Nepalese CSEB Design Guideline - 2018 - Final Draft - V1.4
Nepalese CSEB Design Guideline - 2018 - Final Draft - V1.4
Nepalese CSEB Design Guideline - 2018 - Final Draft - V1.4
Government of Nepal
Prepared by:
Resilient Structures Private Limited
In Association with:
Practical Action Nepal Office
Reviewed by:
Dr. Prem Nath Maskey
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 6
3 Materials ............................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Production Cycles ....................................................................................... 16
4.2.1 Extraction.............................................................................................. 16
5.1.7 Water-Logged Area .............................................................................. 23
6 Building Layout.................................................................................................. 25
6.2 Proportion.................................................................................................... 25
10 Horizontal Bands in walls ............................................................................... 34
The Compressed Stabilized Earth Block (CSEB) Design Guideline includes the
technical specifications for construction with CSEB. The Guideline will aid engineers
and construction professional for construction of buildings using CSEB. This will
ensure quality control by setting out certain construction parameters. It will also
provide flexibility to home owners to construct the building with their desired shape
and size within the limitation prescribed in this guideline.
In preparation of this guideline, assistance has been derived from standards and
guidelines of different countries. Particularly, following publications have been referred
10. NBC 202: 2015, Guidelines on: Load Bearing Masonry, DUDBC, MOUD, GON,
11. NBC 203: 2015, Guidelines for Earthquake Resistant Construction: Low
Strength Masonry, DUDBC, MOUD, GON, 2015.
This guideline covers the details for construction of buildings using CSEB as a building
material. CSEB buildings conforming to the details outlined in this guideline are limited
to two story only. This guideline shall be used in conjunction with NBC 109: 1994 and
NBC 202: 2015. Relevant provisions from these standards have been reproduced in
this guideline as well.
This guideline is not intended for design and construction of buildings of important
category such as hospitals and school. However, this guideline does not prevent the
designers/ builders to design and construct the buildings exceeding the standards set
out in this guideline.
Material specification is divided into three stages: Pre-production, during production
and post production materials specification. The materials covered in this guideline
are as follows:
The manufactured CSEB blocks shall be sound. It shall be free from cracks, nodules
and other defects that interfere with the proper laying of the unit. The faces of the block
shall be flat and rectangular. Opposite faces shall be parallel and all the angles shall
be square.
The minimum compressive strength of the CSEB units shall be 3.5 MPa.
The concrete to be used in footings and horizontal in wall (bands, dowels, etc.) shall
be of at least M20 Grade; i.e. have a minimum crushing strength of 20 MPa.
A nominal mix of 1:1.5:3 (cement: coarse sand: coarse stone aggregate) by volume is
expected to produce M20 grade concrete. For the concrete it is recommended to use
50% 10mm passing and another 50% 20mm passing aggregate. Water-cement ratio
shall not exceed 0.6 (i.e. not more than 30 litres of water per 50kg of cement shall be
Both Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) and Portland Pozzolana cement (PPC) can be
used for cement. However, in higher altitude regions and low temperature
environments, OPC shall be used.
Sand and coarse stone aggregate shall be free from deleterious materials. Water used
for mixing shall be potable.
Well-seasoned locally available timber shall be used. Seasoning can be done in a
traditional manner. Preferably Sal wood, or any other locally available hardwood
timber, shall be used instead of softwood timber for the main structural elements such
as beams, columns, bands, etc. The hardwood timber available in Nepal are Babul,
Black Siris, Dhaman, Shisam, Jaman, Mesua, Oak, Sain, Sal, Sandan and Sisso,
chilaune, champ, etc.
Easily-breakable soft stones shall not be used. Stones with no obvious fractures shall
be used. Boulder stones shall never be used in its natural shape and shall be broken
before they are laid. The broken boulders shall have flat bedding-surface on top and
bottom. These stones shall not be smaller than 50 mm in thickness and 150 mm in
length or breadth. However, the fillers required for proper bonding may be smaller.
