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BS Mumbai 24-07-2023

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MONDAY, 24 JULY 2023

18 pages in 1 section www.business-standard.com


How markets performed last week

% chg over Dec 30, ‘22
Index on *One- --————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

July 21, ‘23 week Local currency in US $

Sensex 66,684 0.9 9.6 10.6
Nifty 19,745 0.9 9.1 10.1
Dow Jones
Hang Seng
DAX 16,177 0.4 16.2 20.7
*Change (%) over previous week Source: Bloomberg P U B L I S HE D S I MU L T A N E O USL Y F R O M AH M E D AB AD , B E NG AL UR U, B H O PAL , B H UB ANE SW AR , CH AND I G AR H , CH E NNAI , H Y DE R ABAD, K OCHI, K OL K ATA, L UCK N O W , MUMBAI, N E W DE L HI AN D P UN E

Regd. Office: 52, East Bashyakaralu Road, R S Puram, Coimbatore -641002. (An ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 45001:2018 Certified Company)
Phone: 0422-2544955, Website: www.shivatex.co.in, Regd. Office: “ESVIN House”, 13 Old Mahabalipuram Road, Perungudi, Chennai 600096 Corporate Identity Number: U65900MH2013PTC244758
e-mail:shares@shivatex.co.in, CIN: L65921TZ1980PLC000945 Phone:044-24960335, Email: investor@highenergyltd.com Registered Office : “A” Wing, 4th Floor, Mahindra Towers,
NOTICE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 30TH JUNE, 2023 Dr. G.M Bhosale Marg, P.K. Kurne Chowk, Worli, Mumbai 400 018
(For the attention of Equity Shareholders of the Company) Rs.in Lakhs Corporate Office: 1st Floor, Sadhana House, 570, P.B Marg,
Sub.: Transfer of Equity Shares of the Company to Investor Education Worli, Mumbai – 400 018
Quarter Ended Quarter Ended Quarter Ended Year Ended
and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority 30th June, 2023 31st March, 2023 30th June, 2022 31st March, 2023 Tel: 1800 4196244; website: www.mahindramanulife.com;
This Notice is published pursuant to the provisions of the Investor Education email id: mfinvestors@mahindra.com
(Unaudited) (Audited) (Unaudited) (Audited)
and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules,
2016 notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs effective September 7, 2016 Total Income from Operations 2406.65 3154.09 1469.56 9356.02 NOTICE NO. 28/2023
and amendments made thereto (referred to as “the Rules”). Net Profit / (Loss) for the period
The Rules, amongst other matters, contain provisions for transfer of all 802.91 930.48 330.25 2748.76 Disclosure of Annual Report of the Schemes of
[before tax and Exceptional items]
shares in respect of which dividend has remained unpaid or unclaimed Mahindra Manulife Mutual Fund
by the shareholders for seven consecutive years or more (from the Net Profit / (Loss) for the period before tax
802.91 930.48 330.25 2748.76
financial year 2015-16) in the name of Investor Education and Protection [after Exceptional items]
Notice is hereby given to the Unitholder(s) of the scheme(s) of Mahindra Manulife Mutual
Fund (IEPF) Authority. Net Profit / (Loss) for the period after tax
The Company has, vide letter dated 21.07.2023 communicated to the 594.79 696.89 246.27 2049.51 Fund (“the Fund”) that in accordance with Regulation 56(1) of SEBI (Mutual Funds)
(after Exceptional items)
concerned shareholders whose shares are liable to be transferred during the Total Comprehensive Income for the period Regulations, 1996 read with Paragraph 5.4 of the SEBI Master Circular No. SEBI/HO/IMD/
financial year 2023-2024 to IEPF Authority under the said Rules. [Comprising Profit / (Loss) for the period (after tax) 613.02 682.23 252.98 2047.81
The Company has uploaded details of such shareholders whose shares are and Other Comprehensive Income (after tax)] IMD-PoD-1/P/CIR/2023/74 dated May 19, 2023, the Annual Report and Abridged Annual
due for transfer to IEPF Authority on its website at www.shivatex.co.in.
Shareholders are requested to verify the same. Equity Share Capital 179.28 179.28 179.28 179.28 Report of the scheme(s) of the Fund for the year/period ended March 31, 2023, has been
Shareholders may note that both the unclaimed dividend and the shares Other Equity (excluding Revaluation Reserve) hosted on the Fund’s website viz., www.mahindramanulife.com and on the website of
transferred to IEPF Authority including all benefits accruing on such shares, if as shown in the audited Balance Sheet - - - 7168.86
any, can be claimed back from IEPF Authority after following the procedure AMFI viz., www.amfiindia.com.
of the previous year
prescribed under the Rules.
Earnings Per Share (of Rs.2/- each) Further, Unitholder(s) may also request for a physical or electronic copy of the Annual
The concerned shareholders, holding shares in physical form and whose Basic and Diluted
shares are liable to be transferred to IEPF Authority, may note that upon such Report/Abridged Annual Report, by writing to us at mfinvestors@mahindra.com from their
transfer, the original share certificate(s) which stand registered in their name 1. Basic (Quarterly figures are not annualised): 6.64 7.77 2.75 22.86
will stand automatically cancelled and be deemed non-negotiable. The 2. Diluted (Quarterly figures are not annualised) : 6.64 7.77 2.75 22.86 registered email ids or calling on our toll free number 1800 419 6244 or by submitting a
shareholders may further note that the details uploaded by the Company on its
website should be regarded and shall be deemed adequate notice by the Note: written request at any of the nearest investor service centers (ISCs) of the Fund (please
The above is an extract of the detailed format of Quarterly Financial Results filed with the Stock Exchanges under Regulation 33 of the
Company for the purpose of transfer of shares to IEPF Authority pursuant to the SEBI (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The full format of the Quarterly Financial Results are available refer our website www.mahindramanulife.com for the updated list of ISCs).
Rules. on the stock exchange websites www.bseindia.com. The same is also available on the company’s website www.highenergy.co.in under the
In case the Company does not receive any communication from the concerned financials section.

Investor(s)/ Unit holder(s) are requested to take a note of the same.
shareholders within three months from the date of this notice, the Company (By Order of the Board)
shall transfer the shares to IEPF Authority as per procedure stipulated in the for HIGH ENERGY BATTERIES (INDIA) LIMITED
Rules. Place: Chennai G. A. PATHANJALI For Mahindra Manulife Investment Management Private Limited
In case the shareholders have any queries on the subject matter, they may Date: 22.07.2023 Managing Director
contact the Company's Registrar and Transfer Agents at S.K.D.C Consultants
Ltd., Surya 35, Mayflower Avenue, Behind Senthil Nagar, Sowripalayam Road,
Coimbatore-641028, Phone: 91422 4958995/2539835-836,.Email: Place: Mumbai Sd/-
info@skdc-consultants.com For Shiva Texyarn Limited Date: July 21, 2023 Authorised Signatory
Coimbatore R. Srinivasan
Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.
21.07.2023 Company Secretary

Notice cum Addendum to the Scheme Information Document (SID) and Key Information Memorandum (KIM) of the Schemes of Sundaram Mutual Fund
Introduction of Daily Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), Any Day Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP), • For subsequent installments, the NAV of the previous processed installment will become the Step 2
Capital Appreciation Option under Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) / Systematic Transfer Plan (STP) base NAV for the purpose of calculating the capital appreciation amount. Lower of the maximum amount specified by the customer and the amount determined by
and Sundaram Flexi Systematic Investment Plan (SIP). • In case of any additional inflows (including SIP/STP installments) between two STP/SWP Step 1
Investors are hereby informed that Sundaram Trustee Company Limited, the Trustee to Sundaram Mutual installments, the capital appreciation amount will be identified by the difference in NAV of $The installment value of FLEXI SIP will be determined on the basis of prevailing NAV on 10th day (T-10)
Fund has decided to carry out the following changes in the Scheme Information Document (SID) and creation of such additional units and the NAV of the scheme on the date of SWP/STP installment. before the installment date. If T-10th day falls on a Non-Business day, then the valuation will be considered of
Key Information Memorandum (KIM) of the Scheme(s) of Sundaram Mutual Fund with effect from July (refer illustration)
26,2023. previous available NAV.
• In case the specified date of any installment falls on a non-business day for either of the schemes,
Daily Systematic Investment Plan (Daily SIP) will be introduced in all the open-ended Equity Schemes • In case, when investor availing SIP Pause facility during the tenure of Flexi SIP or when any
the STP installment will be processed on the following business day of both the schemes.
(except ELSS schemes) and Sundaram Global Brand Fund*. installment is dishonoured then such installments will not be included for the purpose of
• SWP/STP registration will be rejected, in case of any of the units of the scheme are under lock-
* Facility can be availed as and when the inflows in the Sundaram Global Fund are notified as allowed. calculation of installment amount (as stated above) of Flexi SIP.
in period or pledged.
Features of Daily SIP • The Flexi SIP will be available only under the Growth option of the eligible schemes.
• Discontinuation of SWP/STP, for all frequencies
• SIP shall commence on the chosen date falling on or after 30 calendar days (10 calendar days
o SWP/STP will stand terminated after the balance in the scheme becomes NIL. • In case the date of installment falls on a Non-Business Day, the installment will be processed on
for the active One Time Mandate (OTM) registered in the existing folio) from the date of
o SWP/STP will be terminated if any of the units under the Scheme are under lock-in period the next business day.
submission of SIP request.
• SIP installment will not get processed on any Non-Business Days. or pledged or upon receipt of intimation of death of first/sole unit holder. • SIP Top-up facility will not be applicable for Flexi SIP
• Minimum Tenure and Amount - Minimum 3 months; Amount Rs. 100 per installment and in o Investors can also choose to cancel/terminate the SWP/STP by giving a notice of at least 7 • Once the Flexi SIP has been stopped/terminated/cancelled the unit holder needs to provide a new
multiples of Re.1 thereafter. Business Days in advance to the Official Points of Transactions and accordingly, termination request to start Flexi SIP.
• SIP will be ceased in case of 3 consecutive failures. of SWP/STP shall be effected on receipt of valid request. • Flexi SIP will be ceased in case of 3 consecutive failures.
• At least 7 business days’ prior intimation should be given to the Mutual Fund for • The criteria for minimum application amount/minimum additional application amount in case • In respect of Flex SIP made in any of the existing open ended equity Scheme(s), the Exit Load
cancellation/termination of an existing Daily SIP of Target Schemes and minimum redemption amount in case of Source Schemes shall not be
Structure prevalent at the time of allotment of each installment shall be applicable.
• Daily SIP can be registered for a maximum of one year period. applicable.
• SIP Top-up facility will not be applicable for Daily frequency. • The request for Flexi SIP should be submitted at least 30 calendar days before the first installment
• Capital Appreciation under SWP/STP Facility in any manner whatsoever is not an assurance or
Any Day Systematic Withdrawal Plan (Any day SWP) along with OTM for registration.
promise or guarantee on part of the Scheme / AMC to the Unit holders in terms of returns or
In addition to the existing provision of SWP facility, “Any Day SWP” facility is launched with the • Flexi SIP cancellation can be done separately by submitting the request at least 21 Business days
capital appreciation or minimization of loss of capital or otherwise. Please read the respective
following details. in advance; however, the associated NACH mandate can be retained for future investments
SID/KIM for more information before investing.
SWP Frequency Choice of the Date* (1-31) • All other terms & conditions of Systematic Investment Plan are applicable to Flexi SIP.
Illustration –
Monthly SWP Any Date of the Month
Capital appreciation option: • Illustration: Calculation of Flexi SIP
Quarterly SWP Any Date of the month on rolling quarter basis
Let us assume that Mr. ABC invested Rs. 1,00,000 in Scheme on 1st March at NAV of Rs. 10 per unit Scheme Sundaram Large Cap Fund
*In case the chosen date falls on a Non-Business Day, then the SWP will be processed on the immediate
and he would like to redeem/transfer capital appreciation on a monthly basis for a period of 6 months. Option Growth
next Business Day.
*In case the SWP date is not specified or in case of ambiguity, the SWP transaction will be processed Date of SWP/ STP Registration – 3rd March Date & Frequency of Flexi SIP 10th – Monthly
on 1st of the subsequent month after completion of 7 business days’ registration period. In case the end NAV on 3rd March – 10.5000 Amount Rs. 3000/-
date is not specified, SWP will be registered for a period of 3 years. The SWP registration will stand SWP/STP Date – 15th of every month No. of Installments 12
terminated when the unit balance in the scheme becomes NIL. Date of first SWP/STP transaction – 15th March
Maximum Debit Amount Rs.5000/-
Please note that SWP installment will be processed under active folio having free units in the scheme Transaction Date Transaction type Amount (Rs.) NAV Units Closing Balance
Flexi SIP Period July 2022 – June 2023
where SWP is registered. (a) (b) (c)=a/b (d)
Calculation of Flexi SIP installment amount for the 4th installment i.e. October 10, 2022
All other terms and conditions pertaining to SWP shall remain the same. 1st March Purchase 1,00,000.00 10.0000 10000.000 10000.000
Any day SWP is eligible for cycle dates of 1st to 31st as under: i. Total units allotted up to the date of last installment i.e. September 10, 2022 is assumed as
15th March SWP/STP – Capital Appreciation – 1/6 15,000.00 12.0000 1250.000 8750.000
i. For the dates from 1 to 28: 15th April SWP/STP – Capital Appreciation – 2/6 8750.00 13.0000 673.077 8076.923 500.000 units;
• SWP shall be processed on the specified date if that day is business day. If it is a non- 5th May Purchase 1000.00 15.0000 66.667 8143.59 ii. NAV of the scheme on T-10th day is assumed as Rs. 16/- per unit;
business day, it shall be processed on the next business day. 15th May SWP/STP – Capital Appreciation – 3/6 25926.15 16.2000 1600.379 6543.211 iii. Hence, the market value of the investment in the Scheme on T-10th day is Rs. 8,000.00
ii. For the dates from 29 to 31: Calculation of Capital Appreciation amount [500.000X 16]. The installment amount will be calculated as follows:
• If the date is available in that month and business day, SWP shall be processed on the
SWP/STP SWP/STP Registration Date NAV/ NAV Unit Capital Step 1:
specified date. In case, the chosen date is available in that month, but it is a non-business
Date Date NAV Previous SWP(STP) NAV/ Appreciation Balance Appreciation a. Fixed amount specified at the time of enrolment: Rs. 3,000/- Or
day, SWP shall be processed on the next business day.
Additional Purchase NAV per unit Amount b. As determined by the formula: (3,000 X 4) – 8,000 = Rs. 4,000/-
• If the chosen SWP date itself not available in that month, SWP shall be processed on its
(e) (f) (g)=e-f (h) (i) a) or b) Whichever is Higher.
previous business day.
o For example, if 29th is not available in the month of February, SWP shall be triggered 15th March 12.0000 10.5000 1.5000 10000.000 15000.000
Step 2 = Lower of Maximum Debit Amount or Step 1
on last business day of the month. 15th April 13.0000 12.0000 1.0000 673.077 8750.000
= Lower of (Rs.5000) or Rs. 4000
o For example, if 31 is not available in any of the months, SWP shall be triggered on 15th May 16.2000 13.0000 (for 8076.923 units) 3.2 (for 8076.923 units) and 8143.59 (3.2*8076.923)+
Hence, on October 10, 2022, the installment amount to be invested in the Scheme will be Rs.
30th of that month, if it is a business day, else the last business day of the month shall and 15.0000 (for 66.667 units) 1.2 (for 66.667 units) (1.2*66.667) =
be considered for SWP processing. 25926.15
SUNDARAM FLEXI - SYSTEMATIC INVESTMENT PLAN ("Sundaram Flexi SIP") The Trustee/AMC reserves the right to change/modify the terms of Systematic Transactions.
Capital Appreciation Option under Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) / Systematic Transfer Plan
(STP) facility. Sundaram Flexi SIP is a facility wherein an investor can opt to invest variable amount linked to the value All other terms and conditions of the Scheme Information Document(s) / Key Information
Investors can now choose the Capital Appreciation option with the Monthly or Quarterly frequency of his investments in any of the existing open ended equity schemes (except ELSS scheme) of Sundaram Memorandum(s) / Statement of Additional Information will remain unchanged.
under Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) / Systematic Transfer Plan (STP). Mutual Fund, on a pre-determined date. This addendum forms an integral part of the Scheme Information Document (SID) / Key Information
Features of Capital Appreciation Option: The minimum number of installments and amount for enrolment: Memorandum (KIM) / Statement of Additional Information (SAI) to the schemes of Sundaram Mutual
• Capital appreciation in the scheme can be withdrawn or transferred to the specified Destination Frequency under Flexi-SIP Facility Minimum Installments Minimum Flexi-SIP amount (Rs.) Fund as amended from time to time.
Scheme at prescribed frequency. Monthly 12 Installments Rs. 1000/- and in multiple of Rs. 1/-
• The Capital Appreciation option will be available only under the Growth option of the eligible
Quarterly 4 installments Rs. 3000/- and in multiple of Rs. 1/-
schemes. For Sundaram Asset Management Company Ltd
• The first Flexi SIP installment will be processed for the fixed installment amount specified by the Place: Chennai R Ajith Kumar
• Investor opting for STP with capital appreciation, will have to choose Growth as scheme option
unit holder at the time of enrolment. From the second Flexi SIP installment onwards, the Date: July 24, 2023 Secretary & Compliance Officer
under destination scheme.
investment amount shall be computed as per formula stated below. Corporate Office:

• The minimum investment or current value in the scheme should be Rs. 1,00,000/- on the day of
Step 1 1st & 2nd Floor, Sundaram Towers, 46, Whites Road,
application of SWP/STP with capital appreciation option. For more information please contact: Royapettah, Chennai-14.
• Minimum 6 installments required for registration of SWP/STP facility with capital appreciation ­ fixed amount to be invested per installment. Sundaram Asset Management Company Ltd Contact No. (India) 1860 425 7237,
option. OR (Investment Manager to Sundaram Mutual Fund) (NRI) +91 40 2345 2215 Fax: +91 44 2841 8108.
­ the amount as determined by the following formula: CIN: U93090TN1996PLC034615 www.sundarammutual.com
• SWP/STP registration will take minimum 5 Business Days’.
Regd. Office:
• The respective NAV on the date of registration of SWP/STP facility in the scheme will be (Number of current installment due * fixed amount to be invested per installment) - market No. 21, Patullos Road, Chennai 600 002.
considered as base NAV for the purpose of calculating the capital appreciation amount for the value of the investments through Flexi SIP$ in the Scheme Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, please read all scheme related documents carefully before investing.
first installment. whichever is higher of the above Returns are not assured or guaranteed.
MONDAY, 24 JULY 2023
18 pages in 1 section www.business-standard.com

How markets performed last week

% chg over Dec 30, ‘22
Index on *One- --————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

July 21, ‘23 week Local currency in US $

Sensex 66,684 0.9 9.6 10.6
Nifty 19,745 0.9 9.1 10.1 BACK P16 WORLD P8
Dow Jones 35,228 2.1 6.3 6.3
Hang Seng
*Change (%) over previous week Source: Bloomberg P U B L I S HE D S I MU L T A N E O USL Y F R O M AH M E D AB AD , B E NG AL UR U, B H O PAL , B H UB ANE SW AR , CH AND I G AR H , CH E NNAI , H Y DE R ABAD, K OCHI, K OL K ATA, L UCK N O W , MUMBAI, N E W DE L HI AN D P UN E


FIN SERVICES BIZ TO Banks get 8 mths to Revenue growth of early
BAIN FOR ~1,440 CR
The Adani group has exited the financial
services business by selling its entire 90 per
effect TCS on foreign birds at 10-quarter low
cent stake in Adani Capital and Adani
Housing to private equity firm Bain Capital for
India Inc more dependent on BFSI, IT companies to drive growth

credit card spend

~1,440 crore. The total valuation of the Adani
financial services business stands at ~1,600
crore. Gaurav Gupta, managing director and
Mumbai, 23 July
chief executive officer of the Adani firms, will Net sales growth of early-bird firms (YoY change in %)
hold the rest of the stake. Bain will also invest The Q1FY24 earnings season has started on a dismal
an additional ~983 crore as primary capital in note for corporate India.
the company to facilitate its growth. Rule could be implemented The early-bird companies’ revenue growth has
Besides, Bain Capital will also make available been at a 10-quarter low, while the combined earn-
a liquidity line of ~409 crore as non- from next fiscal year ings of non-BFSI (banking, financial services, and
convertible debentures to the firm. 2> insurance) companies seem to have
SHRIMI CHOUDHARY hit the ceiling. The numbers sug-
New Delhi, 23 July gest corporate India is entirely
dependent on BFSI companies

he central government has given banks and the IT services sector to
ON and credit card entities six to eight drive growth in revenue and

MONDAY months to put in place the requisite

reporting mechanism and related fea-
profit while other sectors are
showing signs of stagnation.
SPECIALS tures to collect tax at source on international BFSI and IT were the only sec- Net profit of early-bird companies (~ crore)
credit card transactions, a senior bureaucrat told tors that reported earnings growth in
BANKER’S TRUST Business Standard. the first quarter. The 220 early-bird companies in
For how many years According to the bureaucrat, the plan to the Business Standard sample accounted for nearly
should one run a bank?
The RBI has started showing the
bring overseas credit cards under the Liberalised ON TRACK a third of the combined market capitalisation of all
Remittance Scheme (LRS) has not been listed companies.
door to those who compromise on n Reporting software to comply with
mothballed and is simply being deferred so that The combined net profits (adjusted for excep-
governance, but its patience for banks get adequate time to get the system up and the new TCS rule getting prepared tional gains & losses) of all 220 early-bird companies
non-performance is still pretty high running. were up 10.7 per cent YoY to ~96,418 crore in Q1FY24
n FinMin provides road map to
TAMAL BANDYOPADHYAY writes 15 > The official expects the reporting mechanism from ~87,107 crore a year ago. However, the entire
put in place the modified system
to be ready in the given time, and the rule could gain in earnings was accounted for by big private-
be implemented in the next financial year (2024– n Banks flag n Roll-out of the
sector banks such as HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank BFSI: Banks, non-banking finance companies, and insurance
25, or FY25). “The Department of Economic operational and top IT services firms such as TCS, Infosys, HCL Note: Based on early-bird sample of 220 companies
new rule was put on
Affairs (under the Ministry of Finance) handled Tech, and Wipro. Turn to Page 6 > Source: Capitaline, Bloomberg, Compiled by BS Research Bureau
complexity of hold amid concerns
the issue and held several rounds of talks with
central banks and bankers. Credit card players
implementing raised by banks and
the rule credit card players

have also been asked for their input on imple-
menting the said rule,” says another senior official
privy to the discussion. He explains that it requires
the essential software to comply with the new
n Monitoring international spending
and distinguishing between business
PLI incentive outgo could be
How AI is helping medicine
in assisted fertility
rule, along with a disclosure mechanism for
authorised dealers and purposes of tax.
According to sources, the government has
and personal expenses pose challenges

remittances under the scheme, like tour expenses,

less than ~40,000 cr by FY25
The technology helps doctors received some suggestions in this respect, includ- has been delayed by three months and will come
by studying massive amounts ing filing a declaration with the issuer entity into effect on October 1. “Banks have been request- Govt estimates indicate not all 14 FALLING BEHIND
of data. It’s useful but involves within a stipulated time and specifying the nature ing sufficient time to get their systems updated schemes may have fully taken off Total incentive
ethical concerns of expenses incurred in foreign currency for tax and insert features for effecting tax collected at outgo allocation ~1.97 trn
DEBARGHYA SANYAL writes 14 > collected at source levy. source on credit cards. If the road map given by SHREYA NANDI
The Centre is also looking at the issue of the finance ministry to banks is to put in place New Delhi, 23 July
THE SMART INVESTOR determining tax liability, as it doesn’t have a the modified system from next fiscal year (FY25), (in ~cr)
system to differentiate between personal and it should provide a good runway for banks to The total incentive outgo under the ambitious pro-
RIL stock likely to business visits. implement the new tax collected at source rules,” duction-linked incentive (PLI) scheme is
underperform in near term In light of lenders raising concerns about the says Sudhir Kapadia, senior tax partner, EY India. estimated to be less than ~40,000 crore 2,874 13,000 23,000
The stock of Reliance Industries (RIL), unpreparedness of their reporting systems to roll The government, in its Finance Bill 2023, by the fiscal year 2024-25 (FY25),
could remain under pressure after out the differential tax collected at source levy for increased the rate of tax collected at source from when it completes the fourth year
lower than expected Q1 FY24 results, a multiple categories such as medical, education, 5 per cent to 20 per cent for remittances under of implementation, according to the
run-up in share price in July. and overseas tour packages, the finance ministry LRS. In line with the decision, the government government’s internal estimates.
RAM PRASAD SAHU writes 10 > said in its June 28 notification that it would not issued a notification on May 16 under the Foreign This means only a fourth of the
count international credit card spending towards Exchange Management Act, which effectively allocated ~1.97 trillion is expected to be Expected Estimated
POLITICS the LRS limit and for this reason would not attract imposed a tax collected at source on international utilised by the end of FY24, indicating Incentive incentive incentive
The problem of being in tax collected at source (TCS). card spends in foreign exchange without any that not all the 14 PLI schemes would have payout payout in payout in
the middle 7> Even the new levy of 20 per cent on overseas threshold. Turn to Page 6 > taken off fully. Turn to Page 6 > AJAY MOHANTY in FY23 FY24 FY25

Leading electric vehicle (EV) makers are
hopeful that the crackdown on companies An average urban individual living in any big city is Catamaran, the family office of
by the Ministry of Heavy Industries for shelling out 84 per cent more due to rising vegetable N R Narayana Murthy, is
violating the phased manufacturing prices, caused by low supplies and limited availability. targeting 15 per cent returns on
programme norms under the Faster With the monsoon continuing to inundate farms, traders its portfolio investments
Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid &) said vegetables would continue to cause some heartburn annually. This would double its
Electric Vehicles (FAME-II) scheme will help in the weeks to come. SANJEEB MUKHERJEE writes 4> assets under management (AUM)
further the indigenisation of the industry to $2 billion over the next
and lead to widespread adoption of EVs. five years. “For direct
investments, we are
More room for players FOR INDIA, 2 BACK ON CLIMATE ACTION stage investments and
very selectively on
in fintech: Paytm CEO The recently concluded Energy Transition early stage,” said
The Indian fintech ecosystem has room to ministerial meeting under India’s G20 Catamaran
accommodate large players as the market Presidency failed to find a consensus on President
is largely underserved, said Paytm Chief phasing down fossil fuels, clean energy technology, Deepak Padaki
Executive Officer Vijay Shekhar Sharma. and energy transition pathways. SHREYA JAI writes 4> (pictured). 2 >

Barbenheimer aims for ~150 crore box-office

collections, gives multiplexes reason to cheer
Barbie ahead of Oppenheimer in US; India bucks the trend
SURAJEET DAS GUPTA the industry had projected, despite the fact that it
New Delhi, 23 July is not on IMAX where Oppenheimer is being
shown (with higher ticket prices) and has not
Multiplex owners and trade analysts expect been dubbed in any other language.
two English blockbusters, Barbie and While in the US, Barbie is miles ahead of
Oppenheimer — jocularly referred to jointly as Oppenheimer in the box office, India has bucked
Barbenheimer — released on Friday and are the trend. Multiplex owners hope that, after a
expected to make ~150 crore at the box office. long lull caused by the pandemic, the success of
FRENEMIES 105.0 Oppenheimer, directed by Christopher these movies will help film goers get back to
Nolan, is expected to reach ~100 crore but cinemas.
Box office the gap between the two is shrinking because The film industry estimates that the capacity
collections of Barbie is catching up. utilisation of screens went up as high as 80-85 per
English films in Kamal Gianchandani, chief business cent where these two movies were being shown
2023 (in ~ cr ) 53.5 planning & strategy of PVR (which has merged and in IMAX cinemas, it has been virtually 100
44.0 with Inox) said Oppenheimer’s box office per cent in the last two days, despite ticket prices
32.0* collections were at least twice or more that of of a record ~2,500.
Barbie’s. “But, based on the Saturday and As a result, box office collections of
12.0* Sunday box office trends, Barbie now has Oppenheimer in the first two days have hit over
collections which are around 50 per cent of the ~32 crore while Barbie has made around ~12 crore.
Nolan film,” he said. “The trend of movie goers going back
Barbie Fast X John He said while Oppenheimer has performed despite the monsoon started with Mission
Guardians of Wick 4 according to expectations, which were Impossible, which is a more mass movie but has
Oppenheimer Mission Impossible# the Galaxy Vol. 3 ambitious, Barbie has exceeded expectations. It made ~80 crore in the first week,” said trade
"*for two days; # still in theatres Source: Koimoi, trade analysts
is doing more than 50 per cent more than what analyst Komal Nahta. Turn to Page 6 >

