Funda Lec Reviewer
Funda Lec Reviewer
Funda Lec Reviewer
A client recovering from surgery is turned and Answer: The knowledge that adolescents
repositioned in bed. Which should the nurse are very concerned about body image
document about positioning? (Select of that
apply) 1.Skin status 2.Type of surgery 3.Time
of position change 4.Use of supportive devices
5.Client response to the move
The nurse suspects that a client is having 2. Reluctance to discuss sexual history
difficulty with specific self esteem. Which
client statements caused the nurse to have this 3. Utilization of birth control method that fits
concern? (Select all that apply) lifestyle
A client can be aroused only with extreme or A client is prescribed isotonic exercises.
repeated stimuli. How should the nurse Which client activity should the nurse
document this client's behavior? encourage?
During an assessment, a client tells the nurse The nurse is conducting a sexual health history
of a desire to wear clothing that is typically with a client. What questions should the nurse
associated with the opposite sex. The nurse ask during this history?
realizes this client is describing which gender Answer: Are you currently sexually active?,
identity? do you experience any pain with sexual
Answer: Cross-dressing. interaction?, and do you have difficulty
with sexual desire? (2,3, and 4)
During a sexual assessment, a client tells the
nurse about a preference for oralgenital sex. The nurse is preparing educational materials to
How should the nurse instruct this client? be used when instructing clients on testicular
Answer: The need to follow safe sex and breast self-examination. What would be
practices. applicable for both sets of instructions?
Answer: Perform palpation in the shower.
The mother of a 5-year-old tells the nurse that
her daughter has always been closer to her The nurse is conducting a health history with
than to her husband. The mother expresses an older client with arthritis and heart disease.
concern that, over the last 2 months, the little When gathering the sexual history for this
girl wants to spend all of her time with her client, what question should the nurse ask?
father instead of with the mother. The nurse Answer:
recognizes that this behavior:
Answer: Is a normal expectation of a The nurse attends a continuing education
preschooler developing sexuality. program to learn about the latest cardiac
catheterization care. Which type of credential
When discussing the orgasmic phase of the should the nurse expect to earn after attending
sexual response cycle, which of the following this program?
will the nurse include as physiological changes Answer: Certificate of completion
that affect both sexes?
Answer: The respiratory rate can increase The nurse wants to earn a master's degree in
up to 40 breaths per minute, involuntary nursing. On which content should the nurse
muscle spasms throughout the body, and expect the program's curriculum to focus?
systolic blood pressure can increase 2030 Answer: Advanced leadership roles
mm Hg above normal (1,2, and 4)
The nurse coordinates the care and consults
The nurse is conducting a health history with with interdisciplinary team members about the
an older client with arthritis and heart disease. needs of a client receiving hemodialysis. In
which way should this nurse's role be
Answer: Specialist