Neptune Application Package - 2019 December

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10888125 Canada Corporation

Application Form
Please print clearly
Employee Information:
Last Name: Given Name Middle Names

Driver’s License Number Class Expiry Date (yyyy/mm/dd)

License Number Expiry date (yyyy/mm/dd) Gender

M ☐ F ☐ X☐
Street Address City

Province Postal Code

Date of Birth (yyyy/mm/dd) SIN#

Home Phone # Cell #


Educational Qualifications:


Employment History
Company Name Employment Description From To

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Emergency Contact Information

Last Name First Name

Street address City

Province Postal code

Home Phone# Cell # (or alternate)

Email: Relationship:

Voluntary Employment Equity Information

Ethnic Cultural Background

French ☐ Indigenous ☐ North American ☐ South American ☐ European☐ British☐

South East Asian ☐ Asian ☐ Caribbean ☐ African ☐

Physical ☐ Describe as necessary
Mental ☐
Learning ☐
Other ☐


New Hire ☐ Re-Hire ☐ (requires GM or HR approval form) Transfer ☐ Data change ☐

Date of First Shift Worked = Seniority Date (yyyy/mm/dd): ________________________

Entered by:

Approved by:

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Self Assessment

1. For which type of work are you applying? ☐ full time ☐ part time ☐ on call occasional
2. If part time or on call occasional, what is your availability?

3. As a full time guard,

a. Are you able to work any and all possible shifts? ☐ yes ☐ no
b. Are you able to work rotation shifts? (7 on 3 off, 7 on 4 off etc) ☐ yes ☐ no
c. Are you able to work night shifts? ) ☐ yes ☐ no
d. Are you able to work week end shifts)? ☐ yes ☐ no
e. Are you able to work 12 hour shifts? ) ☐ yes ☐ no
f. Is there any particular day/part of day that you cannot work? __________________________________

4. What is the expectation regarding hourly rate?___________________

5. What is the closest intersection to where you live? ____________________________
6. When can you start working? ____________________________________
7. What is your mode of transportation?
☐ Bicycle ☐ Motorcycle ☐ Car ☐Public transportation ☐ other ____________________
8. Are you able to walk, run, climb stairs and ride a bicycle ☐ yes ☐ no
9. Do you have limitations or conditions that would prevent you from satisfying the physical demands of the position?
☐ yes ☐ no
10. Rate your computer skills/knowledge
a) Microsoft Suite ☐excellent ☐good ☐competent ☐fair ☐poor
b) Email ☐excellent ☐good ☐competent ☐fair ☐poor
c) Security Systems ☐excellent ☐good ☐competent ☐fair ☐poor
11. Scenario: You are about to start patrols and you observe a fellow security guard accepting a wallet with cash inside
is being turned in. After completing your patrol, you enquire about the wallet and are told that someone picked it
up. Later on that day you overhear a client employee stating that they got their wallet back from security with
credit cards and ID but no money. What do you do?

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Please provide a brief statement for each of the following

Expectations of working at Neptune

What you personally offer to the company and client

Your career goals

Your training goals

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Required Documentation

Please provide a copy of the following documents:

☐ Security Guard License

☐ Drivers License

☐ First Aid, CPR and AED

☐ AODA (Ontario)

☐ Resume

☐ Diploma, Degree, High School Graduation report, and/or GED

☐ Criminal Reference Check

☐ Driver’s Abstract (if requested)

Any other training documentation or other documentation that you believe will be of value to the company in
determining your skills and abilities.

Thank you for providing the information for this application. A representative will be in touch to discuss your
application process further.

End of Application Form

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Training Record

Employee Name Staff # Guard level

1 ☐ 2 ☐ 3 ☐

Job Title Department

Security Guard Security

Training Courses/Reviews Completed

Title Date Completed Expiry Date Training Provider
(yyyy/mm/dd) (yyyy/mm/dd)
Neptune Introduction
(Understanding Quality, Information Security,
OH&S, CGSB/CATSA, Environmental
Sustainability, Confidentiality, WHMIS and
Biohazard Material and Hazard Signs)
Neptune Technology
CGSB Phase 1
CGSB Phase 2
First Aid/CPR
Non-Violent Crisis Intervention
Use of Force

Please add additional Pages as necessary


Date Reviewed: Reviewer:
Training Recommendations

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Uniform Record
Employee Name: Employee #:

Article(s) Size Number Date Issued Date Replaced Returned

Summer Jacket
Bomber Jacket
Safety Shoes
Ballistic Vest
Duty belt
Handcuff Pouch

As per the collective agreement, I acknowledge that the uniform is my responsibility in the first year with Neptune. I agree
that all items are considered the property of Neptune Security Services Inc. and that the normal maintenance and upkeep
of the uniform is my responsibility. I agree that I will inform Neptune when component parts require replacement. To
avoid the initial outlay to receive the uniform as per the collective agreement, I authorize Neptune / 10888125 to deduct
a sum of 25$/wk. until I have accumulated a uniform charge of 400.00. These monies will be returned to me should I
terminate my employment with Neptune and return all articles, dry cleaned, within 7 days of the last day worked.

