Unit 9

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‫عافر هتوصل لحلمك‬

‫‪Unit 9‬‬
Unit 9 Lesson 1-2

‫ ينطوى على‬- ‫ريادى‬
Banking procedures ‫االجراءات المصرفية‬ Entrepreneurial (adj) ‫مجازفة‬

)‫ تحول (وظيفى‬/ ‫توجه‬ – ‫ريادة االعمال‬

(Career) direction (n) ‫ غرض‬/ ‫ هدف‬-
Entrepreneurship (n) ‫المجازفة االقتصادية‬

‫حسن تدبر – حسن‬

Common sense (n) ‫تمييز – شعور عام‬
Life experience (n) ‫خبرات و تجارب الحياة‬

‫يؤدى لتغيير جذرى‬

Contribution (n) ‫مساهمه – مشاركة‬ Life- changing (adj) ‫الحياة‬

- ‫ التوظيف‬- ‫وظيفة‬ ‫ يشكل‬- ‫يعيد تأهيل‬

Employment (n) ‫التشغيل‬
Reinvent(ed) (v) ‫ يصلح‬- ‫من جديد‬

Entrepreneur (n) ‫رائد اعمال‬ Wisdom (n) ‫الحكمة‬

Working knowledge ‫المعرفة العلمية‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. We were given no instructions, so we had to use our .................. to work it out .
a - direction b - employment c - contribution d - common sense
2. To work in the field of communication, you will need .................. of the latest computing
a - wisdom b - changing c - knowledge d - ingredient
3. Dr Zewail’s work was a major .................. to science
a - direction b - employment c - contribution d - common sense
4. I didn’t like working as an assistant, so I decided to change .................. and became a human
resources manager
a - direction b - employment c - contribution d - common sense
5. I value the .................. of elderly people. They have learned a lot throughout their lives .
a - procedure b - changing c - knowledge d - wisdom
6. I found my first .................. working in a café
a - direction b - employment c - contribution d - common sense
7. I worked in the USA for ten years, which was an amazing .................. I will never forget .
a - experience b - changing c - knowledge d - ingredient

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Lesson 1-2 Unit 9
8. He didn’t make enough money working as a clerk, so he decided to .................. himself as
tour guide.
a - contact b - inspire c - question d - reinvent
9. It is not easy to change .................. direction after twenty years of working in the same field
a - career b - employer c - contribution d - common sense

‫كلمات مهمة احفظ ومتكسلش‬

Artist (n) ‫فنان‬ Painting ( n) ‫لوحة مرسومة – فن الرسم‬

Banking (n) ‫االعمال المصرفية‬ Pandemic ( n) ‫جائحة‬

Bottled (adj) ‫معبأ فى زجاجات‬ Passion (n) ‫شغف – ولع‬

Break down (adj) ‫يتحلل‬ Perfect ( adj ) ‫مثالى‬

Bubble (n) ‫فقاعه‬ Potential ( n) ‫قدرة احتمالية‬

Chance (n) ‫ فرصه‬- ‫حظ‬ Procedure (n) ‫اجراء‬

Class (n) ‫دورة تدريبية‬ Publish ( ed) ( v) ‫ينشر‬

Competition (n) ‫مسابقة‬ Quantifier (n) ‫ محدد بكمية‬/ ‫تعبير كمية‬

Contact(ed) (v) ‫ يتواصل‬/ ‫يتصل ب‬ Recipe (n) ‫وصفة طهى‬

Creative (adj) ‫ابداعى‬ Recycle (d) (v) ‫يعيد تدوير‬

Develop(ed) (v) ‫ ينمى‬- ‫يطور‬ Regret ( ted ) (v) ‫يندم‬

Exist(ed) (v) ‫يوجد‬ Seaweed (n) ‫عشب البحر‬

Experience(d) (v) ‫ يعايش‬/ ‫يجرب‬ Second hand ( adj ) ‫مستعمل‬

Factors (n) ‫عوامل‬ Sew – sewed – sewn (v) ‫يخيط‬

Fashionable (adj) ‫على الموضه‬ Solar ( adj ) ‫شمسى‬

‫يعمل بالطاقة‬
Fountain (n) ‫نافورة‬ Solar- powered ( adj ) ‫الشمسية‬

‫ يمسك‬- ‫يحتوى على‬

Hold - held - held(v) ‫ يقيم‬-
Sport science (n) ‫علوم الرياضة‬

Ingredients (n) ‫ مكونات‬- ‫عناصر‬ Stressed ( adj) ‫ مضغوط‬/ ‫متوتر‬

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Inspire (d) (v) ‫يلهم‬ Throughout ( adv) ‫عبر – خالل‬

Instructions (n) ‫تعليمات‬ Wheel ( n) ‫عجلة‬

Inventor (n) ‫ مبتكر‬- ‫مخترع‬ Working life ( n) ‫الحياة العملية‬

Knowledge (n) ‫المعرفة‬ Decision ‫قرار‬

Metal (n) ‫المعدن‬ Impact ‫تأثير‬

Basic ‫اساسي‬ Practical ‫عملي‬

Exist ‫يوجد‬ Regret ‫ يندم‬/ ‫يأسف‬

Positive ‫إيجابي‬ Situation ‫موقف‬

Realise ‫يدرك‬ Cancer (n) ‫مرض السرطان‬

Share ‫يشارك‬ Disease (n) ‫مرض‬

Title ‫ لقب‬/ ‫عنوان‬ Enthusiasm (n) ‫حماسة‬

Brand new (adj) ‫عالمه تجاريه جديده‬ Innovative (adj) ‫ مبدع‬/ ‫إبداعي‬

Contact(ed) (n/v) ‫ إتصال‬/ ‫يتصل‬ Remote (adj) ‫بعيد‬

Enable(d) (v) ‫يمكن‬ Spare time (n) ‫وقت الفراغ‬

Imagine(d) (v) ‫يتخيل‬ Encourage ‫يشجع‬

Journalist (n) ‫صحفي‬ Fortunately ‫لحسن الحظ‬

Set up (v) ‫يؤسس‬ Public ‫عام‬

Unemployed (adj) ‫غير موظف‬ Transport ‫ ينقل‬/ ‫ المواصالت‬/ ‫النقل‬

Energy ‫طاقه‬ Vehicle ‫مركبه‬

Major ‫رئيسي‬ Value ‫ يقيم‬/ ‫يقدر‬

Replace ‫يستبدل‬

4 3rd Secondary
Lesson 1-2 Unit 9

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. A good employer makes full use of the .................. of each member of the staff.
a - procedure b - coaches c - entrepreneurs d - potentials
2. .................. are words like ‘all’, ‘some, ‘many,’ … etc.
a - Seaweeds b - Quantifiers c - Recipes d - Procedures
3. He took my advice without .................. He trusts me.
a - contacting b - inspiring c - questioning d - reinventing
4. I think this is a very high price for such a .................. car. This way, buying a new one is
a - solar-powered b - second hand c - bottled d - creative
5. I think this is a fair price for such a .................. car. It runs on electricity from the sun.
a - solar-powered b - second hand c - bottled d - creative
6. I think online .................. is safe. Your money is not in danger.
a - vehicle b - working c - knowledge d - banking
7. Planning is one of the basic .................. of success.
a - passions b - paintings c - factors d - transports
8. You can .................. the customer service for technical help.
a - contact b - inspire c - question d - reinvent
9. The security .................. in this factory are perfect.
a - seaweeds b - quantifiers c - recipes d - procedures
10. I found it difficult to .................. my first novel as I was unknown.
a - publish b - regret c - sew d - hold
11. Don’t let your .................. life kill your happiness. Humans need some time for themselves.
a - vehicle b - working c - knowledge d - banking
12. The success of my cousin has .................. me. I felt I can be successful, too.
a - contacted b - inspired c - questioned d - invented
13. Reading for such a .................. writer is positive entertainment.
a - solar-powered b - second hand c - bottled d - creative
14. Each .................. sheet has a different code.
a - bubble b - chance c - ingredient d - pandemic
15. How much liquid does this container ..................?
a - publish b - regret c - sew d - hold

