API Testing
API Testing
API Testing
API Testing
What is API testing?
Why API Testing matter
Benefits of API testing
Types of API testing
Unit testing
Integration Testing
Performance testing
Load testing
Runtime error detection
Security testing
Interoperability testing
Fuzz tests
Validation Testing
Manual Testing vs Automated Testing
How to get started with API testing
Best Practices of API Testing
APIs are becoming very important in our modern world and as technology rises, so will
our reliance on APIs. Everything that communicates on the internet these days is talking
to an API (Application Programming Interface) and as we implement them in our
technologies we also need to take API testing into account. As with everything, our
API's need to be tested properly and thoroughly on many different quality characteristics
because if we think about it. Not only should we pay close attention to the functional
requirements but we should also pay the appropriate amount of attention to non-
functional requirements.
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What is API testing?
API testing entails various different aspects and goes much further than simply
executing a few test cases. Testing needs to start at the earliest possible stage and
continue on until the production release. To highlight these stages, we will be following a
fictional feature throughout its software development lifecycle.
We need to start our API tests at the source which would be the requirements. These
need to be reviewed very well and from the perspective of a tester. Testers often try to
look for edge cases and they will attempt to find ways to break a system. This should be
taken into account when reviewing the requirements.
After our requirements have been approved by all stakeholders, test case development
can begin. In this stage the testers will start designing their test cases which they will
combine into test suites. They also have to make sure to adept their sanity checks to
include this new functionality if that is required by the risk and priority of that new
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Next we need to determine the test specification which is a document that describes
what the expected results are for all the test cases and what the test conditions are
under which we can both enter and exit our test, in other words when a test is ready to
go and complete. These are also known as our entry and exit criteria.
When all of the documents have been delivered and the software is ready to be test, the
test execution and reporting phase starts. Reports are created based on the test
management tools and they will usually include a full report on the tests that have been
run for a feature, including the results and any blocking issues encountered which might
have halted testing.
Along all of these tests, it is also a good idea to implement a solid test automation
strategy which will cut costs drastically if done right and can be achieved using open
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source tools such as SoapUI, JMeter, Selenium, postman or any of the other tools out
Since APIs sit at such a central location, they also have most of the traffic to process
and if they fail in unexpected ways, the consequences might be dire. A failure of any
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API could lead to services not being available, processes not working as expected and
even allow access to objects and data that should not be accessible.
Another often overlooked aspect of APIs is the fact that it's not just the user facing
functionality that needs to be tested, but often our APIs also integrate with other
services or 3rd party providers. These all rely on our APIs passing expected and sane
API testing is also a lot cheaper than manual e2e testing or automated UI testing
because we can create much more fine grained component tests that we do not have to
repeat every as often as our end to end scenario's.
All of these benefits allow us to leave enough room for security testing where it is most
impactful, the API level. Security testing on all level is useful of course but we do not live
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in a world with endless budgets so we have to put our priorities in order.
If we have tested our APIs well and documented them properly, we can allow for a much
smoother integration and we can ensure that whatever interface subscribes to our API,
they are well informed and ensured of a tested API.
Integration Testing
Our APIs are no separated component of a system. Instead they work to integrate all of
the moving parts of a system and all of this integration requires proper testing of course.
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Not only do we need to make sure we are passing on and taking in the correct
parameters with their correct constraints but we also need to make sure that we sanitise
the incoming traffic in a logical way.
Performance testing
Performance testing is one of the non-functional that is most often overlooked and will
most often cause trouble. Be very aware that our testing environments often only
contain a fraction of the data that production does so any process that runs might take a
lot more time in a real scenario. Performance testing should take everything into
account including spikes in traffic and multiple heavy processes running at the same
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time and interfering with one another. Also be aware that the environment that is used
for testing needs to be similar to a production environment to get reliable results.
Load testing
Load testing is very similar to performance testing because we are trying to emulate
production like traffic but instead of creating spikes in traffic we want to emulate a
constant steady stream of traffic at a normally expected rate. This is to ensure that the
API's do not contain memory leaks or other similar defects that might cause issues after
running for a prolonged period of time.
