Ubd Water Unit Planning Template
Ubd Water Unit Planning Template
Ubd Water Unit Planning Template
Introduction: We depend on water to survive. Water gives life to our Earth and supports
our way of life. We use water to grow crops, keep livestock and clean our food and
bodies. Water has helped us advance civilization by providing a means for travel for
entire parts of the world, and even provide power for factories. Because water can also
exist as a vapor, it can be stored in the atmosphere and be delivered as rain across the
planet. Earth's oceans also help regulate the planet's climate, absorbing heat in the
summer and releasing it during the winter. Those same oceans also serve as a home for
countless plants and animals.
Because of the unquestionable importance of water and its cycle to us and our world, we
will be diving into this fun and informative unit together as a class! We will be learning
about how we use water, the different stages of the water cycle, and question how we
affect each stage and how it affects us.
NGSS and/or Illinois Standards (depending Unit Objectives (label with the assessment
on subject – be sure to include all content number in Stage 2):
Students will learn the stages of the water
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.5 Compare cycle and retell the water cycle in their own
and contrast the overall structure (e.g., words, making sure at each stage to go into
chronology, comparison, cause/effect, specific experiences or occurrences (e.g
problem/solution) of events, ideas, rain onto crops, evaporation when sweating
concepts, or information in two or more while running) (Assessment 1)
texts. Students will research and learn about a
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.6 Analyze variety of perspectives of water usage and
multiple accounts of the same event or water issues globally and locally and
topic, noting important similarities and suggest solutions (Assessment 2)
differences in the point of view they