LEFT Aquaculture Reviewer
LEFT Aquaculture Reviewer
LEFT Aquaculture Reviewer
Review Questions for
5. Aquaculture is synonymous to
a. Pen culture c. Fish culture
b. Cage culture d. Tank culture
6. This fish culture method requires the use of enclosures in shallow protected areas of inland water
generally in lakes or lagoons.
a. Cage method c. Fish pen method
b. Pond method d. Tank method
7. The process of releasing fish fry or fingerlings in a body of water like a fishpond or lake.
a. Planting c. Rationing
b. Stocking d. Fishing
9. This is the number of fish seed material stocked in a given area of water
a. Stocking biomass c. Stocking replacement
b. Stocking rate d. Stock enhancement
11. Fish with uniform size are stocked in progressively larger ponds as more space is needed
a. Multi-size stocking c. Mono-size stocking
b. Multi-stage stocking d. Double cropping
12. Includes fish, all other aquatic flora and fauna and other living resources of the aquatic environment,
including, but not limited to salt and corals
a. Coastal area c. Aquatic resources
b. Artificial reefs d. Coral reefs
13. A stationary weir or trap devised to intercept and capture fish consisting of rows of bamboo stakes,
plastic nets and other materials fenced with split bamboo matting or wire matting.
a. Fish cage c. Fish net
b. Fish coral or baklad d. Fish pen
14. People directly or personally and physically engaged in taking and/or culturing and processing
fishery and/or fishery resources
a. Fisherfolk c. Fish culturists
b. Fisherman d. Aquaculturists
17. The incumbent director of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
a. Felix Gonzales c. Malcolm Sarmiento
b. Guillermo Morales d. Eduardo B. Gongona
18. This consists of the microscopic plants and animals found in the bottom of ponds
a. Lablab c. Zooplankton
b. Phytoplankton d. Periphyton
20. This method of culturing milkfish is also known as the deep water method
a. Lablab method c. Plankton method
b. Lumot method d. Platform method
21. A fish that holds fertilized eggs in its buccal cavity for rearing
a. Pouch breeders c. Substrate spawn
b. Mouth brooders d. Nest builders
22. A fishing gear made of synthetic netting used for harvesting fish
a. Seine c. Baklad
b. Fyke net d. Trap
24. An act providing for the development, management and conservation of the fisheries and aquatic
resources. Integrating all laws pertinent thereto, and for other purposes
a. Republic Act 8435 c. Republic Act 7210
b. Republic Act 8550 d. Republic Act 8120
26. The process of preserving foods in hermetically-sealed containers like tin cans and jars or bottles
through the application of heat to sterilize the food and the container
a. Drying c. Canning
b. Boiling d. Salting
27. This is the method of processing fish by lowering its water content through exposure to the sun
a. Fermentation c. Salting
b. Drying d. Smoking
28. This is defined as the total amount of salt in grams contained in one kilogram of seawater (SW)
when all the carbonate has been converted to oxide, bromine, and iodine, replaced by chlorine and
organic matter less completely oxidized
a. Alkalinity c. Hardness
b. Salinity d. pH
29. Inversion of prospective genetic tilapia females by feeding a male synthetic hormone
a. YY-male technology c. Sex reversal
b. Radiation d. Sterilization
30. This is defined as the amount of feed needed to produce a kilo of flesh
a. Feed ration c. Feed conversion efficiency
b. Feed conversion ratio d. Feed coefficient
31. Nets in the form of a conical bag with the mouth kept open by various devices and the entire gear
towed, trailed or trawled usually in the bottom of the sea to capture submerged species that naturally
stay near the sea bottom
a. Tuck seines c. Trammel net
b. Trawls d. Ring net
32. Baited devices made of bamboo, rattan, or chicken wire formed into regular receptacles and having a
non-return value which provides easy entrance but difficult exit of fish
a. Fish pot c. Fish corrals
b. Fish shelter d. Fish nets
33. Variously shaped and framed small bag nets used entirely by hand or partly by mechanical power in
which fish are captured by scooping
a. Hoop nets c. Drag seine
b. Dip nets d. Fyke nets
35. The sperm of the fish
a. Milk c. Milt
b. White liquid d. Semen
40. These are small ponds in milkfish ponds used exclusively for rearing fry to fingerlings
a. Nursery ponds c. Catching pond
b. Transition pond d. Feed ponds
42. Harvesting method in milkfish culture operation where it takes advantageous of the tendency of the
fish to swim against the current
a. Pasubang method c. Seining
b. Total drainage d. Netting
44. It is the energy that is released as heat when a substance is completely oxidized to CO2, nitrous
oxide and H2O.
