Ingenious Sept 2022

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Issue No. 1 In-house magazine of FCFP members September 2022

Dear Readers, National

We are pleased to launch the bi-monthly “Ingenious Pe n s i o n
Magazine” by the alumni of Foundation Course in Finan-
cial Planning (FCFP) 2022 1st Batch from Gopast Cen- Scheme
tre for Learning Pvt. Ltd., under the able guidance of
our Guru Shri Gopinath Radhakrishnan Sir. It comprises
of write ups on financial products and latest news
articles related to economy, finance and insurance in-
dustry based on our research.

An insight about Foundation Course in Financial Planning India leaves

(FCFP) :- FCFP is a professional course launched by Go- UK behind
past Centre for learning Pvt. Ltd. in the month of Janu-
ary 2022 for insurance and finance industry profes-
sionals to enhance their professional competence and
earn distinction in the financial market.
Insurance to
Topics covered :- 1) The Client’s Needs 2) The Fact
Finding Process 3) Good Practice 4) Protection Prod-
go Demat from
ucts 5) Savings & Investment Products 6) Pension Prod- Dec’22 says

The successful completion certificate was issued based

on the evaluation of 5 online examinations and 10 paper
submissions on the subjects during the 3 months
course duration.

In continuation to this Gopast Centre for Learning Pvt.

Ltd. has launched Continuing Professional Development Data Privacy
CPD for the FCFP participants where practical implica-
tions of these learning will be continued in more depth bill soon
on a bi-monthly basis under the guidance and teachings
of our Guru Shri Gopinath Radhakrishnan Sir.

Wish you a happy reading.

Thanking you & Regards, Latest

Organizing committee — Alumni FCFP
Economic Data
C h a i rm a n’ s A d dres s

Dear Associates,
I take great pride in writing my brief message for the first issue
of Ingenious, as this is an effort made by our participants for
the sake of the participants of the 1st batch of AWF and
FCFP course of Gopast. The layout and the contents
have all been designed and complied by the Organising commit-
tee of the Alumni. I congratulate the team for this successful maiden endeavour. To update
oneself is the only constant need in this ever changing world. This magazine is an endeavour
to serve that purpose. To serve our clients all of us need to become competent and also sustain
that competence through continuous learning efforts. Becoming competent is not a choice but
a primary duty of the professionals. I am sure that as you go through the pages of
“Ingenious” you will acquire lots of information that it will prompt you to read and re-read
this many times over. Best wishes to you all and a happy reading experience.

O f f i c e B ea rer s
Mr. R. Gopinath Chairperson
Mr. Ankur Shah Convener
Ms. Savita Pillai Secretary
Ms. Bharthi Srinivasan Member
Mr. Atul Jain Member
Mr. Ajay Kumar Tyagi Member
Mr. Inderpal Singh Bindra Member
D a t a C e n t re September 2022

Latest Policy Rates (Source RBI website) as at 01:30 pm on 07-Sep-2022

Policy Rates Reserve Ratios Exchange Rates Lending / Deposit Rates
Policy Repo Rate 5.40% CRR 4.50 % INR / 1 USD 79.922 Base Rate 7.75% - 8.80%

Standing Deposit Facility

5.15% SLR 18.00 % INR / 1 GBP 91.729 MCLR (Overnight) 6.80% - 7.65%
Marginal Standing Facili-
5.65% INR / 1 EUR 79.07 Savings Deposit Rate 2.70% - 3.00%
ty Rate
Term Deposit Rate >
Bank Rate 5.65% INR / 100 JPY 55.46 5.30% - 6.10%
1 Year

