Bioguard Plain - SRL - NRC-0.15

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SRL Sound Research Laboratories Limited Test Certificate No. 2945a a Holbrook House, Little Waldingfietd, Contract: C/03/5L/0653 Wd Sudbury, utfolk CO10 OTH Toft porstontersown Tel (01787) 247696 Fax: 01767 248420 ‘o-mail: 2 April 2003 i Tox fu Gea u sasurement of Random Inch rotion to BS EN 20364: 199% ant ‘song Wore dust id, Amsrong House, 38 Market Squee, Ui, Midslesex UB2 IN estate ost0372003 fmperatute «1158 foray ee) [Semele descrtion: Boar Boguerd Pan 60Qmm x600mm . fsanoi Aes 1285 mo avy Depth: 200m amber voume 300 mB Sound Absorption Coefficient Test26 Tasers PRETET soa | 1 | x2 | “Cont | atom or as [aie ex [an] 390 [ 022 [me so" | sos | 305 [08 ‘oo | 627 | 416 | oat 125-720 | 415 _[ 039 | 050 feo 7 | a7 027. zoo | 612 | sat] 026, 2e0| es6 | 573 o2t_| 020 316 709 | 506 | 018 400 [-720|-s01_|- 015, soo | 80 | 406 | ons one 630 sa7_|-a70_[ ont oe 000 | eis | sor] os] 70 ‘as0_| sce | 495] 013 ooo 562 [459 | 015 zo00_[ae1 [403-017-070 2500 | 426 oz1 3160] 3.56 028 4000} 2.90 [242 | 030_| 025 e000 | 236 | 200 [oa [| x00" | 197179 [070 aaoo"| 137 |-i0 [075 | e_| roooor| 108 [ioe [073 QGw 0415) atte €NIS0 11854:1007 NRC 0.15 etn ASTUC 2301 oo. 160280400 630 1000 1600. 2500 _4g00 “Dara Feonris tie ange vee? 125"""200 915" S00" 600.” 4250" 2000" 81805000 BS 6020954199 and net RAS ace quency, = a an SS TENE TTT r ag, Laboratory Tedhnician Executive Consultant

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