Jobdesk Dan KPI Karyawan
Jobdesk Dan KPI Karyawan
Jobdesk Dan KPI Karyawan
Area Manager To ensure Profitability Store & Excellent Control Operational for Excellent Service, Quality, % Cleanliness for Area Store
Service Quality Cleanliness for Area's Profitability Store
Marketing Job Description KPI
Sosial Media Officer Post on social media, answer comments post on social media, answer comments and create content that is liked by many.
and create content that is liked by many. increase the number of followers
target time to answer comments
Public Realtion Make relationships and get exposure for engage in relationships and get unpaid exposure. Covered by at least 20 media every
free. month
Advertiser Placing Ads gps Ads CTR 1.5%, proportion of promo ad spend 30% (specifically that can be
measured directly to sales), etc.
Sales Big Order looking for new sales channels Additional Sales Sales Channel Sales Target
PRND Innovating new products and looking for Product related to customer and business model
the best alternatives to streamline raw materials are easy to find
production costs make products according to the target cost that has been set
do research to be able to more reduce production prices
Tax Ensuring the application of tax and Ensuring that corporate taxes are complied with
financial regulations to the company