Security testing
This type of testing is very important but often not budgeted well. We need to ensure
that proper security testing occurs based on a risk analysis. This type of testing needs
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to occur by a trained professional as it's very easy to miss things but it does not stop
there. Every developer should in essence be a little bit of a security tester when it
comes to APIs as they are often the first line of defence into our infrastructure.
Security testing has many aliases such as pentesting, PEN testing or penetration testing
and needs to focus on several aspects when it comes to api testing. the entry points of
our APIs needs to be taken into account but also the flow of data and any shadow APIs
that are no longer in user but are still in operation.
Interoperability testing
Working with 3rd party software providers or even older versions of our software is not
something we can take for granted. We need to create a section in our test plan where
we describe what testing will be done. Severity and priority of potentials defects need to
be discussed based on prior experiences and they need to help define how API testing
occurs when the APIs interact with
Fuzz tests
As a final test before we validate our application we need to fuzz all the endpoints of our
APIs. When fuzzing we will send random data to those API endpoints and we need to
carefully inspect the results. Our server should not crash from this unexpected traffic
and it should not display any odd behaviour. Based on a risk analysis, fuzz testing might
be performed much more structured or not at all.
Validation Testing
During validation testing we need to ensures that the software meets the business
requirements. The testers need to evaluate if the test execution results match what is
expected and required by the test plan. They will subsequently guide the business users
in their User Acceptance Testing (UAT) in which they ensure the stakeholders execute
the pre-built testing scenario's and report any deviations on what was expected. If the
software is approved
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Manual Testing vs Automated Testing
When thinking about automated testing, we need to take into account that it's expensive
to create these tests and maintain them. After all, when the flow of the application
changes, our API call order or the parameters might not be set correctly anymore. Every
change like this requires changes in our test automation framework and even setting up
the framework might be a big investment. You will find however that often this
investment is more than worth is if you have to run a suite of tests every day or every
release to the test environment. As a general rule of thumb i try to think that something
is worth automating if you have to test it at least 10 times.
API test automation has many advantages as well. We can write test scenario's very
quickly so we can easily create test cases for a lot of edge cases. We also don't have to
run the tests manually so much and we can include our build pipelines. If a build
produces too many error at that moment, we want to be informed before we even start
testing as a new build will be inevitable after fixing the errors that were found.
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How to get started with API testing
Define the API requirements: Writing good requirements is very hard. open
communication is important to define proper requirements as every stakeholder can
have useful input on the requirements and some very tough questions needs to be
answered to which no single human can have the answer. This is why team work
matters, developers, testers, system architects, analysts, product owners... they all
know their domain best and should be included in the creation of requiremensts.
What are the requirements for the fields the API sends out and receives?
How the API will interact with other APIs, such as which protocol will be used,...
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Make sure to include a review phase for documentation as well, this is also known
as static api testing because we are reviewing documentation that is not getting
Create a small Proof Of Concept by executing 1 API call before going deep into the
API and setting all your scripts to work.
At this stage we plan our fuzz testing an all other functional testing that has not
been identified yet including which tests will be executed at what level
Optionally develop stubs and drivers so that testing does not have to wait for
integration with a full environment before they can start testing
Integrate your API with the full environment and execute your end-to-end testing
Check your test execution results and see if they match the requirements. A failed
test case does not automatically mean that the whole feature should be
disapproved for production. Careful risk assessment should take place after root
cause analysis.
Implement any fixes that are required and retest all the failed features
When all the requirements have been satisfied, start your User Acceptance Testing
Optionally, implement any fixes if they are required and retest the failed functionality
After all the documentation has been delivered and the requirements have been
satisfied we can approve the feature and give it a GO for production
Perform a sanity check on the production release before you release it to everyone
Follow up on your production releases by checking any logs you have or any
potential service desk instances
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Best Practices of API Testing
It is important we group our test cases well by functionality. This will improve
maintainability and will give a better overview of the status of the application
Make sure you include the API's workflow, how it fits in the application and the edge
cases into the requirements and make sure all stakeholders are involved in the
creation of these requirements
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Follow the testing triangle carefully. This means that you automate what is not
possible to be tested via unit or integration tests. Automation is a big cost saver and
can detect serious issues early on if implemented correctly
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