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Unit 9 Lesson 1-2

16. This is a modern .................. which is environmentally friendly.

a - vehicle b - working c - knowledge d - banking
17. It is commonly believed that it is healthier to drink .................. water.
a - solar-powered b - second hand c - bottled d - creative
18. The best thing about plastic is that it can be .................. .
a - recycled b - enveloped c - broken down d - existed
19. The worst thing about plastic is that it does not .................. .
a - recycle b - develop c - break down d - exist
20. Coronavirus is dangerous, but there have been much more dangerous .................. over the
a - bubbles b - chances c - ingredients d - pandemics
21. I got the .................. for this dish from the internet.
a - seaweed b - quantifier c - recipe d - procedure
22. Never .................. the good you did to someone. Only the good do good.
a - publish b - regret c - sew d - hold
23. You have got a lot of .................. about farming. Do you work as a farmer?
a - vehicles b - working c - knowledge d - banking
24. Extinct animals no longer .................. on earth.
a - recycle b - gain c - break down d - exist
25. This .................. is worth millions of dollars. It is a unique work of art.
a - passion b - painting c - factor d - transport
26. This injured man needs much health care in order to increase his .................. of survival.
a - bubble b - chance c - ingredient d - pandemic
27. It is nice to see coloured fish moving among .................. .
a - seaweed b - quantifier c - recipe d - procedure
28. I need to find a needle to .................. the button of the shirt.
a - publish b - regret c - sew d - hold
29. A young .................. has built a solar-powered tuk-tuk.
a - inventor b - coach c - entrepreneurship d - potential
30. He is a good team player. However, he lacks .................. .
a - passion b - painting c - factor d - transport
31. A team of scientists have .................. a new vaccine for corona virus.
a - recycled b - developed c - broke down d - existed

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Lesson 1-2 Unit 9
32. Something that is .................. is so important that it results in your life being different.
a - potential b - life-changing c - enabled d - up-to-date
33. .................. is the ability to use your knowledge of life to make good decisions.
a - Wisdom b - Experience c - Employment d - Common sense
34. To .................. is to change who you are, e.g., by starting a different job.
a - cycle b - recycle c - invent d - reinvent
35. .................. is a basic level of practical knowledge.
a - Working knowledge c - Life experience
b - Contribution d - Career direction
36. .................. is the simple understanding of how something works.
a - Wisdom b - Experience c - Employment d - Common sense
37. .................. means doing something to make a difference to a situation.
a - Working knowledge c - Life experience
b - Contribution d - Career direction
38. .................. is the knowledge you gain from life.
a - Working knowledge c - Life experience
b - Contribution d - Career direction
39. .................. is when someone is paid to do a job.
a - Wisdom b - Experience c - Employment d - Common sense
40. The doctor said that the old man had suffered from blood.................. before his death.
a - transplant b - transfusion c - vessels d - cancer
41. The Ministry of culture encourages young.................. through holding free exhibitions for
their works.
a - scientists b - artists c - players d - barbers
42. I really admire people who can turn a negative situation into a.................. one.
a - defective b - detective c - terrible d - positive
43. Applicants for the job should have training and.................. experience in electronics.
a - practical b - valueless c - horrible d - terrible
44. I bought a second – hand car as I can’t afford to buy myself a.................. new car.
a - mark b - trace c - brand d - make
45. People should be encouraged to use public.................. if we want to reduce our carbon
a - transplant b - transport c - transfusion d - transmission

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‫‪Unit 9‬‬ ‫‪Lesson‬‬ ‫‪1-2‬‬

‫علشان تحل أي سؤال الزم تركزلي هنا‬

‫‪Verb‬‬ ‫‪Noun‬‬ ‫‪Adjective‬‬ ‫‪Adverb‬‬

‫)‪Contribute (To‬‬ ‫مساهمة‪ /‬مشاركة‬ ‫‪Contributory‬‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫يساهم ‪ /‬يشارك (فى)‬ ‫‪Contributor‬‬ ‫مساهم – مشارك‬
‫مساهم ‪ /‬مشارك‬

‫عامل ‪ /‬موظف‬
‫صاحب العمل ‪ /‬موظف‬
‫‪Employ‬‬ ‫مؤهل للعمل‬
‫‪Employment‬‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫يوظف – يشغل‬ ‫‪Unemployed‬‬
‫التوظيف ‪ /‬التشغيل ‪/‬‬
‫وظيفة ‪ /‬استخدام‬

‫رائد اعمال‬ ‫‪Entrepreneurial‬‬
‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬ ‫‪Entrepreneurship‬‬ ‫ريادى ‪ -‬ينطوى على‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫ريادة االعمال ‪ -‬المجازفة‬ ‫مجازفة‬

‫‪Wisdom‬‬ ‫‪Wise‬‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫الحكمة‬ ‫حكيم‬

‫‪Create‬‬ ‫‪Creation‬‬ ‫‪Creative‬‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

‫يبدع‬ ‫إبداع‬ ‫مبدع‬

‫‪Decide‬‬ ‫‪Decision‬‬ ‫‪Decisive‬‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

‫يقرر‬ ‫قرار‬ ‫حاسم‬

‫‪Direct‬‬ ‫‪Direction‬‬ ‫‪Directive‬‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

‫یوجه‬ ‫اتجاه‬ ‫توجيهي‬

‫‪Encourage‬‬ ‫‪Encouragement‬‬ ‫‪Encouraging‬‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

‫يشجع‬ ‫تشجيع‬ ‫مشجع‬

‫‪Instruct‬‬ ‫‪Instruction‬‬ ‫‪Instructional‬‬ ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

‫یرشد‬ ‫إرشاد‬ ‫إرشادي‬

‫‪8‬‬ ‫‪3rd Secondary‬‬

Lesson 1-2 Unit 9

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

Publish Publication Published ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫ينشر‬ ‫نشر‬ ‫منشور‬

Recycle Recycling Recycled ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

‫يعيد تدوير‬ ‫إعادة تدوير‬ ‫معاد تدويره‬

Replace Replacement
‫يستبدل‬ ‫ بديل‬/ ‫استبدال‬ Replaceable ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫ يمكن استبداله‬/ ‫مستبدل‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. A/An .................. is always concerned with making profit.
a - contribution b - contributor c - entrepreneur d - entrepreneurial
2. His ideas, mostly .................., are always concerned with making profit.
a - contribution b - contributor c - entrepreneur d - entrepreneurial
3. Naguib Mahfouz’s .................. to Arabic literature are clear to everyone.
a - contributed b - contributions c - contributors d - contributory
4. Naguib Mahfouz was one of the chief .................. to modern Arabic literature.
a - contributed b - contributions c - contributors d - contributory
5. Naguib Mahfouz was .................. to modern Arabic literature.
a - contributed b - contributions c - contributors d - contributory
6. Everyone likes working for him. They say he is a very kind .................. .
a - employee b - employer c - employment d - employable
7. A company in my town closed last week, leaving 50 people .................. .
a - employment b - employer c - unemployed d - employ
8. Someone who is paid to work for another person is called a / an .................. .
a - employer b - employee c - employable d - employment
9. If you have a degree from a good university, you will be very .................. .
a - employ b - employment c - employable d - employee
10. She was not .................. . She shouldn’t have decided while she was angry.
a - wise b - wisely c - a and b d - wisdom

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Unit 9 Lesson 1-2

11. Young men should learn to value their elders’ .................. and advice
a - Health b - Disability c - Wisdom d - Inspection
12. What was the.................. of the flight when the plane crashed?
a - Inspection b - Direction c - Respect d - Instruction
13. My uncle, professor Essam , teaches .................. Writing at Cairo university
a - creative b - ordinary c - strange d - imaginary
14. The players were given strict .................. not to leave the hotel
a - knowledge b - experiment c - experience d - instructions
15. The government is encouraging people to.................. their rubbish to help the environment
a - remake b - replace c - cycle d - recycle

‫شوية متالزمات لفظية علي مزاجك‬

a working knowledge married
‫يكتسب خبرة العمل‬ ‫يتزوج‬
Gain Get
wisdom paid to
‫يكتسب الحكمة‬ ‫يتقاضى اجرا لكى‬

a solar- powered car

the chances
Build ‫يصمم سيارة تعمل بالطاقة‬ Increase
‫يزيد من فرص‬

( career ) direction a difference to

) ‫يغير توجهه أو اتجاه ( مهنته‬ ‫يحدث فرقا فى‬
Some writing good decisions
‫يقوم ببعض التأليف‬ ‫يتخذ قرارات جيدة‬