I, the undersigned, have read, understood and agreed to the terms and conditions listed above

Signed: Date:

On termination of Employment
Uniform returned _______________________ dry cleaned? yes ☐ no ☐
Handbook returned_________________________
Memo book returned_____________________________

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Hours of Work and Vacation Pay

Employee Name: Employee Number:

I understand and agree that security may require me to work up to a 12-hour shift.

I understand and agree that some contracts may require that I remain on site and available throughout my statutory

I understand and agree that I may be scheduled and being schedules, will be required to work statutory holidays.

I understand and agree that I may be requested to remain on shift after shift end should my replacement not arrive as
scheduled. I will remain or request that another guard on my same shift remain until the replacement guard arrives.

I understand and agree that despite union contracts, Neptune requests a minimum of 12 weeks notice for vacation
requests and though not unreasonably denied, that vacation is granted based on seniority and a workforce of 66 and 2/3
being available throughout the vacation period requested.

I understand and agree that my vacation pay will be added to my hourly rate and paid on every pay period unless I have
specifically request through my Account Manager in writing that Neptune retain those earnings on my behalf, to be
disbursed at the time of my vacation or upon termination from Neptune.

______________________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date

______________________________________ ___________________________
Witness Signature Date

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Notice of Union Presence

Employee Name: Employee Number:

Neptune has security collective agreements with two unions in Canada. This notice is to inform you that if you are
accepted for employment with Neptune that you are required by agreement to participate in the bargaining unit unless
your job is classified as management.

The union will collect union dues – they vary dependent on the location of the contract

This notice is signed to acknowledge that I have read and understood that the union and required dues are required as a
bargaining unit employee of Neptune Security Services Inc.

______________________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date

______________________________________ ___________________________
Witness Signature Date

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Neptune has established the quality policy to be consistent with the purpose and context of our organization. It
provides a framework for the setting and review of objectives in addition to our commitment to satisfy applicable
customers’, regulatory and legislative requirements as well as our commitment to continually improve our
management system.

Customer focus: As an organization we have made a commitment to understand our current and future customers’
needs; meet their requirements and strive to exceed their expectations.

Leadership: Our Top Management have committed to creating and maintaining a working environment in which
people become fully involved in achieving our objectives.

Engagement of people: As an organization we recognize that people are the essence of any good business and that
their full involvement enables their abilities to be used for our benefit.

Process approach: As an organization we understand that a desired result is achieved more efficiently when activities
and related resources are managed as a process or series of interconnected processes.

Improvement: We have committed to achieving continual improvement across all aspects of our quality management
system; it is one of our main annual objectives.

Evidence-based decision making: As an organization we have committed to only make decisions relating to our QMS
following an analysis of relevant data and information.

Relationship management: Neptune Security Services Inc. recognizes that an organization and the relationship it has
with its external providers are interdependent and a mutually beneficial relationship enhances the ability of both to
create value.

Our policy is also to meet the requirements of other interested parties and in meeting our social, environmental,
charitable, regulatory and legislative responsibilities.

We have produced quality objectives which relate to this policy and they can be found in document R03 Quality

The policy is available and communicated to all interested parties as well as being made available to the wider
community through publication on our Website, Company Noticeboard and Intranet.

______________________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date

______________________________________ ___________________________
Witness Signature Date

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It is the aim of Neptune Security Services Inc. to ensure that its operations and activities, in no way, adversely affect the
environment. We commit to continually improve environmental performance and ensure compliance with a view to
reducing environmental impacts to levels not exceeding those corresponding to economically viable applications of best
available practices and techniques.