If it grinds between the teeth with a disagreeable sensation, the soil is sandy.
If it can be ground between the teeth, without a disagreeable sensation the soil
is silty.
If it has a smooth or floury texture and when a small piece is applied to the
tongue it sticks, the soil is clayey.
If it feels rough and has no cohesion when moist the soil is sandy.
If it feels slightly rough and is moderately cohesive when moistened the soil is
If, when dry, it contains lumps or concretions which resist crushing, and
A transparent one-liter capacity cylindrical glass or plastic bottle or a jar with a flat base
with a neck wide enough to get a hand in and a lid to allow for shaking.
Two or three layers will emerge, with the lowest layer containing fine gravel, the
central layer containing the sand fraction and the top layer containing silt and
The relative proportions, and hence percentages, of each fraction can be
determined by measuring the depth of each layer.
If the spatula penetrates it with difficulty, and soil sticks to it upon withdrawal
the soil is extremely clayey.
If the spatula can be pushed into it without great difficulty but a bit of soil remains
on the knife upon withdrawal the soil is moderately clayey.
If the spatula can be pushed into the moist ball without encountering any
resistance, but some soil still sticks to it on withdrawal, y the soil contains only
a little clay.
If the hands are easy to rinse clean this implies that the soil is sandy.
If the soil appears to be powdery and the hands can be rinsed clean fairly easily
the soil is silty.
If the soil has a soapy feel and the hands cannot be rinsed easily the soil is
Grease the inside surfaces of the box before filling it with moist soil with an
optimum moisture content (OMC). Refer to Section for measure of OMC.
Ensure that the soil is pressed into all corners of the box using a small wooden
spatula that can also be used to smooth the surface.
Expose the filled box to the sun for a period of three days or in the shade for
seven days.
Measure the length of the hardened and dried soil as compared to the length
of the box and calculate the shrinkage length of the soil.
If the pat pulverizes easily, the soil is silty or fine sand and has a low clay
If the pat can be crushed to a powder with a little effort, the soil is silty or sandy
If the pat is hard to break and will not pulverize, the soil has a high clay content.
to the surface. The ball will appear smooth, shiny or greasy. Press the ball flat between
thumb and index finger. Observe the number of taps required for a reaction as well as
the consistency of the soil.
If a rapid reaction is achieved (5-10 taps) and the flattened ball crumbles, the
soil is very fine or a coarse silt,
If a slow reaction is achieved (20-30 taps) and the flattened ball does not
crumble but flattens, the soil is slightly plastic silt or silty clay,
If a very slow reaction is achieved (over 30 taps) and the flattened ball does not
change appearance on pressing, the soil has a high clay content.
If soil crumbles before forming a ball it has a high silt or sand content,
If the ball cracks and crumbles, it has a low clay content,
If the ball is hard to crush and does not crack or crumble, it has a high clay
If ball feels spongy, it contains organic matter.
4.2.1 Extraction
Topsoil contains organic matter and shall not be used for the production of CSEB. The
subsoil layer immediately below the top soil shall be used.
To ensure uniformity in the compressed stabilized earth blocks produced, the weight
or volume of each material used in the block making process shall be measured at the
same physical state for subsequent batches of blocks. The volume of soil or stabilizer
should ideally be measured in dry or slightly damp conditions.
After establishing the exact proportion required of each material, a measuring device
shall be built for each material. The dimensions of each measuring box should be such
that their content, when full, is equivalent to the proportion which should be mixed with
other materials measured in other gauge boxes.
4.2.5 Mixing
Dry materials shall be mixed first until they are a uniform color, then water is added,
and mixing is continued until a homogeneous mix is obtained. Mixing may be
performed by hand on a hard surface, with spades, hoes, or shovels.
Wet mixing shall commence by adding a little water at a time, sprinkled over the top
of the mix and the wet mix turned over with a suitable tool until all the water has been
mixed. The mix shall be used for molding quickly because cement starts to hydrate
immediately after it is wet and delay will result in the production of poor-quality blocks.