Fixed Reverse Repo Rate 3.35%

Money Market 08.09.2022 GDP (US$ million) by country

Call Rates 3.80% - 5.25% * UN Re- IMF
Sr No Country/Territory
gion Estimate Year
* as on previous day
World — 9,38,63,851 2021
Government Securities Market
1 United States Americas 2,53,46,805 2022
7.26% GS 2032 7.1279% #
2 China Asia 1,99,11,593 2022
6.54% GS 2032 7.1844% #
3 Japan Asia 49,12,147 2022
7.38% GS 2027 7.0363% #
4 Germany Europe 42,56,540 2022
5.74% GS 2026 6.9810% #
5 India Asia 35,34,743 2022
6.69% GS 2024 6.6613% #
6 United Kingdom Europe 33,76,003 2022
4.56% GS 2023 6.3200% #
7 France Europe 29,36,702 2022
91 day T-bills 5.6287%*
8 Canada Americas 22,21,218 2022
182 day T-bills 6.0999%*
9 Italy Europe 20,58,330 2022
364 day T-bills 6.3378%*
* cut-off at the last auction 10 Brazil Americas 18,33,274 2022
11 Russia Europe 18,29,050 2022
# as on end of previous working day
12 South Korea Asia 18,04,680 2022
Capital Market
13 Australia Oceania 17,48,334 2022
S&P BSE Sensex 59028.91 *
Nifty 50 17624.40 *
14 Iran Asia 17,39,012 2022

* as on previous day 15 Spain Europe 14,35,560 2022

Latest Small Savings Schemes Rates

Instrument Rates Compounding Frequency
Savings Deposit 4 Annually
1 Year Time Deposit 5.5 Quarterly
2 Year Time Deposit 5.5 Quarterly
3 Year Time Deposit 5.5 Quarterly
5 Year Time Deposit 6.7 Quarterly
5 Year Recurring Deposit 5.8 Quarterly
Senior Citizen Savings Scheme 7.4 Quarterly & paid
Monthly Income Account 6.6 Monthly & paid
National Savings Certificate 6.8 Annually
PPF 7.1 Annually
Kisan Vikas Patra 6.9 (Matures in 124 months) Annually
Sukanya Samriddhi 7.6 Annually
September 2022

