Ship Risk Review 2021 Ver 6

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2021 Ver 6

The Standard Club

Ship Risk Review

Insert ship picture here

Ship's name:
Survey type: Entry / Routine / Follow Up
Survey port:
Date of survey:
Survey company:


This report, and any accompanying documentation or photographs, has been compiled for the sole internal use of The Standard Club Ltd (the club) for insurance purposes only and should not be disclosed to
third parties without the club's prior written permission. The information contained in this report, and any accompanying documentation or photographs, together with the terms of any insurance cover provided by
the club prior to or following the survey, do not constitute representations as to the condition of the ship or the standards of operation, and should not be relied upon by the member or by any other party as any
assurance, representation or warranty of such matters. Nothing herein shall prejudice the club’s rights under the insurance policy in the event of a dispute between the club and the member relating to the
condition of the ship or the standards of operation. The club, its managers and the surveyor shall in no circumstances be responsible to any other person for any loss or damage or liability howsoever caused
arising from the use of this report or the information it contains
The Standard Club

How to complete this form

Sections 1-4 of this report are to be completed and returned to the club within 48 hours of
completion of the survey. The remainder is to follow within 7 days.

Complete the yes/no answers by placing an 'x' in the appropriate box and add a comment in the
comments box only when clarification of the yes/no answer is necessary or when the question
cannot be answered.

At the end of each section, in the comments box provided, give an opinion on the survey results
and any deficiencies found.

Only complete section 17 which is relevant to the ship being surveyed, delete the other versions
of section 17 before reporting.


1.0 Ship Information

1.1 General particulars
Ship name
IMO number
Flag State
Ship type
Technical managers 
Time under present management.
Current classification / Certifying Authority
Building classification / Certifying Authority
SMS Approved By
Year of build 
Place of build 
GRT (t) 
DWT (t) 
LBP (m) 
Last 3 cargoes carried 
Recent ports of call 

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1.2 Machinery particulars

Main engine(s)  Make: Type: No of:
Propulsion type Conventional shaft/geared/thruster based
Propeller type Fixed pitch/ CPP
Diesel Generators  Make: Type: No of:
Manoeuvring thruster Make: Type: No of:

1.3 Hull particulars

Type of hull Double hull/Single hull/ double bottom

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2.0 Executive Summary

Comment on the ship's general condition, the effectiveness of the ISM system,
maintenance, engineering and nautical standards, apparent crew competence and on any
risk or hazard which could cause a P&I claim.

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3.0 Risk Information

3.1 Risk profile

  N/A Low Medium High

Hull Failure
Ballast Tank Failure
Cargo Tank Failure
Cargo Damage
Mooring / Lifting Equipment
Piping Failure
Machinery Failure
Navigational Errors
ISM Deficiencies
Crew Injury
Competency Issues

3.2 Ship rating

N/A Very Good Good Acceptable Poor

General Housekeeping Deck

General Housekeeping Engine Room
General Seamanship
General Watchkeeping
Engineering Competence
Give the reason for risks rated above low or classed as acceptable/poor.

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4.0 Defects and Observations

Report defects which require repair under defects and ISM non-conformities/observations
under observations.

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5.0 ISM
5.1 Important dates
Date Remarks
Last superintendent's visit?
Last external ISM audit? By whom?
Last internal ISM audit?
Last navigation audit? By whom?
Last PSC visit? Number of defects
Has the ship been detained during the
last 2 years? Give details.
Are emergency drills carried out
frequently on board?
Last oil spill response drill?
Last safety meeting + frequency?
Last near miss report?
Last accident report?
Last permit to work? What activity?
Last Risk Assessment

5.2 Procedures and audits

Yes No Remarks
Did the superintendent leave a written ☐ ☐
job list after his last visit?
Are the actions closed-out? ☐ ☐

Were non-conformities raised during ☐ ☐

the last internal/external ISM audit?
Are non-conformities closed-out? ☐ ☐

Is the master’s SMS review ☐ ☐

Are familiarization records (new ☐ ☐
joiners) filled out/complete?
Are ship specific risk assessments ☐ ☐
drafted on-board?
Are minutes from safety meetings ☐ ☐
posted on crew notice boards?

