BITxxRM-LP en ds01.06
BITxxRM-LP en ds01.06
BITxxRM-LP en ds01.06
Product Description
BITxxRM-LP is a very low cost transceiver module designed for very low power wireless
This module is intended for ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical) and SRD (Short Range
Device) frequency band at 433, 868/915 MHz., but can easily be programmed for
operation at other frequencies:
BIT04RM-LP 400 – 464 MHz
BIT08RM-LP 800 – 928 MHz
It is designed to realize RF solutions easy to use providing a reliable data transfer among
remote equipment. The module can operate with a UART (up to 115.2 kbps) connected
host or as a stand- alone complete RF module.
BITxxRM-LP has up to 11 I/O pins (2 analog) completely programmable from a remote
controller; so it can act as an RF I/O expander (battery operated sensor solution).
It’s fully programmable in a very small package: only 15 x 28 mm ready for SMT assembly.
Key Features
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Modulation: GFSK
Fully customizable upon request.
Programmable data rate
Ideal for multi-channel operation.
Forward Error Correction with interleaving.
Excellent receiver selectivity and blocking performance.
Suited for system compliant with EN 300 220 (Europe) and FCC CFR Part 15 (US).
1. Pin-Out
PIN # PIN NAME Description
Enable/Disable POWER for PA Module (active Low)
*see 5.8 (PD comand)
P02 Module (UART) READY O UART From module is Ready to operate
Digital I/O. (External interrupt input)
P05 RB1/INT1/AN10 O(LO)
Analog Input 10.
P06 Host (UART) READY I UART From Host is Ready to operate
Digital I/O (CCP optional)
P07 RB3/AN9/CCP2 O(LO)
Analog Input 9.
Master Clear(Reset) input. This pin is active-low
P08 MCLR/Vpp I
Programming voltage input
P09 Vss Power Ground connection
P10 Vdd Power 1.8V – 3.6V power supply connection
P18 AVss1 Power Antenna Ground
P19 ANT RF I/O RF input/output to Antenna
P20 AVss2 Power Antenna Ground
P26 RB6/PGC O(LO) In-Circuit debugger and ICSP Programming clock pin
P27 RB7/PGD O(LO) In-Circuit debugger and ICSP Programming data pin
P29 RA7/OSC1/CLKIN O TXEN High in TX Low in RX and Power Down
P30 RA6/OSC2/CLKOUT O RXEN High in RX Low in TX and Power Down
Table 1.1: Pin Description
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4. Available Versions
The product is available in three different versions that can be identified and ordered as
Operating in the frequency band range between 433.320-434.520 MHz .
Operating in the frequency band range between 864.000-869.900 MHz and 905.000-
925.000 MHz.
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5. UART Interface
In order to communicate via the UART interface pin P06 from host has to be HI and pin
P02 from module have to be HI.
If host want to send an UART command, it must set the pin P06 to logic HI and wait for the
module to set pin P02 to logic HI.
If module has to send an UART command, it must set pin P02 to logic HI and wait for the
host to set pin P06 to logic HI.
If Host set pin P06 to logic LO the microcontroller on the module go in Power Down and
module set pin P02 to logic LO host microcontroller
Any UART message has to be terminated by CRC a carriage return and a new line
character (\crc\r\n – CRC 0x0D 0x0A).
CRC is 8bit sum of all previous bytes with start value 0x80
At power on Module send a message “BITxxRM-LP Ready\crc\r\n” where xx is frequency
04 or 08.
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If val is the character '?', BITxxRM-LP return the current value of the command followed by
CRC a carriage return and a new line (\r\n – 0x0D 0x0A) .
val values are ASCII coded values.
If val is one of the allowable values, BITxxRM-LP returns the string “OK\crc\r\n” if the
command is correctly executed, “ERR\crc\r\n” otherwise.
Exception is the TX command. For this command '?' parameter is not allowed.