Liz Truss New Prime UPI payments at all time High

Minister – UK Our Atmanirbhar Bharath has
ments applications.
In fiscal 2022, the platform pro-
Liz Truss vows energy crisis action seen the raise of UPI payments in the cessed 45 billion transactions worth
after becoming Britain's new PM recent few months. This digital platform Rs.77.94 trillion. The next target for UPI
Liz Truss took over as British is known for its most is to process a billion
prime minister on Tuesday, vowing im- convenient mode of transactions per day in
mediate action to tackle one of the most making and receiving the next 3-5 years.
daunting set of challenges for an incom- money directly into Notably, the
ing leader in post-War history led by bank account without global presence of UPI
soaring energy bills, a looming recession even remembering the is apparent as countries
and industrial strife. account number. like Bhutan and Nepal
“I am confident that together we The National are already accepting
can ride out the storm. We can rebuild Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), UPI, and it is likely to go live in Singa-
our economy, and we can become the an umbrella organization for operating pore later this year. Further, merchants in
modern brilliant Britain that I know we retail payments and settlement systems Singapore, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thai-
can be." in India, conducted a pilot launch for land, Philippines, Vietnam and Bhutan,
Truss, who will later announce her UPI with 21 member banks. The pilot accept UPI payments through QR-code
government appointments, said she had launch was started on 11th April 2016 by payment systems common in Asia conti-
three priorities: growing the economy Dr. Raghuram G Rajan, Governor, RBI nent.
through tax cuts, dealing with rising en- at Mumbai. Also, Lyra Network – a French
ergy costs from this week, and ensuring The Covid-19 pandemic has ac- company, has announced that it would
people got the care they needed from the celerated the pace of digital payments deploy UPI. This is the entrance of UPI
state-run National Health Service. with UPI becoming the biggest benefi- into the European Union (EU) as an al-
However, she inherits an economy ciary. In the last 6 years alone, UPI trans- ternative payments system designed to
in crisis, with inflation at double digits, actions have skyrocketed, now exceeding be reliable, secure, and interoperable
the cost of energy soaring and the Bank $100 billion per month. For over 150 among other digital payment firms.
of England warning of a lengthy reces- million monthly users, these transactions
sion by the end of this year. Already, occur largely via mobile wallets and pay- Reported by—Bharthi Srinivasan
workers across the economy have gone
on strike. The scale of the package, plus the
Her plan to revive growth through fact the energy crisis could run for a cou-
tax cuts, while also potentially providing ple of years, has spooked investors.
around 100 billion pounds ($116 billion) The pound has fared worse
for energy, has rattled financial markets, against the U.S. dollar than most other
prompting investors to dump the pound major currencies recently.
and government bonds in recent weeks.
Truss has also promised to scrap In August alone sterling shed 4%
plans to increase corporation tax on big against the greenback and it marked the
firms, and to reverse an increase in a pay- worst month for 20-year British govern-
roll tax on workers and employers, de- ment bonds since around 1978, accord-
signed to raise additional funding for ing to records from Refinitiv and the
health and social care, with the extra Bank of England.
spending coming from general taxation.
British 30-year government bonds home without having security abroad.”
Britain, under Conservative rule Britain's public finances also re-
suffered their sharpest one-day fall since main weighed down by the government's
March 2020 when the COVID-19 pan- since 2010, has stumbled from crisis to
crisis in recent years and there is now the huge coronavirus spending spree. Public
demic caused turmoil in financial mar- debt as a share of economic output is not
kets, as investors honed in on the extra prospect of a long energy emergency that
could drain the savings of households far off 100%, up from about 80% before
borrowing Truss's plans are likely to re- the pandemic.
quire. and threaten the futures of businesses
Ten-year borrowing costs rose to still weighed down by COVID-era Synopsis
their highest since 2011, but two-year loans.
Household energy bills are due to "I am confident that together we
yields fell, with economists noting that can ride out the storm. We can rebuild
an energy price cap would stop inflation jump by 80% in October, but a source
familiar with the situation has told Reu- our economy, and we can become the
rising in the near term. modern brilliant Britain that I know we
"I will take action this day and action ters that Truss may freeze bills in a plan
that could cost towards 100 billion can be," Truss said, standing in front of
every day to make it happen. United with Number 10 Downing Street.
our allies, we will stand up for freedom pounds ($115.33 billion), surpassing the
and democracy around the world of rec- COVID-19 furlough scheme.
ognising that we can't have security at Reported by — Savita Pillai
S a ma ch aar September 2022

India will be included in JPMorgan & Chase Co’s emerging mar-

kets bond index (EMBI) expects Morgan Stanley
What are the Indexes? 10% each & 13 more countries houses such as Euroclear
A basket of securities (Nifty 50). In the sharing rest 30% weight  India ticks all boxes baring only
bond market 3 types of indices  With Russia’s Exclusion the in- one Tax Policy (does not allow
1. High yield Risky Bonds dex has become more concentrat- settlement on Euroclear). Govern-
2. Emerging Market Bonds ed & Unbalanced ment unwilling to exempt foreign-
3. Government Bonds ers from capital gain tax. Index
 India’s inclusion with $ 1 trillion
 Indices serve as bench mark or debt market is expected with 10% could make 1 exception if all oth-
guide for investors, Pension (max for 1 country) weight er criteria matched.
Funds, Mutual Funds  Resolution expected on operation-
 Criteria for inclusion in Bond
 Difficult for investors to track Indices al issues such as clearing on inter-
multiple global bond markets. 1.Liquidity national clearing houses
This is where bond index helps. 2.Safety  Positives
 Russia’s exclusion from GBI – 3.Return 1. Massive dollar inflows from pas-
EM. 4.Size of market sive investors
 Russia had 8% weight before be- 5.Sovereign Rating 2. Steady Exchange Rate
ing removed 6.Ease of Access 3. Stronger foreign investors base
J P Morgan insists Settlement of in-
 Now 7 countries with a weight of vestments on international clearing Reported by—Ankur Shah