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Does the company issue guidelines on ☐ ☐

noting protest, cargo quantity/quality
and on cargo safety/stowage?
Is the SMS effectively implemented? ☐ ☐


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6.0 Manning
6.1 Crew arrangements
Report on the following:

Years Years Years

Certificate Years current with similar Time on
Rank Nationality held at sea rank company ships board
  Yes No Remarks
Is there a common language spoken by ☐ ☐
crew and understood by all?
Officer certificates/endorsements valid? ☐ ☐

Are work/rest hours realistic? ☐ ☐

Is random or specific drug / alcohol ☐ ☐

testing undertaken?
Is manning in compliance with the Safe ☐ ☐
Manning Certificate?
6.2 Crew Wellbeing
Please comment separately in section 2.0 Executive Summary on the following:-

Does the member provide any seafarer wellbeing programmes to their crew?
Physical wellbeing: fitbit, fitness competitions, active promotion of gym, BMI challenge
Enhanced PEME
Controlled menus, victualling procedure
Mental wellbeing: mental champion, confidential helpline
Does the ship organise onboard social events

Is seafarer wellbeing training carried out?

Is there on board guidance covering crew wellbeing?

Is there any Anti-bullying / Harassment policy in place?

Are any ship staff working over their contracts?

Has the ship received any well-being documentation from the Standard Club?
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7.0 Class and Maintenance

7.1 Class
Yes No Remarks
Are class and statutory certificates ☐ ☐
Does the vessel possess all necessary ☐ ☐
Date of last special survey?
Date last dry-docking survey? (Not in
What conditions of Class are imposed?
Do Class records indicate that ballast ☐ ☐
tanks have significant corrosion? 

7.2 Maintenance
Yes No Remarks
Is PMS class approved? ☐ ☐

Does PMS include critical equipment? ☐ ☐

Does PMS include spare parts ☐ ☐

Does PMS list overdue maintenance? ☐ ☐

Does PMS include navigation ☐ ☐

Does PMS include loose lifting ☐ ☐
Does PMS include class/statutory ☐ ☐
Is the planned maintenance system ☐ ☐
implemented and kept up to date?
Are officers familiar with the PMS? ☐ ☐

Is maintenance overdue? ☐ ☐

Are manufacturer's manuals, service ☐ ☐

bulletins and spare parts on board?


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8.0 Ship’s Hull and Decks

8.1 Hull structure
Examine the hull and decks. Report if any of the following are found:
Shell Deck
Damage Y/N Y/N
Buckling Y/N Y/N
Corrosion Y/N Y/N
Pitting Y/N Y/N
Dents Y/N Y/N
Cracking Y/N Y/N
Temporary repairs Y/N Y/N

General condition of Hull Good/Fair/Poor

Condition of painting Good/Fair/Poor

If sighted does the thickness gauging report show areas with over 25% steel
Yes / No

8.2 Hull fittings

Yes No Remarks
Are draft marks/load lines clear and ☐ ☐
Are guardrails, walkways, ladders in ☐ ☐
apparent good order?
Are cable transits and bulkhead ☐ ☐
penetrations in apparent good order
Are pipe and hatch penetrations ☐ ☐
corroded at deck connections?
Are vent headers, air/sounding pipes ☐ ☐
access doors in apparent good order?
Are hydraulic pipes/connections ☐ ☐

Examine the report of hull thickness measurements for last special survey and advise on
average (percentage) loss on shell, deck, bottom and hold/tank bulkhead plating thickness.
Give report date. Comment on the hull's general condition.

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8.4 Deck equipment

Yes No Remarks
Is the gangway correctly/safely rigged? ☐ ☐

Is the gangway and associated ☐ ☐

equipment in apparent good order?
Are windlasses, deck winches and ☐ ☐
anchor equipment in apparent good
Are visible sections of anchor cable in ☐ ☐
satisfactory condition?
Are mooring ropes/wires in apparent ☐ ☐
good order?
Are the mooring work areas non-slip ☐ ☐
and orderly?
Is the ship safely/properly moored, ☐ ☐
ropes correctly turned-up on the bitts?
Are emergency towing arrangements in ☐ ☐
place and in satisfactory condition?
The condition of deck equipment is: Good/Fair/Poor

The condition of mooring equipment is: Good/Fair/Poor

Comment on the condition of deck pipework and fittings.

