Sardo Et Al-2016 JTV
Sardo Et Al-2016 JTV
Sardo Et Al-2016 JTV
Basic research
School of Health Sciences, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Centro Hospitalar do Baixo Vouga, EPE, Portugal
Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, University of Oporto, Portugal
Chemistry Department, QOPNA, University of Aveiro, Portugal
KEYWORDS Abstract Aim: To analyze the first pressure ulcer risk and skin assessment records
International classifi- of hospitalized adult patients in medical and surgical areas of Aveiro Hospital during
cation of diseases; 2012 in association with their demographic and clinical characteristics.
Nursing; Material and methods: Retrospective cohort analysis of electronic health record
Nursing assessment; database from 7132 adult patients admitted to medical and surgical areas in a Por-
Pressure ulcer; tuguese hospital during 2012. The presence of (at least) one pressure ulcer at the
Prevalence; first skin assessment in inpatient setting was associated with age, gender, type of
* Corresponding author. School of Health Sciences, University of Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, Agras do Crasto, 3810-
193 Aveiro, Portugal. Tel.: þ351 234 372 452.
E-mail addresses: (P.M.G. Sardo), (C.S.O. Simões),
(J.J.M. Alvarelhão), (C.T.deO.e Costa),
(C.J.C. Simões), (J.M.R. Figueira), (J.F.F.L. Simões),
(F.M.L. Amado), (A.J.M. Amaro), ( Melo).
0965-206X/ª 2016 Tissue Viability Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
76 P.M.G. Sardo et al.
Risk assessment admission, specialty units, length of stay, patient discharge and ICD-9 diagnosis.
Results: Point prevalence of participants with pressure ulcer category/stage IeIV of
7.9% at the first skin assessment in inpatient setting. A total of 1455 pressure ulcers
were documented, most of them category/stage I. The heels and the sacrum/coc-
cyx were the most problematic areas. Participants with pressure ulcer commonly
had two or more pressure ulcers.
Conclusions: The point prevalence of participants with pressure ulcer of our study
was similar international literature. The presence of a pressure ulcer at the first skin
assessment could be an important measure of frailty and the participants with pres-
sure ulcer commonly had more than one documented pressure ulcer. Advanced age or
lower Braden Scale scores or Emergency Service admission were relevant variables for
the presence of (at least) one pressure ulcer at the first skin assessment in inpatient
setting as well as respiratory, infectious or genitourinary system diseases.
ª 2016 Tissue Viability Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Table 1 Characterization of the study participants (n ¼ 7132). Characterization of the participants who had (at
least) one pressure ulcer documented at the first skin assessment (n ¼ 560). The odds ratio (OR) for having a
pressure ulcer at the first skin assessment was presented for each variable.
Skin assessment All participants Participants with PU OR (95% CI)
n ¼ 7132 (100%) n ¼ 560 (7.9%)
Male 3716 (52.1%) 252 1
Female 3416 (47.9%) 308 1.36 (1.15e1.62)
18e29 342 (4.8%) 1 1
30e39 429 (6.0%) 5 4.02 (0.47e34.58)
40e49 621 (8.7%) 3 1.66 (0.72e15.98)
50e59 899 (12.6%) 14 5.39 (0.71e41.18)
60e69 1234 (17.3%) 31 8.79 (1.20e64.60)
70e79 1766 (24.8%) 136 28.45 (3.97e204.14)
80 1841 (25.8%) 370 85.77 (12.00e612.67)
Programmed 2035 (28.5%) 9 1
Emergency service 5097 (71.5%) 551 27.29 (14.09e52.82)
Patient discharge
Discharge 5314 (74.5%) 140 1
Decease 377 (5.3%) 126 9.43 (7.64e11.65)
Transference 1441(20.2%) 294 18.77 (14.31e24.63)
Surgery 4358 (61.1%) 115 1
Medicine 2774 (38.9%) 445 7.05 (5.71e8.71)
Braden Scale score
> 16 4799 (67.3%) 21 1
16 2333 (32.7%) 539 68.36 (44.06e106.07)
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