India overtakes the UK as world’s fifth-largest economy

On September 2, the International The latest change in rankings is ‘nominal’ cash terms in the quarter
Monetary Fund (IMF) announced that based on quarterly gross domestic prod- through March was $854.7 billion. On
India had surged past the United King- uct (GDP) numbers in current dollars for the same basis, UK was $816 billion,”
dom to become the fifth largest economy the period ending December 2021. stated the Bloomberg report.
in the world. India increased its lead over the UK in
the quarter ending March,
IMF data showed
“On an adjusted basis Reported by — Ajay Tyagi
and using the dollar ex-
change rate on the last day of
the relevant quarter, the size
of the Indian economy in

GDP (US$ million) by country

Sr Country/ UN Re- IMF
No Territory gion Estimate Year
World — 93,863,851 2021
1 United States Americas 25,346,805 2022
2 China Asia 19,911,593 2022
3 Japan Asia 4,912,147 2022
4 Germany Europe 4,256,540 2022
5 India Asia 3,534,743 2022
6 United Kingdom Europe 3,376,003 2022
7 France Europe 2,936,702 2022
8 Canada Americas 2,221,218 2022
9 Italy Europe 2,058,330 2022
10 Brazil Americas 1,833,274 2022
S a ma ch aar September 2022

India to have its own data protection bill soon

India currently lacks a sound legislation with third parties. The
for data protection. After five years in the most widely discussed
making, the bill that was designed to data privacy laws include:
protect the privacy of Indians, the Per- GDPR: The European
sonal Data Protection Bill 2019, was Union's General Data
withdrawn by the government on Protection Regulation
Wednesday. The government assured to (GDPR) is the most com-
table a new bill soon. prehensive data privacy
law in effect.
What is data Protection Bill India?
The Bill aimed to provide protection of Who is responsible for data privacy?
digital privacy to individuals relating to Today, there is no consensus on who is Keep watching for
their personal data, specify the flow and
usage of data, and create a relationship of
responsible for data privacy. Some con-
sumers agree that the responsibility lies more on Data Privacy
trust between persons and entities pro-
cessing the data.03-Aug-2022
with them, but others think governments
or businesses are better equipped to deal
Bill. This is very im-
What is covered in data privacy law?
with this complex issue.08-Jan-2019 portant for Insurance
Data privacy laws specify how data
should be collected, stored, and shared
Reported by — Atul Jain Industry.

Demat all Insurance Policies by Dec’22

says IRDAI
What is the most important requirement for dematerialisa-
Dematerialisation starts with opening a Demat account. For
Demat account opening, you need to shortlist a Repository that
offers Demat services.