a. Total heat production c. Gross energy
b. Intake energy d. Digested energy
45. The total amount of energy contained in a diet is usually determined through
a. Bomb calorimetry c. Bomb colorimetry
b. Respiration d. Chemical analysis
47. The carbohydrate storage molecules found in plants is
a. Glycogen c. Sugar
b. Starch d. Cellulose
49. It is an expression which relates the gram of weight gained to the grams of crude protein fed
a. Net protein utilization c. Protein nutritional value
b. Protein efficiency ratio d. Conversion ratio
51. Are organic molecules that act as cofactors or substrates in some metabolic reactions
a. Proteins c. Minerals
b. Vitamins d. Lipids
53. The ratio of the length of the digestive tract to body length of fish is known as
a. Relative gut length c. Ratio of gut length
b. Intestinal length d. Gut body length ratio
54. Which of the following plays very important role in fat digestion?
a. Pancreas c. Intestine
b. Stomach d. Liver
55. Marine fish oils are dietary sources of essential fatty acids (EFA) of the
a. n-9 series c. Stomach
b. n-6 series d. Intestine
56. Freshwater fish from cold water have an essential requirement for fatty acids of
a. n-3 series c. n-9 series
b. n-6 series d. Both n-3 and n-6 series
60. Which of the following is not a wet feed
a. Whole trash fish c. Fish silages
b. Chopped trash fish d. Fish meals
63. Major nitrogen containing compounds present in both plants and animals are
a. Nucleic acid c. Organic acid
b. Proteins d. Ammonia
68. Fatty acids that lack double bonds between carbons are known as
a. Monosaturated fatty acids c. Saturated fatty acids
b. Unsaturated fatty acids d. Monounsaturated fatty acids
72. Factor that often leads to disease
a. Host c. Environment
b. Pathogen d. Exposure of the animal to stress
76. Variance that is due to the interaction of alleles between two or more loci
a. Additive variance c. Dominance variance
b. Epistatic variance d. Additive and dominance variance
77. It is a breeding program in which individuals or families are chosen in an effort to change the
population mean in the next generation
a. Hybridization c. Selection
b. Cross breeding d. Triploidy
79. The raw material with which the animals breeder most work
a. Genetic variation c. Environmental variation
b. Phenotypic variation d. Genetic and environmental variation
81. Component that is due to the interaction of the alleles at each locus
a. Additive variance c. Epistatic variance
b. Dominance variance d. Genetic variance
82. The observable or measureable differences among individuals within a population for a particular
a. Genetic variation c. Environmental variation
b. Phenotypic variation d. Additive variation
83. Only a small random sample of parents’ variance is inherited by its progeny
a. Additive variance c. Epistatic variance
b. Dominance variance d. Non-additive variance
84. Considered as the governor in any selection program
a. Realized response c. Heritability
b. Genetic variance d. Epistatic
85. Describes a diploid organism that carries two different alleles at one or more genetic loci
a. Homozygous c. In-breeding
b. Heterozygous d. Gene pool
87. Organism that has been genetically engineered to contain one or more novel genes, taken from one
or more different species and inserted into its genome
a. Transgenic c. Hybrid
b. Selected line d. Triploid
88. Loss or alteration of genetic identity in wild population of organisms that may result from
interbreeding of genetically distinct stocks introduced to the wild either intentionally or accidentally
a. Genetic engineering c. Gene probe
b. Genetic plasticity d. Genetic dilution
89. Feed cost is not a major expense item under this culture system
a. Cage culture c. Extensive culture
b. Tank culture d. Intensive culture
91. Cultivation of only one target species at a given time and place
a. Fish culture c. Monoculture
b. Polyculture d. Simultaneous culture
92. A sequence of organism, each of which provides food for the next, beginning with primary producers
and extending to carnivores
a. Food chain c. Food web
b. Photosynthesis d. Food channel
93. The process by which green plants algae and other primary producers produce food for their own
growth, plus oxygen from CO2, water, and sunlight
a. Photoinhibition c. Photolytic
b. Photosynthesis d. Phototactic
96. A culture system where two or more agricultural commodities are simultaneously grown in a certain
a. Polyculture c. Integrated farming
b. Multi-stock d. Multi-cropping
97. This is the best way to maintain the water quality for fish production
a. Aeration c. Biofiltration
b. Water exchange d. Recirculation
103. This is a culture system with two or more compatible fish species in a culture container
a. Polyculture c. Integrated farming
b. Multi-stock d. Multi-cropping
106. This is a culture system called all in all out culture system
a. Monoculture c. Partial harvest
b. Polyculture d. Monoharvest
108. This is the most desired fish food
a. Plankton c. Microscopic organism
b. Phytoplankton d. Zooplankton
112. This is the main source of energy of fish and organic matter
a. Sunlight c. Photoperiod
b. Solar radiation d. Aquatic plants
113. This is one of the reasons why there is variability of growth rate
a. Hierarchy of feeding c. Seeking for food
b. Traits d. Individual
116. When an ecosystem is limited by biota, this is the system that could be practiced
a. Polyculture c. Monoculture
b. Cage culture d. Pen culture
117. The harvesting method you have to follow if you practice varied sizes of fish stocking
a. Selective harvesting c. Mono harvest
b. Partial harvesting d. Poly-harvest
126. This is the act of putting or adding fish into the pond
a. Stocking c. Stocking density
b. Sampling d. Stocking rate
127. It is the balance of fish population with fish food available in the pond
a. Stocking c. Stocking density
b. Stocking fraction d. Selective stocking
130. A fishing gear used to encircle a body of water by drawing both ends used after pond has
been drained
a. Cast net c. Lift net
b. Seine net d. Dip net
131. This is a remedy done if fertilization is not effective to produce natural fish food organisms
by buffering the water
a. Feeding c. Liming
b. Aeration d. Water exchange
133. This fish activity is higher in small fish than large fish per unit body weight
a. Gonadal development c. Cropping
b. Growth d. Metabolic rate
136. This is a water quality parameter which affects the metabolic rate of fish being cultured
a. Dissolved oxygen c. pH
b. Temperature d. Carbon dioxide
137. This is a process of releasing the nutrient content of organic matter by bacteria
a. Decomposition c. Nitrification
b. Mineralization d. Nutrient release
147. A Filipino, a Zoology graduate from University of Chicago who wrote the first report in the
family Mugilidae, a first checklist of Philippine fishes and identification of marine protozoans
a. Dr. Hilario A. Roxas c. Dr. Herminigildo Rabanal
b. Dr. Deogracias V. Villadolid d. Mr. Domiciano K. Villaluz
148. A Filipino graduate from Stanford University who wrote the first reports on Philippine
a. Dr. Hilario A. Roxas c. Dr. Herminigildo Rabanal
b. Dr. Deogracias V. Villadolid d. Mr. Domiciano K. Villaluz
150. The first Philippine University/College who first initiated fisheries education is
a. University of the Philippines in the Visayas
b. University of the Philippines-Los Banos
c. Central Luzon State University
d. Iloilo State College of Fisheries
151. The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) started as a small agency in 1901
under the name
a. Bureau of Government Laboratories, Department of Interior of the Philippine
b. Division of Fisheries, Department of Interior of the Philippine Commission
c. Fish and Game Administration
d. Fisheries Division, Department of Agriculture and Commerce
153. The first demonstration fish farm established in 1931 in the Philippines was
a. Oyster Farm in Hinigaran, Negros Occidental
b. Molino Freshwater Demonstration Fish Farm, Bacoor, Cavite
c. Dagat-dagatan Saltwater Fisheries Experimental Station, Malabon/Navotas, Rizal
d. Freshwater Fish Hatchery, Laguna de Bay, Tanay, Rizal
155. It is a system in bangus culture used to effect stock manipulation and increase stocking rates
a. Modular system c. Nursery system
b. Transition pond system d. Hatchery system
156. It is an assemblage of phytoplankton and zooplankton which serves as a food for milkfish in
brackishwater ponds
a. Lumot c. Nostoc
b. Lablab d. Plankton
158. It is an illegally-introduced shrimp species in the country that is now a subject of legal
a. Metapenaeus ensis c. Macrobrachium resenbergii
b. Litopenaeus vannamei d. Cherax quadricarinatus
159. A species of tilapia that is cold tolerant and also called as blue tilapia
a. Oreochromis spilurus c. Oreochromis mossambicus
b. Oreochromis aureus d. Oreochromis niloticus
160. A herbivorous tilapia species in the Philippines which is also called as yellow tilapia
a. Oreochromis galileus c. Tilapia ensis
b. Tilapia zillii d. Oreochromis maritimus
161. An introduced crayfish from Australia being mass cultured presently in Iloilo, Philippines
a. Procambarus clarkii c. Macrobrachium lanchesteri
b. Cherax quadricarinatus d. Macrobrachium idella
162. A herbivorous crayfish species from Louisiana, USA being marketed as a pet in the
aquarium fish trade industry in the Philippines
a. Procambarus clarkii c. Macrobrachium lanchesteri
b. Cherax quadricarinatus d. Macrobrachium idella
164. A popular aquaculture prawn species whose reproduction and larval rearing occur in
saltwater but adult grows in freshwater
a. Macrobrachium rosenbergii c. Macrobrachium ensis
b. Macrobrachium idella d. Macrobrachium maritimus
165. A commonly-cultured mudcrab in brackishwater and has a high aquaculture potential and
market value
a. Scylla serrata c. Scylla olivacea
b. Scylla tranquebarica d. Scylla paramamosain
166. The first mariculture park in the country was established in August 2001 at
a. Samal Island, Davao del Norte c. Leyte
b. Honda Bay, Palawan d. Zamboanga
167. A pest of the cultured seaweed Kappaphycus and Eucheuma which is an epiphyte that grows
on and entirely covers the affected seaweed. It is locally known as “balahibo” or “balbas” because of
its hairy appearance. It competes for nutrients and light with the host.
