaction Scheme:
--- N4 S
CHRCH -CH2 NCS + 2Cl2 - -
in which

Hal represents chlorine or bromine
is reacted with a chlorinating agent in the presence of a
dipolar aprotic diluent at low temperatures.
Surprisingly, the process according to the invention
(cf. EP-AO 260 560). affords 2-chloro-5-chloromethylthiazole of the formula (1)
Furthermore, it is known that 2-chloro-5- in very good yields and in Such high purity that the resulting
chloromethylthiazole can be obtained by reacting allyl crude Solution can be employed directly for Subsequent
isothiocyanates of the formula (B) with a chlorinating agent 25 reactions (preparation of insecticides, see EP-A 0 192060).
according to the following reaction Scheme: Surprisingly, the process can be carried out Successfully at
low temperatures, even though the prior art (EP-A 0 446
913) describes, for a similar process at low temperatures, the
termination of the reaction at an intermediate Stage.
X Using the process according to the invention therefore
reduces the costs of controlling the reaction, Since the
reaction can be carried out in one Step and at low tempera
tures. Moreover, costly purification of the product can be
dispensed with, Since it is obtained in very high purity and
35 can be employed directly for Subsequent reactions.
X=leaving group (cf EP-A 0446913). Using, for example, 2-chloroallyl isothiocyanate as Start
However, these processes have the disadvantage that a ing material and elemental chlorine as chlorinating agent,
Substantial excess of chlorinating agent is used, that the the course of the reaction of the process according to the
processes have to be carried out in highly diluted form and invention can be illustrated by the following formula
that a high reaction temperature is required. 40 Scheme:
In addition, the Stable intermediate that is formed during
the course of the reaction has to be converted exothermally Cl
in an additional reaction Step into the desired end product. In N
particular when the process is carried out on an industrial --- Sc=s + Cl2 - -
Scale, this involves additional cost for controlling the reac 45
Furthermore, EP O 763 531, EP 0 794 180 and WO
98/45279 describe the chlorination of 3-chloroallyl isothio S CHCI
These processes have the disadvantage that byproducts 50
are formed which necessitate expensive purification by The formula (II) provides a general definition of the
distillation or recrystallization. 2-halogenoallyl isothiocyanates to be used as Starting mate
In principle, other processes for preparing 2-chloro-5- rials in the process according to the invention. In the formula
chloromethylthiazole have been described in WO97/10226, (II), Hal preferably represents chlorine or bromine.
EP 0 775 700, EP 0 780 384, WO 97/23469, WO 98/32747 55 The 2-halogenoallyl isothiocyanates are generally known
and DE 19653 586. or can be prepared by known methods (see EP-A0446913).
These processes have the disadvantages that, on the one Suitable chlorinating agents are elemental chlorine and
hand, they use, as Starting materials, compounds which are compounds which give off chlorine under the reaction
difficult to obtain and that, on the other hand, they give poor conditions, Such as, for example, Sulphuryl chloride or
yields and in Some cases involve complicated purification 60 phosgene. The Starting material is reacted with from 0.8 to
processes or reactions with low conversion. 2 equivalents, preferably from 1.0 to 1.5 equivalents, par
ticularly preferably from 1.15 to 1.40 equivalents, of the
INVENTION The process according to the invention is carried out in the
65 presence of a dipolar aprotic Solvent, preferably acetonitrile,
It has now been found that 2 chloro-5- dimethylformamide, dimethyl Sulphoxide, in particular
chloromethylthiazole of the formula (1) acetonitrile.
US 6,214,998 B1
3 4
A ratio of from 1 to 20 parts, preferably from 2 to 4 parts, The crystals are admixed with 2 kg of water having a
of Solvent per part of Starting material is employed here. temperature of 40 C., resulting in the formation of two
When carrying out the proceSS according to the invention, liquid phases. The phases are separated and the organic
the reaction temperatures can be varied within a relatively phase is washed with 400 g of water at from 30 to 35 C.
wide range. In general, the process is carried out at tem and dried under reduced pressure at 30° C.
peratures between -70° C. and 25 C., preferably at tem This gives 507 g (2.84 mol) of 2-chloro-5-
peratures between -10° C. and 20° C., in particular at from chloromethylthiazole as a melt having a content of 94%
10° to 15° C.
The reaction can also be carried out under reduced or (GC, internal standard); this corresponds to a yield of 71%
elevated pressure, but it is preferably carried out under of theory.
atmospheric preSSure. EXAMPLE 2
Additional Stirring at 20 C. and degassing of the reaction
Solution already gives a Solution of 2-chloro5 560 g (4.0 mol) of 2-chloroallyl isothiocyanate are reacted
chloromethylthiazole which contains only a few other as in Example 1. After the reaction, the mixture is Stirred at
remaining components (after the Solvent fraction has been 15
from 20 to 25 C. for two hours. The mixture is subse
Stripped off, the product is present in a purity of from 92 to quently degassed under reduced pressure at from 30 to 35
94%). C
It is therefore possible to employ this solution directly for This gives 1838 g of a 34% strength (GC, internal
the Subsequent reactions in the Synthesis in question of standard) solution of 2-chloro-5-chloromethylthiazole in
active compound. acetonitrile; this corresponds to a yield of 93% of theory.
Due to the high purity of the 2-chloro-5- After the solvent faction has been stripped off, the product
chloromethylthiazole in the reaction mixture, isolation is has a purity of 96%.
likewise easy.
After cooling the reaction mixture to from -10°C. to -50 EXAMPLE 3
C., preferably to from -15° C. to -20° C., 2-chloro-5- 25 560 g (4.0 mol) of 2-chloroallyl isothiocyanate are reacted
chloromethylthiazole hydrochloride crystallizes out and can
be filtered off. The crystals are washed with cold solvent as in Example 1. After the mixture has been Stirred at from
and, by addition of water at from 20° C. to 50 C., preferably 20 to 25 C. for two hours, most of the acetonitrile, about
at from 30° C. to 40 C., 2-chloro-5-chloromethylthiazole is 750 g, are distilled off under reduced pressure at from 30 to
35° C.
liberated and can Separated off as lower liquid phase.
Washing with more water and drying of the organic phase At from 30 to 35° C., the residue is admixed with 41 of
gives 2-chloro-5-chloromethylthiazole in a good yield and water, the phases are separated and the organic phase is
high purity (94% pure product in a yield of 71%). washed with 400 g of water and dried under reduced
An alternative work-up possibility comprises degassing pressure at 30° C.
the reaction mixture under gentle conditions (30 to 40°C., 35 This gives 635 g of 2chloro-5-chloromethylthiazole in a
20 to 200 mbar), distilling off the solvent and washing the purity of 92% (GC, internal Standard), corresponding to a
distillation residue with water to remove the solvents and yield of 87% of theory.
residual acid. What is claimed is:
If, instead of a chlorinating agent, an appropriate bromi 1. A proce SS for preparing a 2-chloro-5-
nating agent is employed in the process according to the 40 chloromethylthiazole of the formula (I)
invention, 2-bromo5-bromomethylthiazole of the formula
(III) (I)