Four Insurance Repositories

1. NSDL National Insurance Repository
2. CDSL Insurance Repository Ltd.
3. Karvy Insurance Repository Ltd.
4. CAMS Insurance Repository Services Ltd.
The Insurance Repository
What is dematerialisation of insurance policy? Maintains the Electronic Insurance Account (eIA) of the in-
Dematerialisation means transforming physical documents sured person and all insurance policies (life/non-life/group).
into a modifiable online format. With demater ialisation or Can be stored and accessed through this facility.
'Demat', a policy holder can create a portfolio of insurance In the last few years, insurance repositories have helped
policies he has and store them in an electronic form with an in electronic issuance, storage, and services for over 10 million
insurance repository. insured persons.
There is huge responsibility on the fi-
What is Demat in policy? nancial professionals to assist all their custom-
Dematerialisation or 'Demat' allows a policy ers and clients in getting the policies Demat.
holder to create a portfolio of insurance poli- It’s a golden opportunity to serve our custom-
cies and store them in an electronic form with ers and be in line with the change.
an insurance repository. It has been introduced
by IRDAI as a similar facility to the one avail-
able for stocks.
With this rule, policyholders can have
only one e-Insurance Account with an insur-
ance repository of their choice.
From November 1, 2022 e-KYC will
also become mandatory for all insurance poli- Reported by — Inderpal Singh Bindra
cies, which will further help in dematerialising
insurance policies.
The IRDAI has also proposed setting up a new platform
for the sale, servicing, and claims of insurance policies, which
will be operational from December 2022.
National Pension Scheme
schemes PFM wise, FAQs, Procedure to open online
National Pension Scheme ENPS account. There or two types on NPS accounts Tier
1 & Tier 2, in this article I would be discussing Tier 1
(NPS) is a pension scheme run
by government and regulated only.
by PFRDA for individuals, gov- Age limits
ernment employees, private 18 yrs to 70 yrs
firm employees, organized sec-
Who can open
tor and non-organized sector to
accumulate required corpus to purchase annuity  Any individual citizen of India (both resident and
(pension) on retirement. It has certain benefits such as Non-resident)
low-cost fund, certain tax benefits. It also offers flexibil-  NRI can open an NPS account. Contributions
ity to choose & change your Pension Fund Manager made by NRI are subject to regulatory require-
(PFM). ments as prescribed by RBI and FEMA from time
to time.
Accumulating corpus for retirement requires contribu-  However, OCI (Overseas Citizens of India) and
tion for long durations. The long durations savings/ PIO (Person of Indian Origin) card holders and
investment require more inflation proofing compared HUFs are not eligible for opening of NPS account.
to short duration goals. The choice of asset backed in-
vestment options under NPS provide inflation proofing Minimum Contributions Tier 1
necessary for such a long duration goal though with A. Minimum amount per contribution - Rs. 500
some short time volatility. B. Minimum contribution per FY - Rs. 1,000
Post retirement one will need adequate guaranteed C. Minimum number of contributions in a FY - 1
predictable monthly pension income which will remain Lock in Period
inflation proof as long as one is alive. Providing for Up to age 60
one’s retirement income is one of the most important
real needs of any individual. But generally, people give Max Maturity Age
importance to short term needs which are perceived Age 75
needs and not the real need. One must give retirement Tax Benefit:
goal as importance as to child education or protection
of income or any other must have financial goal. Since On Contributions
the topic is NPS I will not go in to details of financial Any individual who is Subscriber of NPS can claim tax
planning need for retirement but let’s discuss one of benefit under Sec 80 CCD (1) with in the overall ceiling
the best options NPS to accumulate corpus for retire- of Rs. 1.5 lac under Sec 80 CCE.
ment need. An additional deduction for investment up to Rs.
Let me explain in very simple steps how NPS works 50,000 in NPS (Tier I account) is available exclusively to
NPS subscribers under subsection 80CCD (1B). This is
 Open NPS account (One can open online ENPS) over and above the deduction of Rs. 1.5 lakh available
 Chose tier 1 (only tier 1 offers tax benefit) under section 80C of Income Tax Act. 1961. Thus mak-
 Choose your PFM (Pension Fund Manager) ing it total Rs 2 lakhs.
 Make investment choice (Auto/Active) On withdrawal