a. Polynia sp. c. Polygonum sp.
b. Polymorpha sp. d. Polyponia sp.
168. A dominant carp species cultured in the fish pens of Laguna de Bay
a. Hypophthalmichthys molitrix c. Ctenopharyngodon idella
b. Aristichthys nobilis d. Cyprinus carpio
169. This is a species of abalone with a good foreign market and its hatchery developed by
SEAFDEC/AQD. Locally known as “lapas” or “sobra-sobra”. This species is also called cocktail
abalone because of its small size (maximum shell length at 10-11 cm). It is the fastest growing
abalone in the world since a marketable size of 5-6 cm can be attained in one year compared with
five years for some temperature species.
a. Haliotis asinina c. Haliotis diversicolor
b. Haliotis varia d. Haliotis discus hannai
170. The leading abalone producer from aquaculture in the world is Taiwan. What is this abalone
a. Haliotis asinine c. Haliotis diversicolor
b. Haliotis varia d. Haliotisdiscus hannai
171. The largest species of abalone prized as food and extensively marketed
a. Haliotis rufescens c. Haliotis diversicolor
b. Haliotis varia d. Haliotis discus hannai
172. A mussel species extensively farmed in the Philippines, Thailand, and New Zealand
a. Brown mussel Perna perna c. Green mussel Perna viridis
b. Green-lipped mussel Perna canaliculus d. Mussel Mytilus edulis
173. A newly-introduced freshwater (FW) mussel in the country from Thailand and found in
Pampanga. A human food with aquaculture potential
a. Pilsbyochoncha exilis c. Anodonta woodiana
b. Cristaria plicata d. Vivipara costata
174. It is a freshwater mussel that can be used as food and pearl culture. It is called in Japanese as
a. Hyriopsis schlegeli c. Cristaria plicata
b. Hyropsis cumingii d. Anadonota woodiana
175. A saltwater pearl oyster species also called as tipay that can be used for pearl aquaculture in
the Philippines. It produces the famous and expensive South Sea pearl
a. Silver-lipped pearl oyster Pinctada maxima
b. “Akoya” pearl oyster Pinctada fucata
c. Black-lipped pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera
d. “Mabe” pearl oyster Pteria penguin
176. A saltwater (SW) pearl oyster species also called as tipay bato that can be used for pearl
aquaculture in the Philippines. It produces black pearl
a. Silver-lipped pearl oyster Pinctada maxima
b. Akoya pearl oyster Pinctada fucata
c. Black-lipped pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera
d. Mabe pearl oyster Pteria penguin
177. It is the fastest growing pearl oyster species (also called as wasay-wasay) that can be used
for pearl aquaculture and it produces pink pearls.
a. Silver-lipped pearl oyster Pinctada maxima
b. Akoya pearl oyster Pinctada fucata
c. Black-lipped pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera
d. Mabe pearl oyster Pteria penguin
178. A tiny bivalve cultivated in the province of Capiz in the island of Panay, west central
Philippines as live feed for shrimp and mudcrab, and sometimes for tilapia and milkfish
a. Agiis c. Taklobo
b. Imbao d. Tahong
179. A mangrove clam locally known as imbao which is widely distributed in the Indo-West
Pacific, from East and South Africa, including Madagascar and the Red Seam to eastern Polynesia;
north to southern Japan and Hawaii, and south to New South Wales. It inhabits the muddy bottom of
mangrove area, or the adjacent mudflats. It grows to a maximum size 8-9 cm shell length, total
weight of 180-210 g and is a potential aquaculture species
a. Anadonta edentula c. Anodonta plicata
b. Anadonta woodiana d. Anodota maritimus
180. A bivalve mollusk locally called as kapis, commercially and economically important
because of its translucent shell. They can be made into beautiful handicrafts and they can be used for
making animals glue, chalk, shellack, soldering lead, and paint. The shellcraft product is exported to
US, Japan, West Germany and other European countries. They can be cultured or transplanted in
suitable areas and there are 27 kapis beds in the Philippines
a. Placuna placenta c. Conus geographus
b. Tridacna gigas d. Helmet shell
181. A freshwater gastropod that belongs to the family Pilidae that was introduced in the
Philippines in the 1980’s as a source of food but eventually became pest in rice fields
a. Pomacea cuprina c. Pomacea cananiculata
b. Pomacea insularis d. Pomacea maxima
182. A pond system design that allows for the continuous program of pond preparation and
harvest of milkfish in brackishwater (BW) but this system is input and labor intensive and requires
an area of about 8 hectares.
a. Traditional pond system c. Nursery pond system
b. Modular pond system d. Transition pond
183. A parasitic isopod that is a major pest in the cage culture of Nile tilapia in Taal Lake
a. Alitropus typus c. Prosthodisplosthomum sp.