How’s the job market? Applicants spooked, experts differ

A start-up receiving 3,000 job applications in 48 hours reflects how substantial the churn is, with most sectors experiencing two-digit attrition rates
DEBARGHYA SANYAL Singhal, Global TMT Emerging Markets
New Delhi, 23 July n Attrition rates likely Leader at EY, says, “We don’t foresee a

A tweet by Kartik Mandaville, founder and

CEO of HR-tech start-up Springworks, has
CV to come down by 3-
5% over rest of the
major effect on the larger employment pic-
ture. Even attrition rates seem to be sta-
bilising. While there was a bit of a lull in
re-opened the debate on India’s employ- TSUNAMI year, say experts
the last year, we are gradually getting out
ment health. In his tweet, Mandaville said towards a more robust job market.”
he had received more than 3,000 resumes ATTRITION RATES n In first 6 months of Anandorup Ghose, partner at Deloitte
within 48 hours of job openings being post-
29.17% 20.09% 16.20% 14.11% 10.59% 2023, IT industry laid off India, agrees: “The last few months have
ed on his company’s website. He added IT sector Education E-commerce and Healthcare and Telecom two-thirds more seen the businesses adopting a more cau-
that the firm had so far received close to services allied start-ups pharmaceuticals people than it did in tious approach with a large number of tech
13,000 applications across 15 to 20 posi- Source: TeamLease Employment Outlook report Q1FY24 this period in 2022 players right-sizing their organisation. The
tions, which included roles in sales and overall attrition for this year is effectively
marketing, the founder's office, tech, etc. lower by 3-5 per cent, fuelled by the dip in
Besides the astounding number, including those for which I am overquali- firms in the sector. “While we enjoy hand- panicked by the current job market,” he tion rate due to various reasons: limited demand and the workforce restructuring
Mandaville’s tweet came laden with a fied in terms of experience or education,” some pay packages and perks, the start- says. “And with an increase in the volume career growth; lack of recognition and that is currently underway.” Meanwhile,
question: “How bad is the job market?” he says. Batra has three years of experience up recently saw a cut in its funding and of applications, rejection letters are also rewards; unhealthy work environments; with candidates struggling to stay ahead
Pretty bad, if you ask applicants. across two companies, but has applied for we are anticipating either a mass layoff or piling up.” and better paying options in other sec- of the rising competition and the changing
Business Standard spoke to several many freshmen positions too. More peo- massive pay cuts,” she says. “It’s better to Sumit Sarabhai, business head of the tors,” Sarabhai explains. demands of jobs in their sectors, recruit-
young IT professionals in Gurugram, ple working in India’s technology industry move on now. Several of my colleagues Emerging vertical at TeamLease Services, Other sectors, too, are experiencing ment agencies, talent acquisition firms
Bengaluru, Mumbai and Ahmedabad, all have lost their jobs in the first six months and friends working in other start-ups agrees that despite the significant expan- two-digit attrition rates. The TeamLease and hiring professionals are seeing a high
of whom said they had started applying of 2023 than in the corresponding period have adopted this strategy.” Recruitment sion in various sectors, competition for report noted, for instance, that e-com- demand for their services.
to a lot more jobs in the last few months in 2022. A total of 10,774 people have been agencies are a prime witness to this trend. jobs has increased, as has the attrition rate. merce and allied start-ups are facing 16.20 “High attrition results in a larger pool of
than ever. laid off in the first six months, according Amitabh Mukherjee, a senior talent scout “A significant factor contributing to can- per cent attrition rate, while telecommu- candidates seeking new job opportunities,”
Gurugram-based Gagan Batra (name to Layoffs.fyi, a website that tracks job cuts at a recruitment and professional coun- didates' challenges in securing positions nications follows closely at 10.59 per cent. says Sarabhai. “This allows recruitment
changed on request), who was a junior in the tech sector. This is nearly two-thirds selling firm based in Saket, New Delhi, is the prevailing skill gap,” he says. Healthcare and pharmaceuticals grapple agencies and talent acquisition firms to
data analyst in one of India's tech majors, more than the 6,530 jobs lost over a similar says that the number of applicants seeking Among industries, the IT sector stands with 14.11 per cent attrition rate and edu- access a more diverse range of potential
was laid off in the last week of June. In the period in 2022. their services has tripled over the past six out with the highest attrition rate at 29.17 cation services 20.09 per cent. A few indus- candidates to match with the job openings.”
past 20 days, he has applied for more than Tanya Singh, an employee at a weeks. These services include polishing per cent, according to the TeamLease try experts, however, believe that the tur- Organisations, too, would be spoilt for
300 jobs. “I have applied for any job even Bengaluru-based health tech start-up, has CVs, identifying the right job fit, and inter- Employment Outlook Report Q1 FY24. bulence in the job market is mostly at an choice. Mandaville’s experience is a case
remotely connected to my past roles, already started applying for jobs in other view preparation. “Candidates are quite “The Indian IT industry faces a high attri- end and things are settling down. Prashant in point.

PM to inaugurate Semicon Bain to buy 90% stake in FAME probe
India 2023 on July 28
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate ‘Semicon India Adani Capital for ~1,440 cr creates level
playing field
2023’, a premier showcase of India’s semiconductor capabilities
and chip design innovation, on July 28 at Gandhinagar. With the
participation of companies like Foxcom, Micron, AMD, IBM, To invest additional ~983 cr, make available a liquidity line of ~409 cr as NCDs
Marvell, Vedanta, LAM Research, NXP Semiconductors,

for all: EV cos

STMicroelectronics, the event will shine a light on India’s rapid DEV CHATTERJEE
strides towards fostering global semiconductor manufacturing
and design ecosystem.The event will offer deep insight into
Mumbai, 23 July $1.1 bn Mundra unit to
start ops from Mar 2024
cutting-edge technologies and innovations in chip-making. PTI he Adani group has exited the
financial services business by sell-
ing its entire 90 per cent stake in Gautam Adani-led group’s copper- NITIN KUMAR
Adani Capital and Adani Housing to pri- producing factory at Mundra in Gujarat will
Affordable home sales drop vate equity (PE) firm Bain Capital for start operations from March next year,
New Delhi, 23 July

~1,440 crore. helping cut India’s dependence on imports Leading electric vehicle (EV)
18% in seven cities: Anarock The total valuation of the Adani finan- and aiding energy transition, sources said. manufacturers are hopeful
cial services business stands at ~1,600 Kutch Copper (KCL), a subsidiary of the that the crackdown on com-
Sales in the affordable housing category — priced below ~40 crore. Adani Enterprises (AEL), is setting up a panies by the Ministry of
lakh — declined 18 per cent to 46,650 units in the January- Gaurav Gupta, managing director greenfield copper refinery project for the Heavy Industries for violating
June period across seven major cities amid lower supply and a (MD) and chief executive officer (CEO) production of refined copper. PTI the Phased Manufacturing
rise in mortgage rates, according to Anarock. Sales of of the Adani firms will hold the rest of Programme (PMP) guidelines
affordable homes stood at 57,060 units in the corresponding the stake. under the Faster Adoption
period of the previous year. The total housing sales increased Bain will also invest an additional ~983 and Manufacturing of (Hybrid DRAWING
to 2,28,860 units during January-June this year from 1,84,000
units in the year-ago period. PTI
crore as primary capital in the company
to facilitate its growth. Besides, Bain
Offering necessary assistance to &) Electric Vehicles (FAME II)
scheme will help further the CONTRAST
Capital will also make available a liquidity
line of ~409 crore as non-convertible
debentures (NCDs) to the company.
Adani Wilmar: Jumbotail on FIR indigenisation of the industry
and lead to widespread adop-
tion of EVs in the country.
n Hero Electric
Gautam Adani, chairman, Adani B2B e-commerce firm Jumbotail on Sunday said it is offering all necessary assistance A majority of automotive
A-I’s T’puram-Dubai flight Group, said Gupta and his team have not to identify vendors from whom counterfeit Fortune brand oil products were shipped (auto) manufacturers say that n Okinawa Autotech
only built a financial services business to its warehouse. Edible oil major Adani Wilmar has lodged a police complaint the clampdown on original n Ampere by Greaves
returns due to AC glitch with focus on the underserved in semi- against Nexus Venture and Kalakar Capital-backed Jumbotail for allegedly equipment manufacturers n Benling India
urban and rural India but has also valu- distributing counterfeit products in the name of its “Fortune” brand. “As soon as we (OEMs) selling Chinese prod-
An Air India Express flight from Thiruvananthapuram to Dubai ably contributed to the group. received their communication we checked our systems and proactively shared the ucts by mis-labelling them as n Revolt Motors
returned on Sunday, barely a couple of hours after take-off, due to “I am very happy that a credible details of stock available in one of our locations. Based on our information they Indian has created a level n AMO Mobility
an issue with the air-conditioning system of the aircraft, airport investor like Bain is stepping in now and visited our location to inspect the stocks. We continue to offer all assistance to the playing field for indigenous n Lohia Auto
officials said. The flight, IX 539, which took off with 178 people this will help the business grow mani- Adani team to identify the source of the vendors from whom the products were players.
onboard — including the crew — at 1.19 PM returned back and fold,” Adani said. procured,” a spokesperson said. The law enforcement authorities conducted a raid OEMs with deep pockets
landed safely at 3.52 PM, an airport official said.”The plane landed “Gaurav and the team have built a at Jumbotail's warehouse and found alarming amount of counterfeit products. PTI were gaming the system by OEMs FOUND NOT
safely. All passengers and crew are fine. A local standby was scale lending business that supports cataloguing their Chinese VIOLATING PMP NORMS
declared. It was an AC issue,” the official said. PTI entrepreneurialism and is trying to solve ence partnering with financial services shares our vision of making affordable imports as home-grown to n Okaya EV
the $300 billion+ unmet retail MSME businesses in India and across the globe.” finance available to our customers with take advantage of government
(micro, small and medium enterprises) “It has been an extraordinary six a strong focus on customer literacy and incentives meant for locally n Kinetic Green
credit demand in the country. The com- years; to have the capital, a strong brand education. With Bain committing ~1,000 manufactured EVs. n Jitendra New EV
Local assembly of EVs in India pany has strong business fundamentals, and, more importantly, the freedom to crore in the company, we are now The investigation has n Thukral Electric
an experienced team, with the ability to build a business is perhaps unprece- equipped to grow 4x from here,” he said. instilled faith in players who
just a matter of time: BMW serve and expand to core segments like dented. And for this, I thank Gautam The company will undergo a brand- were adhering to high-quality
n Avon Cycles
n Victory Electric
agriculture, housing and to under- bhai for the opportunity and his faith in ing change with Adani’s exit. domestic products, observe
German luxury carmaker BMW will locally produce its electric banked rural areas,” said Rishi me,” said Gupta. The Adani group, on the other hand, auto manufacturers.
vehicles in India, and it is just a matter of time as the company’s Mandawat, partner at Bain Capital. “Our aim has always been to support plans to focus on its core business of “The FAME II scheme
vehicles continue to gain traction in the market, according to a He added, “We see compelling oppor- micro entrepreneurs and first-time infrastructure and prepay debt — both aimed at creating an EV
senior company official. BMW, which saw 9 per cent of its sales in tunities to partner with Gaurav and the homeowners in Bharat and to be the at the promoters’ level and at the listed- ecosystem in the country. “The investigations were
India coming from EVs in the first half of 2023, expects to reach up team to facilitate Adani Capital’s next most economical and convenient lender entities level. Instead of bringing invest- conducted in an ad hoc and
to 25 per cent by 2025. “As the volumes grow, as we have done phase of growth. This is by providing to our customers by leveraging technol- The group is currently busy commis- ment, employment, and tech- unscientific manner, and their
with every other product, we will localise them, and produce access to significant capital, strategic and ogy. The team and I are pleased to wel- sioning the Navi Mumbai airport project nology, some OEMs focused reliability might be compro-
them (locally),” said BMW Group India President Vikram Pawa. PTI operating resources, and deep experi- come a partner like Bain Capital, which and Ganga expressway projects. on buying cheap raw materi- mised due to data being
als from China. The crack- obtained from a stolen
down has led to a more self- source,” says a spokesperson
reliant and indigenised EV for Hero Electric.

Catamaran aims to double AUM, eyes larger deals market,” says Sanjay Popli,
chairman, Victory Electric.
Victory Electric was one of
the 13 OEMs under the min-
Benling India echoes Hero
Electric’s statement, saying,
“Investigation has been car-
ried out without technical
ARYAMAN GUPTA Amid an ongoing government everybody is starting afresh. This has Paper Boat, online learning Byju’s, have led investors to start istry’s PMP violation basis.” Although Hero
New Delhi, 23 July push for manufacturing and levelled the playing field for marketplace Udemy, and video- hedging their bets, conversations probe. The Electric and
increased investor interest for everyone. We will see a lot of good sharing platforms Dailyhunt and around proper governance among Bahadurgarh-head- Benling India
Catamaran, the family office of Infosys deeptech, the investment firm is ideas emerging from this space.” Josh. It has also taken bets in the likes start-ups have been on the rise. quartered firm was question the
founder NR Narayana Murthy, is tar- betting big on these sectors to achieve These investments would be in of Elon Musk’s SpaceX and the “It (corporate governance) has given a clean chit by investigation pro-
geting 15 per cent returns on its port- its growth targets. series B and beyond rounds, where National Stock Exchange (NSE). been at the forefront for us since the the ministry last cedure, all those
folio investments annually as it shifts “Traditionally, manufacturing is investments would be co-led “Our focus on evaluating exit beginning. One of the things about month. Not just who have received
focus from early-stage investments to not a sector that has seen much VC alongside other backers. options has increased – whether in family offices, in particular, is Victory Electric, but five a clean chit say the
growth and late-stage bets. This would (venture capital) interest due to the Padaki said that each of funds or companies. Also, we look for reputation protection. There is a others — Okaya EV, Kinetic investigation was thor-
double the firm’s assets under man- long-gestation periods,” said Padaki Catamaran’s bets will vary, correct assessment of TAM (total strong focus on basic principles,” Green, Jitendra New EV Tech, ough and based on documents
agement (AUM) from $1 billion to $2 He added, “We must build the depending on the opportunities addressable market) and said Padaki. Thukral Electric Bikes, and submitted by them.
billion over the next five years. manufacturing ecosystem. Like IT presented. “We do not differentiators in the offerings, Whether it’s a public or Avon Cycles — have also “Investigation was done in
“For direct investments, we are services was one big wave in the past, compartmentalise our investments. avoiding a ‘me-too’ offering,” private company received certificates of exoner- our presence. The
focusing on growth-stage the next big wave in India should We may invest anywhere from ~20-25 said Padaki. investment, Padaki ation from the government. International Centre for
investments and very selectively on come from manufacturing. An crore, up to ~400 crore, depending on Family offices have added that Catamaran Although the government Automotive Technology
early stage,” Deepak Padaki investment firm like us can better the opportunity,” he said. increased their investments in has a long check-list. It has absolved those found not (ICAT) brought vehicles from
(pictured), president, Catamaran, support that vision.” “Unlike a traditional VC fund, the Indian start-up ecosystem includes related-party in breach of norms, it has sent our existing customers and
told Business Standard. Within the manufacturing space, there is no hard allocation. This gives over the past few years. transactions, who the recovery notices adding up to did a strip-down test. Each
“(This is) primarily because the the firm will focus on sub-sectors us more flexibility to meet our According to an empaxis auditor is, who is on ~469 crore to those found product was selected random-
early-stage space in India, in the last such as electronic manufacturing objectives based on the actual report, India has close to 300 the board, and what is using imported parts. A total ly and checked with the
three-four years, has completely supply chain, electric vehicle (EV) opportunities.” family offices, with an average the risk governance, of seven firms — Hero invoices we provided,” says
changed. There has been a huge component supply chain and The Bengaluru-based firm, which AUM of $100 million. among other Electric, Okinawa Autotech, Jitender Thukral, co-founder,
influx of capital in the last two years. It renewables. “The manufacturing of began its operations in 2009, Corporate governance, parameters. Ampere EV by Greaves, Thukral Electric Bikes.
has become a very crowded space for tomorrow is a little different. There is previously entered into a joint among its portfolio Benling India Energy and Rajesh Sabharwal, general
early-stage investment,” he said. a lot of technology usage and venture with e-commerce major companies, has also Technology, Revolt Motors, manager of e-bike sales, Avon
Padaki, who has been with Infosys automation now, where we think we Amazon to run Prione Business been a priority for AMO Mobility Solutions, and Cycles, resonates with
for over 30 years, was appointed can leverage our technology Services. Its wholly-owned the firm. Lohia Auto — have been sent Thukral’s words, saying, “ICAT
Catamaran’s president in 2022. The ecosystem,” he added. subsidiary Cloudtail India was one of While cases such notices. not only checked our invoice
Bengaluru-based firm has a team of 15. Catamaran’s deeptech bets will Amazon’s largest sellers in the like BharatPe, Although Revolt has but also contacted our cus-
“We are targeting all the asset primarily focus on emerging country. The e-commerce major later GoMechanic, agreed to repay the ~44 crore tomers for their reviews. Those
classes, be it private or public technology, such as artificial bought out Catamaran’s stake in the Trell, Zilingo, and it had claimed under the who have done nothing wrong
markets. The focus right now in the intelligence (AI). company in 2021. most recently, scheme, others like Hero have been given a clean chit.”
private sector is to identify Padaki said, “AI has become a Catamaran has backed promising Electric and Benling India
opportunities in the manufacturing great leveller. The opportunity in AI start-ups across sectors like B2B DEEPAK PADAKI questioned the government’s more on www.business-
President, Catamaran
realm,” he added. and deeptech is huge because platform Udaan, beverage brand testing mechanism. standard.com

MUMBAI : Printed and Published by Sangita Kheora on behalf of Business Standard Private Limited and Printed at M/s. Dangat Media Private Limited, 22 Digha M.I.D.C., TTC Industrial Area , Vishnu Nagar , Digha , Navi Mumbaui : 400708. & Published at Business Standard Private Limited, H/4, Building H, Paragon Centre, Opp. Birla Centurion, PB Marg, Worli,
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Threads alert to Musk stays TN okays proposals

worth ~6,000 crore
but downloads fall steeply BS REPORTER
Chennai, 23 July
electric vehicle (EV) chargers
and solar microinverters,
among others.
At 32%, Twitter rival sees highest number of downloads from India The government of Tamil The proposals cleared by
Nadu has given its nod to 10 the state Cabinet include one
SURAJEET DAS GUPTA 22 July, it fell even more steeply to num- investment proposals worth in electronics, two in the EV
New Delhi, 23 July ber 34 in the rankings. However, it has
maintained its number 1 slot among new THREAD COUNT ~6,000 crore, including one segment, three in general
by the world’s manufactur-

ndian users of the new rival to apps till today. While Threads has been Overall rank (based on downloads) largest produc- ing, two in tex-
Twitter, Mark Zuckerberg’s Threads, the fastest app ever to hit 150 million in er of mobile Major players tiles and two
comprise the largest chunk (32 per just six days globally (the earlier record
DATE ACROSS ACROSS phone chargers who got global capabil-
cent) of the total global downloads of the was Pokemon GO in 33 days), the initial GENRES NEW APPS Salcomp Plc, clearance include ity centres.
new app, according to the latest data from spike in euphoria seems to be fading and July 7 1 1 which is also a Pfizer, Godrej The other
data.ai (earlier known as App Annie).
Twitter’s CEO Elon Musk is currently
usage has fallen sharply.
In India, though it is going strong with
July 15 1 1 leading suppli-
er to Apple.
Products, and
major players,
who reportedly
Reliance Retail plans to revamp 150
facing a huge challenge from Threads about 48 million downloads till 12 July, July 16 4 1 Earlier this Schneider Electric got clearance, Trends stores with new-age features
which was launched by Zuckerberg, the giving Threads nearly double the cus- July 20 25 1 year, the include Pfizer,
Reliance Retail said it is re- tract customers of younger
founder of Meta, on 6 July in India to tomer base of Twitter which has an esti- July 22 34 1 Finland-head- Godrej
take on Twitter, which has been floun- mated 25 million active users. quartered firm had Consumer Products, French vamping Trends fashion generations.
dering ever since Musk bought it for $44 Data.ai says India is the second largest Note: Data is ranking across all free apps on
announced a ~1,800-crore major Schneider Electric and stores across the country by It is revamping around 150
Google Play Source: data.ai
billion last October. The Indian down- market for Twitter in terms of lifetime investment plan for India an electric vehicle invest- adding contemporary and Trends stores pan-India with a
load percentage of 32 per cent is way downloads and monthly active users. over the next three years. ment in the Hosur- tech-enabled features ranging new brand identity. The stores
ahead of the number two country Brazil Meta is helped by the fact that it owns This was as part of its strate- Krishnagiri-Dharmapuri from self-checkout counters will have a new look and will
with 22 per cent, the US with 16 per cent, Instagram. Instagram account holders gy to expand presence in (HKD) industrial belt. to electronic shelf labels to at- be opened shortly. PTI
Mexico with 8 per cent, and Japan with 5 can easily create a Threads profile and
per cent. The estimates are from data.ai use the same password. There are over
based on 12 July numbers. 229 million Instagram users as of January
As of 10 July, there were 100 million 2023. This means a large customer base
downloads of Threads according to Meta that can try out the new app. In addition,
but data.ai says it hit over 150 million by WhatsApp (also owned by Meta) has
12 July across all platforms. 487.5 million active users who can also
Musk can seek some solace in the fact be leveraged to popularise Threads.
that Threads’ ranking in the pecking Global reports suggest that user
order of the list of most downloaded apps engagement on Threads has seen a fall
in India across genres has fallen steeply. after the initial few days. This has led
Again, based on data.ai figures many analysts to suggest that it should
between 7-15 July, Threads was top of the have more features if it wants to take on

charts for the most downloaded app in the established Twitter.

the country, both in the category of free Meta has said it is developing more
apps as well as new apps across all cate- features which will be available soon
gories on Google Play. such as support for multiple accounts,
Yet from 16 July, Threads started slip- enabling consumers to edit their posts,
ping and its ranking fell to number four. and having the feed shown chronolog-
By 10 July, it dropped to number 25. By ically.

More misses than hits hint at

uncertain times for IT firms
SHIVANI SHINDE at mid-point of the guidance
Mumbai, 23 July TREADING CAUTIOUSLY is going to be one of the
weakest ever for Infosys
The first-quarter perfor- n Q4FY23 TCV n Q1FY24 TCV* ($ billion) since FY01 (except for the
mance of top IT services play- Q1FY24 revenue growth (%) QoQ years of global financial cri-
ers, as well as mid-cap firms, sis [2008-10] and even worse
has been subdued, reflecting than the Covid year of FY21).
macro uncertainties. 10 10.2 -1.5 This is despite there being no
The numbers of the top 4.1 hard recession in either of
four firms show several miss- 3.7 the key geographies of the
es, hinting at difficult times US and Europe …,” said
ahead. 1.3 Sumeet Jain and Aditi Patil
One mismatch is the total of ICICI Securities in their
contract value (TCV) signed 2.3 1.2 report.
by the firms and the revenue
2.1 2.07 In the case of HCLTech,
growth registered. 1.56 though the management is
The top four IT players confident of a turnaround
got some of the best TCVs and did not change its guid-
signed in the fourth quarter ance, analysts are not as
of FY23 as well as the first bullish.
TCS Infosys HCLTech Wipro
quarter of FY24. But these “(Management) confi-
* TCV: Total contract value
are not reflected in the rev- dence is on back of a record
enue. pipeline which they expect
Tata Consultancy uncertainty would go. enues seems obscure, mainly to convert to revenue quick-
Services (TCS) signed TCVs A report by Nirmal Bang led by lower volumes, deci- er. We believe there is risk of
worth $10 billion and $10.2 on the demand commentary sion making delays, defer- the company not able to
billion in the Q4FY23 and after the results analyst call ment of ramp-ups in closed deliver revenue growth with-
Q1FY23, respectively. said: “The delay of projects deals and spending cut in in the guided range on
However, revenue growth in is a broad-based issue and discretionary (digital/trans- account of a) weaker discre-
Q1FY24 was flat or saw a not related to any specific formational deals) likely con- tionary spend, b) soft deal
mere increase of 0.3 per cent. industry. It also indicated tinuing in Q2," said the Elara wins in Q1, c) risk of further
Infosys had the same nar- that it is not sure of a 2HFY24 Capital report. ramp downs or deferment of
rative. The Bengaluru-head- pick-up at the moment and What has spooked the projects given uncertainty
quartered firm had large will be able to comment on markets and analysts is the and d) pipeline to revenue
TCVs of $2.1 billion in this only after 2QFY24.” drastic reduction in revenue conversion may take longer
Q4FY23, but revenue growth According to an HDFC growth guidance by Infosys. than expected,” said a report
for Q1FY24 was 1.3 per cent. Securities report, the current The company now expects from PhillipCapital.
While the numbers do not disconnect between growth revenue to grow 1-3.5 per The other issue that is
give a rosy picture, neither in bookings and the soft rev- cent in FY24 from 4-7 per worrying the street is the
does the commentary from enue rise is largely due to the cent it had said earlier. headcount decline. Though
the managements. Despite impact on discretionary ser- The Infosys management the market was expecting
being repeatedly asked, K vices. Similarly, an Elara did say that it had won large attrition to come down and
Krithivasan, chief executive Capital report on Infosys deals but revenue from these it had to be brought down to
officer and managing direc- brings forth the issue as well, deals would come towards pre-pandemic levels, the net
tor, TCS, did not give a clear "However, visibility on such the second half of the year. decline on employee addi-
response as to when this deals transitioning to rev- “FY24E revenue growth tion has been very sharp.

