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Box 15284
Wilmington, DE 19850
Customer service information
Please see the Important Messages - Please Read section of your statement for important details that could impact you.
Account summary
Beginning balance on January 28, 2023 $5,881.38
Deposits and other additions 3,587.71
Withdrawals and other subtractions -2,356.39
Checks -0.00
Service fees -0.00
Monthly maintenance fees for your Bank of America Advantage Plus Banking® account will now post on a later date.
We are changing the day the monthly fee is posted to your account due to recent system updates. For statement cycles starting on or
after December 1, 2022, if the requirements to avoid the monthly fee during a statement cycle are not met, the fee will now be posted
on the first business day of the following monthly statement cycle.
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VITA BALTMISKIENE ! Account # 4850 9689 5890 ! January 28, 2023 to February 24, 2023
01/31/23 BKOFAMERICA ATM 01/31 #000002065 WITHDRWL 96TH & MADISON NEW YORK NY -200.00
02/09/23 USPS PO 358178 02/09 #000912118 MOBILE PURCHASE USPS PO 35817805 STATEN ISLAND -9.60
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