Thesis Co 3-4
Thesis Co 3-4
Thesis Co 3-4
Abstract—This research will open many opportunities year. Even more surprising is the figure in Metro Manila...
for improvement of road safety in Davao City. In addition, this The number of car accidents is doubling from 63,072 in 2007
study can also be a basis for other researchers that will to 116,906 in 2018. Due to the high number of road accidents
encounter the same problem in different cities as they can not only in the Philippines but around the world, relevant
enhance the idea and provide a more suitable and efficient design government and non-governmental organizations in the
that can utilize every aspect of the study. Methods to address Philippines are exploring ways to reduce, if not reduce, the
road safety awareness and its implementation will reduce road number of cases [4].
The level of road safety in a country or region is usually
measured by its accident rate. Important indicators are the
Index Terms— Traffic Signs, Road Safety, Safety Awareness
number of accidents (fatal, injuries, or property damage) and
, Road Traffic Accidents, Comprehension of Road Signs
accident rate. Most accidents (72.44%) occurred in the capital
I. INTRODUCTION (NCR) or Metro Manila. Metro Manila has the highest per
capita rates, followed by Region 10 (Northern Mindanao).
However, the rates per registered vehicle is, with Region 10
With the recent technological and economic developments,
being the highest, followed by Metro Manila. [5]
the number and quality of vehicles has improved. As a result,
J.J Rolison, S. Regev, S. Moutari and A. Feenay(2018)
transportation has become one of the most important parts of
states that factors such as incomprehensible traffic signs,
our daily life as people spend more time in roads. Even with
inexperience, lack of skill, and risk-taking behavior are
advanced technology, improvement in vehicle safety system
associated with young driver crashes. In contrast, visual,
technology can’t reduce property and psychological loss from
cognitive, and mobility impairments are associated with older
road accidents, increasing the risk of road accidents for
driver crashes [6].
Designing a safe highway requires a complete
Road safety issues are a major economic, social and health
understanding of all types of road users, including drivers and
issue, especially in developing countries such as Philippines.
vulnerable users such as pedestrians and cyclists. In certain
WHO reports an estimated 1.25 million deaths worldwide
areas where there are many unfamiliar drivers and foreign
each year, up to 50 million injuries, and an average of 3,287
road users, such users should be considered. In Australia,
deaths per day [1]. It is important to note that developed
Wilksetal. (1999) investigated various aspects of driving in an
countries have succeeded in controlling traffic accidents.
unfamiliar environment for foreign visitors. Traffic safety
These attainments are the product of making infrastructure
issues have been found to be related to driving in unfamiliar
safer, improving the safety of vehicles and executing a
environments. Summarized five aspects of road safety: the
number of other interventions recognized to be effective at
aspects of the road you have driven in your own country, the
reducing road traffic injuries. Having good quality data to
road mileage in home country, alcohol restrictions in home
monitor the impact of these efforts is also critical to signifying
country, seatbelt requirements, and other differences in your
their accomplishment. However, developing and less-
home country. [7]
developed countries have not yet achieved this level of
When a mix of drivers with their personal riding habits and
success. Regular road inspections are an important measure
behaviours have interaction in an actual avenue environment,
that helps to ensure the quality of roads and road surfaces.