More room for players in

fintech space: Paytm CEO
Comments come after Jio’s entry into lending business
AJINKYA KAWALE the country. "There will be recorded a 93 per cent YoY
Mumbai, 23 July an opportunity for everyone surge to ~522 crore.
to coexist and expand. The The company trimmed
The Indian financial tech- best part is there is no win- its losses to ~358.4 crore. It
nology ecosystem has room ner takes all," he noted. had posted a loss of ~645.4
to accommodate many large Paytm, the only listed crore in the previous year.
players as the country's payments fintech in India, "Driven by an increase in
market is largely under- in its first quarter results, merchant subscription rev-
served, said Paytm founder announced that its revenue enue, jump in gross mer-
and chief executive officer from operations jumped 39 chandise value (GMV), and
(CEO) Vijay Shekhar Sharma per cent year-on-year (YoY) growth in loan disburse-
during an analyst call. to ~2,342 crore. ments, the company's
Sharma was responding The company's revenue strong growth momentum
to a question on Reliance from payments rose 31 per continues," said Paytm.
Jio's entry into the lending cent YoY to Sharma's comments
business. "We believe that ~1,414 crore, come in the backdrop of Jio
the coun- try's opportu- whereas its Financial Services' (JFS)
nity is so underserved… revenue demerger from Reliance
many big players, from dis- from Industries. One of the
tribution to book ownership financial biggest demergers in India's
to large institutes, have (an services corporate history in terms
opportunity)," said Sharma. of value, it made JFS the
He added that the third biggest non-banking
industry requires financial company (NBFC),
more people who Business Standard report-
will be able to serve ed on Friday.
small customers in

EEPC: Engineering exports
How veggie prices upset household budget this monsoon
SANJEEB MUKHERJEE Survey, the latest available) has risen by
see mixed fortunes in June New Delhi, 23 July nearly 84 per cent in the last one month
(from June 22 to July 23).
India’s engineering exports to major markets like the United
States, the European Union (EU) and China continued to decline in An average urban individual living in This could have a cascading impact WHAT A TRIP TO THE VEGGIE MARKET COSTS
June 2023, reflecting a challenging global trade environment, EEPC Delhi might be shelling out at least 84 on overall food inflation but more
per cent more due to rising vegetable importantly on household budgets. PRICE IN ~/KG EXPENSES
India said. The decline was led by a sharp fall in exports to the US,
EU, and China, it said. The country’s shipments to West Asia and prices, caused by low supplies and The prices of spices and pulses, Vegetables 22-Jun 23-Jul Per capita 22-Jun 23-Jul % change#
North Africa (WANA), North East Asia, and CIS countries, however, restricted availability. along with wheat and rice, are on an consumption in
showed positive growth during the same period, the Engineering With the southwest mon- upswing since the last few 30 days (in kg)*
Exports Promotion Council of India (EEPC) said. Meanwhile, an soon continuing to inundate With monsoon months, all of which have a
fields and farms in major
Potato 12.15 12.66 1.612 19.58 20.4 4.19
almost threefold increase in engineering exports to Russia still inundating significant impact on the Onion 11.44 15 0.951 10.87 14.26 31.19
reached a substantial $116.9 million in June 2023. PTI growing centres, traders said fields and monthly budget of an aver-
the situation may not change farms in major age Indian household. Tomatoes 21.2 65.2 0.806 17.08 52.55 207.67
in a hurry and vegetables will growing In the case of rice, which Brinjal 11.2 30 0.358 4 10.74 168.50
FPIs stay invested in equities; continue to cause some heart-
burn in the weeks to come.
centres, traders is among the largest con-
sumed cereal in the country,
Raddish 10 11.25 0.14 1.4 1.57 12.14
said the
put in ~43,800 cr this month The price is impacting
other urban and rural centres
situation may an official statement last
week said that prices had
Green chillies
2.55 47.40
5.57 61.45
not change in
Indian equity markets continue to draw foreign portfolio as well. In the case of toma- a hurry increased by over 11.5 per Parwal 22.5 20 0.106 2.38 2.12 -10.92
investments as foreign investors put in ~43,800 crore in July so far toes, efforts to control prices cent over a year, and three Pumpkin 7.5 15 0.281 2.1 4.21 100.48
on stable macroeconomic fundamentals, steady earnings growth have started bearing fruit and per cent over the past one
Cabbage 3 9.33 0.271 0.81 2.52 211.11
and challenges faced by the Chinese economy. With this, inflow in prices in the last few days have dropped month as on July 20. Another factor
the equity market reached ~1.2 trillion so far this year. Market from around ~81 per kg in the Azadpur that has added uncertainty to food Total 63.4 116.49 83.74
analysts are of the view that the outlook for FPI inflows into Indian wholesale market of Delhi to around prices is the cessation of black sea grain Note: *According to NSS’ Household Consumption of Various Goods & Services in India (urban areas) for 2011-12. This is the last such officially
equities remains quite bright and broad-based. PTI ~65 per kg. deal by Russia. available survey; per person monthly expenditure in ~; #change between June 22 and July 23; the prices are wholesale prices at Azadpur
Mandi in Delhi according to agmarknet.gov.in. Sources: MoSPI, Agmarknet.gov.in, others
But compared to a month ago, the The ending of the deal has already
rates are still over 207 per cent more. pushed up global wheat prices and
An analysis by Business Standard on could threaten food security in import-
‘IAF asks Dassault to integrate the basis of available data sets and con- ing nations. India has comfortable
sumption pattern shows that on an aver- wheat stocks, but if global prices move
Indian arms on Rafale jets’ age, the expenditure of an urban indi- higher then its own ability to import at
vidual on select vegetables (taken from lower rates to tame domestic inflation
The Indian Air Force (IAF) has asked French firm Dassault Aviation the list of those whose per capita per would get limited.
to integrate indigenous weapons like Astra air to air missiles on month consumption is mentioned in In the case of edible oil, the impact
the Rafale combat aircraft, according to news agency ANI. The 2011-12 Consumption Expenditure has already started to show.
Rafale is used by many countries including India, France, Egypt,
Qatar, and many others such as Greece, Croatia, the UAE, and
Indonesia, have placed orders for these planes. AGENCIES

E-auction of 808 FM radio

stations soon: Anurag Thakur
One step forward for India, ‘World’s balance
sheet should be
The government will soon conduct an e-
auction of 808 FM radio stations across 284
cities to further increase the footprint of radio
communication, Information and
two back on climate action
SHREYA JAI The ‘High Level Voluntary
used to actually
push resources’
Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur said on Goa, 23 July Principles on Hydrogen’ drafted by
Sunday. Addressing the Regional Community India was made part of the
PM may inaugurate PRESS TRUST OF INDIA

Radio Sammelan (North), Thakur said the he recently concluded Outcome Document of the Energy New Delhi, 23 July
government has also eased the processes for Energy Transition minis- Transition Ministerial.
getting a license to operate radio stations. PTI terial meeting under It called for free and fair trade
India’s G20 Presidency failed to of hydrogen produced from zero
find a consensus on phasing and low emission technologies and
redeveloped ITPO India’s G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant has said that
climate finance is a very critical issue and called
for a simultaneous action from all stakeholders

Power consumption grows down fossil fuels, clean energy its derivatives such as ammonia in
technology and energy
transition pathways.
line with WTO rules.
Low emissions
venue for G20 meet on the issue. “If you are trying to be ambitious on
climate action, then there has to be a simultaneous
action on finance. It can’t be that the developed
1.8% in April-June quarter For India though, would mean hydrogen world asks us to be ambitious on climate action
the language around produced using gas and then cuts down on climate finance; that’s not
Power consumption grew marginally by 1.8 per cent year-on-year hydrogen, fossil fuel and coal would also be possible,” Kant told PTI
to 407.76 billion units in the April-June quarter, mainly due to and its abatement fur- considered. Kant also pointed
unseasonal rains, the Biparjoy cyclone and heavy Monsoon thers its own energy THE INDIA There was no consen- out the need for private
downpours, according to the government data. The Central transition plans. FOOTPRINT sus on the language on sector lending to
Electricity Authority (CEA) data showed that the power Several climate fossil fuels. address the challenge.
consumption was 400.44 billion units (BU) in the April-June experts and G20 It is learnt that Saudi “And it’s not the bal-
quarter in 2022. PTI observers, however, said the out- Arabia, South Africa and France ance sheet of the mul-
come statement goes away from cli- opposed for phase out of unabated tilateral development
mate commitments made in the fossil fuels. banks. But the balance
Hindustan Zinc keen to join Paris Climate Summit and Bali The chair summary has high-
Energy Transition Roadmap lighted all arguments on dirty fuels.
sheet of the world has
to be used to actually
lithium auctions: CEO Mishra released last year. The summary emphasised on
Several government officials the importance of phasing down of
push resources because
even if you use the bal-
Hindustan Zinc Ltd (HZL) is keen to acquire lithium assets as and and R K Singh, the unabated fossil ance sheet of the World
when they are put on the block for auctions, chief executive officer power minister, fuels and the use of Bank, it will not help IF EMERGING
Arun Mishra said. Lithium reserves of about 5.9 million tonnes emphasised the HITS & MISSES different approach- PHOTOS: PTI you,” he said. MARKET GROWTH IS
have been identified in Salal-Haimna areas of Reasi district in outcome of G20 Consensus es to manage emis- Kant noted that
Jammu and Kashmir for the first time in India. Auctions of the said sets the tone for the sions from the fos- The redeveloped complex cum-Convention Centre there is no shortage of OF YOUNG
reserves are likely to be held in December. The J&K administration upcoming COP28 Doubling rate of sil fuel sector. of India Trade Promotion in the national capital. money in the world, DEMOGRAPHICS,
is also in the process of appointing a transaction advisor. PTI where India will be energy efficiency The summary Organisation’ s (ITPO) The total cost of the adding “there is $ 350 YOU NEED MORE
the voice of the Increasing pace of energy underlined emerg- Pragati Maidan, which project is ~2,254 crore. trillion available with RESOURCES TO FLOW
demands of the access and transition ing technologies will host India's G20 With a campus area of the private sector, $150 TO EMERGING
Global South. such as electrolyz- trillion is available with
HDFC Bank expects 17-18% “We had a com- Free and open trade of ers, carbon capture
low/zero emission hydrogen and storage, fuel
leaders meetings in
September, will be
about 123 acres, the
complex will be one of institutional investors
plete agreement on and the private sector
credit growth this year 22 out of 29 para- Mature clean energy tech, cells, battery stor-
inaugurated on July 26,
the commerce ministry
the largest MICE
(Meetings, Incentives, with pension funds.” HAPPENING
graphs, with 7 including carbon capture age, biofuels, as “But they will not invest
HDFC Bank expects 17-18 per cent loan growth during the current said on Sunday. The Conferences, and AMITABH KANT
included in the
financial year as there is enough credit demand. “On an overall Critical mineral supply chain well as, small mod- complex is likely to be Exhibitions) destinations,
where the risks are very
India’s G20 Sherpa
basis, we are confident that there is enough credit demand. It is for chair summary. We ular reactors high. Now the chal-
felt that access to Disagreements (SMRs) as tools of
inaugurated by Prime the ministry said. The lenge is that you have
us to see which one we want and what time we start to build in,” Minister Narendra Modi. ministry said that at level
HDFC Bank Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Srinivasan Vaidyanathan energy is a major energy transition. different risks for different countries,” he said
Abatement of fossil fuels In January 2017, the 3 of the complex, a 7,000
said in a call with analysts. PTI aspect to be looked Additionally, while highlighting different interest rates in dif-
at by the world Low emission development the summary also government approved seating capacity ferent parts of the globe.
community,” Singh Tripling renewable diluted the propo- the proposal of ITPO for convention centre has Delving into challenges facing the developing
said in the post sition of tripling the redevelopment of been developed. The G20 countries or the Global South, Kant said the inter-
Now, govt officers can retain ministerial press
energy capacity
Zero and low emission
renewable energy
capacity and had
Pragati Maidan by setting
up of a world-class
Leaders’ Summit is set to
take place in Delhi on
national financial architecture is weighed against
emerging markets though the growth is coming
mobile, laptop after 4 years “On several technologies made it clean ener- Integrated Exhibition- September 9-10 PTI from them. “That growth is coming from emerg-
fronts, India’s No new statement gy technologies. ing markets because of young demographics,
Central government officers will be entitled to mobile, laptop or stand has been on Ukraine “The highly whereas there’s an aging population in the
similar devices costing up to ~1.3 lakh, which can be retained by reflected showing contentious nego- Western world and that’s happening in the last
them for personal use after 4 years. The finance ministry’s that our transition tiations show how decade and half,” he said. “The growth in the
Expenditure Department listed out the guidelines in this regard. efforts have global recognition. the stakes to deliver on Paris targets developed world is coming down and emerging
Earlier, the cost of such devices was capped at ~80,000 and there India's push to have fossil fuels are becoming increasingly fraught markets’ growth is going up. So, if emerging mar-
was no provision for retention of devices for personal use. PTI included in the phase out rather with national interests. Some coun- ket growth is going up because of young demo-
than just coal is also being acknowl- tries with large fossil fuel interests graphics, you need more resources to flow to
edged by other nations. Then have pushed to maximise false emerging markets,” Kant said.
low/zero emission hydrogen is solutions even whilst aiming for net “But the reverse is happening,” he rued.
‘Ayushman Bhav’ soon for full something that India is pursuing zero goals,” Aarti Khosla, director, Kant indicated that India will push for finding
already. It is a win for us,” said a Climate Trends said. She, however, solutions to these issues. The top negotiator said
coverage of health schemes senior official who was part of the added India was a fair broker and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s proposal to make
deliberations panel.India has set an the outcome is reflecting the spec- the African Union (AU) a permanent member of
The Union health ministry is planning to launch ‘Ayushman Bhav’ ambitious plan for green hydrogen trum of geopolitical interests. The the G20 has received overwhelming response from
programme to ensure optimum delivery of all state-run health deployment. It is also looking to ministerial concluded with no joint the grouping. He noted that India was “very hope-
schemes to every intended beneficiary, including those in the last balance usages of coal and renew- communiqué. India has issued a ful” of the African continental body finding a per-
mile. Ayushman Apke Dwar 3.0, Ayushman Sabha and Ayushman able energy with neither taking chair summary, which has sugges- manent position in the G20 during New Delhi’s
Mela are some of the activities planned under the programme. PTI over another in the medium term. tions of all member nations. presidency of the grouping.

Intent to not lag China is behind moves to promote INR trade

Reserve Bank of India and the central banks agreed to their fast payment systems UPI exchange rates for such not only the demand and supply platforms with that of some
Central Bank of UAE signed two cooperate on linking their fast and PayNow allowing transfer currencies have to be worked out of currencies that determine the other countries. China has
memoranda of understanding payment systems (FPSs)— from/to India up to ~60,000 per through US dollars because there foreign exchange rates, but also advantages because of the size of
(MoU) establishing a framework Unified Payments Interface day. Such arrangements make is no active foreign exchange the forward premiums or its economy and trade. India
to promote the use of local (UPI) of India with Instant life easy and convenient for market for INR or AED with any discounts and the markets for does not want to be left behind
currencies viz. the Indian rupee Payment Platform (IPP) of UAE individuals, whether for their currency other than the US sophisticated products like and so is trying to link its
(INR) and the UAE dirham (AED) — and linking the respective needs as tourists or for person to dollar. So, the MoU aims to put in futures, options and so on. messaging system with other
for cross-border transactions ‘card switches’ (RuPay switch person remittances. place a local currency settlement When Russia invaded countries, starting with the UAE.
and cooperation for interlinking and UAESWITCH). The UPI-IPP For trade transactions and system (LCSS) to promote the use Ukraine last year, the United Efforts are afoot to promote the
their payment and messaging linkage will enable the users in inward remittances, the option of INR and AED bilaterally and to States threw some Russian banks use of INR in transactions with
systems. Over a period of time, both countries to make fast, of transacting in INR through the develop an AED-INR market out of SWIFT (Society for Indonesia, Sri Lanka and some
EXIM MATTERS progress in translating these
intentions into practical reality
convenient, safe, and cost-
effective cross-border funds
Vostro accounts that UAE banks
and exchange houses maintain
over a period of time. If that does
happen, the INR-AED market is
Worldwide Interbank Financial
Transactions), the global inter-
other countries. Given the
unstated aim to not lag China,
T N C RAJAGOPALAN can help the individuals who transfers, says the RBI. with Indian banks has been likely to be relatively shallow. bank messaging platform. the MoU with UAE is a positive
want ease and convenience for The linking of ‘card switches’ will available for decades. The global oil trade is mostly Since then, some countries step. The results of such
their small-value transactions facilitate mutual acceptance of For building the balances in in US dollars. Also, trade and including China and India have arrangements will show up over
During the visit of our Prime regardless of the costs. Under the domestic cards and processing of the Vostro accounts, the foreign investment flows constitute a been trying to increase trade in a period of time.
Minister to the United Arab MoU on ‘Payments and card transactions. India and banks remit freely convertible minuscule part of global their own currencies and
Emirates (UAE), the chiefs of the Messaging Systems’, the two Singapore have already linked currency. The settlements and speculative flows that influence integrating their own settlement Email : tncrajagopalan@gmail.com
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Households in
Yamuna back above danger Govt portal pins 285K Covid-vulnerable
districts bought
mark; Noida braces for floods missing phones, but more gold: Study

only 20,771 recovered

Households in Covid-19
vulnerable districts
Shah takes stock of situation in Delhi and Gujarat, 3 killed in Himachal allocated more gold to their
savings portfolio during the
23 July New Delhi, 23 July PHONE TRACKER households in other
Circles with highest mobile tracking districts, according to a

he water level of the The Central Equipment n Blocked n Traced n Recovered study conducted by
Yamuna in Delhi Identity Register (CEIR) of the the Indian Institute of
breached the danger department of telecommuni- Management

mark again on Sunday follow- cations (DoT) has traced Ahmedabad (IIMA).
ing a surge in discharge from 285,000 lost or stolen mobile The shift towards gold is

the Hathnikund Barrage into phones and blocked 680,000 accompanied by a shift
the river after heavy rain in devices since being launched. away from other financial

parts of Uttarakhand and However, recoveries remain assets and cash, as per the

Himachal Pradesh. relatively low at 20,771 IIMA working paper titled



Further increase in the devices. 'Gold in household



water level of the river is According to government portfolios during a
expected to impact relief and estimates, around 50,000 pandemic: Evidence from
rehabilitation work in the mobile phones are stolen Delhi Maharashtra Karnataka Telangana UP an emerging economy'. The
flood-affected low-lying areas 1 every month in the country. Source : Sanchar Sathi portal survey covered 142 districts
of the capital, officials said. Launched nationwide on across 21 states. PTI
Delhi Irrigation and Flood May 16, the CEIR is a part of Haveli, parts of Maharashtra, tion of many phones is now
Control Department officials 2 3 the DoT’s Sanchar Saathi por- and Delhi since 2019 as part being accurately tracked. We
said heavy rains upstream of
Delhi will impact rehabilitation
tal. It is the primary govern-
ment platform aimed at pro-
of a pilot programme.
Although criminals
are now raising the issue with
state home departments,” a
Gold ETFs reverse
of the affected families in the tecting mobile phone users usually try to modify the IMEI senior DoT official said. 3-quarter trend
inundated low-lying areas of from various frauds such as number of stolen mobile Telangana circle has the
the capital and they may have identity theft, forged KYC, phones, CEIR is designed to best record so far, recovering with ~298 crore
to stay in relief camps for a
longer period.
theft of mobile devices and
banking frauds.
see through that. 61 per cent of the phones
tracked. Meanwhile, Delhi
inflow in Jun qtr
The Central Water People can find out the Police action makes a Police recovered only 0.6 per
Commission's (CWC) data mobile connections issued in difference cent of all tracked phones. After three straight quarters
showed the water level rose their name, get unrequired The vast majority of tracking Even as most police of outflows, gold exchange-
from 205.02 metres at 10 pm on connections disconnected, requests are registered by departments in India are bur- traded funds (ETFs) attracted
Saturday to 205.96 metres at 9 block or trace lost mobile users themselves, while the dened with a mountain of ~298 crore in the April-June
am on Sunday phones and check the gen- recovery is facilitated by cases and suffer from short- period, and experts believe
In Gautam Buddha Nagar, uineness of devices while police departments across the age of personnel, the official that investors will continue
administration has issued a buying a new or old mobile country, officials said. said that some have priori- to invest in the safe haven
flood warning for low-lying phone. The CEIR system pro- While the portal utilises tised tracking phones product. However, the
regions along the Hindon as (1&2) Residents of Ghaziabad after rise in the water level of Hindon river ; vides telecom operators with cutting-edge tech to quickly through the portal. inflows were down by
water discharge in the river (3) Workers use sandbags to construct an embankment near the drain regulator at ITO access to both the interna- track and block missing or Case in point, media almost 80 per cent
increased, officials said. in New Delhi PHOTOS: PTI tional mobile equipment stolen devices, only on- reports had said in April that compared to the year-ago
Around 200 people from identity (IMEI) number of the ground police work can every police station in period. On the other hand,
five villages have been evacu- Minister Amit Shah had a dis- and spoke to Gujarat Chief bodies of three people who device and the associated recover the devices. Mumbai is recovering at least the asset base of gold ETFs
ated and shifted to shelter cussion with Delhi Lieutenant Minister Bhupendra Patel on were swept away in a flash mobile number. “The number of recoveries five to six mobile phones and investors' account or
homes, they said. Governor V K Saxena about the the flood-like situation in the flood were recovered, while It was already being uti- has risen a lot, but remains every day after using the folio numbers rose in the
Meanwhile, Union Home water level in the Yamuna river state. In Himachal Pradesh, the heavy rains lashed Karnataka. lised in Dadra and Nagar low, considering that the loca- website. quarter under review. PTI


Govt grants sanction to prosecute

joint drugs controller S Reddy
PRESS TRUST OF INDIA before a special court in New The arrests were made in June
New Delhi, 23 July Delhi. Repeated calls made to the last year in the bribery case alleg-
office phone of Reddy seeking his edly to waive the Phase 3 clinical
The government has granted the comments remained unan- trial of ‘Insulin Aspart’ injection,
sanction to prosecute Central swered. The agency has also a product developed by the com-
Drugs Standard Control received the sanction against pany to manage Type 1 and Type
Organisation (CDSCO)’s joint Animesh Kumar, Assistant Drugs 2 diabetes. However, Biocon
drugs controller S Inspector, who is a Biologics, a subsidiary of Kiran
Eswara Reddy, co-accused in the Mazumdar Shaw-led Biocon,
clearing the decks The agency has case, they said. denied the allegations of bribery.
for initiating a trial also received the Apart from Reddy was suspended but the
against him for sanction against Reddy and health ministry revoked this last
allegedly taking a Animesh Kumar, Animesh Kumar, year and reinstated him as the
bribe to favourably Assistant Drugs the CBI had also joint drugs controller. The agency
recommend Inspector arrested Biocon had filed the charge sheet in
Biocon Biologics’ Biologics' August last year against the
insulin injection, Associate Vice accused persons, but the trial had
officials said on Sunday. President L Praveen Kumar, not commenced as the sanction
The Central Bureau of Synergy Network India Private for prosecution, a mandatory
Children from the Meitei community who were displaced by violence in Manipur at a relief camp in Imphal, Manipur, on Sunday. According to officials Investigation (CBI) submitted the Limited director Dinesh Dua, requirement before proceedings
from various security agencies who have been monitoring the situation in Manipur, rumours and fake news were fuelling ethnic violence in the state. As sanction for prosecution, who allegedly gave Reddy ~4 lakh in a case against a government
Parliament’s Monsoon session remained deadlocked over the issue, Union minister Anurag Thakur on Sunday appealed to the opposition parties “with accorded by the Director as bribe, and Guljit Sethi, an servant under the Prevention of
folded hands” to join the debate on the issue. Meanwhile, Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief Swati Maliwal visited Manipur on Sunday. Forty-one (Vigilance) in the Union Ministry alleged conduit of Biocon Corruption Act can be initiated,
Meitei community members, too, reached Assam from Mizoram after an extremist group asked the community to leave the state PHOTO: PTI for Health and Family Welfare, Biologics. was awaited, they said.

IndiGrid to > FROM PAGE 1 Individual ministries are

analysing the situation in
was introduced on credit
cards because the govern-
2.9 per cent YoY in Q1FY24,
down sharply from the 38.3
the earnings trajectory will
change because big industrial

raise ~2.7K cr PLI... detail. Last month, Commerce

and Industry Minister Piyush
ment believes that the limits
under LRS have been
per cent in Q1FY23. On the
other hand, the combined net
companies such as Tata
Motors, Tata Steel, Larsen &

for VRET buy, While three of the 14 schemes

— large-scale electronics man-
Goyal met key stakeholders,
including officials from mini-
stries and government depart-
breached by high networth
individuals who do high-
value transactions.
sales of the non-BFSI and non-
IT companies were flat, their
worst showing since Q3FY21
Toubro, NTPC, Mahindra &
Mahindra, Maruti Suzuki, Oil
and Natural Gas Corporation,
debt rejig ufacturing, bulk drugs, and
medical devices — were intro-
ments, to sort out the teething
issues being faced by PLI ben-
Under LRS, a resident indi-
vidual can remit up to
There is a possibility that
and Indian Oil Corp declare
their results for Q1FY24.
ABHIJIT LELE duced in 2020, the remaining eficiaries. The Centre has also $250,000 per fiscal year for
Mumbai, 23 July were launched the following started re-initiating talks with permissible transactions.
year. From FY23, companies companies that have been > BS SUDOKU # 4032
Global investment major started claiming incentives shortlisted under the PLI
KKR-backed India Grid
Trust (IndiGrid) plans to
that are based on incremental
sales of goods manufactured
scheme to come up with a
prompt resolution. The
raise up to ~2,750 crore via a in India. Department for Promotion of “I expect that Oppenheimer
mix of debentures and In FY23, the Centre had Industry and Internal Trade might hit ~100 crore and
equity. It is eyeing ~1,250 paid incentives worth ~2,874 has been asked to nudge mini- Barbie could well go much
crore via debentures to refi- crore to the PLI beneficiaries stries to hold consultations higher than ~50 crore, so The combined net profits of the IT companies were up 12.8 per
nance old debt and for across eight sectors — mobile with the PLI beneficiaries. things are looking up,” Nahta cent in Q1FY24, better than the 11.6 per cent in Q4FY23
acquisitions. manufacturing, IT hardware, added.
The firm, which man- pharmaceutical drugs, bulk A big Hindi movie is also in
ages power transmission
and power generation
drugs, medical devices tele-
com, food products, and
Credit card... the pipeline. After an eight-
year gap, Karan Johar’s Rocky
ex-IT were down 8.3 per cent
YoY to ~31,697 crore in Q1FY24
sample reported combined
net profits of ~57,948 crore in
assets, would also raise up drones. Amid backlash from various Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani is to from ~34,560 crore a year ago. Q1FY24, up marginally from
to ~1,500 crore in equity to In FY24, the third year of sections of the population, the be released this week. With a With this, the combined net the ~57,840 crore in Q1FY23
bring down the ratio of debt the scheme’s implementation, government on May 19 budget of around ~150 crore, it profits of these 144 companies and ~54,640 crore in Q1FY22.
to assets under manage- the outgo is expected to touch decided to exempt foreign is expected to give a big push have now contracted for four According to analysts, poor
ment (AUM) to 60 per cent ~13,000 crore. For FY25, the card payments up to ~7 lakh a to Hindi films that have not consecutive quarters on a YoY earnings growth in the non-
from 65 per cent currently. incentive payout is estimated year from tax collected at had a big hit since Shah Rukh basis. BFSI and non-IT space and the
In May, IndiGrid had to hover around ~23,000- source. These amendments Khan’s Pathaan in January. For comparison, the banks’ continued slowdown in reve-
announced acquisition of 24,000 crore, people aware of were earlier scheduled to take The other, more unex- combined net profits were up nue growth raise questions for
100 per cent of Virescent the matter told Business effect on July 1 this year. pected hit was Kerala Story, 30 per cent YoY in Q1FY24, an corporate earnings in FY24.
Renewable Energy Trust Standard. Bankers are still apprehen- which also got audiences back improvement from the 24.1 From a long-term perspective,
(VRET), along with its Government officials had sive about the new regime, as to the screen. Theatre owners per cent in Q4FY23. Similarly, the biggest drag on corporate
investment manager and earlier said the next two fiscal they feel it will impose a say a big movie is slated every the combined net profits of the earnings is the continued
project manager. The deal is years — FY24 and FY25 — compliance burden on them. three to four weeks till the end IT companies were up 12.8 per slowdown in revenue growth.
expected to be valued at would be crucial to utilising Industry experts say that of December. cent in Q1FY24, better than Combined net sales (gross SOLUTION TO #4031
~4,000 crore, subject to reg- ~1.97 trillion, as they will deter- tracking overseas credit card the 11.6 per cent in Q4FY23. interest income in the case of
ulatory approvals and clos- mine how the scheme is pro- spends and other remittances Revenue... The banks and IT services BFSI companies) of all 220 Easy:
ing adjustments.
CRISIL Ratings has
The scheme is one of the
on a real-time basis is a chal-
lenge. Besides, the nature of Some prominent non-BFSI
firms together accounted for
65 per cent of the combined
companies were up 9 per cent
YoY in Q1FY24, the slowest in
assigned “AAA/Stable” rat- top priorities of the govern- credit cards is such that they and non-IT companies in the net profits of all early-bird the 10 quarters. In compari- Solution tomorrow
ing to ~1,250- crore non-con- ment since it aims to increase could have cases of default, sample include Reliance companies in the sample. son, these companies’ com-
vertible debentures (NCDs) domestic manufacturing, and it would be cumbersome Industries, Hindustan The numbers suggest the bined net sales were up 31.8
of IndiGrid. The entity has a create jobs, curb cheap to decide on tax liability. Unilever, JSW Steel, Vedanta, quarterly net profits of non- per cent YoY in Q1FY23 and HOW TO PLAY
healthy track record of imports, and boost exports. There are codes with Hindustan Zinc, Ultratech BFSI companies have hardly 12.2 per cent YoY in Q4FY23, Fill in the grid so that
maintaining transmission The remaining five sectors banks that could help iden- Cement, Havells India, DLF, grown in the last 10 quarters respectively. every row, every
line availability higher than — steel, textile, battery, solar tify the purpose of a transac- United Spirits, and Tata (from Q4FY21) and have The slowdown in revenue column and every 3x3
normative levels and 35-year PV, and automobile — are see- tion, but this could be pos- Communications. moved around ~58,000 crore is more prominent in the non- box contains
transmission service agree- ing slow progress, as incentive sible only if taxpayers make Excluding these, the com- during this period without any BFSI and non-IT space. The
the digits 1 to 9
ments (TSAs), which ensure disbursements are yet to correct declarations. bined net profits of 144 early- directional change. The 166 combined net sales of the non-
steady cash flow. begin. Tax collected at source bird companies ex-BFSI and non-BFSI companies in the BFSI companies were up just
SMRITI IRANI, Minister for Women & Child Development SUPRIYA SHRINATE, Congress Spokesperson MAHUA MOITRA, Trinamool Lok Sabha MP PAWAN KHERA, Congress leader
> .