Challenges like
Face Sound
‫يواجه تحديات‬ ‫يبدو كأنه‬

stressed about a company

Feel Start
‫يشعر بالتوتر من‬ ‫يبدأ شركة‬

a positive impact
‫له اثر ايجاب‬

10 3rd Secondary
Lesson 1-2 Unit 9

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. I don’t like it being a nurse, so I want to .................. direction
a - do b - face c - have d - change
2. Doing an internship helped me .................. work knowledge
a - gain b - make c - build d - do
3. Planning and hard work .................. the chances of your success
a - feel b - get c - increase d - sound
4. You can .................. some writing for our website
a - do b - face c - have d - start
5. She .................. married to a successful young engineer
a - gained b - made c - built d - got
6. .................. stressed about starting a new job in a new country is natural .
a - Feeling b - Gaining c - Increasing d - Starting
7. Challenges are .................. by those who seek success
a - done b - faced c - had d - started
8. The smart car we are .................. will be ready for the market next year
a - gaining b - doing c - building d - getting
9. I am a volunteer. I do not .................. paid for my work
a - feel b - get c - increase d - sound
10. The positive impact Mr. Ashraf .................. on his students is clear
a - does b - faces c - has d - sounds

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Unit 9 Lesson 1-2

‫أهم حاجة تميزك المترادفات والمتضادات‬

Word Synonym ( meaning )

Common sense (n) ‫حسن التدبير‬ Wit , Sound Judgment ,Wisdom
Employment (n) ‫وظيفة‬ Job, Post, Position
Employment (n) ‫التوظيف – التشغيل‬ Hiring, Taking On
Employment (n) ‫ استخدام‬/ ‫استغالل‬ Use , Implementation
Reinvent (ed) (v) ‫يصلح‬ Reform , Modify
Wisdom ‫الحكمة – البصيرة‬ Insight , Common Sense

Word Antonym (opposite)

‫حسن التدبير – تمييز‬ Folly
Common sense (n) ‫– شعور عام‬ ‫حماقة‬

Employment (n) ‫التوظيف – التشغيل‬

Stupidity, folly
Wisdom (n) ‫الحكمة‬
‫ الحماقة‬/‫الغباء‬

Word Synonym Antonym (opposite)

Contribution Negligence
‫ مشاركة‬/ ‫مساهمة‬ ‫تجاهل‬

Direction Misdirection
Course / Route
‫اتجاه‬ ‫ خداع بصري‬/ ‫تضليل‬

Encourage Discourage / Depress

Boost / Inspire
‫يشجع‬ ‫ ال يشجع‬/ ‫يثبط‬

Exist Die / Fade

Live / Survive
‫يوجد‬ ‫ يذبل‬/ ‫يموت‬

Major Minor / Secondary

Main / Important
‫رئیسی‬ ‫ ثانوي‬/ ‫فرعي‬

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Lesson 1-2 Unit 9

Word Synonym Antonym (opposite)

Passion Disinterest / Indifference
Feeling / Affection
‫شغف‬ ‫ ال مبااله‬/ ‫عدم اهتمام‬

Regret Approve / Be Content

Repent / Apologise
‫ يأسف‬/ ‫يندم‬ ‫ يكون راضيًا‬/ ‫يستحسن‬

Replace Hold / Keep

‫يستبدل‬ ‫ يبقي‬/ ‫يحفظ‬

Value Disrespect / Despise

‫يقدر‬ ‫ ال يحترم‬/ ‫يزدري‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. Use your common sense if something goes wrong.” In this sentence common sense’’ is a
synonym of’’ .................. .
a - folly b - wit c - wisdom d - b and c
2. I was offered employment as a member of Englishawy team The word ‘employment’ here
can be replaced by .................. .
a - a job b - unemployment c - taking on d - a and c
3. “The employment of children is against the law.” The word employment’ here can be
replaced by ..................
a - a job b - unemployment c - taking on d - a and c
4. “National employment has reached 92%.” The word ‘employment’ here is an antonym of
.................. .
a - a job b - unemployment c - taking on d - a and c
5. “Egypt is reinventing the educational system.” The verb “reinvent” here is synonymous with
.................. .
a - create b - find out c - invent again d - reform
6. The young woman left her job to pursue her lifelong.................. For painting and became a
successful artist.
a - fiction b - passion c - perfection d - detention
7. When I saw Mr. Ayman, I regretted thinking badly of him . The synonym of the verb “regret”
is .................. .
a - rejoice b - refresh c - repent d - reply

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Unit 9 Lesson 1-2

8. We all value our parents ‘ efforts to make us better person. The antonym of the word “ value
“ is .................. .
a - award b - reward c - honour d - disrespect
9. Good friends are those who always encourage you to succeed. The verb “ encourage “ is
similar in meaning to the verb.................. .
a - boost b - detest c - depress d - impress
10. It is said that the English have a passion for gardens. The opposite of the noun “ passion “ is
.................. .
a - affection b - disinterest c - admiration d - exception

Phrases and Expressions

Life- changing ‫تجربة تؤدى الى تغيير‬
Computing systems ‫انظمة الحواسيب‬
experience ‫جذرى فى الحياة‬

Contribution to ‫مساهمة فى‬ Much to my surprise ‫ومما اصابنى بالدهشه‬

Coronavirus pandemic ‫جائحة فيروس كرونا‬ Piece of ‫قطعة من‬

Even though ‫مع أن‬ Second- hand ‫مستعمل‬

For little money ‫بمقابل مادى بسيط‬ Solar-powered ‫يعمل بالطاقة الشمسية‬

Free drink ‫مشروب مجانى‬ Sports science ‫علوم الرياضة‬

Have the potential to ‫لدية المقدرة علي‬ Help………with ‫يساعد في‬

Prepared to ‫ مجهز ل‬/ ‫معد‬ Successful as ‫ناجح كـ‬

Talk to ‫يتكلم مع‬ Over my life ‫عبر حياتي‬

To my surprise ‫لدهشتي‬ Tell…….. about ‫عن‬..... ‫يخبر‬

Unable ‫غير قادر علي‬ Work with ‫يعمل مع‬

14 3rd Secondary
Lesson 1-2 Unit 9

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. A/ an.................. -powered car runs on electricity generated from sunlight.
a - oil b - petrol c - diesel d - solar
2. you pay.................. For a free drink.
a - little. b - nothing c - much. d - enough
3. Tourist authorities are trying to exploit our full.................. as a tourist destination.
a - Desire b - Potential c - demerit d - disadvantage
4. .................. my surprise, the whole family was at my cousin’s wedding.
a - In b - At c - To d - For

‫تعبيرات و اللي بيساويها في المعني مهمة‬

According to … = As stated by ‫ حسب ما يقول‬/ ‫طبقا لرأى‬

As a result , = So = Consequently ‫لذلك‬

Believe in = Trust ‫يثق ب‬

15- year- old boy = A boy of 15 = A boy aged 15 = A boy who is

‫فتى عمره خمسة عشر عاما‬
15 years old
Much to my surprise = I am very surprised ‫مما يصيبنى بدهشة كبيرة‬

‫ بما يتوافق‬/ ‫ حسب‬/ ‫طبقا ل‬

According to .. = In accordance with = In agreement with ‫مع‬

Believe in = Have a belief in ‫يؤمن ب‬

Ever since = Continuously since ‫منذ‬

Have a positive impact on = Have a positive influence on =

‫له اثر ايجابى على‬
Have a positive effect on = Affect …. Positively
Result in = Lead to = Cause ‫يؤدى الى‬

2023 15
Unit 9 Lesson 1-2

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. I have a ten-year-old son.” This means my son .................. .
a - 10-year-old b - aged ten c - is a boy of ten d - ten years old
2. Smoking will surely result in serious health problems.’’ The phrasal Verb ‘results in’ in this
context is a synonym of .................. .
a - happen b - cause c - lead to d - b and c
3. Much to our surprise, she agreed to marry a man the age of her father.” The expression
“Much to our surprise” means that we are .................. surprised by her decision.
a - not b - a bit c - very d - not very
4. Sama worked hard all school year. .................. she came first.
a - However, b - So, c - As a result, d - b and c
5. Good company has a positive impact on us.” This means good company affects us
.................. .
a - negative b - positive c - positively d - good

Break down ‫يتحلل – يتعطل‬ Reinvent … as ‫ كـ‬... ‫يعيد تأهيل‬

End up as ‫ينتهى به الحال الى‬ Suffer from ‫يعانى من‬

Go out ‫يخرج‬ Work …. Out ‫يفهم – يستتنتج‬

Grow up ‫يكبر‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. Being interested in politics and public interest all his life, he .................. a member of the
a - ended up as b - resulted in c - led to d - resulted from
2. Unlike wood, plastic products never .................. .
a - suffer from b - break down c - go out d - burn
3. He was a professional teacher of English, however he has managed to reinvent himself
.................. an engineer.
a - as b - to c - in d - from

16 3rd Secondary
Grammar 1-2 Unit 9

1 All - All of ‫كل‬

.‫) كصفة قبل اسم ال يعد ويأتي معها فعل مفرد‬all( ‫ تيجي‬-

ºº All my money .................. in the bank.