b. Lernea sp. d. Monogean parasite
184. A fungus-associated disease that affects FW and estuarine warm water fishes that was first
reported in farmed "ayu" in Japan and severe outbreaks occurred in grey mullet Mugil cephalus in
Australia. Some important culture species like tilapia, milkfish and carps are found to be resistant to
this disease
a. Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome c. Spring Viranemia
b. Lymphocysts d. Haemorrhagic Septicemia
186. The ratio of feed consumed to the fish biomass gained is called
a. Feed conversion ratio c. Feed conversion efficiency
b. Food conversion ratio D. Food conversion efficiency
187. The physiological capacity of the fish to convert feeds to fish flesh is termed
a. Feed conversion efficiency c. Energy feed efficiency
b. Feed conversion ratio d. Feed conversion
189. In fishes with stomach, the transport of food from the stomach into the midgut is controlled
by a muscular sphincter called
a. Pylorus c. Midgut sphincter
b. Esophageal sphincter d. None of the above
191. For carnivorous (e.g. Trout and dalag) and non-carnivorous (e.g. Tilapia and carp) fishes, the
feeding practices are as follows
a. Large meals and less frequent feeding and small meals and more frequent feeding,
b. Small meals and less frequent feeding and large meals and less frequent feeding, respectively
c. Large meals and have frequent feeding, respectively
d. None of the above
192. The tilapias are cichlid species which are endemic to the
a. Middle East and Africa c. Southeast Asia and the Pacific
b. Middle East and Africa d. All of the above
193. Sex reversal is one of the methods to produce all-male tilapia. This method is done by the
oral administration of the hormone called
a. 17 á-methyl testosterone c. Methyl androgen
b. Diesterol alpha d. All of the above
194. The chromosomes of the normal male and female tilapia are
a. XY and XX, respectively c. XY and YY, respectively
b. XX and XY, respectively d. All of these
200. Which of the following will not cause low primary productivity in ponds?
a. Nutrient deficiency c. Low stocking density
b. Acidity d. Pest
201. When fish gasps at the surface, a fish culturist must immediately do one of the following:
a. Fertilize the pond c. Activate life support system
b. Drain the pond d. Feed the species
203. One of the commodities listed below is not a top fishery export of the Philippines
a. Milkfish c. Prawn
b. Seaweeds d. Tuna
204. In terms of finfish production, one of the following agro-ecological zones yields the most in
both volume and value.
a. Mariculture areas c. Freshwater ponds
b. Brackishwater ponds d. None of the above
205. Carrying capacity can be increased by:
a. Fertilization c. Feeding
b. Aeration d. All of the above
210. A gaseous biogeochemical cycle that is self- replenishing, almost a perfect cycle.
a. Nitrogen cycle c. Carbon cycle
b. Phosphorous cycle d. Carbon Dioxide cycle
211. Fish grows isometrically when their Length-Weight relationship yields a b value of:
a. 1 c. < or > 1
b. 3 d. < or > 3
213. Feeds that contain ingredients of precisely known composition and formulated from
synthetic substances.
a. Practical diets c. Purified diets
b. Complete diets d. Balance diets
216. A type of parasitic crustacean that is caused by parasitic copepod, worm-like adults buried in
the body and only female species infect the fish
a. Lerneasis c. Skin fluke
b. Fish lice d. Gill fluke
217. Protogyny, in which female species turn into males, is common to this family except:
a. Labridae c. Serranidae
b. Scaridae d. Monocantidae
218. This is a phenomenon caused by low salinity, temperature and light intensity. This health
condition of seaweed wherein it exudes organic substances, which is mucilaginous in nature and with
the presence opportunistic bacteria in the water column aggravates the whitening of the branches.
a. Tip discoloration c. Die off
b. Ice-ice disease d. Tip darkening
219. Kjeldahl digestion is the method of analysis of what major fraction of feeds and feedstuff?
a. Crude protein c. Crude fat
b. Moisture d. Crude fiber
220. Weed control is one of the different strategies in pond management. Which of the following
is not an adverse effect of weeds?
a. Utilize soil nutrients
b. Increase in hydrogen sulfide concentration
c. Interfere with the production of fish
d. Impede solar exposure of the pond
223. In ponds, the problem with acid sulfate soils usually originates in:
a. Gates c. Dikes
b. Levees d. Canals
224. What is the active ingredient of the organic pesticide, derris roots?
a. Rotenone c. Teaseed
b. Saponin d. Nicotine
227. Which of the following statement about feeds and feeding of fishes and shrimps is incorrect?
a. Milkfish broodstock are fed with 25%protein.
b. Milkfish larvae fed on chlorella.
c. Tilapias are omnivorous
d. Shrimp more actively at night.
228. What anti- nutritional substance is found in ipil-ipil that interferes with enzyme synthesis in
the liver?
a. Lectin c. Phytates
b. Memosine d. Thiaminase
229. Aflatoxicosis is a disease resulting from exposure of feeds to aflatoxin- contaminated diet.
This is also known as
a. Red disease c. Paralytic syndrome
b. Black disease d. Fusarium disease
230. Anti- nutritional substance that is found in cassava that releases poisonous hydrocyanic acid
upon hydrolysis.
a. Peroxide c. Tannin
b. Cyanogens d. Phytates
231. Which of the following minerals is considered as macro-element and required in the diet in
relatively large amount?
a. Iron c. Copper
b. Chlorine d. Selenium
236. Which of the following has nitrogen as its only nutrient component (single fertilizer)?
a. Urea c. Potassium sulfate
b. Potassium chloride d. Super phosphate
237. Which of the following is not a zooplankton?
a. Brachionus c. Chaetoceros
b. Moina d. Artemia
241. A product of fish protein metabolism and decomposition of organic matter by bacteria
a. Urea c. Potassium
b. Phosphorous d. Ammonia
242. Which of the following environmental stimuli affect spawning of tropical species?
a. Rainfall and floods c. Temperature
b. Courtship behavior d. All of these
244. This feed is given to fish weighing 5.1-30.0 grams per piece
a. Mash c. Juvenile pellets
b. Crumbles d. Adult pellets
246. Which of this animal litter has the highest nitrogen content?
a. Sheep (old) c. Broiler (fresh)
b. Swine (fold) d. Layers (fresh)
247. Soil type with 22% clay, 14% silt and 63% sand
a. Clay-clay type c. Sandy-loam type
b. Sandy-clay type d. Loam type
252. Often used to flocculate suspended solids so that they will settle quickly
a. Aluminum sulfate c. Pyrite
b. Calcium carbonate d. Magnesium sulfate
253. A complex community of microbenthic biota closely associated with pond bed
a. Lablab c. Phytoplankton
b. Lumot d. Zooplankton
254. Which of the following feedstuff has the highest apparent protein digestibility?
a. Gelatin c. Corn starch
b. Yeast d. Fish meal
256. Refers to the layer of the land or the changes in the surface and elevation of the ground
a. Soil pH c. Soil texture
b. Soil area d. Topography
262. Which of the following is the chemical commonly used as treatment for viral infections?
a. Copper sulfate c. Magnesium oxide
b. Oxylinic acid d. None of these
263. This is a normal free-living organism either in water or the fish, but is capable of adopting
pathogenic role under certain circumstances.
a. Primary or obligate pathogen c. Isopod infestation
b. Opportunistic pathogen d. Bacterial hemorrhagic septicemia
267. The following are examples of major viral infections in fish except:
a. Spinning Tilapia Syndrome c. Yellow Head Virus Disease
b. Lymphocystis Disease d. Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome
269. Several species of crabs are now of commercial value and can be obtained from the natural
habitat or hatchery. Which of the following is considered the native crab?