The problem of Orange is the new black

but only incremental improve-
ment in the Assembly elections
in these states.
This is not the only contradic-
tion. Parties like the AIMIM and
STALIN’S WAR: In the political palette of Tamil Nadu, saffron

being in the middle

AIUDF that draw their base large-
ly from minority communities
are opposed to the NDA but
is a colour DMK wants turned pallid. SHINE JACOB writes
ambiguous about their support vote banks of regional parties and the
to INDIA. The AIUDF, headed by Congress in various states, it was Stalin
perfume king Badruddin Ajmal who stood out among them.
As parties position themselves in alliances, some have and limited to Assam, for
instance, got nearly 8 per cent of
The DMK and its allies had won 38
of the 39 Lok Sabha (LS) seats in the state
opted to stay non-aligned. What are the compulsions the vote polled in Assam in 2019, last time. This is compared to Mamata
contested only three seats, and Banerjee’s Trinamool Congress and Nara
and future of these parties? ADITI PHADNIS investigates won one — but has a bitter rela- Chandrababu Naidu’s Telugu Desam
tionship with the Congress unit Party, which saw a decline in their seats
in the state. The AIMIM is trying and vote share. Hence, the BJP is trying
to expand its footprint — it won to improve its vote share in the state
only one seat in Telangana in through strategies suggested by former
2019, getting 2.8 per cent of the civil servant K Annamalai, who is presi-
vote. Since then, it has tested its dent of the state unit.
fortunes outside Telangana. But “Tamil Nadu has always supported
INDIA partners, especially the the Dravidian ideology party. The BJP
Samajwadi Party, view it warily is trying to balance Hindutva and
— its growth efforts in UP, the Dravidian ideologies in the state and
election data clearly shows, are stem the growth of the DMK. The chal-
at the cost of the SP. lenge before the BJP in the next LS polls
The SAD’s compulsions Security forces during ED’s searches at the premises of K Ponmudy in is how many seats it can win in
are equally complex. One of connection with a money laundering investigation in Chennai Opposition-party states. That is why it
the BJP’s oldest alliance part- is focusing on southern states like Tamil
ners, it is now seen by that On June 11, the streetlights went out out- which only 0.05 per cent of cases were Nadu, Karnataka, Telangana, Kerala,
party as a drag on its growth side Chennai airport when Union Home proven. and Andhra Pradesh. It wants to stabilise
ambitions in Punjab. So are the Minister Amit Shah was in the ‘Detroit The BJP contests this. its party in the South,” observes R
parties in the middle destined of Asia’ (as the Gateway to South India “Take the case of Balaji: it was Stalin Venkatesh, a political analyst and faculty
forever to stay in the middle is nicknamed), following which who first made corruption charges member at the University of Madras.
until they are obliterated? Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) workers against Balaji while he was with the All According to Venkatesh, it may not
Rahul Verma, fellow at the came out in protest, demanding a probe India Anna DMK (AIADMK) and Stalin be easy for the saffron party to make
Centre for Policy Research and into the power outage. The very next was in the Opposition. The current inroads into the DMK base without reel-
well-known researcher of domes- day, state power minister V Senthil Balaji action against the power minister was ing in another Dravidian party — in this
tic politics in India, said: “One clarified that this was ‘accidental’. On based on evidence and the observations case, the AIADMK.
JD(S) leader H D Kumaraswamy. Earlier this week, JD(S) said it was ready to throw in its lot with the BJP can broadly divide these non- June 14, Balaji was arrested by the of the Supreme Court. In Interestingly, the battle between
aligned parties into three cate- Enforcement Directorate (ED) after 18 Radhakrishnan’s case, too, the complaint Edappadi Karuppa Palaniswami and

he Congress and 25 other while the BJP secured 66 and Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD), gories. First, there are parties like hours of interrogation and a search of was first filed by the DMK. How can it Ottakarathevar Panneerselvam has
Opposition parties last the JD(S) 19. All India United Democratic the BJD, BRS, and YSRCP which his official residence and chamber at the be considered vendetta?” asks Tamil weakened the AIADMK in recent years,
week unveiled the Indian But in the Lok Sabha elections Front (AIUDF), JD(S), Rashtriya are confident of retaining power state Secretariat. Nadu BJP Vice-President Narayanan even as Stalin became successful in
National Developmental in 2019, the JD(S), which contest- Loktantrik Party, and SAD-Mann. in their states in the next election. While many see this arrest as a coin- Thirupathy in an interaction with increasing his stature as a leader. That
Inclusive Alliance (INDIA) to take ed as part of the Opposition Of these, the YSRCP (based They have no incentive to be part cidence, the Dravida Munnetra Business Standard. is one of the reasons why experts like
on the Bharatiya Janata Party United Progressive Alliance, largely in Andhra Pradesh), the of either the NDA or INDIA at this Kazhagam (DMK) and its allies say it is It was indeed the DMK that first Venkatesh believe that, in the case of a
(BJP) led National Democratic fought in nine seats and got near- Telangana-based BRS, and the stage, but they may hedge their part of vendetta politics. This was hardly raised allegations against both leaders. non-National Democratic Alliance
Alliance (NDA), which now has ly 38 per cent of the vote share in BJD pose a big threat to both bets towards the winning coali- 10 days before a meeting of 15 Opposition DVAC had filed a case against (NDA) government, Stalin is going to
39 parties. Around 65 parties are the seats it contested though it alliances, judging by past per- tion in the post-poll setting. The parties in Patna on June 23. Radhakrishnan in 2006 when the DMK play a crucial role. Stalin’s 10-minute
in one or other alliance. won only one (the formance. Andhra second type of parties is like the A month later, as DMK supremo and was in power. The case was that recorded video warning the BJP after
But some are not. And it’s state has 28). The Of the parties Pradesh, Telangana, SAD and the TDP, which are still Chief Minister Muthuvel Karunanidhi Radhakrishnan and his family had Balaji’s arrest was also widely circulated
for a reason. BJP got 25 seats that are part of and Odisha together significant players in the state but Stalin was ready to join yet another meet- acquired disproportionate assets while across South India, as he has a strong
Earlier this week, the Janata and a whopping 51 neither group, send 63 members to cannot win without an ally at this ing of 26 political parties in Bengaluru he was the housing board minister dur- fanbase in neighbouring Kerala, too.
Dal (Secular), or JD(S), which is per cent of the vote the YSRCP, BRS, the Lok Sabha. So are stage. These parties are showing on July 17, which saw the formation of a ing the AIADMK’s regime between 2001 “We, too, are capable of all sorts of
almost entirely Karnataka-based share. The party has and the BJD the parties in the mid- an inclination to be part of the new coalition named the Indian and 2006. The ED had approached the politics. This is not a threat, but a warn-
and is in the Opposition against been improving its pose a big dle, destined forever to BJP-led alliance, but the BJP is National Developmental Inclusive court with a claim to assist DVAC, stating ing. Do not rub a DMK man the wrong
a Congress government in the Lok Sabha vote threat to stay in the middle not making commitments Alliance (INDIA), yet another minister that it had crucial evidence related to way. If we retaliate, you will not be able
state, said it was ready to throw share steadily in both alliances until they are obliter- because it may want a greater was raided and arrested. This time, the case. to tolerate it,” the DMK supremo is heard
in its lot with the BJP. Karnataka: Little won- ated? Sandeep Shastri, share of seats to contest in the Tamil Nadu Higher Education Minister Similarly, Balaji was transport min- saying. While the BJP may be projecting
However, this “offer” elicited der then that it is vice-chancellor of Lok Sabha — basically changing K Ponmudy was taken into custody by ister in the AIADMK government led by itself as a third force in the state, it has a
no reaction from the BJP’s top reluctant to share this with Jagran Lakecity University and a the equation of the past. In the the ED after a raid at his house and his the late J Jayalalithaa from 2011 to 2015. long way to go.
leadership. It is only the state- anyone else, believing it has respected scholar, said: “It is same category, you could put par- son’s house in Viluppuram. The allegation against him was that he In the 2019 LS polls, the NDA got a
based BJP that has indicated the more to lose than gain from about competitive politics. ties like the AIUDF and AIMIM, On July 19, another minister faced sought money in exchange for jobs in 30.57 per cent vote share, with the BJP
proposal could work. Former such an arrangement. Whether it is BRS or BJD, both which cannot go with the NDA ED heat when the agency indicated its various departments in his ministry. getting only 3.66 per cent. This is com-
Karnataka chief minister are in competition with the two for obvious reasons, and INDIA willingness to assist the Directorate of This issue was also highlighted by the pared to 53.15 per cent by the DMK-led
Basavaraj Bommai told reporters The ones that got away alliances. In the case of YSR is not sending them an invitation Vigilance and Anti-Corruption (DVAC) DMK first. Later, both these leaders alliance, with Stalin’s party winning 33.52
in Hubbali that JD(S) leader H D Parties that are part of neither Congress, it is also the deviation because it fears that such parties in a disproportionate asset case switched sides and shifted to the DMK. per cent votes. The AIADMK‘s share of
Kumaraswamy had made “cer- the NDA nor INDIA are: The from its (BJPs) core agenda that on its side may help the BJP to against Fisheries Minister Anitha R “These agencies will do their duty. If the vote was 19.39 per cent and it was in
tain feelings” public. “That is for Yuvajana Sramika Rythu is keeping them out of the NDA.” polarise the Hindu-Muslim axis. Radhakrishnan. These, the DMK claims, you think that you are clean, face it and the NDA. In the 2021 Assembly elections,
a discussion between our leader- Congress Party (YSRCP), Biju The BJP has been gaining The third type of parties is are not one-off incidents. prove it. There is no politics involved in the BJP’s vote share was 2.62 per cent,
ship and JD(S) President H D Janata Dal (BJD), Bharat Rashtra ground in all but Andhra the BSP and JD(S). These parties According to Stalin, the ED conduct- it,” adds Thirupathy. indicating it still has a lot of work to do.
Deve Gowda,” he added. Samithi (BRS), Bahujan Samaj Pradesh. What is common to all are in terminal decline. They can ed 112 raids in 10 years before the BJP Under the circumstances, can the ED
In the elections to the 224- Party (BSP), All India Majlis-E- is the paradox: The BJP has seen go either side, and it seems that took power, but the same ED conducted BJP’s Tamizha aggression be a force multiplier for the BJP? Most
member Assembly held in May, Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM), a dramatic improvement of its both alliances want to squeeze 3,000 raids against the Opposition after According to political pundits, while the experts say the party has a leader. But it
the Congress bagged 135 seats, Telugu Desam Party (TDP), vote share in the Lok Sabha poll them further.” the BJP took charge at the Centre, of BJP was able to make inroads into the still needs organisation.

STORY IN NUMBERS Convert or faithful, a baptism by fire

INDIA’S WEALTH IS ON THE MOVE The Bharatiya Janata Party’s
(BJP’s) decision to appoint
Narendra Singh Tomar as
Scindia is also not in a position to
rebel against the party.”
A BJP leader considered close
Why rich Indians are seeking a passport to greener — foreign — pastures convenor of the election
management committee for the
defection to BJP infighting, to Scindia said on condition of
anonymity, “There is no one
Madhya Pradesh (MP) Assembly Jyotiraditya Scindia faces heat within matching Tomar’s experience
n Better n Open and n Access to better n Economic elections is being seen as a and electoral expertise. Scindia
health care flexible business academic, professional well-being setback for Union Minister BJP ranks in Madhya Pradesh, even is also happy with the latest
environments opportunities Jyotiraditya Scindia (pictured),
who was looking for a bigger role
as Congress eyes 2023 payback for its developments because, after all,
the aim is to win the election.
in the state before the elections. 2020 blow. SANDEEP KUMAR writes Anyway, you don’t have any
More Indians renounced their citizenship and with an investable wealth of $1 million or more. The BJP is already battling options within the BJP. You only
took citizenship in other countries in 2022 than The highest number of HNWIs to give up their factionalism in the Gwalior- have to follow the orders of the
ever before, according to data. citizenship was from China. Chambal region. The battle for top leadership. Home Minister
supremacy and factionalism in Amit Shah said in his recent visit
Answering multiple questions in Parliament Nine of the top 10 countries for net inflows of
the region has been at its peak to Bhopal that we have to give
— the last on March 31 this year — Minister of State HNWIs in 2023 will host formal investment since early 2020, when Scindia our all to win the election. As far
for External Affairs V Muraleedharan told the Lok migration programmes and actively encourage and his loyalists quit the as ticket distribution is
Sabha that more than 200,000 Indians gave up foreign direct investment in return for residence Congress to align with the BJP. concerned in these elections, the
Indian citizenship in 2022. rights, the firm says. Senior journalist and only criterion is winnability. It
The question was asked China’s HNWI migration political analyst Girija Shankar doesn’t matter whether he is a
by Congress Members of is forecast to be 13,500 in says: “There is no doubt that Congress convert to the BJP or a
Parliament Kodikunnil 2023. In 2022, it was 10,800. local BJP leaders in Chambal BJP veteran.”
Suresh and M K Raghavan, India saw 7,500 HNWI have not been able to process There are 34 Assembly seats
and All India Majlis-e- migrations in 2022. Scindia’s entry into the party. in the eight districts of Gwalior
If the leaders at the local level and Chambal. In 2018, the
Ittehadul Muslimeen chief Based on this year’s are not able to accept him, Congress won 26 of these, the
Asaduddin Owaisi. Henley Private Wealth on what basis should he be BJP got seven, and the Bahujan
The minister emphasised Migration Report, 6,500 given the responsibility of the Samaj Party got one. But then,
that while surrendering
Indian citizenship was a INDIANS WHO RENOUNCED millionaires are set to leave
India in 2023, while statistics
entire state?”
“The demand that Scindia be
Scindia was with the Congress.
Circumstances have
matter of choice, “a INDIAN CITIZENSHIP from the Global Wealth given a bigger role was started by since changed. In this area,
successful, prosperous, and 2015 131,489 Migration Review show that his supporters. Fact is, Scindia 20 per cent of the population
influential diaspora is an 2 per cent of the country’s got what he bargained for when belongs to the Dalit community,
2016 141,603 he defected to the BJP. His which Congress wants to bring
asset for India. India stands millionaires have already
2017 133,049 adherents were made ministers, into its fold.
to gain a lot from tapping flocked overseas in 2020.
given Assembly tickets, and the role, another task he has to Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan. After the fall of the
into its diaspora networks 2018 134,561 According to losers accommodated on accomplish is to create a level He has successfully led election Kamal Nath government,
and productively utilising 2019 144,017 government data, more corporation boards. You cannot playing field between the BJP campaigns in the past.” by-elections were held for 28
the soft power that comes than 1.6 million Indians bargain twice for the same thing. veterans and Scindia’s votaries.” “Tomar or no Tomar, seats, of which the BJP got 19
from having such a 2020 85,256 have renounced their Now he has the same status in Another political analyst, Scindia’s influence is going to be and the Congress nine.
flourishing diaspora”. 2021 163,370 Indian citizenship since the party as the other leaders. Rakesh Dixit, says, “There reduced. Not having an According to analysts,
Meanwhile, London- 2022 225,620 2011, including a whopping When the party did not give any should be no confrontation important role in the election the absence of pressure from
based firm Henley & Source: Lok Sabha questions (March 31) 225,620 in 2022 alone,
role to Narottam Mishra, Kailash between Scindia and Tomar. process, he will also find it the Scindia camp in ticket
Partners, which advises averaging around 618 per Vijayvargiya, Faggan Singh Both are from the Gwalior- difficult to get tickets for his distribution will be to its
Kulaste, or Virendra Kumar Chambal region, but Tomar’s comrades. We all know that advantage.
individuals and families on migration and day. While the staggering numbers beg reason,
Khatik in the MP elections, it was influence is in the Bhind- these things were not mentioned Priyanka Gandhi’s visit to
relocation, has found that Indian high networth the Indian government has said that individuals too much for Scindia to expect Morena region north of Gwalior, in the deal that took place during Rani Laxmibai’s memorial for
individuals (HNWIs) who migrated from India to renounce Indian citizenship “for reasons this,” he observes. while Scindia’s in the Guna- his defection with the Members the first time during her recent
various geographies were, across the globe, the personal to them”. A BJP leader from the Shivpuri region south of Gwalior. of Legislative Assembly. That visit to Gwalior is also an
second-highest in 2022. SOURCES: LOK SABHA QUESTIONS, Gwalior-Chambal region says, Tomar is also close to Prime means the BJP leadership is now indication that the party will
Millionaires, or HNWIs, refer to individuals HENLEY PRIVATE WEALTH MIGRATION REPORT “While Tomar’s organisational Minister Narendra Modi and has free to distribute tickets in make Scindia’s betrayal a
skills make him the right fit for good relations with Chief accordance with its wishes. talking point (if need be).

Fed readies rate hike in
Musk set to uncage ‘the bird’, unveil new logo
Should have been done a long time ago, says
pivotal week for central banks billionaire owner in Twitter Spaces chat IF A GOOD
The world’s major central banks meet in the coming week to set
monetary policy amid continued signs that the worst inflation REUTERS & BLOOMBERG blue bird its “most recognizable ENOUGH X LOGO IS
crisis in decades is easing. While the Federal Reserve and 23 July asset.” While that page says the com-
European Central Bank are each expected to raise interest rates pany is protective of its logo and POSTED TONIGHT,
by 25 basis points, the greater focus will be on signaling from
policy makers on whether more hikes are likely — or if they plan
Elon Musk said on Sunday he was
looking to change Twitter’s logo,
offers guidelines on how to use it,
Musk apparently isn’t a fan.
an extended pause. Both Fed Chair Jerome Powell and ECB tweeting: “And soon we shall bid “It should have been done a long LIVE WORLDWIDE
President Christine Lagarde have warned that inflation remains adieu to the twitter brand and, grad- time ago,” he said during the Twitter
too high, forcing them to raise borrowing costs further. But with ually, all the birds”. Spaces appearance, referring to TOMORROW
neither central bank meeting again until September, economists In a twitter post, the social media changing the logo. “We’re cutting the ELON MUSK
say the outlook for policy into the back end of the year remains platform’s billionaire owner added: Twitter logo off the building with Owner, Twitter
open-ended. BLOOMBERG “If a good enough X logo is posted blowtorches,” he said, presumably
tonight, we’ll make (it) go live world- referring to the sign he’s already
wide tomorrow.” altered on the company’s San
Pak Finance Minister Dar Musk posted an image of a flick-
ering “X”, and later in a Twitter
Francisco headquarters.
Under Musk's tumultuous tenure
app” like China’s WeChat.
The company did not immedi-
Inu dog, helping drive a surge in the
meme coin’s market value.
Twitter would limit how many tweets
per day various accounts can read.
may be pitched for interim PM Spaces audio chat replied “Yes” when
asked if the Twitter logo will change.
since he bought Twitter in October,
the company has changed its busi-
ately respond to a request for
The company came under wide-
spread criticism from users and mar-
The daily limits helped in the
growth of Meta-owned rival service
The ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz is considering Twitter still has a brand toolkit ness name to X Corp, reflecting the The bird was temporarily keting professionals when Musk Threads, which crossed 100 million
proposing the name of Finance Minister Ishaq Dar for taking up page on its website calling the light- billionaire’s vision to create a “super replaced in April by Dogecoin’s Shiba announced early this month that sign-ups within five days of launch.
the position of caretaker prime minister, a media report said on
Sunday. Dar’s name came into focus as the Shehbaz Sharif-led
government mulled changes in the Elections Act 2017 to empower
Alibaba says
Historic Ukraine cathedral hit
the upcoming caretaker set-up to take decisions beyond its
constitutional mandate, with a view to ensure continuity of the
recently rolled out economic plan and expedite the process
aimed at receiving foreign investment in state-owned entities, will not join
reported The Express Tribune. PTI
Ant Group
China’s Wang Yi proposes
talks with Japan, S Korea
as Russia strikes Odesa again share buyback

Top Chinese diplomat Wang Yi proposed high-level talks between

Putin hosts Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko, says Kyiv’s counteroffensive has failed 23 July

China, Japan, and South Korea in a meeting with the Japanese China’s Alibaba Group said
foreign minister in Indonesia this month, Kyodo news agency
23 July Counteroffensive on Sunday it had decided
reported on Sunday. The proposal is seen as signalling a
will extend for not to participate in affiliate

willingness to resume talks among the three countries and Japan ussian President Ant Group’s proposed repur-
would accelerate preparations to make it happen by the end of
the year, Kyodo reported, citing unidentified sources. US allies
Vladimir Putin said
Ukraine’s counteroffen-
several months, chase of shares, but would
maintain its shareholding in
Japan and South Korea are wary of China's increasing military
assertiveness and of growing tensions between China and the US
sive “has failed” as he hosted
Belarusian leader Alexander
says Blinken the company.
Ant Group announced a
over a range of issues including trade and Taiwan. REUTERS Lukashenko, his close ally, for US Secretary of State Antony surprise
talks in St Petersburg on Blinken said Ukraine has taken share buy-
Sunday. back about 50 per cent of the back of up
Meloni wants Italy to lead The statement came as the
Russian forces struck the
territory that Russia seized,
although Kyiv’s counteroffensive
to 7.6 per
cent of its
efforts on migration flows Ukrainian Black Sea city of
Odesa again, local officials said,
will extend several months.
“These are still relatively early
equity inter-
est earlier
Italy wants to limit migration inflows from North Africa to Europe keeping up a barrage of attacks days of the counteroffensive. It is this month,
by boosting cooperation among authorities aimed at restricting that has damaged critical port tough," he said in an interview a day after it Alibaba has
departures, its prime minister said. “Illegal migration damages infrastructure in southern to CNN on Sunday. REUTERS was fined 33 per cent
everyone but smugglers who use their power against the states,” Ukraine in the past week $984 mil- stake in Ant
Giorgia Meloni said at the International Conference on “There is no counteroffen- lion by Group
Development and Migration in Rome on Sunday.“Our priority sive,” Russian news agencies Regional Governor Oleh Beijing for
should be to cooperate more among police and intelligence quoted Lukashenko as saying. Kiper said that four children violating laws and regula-
forces and keep ships used to smuggle migrants under control,” Putin replied: “It exists, but were among those wounded in tions. Online retail giant
she said. BLOOMBERG it has failed.” Ukraine began its the blasts, which severely dam- Alibaba, which spun off Ant
long-anticipated counter- aged the historic 12 years ago retains a 33 per
offensive last month but has so Transfiguration Cathedral, a cent stake.
Sri Lanka to slap maximum far made only small gains
against well entrenched
Personnel inspect damages inside the Odesa Transfiguration Cathedral in Odesa following
Russian missile attacks on Sunday PHOTO: AP/PTI
landmark Orthodox cathedral
in the city.
The fine has fuelled
hopes that a years-long reg-
retail price on fuel Russian forces who control
more than a sixth of its territory mercenary group who are now to go west. ‘Let’s go on a trip to Transfiguration Cathedral
Russia has been launching
persistent attacks on Odesa, a
ulatory crackdown on the
company has ended, which
The Sri Lankan government will introduce a maximum retail price after nearly 17 months of war. training Belarus’s army were Warsaw and Rzeszow’,” he was damaged key hub for exporting grain, could allow it to secure a
for fuel from next month, State Minister of Energy DV Chanka said A Telegram channel linked keen to push across the border quoted as saying. There was no In the Russian attacks on Odesa since Moscow canceled a land- financial holding company
on Sunday. The move of the Sri Lankan government comes ahead to Lukashenko quoted him as into Nato member Poland. indication that Lukashenko during the early hours on mark grain deal on Monday licence, focus on growth, and
of the Chinese energy company that is set to enter the retail fuel saying in a jocular tone that “The Wagner guys have was seriously entertaining that Sunday, at least one person was amid Kyiv’s grinding efforts to eventually, revive its plans
market of the first time in August. PTI fighters of Russia’s Wagner started to stress us. They want idea. killed and 22 others wounded. retake its occupied territories. for a stock market listing.

Spain votes in election US airlines to shed fuel, fliers over extreme heat
that could swing
AGENCIES As a result, carriers are having to
5 dead after seasonal floods hit China US Southwest. In addition to Las
country to the right 23 July reduce pounds on the planes.
On July 17, several Delta Air Lines Floods caused by heavy rain hit eastern China, leaving at least
Vegas, where the high soared to 116F
(47C) on July 16, Phoenix hit 119 on
High temperatures pounding parts of Inc. passengers voluntarily got off a five dead and three missing while over 1,500 people were July 19 and 20, and has seen tempera-
REUTERS centre-right People's Party, the US are forcing airlines to adjust flight from Las Vegas to Atlanta after evacuated, state media reported on Sunday. China National Radio tures above 100 since June 14.
23 July but to form a government it operations in the hardest-hit cities, aircraft weight issues in the heat said the massive floods swept through a village in the Fuyang district
would need to partner with reducing fuel or baggage — and in caused delays. of the city of Hangzhou, engulfing many houses on Saturday Greece evacuates 19K over
Spaniards voted in a poten- Santiago Abascal's far-right some cases shedding passengers — to “Additional protocols have been afternoon. The rain later led to a partial mountain collapse and wildfire in Rhodes
tially close-run general elec- Vox. This would be the first help aircraft operate. put in place to address the operational mudslide, affecting multiple areas in the district and more than 1,600 Some 19,000 people have been evac-
tion on Sunday that could see time a far-right party has Allegiant Airlines, a unit of impacts extreme heat has on aircraft, households suffered power outage, CCTV said. Over 1,500 people uated from the Greek island of
Prime Minister entered govern- Allegiant Travel, said it will delay including loading less fuel to were evacuated, the state news agency Xinhua reported. Every Rhodes as wildfires continued burn-
Pedro Sanchez’s PM Sanchez ment since flights if there’s a threat to passenger account for weight and balance year, seasonal flooding hits large parts of China, particularly in ing for a sixth day on three fronts,
governing called the Francisco Franco's safety or comfort as temperatures in and schedule refueling along the semitropical south. However, some northern regions this Greek authorities said on Sunday.
Socialists lose election early dictatorship ended the US Southwest continue to hit the route when needed,” year have reported the worst floods in 50 years. AP/PTI The Ministry of Climate Change
power and a far- after the left in the 1970s. records. In Las Vegas, where Allegiant Delta said in a statement. and Civil Protection said it was “the
right party make took a Voting closed is based, excessive heat advisories Planes are hooked up to largest evacuation from a wildfire in
up part of a new drubbing in on 8 pm (1800 have been extended through Sunday, external cooling units when early maintenance on that the carrier changed its operating the country.”
government for local elections GMT). All ballots and temperatures have been above they’re at gates, but extreme auxiliary power units that plan to avoid weight restrictions. Local police said that 16,000
the first time in 50 in May are expected to be 100F (38C) since June 30, according heat can overcome their ability run onboard systems when Delta, American and United people were evacuated by land and
years. counted by mid- to National Weather Service data. to work well. Once they leave the gate, engines are off, Chief Executive Airlines Holdings Inc. said that air- 3,000 by sea from 12 villages and sev-
Sanchez called the election night, confirming the party High temperatures make air less in most cases air sucked into the Officer Robert Isom said on a port ramp workers, baggage handlers eral hotels. Six people were briefly
early after the left took a drub- with the most votes. dense, reducing engine performance engines is cooled and then circulated Thursday conference call. and others laboring outside are get- hospitalised with respiratory prob-
bing in local elections in May, Both the left and right and the amount of lift produced at a in the cabin, a system that’s not ideal “Though we’ve had a very small ting more frequent breaks, additional lems and were later released.
but his gamble to wrong-foot blocs have the potential to given speed. when a plane is idled on a tarmac. number of diversions and delays water supply, access to shaded areas A person who fell and broke their
his opponents could backfire. form coalitions, which will That generally means lower take- American Airlines Group Inc. said related to high temperatures, the plan or air conditioning and cooling leg during a hotel evacuation and a
Opinion polls show the need at least 176 seats in the off weights and longer takeoff dis- it is taking extra steps to make sure it we have in place has allowed us to towels. The heat has persisted for pregnant woman remain hospita-
election will likely produce a 350-seat lower house of tances are needed to produce suffi- has cooled air on jet bridges hooked avoid significant impact,” an weeks and is expected to continue lised, the latter in good condition,
win for Alberto Nunez Feijoo’s congress. cient lift. to planes. American also performed American spokeswoman said, adding through the weekend for much of the authorities say.

