Leaders can shape an organisation through their behaviours and their vision.
If an organisation lacks a clear vision or there is disengagement by the lea-
dership team, then the results can be disastrous. In such circumstances change
is needed. When change is needed, the value of safety can become a change
agent. From the disciplines of leadership and safety comes the emerging topic
of safety leadership. Through safety leadership, workplace challenges can be
rectified and the desired behaviours reinforced.
These challenges can span from a lack of leadership engagement, poor
safety performance, complacency or lack of safety ownership. Understanding
how safety leadership differs from other leadership theories can give you a
competitive edge which is not solely based upon financial quotas, but instead
based upon the moral code of ensuring the health and well-being of your
This book goes beyond mere safety slogans or anecdotal stories that relate
to safety leadership. Instead an empirical and research-based approach will be
shared which can help improve the overall culture of an organisation as well
as the safety of employees. Tools, case studies, theories and practical applica-
tions will be shared which can help create the blueprint for organisational
change that you seek. Even when things are working well, constant innova-
tion and adoption of best practices can help companies go from good to great
and leave a lasting legacy for employees and customers alike.
Detailing the mechanics of safety leadership, this book will drive the
change and results you want.
Luke Daniel
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© 2018 Luke Daniel
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Index 191
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