 In case of Active choice chose asset allocation
Up on the completion of age 60 max corpus that can be
 Make initial contribution as low as Rs 500
withdrawn is 60%. 40% of corpus withdrawn in tax free.
 Make contributions till age 60 (lock in period)
 Your contributions over the year would have Scheme Change
grown in sizable corpus Scheme can be changed max 4 times in a Financial Year
 Utilize at least 40% of your corpus to purchase & PFM can be changed 1 times in a FY
immediate annuity from any approved life insur-
ance company at a prevailing rate at that time.
Now let’s understand the features, technical details,
Pension Fund Managers, Past returns of different
National Pension Scheme
List of Pension Fund Managers (PFM) Exit Options
1. Birla Sunlife Pension Management Limited Upon Superannuation
2. HDFC Pension Management Company Limited
3. ICICI Prudential Pension Funds Mgmt. Co. Ltd. When a subscriber reaches the age of Superannuation/
4. Kotak Mahindra Pension Fund Limited attaining 60 years of age, he or she will have to use at
5. LIC Pension Fund Limited least 40% of accumulated pension corpus to purchase
6. SBI Pension Funds Private Limited an annuity that would provide a regular monthly pen-
7. UTI Retirement Solutions Limited sion. The remaining funds can be withdrawn as lump
Types of Asset Class If the total accumulated pension corpus is less than or
There are four Asset Classes (Equity, Corporate debt, equal to Rs. 5 lakh, Subscriber can opt for 100% lump
Government Bonds and Alternative Investment Funds) sum withdrawal.
from which the allocation is to be specified under single Pre-mature Exit
In case of pre-mature exit (exit before attaining the age
1. Asset class E Equity and related instruments of superannuation/attaining 60 years of age) from NPS,
Corporate debt and related in- at least 80% of the accumulated pension corpus of the
2. Asset class C
struments Subscriber has to be utilized for purchase of an Annuity
Government Bonds and related that would provide a regular monthly pension. The re-
3. Asset class G maining funds can be withdrawn as lump sum. Howev-
Alternative Investment Funds er, you can exit from NPS only after completion of 5
4. Asset Class A including instruments like CMBS, years.
MBS, REITS, AIFs, Invlts etc If the total corpus is less than or equal to Rs. 2.5 lakh,
Subscriber can opt for 100% lump sum withdrawal.
Choices for Investment (Refer to charts at the end of Upon Death of Subscriber
The entire accumulated pension corpus (100%) would
 Active be paid to the nominee/legal heir of the subscriber.
 Auto
 LC75 Partial Withdrawal
 LC50 Following are the conditions of Conditional Withdrawal
 LC25 1. Subscriber should be in NPS at least for 3 years
Subscription Limits for Active Choice among 4 asset 2. Withdrawal amount will not exceed 25% of the
classes E, C, G & A contributions made by the Subscriber
3. Withdrawal can happen maximum of three times
Subscriber can select multiple Asset Class under a single
during the entire tenure of subscription
PFM as mentioned below:
4. Withdrawal is allowed only against the specified
 Upto 50 years of age, the maximum permitted reasons, for example:
Equity Investment is 75% of the total asset allo- I. Higher education of children
cation. II. Marriage of children
 From 51 years and above, maximum permitted III. For the purchase/construction of residen-
Equity Investment will be as per the equity allo- tial house (in specified conditions)
cation matrix provided below. The tapering off of IV. For treatment of Critical Illness
equity allocation will be carried out as per the
matrix on date of birth of Subscriber.
 Percentage contribution value cannot exceed 5%
for Alternative Investment Funds.
 The total allocation across E, C, G and A asset
classes must be equal to 100
National Pension Scheme
Available options at age 60 Deferment (Annuity as well as Lump sum amount)
Subscriber can decide to remain invested in NPS (Up to Subscriber can defer Withdrawal and stay invested in
75 years) or can exit from NPS. NPS up to 75 years of age. Subscriber can defer only
lump sum Withdrawal, defer only Annuity or defer both
Following options are available to NPS Subscribers:
lump sum as well as Annuity.
Continuation of NPS account
Start your Pension
Subscriber can continue to contribute to NPS account
If Subscriber does not wish to continue/defer NPS ac-
beyond the age of 60 years/superannuation (Up to 75
count, he/she can exit from NPS. He/she can initiate
exit request online and asper NPS exit guidelines start
This contribution beyond 60 is also eligible for exclusive
receiving pension.
tax benefits under NPS.
Author— Mr. Ankur Shah

