Part 2 Transcultural
Part 2 Transcultural
Part 2 Transcultural
causing damage.
Cultural Belief Systems
2. this causative agent has been attributed to
- Develop from the shared experiences of a social a variety of natural and supernatural
group and are expressed symbolically phenomena
- The use of symbols to define, describe, and relate Magico-Religious Health Paradigm
to the world around us is one of the basic
- considers the world as an arena dominated by
characteristics of being human.
supernatural forces
- the fate of the world and those in it, including
- common expression of symbolism wherein one humans, depends on the actions of God, the gods, or
aspect of life is connected to another through a other supernatural forces for good or evil.
shared symbol
- the human individual is at the mercy of such forces
- Explanations of a phenomenon usually involve regardless of behavior
metaphoric imagery of magical, religious,
- the gods punish humans for their transgressions
natural/holistic, scientific, or biological form.
- Many Latino, African American, and Middle Eastern
Paradigm or Worldview
cultures are grounded in the magico-religious
- a way of viewing the world and the phenomena in paradigm.
- Magic involves the calling forth and control of
- includes the assumptions, premises, and linkages supernatural forces for and against others.
that hold together a prevailing interpretation of
- Some African and Caribbean cultures, such as
Voodoo, have aspects of magic in their belief
- Paradigms are slow to change and do so only if and systems.
when their explanatory power has been exhausted
-Christian Scientists believe that physical healing can
- a group’s prevailing worldview is the basis of be affected through prayer alone.
theories of health and disease or illness causation
• Sorcery
• breach of taboo
• loss of soul
yellow bile
black bile
Healing system
cultural group.
1. Self -care
a. Practice of treating oneself when
having minor illnesses with various
remedies believing that they have
healing powers
i. Over-the-counter
ii. Megavitamins
iii. Herbs
iv. Exercise
v. Foods
b. When self -treatment is ineffective,
professional and/or folk
(indigenous, generic, traditional)
healing systems are resorted
2. Professional Care Systems
a. referred to as scientific or
biomedical systems, are formally
taught, learned, and transmitted
professional care, health, illness,
wellness, and related knowledge
and practice skills that prevail in
professional institutions, usually
with multidisciplinary personnel to
serve consumers.
b. Professional care is characterized
by specialized education and
knowledge, responsibility for care,
and expectation of remuneration
for services rendered.
3. Folk Healing System
a. set of beliefs that has a shared
social dimension and reflects what
people actually do when they are
ill versus what society says they
ought to do according to a set of
social standards (Andrews, Ybarra,
& Matthews, 2014)
b. key consideration that defines folk
systems is their history of tradition
c. many folk healing systems have
endured over time through oral
transmission of beliefs and
practices from one generation to
the next. 4. Complementary, Integrative, and
Alternative Health System
a. umbrella term for hundreds of
therapies based on health care
systems of people from around the
b. Some of these therapies have
ancient origins in Egyptian,
Chinese, Greek, and American
Indian cultures.