4.2.8 Curing
The molded CSEB blocks shall be kept for minimum 24 hours in shadow or covered
by tarp until the cement sets. The CSEB shall then be cured for minimum of 21 days.
stacks shall not impose any undue stresses on walls or other structures. They shall be
unloaded one at a time and stacked in regular tiers to minimize breakage and
defacement. These shall not be dumped at site. The height of the stack shall not be
more than 1.2 m, the length of the stack shall not be more than 3.0 m, as far as possible
and the width shall be of two or three blocks.
Gravel 15%
Silt 15%
Clay 20%
The mix shall be proportioned such that volume of sand and gravel is at least 65%.
The mix components shall be proportioned as per different composition of the gravel,
coarse sand, silt and clay in the soil. The different mix proportions are shown in table
1. Plain solid blocks
2. Hollow blocks
3. Solid/ Hollow interlocking blocks
4. Special blocks
In this guideline, only Hollow interlocking blocks have been considered as they can be
reinforced with vertical reinforcement bars and therefore suitable for earthquake
The blocks are provided with protruding parts, which fit exactly into recess parts in the
blocks placed above, such that they are automatically aligned horizontally and
vertically. The blocks can be laid dry, no mortar is required, and hence a considerable
amount of cement is saved.
In order to achieve accurate alignment of blocks placed at right angles, in general, the
length of each block should be exactly double its width. The recommended sizes of
the CSEB blocks are as follows:
1. 300 X 150 X 100 mm (length: thickness: height) with 2 numbers of circular holes
of diameter 40 to 50 mm;
2. 245 X 245 X 100 mm (length: thickness: height) with 1 number of circular holes
at the center of diameter 40 to 50 mm and ½ number of circular opening of
diameter 40 to 50 mm at each end;
300 mm X 150 mm X 100 mm block 245 mm X 245 mm X 95 mm block
Figure 4-1 Typical CSEB detail
4.5.6 Weathering
The average maximum loss of weight, determined in accordance with annex, shall not
exceed 3 percent.
The building site shall be the safest available with respect to natural hazards. Any
existing buildings shall be studied for any evidence of inherent natural hazards in the
locality. Areas with high potential of liquefaction or other hazard during earthquake
should also be avoided.
5.1.6 Steep Slope
Although not preferred, generally, soil slopes up to 20 are stable and acceptable for
construction. However, constructions on steeper slopes than this is not restricted
provided proper considerations have been made for foundation of the house and soil
retaining measures.
Table 5-1: Classification of Foundation soil and safe bearing capacity
Fine sand, loose and dry; soft clay indented < 150 and
3. Soft
with moderate thumb pressure. 100
Buildings should preferably be symmetrical and regular in plan and regular in elevation.
Unsymmetrical and irregular buildings shall be divided into several symmetrical and
regular blocks. A clear separation of at least 50 mm shall be provided throughout the
height of the buildings above the plinth level to avoid pounding between the separated
blocks. However, this roof should be well covered by roof to avoid water penetration.
The length to width ratio of a building shall not exceed 3:1 ratio. The length to width
ratio for any room or area enclosed by load bearing walls inside the building shall also
be limited to 3:1. Similarly, the height to width of a building shall also not exceed 3:1
2. Openings are to be located away from inside corners by a clear distance equal
to at least 600 mm.
3. The total length of openings in a wall should not exceed 50 % of the length of
the wall.
4. The horizontal distance (pier width) between two openings is to be not less than
600 mm.
5. The vertical distance from one opening to another opening directly above it shall
also be not less than 600 mm
However, the limitations set out in Section 6.1 to 6.6 shall not bar anyone wishing to
employ qualified professionals to produce an appropriate design. Structures falling
outside these limitations will require the appropriate specific design or state-of-the-art
7.1.1 Minimum Depth of Foundation
The footing should be provided at a depth below the zone of deep freezing in cold
regions and below the level of shrinkage cracks in clayey soils but not less than 800
mm for one storey building and not less than 900mm for two storey building. However,
the building foundations shall not rest on the uncompact fill. If a building is to be
constructed on a filled-ground, the foundation shall go further deeper, so it rests on
the firm ground surface beneath the fill.