a. Scylla tranquebarica c. Scylla olivacea
b. Scylla serrata d. Scylla paramamosain
270. White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) Disease, a major viral infection in penaeid shrimp, is
caused by
a. Parvovirus c. Rhabdovirus
b. Baculovirus d. Nodavirus
271. Which of the following water management methods is stressful to shrimps during culture?
a. Frequent water exchange c. Application of lime
b. Application of Probiotics d. Production of green water
272. The egg-carrying females of common crustaceans such as prawn and crabs are termed
a. Elated c. Berried
b. Pregnant d. Matured
276. A serious viral problem to grouper culture which was first reported in Japan in 1991 and 1994.
a. Viral Nervous Necrosis c. White Spot Disease
b. Taura Syndrome Virus d. Lymphocystis disease
277. Which of the following is not a right technique in handling and transporting prawn
a. Place the organism in plastic bag with oxygen pressure
b. Place the spawner in freshwater with continuous aeration
c. Put certain amount of ice outside the plastic bag to be use
d. All of these
279. The following species of Siganus make use of coral reef as its habitat except:
a. punctatus c. luridus
b. vermiculatus d. None of these
283. Viral Nervous Necrosis (VNN), common among groupers and related species is caused by:
a. Rhabdovirus c. Baculovirus
b. Parvovirus d. Nodavirus
284. This is a serious finfish disease in Asia affecting more than 100 species of wild and cultured
fish and to a lesser extent brackishwater fishes.
a. Infectious Acid Fast Bacteria c. Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome
b. Bacterial Hemorrhagic Septicemia d. Fungal disease
285. Tilapia nests can be natural or constructed cavities. What do you call this kind of ecological
a. Psammophils c. Aphrophils
b. Phytophils d. Speleophils
286. The following are gross signs of Spinning Tilapia Syndrome except:
a. Do not feed c. Swim in spiral pattern
b. Scale loss d. Gasping for air
287. What is the right water management for semi-intensive culture of tilapia in ponds?
a. Frequent water change c. 50% water change after 2 months
b. Flow-through d. 5-10% daily water change
288. Common carp spawns between 2-8am and eggs hatched in __________days.
a. 1-2 c. 2-3
b. 4-5 d. 5-6
290. The species of carp which is flat head, sub-inferior mouth, herbivore and widely introduced
for weed control.
a. Ctenopharyngodon idella c. Cyprinus carpio
b. Ctenopharyngodon nobilis d. Hypothalmichtys molitrix
292. The success of the milkfish culture in fishpens in Laguna de Bay could be attributed to the
following except:
a. Occurrence of algal bloom c. Mixed water
b. Absence of true plankton feeders d. Bottom is sandy and coralline
293. First maturation of common carp occurs within how many months.
a. 3-5 c. 8-12
b. 6-8 d. 4-8
294. Carp, catfish, and snakehead are usually inflicted with cestode, and endoparasitic tapeworm
with ribbon-like body. Causative agent is:
a. Echinocephalus c. Argulus
b. Alitropus d. Botriocephalus
295. The local pattern of tide curve (better known as design tide curve) upon which fishpond
design is based can be obtained from an analysis of the tide record drawn along ______________
a. Zero datum which is mean lower low water
b. Zero datum which is mean low water
c. Zero datum which is mean high water
d. Zero datum which is mean higher high water
296. It serves as the foundation of the structure and its elevation for main gates must be lower
than the pond bottom elevation and is slightly lower than the lower tide of the site
a. Dikes c. Catching pond
b. Levees d. Floor
297. The broadened and extended part of the floor. It serves as protection to scouring and future
seepage of water at the gates sides.
a. Dike c. Crown
b. Floor d. Apron
298. This is built against the side walls to support or reinforceit; it also helps in reducing seepage
flow along the sidewalls
a. Wing wall c. Catwalk
b. Buttress d. Apron
299. Reinforced concrete slab or thick wooden planks that span the sidewalls
a. Wing wall c. Catwalks
b. Buttress d. Apron
300. They are generally wooden planks used to control the amount of water flowing through the
a. Flash boards/slabs c. Screen
b. Apron d. Buttress
301. Framed bamboo strips or polyethylene meshes fitted into the groves, used to prevent the
exits of cultured organisms and the entry of predators
a. Pillars c. Screens
b. Braces d. slabs
302. These provides the control of water to and from the control canal and into the different pond
components such as catching pond or nursery pond
a. Main gate c. Blocks
b. Main dike d. Secondary/tertiary dike
303. A more recent innovation in pond construction which convey water across the dikes and
similar embankments, it is smaller and less expensive made of concrete hollow blocks or asbestos
cement, it may or may not have wing walls.
a. Gate c. Culvert
b. Canal d. Stand pipe
304. It helps retain water for use in the fish farming operation as well as to protect everything
within it from destruction
a. Dikes c. Slabs
b. Gates d. Perimeter dike
305. The design of perimeter dike must be based on sound engineering principles and economic
feasibility. There are generally two types of perimeter dike design, what are those?
a. For exposed area and for protected area
b. For domestic and export market
c. For commercial and for backyard farming
d. For hatchery and for grow-out
307. These structure in fish pond usually starts from the main gate and transverse the central
portion of the farm.
a. Supply canal c. Main water supply canal
b. Water supply canal d. Tertiary water supply canal
308. Usually, these structures are the veins supplying the nursery and transition pond in fish farm.
These can be modified to serve as catching pond.
a. Diversion canal c. Tertiary canal
b. Nursery supply canal d. Drainage canal
309. These canals are built primarily for the purpose of protecting the farm from being flooded
with runoff water coming from the watershed
a. Diversion canal c. Tertiary canal
b. Nursery supply canal d. Drainage canal
310. These canals are built to facilitate flow-through system in intensive farming
a. Diversion canal c. Tertiary canal
b. Nursery supply canal d. Drainage canal
312. The following are factors to be consider in selecting brackishwater pond except
a. Water supply c. Vegetation
b. Trend of supply and demand d. Topography
313. The suitable site for fishpond is brackishwater/mangrove swamps. This preliminary step in
the construction is done to kill the trees by filling up the pond water.
a. Under-brushing c. Uprooting
b. Watering d. Withering
316. Soil/mud blocks are transported from the digging site by means of the following except:
a. Bamboo raft c. Flat boat
b. Dug-out boat d. Petuya
317. This tool is used to compact the soil blocks, made of a short log
a. Drag line c. Digging blade
b. Tamping device d. Sarap
318. A track-mounted crane particularly good for dike construction, canal digging and
a. Wooden mallet c. Tamping device
b. Drag line d. Transit line
319. Manual method in transporting soil blocks where workers forms a single line positioned at
1-2m apart, extending from the source to the dike construction site relaying the blocks to each man
until it reaches the pile.
