Fidp Trends

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Grade: 11 Semester: 1st
Core Subject Title: Trends, Network and Critical Thinking Skills No. of hours: 80 hours/semester
Prerequisites (if needed): Pilosopiya ng Tao
Core Subject Description: The course provides opportunities for students to discover patterns and extract meanings from emerging trends. It aids in developing their critical and creative
thinking skills-- essential tools for decision making and understanding “ethics of care”. Global trends in the 21st century are examined and are either accepted or rejected on a sound set of
criteria. Students will be asked to create and analyze scenarios that will challenge them to (1) formulate their stances on issues or concerns; (2) propose interventions and; (3) formulate
alternative futures. The students will realize the interconnections between their neural connections and social realities.

Culminating Performance Standard: The students on their own and in the long run will competently presents their own newspaper containing a relevant socio-cultural issues in 21 st

What to Teach? Why to How to Assess? How to Teach?
Cont Content Most Essential Performance Learning Highest Thinking Skill to Highest Enabling
ent Standards Topics Standards Competencies Assess Strategy to Use in
developing the
Highest Thinking
Skill to Assess
Compl KUD Most Essential KUD RBT Flexible Enablin Flexible
ete Classification Classificati Level Assessment g Learning
on Activities General Strategie
(FAA) Strateg s (FLS)
Performance y
1st The learner  Trends and The learner will Explain the how Understanding Differentiate a trend from a Knowing Understanding Picture & Illustrati
quar understands Fads be able to trends facilitate fad sample ons and
ter the derive an idea social change and analysis demonstr
emergence from instances development in ation
of trends and present this societies. Explain the process on how to Knowing Understandi Flow chart Graphic
and idea through a spot a trend ng Repres organizer
patterns. 100- word Point out the elements that Knowing Rememberin Classifying entatio
essay, artwork, make g Trends n
and other up a trend
graphic Describe the different Knowing Understandi Quizlet Written
characteristics of a trend ng

representations Identify parts of a whole Knowing Rememberin Completion

g Table Activity
Identify and explain an Understand Applying My idea of Conne Audio
emerging ing a future ction Visual
trend Represen
Activity tation
Identify causes and
The learner Understandi The learner draws Explore/ Examine Doing 1. Explain strategic analysis Knowing Understandi Q&A Oral
understands a color-coded how the map of and intuitive thinking ng session recitation
ng Local
strategic Networks map of the social networks can • Define strategic analysis Repres
analysis and networks of be used to introduce and intuitive thinking entatio
intuitive Intuitive power relations creative solutions to • Differentiate key Completion n Graphic
thinking. Thinking (political, a particular problem components in strategic table organizer
and Strategic economic, in a community analysis and intuitive
analysis cultural, and using intuitive thinking
kinship ties) thinking and
within a particular strategic analysis. Apply strategic analysis Doing Evaluating Case Study Reasonin Written
community. Apply intuitive thinking in g& report
solving Proof
a problem in the
community using a map of
social networks
The learner  Global The learner Explain how Understanding Explain the concrete Understan Analyzing Sharing of Comm Oral/
understands Networks locates on a map globalization served effects of globalization and ding insights unicati Written
the & the different as a powerful force to one’s daily on Recitatio
component Globalizatio geographical for change in the life n
s, n origins of the societies around Explain the need for
operations, various world. collaboration and cooperation
effects, and components/elem to achieve
networks of ents of an interconnectedness of
people and nations

globalizatio industrial/technol Discuss the different

n in his/her ogical/agricultural contributions of the parts to a
daily life. product and whole and the important role
writes a of creative imagination in
reflection essay putting together the various
on the insights parts of a Understan Analyzi ng Flow chart Repres Graphic
gathered from the whole d ing entatio organizer
exercise. The Illustrate the origin of the n
learner locates on different components of a
a map the gadget, business enterprise,
workplaces of the industrial/technological/agricul
OFWs in their tu ral product, etc. through a
community and mind map and reflection
writes a essay
reflection paper
on the
effects of labor
migration to their
The learner  Climate The learner Analyze the long Doing Explain the effects of Understand Analyzi Web Comm Oral
understands Change 1) Analyzes how terms effects of consumption and production ing ng research unicati recitation
the (nature, production and climate change and patterns on climate change /Situation on /
consequenc causes & consumption create a possible analysis Written
es of effects) habits contribute solution to address Reflectio
personal to the problem the problem of n
and local of climate climate change Discuss personal contributions Understand Analyzi Sharing of Comm Oral
action to change and that can actually solve the ing ng insights unicati recitation
global and explain why. problem of climate change on
planetary 2) Writes a
climate resolution that
change you can share Make a stand on how the Doing Evaluati Research Reason Written
with your friends consequences of one’s action ng On ing & Report
about how you affect the lives of others and Proof
can personally the environment
towards solving
the problem of
climate change.