Relevant Data of NPS

Active Choice Auto Choice
Equity Allocation Matrix LC75
Age in Asset Class Asset Class
Max. Equity Allocation Age Asset Class C
Years E G
Upto 50 75.00 % Up to 35 years 75 10 15
51 72.50 % 36 years 71 11 18
52 70.00 % 37 years 67 12 21
53 67.50 % 38 years 63 13 24
54 65.00 % 39 years 59 14 27
55 62.50 % 40 years 55 15 30
56 60.00 % 41 years 51 16 33
57 57.50 % 42 years 47 17 36
58 55.00 % 43 years 43 18 39
59 52.50 % 44 years 39 19 42
60 & above 50.00 % 45 years 35 20 45
46 years 32 20 48
47 years 29 20 51
48 years 26 20 54
49 years 23 20 57
50 years 20 20 60
51 years 19 18 63
52 years 18 16 66
53 years 17 14 69
54 years 16 12 72
55 years &
15 10 75
Auto Choice Auto Choice
LC50 LC25
Asset Asset Asset Asset Asset Asset
Age Age
Class E Class C Class G Class E Class C Class G
Up to 35 Up to 35
50 30 20 25 45 30
years years
36 years 48 29 23 36 years 24 43 33
37 years 46 28 26 37 years 23 41 36
38 years 44 27 29 38 years 22 39 39
39 years 42 26 32 39 years 21 37 42
40 years 40 25 35 40 years 20 35 45
41 years 38 24 38 41 years 19 33 48
42 years 36 23 41 42 years 18 31 51
43 years 34 22 44 43 years 17 29 54
44 years 32 21 47 44 years 16 27 57
45 years 30 20 50 45 years 15 25 60
46 years 28 19 53 46 years 14 23 63
47 years 26 18 56 47 years 13 21 66
48 years 24 17 59 48 years 12 19 69
49 years 22 16 62 49 years 11 17 72
50 years 20 15 65 50 years 10 15 75
51 years 18 14 68 51 years 9 13 78
52 years 16 13 71 52 years 8 11 81
53 years 14 12 74 53 years 7 9 84
54 years 12 11 77 54 years 6 7 87
55 years & 55 years &
10 10 80 5 5 90
above above

Click here to know in detail for exit options Exit Options

Click here to join ENPS Create ENPS Account online
Click here for returns of NPS Schemes
Re- Re- Re- Re-
Inception AUM Subscrib- turns Returns turns turns turns
Pension Fund NAV turns
Date (Rs Crs) ers 1 3 Years 5 10 Incep-
7 Years
Year Years Years tion

Birla Sun Life Pension 09-May-17 270.63 29,123 19.1388 3.99% 17.73% 12.31% NA NA 12.93%
HDFC Pension 01-Aug-13 15,647.02 12,98,533 35.7809 3.59% 18.92% 13.14% 13.92% NA 15.02%
ICICI Pru. Pension 18-May-09 5,363.71 5,04,440 47.1972 3.75% 18.59% 12.90% 13.07% 13.84% 12.35%
Kotak Mahindra Pension 15-May-09 1,007.28 76,622 43.8031 4.68% 18.74% 12.21% 13.28% 14.02% 11.72%
LIC Pension 23-Jul-13 2,916.68 3,18,009 30.2965 5.15% 18.59% 11.89% 12.38% NA 12.90%
SBI Pension Funds 15-May-09 9,638.31 11,88,321 39.1841 3.96% 17.23% 12.14% 12.76% 13.57% 10.79%
UTI Retirement 21-May-09 1,385.70 1,11,159 46.3805 3.51% 18.21% 12.36% 13.10% 14.08% 12.22%
Tata Pension 19-Aug-22 2.61 630 10.1036 NA NA NA NA NA 19.62%

Benchmark Return as on 09.09.2022 6.08% 19.94% 13.76% 13.93% 14.24%

Re- Re- Re- Re-

Inception AUM Subscrib- turns Returns turns turns turns
Pension Fund NAV turns
Date (Rs Crs) ers 1 3 Years 5 10 Incep-
7 Years
Year Years Years tion