a - is b - are c - have d - has
.‫) كصفة قبل اسم مفرد يعد وتشير إلى مجموعة كوحدة واحدة ويأتي معها فعل مفرد‬all( ‫ تيجي‬-

ºº All the country .................. ready to face terrorism.

a - is b - are c - have d - has
.‫) مع اسم جمع ويأتي معها فعل جمع‬all / all of( ‫ تيجي‬-

ºº All (of) my friends .................. helpful.

a - is b - are c - have d - has
- all of + ‫ ضمير مفعول‬+ )us - you - them( ‫) قبل الضمائر الشخصية‬all of( ‫ تيجي‬-
- )‫ مفعول‬- ‫ ضمير شخصي (فاعل‬+ all ‫) بعد الضمائر الشخصية‬all( ‫ تيجي‬-

ºº All of .................. are ready to help.

a - me b - him c - them d - her
ºº .................. must take part in the race.
a - All you b - All of you c - You all d - b and c
ºº He is ready to help .................. .
a - all of us b - us all c - a and b d - we all
.‫) كضمير ويجي بعدها فعل مفرد أو جمع حسب االسم الذي تشير إليه‬all( ‫ ممكن تيجي‬-

ºº There are no employees in the office. .................. left.

a - All is b - All has c - All have

2 Every - Each ‫كل‬

.‫) كصفة قبل اسم مفرد ويأتي معها فعل مفرد‬every / each( ‫ تيجي‬-

ºº Each member of the team .................. really well.

a - play b - plays
ºº .................. Member of the group does their best.
a - Each b - Every c - a and b d - All

2023 17
Unit 9 Grammar 1-2

2 Every - Each ‫كل‬

.‫) إلى ثالثة أو أكثر‬every( ‫) إلى اثنين أو أكثر بينما تشير‬each( ‫ تشير‬-

ºº He carried a bag in .................. hand.

a - each b - every c - a and b
ºº People have five toes in .................. leg.
a - each b - every c - a and b d - both
.)every( ‫) فقط كضمير وليس‬each( ‫ ممكن تيجي‬-

ºº She gives her two sons 100 pounds a day. .................. fifty pounds.
a - each gets b - every gets
.)each( ‫) فقط بعد الظروف وليس‬every( ‫ ممكن تيجي‬-

ºº Nearly .................. student was examined.

a - each b - every
.)‫) قبل اسم جمع ويأتي معها فعل مفرد (أو جمع في اللغة العامية‬each of( ‫ تيجي‬-

ºº Each of my parents .................. at the party.

a - was b - were c - a and b
.‫) في هذه الحالة‬of( ‫) وال يمكن حذف‬each of( ‫ الزم تستخدم المحددات بعد‬-

ºº Each of my two brothers .................. successful doctors.

a - is b - are c - have
- ‫ اسم أو ضمير جمع‬+ each + ‫فعل في صيغة الجمع‬.
- every + ‫ عدد‬+ ‫اسم جمع‬.

ºº In our company, we have a meeting every two .................. .

a - week b - weeks
.‫) مباشرة‬every( ‫) بعد‬of( ‫ ال يستخدم حرف الجر‬-

ºº I have three sisters. .................. of them is kind and helpful. .

a - each b - every c - a and b
.‫) مع الضمائر الشخصية‬each of / each( ‫ كيفية استخدام‬-
- each of + ‫ضمير مفعول‬.
- (‫ ضمير شخصي (فاعل أو مفعول‬+ each.

18 3rd Secondary
Grammar 1-2 Unit 9

3 A lot of - Lots of ‫الكثير من‬

.‫) في اإلثبات قبل اسم جمع أو اسم غير معدود‬a lot of / lots of( ‫ تستخدم‬-
- A lot of / lots of (‫ )كثير من‬+ plural (‫ )جمع‬/ uncountable (‫)اسم ال يعد‬.

ºº My father has a lot of .................. .

a - friend b - friends c - friendship d - b and c
ºº My father has a lot of .................. .
a - friend b - friends c - friendships d - b and c

4 Many - Much ‫الكثير من‬

‫) كضمائر‬many / much( ‫استخدام‬

.)‫) كضمير يعود علي اسم معدود (مفرد أو جمع‬many( ‫ تستخدم‬-

ºº I have a lot of friends on Facebook, but my brother doesn’t have .................. .

a - many a - much
.‫) كضمير فاعل فإن الفعل بعدها يكون دائمً ا في صيغة الجمع‬many( ‫ عند استخدام‬-

ºº Don’t buy more apples. Many .................. in the kitchen.

a - are b - is c - have d - has
.‫) كضمير يعود علي اسم غير معدود‬much( ‫ تستخدم‬-

ºº Don’t offer me more food. I have already eaten .................. .

a - many b - much

‫) كصفات‬many / much( ‫استخدام‬

- many + ‫اسم جمع‬ .‫) كصفة بمعني (كثير من) قبل اسم جمع في الجمل المنفية‬many( ‫ تستخدم‬-

ºº I don’t have .................. friends at my new school.

a - many b - much c - a and b

2023 19
Unit 9 Grammar 1-2

4 Many - Much ‫الكثير من‬

.‫) كصفة بمعني (كثير من) قبل اسم غير معدود في الجمل المنفية‬much( ‫ تستخدم‬-

- much + ‫اسم غير معدود‬

ºº We didn’t have .................. before the exams.

a - many time b - much time
.)most( ‫)ونفس صفة التفضيل‬more( ‫)لهما نفس صفة المقارنة‬much / many( ‫ الصفتان‬-

ً )most/ more( ‫ يمكن استخدام صيغتي المقارنة والتفضيل‬-

..‫أيضا كضمائر‬

‫) في األسئلة‬many / much( ‫استخدام‬

.)How( ‫) قبل اسم جمع في األسئلة التي تبدأ بـ‬many( ‫ تستخدم‬-

ºº How .................. books have you got?

a - many b - much c - few
ºº How .................. loaves of bread have you bought?
a - a few b - a little c - many d - much
.)How( ‫) قبل اسم غير معدود في األسئلة التي تبدأ بـ‬much( ‫ تستخدم‬-

ºº How .................. salt did you add to soup?

a - many b - much c - a lot of
ºº Have you got .................. Knowledge in this field?
a - many b - much c - a lot of d - b and c
)many / much / a lot of( ‫) يمكن استخدام‬How( ‫ في األسئلة التي تبدأ بـ‬-

20 3rd Secondary
Grammar 1-2 Unit 9

5 A Little - Little - A Few - Few ‫القليل من‬

‫) كضمائر‬a little - little - a few - few( ‫استخدام‬

.‫) كضمير بمعنى (كمية قليلة) يعود على اسم غير معدود‬a little / little( ‫ تستخدم كل من‬-

.‫) كضمير بمعنى (عدد قليل) يعود على اسم جمع‬a few / few( ‫ تستخدم كل من‬-

)‫) كصفات (أي قبل االسم‬a little - little - a few - few( ‫استخدام‬
.‫) كصفة بمعنى (كمية قليلة) قبل اسم غير معدود‬a little / little( ‫ تستخدم كل من‬-

- a little / little + ‫اسم غير معدود‬.

ºº We have .................. time before the match starts.

a - a little b - a few c - little d - a and c
- a few / few + ‫اسم جمع‬ .‫) كصفة بمعنى (عدد قليل) قبل اسم جمع‬a few / few( ‫ تستخدم كل من‬-

ºº I have met .................. friends today.

a - a little b - a few c - few d - b and c
- a little + ‫اسم مفرد معدود‬ .‫) كصفة بمعنى (صغير) قبل اسم مفرد معدود‬a little( ‫ تستخدم‬-

ºº I have .................. child called Sama.

a - a little b - a few c - little
- little + ‫اسم جمع‬ .‫) كصفة بمعنى (صغير) قبل اسم جمع‬little( ‫ تستخدم‬-

ºº I let Sama play with other .................. girls.

a - little b - a little c - a few

a little - a few ‫استخدام‬

.‫ كمية قليلة) من وجهة نظر المتكلم‬/ ‫) بمعنى (عدد قليل‬a little / a few( ‫ تستخدم كل من‬-

ºº .................. of my cousins have tablets.

a - A few b - A little c - Little d - a and b
‫ الكمية قليلة) من وجهة نظر‬/‫) للتأكيد على أن (العدد قليل‬a little / a few( ‫) قبل كل من‬only( ‫ تستخدم‬-

ºº Mr. Ayman wrote down ………. a few notes; nothing very important.
a - quite b - only c - too d - so