Israeli CEOs ditch the C-suite to lead anti-government protests

GALIT ALTSTEIN — people who’ve founded companies and its next steps.
23 July headed large organizations,” says Shikma
Bressler, a physicist and protest leader.
Netanyahu says doing Netanyahu’s plans have unnerved
global investors, with Israel’s stocks,
Sixteen members of a roving paid “Some have carried out special military ‘excellently’, plans to bonds and currency performing badly this
workforce. A volunteer steering operations.” year relative to similar assets in other
committee of former military chiefs of “People arrested on the streets include attend vote on Monday countries. The US has also criticized the
staff, public-relations gurus and top-tier CEOs of unicorns,” she adds, referring to overhaul.
lawyers who speak daily. A budget in the the term for a startup valued at more than Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “We will have to direct our efforts
tens of millions of dollars. $1 billion. said he was “doing excellently” after an against actions that will become possible
Israel’s anti-government protest Five other activists with inside overnight hospitalisation and vowed to be in under the new law,” says Bressler.
movement, the largest in the nation’s knowledge gave behind-the-scenes parliament on Monday to vote for a disputed Her grassroots group, known as the
history, has taken over the streets for seven details on condition of anonymity. judicial reform that triggered a fresh round of “Kaplan Force,” after a street in central Tel
months since plans emerged to weaken They estimate that 270 groups are mass protests on Sunday. With Israel Aviv that has hosted the weekly Saturday
the power of the courts. On Saturday night, active, involving some 800,000 embroiled in its most serious domestic political night demonstrations, is the largest. And
they again brought hundreds of individuals. They’ve deployed scores of crisis in decades, the 73-year-old leader was she’s become the face of the movement.
thousands out. But they are not radicals photography drones, mobilized late-night rushed to Sheba Medical Center near Tel Aviv She’s not new to the demonstration
neglected by the establishment — they are operations to wrap monuments with on Saturday after a heart monitor implanted a business. She led anti-corruption protests
the establishment. And they are using slogan-filled banners, and sent out People take part in a demonstration against Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu and his week earlier in what was described as a against Netanyahu starting in 2019. That
traditional symbols like the flag to fight the thousands of women dressed in the red nationalist coalition government’s judicial overhaul, in Tel Aviv PHOTO: REUTERS dehydration episode. REUTERS meant that when the judicial overhaul
populist policies of Prime Minister capes and white bonnets of the Margaret arose seven months ago, the group had a
Benjamin Netanyahu. Atwood novel “The Handmaid’s Tale.” Netanyahu’s right-wing religious judicial overhaul through the Knesset, as government preparing to pass at least one solid infrastructure for getting people onto
“This is the backbone of Israeli society They succeeded in stopping government from rushing the entire the parliament is known. With the key change, the movement is calculating the streets. BLOOMBERG

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Weakness behind support And — a greater presence of debt forces them to

work harder regardless of whether they have shares
or not. This tool is particularly important in India,
Welfare spending is likely to increase given the fact that one main institution that should

he broad focus of the national discourse over the past few weeks has demand accountability from managers — the board
been the alignment of political forces, with an eye on the 2024 Lok — does not work much. Under Indian conditions of
Sabha elections. Even as views on the feasibility and winnability of boards that do not drive managers, the optimal level
alliances are evolving, it is worth discussing what a perceived close of debt is higher.
Creative destruction: A healthy economy is
contest can mean for economic management. It may still be early days to draw
one in which there is a steady flow of firm failure. A
definitive conclusions, but some of the recently concluded Assembly elections critical path to failure lies in the presence of debt
and preparations for the upcoming ones offer hints. The focus is increasing on and then in debt default. Once debt is mostly
what is broadly termed welfare programmes. In Karnataka, for example, the removed from the picture, a variety of low-quality
Congress made a slew of promises, including free bus rides for women, which firms can survive indefinitely. This is related to the
seem to have worked for it. The Congress government in Rajasthan, which will go governance problem described above: Once boards
to the polls in December, has broken new ground in this context. After having work poorly and debt is absent, managers get a
peaceful ride. This lack of a steady pace of firm fail-

Many Indian firms

announced several measures, including cheaper gas cylinders, the Ashok Gehlot
ure is harmful for economic dynamism.
government last week got the Minimum Guaranteed Income Bill passed.
Return on equity: In the standard corporate
Accordingly, the state government will provide a minimum guaranteed finance toolkit, a successful business achieves super-
income, either through the provision of work or transfers, to the eligible popula- charged return on equity by adding debt. Many a
tion. In terms of employment, the government will provide an additional 25 business in India is inefficiently geared: The share-
days’ work in a fiscal year after the completion of the maximum number of days
permitted under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee
Act (MGNREGA) in rural areas. Similarly, in urban areas, every adult will be
entitled to at least 125 days’ employment in a fiscal year with minimum wage. If
state officials fail to provide work within 15 days of application, the applicant
need more leverage holders are left with poor return because there is
not enough debt.
For shareholders, inadequate debt harms return
on equity and reduces the pressure upon managers
to run harder. For society at large, economic
will be eligible for unemployment allowance. The section of the population Being near zero debt is often not optimal dynamism is hampered when managers do not run
hard and when there is a low rate of firm exit. The
falling under categories such as old age, specially abled, and widows will be

orrowing by large Indian firms has greatly owing to fears of bankruptcy costs, and low supply biggest beneficiaries of this low-debt environment
eligible for a pension, which will be increased by 15 per cent per annum. subsided. While this makes managers of firms owing to fears of bank employees (which spread are the managers who control the firm. They have
It’s hard to argue against cash transfers to the sections of the population feel safe, it is not healthy for the Indian econ- from public-sector to private-sector bankers an easy time, in the context of Indian boards, which
not in a position to work, such as the old and specially abled. Even the employ- omy. Debt is a disciplining device, and it helps ensure through a Supreme Court ruling in 2016 about the mostly do not hold them accountable.
ment part is targeted to provide subsistence jobs. The MGNREGA, for instance, that managers run hard, which is good for share- scope of the Prevention of Corruption Act). It can Everyone in the Indian business world knows
helped a large number of households during the pandemic. But providing work holders and society. Borrowing improves return on be argued that firms are recoiling from the problems the dangers of excessive leverage. The main point
in urban areas may be comparatively difficult, and it can also be argued that equity, which is good for shareholders. Indebted that were experienced with high leverage. But the here is to also draw attention to the problems asso-
firms go bankrupt, which is part of Schumpeterian peak leverage seen (debt:equity ratio of 1.85) was a ciated with zero leverage. The truth lies in between,
125 days’ work will not be enough. However, in terms of economic management,
creative destruction. An economy where large firms while ago (1991-92). in moderate and wise levels of leverage.
the issue is that governments do not stop at providing support to the vulnerable have little debt runs the risk of being Some view low or near-zero debt Solving this problem is primarily up to the dom-
sections. Many states, for example, provide free or heavily subsidised power to less dynamic. Shareholders and as a healthy foundation for sus- inant shareholders of firms and the boards that rep-
a select group of consumers. A number of states have gone back to the old pen- boards need to reopen the discus- tained growth in India. When resent them. This reasoning needs to feed into the
sion scheme, which essentially means that the government will support a priv- sion on optimal firm leverage. difficulties were faced with high better working of boards. When boards do not exert
ileged few at the cost of the entire state. The Union government provides income From the early days of economic leverage strategies, is the answer to their oversight on corporate financial structure, there
support to all farmers with land holdings. It is also giving free foodgrain to reform, the Indian non-financial go to zero debt? Is zero debt the opti- will be a bias in favour of inefficient levels of gearing.
about 810 million eligible beneficiaries. corporate sector has retreated from mal design for an Indian business? There are now myriad situations in India where the
It’s the sum of all such expenses at the general government level, not all of borrowing. Their debt-equity ratio What do very low levels of corporate chief executive officer is not a dominant shareholder.
was highest at 1.85 in 1991-92. In the debt imply for economic In such situations, the shareholders and board mem-
which is desirable, that complicates fiscal management. Given the trend in
latest data, for 2021-22 it stood at dynamism? Three problems can bers need to push in favour of non-zero leverage.
states, expectations from those competing to form the next government at the 0.89 and it is likely to have dropped be identified. Implementing such a strategy will face con-
Centre will only increase. It is, therefore, likely that some of the ideas and con- further in the following year. It gen- Debt as a disciplining device: straints. The bankruptcy process works poorly and
cepts from states would be taken up at the national level. The consequences for erally makes sense to represent the SNAKES & LADDERS A fundamental feature of corpora- imposes an unreasonable level of costs. These factors
fiscal management are unlikely to be favourable. The fundamental reason for balance sheet on market-value tions is the principal-agent conflict, suggest the optimal level of debt is moderate and
the rush to provide support to larger sections of the population is the Indian terms. In this, the re-pricing of debt AJAY SHAH between the interests of sharehold- not high. Against the backdrop outside each firm,
state’s inability to create decent jobs. At some point in the near future, hopefully, yields little change, and net worth ers and the interests of managers. there is an array of difficulties in the supply side of
such basic issues will be addressed. is re-priced at market capitalisation. Once this re- Managers want more money and less effort, and debt. Banks, the bond market, foreign borrowing:
pricing is made, the magnitude of debt that is now they want to constrain the strategy of the firm to All these pathways are hampered by weaknesses of
present is minuscule. When we look into the indus- stay within their capabilities so as to sustain their financial economic policy. For the typical non-finan-

Managing the rivers try structure of the debt, it is really found in only a
few industries like electricity: Leverage in most
industries is at astonishingly low levels.
power. Shareholders want the firm to do well. In
this conflict, loading up on debt is good for the
shareholders. In a low-debt firm, the managers can
cial firm, going from low debt to moderate debt will
be hard. The finance department of firms and of
group-holding companies will have to develop spe-
Delhi floods show need for investment and preparation There has been much discussion about why this slack off. When debt is present, managers are under cial expertise in strategising and implementing the
grand phenomenon took place. Explanations pressure to create the cash required for debt ser- borrowing programme.

he recent flooding in Delhi deserves careful investigation. Areas that include: Low demand owing to the macroeconomic vicing. Debt makes managers run harder. This cre-
had never before been flooded — even during periods of considerably environment with low investment, low demand ates economic dynamism. The writer is a researcher at XKDR Forum
heavier rainfall than has been the case this year — saw extensive
property damage due to waterlogging. How did this come about? The
government of Delhi has blamed the government of the neighbouring state of
Haryana, and there appears to be some justification in this complaint. The
Hathnikund barrage on the Yamuna, the upstream of where it flows through
Delhi, is controlled by the Haryana government, and the decision was taken to
The growing popularity of vegan foods
release 350,000 cusecs of water after heavy rain further north. This water should

lant-based high-protein foods appearing to immunity against diseases. This has accelerated the festivals and the deemed pious occasions like
have flowed through the three more barrages on the section of the river that be non-vegetarian in look and taste — com- growth of the “mock meats” industry. Navratris, when many of the frequent meat-eaters
adjoins Delhi, and through to Uttar Pradesh. But, it appears several gates of monly termed vegan foods — are gradually A report published by the US Department of also tend to shun non-vegetarian foods. Vegans can
one of the three barrages — the ITO barrage, which is also operated by the gaining popularity the world over. India, where a Agriculture in May 2021 described India as “a bur- be a good option for these people on such occasions.
Haryana government — had been silted up and could not be opened. As a con- sizable section of the population is strictly vegetar- geoning market for plant-based meat substitutes”. Farm experts view the growing consumption of
sequence, the water spread out into various areas of the city that are normally ian, or only an occasional meat eater, is no exception. It pointed out that the Indians had a long history vegan foods as a positive trend. Vegetarian foods
not subject to such severe flooding. The Haryana government’s only response Numerous food-manufacturing and -processing of consuming pulses, jackfruit, and dairy products generally need much less land and water to produce,
to this accusation has been to point out that Haryana also suffered from floods. units, especially start-ups, have begun producing for protein and, therefore, tended to deem plant- and cause less pollution than animal products.
wholly plant-based products mimicking the shape, based meats as innovative, healthy, modish, and Besides, these have been found through scientific
Once again, as with the apparently intractable problem of air pollution,
texture, and overall eating experience of conven- environment-friendly alternatives to traditional studies to be healthier and more environment-
the existence of multiple authorities with responsibilities for Delhi and its envi- tional animal products like chicken nuggets, seekh non-vegetarian foods. It also mentions that people friendly substitutes for non-vegetarian foods.
rons has caused a disaster for its people. Preparedness for floods has undoubtedly kebabs, and sausages. This industry, believe that these foods help pre- Manufacturers of vegan foods can further enhance
suffered, and so has establishing proper accountability for errors. There are, though in its infancy at present, is vent non-communicable diseases, their nutritional value by fortifying them with vita-
however, additional questions to be asked. The 350,000 cusecs of water took expected to expand rapidly thanks to digestive disorders, and obesity. mins, minerals, antioxidants, and immunity-boost-
some time to travel downstream as far as Delhi — no alarm was raised or emer- the huge domestic market and export Another report, brought out by ing contents derived from microbes like fungi, algae,
gency preparations made. While many areas that were flooded on this occasion potential. The Agricultural and the Organisation for Economic or spirulina. The sale of such foods through digital-
were long settled, others have been built on the floodplains of the Yamuna and Processed Food Products Export Cooperation and Development marketing portals and their promotion through
are dangerously prone to flooding and to subsidence. The spread of concrete in Development Authority (APEDA) has (OECD) last November, even while social media is assisting in boosting their consump-
initiated a National Programme on acknowledging the growing accep- tion. The environmental benefits of vegan foods
built-up parts of the city with no regard to the ability of the earth to soak up
Vegan Products to cater to overseas tance of vegan foods, went a step have been validated scientifically as well. A study
excess water might also be a problem. demand for these foods. A beginning further to figure out the reasons conducted in Germany has concluded that even 5
Overall, however, the fact of urban development is not so much the problem has already been made in the export for this as well. It maintained that per cent replacement of beef with vegetable proteins
as is the quality of urbanism and its administration. Solutions must be found,
for the growth of Delhi can hardly be stopped. The possibility of subsuming
of India-made vegan products with
the shipment of the first consignment
FARM VIEW the relatively low propensity for
consuming meat in India is
in that country could slash carbon dioxide emissions
by 8 million tonnes a year.
barrages along the Yamuna and other major rivers under one integrated authority of 5,000 kg of mini samosas, momos, SURINDER SUD spurring an interest in the mod- That said, the fact also is that the vegan foods
should be examined. State governments can, as constitutionally mandated, spring rolls, nuggets, grilled patties, ern-style plant-based protein-rich sector faces some challenges, which it must overcome
retain their authority over the flow of water through their territory; but they and some other stuff from Gujarat to products. According to this report, to grow to its true potential. Indian consumers, by
the US in September last. the consumption of meat in India in 2020 was and large, are cost-conscious. At present, most vegan
clearly need assistance in maintaining and managing riverine infrastructure.
Optimism about this sector’s promising future around 6 million tonnes, amounting to just over 4.5 products are priced higher than the non-vegetarian
The Union government should commission a broader examination of the is based largely on the growing awareness about the kg per person. About half the country’s population foods they are meant to replace. This issue needs to
Yamuna flood plan to ensure that building and infrastructure development are health and environmental benefits of vegan foods eat non-vegetarian meals only about once a week. be addressed through more investment in research
created in such a way that excess water is harvested, absorbed, or allowed to and the abundant availability of protein-rich agri- The demand for plant-based substitutes for meats, and development to bring down their cost without
flow downstream. Finally, additional infrastructure — new channels, de-sedi- cultural products, such as pulses, soybean, and even on the other hand, is clocking a compound annual sacrificing the taste, semblance, and other quality
mentation facilities, and firmer embankments — needs to be planned to enable some millets and cereals, which can serve as raw growth rate of 5.8 per cent. This rate is bound to attributes. Public-sector research centres engaged
the identification of storm surges and their diversion in a timely manner. The material for making these items. Jackfruit, available accelerate, thanks to the increasing availability of in developing value-added products of major food
Yamuna can neither be ignored nor avoided. Nor can other major Indian rivers. aplenty in India, is a good source of vegetarian ingre- vegan foods, rising income levels, and changing crops can take up this task for the benefit of food
As India’s megacities grow, better ways of dealing with flash floods — increasingly dients to lend meat-like texture to plant-based meat food habits. Besides, there are also some typical processors and farmers, who are going to be the ulti-
substitutes. The popularity of vegan foods got con- India-specific religious and socio-cultural factors mate beneficiaries of the vegan sector’s growth.
common in the era of global warming — must be developed.
siderable traction during the pandemic, thanks to that would sustain the growth momentum. There
the perception that these are good for building are some 100-odd days in a year, including religious surinder.sud@gmail.com

Big histories for the future are in the midst of a major crisis and use power needs to take place.
Each Turning produces its own
character type (“Prophet,” “Nomad,”
“Hero,” “Artist”). According to Howe, we
are now in the Crisis stage or “Fourth
labels “elite overproduction”. He claims
that his “cliodynamic” method
“assembles the huge body of knowledge
collected by professional historians and
described by historians and social
scientists in terms of “social
mobilisation” or “rising middle classes,”
byproducts of economic growth and
history to predict how the crisis might be Howe’s book is a sequel to his 1997 Turning” of the Millennial Saeculum that then uses it in an objective scientific way.” technological change. Six decades ago,
resolved. Both authors had predicted, by work The Fourth Turning (written with began after World War II. “Winter is here,” This approach, needless to say, is subject without recourse to modern Big Data
a decade or more, that a period of great the political satirist William Strauss, who he announces, and we can expect a new to a number of problems. tools, the political scientist Samuel
crisis would arrive around 2020, though died in 2007). The earlier text is one of the First Turning sometime in the 2030s. The strangest is his concept of “elite Huntington could already observe, as
neither foresaw a pandemic. Trump acolyte Steve Bannon’s favourite If this all sounds a bit too neat, it is. His overproduction,” a phenomenon Turchin does, that political decay
Turchin is a former theoretical books and its two authors were credited periodisation is very arbitrary. The whereby an upswell of people striving for occurred when there was a disjunction
BOOK REVIEW biologist and a self-described specialist with inventing the term “millennial” to biggest sore thumb is the “High” of 1865 political or economic power threatens the between the rate of social mobilisation
in “cliodynamics,” a describe the to 1886, a stretch of stability of a and the ability of existing institutions to
FRANCIS FUKUYAMA variety of Big Data The Fourth Turning generation born years following the End Times: Elites, society. Turchin is incorporate these new players.
analysis that makes Is Here: What the from the mid- crisis of the Civil War Counter-Elites, and able to detect elite There is nothing wrong with meta-
Seasons of History the Path of Political overproduction in

ver the past decade, many predictions by 1980s through when a newly history: I myself presented a model of
Americans have developed a applying
Tell Us about How Disintegration long-term modernisation in The End of
and When This Crisis the 1990s. reunified America so many historical
deep foreboding that their mathematical Will End Howe writes was born. He Author: Peter Turchin eras because he History and the Last Man, and noted
society has fallen into crisis. Ever- models to a huge that Anglo- describes this period has a flexible something like Turchin’s cycle of
Author: Neil Howe Publisher: Penguin definition of
growing polarisation, economic database of prior America has gone of continuous institutional disintegration in Political
inequality and inflation have stoked a historical crises
Publisher: Simon & through five partisan struggle
Press “elite.” Who Order and Political Decay. The problem
feeling on both the left and the right that stretching back century-long when the country Pages: 352 qualifies as an elite is that even the most sophisticated
the country’s once revered political several millennia. Pages: 578 “saecula” and is could not decide today? The meta-history is not very useful in
Price: $32.50 Price: $28
institutions have become dysfunctional He proposes a now at the end of whether it was a category making short-term predictions. Both
and illegitimate. Particularly since the cyclical scheme of a sixth. Each fundamentally sometimes authors hedge their bets, so in place of
Russian invasion of Ukraine, the crisis societal rise and subsequent saeculum encompasses four generations agrarian or urban-industrial society as a includes the top one per cent of the their rosy futures, they also suggest we
has taken on a geopolitical dimension, disintegration based on a “wealth pump,” corresponding to the seasons of the year. hiccup in his scheme; this “High” saw the income distribution, the top 10 per cent, may get catastrophic war, chaos and
leading many to fear that the present is whereby elites get richer and ever more There is a “High” (spring) period, a new reintegration of the South into the Union or any college-educated professional. prolonged breakdown, or simply more
far more dangerous than any other entrenched. Inequality, if left unchecked, beginning; an “Awakening” (summer) on the basis of the institutionalisation of “Elite overproduction” suggests that of the same for another few decades.
period in their lifetimes. grows to the point that the system when the next generation turns against Jim Crow. the number of elites in any given society You pick.
Against this background we have the fragments and has to be rebuilt from the its parents; an “Unraveling” (fall) when Peter Turchin’s End Times frames the is subject to some kind of elite agency,
publications of Neil Howe’s The Fourth ground up. Such is the situation today in institutions start to decay; and a “Crisis” present and near future in similarly cyclic just as a corporation can decide how The reviewer is the author, most recently, of
Turning Is Here and Peter Turchin’s End America, where oligarchy has become so (winter) when everything falls apart, terms. Unlike Howe, though, he relies not many widgets to produce. In fact, this Liberalism and Its Discontents
Times. Both books affirm the idea that we extreme that a huge redistribution of preparing the way for a new saeculum. on generational turnover but on what he phenomenon has often been better ©2023 The New York Times News Service

The Smart the other indicators are pointing not only to

(Stock price in ~) The stock of Havells India is down about 5 per cent over the resilient activity, but some are even accelerating.
past two trading sessions. However, ICICI Securities has a There is a risk that inflationary
pressures could re-accelerate
‘buy’ rating on the major power distribution equipment at the end of the year if the Fed
MUMBAI | manufacturer. It remains optimistic about Havells India were to stop prematurely”
MONDAY, 24 JULY 2023 due to its established competitive advantages and growth EUGENIA FABON VICTORINO
opportunity in white goods and durables Head of Asia Strategy, SEB


After less than explosive Q1, band subscribers. While subscriber

growth is expected to continue, a tariff
hike is a key trigger for the telecom busi-
ness. ARPU growth may be underwhel-
ming if prices are not hiked in the near


term. In the retail business, growth came
in at 19 per cent, led by the expansion of
its store network, which was up 16 per
cent. Robust growth in digital commerce
and new commerce, which account for 18
Street buckles up for fresh turbulence
Domestic equities could witness fresh
turbulence as the Street weighs up earnings
announcements by blue-chip firms such as
Recent rally, soft outlook per cent of sales, and the consolidation of
newly acquired businesses also aided the
Reliance Industries (RIL), ICICI Bank, and Kotak
Mahindra Bank. “RIL’s earnings were not up to
Segment Enterprise value per share (~) Base = 100
for O2C business may RIL Sensex top line. While the company added 555 the mark, but not disastrous either. Another
Retail 1,156 Nifty50 new stores in the quarter, taking the total round of corrections on Monday cannot be
pull stock down Telecom 640
120 to 18,446, this was lower than the 800- ruled out. Well, markets have become
plus run rate witnessed in the earlier expensive and are looking for a reason to
RAM PRASAD SAHU Refining 353 quarters. Footfall at 249 million was up correct,” observes Ambareesh Baliga, an
Mumbai, 23 July Petrochemical 353 42 per cent, while the total area at 70.6 per independent market analyst. The National
Upstream 155 100 cent was up 55 per cent YoY. Stock Exchange Nifty finished last week at

he stock of India’s most-valued 100 Within segments, it was grocery, with 19,745, down 234 points, or 1.2 per cent — the
listed company, Reliance New energy 111 a growth rate of 55 per cent, that stood most in four months. Technical analysts say a
Industries (RIL), could remain Others 124 out. In addition to acquisitions, growth in key support level for the Nifty is around 19,700,
under pressure after lower-than-expected 109.6 90 the segment was led by promotions, a rise and a breach of this level may lead to a
Total 2,892
2023–24 (FY24) April-June quarter (first 109.3 in the share of general merchandise, substantial correction.
quarter, or Q1) results, a run-up in share Adjusted net debt 233 higher sales of JioMart, and new com-
price in July, and downgrades by a clutch
109.1 merce channels. The company indicated Freak trade or technical issue?
Equity value (target price ~) 2,660 80
of brokerages. Source: Emkay Research Dec 30,’22 Jul 21,’23 that it was looking at growing the share of The Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI)
RIL’s global depository receipts ended non-food or general merchandise sales, India Index witnessed a sharp drop of over 9
5.86 per cent lower on the London Stock which could aid in pushing up the oper- per cent on Friday, stunning exchange-traded
Exchange on Friday. While the stock has consolidated revenues and 36 per cent of term with normalisation in fuel cracks to the company, a consequence of the ating profit margins. funds and other index trackers. The steep fall
been on an uptrend since its March lows, RIL’s operating profit in the quarter. and weak deltas due to a muted global increased presence and wider coverage of In addition to higher efficiencies and came regardless of the benchmark S&P BSE
gaining 25 per cent since, as much as half The revenue decline was largely due demand environment. The brokerage 4G and 5G networks, leading to higher scale, the growing share of the non-food Sensex and the National Stock Exchange Nifty
of those gains have come in just the past to a sharp slide in crude oil prices (31 per continues to maintain a ‘buy’ rating. adoption as well as retention. business, which has been rising over the indices dropping just 1.5 per cent. While MSCI
three weeks. cent YoY) and lower price realisations of The strong growth in consumer busi- Subscriber additions for the wireline past few quarters (along with fashion and India’s value was soon corrected, it left market
Analysts at Emkay Research, led by downstream chemicals. Fuel cracks were nesses was able to partly offset the impact (broadband) business have also been lifestyle), aided retail margins. players guessing if the sudden drop in the
Sabri Hazarika, have downgraded the at record levels in the year-ago quarter. of the dip in O2C business. strong and are estimated to have risen by While growth in the fashion and life- index was due to a freak trade or a technical
stock to ‘hold’ due to the recent stock run- The firm indicated that Chinese In the telecommunications (telecom) 25 per cent to 830,000 subscribers. The style segment was at 15 per cent YoY, on a issue. Some analysts said the fall could be due
up (off the back of the Jio Financial demand after the reopening of its econ- business, the company reported strong subscriber base in broadband is up 50 per sequential basis, the uptick was led by to the adjustment in the price of Reliance
Services demerger) and range-bound omy was slower than expected, affecting subscriber additions as well as an cent YoY due to new tariff plans and better jewellery and AJIO promotions. Industries, which, a day earlier, spun off its
business outlook. demand. Further, producers and interme- improvement in the average revenue per product offerings. What is positive is that The growth in the electronics segment, financial services unit. A few others suspected
What has weighed on its performance diaries continue to destock in view of user (ARPU). most of the new acquisitions are in the at 14 per cent, was lower than the overall freak trades amid weakness in information
is the oil-to-chemicals (O2C) segment and slowdown fears and high-cost inventory, Net subscriber additions of 9.2 million postpaid segment, resulting in higher retail growth. A rising share of grocery technology stocks. An official query was sent to
a soft near-term outlook. Even as overall which depresses the prices of downstream in the quarter were better than brokerage realisations. ARPUs, which came in at (especially non-food businesses) at the MSCI on the issue.
consolidated revenues were down 5 per products. estimates, which had pegged the same ~180.5, were up 2.8 per cent and 1 per cent cost of non-core connectivity businesses
cent year-on-year (YoY), the O2C business Analysts Rohit Nagraj and Jay Bharat figure at about a million lower. The 7 per sequentially, compared with the year-ago has led to a 3-5 per cent increase in oper- IPO booster shot for
reported a 17 per cent decline in sales. The Trivedi of Centrum Research expect the cent gains in subscribers YoY and 2 per quarter. The growth was due to a better ating profit as well as the retail valuation Yatharth: GMP at 25%
business accounted for 57 per cent of the O2C business to remain soft in the near cent quarter-on-quarter were, according subscriber mix and an increase in broad- multiple of Emkay Research. The grey market premium (GMP) for Yatharth
Hospital and Trauma Care Services is hovering
around 25 per cent ahead of its initial public
offering (IPO). The Noida-based multi-care