BITxxRM-LP returns the string “OK\crc\r\n” if the command syntax is correct,
“ERR\crc\r\n” otherwise. If transmission can not be completed (CCA mode enabled),
module return the string CCA\crc\r\n. When transmission is completed, module return the
string ETX\crc\r\n.
The UART baud rate can be set to 5 different values. The possible settings are shown in
next table.
BR UART Baud Rate (bps)
0 2400
1 4800
2 9600
3 19200
4 38400
5 57600
6 76800
7 (default) 115200
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13 channels placed at a distance of 100 kHz one from another are available for the
versions 433 and 868. A particular attention goes to the use of the various available
channels, as they are strictly linked to the adopted RF configuration (channel length, baud
rate, etc.) in order to respect the approval specifications.
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5.5. Addressing
The module allows addressed packet transmissions and broadcast transmissions. Each
module has a Network Address (one byte) and its own My Address (one byte). The
Network Address and My Address can be programmed for each module using the
configuration interface.
All Node in one system should have the same Network Address, and each node should be
set to a different My Address.
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After a valid RSSI is sampled, if a PQT valid is sampled in an RX timeout time (min 500
us, max 0,0305% of val), module stay in RX to check the message address; otherwise
return in power down .
When a packet is received the module send to UART the following message:
returns the value of the RSSI read if the module is in continuous RX (WOR = 0) otherwise
return an invalid value -128
The range value of RSSI is between -120 dB and 0 dB
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Sets the RSSI threshold (Received Signal Strength Indicator) above this level the channel
is considered busy.
The range value of RSSI Threshold is between -120 dB and 0 dB
Tcheck = T0 x CCT
RF CONFIG 0 1 2 3
Automatic Frequency Compensation (AFC) can be used to align the frequency synthesizer
to the received signal centre frequency. This feature can be used to compensate for
frequency offset and drift. This feature must be set only on Slave in a Master/Slave
If argument val is '0', AFC mode is disabled; if argument val is '1', AFC mode is enabled
Return an ASCII coded byte (0 to 255). It has to be interpreted in bit mode as below:
bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Value NA NA NA NA NA NA RF TX Active RF RX Active
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5.15. SAVE
This command must be issued after configuration parameters have been appropriately
entered from thecommands.
Saves the configuration parameters to the EEPROM.
5.16. RESET
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6. Package Description
mm mils
A 27,94 1100
B 15,24 600
L 1,47 58
b 1,52 60
B d d 0,56 22
A p 2,54 100
L p b
7. Recommended Footprint
b1 mm mils
A 27,94 1100
B B 15,24 600
L1 3,15 124
b1 1,72 68
p 2,54 100
p p
The area underneath the module should be covered with solder resist in order to prevent
short circuiting the test pads on the back side of the module. A solid ground plane is
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A summary of the recommendation for the 433MHz and 868MHz band SRDs follows
based on the 19 August 1999 edition. The complete document can be downloaded from
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9. Revision History
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General Information
• Disclaimer
B.I.T. srl believes the information contained herein is correct and accurate at the time of this printing.
However, B.I.T. srl reserves the right to make changes to this product without notice. B.I.T. srl does not
assume any responsibility for the use of the described product; neither does it convey any license under its
patent rights, or the rights of others. The latest updates are available at the BIT website or by contacting BIT
As far as possible, major changes of product specifications and functionality, will be stated in product specific
Errata Notes published at the BIT website. Customers are encouraged to sign up to the Developers
Newsletter for the most recent updates on products and support tools.
Compliance with regulations is dependent on complete system performance. It is the customer’s
responsibility to ensure that the system complies with regulations.
This BIT product is not designed for use in life support appliances, devices, or other systems where
malfunction can reasonably be expected to result in significant personal injury to the user, or as a critical
component in any life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to
cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. B.I.T. srl
customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to
fully indemnify B.I.T. srl for any damages resulting from any improper use or sale.
A company
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