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9.0 Lifting Equipment

9.1 Fixed lifting equipment
Yes No Remarks
Advise the number, make, type and
SWL of cargo cranes
Do cargo cranes have valid ☐ ☐
certificates? Date last load test
Do stores and engine room cranes ☐ ☐
lifting one ton+ have valid certificates?
Date last load test
Are crane wires, blocks and shackles in ☐ ☐
apparent good order?
Are crane cabs, access ladders, safety ☐ ☐
rails in good order?
Are derricks, cranes and other lifting ☐ ☐
equipment properly maintained, tested
and marked?

9.2 Loose lifting equipment

Yes No Remarks
Are valid test certificates available for ☐ ☐
loose lifting equipment?
Are items of loose lifting equipment ☐ ☐
marked with a colour code?
How is damaged loose lifting
equipment identified and removed?
Is the loose lifting equipment in ☐ ☐
apparent good order?


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10.0 Ballast System

10.1 Ballast tanks and system
Yes No Remarks
Do oil pipes pass through ballast tanks? ☐ ☐

Does vessel have a Ballast Water ☐ ☐

Management Plan?
Is the plan approved and by who? ☐ ☐

Does the vessel have a ballast water record ☐ ☐

Generally, examine ballast tanks. Report on corrosion, wastage, cracking or buckling.
Examine two tanks for a routine survey and four tanks for an entry survey. Report for condition
'Good, Fair or Poor', or for observations such as wastage, cracking or buckling, 'None, Some
or Major'.
Tank No.
Anodes wastage (%)
Coating condition
Steelwork condition
Pitting (% and depth)
Connecting trunks
Pipe(s) condition
Oil contamination
Structure detached
Valves and spindles
Strike plates
Access condition
Overall condition

Report on the general findings and clarify any rating less than good or observation above

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11.0 Machinery
11.1 Running hours
Give total running hours and running hours since last overhaul.
1 2 3 4
Main engine(s)
Auxiliary engines

11.2 Alarms, monitoring and shutdown tests

Yes No Remarks
Does the ship operate UMS? ☐ ☐

Date last full blackout test

Date last engine (main/aux) over speed
trip test
Date last reverse power trip test
Date last main engine shut down test
Date last generator full load test Advise
current load (%)
Date last calibration test of OWS oil ☐ ☐
content meter, certificate available? 
Is effective spray protection fitted? (fuel ☐ ☐
and lub. oil pipes)
Are oil mist detectors fitted and ☐ ☐
Is the engine monitoring and control ☐ ☐
system fully operational and regularly
Is there an excessive number of alarms ☐ ☐
that could lead to alarm fatigue?

11.3 General
Yes No Remarks
Is engine room lighting adequate? ☐ ☐

Is engine room ventilation adequate? ☐ ☐

Is the engine room clean? ☐ ☐

Is there evidence of abnormal running / ☐ ☐

breakdown? Give details.
Is the log correctly filled in? ☐ ☐

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Are generators, purifiers or ☐ ☐

compressors out of service?
Are pipes, valves and coolers in ☐ ☐
apparent good order? Not leaking?
Are shell connections/sea suctions in ☐ ☐
apparent good order? (Not
Are level gauges/self-closing devices ☐ ☐
'gagged' open?
Are the floor plates secure, ladders ☐ ☐
Is the switchboard in apparent good ☐ ☐
order? Earth faults?
Are Insulation mats in good condition? ☐ ☐

If applicable, are high voltage ☐ ☐

enclosures protected?
Are stores well stocked and orderly? ☐ ☐

Are workshops clean, orderly and ☐ ☐

Are goggles and tool supports provided ☐ ☐
at drilling, cutting and grinding
Are watertight doors closed during ☐ ☐
Is the stern seal/oil, in apparent good ☐ ☐
order? (Not leaking)
Are temporary save-alls/rags used to ☐ ☐
contain leaks?
Are bilges clean and dry? ☐ ☐

Is the general housekeeping standard ☐ ☐

Is the sewage system in apparent good ☐ ☐
General condition of engine room Good/Fair/Poor

11.4 Main engine(s)

Yes No Remarks
Is there evidence of main engine ☐ ☐
Are hot box and exhaust covers fitted ☐ ☐
and lagging intact?