Birla Sun Life Pension 09-May-17 123.61 28,893 15.5538 3.27% 7.38% 7.79% NA NA 8.62%
HDFC Pension 01-Aug-13 6786.41 12,79,422 23.0820 3.66% 7.76% 7.82% 8.79% NA 9.61%
ICICI Pru. Pension 18-May-09 2686.26 5,00,459 34.8646 3.02% 7.00% 7.45% 8.56% 9.35% 9.83%
Kotak Mahindra Pension 15-May-09 467.32 75,377 33.5642 3.05% 6.63% 6.65% 8.04% 8.86% 9.51%
LIC Pension 23-Jul-13 17799.59 3,17,354 22.6812 3.26% 7.40% 7.39% 8.44% NA 9.38%
SBI Pension Funds 15-May-09 5300.24 11,80,477 35.0436 3.02% 7.22% 7.47% 8.51% 9.15% 9.87%
UTI Retirement 21-May-09 668.13 1,09,815 31.0285 2.80% 7.21% 6.98% 8.17% 8.90% 8.88%
Tata Pension 19-Aug-22 1.17 624 10.0074 NA NA NA NA NA 1.29%

Benchmark Return as on 09.09.2022 3.28% 8.03% 7.87% 8.84% 9.33%

Re- Re- Re- Re-

Inception AUM Subscrib- turns Returns turns turns turns
Pension Fund NAV turns
Date (Rs Crs) ers 1 3 Years 5 10 Incep-
7 Years
Year Years Years tion

Birla Sun Life Pension 09-May-17 188.44 28,544 14.9364 2.89% 6.33% 7.13% NA NA 7.80%
HDFC Pension 01-Aug-13 11210.68 12,73,250 22.2948 2.25% 6.35% 7.33% 8.50% NA 9.20%
ICICI Pru. Pension 18-May-09 4658.00 4,95,762 29.8254 2.37% 6.01% 7.12% 8.38% 8.99% 8.55%
Kotak Mahindra Pension 15-May-09 774.29 74,785 29.8089 2.82% 6.17% 7.18% 8.58% 8.94% 8.54%
LIC Pension 23-Jul-13 3269.68 3,21,745 24.0893 2.63% 6.34% 7.86% 9.22% NA 10.10%
SBI Pension Funds 15-May-09 11003.54 11,87,040 32.1986 2.29% 6.09% 7.16% 8.48% 8.88% 9.17%
UTI Retirement 21-May-09 1212.99 1,06,883 28.7680 2.59% 5.96% 6.87% 8.09% 8.65% 8.26%
Tata Pension 19-Aug-22 2.32 623 9.9855 NA NA NA NA NA -2.49%

Benchmark Return as on 09.09.2022 2.07% 5.37% 6.51% 7.87% 8.41%

Re- Re- Re- Re-

Inception AUM Subscrib- turns Returns turns turns turns
Pension Fund NAV turns
Date (Rs Crs) ers 1 3 Years 5 10 Incep-
7 Years

Year Years Years tion

Birla Sun Life Pension 15-May-17 2.38 2,632 14.2745 11.12% 6.75% 6.95% NA NA 6.91%
HDFC Pension 10-Oct-16 116.48 1,15,415 16.7165 11.84% 9.39% 9.16% NA NA 9.07%
ICICI Pru. Pension 21-Nov-16 24.71 27,583 15.4280 10.28% 7.34% 7.78% NA NA 7.76%
Kotak Mahindra Pension 14-Oct-16 7.02 6,406 15.4131 8.51% 7.33% 7.95% NA NA 7.60%
LIC Pension 13-Oct-16 9.47 16,672 15.5967 7.20% 7.48% 8.14% NA NA 7.81%
SBI Pension Funds 13-Oct-16 45.17 66,907 17.5514 10.80% 11.6% 10.62% NA NA 9.99%
UTI Retirement 14-Oct-16 6.79 7,242 14.8741 9.41% 6.90% 7.05% NA NA 6.95%
Tata Pension 19-Aug-22 0.02 58 10.0156 NA NA NA NA NA 2.75%

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