Business Communication
Business Communication
Business Communication
Business Communication
(BBA Part-I)
Associate Professor
Think Tanks
Edition: 2011
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University of Rajasthan, Jaipur BBA Part I
Media of Communication: Written, oral, face-to-face, visual, audio-visual,
modern media telex, fax, teleconferencing, E-mail, media of non-verbal
communication, kivesies effects.
Barriers to communication: Wrong choice of medium, Physical barriers,
Scmantic burles, Different comprehension of reality, Socio-psychological
Aids to correct writing: Tenses, Models, Conditional Infinitives, gerunds
and participles, Active & Passive voice, Subject-verb agreement, Common
Practical aspects of business communication: Report writing, Public
speaking, Seminar Interview, group discussion Effective listening
Writing Skills: types of business letters and letters writing.
Business Communication 1
Q.1. Define Communication?
Ans. The word communication has been derived from the Latin word
'communicare' that means ‘to share’. Communication may be defined as
interchange of thought or information between two or more persons to bring
about mutual understanding and desired action.
c. Downward d. Upward
• Delay.
• Loss of information.
• Distortion.
• Resentment by subordinate staff.
To make it effective:—
• Managers should be adequately informed.
• Managers should be clear how much to communicate.
• Information should be passed on to the correct person.
a) Single Strand Chain: Single Strand Chains are those which follow single
chain transmission.
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For example, A tells to B, who tells it to C & so on. The longer the strand, the
more is the distortion and filtering effects. For example, if any employee is at
the verge to be declared as the new team leader, then this message travels in a
single chain.
b) Gossip Chain: Gossip chains are those in which Group of people gather up
to discuss matters of mutual interest. These chains are generally considered
to be slow in passing the information.
Most of the informal communication follows this chain. Here the pivotal or the
centre person passes the information to the other persons who pass the
information to the other selected persons.
Business Communication 9
Worksheet- I
Key Terms:
Communication: It transfers the knowledge, information, idea etc.
Receiver: Receiver is the one who receives the information, idea,
knowledge sent by the sender.
Sender: Sender is the one who sends the information, idea, and
knowledge to the receiver.
Communication Process: It is the process which carries between
sender to receiver.
Formal Communication: Formal Communication is kind of
communication which flows by the formal channels.
Informal Communication: Informal communication flows informally
without any formal hierarchy.
Upward Communication: Upward Communication is kind of
communication which flows down to up.
Downward Communication: Downward Communication is kind of
communication which flows upward to downward.
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Q.1. What are the various media of communication?
Ans. The various media of communication are:
a) Written Communication: It includes letters, circulars, memos, telegrams,
reports, minutes, forms and questionnaires, manuals etc. Therefore,
everything in written form falls in the area of written communication.
• Accurate
• Precise
• Permanent Record
• Legal Document
• Can reach a large number of people simultaneously.
• Helps to fix responsibility.
• Time Consuming
• Expensive not in terms of postage but of the time of so many people.
• Quick clarification is not possible.
6. Type of Communication
Oral Communication: Informal
Written Communication: Formal
7. Reliability
Oral Communication: Not much more reliable than written
Written Communication: It is a very much reliable means of
8. Flexibility
Oral Communication: It is more flexible compared to written form.
Written Communication: It is less flexible than oral communication
9. Suitable or Applicable
Oral Communication: It is often suitable or applicable if the sender and
receiver are nearer to each other
Written Communication: It is applicable and suitable for long-distance
communication only if the sender and receiver are at a distant place or far
away from each other.
10.Immediate Feedback
Oral Communication: Possible
Written Communication: Impossible
Oral Communication: E.g. Face-to-face conversation, telephone
conversation, speech, webinars, meetings etc.
Written Communication: For, e.g. Text messages, letters, journals, e-mail
electronic mail operator. E-mail is very fast. Time and Paper is saved by e-mail
system and it is not at all expensive.
2. Internet: Internet can be defined as international network of computers. It is
that network which connects the computers all over the world across
International Territories. We can use internet to buy things, to find latest
information’s in the business, course information in different universities for
students etc. To use internet, it is necessary to become member of internet
service provider.
3. Fax: Fax is a technique of electronic communication in which photocopies of
the documents are sent with the help of telephone lines. It is a very quick means
of transmitting and receiving visual material such as photographs, diagrams,
documents, copies of art work etc. It takes airtel t e minutes in transmission of
documents. It ones not require the message to be typed or copied first, therefore
there is no scope for copying errors”. Faxing a document is like instantaneous
transmission of a photo copy of the document.