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Advantage BAFs: MFs line up hospital chain’s ~687 crore IPO opens on
Wednesday and closes on Friday. The price
band for the IPO is ~285–300 per share.
Yatharth is looking to raise ~490 crore in

equities in a Superman cape funds amid market surge fresh capital, which will be used to retire
debt and fund expansion. At the top end,
the hospital chain will be valued at ~2,576
After March 24 nadir, equities forge UTI MF launches new fund; 360 ONE and Bajaj Finserv file papers crore. For the year ended March 2023, the
company reported a net profit of ~66 crore
a comeback for the annals ABHISHEK KUMAR on revenues of ~520 crore.
Domestic equities have staged a strong comeback Mumbai, 23 July
BALANCING ACT Equity allocation (%) Contributed by SAMIE MODAK & SUNDAR SETHURAMAN
from their lowest point this year on March 24. In Expecting demand to pick up in the BAF equity allocation is indicative of risk
exactly four months, the Sensex surged more than midst of a spike in equity valuations, perception of fund managers
10,000 points and the Nifty added over 3,000 mutual fund (MF) houses have lined
55.01 68.34 55.68
points before giving up some gains on Friday. Still, up new fund offerings in the balanced 60.58 49.53
the Sensex and the Nifty have returned 15.92 and LEADERS AND LAGGARDS* advantage fund (BAF) category. Date Particulars
16.5 per cent, respectively, since March 24. India UTI MF launched its BAF on 40.74
Sector Change (%) Jul 24 n US - Chicago Fed national
has outperformed both the Morgan Stanley Friday, an open-ended dynamic asset
Nifty Realty 40.7 allocation fund; two more — 360 ONE activity index, S&P global
Capital International (MSCI) World and the MSCI manufacturing, services &
Nifty Auto 28.7 and Bajaj Finserv — filed papers with
Emerging Markets indices, which have gained 12.5 HDFC ICICI Pru SBI Kotak Edelweiss Tata composite PMI data
Nifty PSU Bank 28.0 the capital markets regulator to launch
per cent and 4.7 per cent, respectively. All sectoral their funds. BAF BAF BAF BAF BAF BAF n UK - S&P global UK
indices have posted gains since March 24, but tech After the launch by UTI MF, only Data as of June 30 Source: Value Research manufacturing, services &
and commodity stocks have been laggards. Nifty IT 6.1 nine of the 42 fund houses do not have composite PMI index
SUNDAR SETHURAMAN a BAF offering in their product basket.
Nifty Commodities 12.8 n Eurozone - Eurozone
BAFs invest in a mix of debt and equity At the end of June, equity was on newly launched BAF will manage
Nifty Energy 14.3 manufacturing, services &
and are considered less risky than the lower side in BAF portfolios, yet asset allocation based on four
BOUNCING BACK pure-play equity schemes. higher than the November 2022 levels, valuation factors. composite PMI index
SENSEX STOCKS BAF managers have the flexibility when some of the funds had substan- “As of end-June, the model has n Japan - Jibun Bank Japan
Mar 24 Jul 21 Change (%)
Change (%) to shift their mix between equity tially reduced equity allocation. suggested a net equity allocation of manufacturing, services &
Sensex 57,527 66,684 16 and debt depending on market The markets had peaked last about 61 per cent. However, the fund composite PMI
Tata Motors 50.3
Nifty50 16,945 19,745 17 IndusInd Bank 39.3 conditions. They aim to provide December and then declined as much will allocate assets as determined by n Results: Tata Steel, SRF
Nifty Smallcap 100 8,924 11,530 29 downside protection during market as 10 per cent before starting their the proprietary model at the time of Jul 25 n US - Conumer confidence
Bajaj Finance 34.2 downturns and capture the upside upward journey once more at the end portfolio construction,” he said.
Nifty Midcap 100 29,565 36,800 24 figure, Richmond Fed
during market rallies. of March. Since this year’s lows on The last time there was a flurry of
The proportion of equity and March 24, the benchmark indices have launches in the BAF category was
manufacturing index
India Mcap (~ trn) 252 302 20 Infosys -3.6 debt in BAFs is seen as an indication gained more than 15 per cent, pushing during the second half of calendar year n Results: Asian Paints, Bajaj
MSCI World 2,693 3,030 13 HUL 5.0 Auto, Jubilant FoodWorks, L&T,
of the fund manager’s assessment of valuations above long-term averages. 2021, when overvaluation concerns
MSCI EM 972 1,018 5 HCLTech 6.2 the market scenario at any given point Ajay Tyagi, head of equities, UTI gripped investors after an extended SBI Life, Tata Motors
*Change since March 24 Source: Bloomberg; Compiled by BS Research Bureau in time. Asset Management Company, said its run-up in the makret. Jul 26 n US - MBA mortgage
applications, new home sales,
FOMC rate decision
n Results: Axis Bank, Bajaj

‘Expect India to outperform peers in six months’ Finance, BPCL, Cipla, Colgate,
Dr Reddy’s Labs, Tata Consumer,
Tech Mahindra
Jul 27 n US - GDP, personal
There has been no stopping the Indian markets these past few weeks as they have the business thesis has changed. Telecommunications (telecom), We have sharp year-on-year (YoY) consumption, durable goods
scaled fresh peaks. VINAY JAISING, managing director of portfolio management services In such cases, investors can swap and financials, especially banks, and disinflation in energy prices, which orders, initial jobless &
at JM Financial Services, tells Puneet Wadhwa in an email interview that in case the US start accumulating stocks in capex- automotive should outperform. The should suppress headline inflation continuing claims, wholesale
undergoes a strong recession, Indian markets can also fall or have a time-wise linked sectors. underperformers will be from the numbers this quarter, so this is not a big
inventories, pending home
correction. Investors, he observes, should add stocks on every decline. Edited excerpts: agriculture, metals, and specialty concern area for us.
What are your expectations from the chemical sectors. sales data
Do you think the markets can sustain expect it to be steep. 2023–24 (FY24) April–June quarter Stocks of new-age companies have done n Eurozone - ECB main
their current levels? results season? Is food-led inflation likely to become well. Is there any merit in the run-up? refinancing rate decision
Since April, the Indian market has been What has been your investment We expect 10 per cent revenue growth a sore point for the markets over the For new-age companies, although n Results: Bajaj Finserv, Bajaj
the second-best performer after the strategy these past few months? (on average) for India Inc in the June next few months? valuation has become attractive and the Holdings, Bharat Electronics,
Japanese (Nikkei) equity market. We have started focusing a lot more on quarter and a profit after tax growth of results of some have been better than Indian Hotels, Nestle,
However, calendar year-to-date, domestic-facing sectors, especially about 25 per cent. The stellar expected, we have concerns about Shriram Finance
Morgan Stanley Capital International those related to capital expenditure performance in the June valuation and their relatively higher cost
Jul 28 n US - Personal income &
India has been a relative (capex). Defence, water quarter should come JIO FINANCIAL of capital. As a strategy, we are avoiding
spending figures, University of
underperformer, and a treatment, power from oil-marketing them. Instead, we prefer credit card
lot of our rich historic equipment, and building companies, capex- SERVICES SHOULD companies, quick-service restaurants, Michigan Sentiment Index
relative valuations have
material companies,
including cement, are all
linked plays, and
MAKE A BIGGER DENT and telecom companies over them as
proxies. Also, many new-age names have
UK — nationwide house price,
Eurozone - Consumer
On an absolute linked to the capex growth of IN THE FINTECH NAMES financial technology (fintech) confidence data
valuation, though, we are at
our peak index level but
VINAY JAISING the country. This trend, we
believe, is only growing.
AND NBFCs FOCUSING competitors like Open Network for
Digital Commerce, Bima Sugam, and
n Japan - BOJ policy balance
Managing Director- rate decision, Tokyo CPI
trade close to the last five- PMS, JM Financial ON RETAIL IN INDIA Unified Payments Interface, which
n Results: Indian Oil,
year average. Our earnings Services Are foreign institutional could change their business dynamics.
growth trajectory — at a 15 investor (FII) flows likely to THAN THE BANKS” Marico, SBI Cards
per cent compound annual growth rate sustain over the next six to 12 months? How will Jio Financial Services Jul 29 n Results: NTPC
in the next two years — is on the The Indian currency has depreciated in (JFS) shake things up for the banking Source: Bloomberg
upswing, compared to the rest of the double digits since January 2022, and and non-banking financial company Compiled by BS Research Bureau

world, where we expect increasing FIIs withdrew as much as $19 billion in (NBFC) spaces?
interest rates for at least a quarter and a 2022. We estimate this led to FII We are bullish on the loan book growth
possible recession, as showcased by the
US’ inverted two-year and 10-year
ownership in India falling from 21 per
cent to nearly 18 per cent.
for banks and NBFCs, which has been
steady at over 15 per cent in the past 15
interest rates. A stronger rupee due to lower months, against 11–12 per cent Date Scrip Client Price(~)
We may end the year contributing a commodity prices and resilient historically.
sixth of the incremental world gross exports should further help FII However, we believe that net interest
Jul 18 Amara Raja Clarios Arbl Ho 653
domestic product. inflows into the country. margins seem to have peaked. Finance Batteries lding (S)
Thus, India is relatively companies will largely normalise their Jul 18 Amara Raja Societe Generale (B) 652
expected to outperform its peers in the Is it time for investors to take some earnings in FY24. On a YoY basis, their Batteries
next six months. In case the US money off the table? loan book growth should largely equate Jul 18 Rallis India Jhunjhunwala 215
undergoes a strong recession, Indian Investors should add stocks on every with net profit growth.
Rekha (S)
markets can also fall or have a time- decline. Certain investments or stocks
*Quantity in million; (B)-Buy (S)-Sell Source: Exchanges
wise correction. However, we do not have become extremely expensive, or More on business-standard.com

Fake licence: Renewal Delay in filing claim for flood

won’t make it valid damage risks rejection
Akshay countered that even if the
original licence was counterfeit, its
subsequent renewal by the Kaithal Refrain from commencing repairs until the insurer’s surveyor has inspected your house or car
RTO, which had been done legiti-
mately, made the licence legally valid, SANJAY KUMAR SINGH & sions that apply in his policy. Digit Insurance.
and hence the claim should be settled. KARTHIK JEROME “Claim up to the deductible One consequential damage
The District Forum backed amount is not payable. that occurs is if the customer

Akshay’s complaint, directing the everal parts of North India Exclusions mentioned in the tries to switch on the engine after
insurer to settle the claim by paying were ravaged by floods in policy document are also not it has got flooded. This can lead
~1,85,579 for the assessed repair costs July. The Insurance covered,” says Dahuja. to hydrostatic locking of the
and ~5,000 as compensation. The Regulatory and Development engine—a damage that is expen-
CONSUMER PROTECTION insurer challenged this order, but its
appeal was subsequently dismissed by
Authority of India (Irdai) has
urged insurers to fast-track
Steps the insured should
take: The insured should inform
sive to repair. “Such damage will
only be covered if the customer
JEHANGIR B GAI the Haryana State Commission. flood-related claims. It has the insurer about the damage has purchased the engine pro-
Unsatisfied with the decision, asked them to activate and pub- immediately via email or phone tection add-on cover,” says Saraf.
Akshay Deep Singh, the owner of a the insurer filed a revision petition licise 24-hour helplines and set calls to the toll-free number. He also recommends that cus-
TATA LPT-909 vehicle, had his vehicle challenging the orders of the District up special desks at the district “Don’t delay in informing the tomers purchase add-ons like
covered under an insurance policy Forum and the State Commission. level with dedicated teams to insurer. The longer you wait, the zero depreciation cover and cost
purchased from New India Assurance’s In its judgment, the National process claims speedily. If more difficult it becomes to get of consumables cover.
Kaithal Branch. The policy was Commission pointed out that there your house or vehicle was a claim,” says Mehta. VALIDATE CLAIM Motor insurance
n Duly filled insurance
valid from August 23, 2011 and August were four RTO offices in Hyderabad,
22, 2012. but the surveyor had only sought clar-
affected by the recent inunda-
tion, and you have insurance
The insured should also take
reasonable steps to prevent
WITH PROPER claim form Steps the insured should take:
The insured should disconnect
On January 28, 2012, while being ification from one that the driving
driven from Ladwa to Kurukshetra, the licence had not been issued by it. It
covers for them, apply for claim
settlement without delay.
further loss or damage to the
house and its contents.
DOCUMENTATION n Vehicle's registration
the battery. He should then
inform the insurer and have the
vehicle was involved in an accident. pointed out that Singh should have “The insured needs to sub- Home insurance n Copy of driver’s licence vehicle towed to the workshop
Singh informed his insurer and sub- made an effort to verify the authentic- HOME INSURANCE mit a claim form with the details n Duly filled insurance recommended by the insurer.
claim form n Photographs or videos
sequently submitted a ity of Ramdhan’s driving Is flooding covered? If you of his policy. This should be The workshop generally pro-
claim, comprising ~3,000 The National licence, but he had not have an insurance cover for your accompanied by photographs or of the submerged vehicle vides support in evacuating the
n Layout plan of the
for towing charges and Commission done so. Moreover, it home and its contents, you will videos of the flooding to justify building or affected area vehicle from the flooded spot.
~2,28,319 for repairing the further noted that Akshay did not receive compensation for dam- the damage. The insured should (if required by the insurer) The insured should also take
damaged car. The insurer concluded that even take the plea that he age due to inundation. Says also submit an estimate of the photographs and film videos of
then appointed a surveyor, even a genuine had employed Ramdhan Kapil Mehta, co-founder, Secure cost of repair from a contractor,” n Loss estimates and the interiors and exteriors of the
who evaluated the loss at and valid under the misconception Now: “Storm, Tempest, Flooding says Mehta. engineer’s quotation for car at the site where it was
~1,85,579. On September 6, renewal cannot that he possessed a valid and Inundation (STFI) risk is a The insurer will follow a few repair or construction flooded to support his case.
2012, the insurer repudi- legitimise an licence. Given that Singh standard component of most standard procedures. “An n Photographs and videos A surveyor appointed by the
ated the claim on the originally chose not to contest the home insurance policies. Since investigator will survey the of the flooded area insurer and the experts at the
ground that the driver of counterfeit revision proceedings flooding is an Act of God, claims home and its contents and take workshop will then determine
the vehicle did not hold a driving licence lodged by the insurer, for it generally get covered.” photographs. The insured the extent of damage.
valid driving licence. despite having been Any damage that was pre- must answer the surveyor’s
Aggrieved by the repudiation, awarded and paid the cost of defence, existing in nature is not covered. questions truthfully regarding case the physical copy gets lost. The policy will cover the cost Mistakes to avoid: Customers
Singh filed a complaint with the the Commission felt that it had no “If the surveyor assesses that the the damage to his home and If the insured raises ques- of retrieving a fully submerged should not attempt to drive their
Kaithal District Consumer Forum. In option but to accept the insurer’s damage was due to the insured’s contents,” says Dahuja. tions about the claim, don’t react vehicle and repair or replace- cars through flooded areas. Any
its defence, the insurer maintained submissions. negligence, or due to lack of angrily. “Answer all the questions ment of its damaged parts. damage due to such driving is
that the repudiation was warranted The National Commission further proper maintenance, or the Mistakes to avoid: The insured rationally instead of arguing or If the flood water enters the considered consequential loss,
since Ramdhan Mewa Singh, the concluded that even a genuine and insured failed to take preventive should not sell, remove or fighting,” says Mehta. cabin or the engine, then flush- which is not covered.
driver at the time of the accident, valid renewal cannot legitimise an measures, the damage will not replace any of the damaged ing and cleaning of the engine The key mistake customers
didn’t possess a valid driving licence. originally counterfeit driving licence. be covered. Any deliberate or items for which he is making a MOTOR INSURANCE and other affected parts will be should avoid is attempting to
The insurer drew attention to the fact Consequently, by its order dated July wilful loss is also not covered,” claim without the insurer’s Will the claim be covered? If covered under the Own Damage start the vehicle once the engine
that the licence produced was first 6, 2023, delivered by Justice Sudip says Shashi Kant Dahuja, chief approval. He should also not the policyholder only has the policy. However, the insured has got flooded. “Any attempt to
issued by the Hyderabad Licensing Ahluwalia and Inder Jit Singh, the underwriting officer, Shriram carry out any repairs without mandatory third-party cover, can’t make a claim for any con- start the vehicle can damage the
Authority, and was later renewed by National Commission deemed the General Insurance. the surveyor’s approval, unless then damage caused by flooding sequential loss that occurred engine and other electronic
the Kaithal Regional Transport Office insurer’s repudiation to be justified. It The basement, which is most it is urgent. will not be covered. “Damage during the floods, damaging the equipment. Such damage is not
(RTO) in Haryana. However, upon ver- set aside the orders of the District vulnerable to flooding, should The insured should avoid due to flooding will only be cov- engine and other parts. covered by a standard motor
ification, it was discovered that the Forum and the State Commission and have been reported at the time exaggerating the cost of repair ered if the policyholder also has “Negligence can lead to water insurance policy,” says Jha.
Hyderabad RTO had not issued such a dismissed the complaint. of purchasing the policy. “If you and instead provide a reasonable the Own Damage component of seeping into different parts of the As mentioned above, you
licence, thereby proving the document did not report it, your claim assessment. motor insurance,” says Sandeep car. Such damages are consid- will have to pay for the repair of
to be a forgery. The writer is a consumer activist could be rejected,” says Mehta. Always keep a soft copy of the Saraf, head-motor insurance ered consequential damages, this damage out of your own
The insured must under- insurance contract in your email, renewal, claims and customer which may not be covered,” says pocket unless you have the
stand the deductibles and exclu- Google Drive, Dropbox, etc, in experience, Policybazaar.com. Kunal Jha, head-motor product, engine protection add on cover.


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All the customers & shareholders of our Borivali (East) Mumbai Branch
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Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the Borrower(s) and Guarantor(s), that the below described immovable property mortgaged / charged to the Secured Creditor, the Symbolic Possession of which has
been taken by the Authorised Officer of Union Bank of India (Secured Creditor) will be sold on “AS IS WHERE IS”, “AS IS WHAT IS”, “WHATEVER THERE IS” AND “WITHOUT RECOURSE BASIS” on Dated 10.08.2023 in between
11:00 AM to 04:00 PM, for recovery of respective amounts, due to the Union Bank of India (Secured Creditor) from the respective Borrower(s) and Guarantor(s) as mentioned below. The Reserve Price and Earnest Money Deposit will
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Online E- Auction through website : www.mstcecommerce.com