a. Line system c. Flat boat system
b. Sliding system d. Raft system
320. Another manual method in transporting soil blocks applicable when the source of blocks is
close to the site, the workers throw the blocks on the board letting the blocks to slide down to the
base of the dikes.
a. Line system c. Flat boat system
b. Sliding system d. Raft system
323. This refers to the vertical distance from the surface of the water to centerline of the pump
a. Suction head c. Total dynamic head
b. Discharge head d. Drawdown
324. A vertical distance from the centerline of impeller to the point of discharge
a. Suction head c. Total dynamic head
b. Discharge head d. Drawdown
325. The sum of suction head, discharge head, hydraulic head losses and velocity
a. Suction head c. Total dynamic head
b. Discharge head d. Drawdown
326. The lowering of water surface below the static level during pumping
a. Suction head c. Total dynamic head
b. Discharge head d. Drawdown
328. Reduction of water level due to several uncontrolled factors taking place as operation goes
on and thereafter.
a. Static level c. Discharge
b. Hydraulic loss d. Performance curve
329. Refers to the rate of flow or the volume of water pumped per unit time
a. Static level c. Discharge
b. Hydraulic loss d. Performance curve
330. Refers to the variation of the head with capacity at a constant impeller speed
a. Static level c. Discharge
b. Hydraulic loss d. Performance curve
331. Pump that is characterized by operating at low head and low discharge
a. Centrifugal pump c. Propeller
b. Deep-well turbine d. Hydraulic pump
332. A pump that is capable of operating at high head and low to high discharge
a. Centrifugal pump c. Propeller
b. Deep-well turbine d. Hydraulic pump
333. This pump has the characteristic of operating at low head but delivering large volume of
a. Centrifugal pump c. Propeller
b. Deep-well turbine d. Hydraulic pump
334. A special type of pump which delivers water into the pond by using a wooden trough
equipped with series of blades connected by flexible joints powered by windmill.
a. Propeller c. Dragon-wheel pump
b. Centrifugal pump d. Push pump
335. Special type of pump suitable for lifting water at an inclination of not more than 20°. The
water is being pushed up by means of propeller through a tube or pipe.
a. Propeller c. Dragon-wheel pump
b. Centrifugal pump d. Push pump
336. Shrimp fry are also gathered using push pump with less than 20% mortality. The collected
fry are treated with _____________, an active ingredient from soy bean, which selectively kills
finfish species but not shrimp fry.
a. Quinaldine c. Clove oil
b. MS222 d. Saponin
337. Which of the following components of pumping plant serves as a basin provided at the foot
of the pump column suction head, this protects the system against excessive debris, floats and also
minimizes silting.
a. Pump and prime mover foundation c. Distribution canals
b. Suction sump d. Push pump
338. The following are components of pumping plants in coastal fish farms. Which among them
does the carrying of weight of the pump and engine?
a. Pump and prime mover foundation c. Suction sump
b. Distribution canals d. Push pump
339. In fish farms with accessible supply of electricity where there are no frequent power
interruptions occur, preferably, the type of prime mover to be used is __________________?
a. Engine-powered c. Hydraulic-powered
b. Electric-powered d. Diesel-powered
340. One of the accessories in propeller pumps which change the direction of the drive from
vertical to horizontal, change input and provide alternative horizontal drive where there is already a
vertical electric motor during the pump.
a. Gear drive c. Pump columns
b. Cross joints and shafts d. Hydraulic driven pump
341. This is a system where a prime mover drives a hydraulic pump and the high pressure
transmitted through hydraulic hoses which drives a hydraulic motor attached to the impeller.
a. Pump columns c. Gear drive
b. Cross joints and shafts d. Hydraulic driven pump
342. Comprise about 50-70% of total developmental cost in coastal fishpond development
a. Construction cost c. Feasibility planning and designing
b. Estimating development cost d. Contingencies
343. A part of budget normally set aside specifically intended for unexpected additional expenses
a. Construction cost c. Feasibility planning and designing
b. Estimating development cost d. Contingencies
344. Considered as the simplest culture system in shrimp culture where the stocking density
ranges from 2,000-5,000 fry/hectare.
a. Traditional culture system c. Semi-intensive method
b. Improved traditional culture system d. Intensive method
346. Most ponds developed along the coastal areas with dense mangrove vegetation often have
acid-sulfate problem during the first few years of operation. This is due to the accumulation of?
a. Organic materials c. Pyrite
b. Hydrogen sulfide d. Methane
347. Perennial fish ponds in the Philippines is characterized by acid sulfate soil and during pond
leveling the pyrites (iron sulfide) are oxidized producing ___________________ which acidifies the
soil correspondingly reducing the natural productivity.
a. Acidic water c. Sulphuric acid
b. Acidic substances d. Hydrogen sulfide
349. After neutralizing acidic soil with lime, acid are removed through ________________
a. Fertilization c. Crack drying
b. Flushing d. Ploughing
352. Metapenaeus ensis are able to tolerate water temperature of 25-45°C, therefore they are ____
a. Euryhaline c. Eurythermal
b. Euryphagous d. Polythermal
353. The determination of soil class is still maid in the field mainly by feeling the soil with
fingers. If the soil you squeezed in moist will for a cast but will crumble when touch, then the type of
your soil is…
a. Sandy c. Loam
b. Sandy loam d. Silty loam
354. This type of soil will form a “long, flexible ribbon” when pinched between thumb and
fingers, a fine textured soil that usually form very hard lump when dry.
a. Clay loam c. Silty loam
b. Sandy loam d. Clay
355. This type of fine, textured soil will form a “ribbon” when pinched between fingers but will
break readily barely sustaining its own weight.
a. Clay loam c. Silty loam
b. Sandy loam d. Clay
356. The amount of each soil separate in a soil mixture determines its texture. The most reliable
method in determining the amount of each soil is…..
a. Petersen method c. Laboratory test
b. Buoyocous mechanical test d. Field test
358. It is the most important physical property of soil in fishpond engineering which helps
determine its ability to resist seepage, attainable compaction and load bearing capacity.
a. Texture c. Acid-forming substance
b. pH d. Permeability
360. A zone in coastal edge as probable site for fishpond characterized by its marginal land along
edges of cultivation, seeded by seawater at highest high tide, highly elevated and generally no acid
sulfate soils.
a. Zone A c. Zone C
b. Zone B d. Zone D
361. A probable site for fishpond which is generally elevated, vegetated with many swamp areas,
some are earth mounds and some portions are acid sulfate soils.
a. Zone A c. Zone C
b. Zone B d. Zone D
362. A zone which is generally low elevation, densely vegetated and with high occurrences of
pyrite build-up.