4. Video Conferencing: Video conferencing is an excellent technique of audio-
visual communication. People present at distant places can communicate with
each other like attending a meeting, or conference in a meeting room. Under this
system, a meeting is conducted using television displays of the participants and
with the sound of their voices. Thus, the participants can see one another on
television screen and can hear one another. In this way they exchange their
views. In this technique not only the communication of message is possible but
also concerned persons can talk direct among themselves and their postures,
facial expressions, gestures etc. also help in Communication of the message. In
real sense, it is a substitute of face to face communication. Video-conferencing
can be accomplished in two ways:
(i) By using computer: It is known as computer conferencing and for this
computer, web camera, telephone connection and internet connection are
(ii) Without using computer: Video conferencing without the use of computer
needs digital web camera, video conferencing machine, telephone, satellite
connection and projector.
(5) Cellular Phones: Cellular phones are also known as mobile phone as it is
very small in size and can be taken easily wherever we go. It provides the
advantage of connectivity, convenience and freedom to roam. The possessor of
mobile phone can talk even during driving car or travelling in train. Now, most
of the business transactions and exchange of information take place on mobile
phones as it provide facility of talking with anyone at any time at any place.
(6) Computer: The computer is the head and heart of modern information
technology. Computer accepts stores and processes the data as per instruction
and communicates the information at very high speed. Computer is used to
compose, edit, revise and print business letters, report, memos and
Business Communication 17
(7) Voice mail: This technique is used to leave short messages for the person
who is not available at the moment. This facility requires telephone equipment
and computerized call management system.
(8) Telex or Teleprompter: The telex is the name given by the post office
people to a teleprompter whereby written messages can be communicated from
one place to another with the help of a machine.
When a message is to be sent, the typist presses a button, waits for the dial tone,
dials the number desired and if the number is contacted, types the message. The
message as typed in the originating office is typed on a small strip of paper at
the receiver’s end. This is one of the quickest and most accurate methods of
transmitting written communication.
Worksheet- II
Key Terms:
Q.1. What are the barriers to communication?
Ans. Each communication must be transmitted through an appropriate medium.
An unsuitable medium is one of the biggest barriers to communication.
Physical Barriers:—
Noise: Noise in a factory, external disturbance in telecom facilities,
poor writing, bad photocopies etc.
Time and Distance: It can also act as a barrier to communication.
Semantic Barriers:—
Interpretation of Words: It is quite possible that the receiver of a
message does not assign the same meaning to a word as the transmitter
had intended. This may lead to miscommunication.
Words carry different meanings, shades or flavors to the transmitter
and receiver.
To minimize semantic barriers, we should—
o Use familiar words.
o Clarify the shades.
o As far as possible, use words with positive connotations.
Barriers caused by different comprehensions of reality are:—
Abstracting means picking up few details and leaving out others.
Slanting means giving a particular bias or slant to the reality.
Inferring means drawing inferences from observation.
Socio-Psychological barriers:—
Attitude and Opinions: We react favorable or are hostile according to
our personal benefit.
Emotions: We cannot transmit nor receive anything correctly if our
mind is agitated.
Closed Mind: We hold our opinion so rigidly that we just refuse to
The Source of Communication: We react according to the trust we have
in the source of communication.
Inattentiveness: We unconsciously become inattentive if
communication contains new idea or if we don‘t like an idea.
Faulty transmission: Part of the message is last in transmission and can
also act as a barrier.
Poor Retention: Oral messages in particular are lost due to poor human
Status Consciousness: We are over-conscious of our lower or higher
rank and do not express ourselves candidly.
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Worksheet- III
1) When the message furor sender is not received by the receiver in its original
form is known as _____
2) Noise, time & distance etc. are examples of_______ barriers.
3) Uses of seven C’s – Courtesy etc. are suggestions for improvement
of_______ .
4) Line and staff relation, long scalar chain, lack of communication devices etc
are examples of_________ barriers.
Key Terms:
Writing Skills
Q.1. What are the essentials of an effective business letter?
Ans. A business letter is an important form of written communication.
Therefore, business letter should include the following:
Promptness: As a rule, respond to the letter the day it is received.
Knowledge of the Subject: Knowledge of the past correspondence, if
any, the requirements of the sender of the letter as well as knowledge of
the firm‘s policies.
Appropriateness: Vary the tone and language of your letter according to
the need of the occasion.
Accuracy, Completeness and clarity: All facts, figures, statements,
quotations etc. must be accurately mentioned.
Tact: Proper handling of complaints and adjustments and letters seeking
Courtesy: Courtesy implies that we seek favours politely and express our
gratitude for the favours done to us.
Persuasion: It means winning people to your point of view not by
coercing them but by making positive suggestions.
Conciseness: Don‘t load you letters with irrelevant details and
unnecessary ifs and buts.
The Positive and Pleasant Approach: Avoid no‘s and sorry‘s. They are
unwelcome words.
Specimen Letter
Example 1: Ask a firm of furniture dealers to send their price list and catalogue.