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Are bearing temperatures satisfactory? ☐ ☐

Are exhaust temperatures satisfactory? ☐ ☐

Is there evidence of vibration? ☐ ☐

11.5 Diesel generators

Yes No Remarks
Is there evidence of auxiliary engine ☐ ☐
Are hot box and exhaust covers fitted ☐ ☐
and lagging intact?
Are bearing temperatures satisfactory? ☐ ☐

Are exhaust temperatures satisfactory ☐ ☐

Is there evidence of vibration? ☐ ☐

11.6 Boilers
Yes No Remarks
General appearance/condition, of Good/Fair/Poor
lagging, inspection doors valves, watch
Boiler free from water/steam leakage ☐ ☐

Report on the engine rooms condition, the maintenance standard and supervision of service
engineers/ships engineers. Note fire and flooding hazards.

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12.0 Marpol
12.1 Waste management and control
   Yes No Remarks
Is the Oil Record Book part 1 properly ☐ ☐
filled in and up to date?
Is the oil/water separator (OWS) in ☐ ☐
apparent good order?
Is the OWS overboard valve marked ☐ ☐
and locked shut?
Are ‘discharge of oil prohibited’ notice ☐ ☐
prominently displayed? 
Does the ship have an operational ☐ ☐
Are there other methods for dealing ☐ ☐
with waste oil? 
Is there an approved inventory of ☐ ☐
hazardous materials (IHM) register?
Are there contingencies plans onboard
to deal with emergencies and spills?
Is fuel oil analysis carried out/results ☐ ☐
Is lub. oil analysis carried out/results ☐ ☐

12.2 Bunkering and fuel management

Yes No Remarks
Are bunker stations in apparent good ☐ ☐
order including: piping, flanges, blanks,
valves, save-alls?

What fuel is vessel operating on? ☐ ☐

Are appropriate bunkering procedures / ☐ ☐

diagrams / checklists in place?
Is SOPEP equipment complete and in ☐ ☐
good order?
Are appropriate procedures in place for ☐ ☐
fuel switch over?
How does the vessel comply with Compliant Open-loop Hybrid Non-
IMO2020 regulation? (mark those fuel scrubber scrubber compliant
applicable) ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

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12.3 Garbage
Yes No Remarks
Is the Garbage Record Book ☐ ☐
completed correctly and up to date? 

Is garbage segregation effective?  ☐ ☐

Is there a shipboard policy for single

use plastics?

Comment on Ship and Shore Management understanding and implementation of their
environmental responsibilities.

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13.0 Housekeeping and accommodation

13.1 Accommodation
Yes No Remarks
Is the fire detector system tested and ☐ ☐
Is the refrigerator lock-in alarm ☐ ☐
Is the accommodation clean, tidy and ☐ ☐
Are galleys food areas, refrigerated ☐ ☐
stores, dry stores and pantries mess
areas clean, tidy and hygienic?
Are alleyways/stairs free from ☐ ☐
obstruction/defect? Escapes marked?
Are main and emergency exits clearly ☐ ☐
marked and unobstructed?
Are laundries free from electrical and ☐ ☐
fire hazards?
Are fresh provisions sufficient and ☐ ☐
properly stowed?
Is the medical locker sufficiently ☐ ☐
stocked, tidy and in date?
Is there on board guidance covering
crew wellbeing?