If rock or gravelly soil is found at the lesser depth, the foundation depth could be
Table 7-1: Minimum Foundation Widths
4.00 m
1.20 m (min)
1.20 m (min)
1.20 m (min)
Walls in the foundation and superstructure shall be true to plumb line. Mortar packing
in the core shall not be permitted. The core shall be well-laid with the walling units.
Mortar joints when used shall not be more than 20 mm and less than 10 mm in
thickness. Vertical joints in alternate layers shall be staggered. The width of the wall
shall be uniform.
One 150
Two 245
A thin layer of mortar up to 5 mm is recommended as shown in figure 8-1. Further, it
is mandatory to fill every hole in CSEB with cement mortar.
Figure 8-1 Mortar laying and grout filling
The blocks shall be laid with full length in one layer. The block shall be laid with ½
blocks adjacent to openings and ¾ blocks at T-junctions in alternate layers as shown
in figure 8-2.
Vertical steel reinforcement shall be placed inside the masonry wall at critical locations.
Following locations are considered as the critical locations:
Corners of wall
Junction between two walls
Jambs of openings
The reinforcement shall be embedded by filling the cavities with cement grout. These
vertical reinforcements shall start from foundation level and continue throughout up to
roof level. At roof level, they shall be terminated by embedding in the roof band/ beam.
The details of minimum required steel reinforcement is given in table 9-1
The details of minimum required steel reinforcement is given in table 9-2.
The details of minimum required steel reinforcement is given in table 9-3.
1. Plinth level
2. Sill level
3. Lintel level
4. Floor/ Roof level
The bands shall have width equal to the width of the wall. The thickness of the RC
band may be kept to a minimum of 75 mm where two longitudinal bars are required
and at least 150 mm where four longitudinal bars are required. U-shaped special
blocks as shown in figure 10-1 can also be used for providing horizontal bands at sill,
lintel and eaves/ floor level.
Figure 10-1 U-Shaped Special Blocks
Lintel band shall be provided through all the walls, just above the openings. The band
shall be provided in all stories. The lintel levels of all openings such as doors and
windows shall be at the same level. The details of lintel band is given in Figure 10-3
and Table 10-2.
the joists. In case of reinforced concrete floor, the floor band/ beam shall be integrated
with the concrete slab.
The width of roof beam shall be equal to width of wall. The details of the roof beam is
given in table 10-3.
Parapets above terraces and at the edges of the balconies should not be taller than
one meter. They should be reinforced with vertical bars of 10 mm diameter spaced not
more than 1.5 m apart. The vertical reinforcement shall be anchored in the steel of the
slab or beam below with a minimum embedment of 300 mm. Also, a handrail should
be provided at the top with a section size of b X 75 mm, where b is the thickness of
parapet and reinforced with one horizontal bar of 10 mm diameter steel.
1. RCC Slab
2. Timber Joist flooring
1. The minimum thickness of slab shall be 115mm. The maximum thickness shall
not exceed 125mm.
2. At least 8mm diameter steel reinforcing bars shall be used.
3. The spacing between bottom reinforcing bars shall not exceed 150mm in both
4. At a discontinuous edge, at least 50% of the bottom bars shall be extended to
the supports and remaining bars can be curtailed at a distance of 0.15 times
the span in that direction from the support.
5. At a continuous edge, at least 50% of the bottom bars shall be continued to the
next panel and remaining bars can be curtailed (or bent-up to form top bars) at
distance of 0.25 times the span in that direction from the support.
6. The spacing between the top bars shall also not exceed 150mm.
7. At a discontinuous edge, additional top bars equal to at least 50% of the bottom
bars shall be provided (or 50% of the bottom bars can be U-hooked to act as
top bars) up-to a distance of 0.1 times the span in that direction.