Modern Furniture
43, Ravivar Path, Belgaun
25th July 2007
Dear Sir,
Kindly send us your latest illustrated catalogue and price list of “Home
Yours faithfully,
R. Ramesh
The Proprietor
Modern Furnitures
Business Communication 25
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your enquiry of July 25. We are glad to enclose the illustrated
catalogue and price list of ‗Home Furniture‘.
Our furniture is made of high-gauge steel sheets and pipes and is designed to
suit the luxury class‘ customers.
Our normal trade discount is 15% and 5% extra for bulk orders exceeding Rs.
The catalogue and price list will be described to you about our products to you
satisfaction. However, if you need further details or assistance in meeting your
customer‘s special requirements, you should feel free to write to us.
Yours faithfully,
Encl.: 1. Catalogue
2. Price List
Key Terms:
Promptness: As a rule, respond to the letter the day it is received.
Knowledge of the Subject: Knowledge of the past correspondence, if
any, the requirements of the sender of the letter as well as knowledge of
the firm‘s policies.
Appropriateness: Vary the tone and language of your letter according to
the need of the occasion.
Accuracy, Completeness and clarity: All facts, figures, statements,
quotations etc. must be accurately mentioned.
Tact: Proper handling of complaints and adjustments and letters seeking
Courtesy: Courtesy implies that we seek favours politely and express our
gratitude for the favours done to us.
Persuasion: It meAns winning people to your point of view not by
coercing them but by making positive suggestions.
Conciseness: Don‘t load you letters with irrelevant details and
unnecessary ifs and buts.
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Enquiries to: Mr G. L.
My Ref: - GQ1234567/xy Your Ref:
Date: 11th October 1999
Dear Sir,
I refer to your letter dated 20th July 1999 (which has recently been copied to the
authority) seeking clarification on the position with regard to the xxxx yyyy
In reply, I would advise you that the application was in fact received in this
office on the 21st July 1999 and confirm your case will be considered by
Members, in due course.
If you do need to discuss any further issue arising from this communication,
please contact me at the relevant time.
Yours faithfully,
Head of
The purpose of this business case is to stimulate discussion about good and bad
business communication and investigate some basic concepts (such as
transaction Analysis and the choice of words and phrases that do not present a
bad image or annoy (irritate) the reader.
There are no right or wrong Answers to the case and, perhaps, the most
important aspects are the last two questions (What do you do to ensure good
communication? What does your organization do to ensure good
This case can be discussed in several ways:
Business Communication 27
1. You can divide the group into several groups of four or five.
2. You can have the discussion in class
3. You can give the case to participants to prepare in their spare time.
When analyzing the responses you may wish to explore the following:
1. Do you feel that the reply is business like? In response to this question you
may wish to get
the participants to rank the reply from 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent).
2. Do you feel that the choice of words and phrases are appropriate? Although
the letter is brief, there are several words and phrases that require comment.
3. What message do you feel the letter sends? In response to this question you
may wish to discuss Transaction Analysis (where communications styles can be
Child, Parent or Adult) and also discuss the emotional state of the writer and his
4. What image do you think the letter presents of the writer and his
organization? In response to this question you may wish to get the participants
to rank the organization from 1 (unprofessional) through to 5 (professional).
5. What action would you expect the author of the letter to take now? In
response to this question you may wish the participants to consider the feelings
of the person who wrote the letters to the borough council and what he or she
would expect. Especially the participants should consider both what should be
done and the timetable for this (and, perhaps, discuss and specify what a
reasonable timetable would be).
6. If you were the Chief Executive of this organization and saw this letter, what
would you do? The suggestions to the participants are about this particular
letter. However, there are wider issues. And, if the participants feel that the
communication is inappropriate, then they should also suggest actions to take to
find the extent of the problem and also suggest actions to improve and ensure
the improvement. This might include standards about acknowledgement and
response times and methods to check correspondence.
7. What do you do to ensure good communication? Obviously all participants
will feel that their own communication is good. So, this question focuses on the
group sharing tips and ideas. You may wish to list these on a flip chart and get
the group to rank them.
8. What does your organization do to ensure good communications? This
overlaps with question six but is included to ensure that the group, critically,
looks at its own organization and how management provides and ensures good
communication to all.
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Report Writing
Thousands of reports, long or short, formal or informal, crucial or ordinary,
special or routine are written every day. Therefore, report is a way of
communication an information from someone to someone who wants to use the
Reader-oriented Objective
Clear and Unambiguous
Presentation Skills
Q.1. What steps are involved in making a good presentation?
Ans. All successful presentations pass through the following six stages:—
1) Specifying the objective: Objectives are classified in the following seven
To demonstrate – a service, product, system.
To create – an image, strategy.
To entertain – colleagues, outside people.