All new policies introduced into Company will be assessed for their effects on the environment.
• The Company aims, where possible to minimize the use of energy in its own buildings, vehicles and equipment
as well as continual improvement in environmental performance.
• The Company aims where possible to control the consumption of water to a level appropriate for efficient
Operations only.
• The Company will ensure that the drivers of all Company vehicles will adopt a sensible driving style to reduce noise
levels and omissions reducing air and noise pollution.
• Where and when economically viable the Company will endeavor to run its fleet on unleaded, high-octane fuel.
• The Company will work towards a reduction in air pollution in our operational areas.
• The Company will encourage employees and personal contacts to reduce their negative impact on the
• The Company will ensure that the Company requirements necessitate minimal use of solvents to reduce water
• The Company will ensure that a strict policy is adhered to in the purchase of materials to meet operational needs
and to minimize the production of waste.
• The Company will where practicable ensure that all recyclable waste is disposed of in an appropriate way.
• The Company will ensure that the condition of buildings, surroundings and facilities available to both employees
and Company contacts are operating in accordance with our environmental policy.

The Company will endeavor to educate its employees and contractors with information pertaining to the Company and
local Ministry environmental policies.

______________________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date

______________________________________ ___________________________
Witness Signature Date

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The Management of Neptune Security Services Inc. is operating under the control of an occupational health & safety
(OH&S) management system as determined by ISO 45001-2018 accreditation requirements. The Company is fully
committed to meeting its responsibilities under the Occupational Health & Safety Act 1990 and associated legislations.
We recognize that OH&S is an integral part of our management function and we are committed to conduct our
business according to following principles:

• Preventing Injury & Ill Health;

• Complying with and moving beyond legal and other requirements;
• Keeping risks at levels as low as reasonably achievable;
• Continually improving our OH&S objectives and activities;
• Communicating OH&S objectives and performance against these objectives throughout the organization, to
interested parties, and the public on request;
• Ensuring that activities are safe for employees, subcontractors, and others who come into contact with our
work, and
• Training our staff in their OH&S responsibilities.

As an initial component of this, we review the following at hire.

Biohazards are human/animal waste including the following materials:
1. Human blood and blood products: All human blood, blood products (such as serum, plasma, and other blood
2. Human Body Fluids: Human body fluids in a liquid or semi-liquid state, including semen, vaginal secretions,
cerebral spinal fluid, synovial fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid, peritoneal fluid, amniotic fluid, and saliva from
dental procedures.
3. Microbiological Wastes: Laboratory wastes containing or contaminated with concentrated forms of infectious
agents. Such waste includes discarded specimen cultures, stocks of etiologic agents, discarded live and attenuated
viruses, blood or body
4. Animal waste: All animal carcasses, body parts, and any bedding material from animals known to be infected
with, or that have been inoculated with human pathogenic microorganisms infectious to humans.
5. Radioactive Biohazardous Waste

Biohazardous Materials (Class D3)

Class D is a WHMIS class that is divided into three subgroups. Class D3 materials are
biohazardous infectious materials. These are materials of a biological nature that are likely to
cause disease. The hazard symbol for Class D3 is a series of circles inside a circle. It's probably
unlikely that you would encounter a container with the biohazardous material hazard symbol
on it at a construction site; however, it is important that you know all the hazard symbols.
Examples of Class D3 compounds are some biological waste materials and some laboratory
samples containing materials such as contaminated blood products.

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Compressed Gas (Class A)

Compressed gases are compounds that are gases under normal atmospheric conditions but
that are stored under pressure in containers. The hazard symbol for Class A is a
compressed gas cylinder inside a circle. When controlled products present more than one
type of hazard the WHMIS label must have the proper hazard symbol(s) for all the
hazardous properties of the material. Examples of Class A compounds are propane and

Corrosive Materials (Class E)

Class E compounds are corrosive materials of various kinds. Corrosive materials are
substances that can corrode, wear or dissolve away other materials by chemical action. The
hazard symbol for Class E shows acid or alkali being dropped onto a piece of rebar and onto
a hand, causing corrosion or burning effects. Examples of Class E compounds are
hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide (or caustic soda.)

Flammable & Combustible Materials (Class B)

Class B compounds are flammable and combustible materials of various kinds. Essentially, Class
B compounds are materials that are easily ignited and/or that burn readily. The hazard symbol
for this class of material is a flame symbol inside a circle, sometimes coloured in like the one
shown on the right, often in simple black and white. Examples of Class B compounds are
acetone and butyl acetate.

Dangerously Reactive Materials (Class F)

Class F materials are compounds that may react strongly with other compounds or that may
present a significant explosion hazard. The hazard symbol for this class of material is an
exploding test tube over the letter "R" for the word "reactive." Class F compounds are relatively
rare on construction sites; however, they can be extremely hazardous and must be handled with
great care. An example of a Class F compound often found on construction sites is acetylene.