Comment on crew recreational facilities

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14.0 Navigation
14.1 Navigation procedures
Yes No Remarks
Advise the primary means for ECDIS / Paper Charts
Have navigation officers received ☐ ☐
bridge team management training?
Have navigation officers received ☐ ☐
ECDIS familiarisation for the
equipment on board?
Does the Master hold pre-arrival/pre- ☐ ☐
departure briefings?
Are bridge procedures, company and ☐ ☐
masters standing orders in place and
Are bridge familiarisation and watch ☐ ☐
handover checklists used?
Is the Master/Pilot exchange recorded? ☐ ☐

Is passage planning carried out berth ☐ ☐

to berth?
Is the pilot card comprehensive? ☐ ☐

Is the emergency steering procedure ☐ ☐

Is the vessel’s condition verified and ☐ ☐
recorded including trim, list, draft and
intact stability?

14.2 Navigation equipment

  Yes No Remarks
Is bridge navigation and ☐ ☐
communication equipment in apparent
satisfactory condition?
If fitted, is the BNWAS in apparent ☐ ☐
satisfactory condition?
Compass deviation/error satisfactory? ☐ ☐

Is there a system in place to correct ☐ ☐

nautical charts?
Nautical Publications updated? ☐ ☐

Do navigators understand squat, ☐ ☐

settlement and ship-to-ship interaction?
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Is the vessel’s S-VDR / VDR ☐ ☐

functioning properly and are OOW’s
familiar with its operation?
Navigation equipment and practice is Good/Fair/Poor

Include remarks on bridge equipment and procedures.

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15.0 Safety
15.1 Safe working
  Yes No Remarks
Are crew working safely wearing correct ☐ ☐
Company issues a safety handbook and ☐ ☐
provides safety training?
Are safe working practices, including ☐ ☐
work permit procedures, implemented
and adhered to particularly with regards
to enclosed space entry?
Are ladders and steps, internal/external, ☐ ☐
free from damage?
Are guard rails fitted and safe? ☐ ☐

Are portable gas/O2 equipment ☐ ☐

provided, calibrated and crew trained?
Are Oxy-acetylene bottles stored ☐ ☐
outside in separate spaces and with
flash-back arrestors?

15.2 Life-saving appliances

  Yes No Remarks
Date(s) boats last lowered to
embarkation deck/maneuverer in the
Are life-rafts correctly stowed with ☐ ☐
hydrostatic release and painter?
Are life vests / jackets of approved type, ☐ ☐
in good conditions and sufficient in
Are immersion suits in apparent good ☐ ☐
Are lifebuoys, self-igniting lights, MOB ☐ ☐
of approved type in various locations
and in apparent satisfactory condition? 
Are lifeboats/rafts/rescue boats and ☐ ☐
equipment properly maintained and
Lifeboats, davits, release gear, wires Good/Fair/Poor
blocks, buoys and life-rafts are?

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15.3 Fixed fire-fighting equipment

Location Type Date Last Tested
Engine Room
Engine Room (other areas)
Pump Room
Cargo spaces/cargo area
Paint locker

15.4 Fire-fighting equipment

  Yes No Remarks
Are fire pumps, mains, hydrants, ☐ ☐
extinguishers in apparent satisfactory
Is Emergency Fire Pump and ☐ ☐
Emergency Generator tested regularly
and in good working order?
Is the fire main isolation valve suitably ☐ ☐
Are fire flaps in apparent good order? ☐ ☐
Is the fire integrity, including firedoors, ☐ ☐
dampeners, shutters and bulkhead
penetrations throughout the vessel in
apparent satisfactory condition?
Are fire hose boxes in good order ☐ ☐
complete with hose, nozzle and
Are there sufficient self-contained ☐ ☐
breathing apparatus and are they in
good condition, sufficiently charged and
within test date?
Are firemen's outfits, EEBD's in good ☐ ☐
Is the fire detection system in apparent ☐ ☐
satisfactory condition?
Condition of fire main hydrants & hoses Good/Fair/Poor

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16.0 Security
16.1 General
  Yes No Remarks
Is effective access control in place? ☐ ☐

Are armed guards employed in piracy ☐ ☐

Are piracy prevention measures ☐ ☐
Are safety/security patrols regularly ☐ ☐
Are effective stowaway searches ☐ ☐
carried out before port departure?