To sell – a concept, product, idea.
To represent – a group, company, department.
To promote – an attitude, a way of working.
To suggest – a solution, a new concept.
2) Planning: It is necessary to plan your presentation before you actually sit
down to prepare it. Planning consists of:—
Knowledge about the audience.
Considering physical factors relevant to the presentation.
Deciding the structure of the presentation.
3) Preparation:—
To collect all relevant information in the light of your objective.
Average the selected information in a logical and sequential manner.
The opening and closing sections of the presentation are extremely
Prepare your visual carefully.
Check the weightage given to each section.
Time the presentation. Keep some margin for the fact that actual
presentation takes longer than we expect.
4) Practice and Rehearsal: Practice and rehearsal under a watchful eye and
accompanied with self-analysis and improvement efforts is absolutely
necessary. Insist on a ‗full-dress‘ rehearsal to get its maximum benefits.
5) Getting Ready: Wear a formal but simple and dignified dress.
6) Making the Presentation:—
Great the audience pleasantly and warmly.
Introduce yourself briefly.
Make a clear statement of the objectives of your presentation and tell the
audience how it has been structured.
All this while one must sound clear, courteous & considerate.
Business Communication 31
Q.1. What is an interview?
Ans. Interview is a two way communication. The employer‘s aim is to know
whether the applicant can be of service to his company, and the applicant‘s aim
is to find out whether the job being offered by the company can be suitable to
Q.1. What do you mean by effective listening?
Ans. It meAns not only understanding the content of message but also
understanding the feeling of the speaker.
Unsolved Paper – 2019
Unit I
Q1. “Communication is the life-blood of any business organization.” Elucidate.
Q2. Discuss the scope of business communication.
Unit II
Q3. Explain merits and demerits of oral and written communication.
Q4. Explain modern media of communication.
Unit III
Q5. What remedies would you suggest to overcome communication barriers?
Q6. “Communication barriers cause break down of communication process
leading to many managerial problems”. Discuss the statement and describe the
various barriers of communication.
Unit IV
Q7. Write a short note on:
(1) Modals of communication
(2) Active and passive
Q8. What do you mean by tense? Explain the different classifications of tense
with appropriate examples.
Unit V
Q9. Write an essay on report writing.
Q10. What do you mean by group discussion? What are its objectives? What
factors should be kept in mind while discussing in a group?
34 Biyani’s Think Tank
Unsolved Paper – 2018
Unit I
Q1. Define effective communication. Describe the principles of effective
Q2. “Communication if the process of passing information and understanding
from one person to another”. Discuss this statement and elucidate the various
steps of communication process.
Unit II
Q3. Explain nonverbal communication and its classification.
Q4. What are the various media of communication? Give a brief detail of each.
Unit III
Q5. What are the various barriers to communication? Explain the remedies to
overcome them.
Q6. Write short notes on any two of the following.
(a) Semantic barrier (c) Socio-psychological barrier
(b) Physical barrier (d) Wrong choice of medium
Unit IV
Q7. Describe the common errors in communication and use of a language with
suitable examples.
Q8. Explain the use of various types of tenses with suitable examples.
Unit V
Q9. What is effective listening? What is its importance? Elucidate essential
elements of effective listening.
Q10. Write explanatory notes on any two of the following:
(1) Types of business letter (3) Reporting
(2) Interview (4) Public Speaking
Business Communication 35
Unsolved Paper – 2017
Unit I
Q1. What is mean by business? Explain its objectives.
Q2. What is meant by downward communication? Explain its advantages and
Unit II
Q3. What do you mean by written communication? Explain different mediums
of written communication.
O4. What do you mean by visual communication? Discuss the methods of
visual communication as well as its advantages and disadvantages.
Unit III
Q5. Explain methods/suggestions to remove barriers of communication.
Q6. Describe semantic barrier or organizational barrier of communication.
Unit IV
Q7. Describe various types of tenses.
Q8. Describe following five modals with examples:
(1) Can (4) Might
(2) Could (5) Will
(3) May
Unit V
Q9. Write a note on group discussion.
Q10. Clarify with examples the plan of opening and ending sections of a good
36 Biyani’s Think Tank
Unsolved Paper – 2016
Q1. Explain in detail the objectives of effective communication.
Q2. Explain communication process and discuss the importance of horizontal
Q3. Explain in detail the advantages and disadvantages of Oral Communication.
Q4. Explain various forms or media of non-vertical communication.
Q5. Explain in detail the physical barriers in communication.
Q6. Write a note on Socio-psychological barriers in communication.
Q7. Explain the concept of active and passive voice with suitable examples.
Q8. Write a note on common errors in writing.
Q9. Discuss the different types of reports.
Q10. Explain the layout of a business letter.
Business Communication 37