a. Zone A c. Zone C
b. Zone B d. Zone D
363. This zone has low elevation, it is very exposed to wave action which may require expensive
big dikes and wave protection structure, and it has no acidity problem, hence, ideal for shrimp
a. Zone A c. Zone C
b. Zone B d. Zone D
364. In what type of vegetation does an aquaculturist prefer to build his brackishwater pond?
a. Rhizophora vegetated zone c. Nypa zone
b. Mangal zone d. Avicennia zone
365. A zone with this type of vegetation indicates a productive soil because of its less dense root
system compared to other vegetation.
a. Mangrove zone c. Avicennia zone
b. Rhizophora zone d. Bruguiera zone
368. Refers to the time interval between two successive high waters
a. Tidal range c. Tidal inequity
b. Tidal period d. Spring tide
369. Refers to differences between highest high waters and lowest low waters
a. Tidal range c. Diurnal inequity
b. Tidal period d. Spring tide
370. Refers to the differences in height of the two high waters or of the two low waters of each
a. Tidal range c. Diurnal inequity
b. Tidal period d. Spring tide
372. These are extra high spring tide which occur twice a year at the time of vernal and autumnal
a. Highest high tide c. MHHW
b. Equinoctial autumnal equinoxes d. MLLW
373. A method in determining the height of tide which involves plotting of the tide curve.
a. Graphical method c. Plotting technique
b. Chart plotting method d. Tide plotting
374. This refers to the area/space provided for ecological consideration as well as physical
protection against flooding and wave action. In the Philippines, it is at least 100m from the sea.
a. Perimeter dike c. Miscellaneous structural zone
b. Drainage canal d. Sanctioned buffer zone
375. A smallest unit in pond system where fry are stocked before allowed passing to nursery
a. Catching pond c. Nursery pond
b. Fry acclimatization pond d. Preparatory pond
376. One of the following is not appropriately described by the following statement: is located
adjacent to the nursery pond in order to have efficient and quick transfer of fingerlings
a. Transition pond c. Stunting pond
b. Withholding pond d. Holding pond
377. The largest compartment in pond system comprising 80% of the total area.
a. Holding pond c. Catching pond
b. Kitchen pond d. Grow out
378. This portion of the pond is strictly intended to augment the availability of food
a. Holding pond c. Catching pond
b. Kitchen pond d. Grow out
380. Lablab production
a. Shallow water method c. Lablab method
b. Deep water method d. Plankton method
381. A complex community of micro-benthic biota closely associated with pond bottom.
a. Lablab c. Periphyton
b. Plankton d. Algae
383. This compartment distributes the tidal inflow to the various ponds and provides
independence in the operation of individual pond compartment.
a. Reservoir pond c. Housing site
b. Division pond d. Sedimentation basin
384. These structures are located near the water source before the incoming tide enters the pond.
It is intended to settle suspended solids carried by the flowing waters.
a. Reservoir pond c. Housing site
b. Division pond d. Sedimentation basin
385. These spaces are set aside for farm personnel and for storehouses.
a. Salvage zone c. Miscellaneous zone
b. Buffer zone d. Housing
386. A versatile piece of instrument which is use for measuring vertical and horizontal distances,
angles, for prolonging lines and for leveling operations.
a. Levels c. Leveling rod
b. Engineer’s transit d. Range poles
387. Are slender round poles usually made of metal or wood painted with alternative bands of red
and white, these are stuck along the line of survey in order to establish a straight line of sight
a. Levels c. Leveling rod
b. Engineer’s transit d. Range poles
389. It is defined as the ratio of the measured distance in the number of paces made to cover the
measured distance.
a. Pacing c. Pace factor
b. Paces d. All of the above
391. Distance
a. Upper stadia minus lower stadia divided by stadia constant multiplied to a hundredth
b. Lower stadia minus upper stadia divided by stadia constant multiplied to a hundredth
c. The product of upper and lower stadia divided by stadia constant multiplied to a hundredth
d. The quotient of upper and lower stadia added to stadia constant divided to a hundredth
392. In measuring the distance using a modern stadia rod, distance is equal to…….
a. Upper stadia minus lower stadia divided by stadia constant multiplied to a hundredth
b. Lower stadia minus upper stadia divided by stadia constant multiplied to a hundredth
c. Upper stadia minus lower stadia multiplied to a hundredth
d. Lower stadia minus upper stadia multiplied to a hundredth
395. The following are instruments used for angle measurement except…
a. Plane table c. Sextant
b. Alidade d. DSRT
398. An angle that has been referred from North and South and can never be greater than 90°
a. Interior angles c. Deflection angle
b. Bearing d. Angular angle
399. Refer to the angle between a line and the prolongation of the preceeding line
a. Interior angle c. Deflection angle
b. Bearing d. Angular angle
402. A method used in computing area wherein boundaries of the farm are plotted to scale and
area is determined by the use of planimeter
a. Planimeter method c. Trapezoidal rule
b. Double-meridian distance d. Plotting into geometric figure
403. A method use in computing area where area is calculated from coordinates of the farm
a. Planimeter method c. Trapezoidal rule
b. Double-meridian distance d. Plotting into geometric figure
404. This method is applicable for calculating areas of land bounded by irregular curves
a. Planimeter method c. Trapezoidal rule
b. Double-meridian distance d. Plotting into geometric figure
405. A method in computing area which include plotting the boundaries of the scale involving
mathematical computation
a. Planimeter method c. Trapezoidal rule
b. Double-meridian distance d. Plotting into geometric figure
406. This kind of survey requires technical know-how and skill in leveling operation. The
ultimate objective in doing this survey is to reflect on map the relief or changes in elevation of the
fish farm site including other relevant features.
a. Levelling survey c. Lay-outing
b. Topographic survey d. Double-meridian survey
407. The basic operation in engineering survey that leads to the production of topographic map
a. Levelling survey c. Lay-outing
b. Topographic survey d. Double-meridian survey
408. A kind of direct levelling which determines the difference in elevation of two points which
are distant apart.
a. Distant levelling c. Profile levelling
b. Differential levelling d. Double-point levelling
409. A kind of direct levelling which determines the differences in elevation of points along a
prescribed line and at measured intervals.
a. Distant levelling c. Profile levelling
b. Differential levelling d. Double-point levelling
411. Refers to the station or point in the ground of known elevation and of permanent nature, this
point provides the reference/ baseline point of elevation from where other station is calculated.