the effect of distractions among them in a visitor’s circulation
Considering some major factors (i.e., (1) institutional
come to be certainly seen and avenue protection hazard has a
framework; (2) alcohol usage and speeds; (3) protective
tendency to increase. Whilst the overall volume isn't but
systems; (4) vehicles; (5) infrastructure and roads; and (6)
recognized approximately the distractions to or from
trauma management, etc. [2]
surprising drivers because of lack of expertise of the unique
Road traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among
roadway and visitors’ traits in surprising avenue
young people aged 15 to 29, and the government contributes
environments, there's convincing proof that it's far probable to
about 3% of GDP (up to 5% in low- and middle-income
create a vast avenue protection problem. Therefore, this paper
countries). About 90% of global road fatalities occur in low-
investigates the viable destiny avenue protection movements
and middle-income countries, accounting for only 54% of
that would assist to lessen comparable distractions. [8]
registered vehicles worldwide [3]. Also, according to
With millions of cars, motorcycles, and other vehicles fall
Philippine statistics, 12,000 Filipinos die on the road each
on the Philippine road every day, all these drivers are not
really granted to actually license to the drive. And it's easy to Poland. As a result of a survey of 1,000 respondents divided
see that many of them can be illegitimate drivers. This is into five groups: novice drivers, tourists, elderly drivers,
evident from their risky behavior and their willingness to give problem drivers, and college students, the results show
way to other drivers and even pedestrians. For that reason, a significant differences in comprehension levels, such
driver’s license is essential document needed to be able to differences being specific signs, different. Country, population
drive a vehicle in the Philippines. It serves as proof that a of different drivers [16].
driver undergone proper training and know how to drive. The Today, UN systems focusing on improving traffic safety
driver’s license applicants need to pass the written exam with focus on improving traffic safety. The main function is to help
the following categories; driving knowledge, parking, driving the parents of the UN legal equipment aimed at harmonizing
emergencies, handling and driving, road signs and lane traffic rules. Road traffic rules and the 1968 road signs, signs
markings, road position and violations and penalties [9]. of the 1968 signal, and other UNECE legal devices that
Back to the early 1800s, the first road signs were for address the main factors of road accidents (road users,
cyclists. Warning cyclists of bad roads, dangerous curves, etc. vehicles, infrastructure), traffic It is a tangible investment to
However, with the development of mankind and the advent of improve safety. Many countries around the world have their
cars on the road, signs have become important. Not only for parties to this legal device and benefit from their
the safety of cars, but also for the safety of pedestrians. implementation. These contracts are also the most important
Automobile accidents and driver errors can have catastrophic driver to maintain these international road safety council.
consequences, so the creation and standardization of signs has UNECE also supports the development and promotion of road
become an important step towards road safety [10]. Most safety best practices and the holding of Road Safety Week and
signs should be retroreflective, as night time accident rates are other awareness-raising events [17].
almost three times higher than daytime. The priority of an
effective road sign is to grab attention and make it easy to read. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Next, the symbol should be able to convey the message
immediately. Simple road signs are better [11]. The Researcher will be asking drivers the meaning of the
Road sign types fall into three basic categories: regulation, traffic signs in a multiple-choice questionnaire. It includes
warning, and guide signs. The shape of the traffic sign questions to evaluate driver's personal, traffic and social
conveys important information about the message on the sign. characteristics such as: age, gender, educational background.
Regulatory signs informing road users of the laws of the road, Also, each questionnaire includes pictures of traffic signs and
ignoring the laws of the road that are considered to be in will be asked the familiarity, where was the traffic sign is seen
violation. Warning signs are used to alert drivers to potentially and the meaning of it. Then, responses from all the
dangerous conditions on and off the road. For the sake of participants for each traffic sign are performed separately to
safety and the benefit of other road users, it will notify the get the comprehensibility of each sign. Before grouping the
driver of road conditions that require attention and, if signs based on the characteristics of the responses. A detailed
necessary, slowdowns. Finally, guidance signs provide road report for each traffic signs will be prepared.
users with information and advice on directions, distances, All the survey data, traffic sign’s place in different
routes, locations of road user services, and points of interest questionnaires will have a meaning section that gives brief
[12]. information about the traffic sign’s usage. Conclusion
Kirmizioglu and Tuydes-Yaman (2012) conducted a summary part will give brief information about survey result
survey on the comprehensibility of 30 typical traffic signs. and response distribution. Comprehension level will indicate
Based on Turkey's total of 1,478 city drivers, it turns out that the rates of responses given in both graphical and table form.
many road signs are not well known to drivers. In particular,
more than 70% of participants correctly recognized only 12 REFERENCES
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