Date & Time of Auction: 10-08-2023 at 11.00 A.M. to 04.00 P.M.
Lot a) Name of the Borrower a) Reserve Price Debt Due Contact Person and Mobile No. Encumbrance
No b) Name of the Brach In Rupees Inspection Date / Time -----------------
c) Description of Property b) Earnest Money Possession
d) Name of the Owner/s Deposit (Emd) (In Symbolic/Physical
Rupees )
1 a) M/s Shri Om Impex a) Rs. 97,25,000.00 Rs 13,03,31,302.15 (Rs.Thirteen Crore Three Lakh Thirty One Thousand Three Hundred Two Not known to A.O.
b)Asset Recovery Management Branch b) Rs. 9,75,500.00 and Paise Fifteen only) as on 31.08.2015 plus further interest thereon w.e.f 01.09.2015 (as per Physical Possession
c) Flat No. 1202, 12th floor, Poonam Tower, Plot No. C-1,2,31, Sector-20, demand notice) at applicable rate of interest, cost and charges till date minus recoveries thereafter
Nerul-400706 admeasuring 700 Sq Ft carpet + Flower Bed area of 161.25 Sq.ft. Mr.Uttam Bandgar - 8668196378 / Mr. Abid Attar - Mobile No. 8928211305
d) Mrs. Darshnabehan Ravi Shah 28.07.2023 Time : 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM
2 a) M/s Eternity Globtex Pvt Ltd and M/s Enigma Fusion Texprint Pvt. Ltd. a) Rs.4,45,00,000.00 Rs.13,56,50,620.10 (Rs. Thirteen Crore Fifty Six Lakh Fifty Thousand Six Hundred Twenty Not known to A.O.
b) Asset Recovery Management Branch b) Rs.44,50,000.00 and Paise Ten Only) in account of M/s Eternity Globtex Pvt Ltd as on 31.12.2022 plus further Physical Possession
c) Residential open plots bearing computerized revenue survey no 175/2 paiki interest thereon w.e.f 01.01.2023 at applicable rate of interest, cost and charges till date.
plot nos. 1 to 79, three common open plots bearing computerized revenue Rs. 26,47,78,926.51 (Rs. Twenty Six Crore Fourty Seven Lakh Seventy Eight Thousand Nine Hundred
survey no 175/2 paiki plot nos. 80 to 83, Mahatma Gandhi College road, Twenty Six and Paise Fifty One Only) in account of M/s Enigma Fusion Texprint Pvt Ltd as on 31.12.2022
Bhutsad, Taluka Jalalpore, Navsari admeasuring 12303.00 Sq mtrs plus further interest thereon w.e.f 01.01.2023 at applicable rate of interest, cost and charges till date.
d) Mr Jagdishbhai Amrubhai Kachhadiya, Mr Pankajbhai Madhubhai Mr. Uttam Bandgar- Mobile No. 8668196378 / Mr. Abid Attar - Mobile No. 9763710948
Sheladia and Mr. Yogesh Govindbhai Dhorajia 28.07.2023/ 11.00 AM to 1.00 PM
3 a) M/s Vaidehi Enterprises a) Rs. 1,44,00,000.00 Rs. 3,96,25,136.28/- (Rs. Three CroreNinety Six Lakh Twenty Five Thousand One Hundred Not Known To A.O.
b) Asset Recovery Management Branch Mumbai b) Rs.14,40,000.00 Thirty Six and Paisa Twenty Eight Only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest thereon w.e.f. Physical Possession.
c) All that piece and parcel of Shop No 410, 4th Floor, Aastha Corporate 01.07.2023 at applicable rate of interest, cost and charges till date
Capital, VIP Road area, Village Bharthana Vesu, Surat, Gujarat- 395007 Ms Pratibha Mulik -9769972090/ Mr Girish Deshpande :- 9975038389
admeasuring 2252.00 Sq ft Carpet area & 4100.00 Sq ft Built up area . For inspection date 05.08.2023 Timings 12;30 Pm to 2;30 Pm
d)Owner: Mr Suresh Goyal & Mr Ajay Tarachand Bhutara.
4 a)M/s. Bokadia Synthetic Mills M/s. Priya Textiles a) Rs.6,34,00,000.00 A) Rs.14,95,21,783.58 (Rupees Fourteen Crores, Ninety Five lakh, Twenty one Thousand, Not Known To A. O.
b)Asset Recovery Management Branch Mumbai. b) Rs. 63,40,000.00 Seven Hundred Eighty Three and Paise Fifty Eight only) in the account of M/s. Bokadiya Except:1 ) As informed by the Chairman
c)All that piece and parcel of Flat No.181, 18th floor, Jolly Maker Apartment /Secretory of Society, there are approx.
Synthetic Mills, as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest thereon w.e.f. 01.07.2023 at applicable
No. II of Abhilasha Premises CHSL, Plot No.94, Opp.World Trade Centre, rate of interest, cost and charge till date. dues of Rs.21.31 Lakh pending for Flat
Cuffee Parade, Mumbai-400005, admeasuring 1735 Sq. Ft Built up area along No.181. The same will be borne by the
B) Rs.15,50,70,633.52 (Rs. Fifteen Crores, Fifty Lakh, Seventy Thousand, Six hundred Thirty Three
with open car parking buyer and that in turn shall increase
and Paise Fifty Two Only) in the account of M/s. Priya Textile as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest
d) Owners:-Jointly Owned by Shankarlal Lalchand Jain, Mrs Bhanwaridevi thereon w.e.f. 01.07.2023 at applicable rate of interest, cost and charge till date. the purchase price of the property. 2)
Shankarlal Jain, Mr Jayantilal Shankarlal Jain, Jitendrakumar Shankarlal Ms.Pratibha S Mulik _9769972090 Mr Girish Deshpande:-9975038389 Also Sales Tax Dues to the tune of
Jain, Mr Sudhirkumar Shankarlal Jain Date :-07.08.2023 Time:- 11;00 AM to 1.:00 PM. Rs.4,62,27,317/- are pending in case
of Tuff Enterprises and Sales Tax dept
had issued letter to society regarding
attachment of flat mortgaged with us.
The property is in physical possession of
Union Bank Of India
5 a)M/s Hotel Jaltarang Pvt Ltd & M/s Gajalee Coastal Foods Pvt Ltd a) Rs. 32,72,88,000.00 M/s Hotel Jaltarang Pvt Ltd Rs.11,90,89,215.00 (Rupees Eleven Crore Ninty Lakh Eighty Nine Not Known
b) Asset Recovery Branch, Mumbai b) Rs. 3,27,28,800.00 thousand Two hundred Fifteen only) as on 31.03.2023 plus further interest, cost & expenses Symbolic Possession
c) Commercial premises Unit No. 111to 124 in basement, Ground floor, first M/s Gajalee Coastal Foods Pvt Ltd Rs. 5,24,09,727.00 (Rupees Five Crore Twenty Four Lakh
floor along with exclusive terrace garden and unusable open space in building Nine tohousand Seven hundred Twenty seven only) as on 31.03.2023 plus further interest, cost
known as Amrapali Premises Co-op Soc Ltd on land bearing sub plot no.6 of & expenses
plot P/8 of fourteen co-op hos soc of JVPD scheme V L Mehta Rd,Vile Parle (w) Mr Sudhakar Galav - Mob No. 9662128842 Mr. Vaiswanar Pathak - Mob No. 9334527760
Mumbai. Carpet Area adm 6316 Sq Ft including open terrace area of 3500 sq ft 08.08.2023 / 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
d) M/s Hotel Jaltarang Pvt Ltd through its directors Mr Madhukar Sanjeeva
shetty, Mr Chandrakant Sanjeeva shetty and Mr Sharad Sanjeeva shetty
6 a) Praful N Satra a) Rs. 13,84,10,000.00 Rs. 12,37,61,631.79/- (Rupees Twelve Crore Thirty Seven lakh Sixty one thousand Six hundred Not known to A.O.
b) Asset Recovery Management Branch b) Rs. 1,38,41,000.00 thirty one and seventy nine paisa only on 31.03.2023 plus further interest thereon w.e.f 01.04.2023 Symbolic Possession
c) Flat no 1404, 14th Floor, building LE 88 Mahim Bandra Reclamation near at applicable rate of interest, cost and charges till date (CMM order Received)
MTNL office Bandra west adm built up area 4941 sq ft Mr.Sudhakar Galav-Mobile No. 9662128842 /Mr. Vaisnawar Pathak - Mobile No. 9334527760
d) Mr. Praful N Satra 06.08.2023 Time: 3.00 PM to 5.00 PM
7 a) Mr Rahul Rajkumar Pathak a) Rs. 7,18,00,000.00 Rs. 9,49,91,662.05 (Rupees Nine Crore Forty nine lakh ninty one thousand six hundred sixty two Not known to A.O.
b) Asset Recovery Management Branch b) Rs. 71,80,000.00 and five paisa only)as on 31.03.2023 plus further interest, cost & expenses Symbolic Possession
c) Flat No. 302, 3rd Floor, EPITOME, Jtn of 29th and 16th Road, Villeage Mr. Vaiswana Pathak -Mobie No. 9334527760/ Mr. Sudhakar Galav - Mobile No. 9662128842
Bandra, Opp. Guru Nanak Garden, Bandra (West) Mumbai-400050 For inspection date 05.08.2023 Timings 3:00 Pm to 5:00 Pm
admeasuring 1723 Sq Ft Super Built up Area
d) Mr Rahul Rajkumar Pathak
8 a) Amitkumar Jaykisan Goyal. Mrs. Manju Amit Goyal. a) Rs. 35,81,000.00 Rs.33,86,506.50 (Rupees Thirty three lakhs, eighty six thousand, five hundred six and ps. Fifty Not known to A.O.
B) Asset Recovery Management Branch. b) Rs. 3,58,100.00 only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest, cost and expenses. Symbolic Possession
C) Flat No. O-0102, along with one car parking space, building known as CASA G.K. Deshpande-9975038389/ P.S. Mulik-9769972090
Elite, Lakeshore Greens project, Near Khidaleshwar Temple, Kalyan Shil Road, For inspection date 05.08.2023 Timings 3:00 Pm to 5:00 Pm
Dombivali (E) Thane, 421203, carpet area 500 sq ft Built up area 600 sq ft.
d) Mr. Amitkumar Jaykisan Goyal. Mrs. Manju Amitkumar Goyal.
9 a) Shamsuddin Subhan Shaikh. Rehana Shamsuddin Shaikh. a) Rs. 30,60,000.00 Rs.22,90,938.84 (Rupees Twenty two lakhs, ninety thousand, nine hundred thirty eight and ps. Not known to A.O.
b) Asset Recovery Management branch. b) Rs. .3,06,000.00 Eighty four only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest, cost and expenses. Symbolic Possession
c) Flat no. 105, 1st floor, B wing, Gods Miracles CHSL, Naya Nagar, Mira road G.K. Deshpande-9975038389 / P.S. Mulik - 9769972090
(East) Thane 401107. For inspection date 04.08.2023 Timings 3:00 Pm to 5:00 Pm
d) Shamsuddin Subhan Shaikh. Rehana Shamsuddin Shaikh.
10 a). Vasant Anand Sonawane. Vaishali Vasant Sonawane. a) Rs.25,50,000.00 Rs.26,81,972.49 (Rupees Twenty six lakhs, eighty one thousand, nine hundred seventy two and Not known to A.O.
b) Asset Recovery Management branch. b) Rs. 2,55,000.00 paise fourty nine only) plus further interest, cost and expenses. Symbolic Possession
c) Flat no. 103, 1st floor, D Wing, Momai Residency, Sonarpada Cross road, G.K. Deshpande-9975038389 / P.S. Mulik [9769972090
Sanjay Nagar, Village- Sagaon, Dombivili East Tal Kalyan dist Thane 421201 For inspection date 05.08.2023 Timings 3:00 Pm to 5:00 Pm
d) Vasant Anand Sonawane. Vaishali Vasant Sonawane.
11 a) Tulshidas Shantaram Pawar.Rupali Tulshidas Pawar.(G) Dilip a) Rs.17,00,000.00 a) Rs.40,41,053.42 (Rupees Forty lakhs, forty one thousand, fifty three and ps. Forty two only) till Not known to A.O.
Bhagatsingh Chawan. b) Rs. 1,70,000.00 30.06.2023 plus further interest, cost and expneses. Physical Possession
b) Asset Recovery Management branch. G.K. Deshpande 9975038389 / P.S. Mulik 9769972090
c) Flat no. 302, admeasuring 526 Sq. Ft.(carpet) (saleable area of the flat For inspection date 05.08.2023 Timings 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
is 575 sq ft) on third floor of the building known as Shree Shiv Samarth
constructed on all that piece or parcel of land bearing Survey No. 73, Hissa
No.11(p), Plot no. 16 situated at Village : Kulgaon Tal : Ambernath, Dist-
Thane 421503.
d) Tulshidas Shantaram Pawar. Rupali Tulshidas Pawar. (G) Dilip
Bhagatsingh Chawan.
12 a)M/s S K Enterprises & M/s Preme Nutrition a) Rs 10,60,000.00 M/s S K Enterprises Rs.7,00,42,696.37 (Rupees Seven Crore forty two Thousand Six hundered Not Known
b) Asset Recovery Branch, Mumbai b) Rs 1,06,000.00 Ninty Six and Thirty Seven Paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest, cost & expenses Symbolic Possession
c) Gala No.222, 2nd Floor, Building No. F, Udyog Vihar Industrial Premises M/s Preme Nutrition Rs. 6,25,29,355.98 (Rupees Six Crore Twenty Five lakh Twenty Nine
Co-op Society Ltd. Near Vitthalwadi Railway station, Vitthalwadi, Taluka – Thousand Three hundered Fifty Five and Ninty Eight paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further
Ulhasnagar, Dist- Thane 421306 Maharashtra Adm Carpet area 220 sq. ft Built interest, cost & expenses
up area 264 sq ft Mr Sanjay Tembe - Mob No. 8007112403 / Mr. Jatin Salam - Mob No. 9967917032
d) Mr. Shyam K Gyanchandani 04.08.2023/ 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
13 a)M/s S K Enterprises & M/s Preme Nutrition a) Rs 25,10,000.00 M/s S K Enterprises Rs.7,00,42,696.37 (Rupees Seven Crore forty two Thousand Six hundered Not Known
b) Asset Recovery Branch, Mumbai b) Rs 2,51,000.00 Ninty Six and Thirty Seven Paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest, cost & expenses Symbolic Possession
c) Gala No. 07, Ground Floor, Building No. I, Udyog Vihar Industrial premises M/s Preme Nutrition Rs. 6,25,29,355.98 (Rupees Six Crore Twenty Five lakh Twenty Nine
co-op society ltd. Near Vitthalwadi station, Vitthalwadi, Taluka- Ulhasnagar, Dist- Thousand Three hundered Fifty Five and Ninty Eight paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further
thane 421306 maharashtra Adm carpet area 255 sq ft built up area 306 sq. ft interest, cost & expenses
d) Shri. Shyam K Gyanchandani Mr Sanjay Tembe - Mob No. 8007112403 / Mr. Jatin Salam - Mob No. 9967917032
04.08.2023 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
14 a)M/s S K Enterprises & M/s Preme Nutrition a) Rs 10,60,000.00 M/s S K Enterprises Rs.7,00,42,696.37 (Rupees Seven Crore forty two Thousand Six hundered Not Known
b) Asset Recovery Branch, Mumbai b) Rs 1,06,000.00 Ninty Six and Thirty Seven Paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest, cost & expenses Symbolic Possession
c) Gala No. 212, 2nd Floor, Building No. F, Udyog Vihar Industrial Premises M/s Preme Nutrition Rs. 6,25,29,355.98 (Rupees Six Crore Twenty Five lakh Twenty Nine
Co-op Society ltd. Near Vitthalwadi Station, Vitthalwadi, Taluka- Ulhasnagar, Thousand Three hundered Fifty Five and Ninty Eight paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further
Dist- thane 421306 Maharashra Adm carpet area 220 sq.ft built up area 264 interest, cost & expenses
sq. ft ' Mr Sanjay Tembe - Mob No. 8007112403 / Mr. Jatin Salam - Mob No. 9967917032
d) Mr. Shyam K Gyanchandani 04.08.2023 / 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
15 a)M/s S K Enterprises & M/s Preme Nutrition a) Rs 25,10,000.00 M/s S K Enterprises Rs.7,00,42,696.37 (Rupees Seven Crore forty two Thousand Six hundered Not Known
b) Asset Recovery Branch, Mumbai b) Rs 2,51,000.00 Ninty Six and Thirty Seven Paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest, cost & expenses Symbolic Possession
c) Gala No. 18, Ground floor, Building No. I, Udyog Vihar Industrial Premises M/s Preme Nutrition Rs. 6,25,29,355.98 (Rupees Six Crore Twenty Five lakh Twenty Nine
co-op society ltd. Near Vitthalwadi station, Vitthalwadi, Taluka- Ulhasnagar, Thousand Three hundered Fifty Five and Ninty Eight paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further
Dist-Thane 421306 Maharashtra adm carpet area 255 sq ft built up area 306 interest, cost & expenses
sq ft Mr Sanjay Tembe - Mob No. 8007112403 / Mr. Jatin Salam - Mob No. 9967917032
d) Mr. Shyam K Gyanchandani 04.08.2023 / 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
16 a)M/s S K Enterprises & M/s Preme Nutrition a) Rs. 40,55,000.00 M/s S K Enterprises Rs.7,00,42,696.37 (Rupees Seven Crore forty two Thousand Six hundered Not Known
b) Asset Recovery Branch, Mumbai b) Rs. 4,05,500.00 Ninty Six and Thirty Seven Paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest, cost & expenses Symbolic Possession
c) Flat no. 23, Ground floor, building No. 02 (B) Sunflower co-op hsg soc M/s Preme Nutrition Rs. 6,25,29,355.98 (Rupees Six Crore Twenty Five lakh Twenty Nine
ltd. Near Joshi High school, Pendse Nagar, V.P Road, Dombivali (East) Thousand Three hundered Fifty Five and Ninty Eight paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further
421201 Taluka- Kalyan, Dist- thane, Maharashtra adm built up area 477 sq ft interest, cost & expenses
d) Mr. Rupesh B Khamkar and Mrs. Sujata Rupesh Khamkar Mr Sanjay Tembe - Mob No. 8007112403 Mr. Jatin Salam - Mob No. 9967917032
04.08.2023 / 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
17 a)M/s S K Enterprises & M/s Preme Nutrition a) Rs 58,00,000.00 M/s S K Enterprises Rs.7,00,42,696.37 (Rupees Seven Crore forty two Thousand Six hundered Not Known
b) Asset Recovery Branch, Mumbai b) Rs 5,80,000.00 Ninty Six and Thirty Seven Paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest, cost & expenses Symbolic Possession
c) Flat no. 402, 4th floor, Shree Ganpati Plaza, Near Chopra Court, Shahad-17 M/s Preme Nutrition Rs. 6,25,29,355.98 (Rupees Six Crore Twenty Five lakh Twenty Nine Thousand
Section road, Ulhasnagar – 421003 Taluka – Ulhasnagar, Dist-Thane, Three hundered Fifty Five and Ninty Eight paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest, cost
Maharashtra adm Super built up area 965 sq ft. & expenses
d) Shri Shyam Kundandas Gyanchandani Mr Sanjay Tembe - Mob No. 8007112403 Mr. Jatin Salam - Mob No. 9967917032
04.08.2023 / 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
18 a)M/s S K Enterprises & M/s Preme Nutrition a)Rs 19,70,000.00 M/s S K Enterprises Rs.7,00,42,696.37 (Rupees Seven Crore forty two Thousand Six hundered Not Known
b) Asset Recovery Branch, Mumbai b) Rs 1,97,000.00 Ninty Six and Thirty Seven Paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest, cost & expenses Symbolic Possession
c) Gala no. 16, Ground floor, Building No. F, Udyog Vihar Industrial Premises M/s Preme Nutrition Rs.6,25,29,355.98 (Rupees Six Crore Twenty Five lakh Twenty Nine
Co-op scoiety ltd. Near Vitthalwadi Station, Vitthalwadi, Taluka-Ulhasnagar, Thousand Three hundered Fifty Five and Ninty Eight paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further
dist Thane 421306 Maharashtra adm built up area 240 sq. ft interest, cost & expenses
d) Mr. Shyam K Gyanchandani Mr Sanjay Tembe - Mob No. 8007112403 / Mr. Jatin Salam - Mob No. 9967917032
04.08.2023 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
19 a)M/s S K Enterprises & M/s Preme Nutrition a) Rs 3,51,50,000.00 M/s S K Enterprises Rs.7,00,42,696.37 (Rupees Seven Crore forty two Thousand Six hundered Not Known
b) Asset Recovery Branch, Mumbai b) Rs 35,15,000.00 Ninty Six and Thirty Seven Paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest, cost & expenses Symbolic Possession
c) Plot of land along with factory building constructed in plot No. B- 39, M/s Preme Nutrition Rs. 6,25,29,355.98 (Rupees Six Crore Twenty Five lakh Twenty Nine
Opposite Hindustan Innovation Centre, Additional Ambernath Industrial area, Thousand Three hundered Fifty Five and Ninty Eight paisa only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further
Ambernath, Dist-Thane 421506 Maharashtra adm plot area 1500 sq mtrs built interest, cost & expenses
up area 1498.67 sq mtrs. Mr Sanjay Tembe - Mob No. 8007112403
d) M/s Preme Nutrition Trough its partner of Shri. Deepak Dunichand Mr. Jatin Salam - Mob No. 9967917032 04.08.2023 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Kukreja & Mr. Shyam Kundandas Gyanchandani
20 a) M/s Pijikay Exports a) Rs. 2,04,00,000.00 Rs. 4,20,15,580.92 (Rupees Four Crore Twenty Lakh Fifteen Thousand Five Hundred Eighty and Not known to A.O.
b) Asset Recovery Management Branch b) Rs. 20,40,000.00 Ninty Two only) as on 30.06.2023 plus further interest thereon w.e.f. 01.07.2023 at applicable rate Physical Possession
c)Office No.95, 9th Floor, B Wing,Mittal Tower Premises Co-op Soc Ltd of interest, cost and charge till date. Society dues Rs.34,29,091/- are pending
(Soc. Regn. No. BOM/GEN/A-1387/1983),Plot No. 210 in Block III of Back bay Mr. Sanjay Tembe - Mobile No. 8007112403 Mr. Jatin Salam - Mobile No. 9930278595 (Position as on 09.01.2023)
Reclamamtion,cadastral Survey no.1959 of Fort Division, Opposite Vidhan 05.08.2023/3.00 PM to 5.00 PM
Bhavan, Free Press Journal Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021 adm
650sq ft carpet area and 739 sqft builtup area
d) M/s Gul Rupchand Kriplani
Bidders are requested to visit the Bank’s website www.unionbankofindia.co.in for detailed terms & conditions of E-Auction and other details before submitting theirBids for taking part in the E-Auction. Bidder may also visit the website www.ibapi.in. of
Service Provider Indian Banks Auction Properties Information (IBAPI) Portal.The intending bidders must have valid e-mail id to participate in on-line Auction. The terms and conditions of sale shall be strictly as per the provisions of TheSecurity Interest
(Enforcement) Rules, 2002.
This may also be treated as notice under Rule 8(6) / Rule 9(1) of Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 to the borrower/s and guarantor/s of the said loan aboutthe holding of E-Auction Sale on the above mentioned date.For detailed terms and condition
of the sale, please refer to the link provided i.e www.unionbankofindia.co.in or https://www.ibapi.in www.mstcecommerce.com
Place : Mumbai Authorized Officer,
Date : 24.07.2023 Union Bank of India
MUMBAI | MONDAY, 24 JULY 2023 13
All concerned are hereby informed
through this Public Notice that my
Client Mr. Ajeet Lekhraj Arenja
having address at- A-13, Barmoral
Holl, Maunt Meri Road, Bandra (W),
Mumbai -400050, is the Owner of
property bearing Survey/Gat No-52/2A
admeasuring 0H.-95R.-0P. and Survey
No- 52/2B admeasuring 0H-75R-
0P, total admeasuring 1H.-70R.-0P.
(170Guntha) situated at Village–Asal,
Taluka– Karjat, District–Raigad which
is purchased by him from Dayawanti
Jethanand Arenja through her POA
holder Bharat Takalkar vide a sale deed Public Notice
dated 30/09/2006 duly registered with TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN
Sub Registrar of Assurance at Karjat This is to inform the General Public that following share certificate of (name of Company) Abbott
India Limited having it's Registered Office at: - Unit No.3, Corporate Park, Sion - Trombay Road,
under registration no “dvt 04157/2006” Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra, 400071.
Since then my client is absolute lawful Registered in the name of the: - Abbas Karimbhoy Dohadwala (Deceased) Jtly with Rehana
owner of the above property and Abbas Dohadwala
Following Shareholder/s have been lost by them.
except my client no one have any Sr. Name of the Folio Certificate Distinctive No. of
rights, claim over the said property. No. Shareholder/s No. No. Number/s Shares
Date: 22-07-2023, Place: Navi Mumbai 1. Abbas Karimbhoy D00862 8278 8664997 - 8665057 61 Equity
Dohadwala (Deceased) shares in 10/-
On Behalf of Client Jtly with Rehana Abbas Paid Up
Suvarna Ashok Misal Dohadwala
Advocate High Court The Public are hereby cautioned against purchasing or dealing in any way with the above
Office-Shop No-7, referred share certificates.
Shree Darshan CHS Ltd, Any person who has any claim in respect of the said share certificate/s should lodge such claim
with the Company or its Registrar and Transfer Agents KFin Technologies Ltd, Karvy Selenium,
Plot No-95/96,Sec-34, Kamothe, Tower- B, Plot No. 31 & 32, Financial district, Nanakramguda, Serilingampally Mandal,
Navi Mumbai-410209 Hyderabad, Telangana, 500032 within 15 days of publication of this notice after which no claim
Mob.9594220631 will be entertained and the Company shall proceed to issue Duplicate Share Certificate/s.
Abbas Karimbhoy Dohadwala (Deceased) Jtly with Rehana Abbas Dohadwala
Place: Mumbai Name of Shareholder.
Date: 22.07.2023


Regd. Off :Ador House, 5th Floor, 6 K Dubash Marg,
Fort, Mumbai – 400 001. Tel.: (91) 22 66239300
Email: cs.adormultiproducts@gmail.com
Web site: www.adormultiproducts.com
CIN: L85110MH1948PLC310253
Notice is hereby given that the 75th Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the
company will be held through Video Conferencing (“VC”) and other Audio Visual
Means (“OAVM”) on Monday, 14thAugust, 2023 at 11:00 A.M. ISTto transact the
business set out in the AGM Notice. In compliance with the applicable provisions
of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder and the SEBI
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, read with
General Circular 14/2020 dated 8th April, 2020, 17/2020 dated 13th April, 2020,
02/2021 dated 13th January, 2021, 19/2021 dated 8th December, 2021, 21/2021
dated 14th December, 2021, 02/2022 dated 5th May, 2022 and 10/2022 dated
28th December, 2022 ('MCA Circulars')and all other relevant circulars issued from
time to time by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and SEBI (collectively
referred to as “relevant circulars”).
In compliance with the relevant circulars, the Notice of Annual General Meeting
along with the Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March, 2023, Auditor's
Report, Board's Report and other relevant documents required to be attached
thereto have been sent through e-mail on 21stJuly, 2023to all the members who
have registered their email addresses with the Company or depository / depository
participants and whose name appears on the Register of Members/List
of Beneficial Owners as on July 14, 2023. The aforesaid documents are also
available on the company's website www.adormultiproducts@gmail.com and on
the website of the stock exchange i.e. BSE Limited at www.bseindia.com and on the
website of National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) at www.evoting.nsdl.com
Instructions for remote e-voting and e-voting during AGM:
The Company has engaged the services of National Securities Depository Limited
(NSDL) for the purpose of providing e-voting facility to all its Members
Information and instructions including details of user id and password relating to
e-voting have been sent to members through e-mail. The same login credentials
should be used for attending the AGM through VC / OAVM. The manner of remote
e-voting and voting at the AGM by the members is also mentioned in the e-mail
being sent.
The remote E-voting shall commence from Friday, 11thAugust, 2023 at 9.00 A.M
(IST) and end on Sunday, 13thAugust, 2023 at 5.00 P.M. (IST). The remote
e-voting will not be allowed beyond the aforesaid date and time and the remote
e-voting module shall be forthwith disabled by NSDL upon expiry of the aforesaid
NSDL also facilitates the shareholders whose e-mail Id is not registered, to receive
this notice electronically and cast their vote electronically, company has made
special arrangements for registration of email addresses. The process for
registration of email addresses is given as under:
Pursuant to the General Circular No. 17/2020, for remote e-voting for this AGM,
shareholders who have not registered their email address and in consequence the
e-voting notice could not be serviced may temporarily get their email address
registered for procuring user id and Password for e-voting for the resolution set out
in the notice of the AGM in the following manner:
1.In case shares are held in physical mode, please send scanned copy of certificate
(front and back), PAN (scanned copy of PAN card) and Folio number by email to
2.In case shares are held in demat mode, please send copy of Client Master Report
or copy of Consolidated Account Statement, PAN (scanned copy of PAN card) and
demat account number (8 Character DP ID followed by 8 Digit Client ID for
members who hold shares in demat account with NSDL and 16 Digit Beneficiary ID
for members who hold shares in demat account with CDSL) by email to
Members whose names appear on the Register/List of Beneficial Owners as on
August 07, 2023(Cut-off date) will be considered for the purpose of voting. A person
who is not a Member as on the cut-off date should treat this notice for information
purpose only.
Any member who does not receive the AGM Noticemay either send an e-mail to
cs.adormultiproducts@gmail.com. The AGM Notice can also be downloaded from
the Company's website www.adormultiproducts.com
The members who have cast their vote(s) by remote e-voting may also attend the
AGM but shall not be entitled to cast their vote(s) again at the AGM.
Notice is also given that the Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the
Company will remain closed from Tuesday, 08th August, 2023 to Monday, 13th
August, 2023 [both days inclusive].
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No child’s play: AI in
assisted fertility successful pregnancies,” he said.
According to Murdia, estimates suggest 12
million people have been born through IVF –
the population of Bengaluru almost – in the last

PRANJAL SHARMA The technology helps doctors by studying 45 years in India. As many as 280,000 IVF treat-
ments were done in India in 2022. “With the
advent of technology, especially the revolution-
massive amounts of data. It’s useful ising prowess of AI, these numbers are further
germ cells slated to increase” he said.

How flexible but involves ethical concerns, involved in Dr Vaishali Chaudhary, director-IVF & fertil-
reproduction — ity at Sahyadri Hospitals in Nashik, said imple-
writes Debarghya Sanyal and assess their menting AI in ART has challenges. A major one

batteries are behaviour during

sperm injection
is the need for large amounts of precise data.
While AI algorithms can provide quick and
objective assessments, it is essential to validate

charging (ICSI), an assisted

reproductive technology
(ART) procedure.
their predictions. This involves comparing AI-
generated selections with clinical outcomes and
continually refining algorithms to improve
our world called EMA that pro-
cesses vast amounts of data
AI methods have shown
promise in analysing embryo
accuracy. Fertility clinics using AI tools will
have to overhaul their infrastructure and they
development and implantation will need embryologists who can adapt to the

emember the time when consumers — beyond what a human can manage — to potential. They are used for technology’s limitations.
could detach batteries from mobile assist the embryo-selection process. semen analysis and DNA integrity, Ethical issues and patient privacy is
phones? If the phone was old or over- assisting embryologists to select the main challenge. “ART pro-

used, the battery was simply replaced. ivya Nayar, 30, a senior Medical tool sperm cells in male patients suf- cesses involve highly sensitive
Later, phone makers sealed the batteries, manager in a technology com- IVF clinics and health-tech start-ups in India fering from infertility. AI ALGORITHMS personal information, and AI
but the concept of battery swapping has been pany in Bengaluru, is a fan of are proposing AI-aided fertility services to AI can help optimise CAN ANALYSE technologies must adhere to
reinvented. Now, battery swapping and chang- science fiction. Adithya, her young couples like the Nayars. Santaan, an cryopreservation tech- IMAGES OF strict data protection proto-
ing have emerged as a popular concept for husband and colleague, is not. When the cou- Odisha-based start-up that offers various fertil- niques – used to keep live cols to maintain patient con-
electric passenger cars and two-wheelers. ple’s obstetrician-gynaecologist (OB-GYN) sug- ity services, uses AI in selecting embryos for cells, tissues and other bio- EMBRYOS AND fidentiality and prevent
From phones to wearables, batteries have gested that artificial intelligence (AI) “guide” transfer to the womb. logical samples in a deep PREDICT WHICH unauthorized access” said
become an integral part of our daily lives. their fertility procedure, Divya said yes. Such selection is crucial for the success of an freeze – by analysing large ARE MOST LIKELY Murdia of Indira IVF.
Batteries are becoming flexible to widen their Adithya, 32, was sceptical. “So, we are having IVF cycle, as only a small number of embryos datasets of frozen embryo TO LEAD TO A The Nayars said that opt-
usage in unprecedented ways. robot babies now?” he recalled asking. (Their are transferred to wombs. AI algorithms can outcomes. By identifying ing for AI-aided IVF has meant
A recent World Economic Forum (WEF) names have been changed for privacy.) analyse images of embryos and predict which patterns and factors that
SUCCESSFUL additional medical exams and
report on Emerging Technologies of 2023 put Amid rising excitement about AI, science- are most likely to lead to a successful preg- influence the viability of thawed PREGNANCY more rigorous and repeated ques-
flexible batteries on top of the list. fiction scenarios seem within the reach of reali- nancy. AI can help reduce the number of unnec- embryos, AI can then aid in devel- tionnaires about their families'
“Flexible batteries have applications in a sation. ChatGPT, the popular AI chatbot that essary embryo transfers and minimise the risk oping improved protocols and health history.
growing number of fields, including wearable responds to a range of written queries, may have of multiple pregnancies. strategies for preserving embryos dur- Dr Satish Prasad Rath, founder of
medical devices and biomedical sensors, flex- already turned The Great Automatic Santaan isn’t the only one, of course. Last ing the freezing and thawing pro- Santaan Group of Institutions in
ible displays and smartwatches. Health-related Grammatizator, Roald Dahl’s short story about year, Delhi-based Indira IVF tied up with AI- cesses, said Ashootosh Chand, part- Odisha, said AI-driven ART processes
applications powered by these batteries could a machine writing a prize-winning novel in healthcare firm Presagen to roll out an interna- ner for digital and emerging are expensive. Santaan is collaborating
transmit data wirelessly to healthcare pro- minutes, into a reality. tionally tested AI tool called ‘Life Whisperer’ in technologies at PwC India. with the state-run Indian Institute
viders, facilitating remote patient monitoring,” In the 2019 Australian cyberpunk thriller I more than 100 clinics in India. This tool too AI also helps to better assess the of Technology Hyderabad to develop
said the report. Am Mother, a robot grows a human embryo and improves embryo selection. uterus and ovaries and identify uterine an indigenous and affordable solution in
“Flexible batteries that can be integrated cares for her. AI, which is being used to detect Dr Nitiz Murdia, co-founder and managing anomalies. this field.
into the fabric of jackets, shirts or other apparel cancer, pinpoint microscopic cavities, and director of Indira IVF, explained the process of “Our OB-GYN has also assured us that the AI Anubhav Prashant, COO at Hyderabad-
will be required to power emerging textile- answer complex medical questions, is assisting embryo selection through AI. “Traditionally, assistance will increase the success rate of the based Apollo Fertility, said changes are needed
based electronics with capabilities ranging fertility doctors select the ideal embryo for in- embryologists visually assessed embryos for IVF procedure,” said Divya Nayar. for more successful adoption of AI in ART.
from built-in heating systems to health mon- vitro fertilisation (IVF). For couples like the viability and likelihood of clinical pregnancy. “Data quality, regulatory compliance, ethical
itoring,” it said. Nayars, a sci-fi narrative has begun to take root Now, AI-powered software, trained on thou- Ethics of it considerations, user trust, and the need for con-
in reality. sands of embryo images, evaluates embryos Murdia said that while AI technology improves tinuous improvement and validation are some
Health start-ups in the United States, with greater speed and precision, providing the embryo selection process, it is important to of the challenges we face every day. Addressing
Europe, and West Asia have made progress in standardised grading,” he said. note that pregnancy success rates depend on these challenges requires a comprehensive
using AI for fertility treatment. AIVF, a repro- Embryo selection is not the only aspect of individual patients. “We have witnessed approach involving collaboration with medical
ductive technology company based in Tel Aviv fertility care that AI is helping with. Machine improved clinical workflow, reduced manual professionals, regulatory bodies, data experts,
in Israel, has developed an AI-powered software learning (ML) is used to select oocytes — female evaluation time, and an increased potential for and user feedback,” he said.