2023 21
Unit 9 Grammar 1-2

5 A Little - Little - A Few - Few ‫القليل من‬

ºº .................. a few of my cousins have tablets.

a - Only b - Quite c - a and b
‫ الكمية قليلة) بدرجة ليست‬/‫) للتأكيد على أن (العدد قليل‬a little/ a few( ‫) قبل كل من‬quite( ‫ تستخدم‬-

ºº Mr. Ayman has got .................. a little time; just enough to do the job in hand.
a - only b - quite c - too d - so

little - few ‫استخدام‬

‫) للداللة على الندرة أو النقص (عدم الكفاية) وتدي معنى قريب من‬a( ‫) بدون‬little / few( ‫ تستخدم كل من‬-

ºº I asked all my friends for help. Sadly, .................. gave a positive reply.
a - a few b - few c - little d - a little e - b and c
‫ فعل مثبت‬+ few/little = ‫ فعل مثبت‬+ hardly any = ‫ فعل منفي‬+ many/much

‫ كظرف‬a little ‫استخدام‬

:‫ مع األفعال‬.١

ºº It rained .................. for discussion.

a - a little b - a few c - few
:‫ مع الصفات والظروف التي تعطي معنى سلبي مثل‬.٢

Anxious )‫ – (متوتر‬annoyed )‫ – (منزعج‬stressed )‫ – (مضغوط‬impatiently )‫ (بتعجّ ل‬...

ºº She talks .................. loudly.

a - little b - a little c - few
ºº I was .................. annoyed by what she had said.
a - a few b - few c - a little d - little
:‫ مع صفات وظروف المقارنة‬.٣

ºº Sama is .................. than me.

a - little b - a little c - a few

22 3rd Secondary
Grammar 1-2 Unit 9

5 A Little - Little - A Few - Few ‫القليل من‬

‫ كظرف‬little ‫استخدام‬

:‫) في اللغة الرسمية‬more / better( ‫ قبل‬.١

ºº Your opinion is .................. better than mine.

a - a little b - little c - a few
:‫ قبل بعض األفعال زي‬.٢

know – think – believe – hope – expect – suspect (‫ )يشك في‬...

ºº I .................. expected to find a job that fast.

a - a little b - a few c - little
:‫ قبل الصفتين‬.٣

little-known )‫ – (غير مشهور‬little-used )‫(قليل االستخدام‬

ºº He is no longer a .................. known player.

a - little b - a little
ºº Well-known is antonymous with ..................known.
a - good b - a little c - little d - few

2023 23
‫‪Unit 9‬‬ ‫‪Grammar‬‬ ‫‪1-2‬‬

‫‪6‬‬ ‫‪Some - Any‬‬ ‫بعض ‪ -‬أي‬

‫استخدام ‪ some / any‬كضمائر‬

‫‪ -‬تستخدم (‪ )any / some‬كضمير يعود على اسم معدود جمع أو اسم غير معدود‪:‬‬

‫‪ºº‬‬ ‫‪I don’t need .................. pens.‬‬

‫‪a - any‬‬ ‫‪b - few‬‬ ‫‪c - some‬‬
‫‪ -‬عند استخدم (‪ )any / some‬كضمير فاعل فإن الفعل بعدها يكون في صيغة المفرد أو الجمع (حسب‬
‫االسم اللي بتشير إليه)‪.‬‬

‫‪ºº‬‬ ‫‪I have invited all my friends; some .................. arrived yet.‬‬
‫‪a - haven’t‬‬ ‫‪b - hasn’t‬‬

‫استخدام ‪ some‬كصفة‬
‫‪ -‬تستخدم (‪ )some‬كصفة قبل اسم جمع أو اسم غير معدود غالبًا في الجمل الخبرية المثبتة‪:‬‬

‫(اسم غير معدود) ‪( / uncountable noun‬اسم جمع) ‪( + plural‬بعض) ‪some‬‬

‫‪ºº‬‬ ‫‪I have some .................. to do.‬‬

‫‪a - job‬‬ ‫‪b - jobs‬‬
‫‪ )some( -‬ممكن تيجي كصفة قبل اسم جمع أو اسم غير معدود في األسئلة التي يكون الغرض منها‬
‫العرض أو الطلب‪:‬‬

‫‪ºº‬‬ ‫?‪Would you like .................. sandwiches and some juice‬‬

‫‪a - some‬‬ ‫‪b - any‬‬ ‫‪c - few‬‬

‫استخدام ‪ any‬كصفة‬
‫‪ -‬تستخدم (‪ )any‬كصفة قبل اسم جمع أو اسم غير معدود غالبًا في الجمل المنفية أو االستفهامية‪:‬‬

‫(اسم غير معدود) ‪( / uncountable noun‬اسم جمع) ‪( + plural‬أي) ‪any‬‬

‫‪ºº‬‬ ‫‪I don’t have .................. jobs to do.‬‬

‫‪a - some‬‬ ‫‪b - any‬‬ ‫‪c - a few‬‬
‫‪ºº‬‬ ‫‪Sorry! I can’t lend you .................. money.‬‬
‫‪a - any‬‬ ‫‪b - some‬‬ ‫‪c - many‬‬ ‫‪d - few‬‬

‫‪24‬‬ ‫‪3rd Secondary‬‬

Grammar 1-2 Unit 9

6 Some - Any ‫ أي‬- ‫بعض‬

:‫) قبل اسم جمع أو اسم ال يعد بعض التراكيب مثل‬any( ‫ تستخدم‬-

)hardly/ scarcely/ barely … any = almost no(

ºº She .................. has any time for hobbies.

a - barely b - doesn’t c - not d - almost
ºº There is hardly .................. milk left.
a - some b - any
- any …. at all = almost no - without any … = with no …

some / any + singular noun

‫) ممكن تيجي كصفة قبل اسم مفرد معدود بمعنى (ما) لتشير لشخص أو شئ غير محدد أو غير‬some( -
:‫معروف للمتحدث‬

some )‫ (بعض‬+ singular noun )‫(اسم مفرد معدود‬

ºº .................. child broke the shop window and ran away.

a - some b - any c - a few
‫) ممكن تيجي كصفة قبل اسم مفرد معدود بمعنى (أي) لتشير لشخص أو شئ غير محدد أو غير‬any( -
:‫معروف للمتحدث‬

any )‫ (أي‬+ singular noun )‫(اسم مفرد معدود‬

ºº Do you have .................. friend you can depend on?

a - any b - some

some of / any of

‫) وصفات اإلشارة وصفات الملكية وضمائر‬the( ‫) قبل أداة التعريف‬some / any + of( ‫ ممكن نستخدم‬-

ºº .................. the boys in my class are toppers.

a - Some b - Some of c - Any d - None
ºº These are your close friends. Some of .................. can help you.
a - they b - theirs c - their d - them

2023 25
Unit 9 Grammar 1-2

7 No - None - No one


:‫) مباشرة قبل اسم غير معدود أو اسم جمع‬no( ‫ تستخدم‬-

ºº I have .................. time for hobbies.

a - no b - none c - no one
:‫)عندما يكون المفرد هو األنسب‬an / a( ‫) مباشرة قبل اسم مفرد معدود بدون‬no( ‫ ممكن تستخدم‬-

ºº Hossam has no .................. .

a - car b - a car c - cars

- ‫ فعل منفي‬+ any = ‫ فعل مثبت‬+ no - ‫ فعل منفي‬+ an / a = ‫ فعل مثبت‬+ no


‫)بمعنى (ال أحد من) أو (ال شئ من) وهي‬not any - not one( ‫) وتعني‬no( ‫) هي الضمير من‬none( ‫ كلمة‬-
.‫تعود على اسم معدود أو اسم غير معدود‬

ºº I waited for my friends, but .................. arrived.

a - no b - none c - not
ºº I searched my pockets for money, but there was .................. .
a - no b - none c - not
.‫) فاعل الجملة نستخدم بعده فعل مفرد أو جمع حسب االسم الذي يشير له‬none( ‫ لما يكون الضمير‬-

ºº I looked for milk in the fridge. None .................. there.

a - was b - were c - has
:‫) وصفات اإلشارة وصفات الملكية وضمائر المفعول‬the( ‫) قبل أداة التعريف‬none of( ‫ ممكن تستخدم‬-

ºº None of the .................. was asleep.

a - a passenger b - passenger c - passengers d - the passengers
ºº None of the .................. neighbours is noisy or nosy.
a - our b - ours c - us d - we
)n’t – not( ‫) إذا كانت الجملة منفية بالفعل بـ‬none( ‫) وليس‬any( ‫ تستخدم‬-

ºº I didn’t see .................. of them.

a - any b - no c - none

26 3rd Secondary
Grammar 1-2 Unit 9

7 No - None - No one

.)none of( ‫) وليس‬neither of( ‫ عند اإلشارة إلى شخصين أو شيئين نستخدم‬-

ºº Rodayna and Malak were busy studying their lessons. .................. of them talked to the
a - None of b - None c - Neither of
.)none of( ‫ في اللغة الرسمية يتم استخدام فعل مفرد بعد‬-

ºº None of the boys .................. arrived yet.

a - has b - have
.)none of( ‫ في اللغة الدارجة يتم استخدام فعل جمع أو مفرد بعد‬-

ºº None of the little girls .................. with the housework.

a - help b - helps c - helped
:‫ في االمتحانات الرسمية يُعتد بقواعد اللغة الرسمية وليس الدارجة‬-

ºº None of the children .................. awake when you called.

a - was b - is c - were d - are
:‫) قبل االسم مباشرة‬none( ‫ ال تستخدم‬-

ºº I saw none children in the park. (X)

ºº I saw none of the children in the park.