8. At a continuous edge, at least 50% of top bars shall extend up to a distance of
0.25 times the span in that direction from the support. Remaining bars can be
extended only up to a distance of 0.15 times the span in that direction (or it may
be a continuity of bent-up bottom bars).
9. At edges, top bars running parallel to edges might be kept at spacing of 200
mm up to width of 0.2 of span in the direction perpendicular to the bar.
Locally available hardwood species shall be used for the structural elements of flooring.
Only sawn and seasoned timbers shall be used.
The beams shall be rectangular in section and shall be laid narrower surface horizontal.
The beams shall be spaced not more than 450 mm. The minimum dimensions of the
beams for different spans shall be as tabulated in table 11-1.
11.2.2 Flooring
Timber planks shall be used as bridging material between joists. The minimum
thickness of timber plank shall be 25 mm. These timber planks shall be adequately
nailed to the timber joists. The details of the timber planking is shown in figure.
As an alternate to timber planking, 2 layers of 19 mm thick ply board can also be used.
The minimum dimensions of the beams for different spans shall be as tabulated in
table 11-2.
11.3.2 Flooring
Two layers of 19 mm ply board shall be used as bridging material between joists.
These ply boards shall be adequately screwed to the steel joists.
11.4.1 Timber Roof System
The timber roof system consists of timber rafters resting on timber ridge beam and
longitudinal walls. The rafters are spaced not more than 500 mm. The details of
required sizes of the rafters are given in table 11-2.
50 mm X 50 mm purlins are placed over these rafters at a spacing of 450 mm. At the
gable ends, these battens rests over the timber wall plate which is anchored to the
gable band as shown in figure 11-3.
11.4.2 Steel Roof System
anchored to the battens/ purlins supporting it. The details of fixing the CGI sheet is
shown in figure 11-5.
Figure 11-6 Details of diagonal bracing
CSEB can also be used as partitions and filler/ infill walling material in reinforced
concrete buildings. Reinforced concrete horizontal bands shall be provided to the infill
walls to prevent them from toppling out of frame while under face load.. The bands
shall be provided at 1/3rd and 2/3rd of the wall height in case of solid walls (Figure 12-
1). In case of walls with openings, these horizontal bands shall be provided at lintel
and sill level (Figure 12-2). The width of the band should be equal to the wall thickness
and its thickness equal to 75 mm. The band shall be reinforced with 2 numbers of 8
mm longitudinal bar and 1L- 8 mm links @ 150 mm c/c.
Figure 12-2 RC band detail for infill walls with openings
Annex A
Ten whole blocks shall be selected at random from the sample after carrying out the
dimensional checks. Five blocks shall be used for dry compressive strength and
another five for wet compressive strength.
A.2 Principle
A.2.2 Wet Compressive Strength: A unit is immersed in water for a specified period of
time (refer D.5). The unit is then tested using the same principles as A.2.1.
A.3 Apparatus
A.3.1 Loading machine: A compression loading machine either hydraulic or screw type
with adequate capacity and capable of applying the loads at rates specified in A.4.
The machine shall be fitted with two steel platens, which shall be self-aligning.
The bearing faces of both platens should exceed the test specimen by not less than
15 mm in length and breadth and shall not depart from a plane by more than 0.06 mm.
Should the bearing faces of the platens be smaller than required, steel plates of
adequate size may be placed centrally between them and the test specimen. Their
thickness shall be equal to at least one-third of the greater difference in dimension
between the machine platen and the test specimen, when centrally placed but not less
than 25 mm.
A.3.2 Measuring Rule: A rule that can be read accurately to 1.0 mm over the
dimensions of the units being tested.
A.3.3 Water Bath: A water bath of sufficient size to hold the specimens without them
touching each other and sufficient depth to ensure that the specimens will be
completely immersed in water for the full duration of the test.
(a) Measure and record the following dimensions, to the nearest millimeter.
(b) Clean and wipe the surfaces of the test specimen removing all loose debris. Clean
the bearing surfaces of the platens on the testing machine, and any steel plate to be
placed between the specimen and the platen.