Poisonous and Infectious Materials (Class D1)

Class D is a WHMIS class that is divided into three subgroups. Class D1 is comprised of poisonous
and infectious materials causing immediate and serious toxic effects. The hazard symbol for this
group of compounds is the traditional symbol for poison -- a skull and crossbones inside a circle.
Examples of Class D1 compounds are ammonia and chlorine.

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Oxidizing Materials (Class C)

Although they may not necessarily burn easily themselves, oxidizing materials release oxygen
upon combustion and consequently promote the burning of flammable and combustible
materials. The hazard symbol for Class C materials is a flame symbol with an "O" at the bottom
for "Oxygen." The "O" is sometimes coloured in and the whole hazard symbol is contained
within a large circle. Because they promote combustion, oxidizing materials should never be
stored with flammable and combustible materials. Examples of Class C compounds are chromic
acid and sodium chlorate.

Materials Causing Other Toxic Effects (Class D2)

Class D is a WHMIS class that is divided into three subgroups. Class D2 compounds are
poisonous and infectious materials causing "other" toxic effects, that is, effects that are not
acute. Materials in this Class cause effects over a long period of time.... even if exposure
levels may be low. These types of effects are often referred to as chronic effects. Compounds
of this type are represented by the hazard symbol containing a "T" (for "toxic") in the form of
an exclamation mark inside a circle. Examples of Class D2 compounds are trichloroethylene
and asbestos.

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The management of Neptune Security Services Inc. understands information security needs and expectations and
that of its external constituents including, amongst others, clients, suppliers, regulatory and governmental
departments. Neptune recognizes that the disciplines of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information
in information security management are integral parts of its functions and view these as their primary
responsibility and fundamental to best business practice. To this end Neptune Security Services Inc. has
developed our policy to align to the requirements of ISO/IEC 27001: 2013 to ensure that the Company:

- Complies to all applicable laws and regulations and contractual obligations;

- Implements Information Security Objectives that consider information security requirements
following the results of applicable risk assessments;
- Communicates these Objectives and performance against them to all interested parties;
- Adopts an information security management system consisting of a security manual and
procedures which provide direction and guidance on information security matters relating to
employees, customers, suppliers and other interested parties who come into contact with its work;
- Works closely with Customers, Business partners and Suppliers in seeking to establish appropriate
information security standards;
- Adopts a forward-thinking approach on future business decisions, including the continual review
of risk evaluation criteria, which may impact on information security;
- Instructs all members of staff in the needs and responsibilities of information security
- Constantly strives to meet, and where possible exceed, its customer’s expectations;
- Implements continual improvement initiatives, including risk assessment and risk treatment
strategies, while making best use of its management resources to better meet information security

Responsibility for upholding this policy is a company-wide endeavor, under the authority of the Director who
encourages the personal commitment of all staff to address information security as part of their skills.

______________________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date

______________________________________ ___________________________
Witness Signature Date

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Neptune Confidentiality Statement

Employee Name: Employee Number:

All information concerning clients, former clients, staff, financial data, and business records of Neptune Security Services
Inc. is confidential.

“Confidential” means that you are free to talk about Neptune Security Services Inc. and your position, but you are not
permitted to disclose client information or talk about them in ways that will make their business known. No information
may be released without appropriate authorization. This is a basic component of client care and business ethics.

The directors, staff and our clients rely you to conform to this rule of confidentiality. Failure to maintain confidentiality
may result in termination of your employment, or other corrective action.

Before you begin your position as a staff member you may wish to review the laws and penalties for breaching
confidentiality as violation of the federal provincial and municipal statutes regarding confidentiality of records can be

Although the Service is liable for your acts within the scope of your duty, giving information to an unauthorized person
may result in the Service’s refusal to support you in the event of legal action. Violation of the federal provincial and
municipal statutes regarding confidentiality of records is punishable upon conviction by fines or by imprisonment or by

Certification: I have read Neptune Security Services Inc.’s policy on confidentiality (attached) and the Statement of
Confidentiality presented above. I agree to abide by the requirements of the policy and inform my supervisor immediately
if I believe any violation (unintentional or otherwise) of the policy has occurred. I understand that violation of this policy
may lead to disciplinary action, and if not reported forthwith will include termination of my service with Neptune Security
Services Inc.