No one

.‫) بمعنى (ال أحد) كفاعل أو مفعول‬no one( ‫ يستخدم الضمير‬-

.)their / them / they( ‫) يعود عليه ضمير جمع‬no one( ‫ يستخدم فعل مفرد بعد‬-

ºº .................. in our family will support that evil person.

a - No one b - None c - No d - Neither
ºº No one has come to check .................. homework yet.
a - his b - her c - their d - its

2023 27
Unit 9 Grammar 1-2

General Exercise

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1 All my money .................. in the bank.
a - is b - are c - have d - has
2 .................. students passed the exam.
a - All b - All the c - All of the d - a, b and c
3 All people .................. homes to live in.
a - needs b - need c - has needed d - is in need of
4 All of .................. are ready to help.
a - me b - him c - them d - her
5 .................. must take part in the race.
a - All you b - All of you c - You all d - b and c
6 He is ready to help .................. .
a - all of us b - us all c - a and b d - we all
7 .................. member of the group does their best.
a - Each b - Every c - a and b d - All
8 .................. members of the group do their best.
a - Each b - Every c - a and b d - All
9 People have five toes in .................. leg.
a - each b - every c - a and b d - both
10 People have ten toes in .................. legs.
a - each b - every c - a and b d - both
11 Englishawy plays an important role in almost .................. Student’s education.
a - each b - every c - a and b d - All
12 Englishawy plays an important role in almost .................. Students’ education.
a - each b - every c - a and b d - All
13 Each of my two sons .................. good at maths.
a - is b - are c - do d - does
14 My two sons each .................. good at maths.
a - is b - are c - do d - does
15 They .................. have mobile phones.
a - both of b - all of c - each d - every

28 3rd Secondary
Grammar 1-2 Unit 9
16 .................. of them needs urgent help.
a - Each b - Every c - All d - Both
17 My father has a lot of .................. .
a - friend b - friends c - friendship d - b and c
18 My father has a lot of .................. .
a - friend b - friends c - friendships d - b and c
19 There’s .................. water on the floor.
a - a lot of b - much c - many d - a few
20 There’s too .................. water on the floor.
a - a lot of b - much c - many d - a few
21 There’re .................. drops of water on the windscreen.
a - a lot of b - much c - a few d - a and c
22 There’re so .................. drops of water on the windscreen.
a - a lot of b - much c - many d - a few
23 I have a lot of friends .................. are in my school.
a - A lot of b - Many c - None d - b and c
24 The Egyptians use a lot of water from the Nile. .................. is used in farming.
a - Many b - Much c - A few d - A lot of
25 The Egyptians use a lot of water from the Nile. .................... it is used in farming.
a - Many b - Much c - A few d - A lot of
26 Although some people have voted against the new law, many still.................. it .
a - support b - supports c - has supported d - b and c
27 He earns a lot of money, much of which .................. spent on his children’s education.
a - has b - have c - is d - are
28 Many people have taken the coronavirus vaccine; more .................. still waiting for
their turn.
a - is b - are c - have d - has
29 The government spends a lot of money on the coronavirus vaccine ; Much ..................
spent on buying the vaccine itself.
a - is b - are c - have d - has
30 How .................. bread have you bought?
a - a few b - a little c - many d - much
31 How .................. loaves of bread have you bought?
a - a few b - a little c - many d - much

2023 29
Unit 9 Grammar 1-2

32 Have you got .................. knowledge in this field.

a - many b - much c - a lot of d - b and c
33 Have you got .................. pieces of knowledge in this field?
a - many b - much c - a lot of d - a and c
34 .................. students want to join the faculty of medicine.
a - A lot of b - Many c - a and b d - much
35 .................. work should be done before I can leave the office.
a - A lot b - Many c - a and b d - Much
36 I had .................. orange juice.
a - a little b - little c - a few d - a and b
37 I had .................. drops of orange juice.
a - a little b - little c - a few d - a and b
38 Ahmed has a few .................. .
a - friends b - time c - a and b d - son
39 Ahmed has a little .................. for reading.
a - friends b - time c - a and b d - son
40 Ahmed has a little .................. of four.
a - friends b - time c - a and b d - son
41 Ahmed has little .................. of his own age.
a - friends b - time c - a and b d - son
42 I add .................. salt to my soup. Most people wouldn’t like it.
a - a little b - little c - few d - a and b
43 I add .................. salt to my soup, just enough to make it tasty.
a - a little b - little c - much d - a lot of
44 Mr Ayman wrote down .................. a few notes; nothing very important.
a - quite b - only c - too d - so
45 Mr Ayman has got .................. a little time; just enough to do the job in hand.
a - quite b - only c - too d - so
46 I have .................. money left. I can’t buy the underground ticket.
a - a little b - little c - a few d - few
47 I have .................. pounds left. I can’t buy the underground ticket.
a - a little b - little c - a few d - few
48 Mum has so .................. work to do before she goes to bed.
a - little b - few c - a and b d - a little

30 3rd Secondary
Grammar 1-2 Unit 9
49 How .................. people attended the rich man’s funeral! I wonder where his so-called
friends were.
a - many b - much c - few d - a few
50 My uncle has very few .................. on the farm.
a - soil b - cattle c - water d - animal
51 I have trained .................. today.
a - few b - a few c - little d - a little
52 .................. was said at the press conference.
a - Little b - Few c - A few d - Many
53 I was .................. annoyed by what she had said.
a - a few b - few c - a little d - little
54 We .................. expected her to win the gold.
a - a little b - little c - a few d - few
55 Well-known is antonymous with .................. -known.
a - good b - a little c - little d - few
56 Leen wanted to buy .................. notebooks.
a - some b - many c - any d - every
57 Leen didn’t want to buy .................. notebooks .
a - some b - much c - any d - no
58 Leen didn’t want to buy notebooks because she had already had .................. .
a - some b - much c - any d - no
59 Leen wanted to buy notebooks because she didn’t have .................. .
a - some b - much c - any d - no
60 Leen bought .................. notebooks because she had already had some.
a - many b - much c - any d - no
61 There’s a lot of juice in the fridge. I’ll get you .................. .
a - many b - some c - any d - much
62 There’s a lot of juice in the fridge. Would you like ..................?
a - many b - some c - any d - much
63 There’s no more juice in the fridge. I can’t get you .................. .
a - many b - some c - any d - much
64 Most of my friends are here in the wedding hall, but some .................. apologized for
different reasons.
a - are b - is c - has d - have

2023 31
Unit 9 Grammar 1-2

65 Most of the information you need is available, but some .................. still being
a - are b - is c - has d - have
66 Some .................. cries next door. I wonder if his or her parents are out.
a - a child b - children c - child d - b and c
67 Any .................. that has a problem with their tablet can consult Mr. Mohammed
Omar or Mr. Sobhi.
a - student b - a student c - students d - a and c
68 My students have sent me some great .................. taken during the school trip.
a - a photo b - photos c - photo d - b and c
69 Do you mind lending me .................. money?
a - any b - some c - many d - few
70 Sorry! I can’t lend you .................. money.
a - any b - some c - many d - few
71 She .................. has no time for hobbies.
a - barely b - doesn’t c - not d - almost
72 She .................. has any time for hobbies.
a - barely b - doesn’t c - not d - almost
73 She .................. have any time for hobbies.
a - barely b - doesn’t c - not d - almost
74 I drink tea without .................. sugar.
a - no b - some c - any d - a and b
75 I drink tea with .................. sugar. I am diabetic.
a - no b - some c - any d - a and b
76 I drink tea with only .................. sugar. I don’t like it too sweet.
a - no b - some c - any d - a and b
77 I drink tea with .................. sugar.
a - no b - some c - any d - a and b
78 you can call me at any time if .................. goes wrong.
a - anything b - any c - some d - nothing
79 Mai doesn’t have .................. time at all.
a - much b - some c - any d - a lot of
80 .................. the boys in my class are toppers.
a - Some b - Some of c - Any d - None