Culminating Activity or Exam – 1 week Discuss demonstrate and examine the relationship between network and trends and how it affects you
2nd The learner  Democracy: The learner Elaborate the Doing Identify democratic practices Knowing Remem Picture & Repres Reflectio
Qua understands Models, explains creatively different components bering situation entatio n Log
rter the Elements, (using any form of democratic analysis n
meaning Practices, of oral government and how Explain the importance of Understand Analyzi Comm
and and presentation) the it can be used to participation in democracy ing ng unicati
dimensions Interventio ill effects of address the various Differentiate participatory from Q&A on Oral
of ns undemocratic undemocratic representative democracy Session Recitatio
democracy. practices related practices. Assess democratic interventions Evaluati Reason n
to factors such as prevailing in political and social ng ing &
gender biases, institutions Doing Proof
poverty, political Formulate a viable alternative to Creatin Completion Proble Graphic
marginalization, undemocratic practices g Table & m Organize
racial inequality, Web Solving r&
cultural research written
domination, crisis report
of representation
and politics of
The learner  Information The learner Explain the Understanding Identify the dimensions of Knowing Remem
understands and organizes and importance of ICT in technology that are enabling and bering
how ICT mobilizes an creating social inhibiting

enslaves, Communica event that deals awareness on global Discuss the benefits of Knowing Underst Picture/ Repres Written
emancipates tions with a significant issues. technology anding Video entatio / oral
, and Technology: global issue, using Analysis n recitation
empowers Dimensions ICT. Explain the weakest link in a comparativ Collabor
individuals , Benefits, system using strategic and e matrix ative
and intuitive thinking Knowing Underst Repres learning
Challenges anding entatio
Explain how information Understandi Analyzi Web Comm Reflectiv
communication technology ng ng research unicati e Writing
can facilitate social relationships on
and political movements

The learner  Neural The learner Articulate the Doing Differentiate connections from Understand Analyzi Group/ Comm Oral
understands and Social creates a social essence of being an relationship, and networks ing ng Network unicati recitation
the Networks map that traces active member of Analysis on
parallelism the various roles the community. Illustrate how the brain or neural Knowing Underst Picture / Repres Essay
between that students play network works anding Video entatio Writing
neural and in the community Compare the neural networks Analysis n
social (family members, with social networks
networks. community leader, Establish linkage between self
etc.) and rank the and the social network one
significance of the belongs to Social- Reason Illustrati
roles played Demonstrate how thinking Doing Evaluati Relation ing & on/
within the processes are shaped by social ng Mapping Proof Demonst
community. relationships ration
Identify the significant social
roles students play within the
community by creating a social
map of their relationships
Culminating Activity or Exam – 1 week On the The students on their own and in the long run will competently presents their own newspaper containing a relevant socio-
basis of the different outputs per quarter, propose cultural issues in 21st century.
the kind by:
Prepared of future you want, explain why you Checked by:
want that future, and illustrate how will you get  Creating a newspaper will help students to have awareness of the different trends and issues locally and internationally and improve their
there Via Cerelle R. Villareal, LPT skills in reading and writing. The following are among the ones they will practice:
Salome how to find the
D. Sumalpong, LPTmain idea, how to increase vocabulary,
how to compare readings, how to form sentences, how to ask a good question and how to write a great summary. They will employ many
Subject Teacher Academic Coordinator
critical thinking skills as they are required to interact with the authentic material that they will use in the newspaper.
Noted by:
Jay Mar R. Pajente MM-EM
High School Principal

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