Eagle Test Systems ETS-88

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Eagle Test Systems ETS-88

Test System Optimized for High Throughput, Low Cost of Test for Single Site, Multi-
site and Index Parallel Applications


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The ETS-88 is an optimal test platform for testing a wide variety of devices including:
simple analog, high precision, high voltage, high current / power, automotive, video,
audio, complex mixed-signal, as well as emerging power processes like SiC and GaN.
The ETS-88 test system hardware is designed to provide independent floating resources
per site to avoid resource sharing across sites while improving site-to-site isolation and
measurement accuracy.
Multi Test Head design supports high parallel test efficiency, capable of testing up
to four unique DUTs per test system in 1 square meter of floor space. Each test head
offers up to 72 analog channels and up to 32 digital channels (66/132 MHz).
Industry leading Eagle Vision Software operating from a dual quad core CPU controller
supporting both index parallel and multi-site test.
Fully compatible with Eagle’s line of Digital and Floating SmartPin™ Resources.
Test system PC runs on familiar MS WindowsTM operating system and executes
programs from C++ Visual StudioTM environment.
Power Management
 Low dropout regulators, DC-DC converters, Voltage regulators, Boost regulators, Multi
phase PWMs, Battery chargers, Hot swap power managers, Gate drivers
Precision Analog

 Op amps, Instrument amplifiers, Video amplifiers, Audio amplifiers

 Fuel injectors, ABS controllers, Airbag controllers, Automotive smart switches, CAN
transceivers, Motor drivers
Discrete & Power Modules

 MOSFET, IGBT, Diodes, BJTs

 Consumer SPM/IPM, Industrial solar/UPS/motors, Automotive HEV/IEV/SSV
Converters and Mixed-Signal

 Low speed/high resolution D/A converters, High speed D/A converters, Low speed/high
resolution A/D converters, High speed A/D converters, CODECs
The ETS-88 multiple test head architecture provides the flexibility to reconfigure the test
system using software control. The system is comprised of dual sector test head card
cages for up to four sectors depending upon system configuration. Each set of sectors
can be bridged together within the test head card cage on an application-by-application
basis. The sectors can be configured to operate independently, running unrelated
applications if desired, or can all be bridged together to expand the site count of multi-site

The system is controlled using a multi-core PC to maintain isolation between applications.

This control method lets you assign cores and test heads to applications for the greatest
test efficiency, and provides the ability to support single site, multi-site, and I.P.
applications from a common base platform.
ETS-88 Standard Configuration (Up to four sectors)

 Up to 32 digital channels
 Six floating resource slots for up to 72 analog channels
 32 C-Bits
 Eight programmable master clock channels
ETS-88TH/AC-2500 Configuration (two sectors)

 12 Floating resource slots (six per sector)

 One DPU-16 instrument per sector (32 pins total)
 Two HPU instruments per sector (400 A total)
 AC-2500 card cage
o AC instruments
o Matrices
 Electronic motor DIB actuator

Instrument Options
The ETS-88 test system is a general purpose precision analog and mixed-signal test
platform designed for high volume production testing of integrated circuits. The system is
optimized for high throughput applications, with a fully integrated multisite software and
hardware architecture. Following the Eagle tradition, the ETS-88 test system offers high
precision and high accuracy test capabilities. Test speed is only of value if the results are
trustworthy. As such, the ETS-88 test system provides both measurement speed and high
accuracy, following the Eagle tradition of providing high precision test capabilities with a
robust assortment of available instruments such as V/Is, DC/AC voltmeters, digitizers,
AWGs, digital pin electronics, and time measurement instruments, all optimized for
multisite testing.
8×8 MATRIX: High voltage force / sense cross point matrix; any input channel can be
connected to any output channel
APU-12: 12 channel, four quadrant V/I with six current ranges ranging from 200 mA to 10
uA at +/-30 V
CAMII: Instrument module designed to measure capacitance in the sub-picofarad range
DAAU: High-resolution generator and digitizer specifically designed for high performance
audio applications
Show More
Eagle’s software development environment and tool set is truly one of the strongest
attributes of the ETS-88 test system. Eagle’s software tools are easy to learn and use,
and are fully integrated into the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment. The
complete test system command set is supported with automatic code generation tools
(ACE™ and GrACE™). This means that users are not required to memorize command
arguments and syntax. Graphical plotting tools are provided for simple point-and-click
plotting of test oriented waveforms. RAIDE™ (Rapid Access Interactive Debug
Environment) makes it easy to view and change tester hardware settings.

Eagle software provides a robust test development environment, offering customers an

easy learning curve and uncommon productivity. There are two versions of Eagle
software: Eagle Vision (EV) and Eagle Vision MST (EV-MST). Referring to multi-sector
technology, Eagle Vision MST allows you to replicate test programs across multiple test
head sectors. The standard ETS-88 test system supports both software suites. Adding
options, such as the AC-2500, may change which suite is supported.
EAGLE Vision & Eagle Vision MST Graphical Test Programming Environment
Eagle Vision Key Features

 Innovative, easy to use graphical methodology for controlling test system resources
 Fully integrated plotting tools
 Eagle Vision advanced software tools for uncommon productivity
o Fully support multisite parallel testing
o Complete support of pattern-based testing
o Graphical programming methods reduce time-to-market through the introduction
of simple and easy to operate tools

Eagle Vision MST Key Features

 EV-MST software architecture supports different modes of operation

 Simultaneous independent applications
o Each application can itself be multisite
o Keeps tester utilization high by continuing to run other applications during changeover
 Traditional multisite applications with synchronized testing on multisite handlers
o Independent communications channels allows near 100% multisite efficiency
 Full index parallel testing that maximizes turret handler throughput
o Specialized datalog handling combines DUT data from different sequential stations
o 100% resource independent QA test

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