1. Presenting Issue: What is the presenting issue or memory that we will be targeting? What incident,
memory, issue or image would they like to focus on today? (include age of onset)
2. Worst Part: When they bring up this issue what is the worst part? Which part feels the most intense or
stands out the most?
3. Negative Cognition: What words go best with the incident or memory that we are targeting/focusing on?
Which statement represents the negative belief they hold about themselves because of this presenting
issue or memory? (use the NC list)
4. Positive Cognition: What words go best with how they would like to feel about themselves even though
this image or issue occurred? What do they want to believe about themselves now. (use the PC list)
5. VoC (Validity of Cognition): When they think of the incident or memory that we are targeting how true
does (repeat their positive cognition) feel to them now on a scale of 1-7 where 1 is completely false (they
don’t believe it at all) and 7 is completely true (they believe it completely)?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
6. Emotions: What emotions come up for them when they bring up or think about the presenting issue or
memory now? (Don’t ask ‘anything else)
7. Body Sensations: When they think of the original incident where do they notice it or feel it in their body?
8. SUD (Subjective Unit of Disturbance): On a scale of 0-10 where 0 is no disturbance and 10 is the most
disturbance they could have, where would they rate their disturbance level when they think of the
presenting issue now?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Desensitization: ‘Bring up the original incident, the worst part, the negative belief you hold because of this, the
emotions you feel and notice where you feel it in your body and just see what comes up while we begin our
bilateral stimulation. Let your mind go wherever it needs to go and know that there is not a right or wrong way to
go about this.’
a. Begin BLS and after a set of BLS have the client take a deep breath in and deep breath out
b. What came up for them? Say: ‘Go with that’ and begin BLS for another set
c. Continue with this until the distress level begins to shift.
d. Check the SUD level after awhile or a change in state is noticed. Continue with A-C until the SUD level
reaches a 0-1 or the client reports it being as low as it will go
Installation: Once the SUD level is as low as it will go, see if the positive cognition still fits what they would like to
believe about themselves. If it does not fit have them select another belief they would like to hold about
a. Check the VoC level. If they client is lower than a 6 or 7 utilize an interweave (i.e. ‘what would it take
for you to believe this fully’ or ‘what would it take for you to get to a 6 or 7’) and do a short set of taps
while they think of this. Continue checking in after each set of taps until the VoC reaches a 6 or 7
b. Once the VoC is a 6 or 7 have them bring up and hold the original incident along with the positive
cognition and do a short set of BLS (approximately 15 total) then recheck the VoC level
c. Repeat B until the positive cognition feels secure and solid
Body Scan: Have them close their eyes and bring up the original incident that we were targeting and scan their
entire body noticing if they are holding any disturbance or tension anywhere. If there is tension continue with a
short set of taps with the positive cognition until the body scan is clear.
Closure: Validate them for their bravery and progress. Remind the client that processing may continue and to
note anything significant that comes up for them. Encourage clients to reach out if needed and to practice calm
place or other resources.
Incomplete Session: If the incident or target is not fully resolved and the SUD level does not get lowered or the
VoC does not get high enough have the client put the original incident in their container until the next session.
End with calm place. At the next session re-open the container and re-establish the protocol.
Negative Cognitions
(Shapiro, 2001)
I can be trusted.
I deserve love. I can have love.
I can (learn to) trust myself.
I am a good/loving person.
I can (learn to) trust my judgment.
I am fine as I am.
I can choose whom to trust.
I am worthy; I am worthwhile.
I can take care of myself.
I am honorable.
It’s over; I am safe now.
I am lovable.
I can safely feel my emotions.
I am deserving.
I can make my needs known.
I am okay.
I can choose to let it out.
I deserve good things.
I am (can be) healthy.
I am fine as I am. Control/Choice
I can have or deserve…
I am intelligent (or able to learn). I am now in control.
I am significant (important). I now have choice.
I deserve to live. I am strong.
I deserve to be happy. I can get what I want.
I am okay just the way I am. I can succeed.
I can be myself.
Responsibility/ I did something wrong I can make mistakes.
I can handle it.
I am capable.
I did the best I could.
I can choose whom to trust.
I learned (can learn) from it.
I do the best I can.
Resource Team
Client Handout Version
Ideal Self: Imagine yourself as the person that you wish/want to be.
What would you be doing? How would you resolve conflict? Is there
anything they would encourage you to do now? What hope would they
leave with you now?
Wise Figures: Imagine any people, dead or alive, real or imagined that
offer wisdom. Notice the knowledge they would bring. Notice the
answers they would help you find. Notice their confidence and certainty.
Imagine each wise figure individually and notice the wisdom that they
Once all of the above are established and thought of, bring all these
figures together and have them remind you of your strengths and
remember that they will all be with you whenever you need them.