(c) Place the specimen between two pieces of 3 mm in plywood, the length and width
of which shall exceed the corresponding dimensions of the specimen by less than 25
mm; each plywood sheet shall be used only once. The specimen shall be placed in
the testing machine such that the center of the bed face coincides with the loading
axis of the machine.
(d) Apply the load without shock and increase it continuously at a uniform rate of 150
kN/min until failure occurs.
(a) Measure and record the following dimensions to the nearest millimeter.
(c) The specimen shall be removed from the water bath. They shall then be wiped
clean with a piece of cloth.
(d) The procedure for compression testing shall proceed as described in C.4.1
The compressive strength of each specimen (dry or wet) shall be calculated from the
following expression:
𝐶𝐷 = or 𝐶𝑊 =
CD = dry compressive strength in N/mm2;
= BL, taken for whichever of the two bed faces produces the smaller area.
A.7 Reporting
Report the average of the compressive strength; either dry or wet of the five specimens.
Annex B
Five blocks shall be selected at random from the population. Carry out dimensional
B.2 Principle
A block is saturated by immersion in water for a specified period of time. The specimen
is then dried and the amount of water absorbed is then determined and used to
calculate the percentage water absorption.
B.3 Apparatus
B.3.3 Water bath: A water bath of sufficient size to hold the specimen without them
touching each other and sufficient depth to ensure that the specimens will be
completely immersed in water for the full duration of the test.
B.4 Procedure
(a) Immediately after sampling, the specimens shall be reweighed to the nearest gram,
and the mass shall be recorded as m1.
(c) The specimens shall be removed from the water. They shall then be wiped with a
piece of cloth; and within 3 minutes after removing from the water, the mass of the wet
specimen shall be determined by weighing to the nearest gram. Record the saturated
mass as m2.
(d) The saturated specimens shall be dried in a ventilated oven at 105 ± 5 °C for not
less than 24 h and until two successive weighing, at intervals of 2 h show an increment
of loss not greater than 0.2 per cent of the last previously determined weighing weight
of specimen. Record the mass of the oven dry specimen as m1.
B.5 Calculation of results
E.5.1 Water absorption: The water absorption (per cent) for each specimen shall be
calculated from the following expression:
(𝑚2 − 𝑚1 ) × 100
𝐴𝑊 =
B.6 Reporting
Report all results separately for each unit and as average for the five units.
Annex C
Weathering test
Two whole blocks shall be selected from the sample of blocks obtained as described
under Annex A, after carrying out the test for dimensional compliance. The blocks shall
be designed ‘Specimen A’ and Specimen B’, respectively.
C.2 Apparatus
C.2.3 Water bath: A suitable tank for submerging specimens in water at room
C.2.4 Wire scratch brush: A brush made of 50 mm x 1.6 mm flat with 0.40 mm wire
bristles assembled in 50 longitudinal rows and 10 transverse rows of bristles on 200
mm x 60 mm hardwood block.
C.3 Procedure
C.3.1 Oven dry specimen A at 105 ± 5 °C for at least 12 h or to constant mass. From
this weight, calculate the oven-dry weight (Wi) of Specimen A. Carry out further
operations on Specimen B only.
Clamp a specimen in a vertical position on the edge of a platform scale and set the
scale at zero. Apply vertical brushing strokes to the specimen and note the force
necessary to register approximately 1.5 kg.
C.3.3 The procedures described in C.3.2 constitutes one cycle (48 h) of the weathering
test. Continue the procedure for 12 cycles. After 12 cycles of test, dry the specimen to
constant weight at 105 ± 5 C and determine the final oven-dry weight (Wf) of the
specimen. The data collected permits calculations of the soil-cement loss of the
specimen after the prescribed test of 12 cycles.
C.4.1 Calculate the soil-cement loss of the specimen as a percentage of the originally
calculated oven-dry weight (Wi) of the specimen as follows:
(𝑊𝑖 −𝑊𝑓 )
Soil-cement loss, per cent = × 100
Annex D
Determination of density
D.1 Test specimens: Select at random three blocks from the sample for testing. Carry
out the dimensional measurements noting the average length, height and width of
each block.