45 S CHCl,

comprising the Step of reacting a 2-halogenoallyl isothiocy

anate of the formula (II)
is obtained. 50
2-bromo-5-bromomethylthiazole of the formula (E) is (II)
known (cf EP-A 0376 279). Hal
The 2-chloro-5-chloromethylthiazole of the formula (I) to
be prepared by the process according to the invention can be
employed as intermediate for preparing biologically active
compounds, for example insecticides (cf., for example EP-A
---> S,

0 192 060). wherein

PREPARATION EXAMPLES Hal represents bromine or chlorine with a chlorinating
agent in the presence of a dipolar aprotic Solvent.
EXAMPLE 1. 60 2. The process of claim 1, wherein Said chlorinating agent
580 g (4.0 mol) of 2-chloroallyl isothiocyanate are dis is Selected from the group consisting of chlorine, Sulphuryl
solved in 860 g of acetonitrile. At from 10° to 15° C., 390 chloride and phosgene.
g (5.5 mol) of chlorine are introduced, and the mixture is 3. The process of claim 1, wherein Said dipolar aprotic
stirred at from 20 to 25 C. for 2 hours. The mixture is Solvent is Selected from the group consisting of acetonitrile,
cooled to -10° C. and stirred at this temperature for one 65 dimethylformamide and dimethyl sulfoxide.
hour. The resulting crystals are washed with cold acetoni
trile. k k k k k

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