32 3rd Secondary
Unit 9 Lesson 3-4

Adventure (n) ‫مغامرة‬ Lead – led (v) ‫ يؤدى‬- ‫يقود – يحيا‬

Argument (n) ‫ حجة – جدال‬/ ‫تبرير‬ Mentally (adv) ‫ ذهنيا‬/ ‫عقليا‬

Builder (n) ‫عامل بناء‬ Motivation (n) ‫دافع – حافز‬

Care(d) (v) ‫يرعى – رعاية‬ Necessarily (adv) ‫بالضرورة‬

Celebrate(d) (v) ‫يحتفل ب‬ Optimistic (adj) ‫متفائل – تفاؤلى‬

Challenge (n) ‫تحدى‬ Passionate (adj) ‫شغوف – مولع‬

Conclude(d) (v) ‫يستنتج – يخلص الى‬ Physical (adj) ‫ جسدى‬/ ‫بدنى‬

Consider(ed) (v) ‫يضع فى االعتبار – يفكر فى‬ Physically (adv) ‫بدنيا‬

Contact(ed) (n/ v) ‫ اتصال – يتصل بـ‬/ ‫تواصل‬ Pointless (adj ) ‫ال طائل منه‬

Debate(n) ‫مناظرة – نقاش‬ Refreshing (adj) ‫منعش – مبشر‬

Elderly(adj) ‫كبير السن‬ Rely (ied) (v) ‫يعتمد‬

Exception(n) ‫استثناء‬ Remain (ed) (v) ‫يبقى – يظل‬

Further (adj) ‫ اخر‬/ ‫اضافى‬ Respect (ed) (n /v ) ‫احترام – يحترم‬

Generation (n) ‫جيل‬ Retire (d) (v) ‫يتقاعد – يعتزل‬

Grandchildren (n) ‫أحفاد‬ Solution (n) ‫حل‬

Grandparents (n) ‫أجداد‬ Tough (adj) ‫صارم – شديد – عصيب‬

Ignore(d) (v) ‫يتجاهل‬ Translate as ‫تترجم الى‬

Introduce(d) (v) ‫يصدر – يقدم‬ Typical (adj) ‫نمطى – نموذجى‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. A child doesn’t like it when you .................. their requests.
a - ignore b - consider c - celebrate d - retire
2. Your .................. are your father’s and mother’s parents.
a - grandchildren b - grandparents c - debate d - argument

38 3rd Secondary
Lesson 3-4 Unit 9
3. Most young people are .................. about football. They’re crazy about it.
a - typical b - tough c - pointless d - passionate
4. All students must wear the school uniform. You are no .................. .
a - motivation b - generation c - exception d - contribution
5. The last paragraph of an essay .................. what has been written in it.
a - cares b - concludes c - contributes d - introduces
6. He can’t remember anything. He is .................. disabled.
a - elderly b - necessarily c - mentally d - physically
7. Being .................., he always looks at the positive side of everything.
a - optimistic b - refreshing c - stressed d - overworked
8. Your .................. are the children of your children.
a - grandchildren b - grandpas c - grandmas d - grandparents
9. I find this argument .................. . We’ll never reach an agreement.
a - typical b - flexible c - pointless d - passionate
10. The younger .................. find it easy to deal with modern technology.
a - motivation b - generation c - exception d - contribution
11. The new law of education has been .................. lately.
a - cared b - concluded c - contributed d - introduced
12. It is the right thing to respect .................. people.
a - elderly b - necessarily c - mentally d - physically
13. There was a/an .................. about combating air pollution held in our school yesterday.
a - grandchildren b - respect c - debate d - argument
14. We are .................. Sama’s birthday on July 7th. We are giving a big party.
a - ignoring b - considering c - celebrating d - retiring
15. This hot weather is not .................. Of January which is a cold winter month.
a - typical b - tough c - pointless d - passionate
16. My parents have made great .................. to my personal and work life.
a - motivations b - generations c - exceptions d - contributions
17. It is common in Upper Egypt that the young .................. for their grandparents.
a - care b - conclude c - contribute d - introduce
18. Being over 60 does not.................. mean you cannot work.
a - elderly b - necessarily c - physical d - mental
19. The.................. I had made did not persuade them to agree to my suggestion.
a - grandchildren b - respects c - debates d - arguments

2023 39
Unit 9 Lesson 3-4

20. The first thing to .................. is to raise the staff’s salaries. It is an urgent demand.
a - ignore b - consider c - celebrate d - retire
21. Times are being .................. for me. I’ve lost my job and my father is very ill.
a - typical b - tough c - pointless d - passionate
22. Nearly everyone needs ................... . It encourages him to go on facing difficulties.
a - motivation b - generation c - exception d - contribution
23. Volunteers .................. their time and effort to charity work.
a - care b - conclude c - contribute d - introduce
24. He can’t use one of his hands. He is .................. disabled.
a - elderly b - necessarily c - mentally d - physically
25. Showing .................. to others is good behavior.
a - grandchildren b - respect c - debate d - argument
26. I think one should not .................. as long as they are mentally and physically able to work.
a - ignore b - consider c - celebrate d - retire
27. The cool wind felt .................. .
a - optimistic b - refreshing c - stressed d - overworked

‫كلمات مهمة احفظ ومتكسلش‬

Active ‫نشيط‬ Factor ‫ عنصر‬/ ‫عامل‬

Member ‫عضو‬ Necessarily ‫ضروريا‬

Alive ‫علي قيد الحياة‬ Assume ‫ يظن‬/ ‫يفترض‬

Case ‫حاله‬ Decade )‫عقد (عشر سنوات‬

Marathon ‫سباق الماراثون‬ Struggle ‫ يكافح‬/ ‫يناضل‬

Video call ‫يجري مكالمة فيديو‬ Adult ‫بالغ‬

Care home ‫بيت رعاية مسنين‬ Care for ‫يعتني بـ‬

Elderly ‫كبير السن‬ Law ‫قانون‬

Mean ‫ يقصد‬/ ‫يعني‬ Neighbour ‫جار‬

Possible ‫ممكن‬ Regularly ‫بإنتظام‬

Suffix ‫الحقه‬ After all ‫علي أي حال‬

40 3rd Secondary
Lesson 3-4 Unit 9
As a result ‫نتيجة لذلك‬ At that age ‫في ذلك السن‬

Get useful advice ‫يحصل علي نصيحة مفيدة‬ Have a positive impact ‫لدية تاثير إيجابي‬

Contact with ‫اتصال مع‬ In turns ‫يتبادل االدوار‬

Make a contribution ‫يقوم بمساهمه‬ To some extent ‫إلي حد ما‬

Respect for ‫احترام ل‬ Translate as ‫يترجم كـ‬

Typical of ‫نموذج ل‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. Poor organisation was certainly a main .................. to the bad economic situation in our
a - fracture b - actor c - factor d - tractor
2. Stress affects nearly everybody in society from teenagers to.................. People
a - disabled b - odd c - young d - elderly

‫علشان تحل أي سؤال الزم تركزلي هنا‬

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

Consider Consideration Considerable ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫يعتبر‬ ‫اعتبار‬ ‫جدير باالعتبار‬

Except Exception Exceptional ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

‫یستثنی‬ ‫استثناء‬ ‫استثنائي‬

Ignore Ignorance Ignorant ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

‫ يجهل‬/ ‫يتجاهل‬ ‫جهل‬ ‫جاهل‬

Passion Passionate ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫شغف‬ ‫شغوف‬

Refresh Refreshment Refreshing ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

‫ينعش‬ ‫انتعاش‬ ‫منعش‬

2023 41
Unit 9 Lesson 3-4

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb

Rely Reliance Reliable ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫يعتمد‬ ‫اعتماد‬ ‫موثوق فيه‬

)‫محترم (بسبب افعاله‬
Respect Respect Respectful ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬
‫يحترم‬ ‫احترام‬ ) ‫محترم (مع اآلخرين‬
) ‫(جدير باالحترام‬

Retire Retirement Retired ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

‫يتقاعد‬ ‫تقاعد‬ ‫متقاعد‬

Translate Translation Translated ‫ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ‬