ALGO RHYTHM Boosting productivity

91% Indian employees reported 35% managers say team motivation
Flexible batteries
can be used in
Several com-
panies are develop-
WORK-LIFE saving 4.9 hours weekly due
to automation
is top productivity challenge
> Desk workers say too many meetings,
wearable devices,
biomedical sensors,
ing and commercial-
ising flexible-battery
technology, includ- BALANCE 75% use AI tools,
automation for
emails affect productivity
> India among top markets in AI and
automation adoption

Apple, Samsung SDI, ing LG Chem,
and Nokia are Samsung SDI, Apple,
among companies Nokia, Front Edge
developing Technology, Global scene
the technology STMicroelectronics, > Globally, employees invested in AI for productivity
Almost 75 per cent of Indian adopting AI are 90% more
Fullriver Battery New
Technology, and Blue Spark Technologies.
professionals say they have adopted likely to log high 91 % respondents
Samsung SDI produces flat and curved bat- productivity say automating routine
teries in various sizes to enable a variety of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and tasks saves some
wearable device designs. The company is automation for productivity. > Companies adopting AI 4.9 hours weekly
experimenting with various sizes and shapes 53% more likely to report
to fit new wearable consumer electronics.
Automation can save employees
higher productivity 77 % employees say
There are reports that Apple has filed a new almost an entire working month automating routine tasks
patent for a flexible battery pack and a display annually, freeing them up for more > But only 27% firms have improves productivity
that wraps around the wrist.
Flexible batteries can take many forms. The
meaningful tasks. These are the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) findings of the State of Work 2023 Employee well-being
said it had developed innovative new batteries. report by Slack, a workplace
Its researchers developed a rechargeable
communications software company. 94% respondents say 32% of them say workplace benefits,
lithium-ion battery in the form of an ultra- feeling engaged at work such as serving lunch, helps productivity
long fibre that can be woven into fabrics. The report’s findings on India were drives their productivity
The battery can enable a wide variety of based on a survey of more than 43% managers globally struggle to
wearable electronic devices. It might even be
used to make 3D-printed batteries in almost
2,000 desk workers. 36% employees globally keep teams motivated
say flexible working location > Indian employees say flexible work
any shape. Source: Slack
“In a proof of concept, the team behind the improves productivity timing is a good way to help productivity
new battery technology has produced the
world’s longest flexible fibre battery, 140 Compiled by Shivani Shinde
metres long, to demonstrate that the material
can be manufactured to arbitrarily long
lengths,” MIT said.
The thin films and printed batteries market
is worth $180.78 million in 2023 and will rise
to $1.13 billion by 2033, it is predicted. The
‘Kyndryl’s strategy has seen signs of green shoots’
market size is expected to increase at a com- Kyndryl, the NYSE-listed technology company, seems to be on the growth track a year after splitting from IBM. services created here, for the local markets, can be
pound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.2 per LINGRAJU SAWKAR, president of Kyndryl India, believes gains from the firm's strategy are visible. In an interview adapted faster to other markets as well.
cent from 2023 to 2033, according to the Future with Shivani Shinde in Mumbai, he spoke about the new company structure and growth. Edited excerpts:
Market Insights report. What work is being done at the innovation centres?
“Thin film and printed batteries have Kyndryl has completed a year as an independent Our business grew with the existing customers we One-third of our global employee base sits in
advanced in terms of their density, longevity, firm. How has the journey been ? had, but we were also able to extend and renew their India. Almost half of these are engaged in the
and better safety. The key players are driven There are four parts of our journey: customers, contract with us. innovation centres.
towards technical improvement by the employees, government, and communities. When we Because we are a tech-agnostic company, building We recently said that Kyndryl Bridge platform, an
increased demand for these batteries in elec- started as a firm, from a customer perspective, we partnerships has been important. We signed open integrated technology services platform that
tronic gadgets and medical devices, allowing made a promise and a commitment that was different contracts tied to cloud hyper-scaler alliances with an integrates AI (artificial intelligence), is estimated to
the batteries to become thinner or more flex- from what we were in the past. The first phase of our aggregate value of $1.2 billion in fiscal year 2023, have already helped enable early adopters to avoid
ible,” said the report. transition was making that promise and condensing exceeding the $1-billion target for the year. more than $1 billion in annual costs. Kyndryl Bridge
The wearable market is growing rapidly that. Close to 99 per cent of the customers has been developed out of India.
amid a strong trend towards miniaturisation transitioned to us. How does India fit into Kyndryl’s plans?
of electronic devices. Wireless earphones and Second was employees. For them the change was India is one of the top 10 countries for Kyndryl, in Your FY23 numbers came down.
speakers will need lightweight batteries. significant, as from a large company we terms of growth. India has one-third of our We called out of three things that will bring a
Sensors are being placed for agriculture use became a start-up. global talent pool. There are two strategies: turnaround in the business. First, accounts
where steady flexible and sturdy batteries will A common theme in the case of both these ‘Kyndryl for India’ and ‘India for Kyndryl’. initiative. Part of this focus is on
be of utility. was that as a company the shift was from a 'Kyndryl for India' is about working with profitable business and getting away
Experts have said that batteries woven into technology company to a services company. customers here. We are the largest managed from low and no-margins business.
fibre will warm up clothes. This could be useful This means that the customer becomes the LINGRAJU services player in the country. The total impact from this initiative
in extreme weather conditions. Such clothing centre. In a technology firm, the tech is the SAWKAR 'India for Kyndryl' journey has been (is) to be approximately $210 million
can reduce heating bills in cold countries. core. This meant we had to expand our President of redefined after the split with IBM. Before the of annualised benefits, surpassing
Home heating is an important factor in the partnership with other technology players, as Kyndryl India split happened our primary focus was the $200 million fiscal 2023 year-end
per capita energy demand in many countries. we are now technology agnostic. This also delivering on service contracts. Now, India is goal. The second was advanced
A battery for wearables has to be flexible means our addressable market opportunity also an innovation base. Our approach has delivery, which is built on an
and washable. University of British Columbia doubled globally and in India as well, from $240 been co-creation with customers. For instance, for automation platform. As part of
researchers have created what could be the billion to $530 billion. one of our banking clients, we co-created a platform this focus close to 5,500 people
first battery that does both. It works even when For employees, we embarked on a cultural for their lending journey for the farm sector. Though who got released due to
stretched to twice its normal length, or after journey. Our message to employees is to have a firm farm loan is a priority-lending sector, the time taken automation have been reskilled.
being tossed in the laundry. that is flat, faster, and more focused. to process the loan is anywhere up to three months. Third is alliances and
The era of anywhere and everywhere bat- We developed a platform that brings down the creating partnerships. For us,
tery is upon us. What have been the results? processing of loan in 20 minutes. it’s still a growth opportunity.
A few positive things that we have seen over the last Our approach has also been to create in India for
one year is that there are clear signs of green shoots. the global markets. We have seen that products and More on business-standard.com

Russian oil: Trading For how many years

as it did when it had to shift mar-
kets away from Europe, said Tilak
Doshi, a London-based energy
expert, previously with Saudi
Aramco and Unocal among others.

should one run a bank?

on ‘innovation’
So how will India cope with
Urals breaching the EU-denomi-
nated price cap? First, the prob-
lems with paying for expensive
Urals may be overstated. India has
The RBI has started showing the door to those who compromise on
Urals crude has passed the trading price cap imposed by the G7 bought premium Russian, low sul- governance, but its patience for non-performance is still pretty high
phur grades for several months
but supplies to India may remain largely unscathed. Here’s why now and successfully made pay-
ments. Non-Urals crudes, compris-
Capital One Financial (28 years) —
one of the 10 largest commercial
The current term of A
Manimekhalai, CEO of Union Bank of
ing premium, light, sweet grades banks in the US — which he co- India, will end in June 2025. She will
typically trade above the price cap, founded in 1994. turn 60 nine months later in March
and accounted for 32 per cent of Among other long-serving bank 2026. Will she get another term? If yes,
India’s purchases in 2023, pay- CEOs, Edward Wehmer has been run- for how long? Similarly, Shanti Lal
ments for which were processed ning Wintrust Financial for 24 years Jain of Indian Bank will turn 60 in
via Indian and UAE banks. and Terry Turner has spent 22 years December 2024. His current term is
“There were some hiccups ini- at Pinnacle Financial Partners, the ending in August 2024. Will he have
tially, but we worked around it,” second largest bank in Tennessee. to demit office before turning 60?
said a state refining official. The Matt Wagner, too, has been there for In the past, there have been insta-
official said that most payments
for Russian oil were now made in
BANKER’S TRUST 22 years as the CEO of PacWest
Bancorp. Finally, Joseph DePaolo had
nces of nationalised bank chiefs retir-
ing after completing their term, but
dirhams. Some payments are in TAMAL BANDYOPADHYAY been the CEO of crypto-friendly before touching 60: K R Kamath (he
roubles, and some odd cargoes Signature Bank for 21 years till it col- first headed the Allahabad Bank, mer-
cleared in yuan, the official added. lapsed in March 2023, the second big- ged into Indian Bank in 2021, and
The official said that sanctions Uday Kotak, managing director and gest bank failure in the US since then Punjab National Bank) and Raj-
only prohibit using Western insur- chief executive of Kotak Mahindra Washington Mutual closed in 2008. eev Rishi (Central Bank of India) are
ance and shipping services above Bank Ltd, will step down on Like India, at least three other co- two such examples. Recently, Bank of
the price cap, but do not bar pay- December 31, ending his close to 21- untries — Nigeria, Ghana and Myan- India chief Atanu Kumar Das, too, re-
ments to Russian exporters. State- year tenure since February 2003. The mar — limit the tenure of a bank CEO. tired a few months before turning 60.
run banks like SBI, PNB and BoB only banker who has had a longer Unlike any other business, bank- A finance ministry notification in
have been skittish, fearing stint as CEO in India is HDFC Bank ing is a turf where the captain’s role is November 2022 stated that the top-
Washington, but large private Ltd’s former boss Aditya Puri — 26 the most critical. Often a bank is level appointment at nationalised
banks have come forward to facili- years. Like Kotak, he had been with defined by the personality of the CEO banks could initially be for up to five
S DINAKAR (market share in %) tate payments. the bank since its inception (in 1994) who runs it. Both HDFC Bank and years and extended by another five
23 July INSIDE THE BARREL Some refiners may have also and retired in October 2020. Of Kotak Mahindra Bank are the creation years. However, it is silent on the age
45 n 2023 nJuly taken to splitting invoices, an ind- course, there is a difference between of their CEOs. Of course, there are of retirement. The past norm was

he reports of my death are ustry official said. This means an the two: Kotak is the promoter of the bankers who in their obsession to three years or till the age of 60, whi-
greatly exaggerated, said invoice of Russian oil, costing say bank, while Puri is a professional. become larger than the institution chever was earlier.
the text of a cable sent by $64 a barrel, is split in two parts. Among the current CEOs of pri- have invited trouble for themselves The crowd of relatively young
American writer Mark Twain from 19 21 The first invoice, priced below the vate banks who have long stints are as well as their banks. bankers at the senior level is probably
London to the press in the United
15 14 cap, is paid immediately to the Ru- Murali M Natrajan of DCB Bank Ltd A May report of Yes Securities the reason behind extending the ten-
States after his obituary was mis- 6 7 ssian exporter on presentation of (14 years, since April 2009); Shyam (India) Ltd talks about the tenure of ure of MDs and executive directors. A
takenly published. One can say the loading documents, and the rema- Srinivasan of The Federal Bank Ltd some of the current bank CEOs and few of the EDs are in their early 50s
same about the role of Russian cru- Iraq Russia Saudi Arabia UAE ining amount in the second invo- (over 12 and a half years, since how long they can remain at the helm. and at least one is in his late 40s. Since
de oil in India’s slate, after Urals, a ice is bundled together with other September 2010) and N Kamakodi of Amitabh Chaudhry’s current term the number of such banks has shrunk
lynchpin of India’s oil imports, Country of 2023 Unit delivered such invoices and paid separately, City Union Bank Ltd (over 12 years at Axis Bank Ltd ends in December to 11 after the government’s consoli-
rose above the price cap set by the consignment vols cost in May out of Dubai, Singapore or Hong since May 2011). 2024. Going by the RBI norm, he can dation drive, there aren’t too many
G7 countries this month prompt- Iraq 185 75 Kong, a Singapore-based veteran In April, Kamakodi got the Reserve continue till December 2033. Both positions at the top. But, even after
ing Indian government officials to Russia 389 70 commodity trader explained. Bank of India’s (RBI’s) nod for his re- Sandeep Bakhshi of ICICI Bank Ltd the change, some of the EDs — who
presage a decline in the crude’s for- Saudi Arabia 149 84 India’s options for cheap oil are appointment for another three years. and Sashidhar Jagdishan of HDFC are not promoted to be MD — may
tunes. Indian officials also harbour UAE 58 85 limited. Since March, OPEC+ His tenure will end by April 2026 as Bank Ltd will see their current term have to retire before they turn 60.
hopes of replacing discounted Ru- Volumes in million barrels; value in nations have cut over 3 million the RBI has capped the stint of non- ending in October this year. Bakhshi Unlike the bosses of nationalised
ssian oil with supplies from our tra- $ per barrel. Source: Kpler for volumes, b/d of output. Brent has firmed promoter CEOs at 15 years even tho- can continue till May 2030 and banks, the State Bank of India’s
Indian Customs data for prices
ditional West Asian suppliers such up to the current $79-80 a barrel ugh the retirement age for a private Jagdishan till March 2035, provided chairman can remain at the helm
as Iraq and the UAE, on similar but the outlook for crude prices bank’s CEO is 70. Kamakodi will be 52 the RBI gives its nod to the renewal of even after hitting 60. Typically, the
terms or extended credit periods. country has accounted for over crashed to $3 a barrel after Urals remains bearish with questions in 2026. One can be re-appointed after their tenures. The RBI’s approval for tenure is for three years. There are
But a diminishing role for 40 per cent of India’s imports, turned expensive this month, over the pace of China’s economic a gap of three years, provided there’s IndusInd Bank Ltd CEO Sumant exceptions, though. For instance,
Russian crude in India’s crude oil climbing at a record pace of just potentially hurting purchases. growth, Doshi said. no association with the bank in any Kathpalia is in place till March 2025. Arundhati Bhattacharya got a one-
basket simply on the basis of a vol- 18 months, she said. This surge Market sources said that surging UAE and Iraq need to shore up way during that period. At the helm since March 2020, he will year extension beyond her three-
atile commodity such as crude oil was not possible if Indian refiners demand for Urals has shrunk dis- their revenues from oil exports Have these gentlemen been turn 70 in December 2031. year term and O P Bhatt got close to
flirting with the $60 a barrel price had not benefitted from the pur- counts from $8-$10 a barrel — on amid lower shipments and a less- occupying the corner office far too IDFC Capital First Bank Ltd’s CEO a five-year term, one shot.
cap may be overstated, Indian chases, she said. a landed basis off than-expected increase long? Let’s take a look at the US V Vaidyanathan’s current term ends The extension of the tenure of
refining officials said. No further increases in Russian European benchmark in oil prices, Hari add- banking system. in December 2024. He turns 70 in Jan- whole-time directors of nationalised
Before we examine the impli- shipments are possible because of Brent — to around $5- Indian officials ed. Moreover, their pri- James Dimon, 67, has been the uary 2038, but will complete his 15 banks to 10 years is fine, but why can't
cations of the G7-imposed price technical limitations for Indian re- $6 a barrel. But given claim that ces are typically in line chairman and CEO of JPMorgan years (provided the banking regulator the retirement age be extended to 70
cap on Moscow in December, let fineries to process more Urals, Hari India’s huge oil pur- discounts on with Saudi selling pri- Chase since 2005. gives its nod) by December 2033. The a la private banks? Why should we
us trace the ascendancy of went on to explain. But shipments chases, even a differ- Russian crude ces, which have been at A February 2022 article on the ten- RBI’s approval for Bandhan Bank Ltd’s have two sets of rules?
Russian oil. may slow because Russia is volun- ence of a few cents to oil have a premium for Asian ure of bank CEOs in American Banker Chandra Shekhar Ghosh’s existing The RBI has started showing the
In February 2022, when Mos- tarily cutting another 500,000 bar- a barrel is adequate for crashed to $3 buyers. So there is little talks about many who have been at term ends in July 2024. Theoretically, door to those who compromise on
cow marched into Ukraine, Russia rels a day (b/d) of output next refiners, a refining a barrel after possibility of West the helm for decades. he can continue till August 2030. governance, but its patience for non-
shipped zero barrels of crude oil month, in addition to 500,000 b/d official said. Urals turned Asian suppliers offer- The longest-serving CEO among These are private sector bankers. performance is still pretty high. The
to India. Volumes rose to 46 mil- already committed, leaving less oil Moreover, Russian expensive this ing outright discounts the top 100 US banks is Richard Now, take a look at the top brass of regulator also needs to be consistent
lion barrels this month (as of July for China and India. Most of the oil, notably Urals, has month, to India, Hari said. Adams — 48 years. He has led United some public sector banks. in its approach to approving a new
23), capturing 45 per cent of the cuts will come out of cheaper Urals helped Indian state re- potentially In May, UAE and Bankshares and its predecessor, the The current term of Bank of Baro- term of the CEO. In the recent past,
Indian market, according to data while shipments of premium, light finers stay above water hurting Saudi Arabian oil cost Parkersburg National Bank in West da MD Debadatta Chand will end in there has been at least one instance
from Paris-based commodity int- grades will be steady. since early 2022, after purchases $14-15 a barrel more Virginia, since 1975. June 2026. But he can remain at the where a private bank’s boss got a fresh
elligence provider Kpler. Urals, a But Russian crude could con- pressure from Delhi than Russian oil on a George Gleason of Bank OZK has helm till January 2031 when he turns term of one year despite its board rec-
high sulphur, sour grade similar tinue playing a significant role in forced them to keep pump prices delivered basis, according to cus- been there for 43 years, followed by 60. Similarly, Bank of India boss Raj- ommending three years. The RBI fol-
to Gulf crudes traditionally sup- India’s trade basket, said Narendra of petrol and diesel flat for over a toms data. Iraqi crude was $5 a James Herbert of First Republic Bank neesh Karnatak’s term ends in April lowed it up with a three-year term!
plied to Indian refineries, account- Taneja, a leading energy expert. year, incurring billions of dollars barrel higher, according to cus- in San Francisco (37 years) and 2026, but he can continue till July Doesn’t it create confusion?
ed for 27 per cent of India’s total Russia depends heavily on China in losses in the process. Disc- toms data. Given the wide gap in Dominic Ng who has led East West 2030. Karnatak and Chand are the two
crude purchases in calendar 2023, and India for its oil sales since ounted Urals have helped trim the prices, Russian oil will remain the Bancorp for more than three decades, youngest leaders among the current The writer is an author and senior advisor
ship tracking data show. Western sanctions, and Russian loss, an industry official said. biggest bet for Indian refiners as since 1991. First Republic Bank was crop of public sector bank CEOs. to Jana Small Finance Bank Ltd
Vandana Hari, a Singapore- exporters will do everything pos- Urals will remain competitive they find more innovative ways shut down on May 1 and its assets Atul Kumar Goel of Punjab His latest book is Roller Coaster:
based energy expert and founder sible to maintain this as long as in Asian markets — as the fact that and dark traders to import and were sold to JPMorgan Chase & Co. National Bank, who had headed UCO An Affair with Banking
of Vanda Insights, described this sanctions persist, he said. their discounts have been reduced pay for the oil. Supplies will be The list includes Harris Simmons Bank before the current assignment, To read his previous columns,
rising share as “unprecedented”. Indian officials claim that dis- suggests — and Russia does not hurt only if the Russians offer (CEO of Zions Bancorporation for 32 will see his tenure ending in please log on to www.bankerstrust.in
This is the first time that one counts on Russian crude have have to offer very high discounts, lower volumes. years) and Richard Fairbank, CEO of December 2024 when he turns 60. Twitter: @TamalBandyo


STATSGURU Incremental human resource requirement (2013-22, in mn)

Vocational training gap 15.5 13.6 11.0 9.3 8.5 5.8 4.2
ASHLI VARGHESE and real estate was the top sector, needing 31
million more people, while agriculture was at
Gender disparities may affect India’s ability the bottom (chart 3). Tamil West Gujarat
to meet a rising global need for skilled Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh had Nadu Bengal
labour. India’s global share of students incremental requirements for 10 million skilled Maharashtra Uttar Pradesh Karnataka
gaining technical and vocational education personnel each between 2013 and 2022, according
Note: Shows top 7 states in terms of pre-pandemic economic size (2018-19)
has increased, but remains significantly to the ministry estimates (chart 4). Source: Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship annual report (2021-22)
lower than countries such as China, The government seems to be aware of the problem.
Indonesia and Mexico, shows cross-country data. It allocated over ~3,500 crore to the Ministry of Skill
This is largely because India has lower female Development and Entrepreneurship, more than triple 5: BIGGER BUDGET FOR SKILLING MINISTRY IN 2023-24
participation in vocational training than the other the amount for 2015-16 (chart 5). Key schemes include Expenditure of Ministry of Skill Development and
top seven countries in terms of students enrolled the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, which is said Entrepreneurship (in ~cr)
in such programmes (charts 1, 2). to have trained 13.7 million people. The National


India had “the lowest gender parity index”, with Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme has 2.1 million

women accounting for only 10 per cent of vocational enrolments and the Jan Shikshan Sansthan numbers


students, according to a July 2023 joint study titled for trained personnel are at 700,000.

“Building Better Formal TVET Systems: Principles and But increasing female participation would be key.
Practice in Low- and Middle-Income Countries” by The proportion of female vocational pupils has come

the World Bank, the International Labour Organization down over the years. It was nearly 40 per cent in 1971
and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and (chart 6). Many low- and middle-income countries
Cultural Organization. spend less than required on such programmes (0.2 per
Over 100 million additional people were required cent of gross domestic product, compared to 0.46 per
in India for various sectors between 2017 and 2022, cent in high-income countries), according to the study
according to the Ministry of Skill Development and cited above. India has the opportunity to bridge the gap 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Entrepreneurship estimates. Building construction with the right policies. -16 -17 -18 -19 -20 -21 -22 -23RE -24BE
RE: Revised estimate; BE: Budget estimate Source: Budget documents

70% OF VOCATIONAL STUDENTS Secondary education, vocational pupils (% female) Incremental human resource requirement (2017-22, in mn) HAS DECLINED OVER DECADES
Share of global technical and vocational students (in %) Country 2017 30.6 Proportion of female vocational pupils (in %)
10.7 8.2 8.2
32 26 n 2007 n 2017 Mexico 53.6 6.7 5.7 4.9
21 United Kingdom 50.4 -13.5
Turkiye 45.0
Building construction
and real estate


Logistics, transportation
and warehousing


Textile and

Furniture and

Tourism, hospitality
and travel

Beauty and

China 43.7
8 6
4 3 4 4 4 European Union 43.6
2 1 2
Indonesia 42.9
China European Indonesia Mexico Turkiye INDIA United
Union Kingdom INDIA 16.6
Note: Includes secondary students enrolled in technical and vocational education Note: Data for top seven countries in terms of students enrolled in technical and Note: Shows top seven sectors with greatest requirements.
programmes, including teacher training. Latest data is for 2017. Source: World Bank vocational education programmes, including teacher training. Source: World Bank Source: Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship annual report (2021-22) Note: Years where data is absent have been skipped. Source: World Bank

StatsGuru is a weekly feature. Every Monday, Business Standard guides you through the numbers you need to know to make sense of the headlines

Amid Gaganyaan, duo Oppenheimer

scene sparks
social media
shows moon is the limit controversy

for Indian travellers

New Delhi, 23 July

A scene in Oppenheimer, in
which the titular character
appears to have sex as he
SHINE JACOB bought all the seats of a SpaceX trip to the gravity test conducted at a height of reads out verses from an an-
Chennai, 24 July moon and back. Maezawa decided to bring 40,000 feet above the ground. cient Sanskrit scripture, has
together eight artists from across the world “They have not confirmed when my irked a section of social med-

aganauts are not the only Indians as crew members for this journey, and turn will come. I am waiting for a call for ia users, who claimed the
gearing up to venture into outer announced a competition to pick them. the final round of training. I got to know lines are from the Bhagavad
space. Dev Joshi, a 22-year-old Joshi was among one million contest- about this from a news item, while I was Gita and demanded the rem-
Gujarati actor, and Kerala-based entrepre- ants who participated in the competition travelling abroad. The Virgin Galactic team oval of the sequence from Ch-
neur and state planning board member called the dearMoon project. There were is in touch with me every other day Kerala-based entrepreneur and state’s planning board member ristopher Nolan’s latest film.
Santhosh George Kulangara are ready to several meetings and the selection process through emails and other groups for tour- Santhosh George Kulangara at a zero gravity training centre in the US Oppenheimer, a 180
follow in the footsteps of Rakesh Sharma, took place during the Covid pandemic. ists,” George told Business Standard, add- minute-long sprawling biog-

who became the first and the only Indian “We had meetings with the SpaceX team ing that his excitement had ebbed because raphical drama on the titular
citizen to travel in space way back in 1984. and former astronauts as well. They made of the 16-year wait since his booking. American theoretical physi-
At a time when the Indian Space Research us understand the risks associated with it “I think in a few years, space travel will cist, opened in India on Frid-
Organisation (Isro) is rigorously training and how we will be taken through Starship. become a normal thing,” he added, exp- ay to positive reviews and has
four Gaganauts or astronauts set to under-
take its ambitious Gaganyaan human mis-
sion to space, the duo may well conquer
We were given tasks and also situations
during the selection process. Logical
thoughts, psychological evaluation,
ressing hope that if he gets the opportu-
nity, viewers might be able to watch an
episode of Sancharam from space soon.
TOURISM SO FAR reportedly amassed close to
~30 crore at the box office in
two days.
the skies and even the Moon’s orbit ahead science tests — we had to go through it all. Uday Mahurkar, informa-
of the space agency’s flagship project. Then Zydus Cadila did my medical tests,” Gaganyaan team 2001: American entrepreneur tion commissioner, govern-
Joshi, the lead actor in popular fantasy Joshi told Business Standard. shoulders country’s pride Dennis Anthony Tito becomes first ment of India, wrote an open
TV series Baal Veer, will be travelling At the end of it, the project selected Aside from the space tourism space tourist to fund his own letter to Nolan, terming the
around the Moon’s orbit for six days on people with an artistic bent of mind, and strides, India’s ~10,000-crore space trip. He spent 8 days in a scene a “disturbing attack on
the spacecraft, Starship, developed by Elon also mentally and physically unique. Gaganyaan mission is aimed visiting mission to the Hinduism” and appealed to
Musk’s SpaceX. On the other hand, George “Their main goal was to select artists to at demonstrating the country’s International Space Station the director to remove the
has tickets to fly into space aboard Richard analyse the moon through their creative human spaceflight capability. scene worldwide.
Branson’s Virgin Atlantic, which will make vision,” he added. The deadline for flag- The mission will be launching “We urge, on behalf of bil-
him one of the first space tourists. ging off the journey is 2025. Ahead of it, a three-member team into a lion Hindus and timeless tra-
Joshi’s hopes are now raised to end a Joshi is expected to go to the United States 400-km orbit for a three-day dition of lives being trans-
phase of uncertainty. After a failure of its for a six-month training programme. mission and bringing them formed by revered Geeta, to
test flight on April 20, SpaceX rolled out During the selection rounds, Joshi also back to the Earth. do all that is needed to
Booster 9, the latest version of its Starship travelled to Russia for a meeting with In 2020, the country selected uphold dignity of their
Super Heavy vehicle, on July 20 at its Maezawa, who is funding the project. “We four astronauts, but Covid-19 revered book and remove this
Starbase facility launchpad in South Texas. hear about Chanda Mama from our child- delayed their training. Although scene from your film across
The fresh test flight follows a roadmap hood. Our culture gives much importance the initial deadline of the project Baal Veer actor Dev Joshi world. Should you choose to
drawn by Musk one month ago, when he to the moon. I am excited by the idea of was 2022, it is likely to start late Kulangara (left) with Richard Branson, ignore this appeal it would be
said the new launch may happen within seeing it with my eyes,” Joshi added. 2024 or in 2025. There were reports that founder, Virgin Group WE HEAR ABOUT CHANDA deemed as a deliberate
“six to eight weeks”. the four selected candidates are Indian Air assault on Indian civilisation.
George, too, is upbeat as Virgin Galactic New stop for Kerala globetrotter Force fighter pilots, but there is no official
MAMA FROM OUR Eagerly await needful action
came out with its list of the first three pas- Santhosh George Kulangara is a household information. In March 2021, they comple- CHILDHOOD. OUR (sic),” Mahurkar, founder of
sengers on July 17. The trio will be part of name for Keralites. From starting and still ted a training programme in Russia. Now, CULTURE GIVES MUCH Save Culture Save India
its inaugural private astronaut mission in directing the country’s longest running the chosen astronauts are expected to get Foundation, wrote.
August. George is part of the first batch of
space tourists, having booked his journey
travelogue, Sancharam (from 2001), to
being a broadcaster, editor and publisher,
further trained by the US and be part of a
proposed flight to the International Space
J Robert Oppenheimer,
regarded as “the father of the
with Virgin Galactic back in 2007. George has worn many different hats. He Station, in accordance with an Indo-US THE IDEA OF SEEING IT atom bomb”, had learnt
Last week also bode well for the coun- is also an expert member of the Kerala agreement recently signed during Prime Sanskrit and was said to be
try’s Gaganyaan mission. On Friday, at the State Planning Board. Minister Narendra Modi’s US visit.
No. of space WITH MY EYES influenced by the Bhagavad
Eastern Naval Command in Visakhapat- The entrepreneur, who has visited aro- “This particular activity is something tourists to visit Gita. In an interview, the
nam, Isro and the Indian Navy entered the und 140 countries, is likely to find space that the US wants and India also finds it International No. of tourists to conduct physicist had recalled that
second phase of the space mission’s crew among his next destinations. Branson and beneficial for the Indian space programme Space Station sub-orbital flights so far the only thought which came
module recovery trial operations. Virgin Galactic were little known, when in because once an Indian prepares to go to 2004: Michael Melvill and Brian to his mind after he wit-
2007 George booked a ticket for a sky-high the ISS they will undergo a training pro- n Virgin Galactic, SpaceX, Blue Origin, Orion Binnie travelled on SpaceShipOne, nessed the first detonation of
Kid superhero to touch Chanda Mama sum of $2.5 lakh as the first space tourist gramme in the US and they are going to a nuclear weapon on July 16,
Span, Boeing, Space Adventures and Zero 2 the first experimental sub-orbital
The story of the selection of Joshi, who designate from India. He was 35 then. come back and discuss how the training Infinity are engaged in space tourism globally space flight 1945, was a verse from the
played a superhero in the Baal Veer series, George has already undergone a few and skills were imparted and this will help ancient Hindu text — “Now I
goes back to 2018. It was then that rounds of training at the Kennedy Space design our Gaganyaan better,” Isro Source: Indian Space Association PHOTOS: SANTOSH GEORGE KULANGARA, FACEBOOK/ DEV JOSHI am become Death, the
Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa Centre in Florida. These included a zero Chairman S Somanath said recently. destroyer of world.”

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