D.2 Apparatus
D.2.2 Calculation of volume: Calculate the gross volume of the blocks to the nearest
250 mm3 by multiplying the average thickness by the average length and height of the
D.3 Procedure
Dry the three specimen blocks for at least 24 h in a ventilated oven at 105 ± 5 °C.
Cool the blocks to ambient temperature and weigh. Repeat these steps until the mass
lost in one cycle does not exceed 0.05 kg.
𝜌𝑐 =
D.5 Reporting
Annex E
E.1 Coverage
This annex provides methods for determining the drying shrinkage and expansion on
rewetting of aggregate concrete masonry units.
E.2 Apparatus
Note: This relative humidity may be maintained by the inclusion of trays of saturated
calcium chloride solution. The trays should provide a total exposed area of at least 1
m2 per 1 m3 of volume of oven and should contain sufficient solid calcium chloride to
show above the surface of the solution throughout the test.
b) Gauge. A gauge capable of measuring the gauge length of the test specimens to
an accuracy of 0.002 mm.
a) Cut from each of the six units a test specimen of length (parallel to the length of the
unit), approximately 200 mm and cross-section at least 70 mm × 25 mm.
b) Using an epoxy-resin compound, so fix a steel ball into the center of each end of
each specimen that half of the surface of the ball protrudes.
c) After the resin has set sufficiently for the specimen to be handled, clean the exposed
surfaces of the steel balls, and grease them to prevent corrosion.
E.4.1 Immerse the test specimens in clean water maintained at a temperature of 22-
25 °C, for a period of 4 d.
E.4.2 Remove the specimens from the water and wipe off any excess water with a
damp cloth, wipe the grease from the steel balls and immediately measure the length
between the reference points (measurement A).
E.4.3 After measuring the distance reapply the grease in the steel balls and dry the
specimens in the drying oven for a period of at least 48 h. (Do not place wet specimens
in the oven together with partially dried specimens.)
E.4.4 Remove the specimens from the oven, allow them to cool to a temperature of
22-25 °C in the desiccator, wipe the grease from the steel balls and again measure
the length between the reference points.
E.4.5 Repeat this drying and cooling procedure (but using drying periods of 24 h) until
the difference between consecutive measurements is less than 0.004 mm.
E.4.6 Take the final reading as the dry length (measurement B).
E.4.7 Calculate the drying shrinkage of each specimen, and record the arithmetic
mean of the six individual results as the average drying shrinkage of each unit and
check for compliance with the relevant requirements of 7.8.
E.4.8 Calculation
(𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐴 − 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐵)
𝐷𝑟𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑘𝑎𝑔𝑒, % = × 100
𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
Where the gauge length is the dry length (measurement B rounded off to the nearest
1 mm) minus 12 mm.
Record the individual results to the nearest 0.001 % and the average result to the
nearest 0.01 %.
E.5.1 Test specimens: Use the six test specimens previously used in the test for drying
E.5.2 After completion of the test for drying shrinkage, reapply the grease the steel
balls and immerse the test specimens in clean water maintained at a temperature of
22-25 °C, for a period of 4 d.
E.5.3 Remove the specimens from the water and wipe off any excess water with a
damp cloth, wipe the grease from the steel balls, and immediately measure the length
between the reference points (measurement A). Regard this as the final wet length.
E.5.5 Calculate the expansion on re-wetting of each specimen, and the arithmetic
mean of the 6 individual results as the average expansion on re-wetting of the units
and check for compliance with the requirement of 6.8.
(𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐴 − 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝐵)
𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑛 𝑟𝑒 − 𝑤𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔, % = × 100
𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
Where, the gauge length is the dry length (measurement B rounded off to the nearest
1 mm) minus 12 mm.
E.5.7 Record the individual results to the nearest 0.001 % and the average result to
the nearest 0.01 %.