______________________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date

______________________________________ ___________________________
Witness Signature Date

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Confidentiality of information
All employees will adhere to the relevant municipal, provincial, or federal privacy legislation. Unless proper written
authority is given, no employee will access, modify, disclose or make use of any confidential customer data, group,
personal or supplier data for any purpose other than legitimately carrying out work-related duties.
No employee will disclose unpublished "price-sensitive" information to any other person except where it is necessary
to do so to carry out your duties. If it is necessary to disclose this information, that person must first be advised that
the information is confidential and that he will become subject to the Company’s confidentiality arrangements. All
employees will act with integrity regarding information obtained and held on behalf of the Company and avoid careless
or inadvertent disclosures which may damage the Company's business or that of its customers, consumers or suppliers.

Office Equipment & Tools

Neptune provides employees with all the necessary tools and equipment to perform their duties. Use of personal
workspace, tools and equipment should not be necessary and must be approved in advance of use. Please discuss with
your manager when you believe that you may require replacements.

Computer, Email and Internet

Personal or non-business use of the Neptune systems will be kept to a minimum and will not in any way inhibit or interfere
with the performance of both the employee and the system. The setting up and implementation of personal e-mail
accounts is strictly forbidden.

The Neptune Systems and all information contained in it (including computer files, e-mail messages, Internet access logs
etc.) are the Company’s property. It is understood that this information is subject to the confidentiality set in the
applicable Classification Levels which indicates which authorized employees will have access to data stored on the system.
It is also understood that this information may be monitored, searched, reviewed, disclosed or intercepted by the
company at any time and without prior notice for any legitimate purpose. The company may also gain access to
communications deleted from the system if deemed necessary.

The company expects its employees to display good judgement, common sense and respect for the Company when using
the system and

• Will not be used to transmit or receive statements that contain any material that is offensive, defamatory, or
threatening to others
• Will not be used to communicate statements, messages or images consisting of sexually explicit material, ethnic
slurs, or anything that may be construed as harassing, offensive or insulting to others
• Will not be used to produce or distribute chain mail, operate a business, or make solicitations for personal gain,
political or religious causes or outside organisations
• Will not be used to transmit or receive trade secrets, copyrighted materials or confidential information.
• Unauthorized encrypting of messages and use of encryption tools not provided within the system is forbidden.
• No communications will be made that attempt to hide the identity of the sender, or to represent the sender as
someone else from the company.

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The Company has provided Internet access to its employees to facilitate communications with clients and others for
business-related purposes, and to enable employees to research and acquire information needed for activities directly
related to the company.

Internet access will not be used to:

a) Distribute or communicate confidential information, other than to customers, suppliers and other interested
parties and only with their prior consent.
b) Disseminate or print any copyrighted information in violation of copyright laws.
c) Engage in any illegal activity.
d) Download or distribute software without the prior permission of the Information Security Manager.
e) Engage in any activity that may cause network congestion or significantly hamper the ability of others to access
and use the system.

CGSB: The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) is one of the largest standards development and conformity
assessment organizations in Canada. In business since 1934, CGSB is a charter participant in the National Standards System
(NSS) of Canada and a component of the Government of Canada, Department of Public Works and Government Services.

CATSA: The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) is the Canadian Crown Corporation responsible for
Training standards for the security screening of people and baggage, and the administration of identity cards at the
89 designated airports in Canada.

WHMIS: The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System is a comprehensive plan for providing information on
the safe use of hazardous materials used in Canadian workplaces. Information is provided by means of product labels,
material safety data sheets (MSDS) and worker education programs.

Environmental management system: The Environmental management system is the series of policies and
procedures that manage an organization’s environmental programs in a comprehensive, systematic, planned and
documented manner. It includes the organizational structure, planning and resources for developing, implementing and
maintaining policy for environmental protection.

Information Management: Information, as we know it today, includes both electronic and physical information.
Neptune must be capable of managing this information throughout the information lifecycle regardless of source or
format (data, paper documents, electronic documents, audio, video, etc.) for delivery through multiple channels that may
include cell phones and web interfaces. Information management is a corporate responsibility that needs to be addressed
and followed from the upper most senior levels of management to the front-line worker. Organizations must be held and
must hold its employees accountable to capture, manage, store, share, preserve and deliver information appropriately
and responsibly. Part of that responsibility lies in training the organization to become familiar with the policies, processes,
technologies and best practices in IM.

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Employee Handbook
The Neptune Employee Handbook* is provided to all guards who complete this application process as a result of
transitioning to Neptune as a result in the change of contractor at their usual place of employment. All other applicants
will receive the Employee Handbook at hire.

I, ___________________________ acknowledge receipt of the Neptune Employee Handbook and that I am required to
read, ask questions to ensure that I fully understand and comply with the directions contained therein.

______________________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date

______________________________________ ___________________________
Witness Signature Date

*The employee policy manual is provided via soft copy once the application is processed.

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