‫يترجم‬ ‫ترجمة‬ ‫مترجم‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. My grandfather had worked as an engineer in a company for 30 years before he ..................
at the age of sixty
a - directed b - retrained c - relieved d - retired
2. The actress is a big and .................. defender of women’s rights
a - depressed b - detested c - detected d - passionate
3. Most of my family are sports enthusiasts , but my uncle is the.................. to the rule
a - innovation b - perception c - exception d - inspection
4. Most charities completely.................. on donation from the public
a - defy b - purify c - rely d - testify
5. Mr. Salah is a.................. person. He always tells the truth
a - rely b - reliance c - relied d - reliable

42 3rd Secondary
Lesson 3-4 Unit 9
‫شوية متالزمات لفظية علي مزاجك‬
Physical work a contribution to
‫يقوم بعمل بدنى‬ ‫يقدم اسهام ل‬
Do Make
Volunteer work an argument
‫يقوم بعمل تطوعى‬ ‫يقدم تبريرا‬

the contributions friends

Celebrate Miss
‫يحتفل باسهامات‬ ‫يفتقد االصدقاء‬

older respect
Get Show
‫يكبر فى السن‬ ‫يظهر االحترام‬

reasons for a look

Give Take
‫يعطى مبررات ل‬ ‫يلقى نظرة‬

laws a tough time

‫يصدر قوانين‬ ‫يمر بوقت عصيب‬
active contact
‫يظل نشيطا‬ ‫لديه تواصل‬

a …. Life …..
‫يعيش حياة‬

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. It is the authority of the parliament to .................. new laws or modify old ones.
a - take b - introduce c - get d - show
2. We all value the so many contributions you’ve .................. to our society.
a - done b - made c - had d - missed
3. My father has .................. older and weaker.
a - taken b - introduced c - got d - shown
4. A party is being given to .................. the contributions of Mr Nasser on the occasion of his
a - give b - lead c - make d - celebrate
5. When I am away, I .................. my family and friends very much.
a - do b - make c - have d - miss
6. I want to .................. another look at the car before I decide on buying it.
a - take b - introduce c - get d - show

2023 43
Unit 9 Lesson 3-4

7. Pardon me! I can’t .................. any reasons for my decision.

a - give b - lead c - make d - celebrate
8. I will never forget the tough time I .................. when I was infected with corona virus.
a - did b - made c - had d - missed
9. It is good behaviour to .................. respect to the elderly.
a - take b - introduce c - get d - show
10. Homeless children .................. a life of misery.
a - give b - lead c - make d - celebrate
11. .................. physical work helps you keep fit.
a - Doing b - Making c - Introducing d - Missing

‫أهم حاجة تميزك المترادفات والمتضادات‬

Word Synonym (Meaning) Antonym (Opposite)

Consider Neglect/Reject
‫يعتبر‬ ‫ ينبذ‬/‫يتجاهل‬

Ignore Regard/Notice
‫يتجاهل‬ ‫يالحظ‬

Mentally Physically
‫نفسيا‬ ‫جسدي ًا‬

Necessarily Optionally
‫ضروريا‬ ‫اختياري ًا‬

Passionate Indifferent
‫شغوف‬ ‫غير مبال‬

Pointless Sensible
‫غير مبرر‬/ ‫بال هدف‬ ‫عاقل‬

Regularly Uncommonly/Irregularly
‫بانتظام‬ ‫ غير منتظم‬/ ‫بشكل عادي‬

Remain Cease/Depart
‫يبقي‬ ‫يتوقف‬

Respect Disregard/Disrespect
‫يحترم‬ ‫ ال يقدر‬/‫ال يحترم‬

Typical Different/Rare
‫ مثالی‬/‫نموذجي‬ ‫نادر‬/ ‫مختلف‬

44 3rd Secondary
Lesson 3-4 Unit 9

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. “Star Wars “ is a/an .................. science fiction which started an era of films about space
a - typical b - classic c - old- fashioned d - vague
2. If we continue to .................. Problems , they will only get worse
a - deal b - tackle c - solve d - ignore
3. The care of old people necessarily involves quite a lot of heavy lifting. The adverb “
necessarily “ can be replaced by the adverb.................. .
a - optionally b - essentially c - gradually d - regularly

Phrases and Expressions

A long – distance
‫عداء مسافات طويلة‬ In other ways ‫بطرق اخرى‬
After all, ‫برغم كل ذلك – فى النهاية‬ Keep you healthy ‫يبقيك بصحة جيدة‬

Aged over 65 65 ‫عمره اكثر من‬ Life experiences ‫تجارب الحياة‬

Care homes ‫دور الرعاية‬ Make it harder ‫ اصعب‬... ‫يجعل‬

Continue working ‫يستمر فى العمل حتى‬

Of her age ‫من نفس عمرها‬
into ‫يصل الى‬

Do whatever they ‫ينشر على وسائل‬

‫يفعلون ما يريدون‬ Post on social media
want ‫التواصل‬

See… in a more ‫ بمنظور اكثر‬.. ‫يرى‬

Elderly people ‫كبار السن‬
positive light ‫ايجابية‬

Have very little

‫لديه تواصل قليل مع‬ Show respect for ‫يظهر االحترام ل‬
contact with
International Day ‫اليوم العالمي لكبار‬
Typical of ‫مثال نموذجى ل‬
for Older Persons ‫السن‬

United nations (UN) ‫األمم المتحدة‬

2023 45
Unit 9 Lesson 3-4

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. Although most people retire from work at the age of sixty, they can contribute ..................
other ways to their society.
a - to. b - in c - of d - from
2. It is a great success to .................. your goals.
a - get to b - reach c - achieve d - a, b and c
3. These exercises are typical .................. Mr Mohammed’s work.
a - for b - at c - of d - by
4. Some elderly people continue working .................. their 70s.
a - with b - of c - on d - into

‫تعبيرات و اللي بيساويها في المعني مهمة‬

From my point of view = In my opinion ‫من وجهه نظرى‬

Further reason = In addition ‫و هناك سبب اضافى و هو‬

Get to = Reach = Fulfill = Achieve ‫يحقق‬

Passionate about = Very keen on = Very enthusiastic

‫لديه شغف بـ‬
about = Addicted to
Rely on = Depend on = Count on ‫يعتمد على = يعول على‬

Owing to = Because of ‫بسبب‬

Take it easy = Take things easy = Relax ‫ياخذ االمور ببساطة – هون عليك‬

The first thing to consider = First of all ‫اول شئ يوضع فى االعتبار‬

The over 70s = The people who are over 70 years old ‫ عاما‬70 ‫االشخاص الذى تتجاوز اعمارهم‬

To conclude = In conclusion ‫والخالصه هى – نستنج ان‬

To some extent = Partly ‫الى حد ما‬

We cannot ignore = Don’t forget that ‫ال يمكن ان نتجاهل ان‬

46 3rd Secondary
Lesson 3-4 Unit 9

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. Which of the following give a meaning near to “A further reason?
a - Don’t forget that c - First of all
b - In addition d - In conclusion
2. Ayman is very .................. about football. He adores it
a - proud b - popular c - positive d - enthusiastic
3. Care .................. means nearly same as look after ‘
a - of b - off c - for d - after
4. My flight was cancelled owing to bad weather.” In this context “owing to’ can be replaced by
.................. .
a - because of that b - Because of c - a and b d - as a result
5. If you want to express an opinion, you can start with ..................
a - From my point of view, ...... c - Owing to the fact that
b - As a matter of fact, ...... d - It is an unquestioned truth that
6. When you trust someone or something to do what you need or expect them to do, this
means you .................. them.
a - help with b - rely on c - distrust d - see as
7. The closing paragraph of an essay can start with ..................
a - To conclude b - In conclusion c - a and b d - In addition
8. Which of the following gives the meaning of We cannot ignore ..................?
a - Don’t forget that c - First of all
b - In addition d - In conclusion

Agree with ‫يتفق مع‬ Learn from ‫يتعلم من‬

Contribute (to / towards)

‫يساهم فى‬ See … as ‫ كـ‬... ‫ يعتبر‬/ ‫ كـ‬... ‫يرى‬
+ n / (Inf + ing)
Disagree with ‫يختلف فى‬ Speak of ‫يتحدث الى‬

Help … with ‫ فى‬.... ‫يساعد‬ Translate as ‫يمكن ترجمته كـ‬

2023 47
Unit 9 Lesson 3-4

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:-

1. Coronavirus vaccine is seen .................. a sort of protective measures.
a - about b - in c - by d - as
2. All my teachers have contributed .................. my success.
a - from b - towards c - with d - onto

48 3rd Secondary

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