a. Slope c. Benchmark
b. Topography d. Elevation
412. The point where a rod reading is taken and generally along the line being run
a. Station c. Foresight
b. Backsight d. Turning point
413. A reading taken on point of known elevation, more known as plus sight
a. Station c. Foresight
b. Backsight d. Turning point
414. A reading taken on any point of unknown elevation and is always subtracted, hence, known
as minus sight
a. Station c. Foresight
b. Backsight d. Turning point
415. It is an intermediate station or reference point whenever the instrument are moved from one
set up to another, this point is no longer needed right after the necessary reading are taken
a. Station c. Foresight
b. Backsight d. Turning point
417. Refers to the graph of the ground surface which shows change in elevation with distance
a. Turning point c. Ground profile
b. Height of the instrument d. Foresight
418. These show the configuration or changes in elevation of the ground in a topographic map.
Each point represents the points of the same elevation and is spaced according to the differences in
elevation between two adjacent lines.
a. Turning point c. Topographic lines
b. Benchmark d. Contour line
423. 1 hectare
a. 2.47 acres c. 0.54 acres
b. 1 acres d. 2.2 acres
425. 1 circumference
a. 1800 c. 000°
b. 0900 d. 10
426. Are fine-meshed rectangular net supported by two poles at both ends employed for
fingerling collection
a. Fingerling seine c. Push net
b. Cast net d. Scoop net
428. This tightens the collecting bunt of harvesting bag nets to impound catch
a. Rope c. Rhumb line
b. Metal rings d. Lazy line
429. A versatile net used for sampling fish or shrimp to monitor its growth
a. Seine net c. Cast net
b. Scoop net d. Hapa net
430. These are either electric or engine powered machineries which can remedy critical oxygen
condition in fish farms.
a. Pumps c. Paddlewheel
b. Fish wheel d. None of the above
431. A simple hand instrument designed to eliminate burrowing crabs into the fishpond dikes
a. Predatory hook c. Eel hook
b. Crab hook d. Snare
433. These soil are those that contain high concentration of hydrogen and aluminum ion resulting
to poor productivity when utilize as fishpond
a. Sandy coralline c. Acid sulfate soil
b. Mudflats d. Pyrite
435. Upon bacterial decomposition in perennial brackishwater pond, abundant sulfate from
seawater is reduced to sulfides which then undergo chemical reaction forming crystals known as?
a. Pyrite c. Crystalline nodules
b. Aluminum crystals d. Mineral pyrites
437. Which of the following has highest aquaculture production as of 2013?
a. Region I c. Region III
b. Region II d. ARMM
438. Which of the following has the highest rice-fish culture production?
a. CARAGA c. Region V
b. Region IV d. Region III
449. A chemical attractant release by mature female to get noticed by males
a. Pheromone c. Ova
b. Secondary substance d. Ovules
451. Refers to the ability of lake to dilute material whether they are naturally occurring from the
watershed or from a human-induced spill is termed as…
a. Carrying capacity c. Dilution capacity
b. Competence d. Dissolution
452. Are graphs used to provide a visual representation of the relationship between the surface
area of a certain ecosystem and its depth, able to give us accurate information at a glance?
a. Hypsographic curves c. Hypsographic arc
b. Hydrographic curves d. Hydrographic arc
456. Some organisms are motile throughout their lives, but others are adopted to move or to be
moved at precise, limited phases of their life cycle. This particular stage in their lives is known as
a. Dispersive phase c. Density-independent dispersal
b. Density-dependent dispersal d. Natal dispersal
457. A situation where an individual, often juveniles, move away from where it was born
a. Dispersive phase c. Density-independent dispersal
b. Density-dependent dispersal d. Natal dispersal
458. A situation where an individual, often adult, moves away from one breeding location to
breed elsewhere
a. Dispersive dispersal c. Breeding dispersal
b. Natal dispersal d. Density-dependent dispersal
459. A special, dormant propagules of freshwater sponges
a. Planula c. Zygote
b. Tardigrades d. Gemmulae
464. Giant freshwater prawn, locally known as “ulang” has been scientifically known as
a. Macrobrachium resenbergii c. Macrobrachium rosenvergie
b. Microbrachium rosenbergie d. Macrobrachium rosenbergii
465. A kind of survey which takes into account the true spheroidal shape of the earth
a. Plane surveying c. Geodetic survey
b. Apparent survey d. Spheroidal survey
468. Refers to the difference from the true value caused by the imperfection of the surveyor’s
senses, imperfection of the instrument or by weather effect.
a. Mistake c. Difference
b. Error d. Accidental error
469. Refers to the difference from the true value caused by the inattention of the surveyor
a. Mistake c. Difference
b. Error d. Accidental error
470. This refers to the horizontal angle with respect to a reference line which is read clockwise
a. Direction c. Meridian
b. Horizontal angle d. True meridian
471. Refers to the fixed line of reference
a. Direction c. Meridian
b. Horizontal angle d. True meridian
473. This refer to the direction of a line passing through the geographic North and South poles
and the surveyors position
a. Meridian c. Magnetic meridian
b. True meridian d. Assumed meridian
474. This is the direction taken by the magnetized needle of the compass at the surveyor’s
a. Meridian c. Magnetic meridian
b. True meridian d. Assumed meridian
476. Refers to the series of successive straight lines that are connected together
a. Traverse c. Latitude
b. Contour line d. Meridian
479. Round scad, as of 2011, is the top species in commercial fisheries and is scientifically known as?
a. Decapterus macrosoma c. Rastrelliger brachysoma
b. Selar crumenopthalmus d. Nemipterus sp.
481. A fish that is closely associated with mangrove area, which behaves more like an amphibian than fish
a. Ophicaphelus striatus c. Gambusia affinis
b. Periopthalmus sp. d. Monopterus albus
483. Smallest fish which measures 7.9 cm in adult size, found in Sumatra, Indonesia
a. Misthichthyes lozunensis c. Carapus bermudensis
b. Pandaca pygmea d. Paedocypris progenetica
485. Diwal
a. Paphia undulate c. Barnea manilensis
b. Histrio histrio d. Latimeria chalumnae
486. The only fresh water species from the family Carangidae
a. Caranx ignobilis c. Sardinella tawilis
b. Lepomis macrochirus d. Ipomea reptans
488. Kurinding
a. Thunnus obesus c. Auxis thazard
b. Euthynnus affinis d. Thunnus thynnus
490. Gulyasan
a. Katsuwunus pelamis c. Thunnus obesus
b. Euthynnus affinis d. Thunnus albacores
493. A fish from family Channichthyidae which carries no hemoglobin on its blood
a. Vandellia cirrhosa c. Gambusia affinis
b. Missgurnus anguillicaudatus d. Chionodraco hamatus
497. The following are production system in aquaculture except for _____.
a. Supra-intensive c. Semi-intensive
b. Extensive D. Intensive
498. Any abnormality in structure or function displayed by living organisms through specific or
non-specific sign.
a. Symptoms c. Disease
b. Stress d. Paranormal behavior
499. The development of disease in a particular aquaculture system involves several factors; the
farmed fish (host), the disease causing organism (pathogen) and ____________.
a. Viruses c. Culture system
b. Implications d. Environment