16.2 Cyber Security

  Yes No Remarks
Has the Company an Information ☐ ☐
Technology Strategy including
maritime cyber security plan?
What training has the ship’s crew ☐ ☐
received on effective cyber risk
How is access restricted to ship’s ☐ ☐
systems and sensitive data?
Is the use of USB / flash drives ☐ ☐
permitted on board for access to the
ship’s network? If so, what barriers
are in place to prevent the transfer of
viruses / malware to critical systems?
Does the ship allow remote access to ☐ ☐
their systems? For example, ECDIS
updates or machinery monitoring
Are networks segregated from ☐ ☐
sensitive ship systems and general
communications such as crew wifi /
internet access?


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17.0 Tanker Supplement

(Delete this section if not a tanker.)

17.1 Ship particulars

Cargo heating system, type
Tank coating(s)
Cargo pumps. Make and type
Tank cleaning system, type
Are cargo tanks suitable for the
carriage of nominated cargoes?

17.2 Cargo tanks

Generally, examine cargo tanks. Report for condition 'Good, Fair or Poor', or for observations
such as, wastage, cracking or buckling, 'None, Some or Major'.
Tank No.
Primary corrosion
Cracking and wastage
Shell and bottom pitting
Pitting below tank
Brackets and webs
Heating coils
Piping condition
Valves and spindles
Fixed gauging
Access ladders and
Is the structure of the Yes No Remarks
cargo tanks in
satisfactory condition?

17.3 Cargo operations

  Yes No Remarks
Date last pressure test of cargo

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Date last pressure test of COW

Date last test of pump(s) emergency
Date last test of tank high/high high
Date last test P/V valves? (Including
Is a comprehensive/signed cargo ☐ ☐
plan with segregation loading ballast
sequences used?
Are correct cargo inhibitors used and ☐ ☐
Are retained cargo samples stored ☐ ☐
Do deck officers have good ☐ ☐
knowledge of the ship's cargo
system and loading/disc. Procedure?
Is cargo watch kept on deck during ☐ ☐
cargo transfer?

17.4 Cargo and ballast transfer

  Yes No Remarks
Are cargo/ballast/stripping pumps, ☐ ☐
eductors instruments/controls in
apparent good order?
Are deck pipelines (all) in apparent ☐ ☐
good order?
Are ullage gauges, vapour locks and ☐ ☐
UTI tapes in apparent good order?
Are valve position and tank level ☐ ☐
indicators operational?
Are flexible hoses in apparent good ☐ ☐

17.5 Inert Gas (IG)

  Yes No Remarks
IG system used and operating ☐ ☐
satisfactorily? Last recorded O2
Has difficulty been experienced in ☐ ☐
maintaining IG pressure?

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Is the deck seal water level/condition ☐ ☐

IG system, instruments, alarms, ☐ ☐
trips, pressure / oxygen recorders
are in apparent good order?

17.6 Pump Room

  Yes No Remarks
Significant leaks from pumps, pipes, ☐ ☐
valves glands and gauges?
Fixed gas monitoring in apparent ☐ ☐
good order?
Rescue arrangements satisfactory? ☐ ☐

Fans operational? ☐ ☐

Lighting gas safe and adequate?  ☐ ☐

The condition of the pump room and Good/Fair/Poor

its equipment is?

17.7 Tank cleaning

  Yes No Remarks
Is a tank cleaning plan used and ☐ ☐
Is COW/tank cleaning checklist in ☐ ☐
The tank cleaning is? Good/Fair/Poor

Report on the general findings and clarify any rating less than good or observation above

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Section 17.0 Dry Cargo Ship Supplement

(Delete this section if not a dry cargo ship.)

17.1 Cargo hold inspection

Generally, examine cargo holds. Report on condition, wastage, cracking or damage? Answer
Good, Fair or Poor for condition. None, Some or Major for observations.
Cargo hold no.
Pitting (% and depth)
Grooving on shell frames
Wastage / cracking / buckling
Tank top
Sounding/vent pipes (including
Water leakage
Bilge system
Access ladders
Cargo lashing points
Temporary repairs
Is the structure of the Yes No Remarks
cargo holds in
satisfactory condition?

17.2 Hatch cover inspection

Generally, examine hatch covers. Report on condition, evidence of leakage, wastage, and
damage? Answer Good, Fair or Poor for condition. None, Some or Major for observations.
Hatch Cover – Make / Type
Hatch cover no.
Panel condition
Coaming condition
Pitting (% and depth)
Compression bars
Gasket channels
Drainage channels

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Drainage non-return valves

Quick closing cleats
Landing pads
Opening/closing mechanism
Oil leakage?
Vent covers / access hatches
Temporary measures
Evidence of water ingress?
Are hatch covers Yes No Remarks

17.3 Cargo general

Yes No Remarks
Date bilge alarm/pumping last tested
Are bilges clean, non-return valves ☐ ☐
working and bilge pumps in apparent
satisfactory condition?
Information on cargo care/hazards ☐ ☐
provided and understood?
Information on cargo stowage & ☐ ☐
securing provided and understood?
Is cargo stowed in accordance with ☐ ☐
Hazardous codes?
Hazards associated with oxygen ☐ ☒
depletion and methane understood?
Holds adequately cleaned and ☐ ☐
inspected before loading? Who?
Do watch officers know safe ☐ ☐
stowage and securing requirements
for current cargo? Do they check?
Is a container verified gross mass ☐ ☐
certificate provided each container?
Are pre-shipment surveys/sampling ☐ ☐
Are reefer plugs/sockets in apparent ☐ ☐
good order?

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Is the refrigeration system in ☐ ☐

apparent good condition? Retro
Port log has start/stop times, ☐ ☐
draughts, weather, cargo rates?
Is cargo space ventilation in ☐ ☐
apparent satisfactory condition?
Officers understand when/how to ☐ ☐
ventilate cargo during the voyage?
Officers check cargo lashings & ☐ ☐
stowage during the voyage?
Is cargo stowed and secured in ☐ ☐
accordance with the CSM?
Is lashing and securing equipment in ☐ ☐
apparent satisfactory condition and
in sufficient numbers in line with the
Are holds suitable for the carriage of ☐ ☐
water sensitive cargo/grain/steel?
Are cargo holds suitable for the
carriage of nominated cargoes?


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17.0 Passenger and Freight Ferry Supplement

(Delete if not a passenger, freight or cargo Ro-Ro.)

17.1 Vehicle decks

Describe the vehicle decks including number, layout, structural protection and fire
monitoring/protection systems:

Generally, examine car decks. Report on condition cleanliness and damage? Answer Good,
Fair or Poor for condition. None, Some or Major for observations.
Deck no.
Temporary repairs
Structural fire protection
Alarms, indicators, CCTV/cameras
Deluge/fixed fire-fighting system
Portable fire-fighting equipment
Access/walkways/passenger trip
Bilge system
Sounding pipes
Cargo lashing equipment
Ramp/shell doors
Fire/watertight doors
Paint/oil/flammable material?
Evidence of smoking
Fire Flaps
Deck Lighting

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17.2 Vehicle operations

Yes No Remarks
Main engine stopped during cargo ☐ ☐
Advise frequency of cargo deck fire
Deck fans running during cargo ☐ ☐
Are indicators, limit switches and ☐ ☐
control panels in apparent good
Are oil drums / chemicals / paints ☐ ☐
stored openly in vehicle deck areas?
Is vehicle/passenger embarkation fit ☐ ☐
for purpose

17.3 Passenger areas

Generally, examine passenger areas. Report Good, Fair or Poor for condition. None, Some
or Major for observations
Passenger deck no.
Slip/trip hazards
Floor coverings
Fire doors
Portable extinguishers. Location/number
Sprinkler system
Heat/smoke detectors
Escapes, safety signage
PA system
Alarm points
Eating areas/restaurants/cafes
Galley/food preparation areas
Provisions/stores/fridge areas

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