Acoustic Emissions

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Acoustic Emission

Research and Applications

Edited by Wojciech Sikorski


Edited by Wojciech Sikorski

Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications
Edited by Wojciech Sikorski

Giovanni P. Gregori, Zahari Taha, Artur Zdunek, Kowalski, Runar Unnthorsson, Hyun-Do Yun, Won-Chang Choi,
Giovanna Zimatore, Maria Patrizia Orlando, Domenico Stanzial, Franciszek Witos, Wojciech Sikorski

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Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Edited by Wojciech Sikorski
p. cm.
ISBN 978-953-51-1015-6
eBook (PDF) ISBN 978-953-51-6312-1
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Meet the editor

Wojciech Sikorski was born in Poland in 1977. In 2001

he graduated from the Electrical Faculty in the Poznan
University of Technology with an MSc degree in high
voltage engineering and in 2005 with a PhD degree in
electrical engineering. He worked as a visiting research-
er at the University of Stuttgart, Germany (2003), Uni-
versity of Manitoba (postdoctoral fellowship), Winnipeg,
Canada (2007) and CG Power Systems Canada Inc. (2007). He participated
in a few international and national research projects supported by the
European Union and Polish Government. He has published over 50 papers
in journals and international conferences, mainly on measurement, diag-
nostics and on-line monitoring of power transformers with the use of the
acoustic emission (AE) method. He also carried out a number of technical
activities for the electric power industry in the field of AE. Currently he
specializes in the development of AE signal source localization techniques.
He is an active member of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers
and the Polish Society for Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering.

Preface XI

Chapter 1 Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 1

Rúnar Unnþórsson

Chapter 2 Acoustic Emission to Detect Damage in FRP Strength Under

Freeze and Thaw Cycles 21
Hyun-Do Yun and Wonchang Choi

Chapter 3 Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test:

The Overall Effect Monitored by Acoustic Emission 35
Giovanni P. Gregori, Giuliano Ventrice, Sebastiano Pinori, Genesio
Alessandrini and Francesco Bianchi

Chapter 4 Acoustic Emission Application for Monitoring

Bearing Defects 71
Zahari Taha and Indro Pranoto

Chapter 5 Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on Acoustic

Emission Method 91
Wojciech Sikorski and Krzysztof Walczak

Chapter 6 Testing of Partial Discharges and Location of Their Sources in

Generator Coil Bars by Means of Acoustic Emission and
Electric Methods 117
Franciszek Witos and Zbigniew Gacek

Chapter 7 Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 147

Stefan Jan Kowalski, Jacek Banaszak and Kinga Rajewska

Chapter 8 Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of

Fruits and Vegetables 175
Artur Zdunek
X Contents

Chapter 9 Otoacoustic Emissions 203

Giovanna Zimatore, Domenico Stanzial and Maria Patrizia Orlando

Acoustic emission (AE) is a phenomenon in which elastic or stress waves are emitted from
rapid, localized change of strain energy in material. The practical application of the AE first
emerged in the 1950's, but only in the last 20 years the science, technology and applications
of AE have progressed significantly. Currently AE has become one of the most important
non-destructive testing techniques, which is widely applied in: fatigue cracks detection and
location in pressure vessels and pipelines, partial discharge sources detection and location in
power transformers and rotating machinery, damage assessment in fibre-reinforced poly‐
mer-matrix composites, monitoring welding applications and corrosion processes, on-line
monitoring of civil-engineering structures (e.g. highway bridges, skyscrapers, dams etc.).
This interdisciplinary book consists of nine chapters, which is a proof of the fact that the AE
method is continuously and intensively developing and scientists still find some new areas
of its application.
Chapter 1 presents diverse methods and algorithms for detecting and determining acoustic
emission hits in burst waveforms.
Chapter 2 discusses the application of acoustic emission to detect damage in FRP strength
under freeze and thaw cycles. The strengthening performance and evaluation of the damage
caused by acoustic emission activities for RC beams strengthened in shear with CFRP are
examined under various freezing and thawing cycles with and without shear strengthening.
Number of research proved that the significant increase in acoustic emission activities
(event, energy, amplitude, and frequency) is observed at each damage level that corre‐
sponds to the initiation of the crack, propagation of diagonal cracking, de-bonding of CFRP
and failure.
Chapter 3 presents the example of application of the AE method to structural ageing detec‐
tion of a cable-stayed bridge during load-test before its opening to public use. Apart from
detailed analysis of the obtained research results, the authors answered many important
questions, such as: what parameter should be monitored, which measuring procedure is op‐
timal in bridge monitoring using AE technology or what is the relevant difference between a
metal viaduct and a concrete or brick or wood viaduct.
Chapter 4 focuses on the application of the AE characteristics to detect defects in ball bear‐
ings. Simulated defects were introduced in the balls and inner race. The research results
validated the use of AE RMS and AE Counts in detecting bearing defects.
Chapters 5 and 6 concern the application of the acoustic emission in electrical power engi‐
neering. Chapter 5 discusses different techniques of defects location in large power trans‐
formers. Additionally, there are presented some examples of implementation of partial
VIII Preface

discharge on-line monitoring system based on AE method. In turn, Chapter 6 discusses the
issue of detection and location of partial discharges in power generator coil bars. The au‐
thors used both conventional electrical PD measurement method and non-conventional
acoustic emission method to the research. The registered pulses of partial discharges were
analysed with the use of the advanced methods of signal processing.
Chapter 7 shows the possibility of using the AE method to diagnostic purposes of destruc‐
tion due to monitoring materials subjected to drying. The results of the tests obtained from
convective and microwave drying of ceramic and wood materials carried out in the labora‐
tory drier equipped with the acoustic emission set-up constitute the illustrative material of
this chapter.
Chapter 8 presents recent developments in area of application of acoustic emission for fruits
and vegetables including: methods and devices, results of fruit and vegetables testing under
various conditions and comparison with sensory evaluation.
Chapter 9 presents a very special kind of acoustic emission, coming from inside the cochlea
and generated along the basilar membrane by the electro-motile (active) vibrations of outer
hair cells of the organ of Corti. They are called OtoAcoustic Emissions (OAE) and are detect‐
ed in the ear canal by means of microphones which are usually assembled as part of ear‐
phone-like probes.
Enjoy the book!

Wojciech Sikorski, PhD

Poznan University of Technology
Provisional chapter

Chapter 1

Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts

Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts
Rúnar Unnþórsson

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

Rúnar Unnþórsson
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction
This chapter presents a methodology for detecting and determining Acoustic Emission
(AE) hits in AE bursts, i.e. signals with large number of overlapping transients with
variable strengths. The methodology is designed to overcome important limitations of
threshold-based approaches in determining hits in this type of AE signal; for example,
when the signal’s amplitude between transients does not fall below the threshold for a
predetermined period of time. The threshold-based approach is a special case of the
proposed methodology. The methodology, and the associated algorithms, were presented
in Acoustic Emission-Based Fatigue Failure Criterion for CFRP by Runar Unnthorsson, Thomas
P. Runarsson and Magnus T. Jonsson [17] and used in four articles by the same authors [15,
16, 18, 19].
The chapter is organized as follows. Section 2 provides the reader with an overview of
Acoustic Emissions, what they are, how they are acquired and the various factors that
can affect them from when they are emitted until they are digitized by the AE system.
Majority of these factors will change the originally emitted AE waves so that the digitized
representation will be different. In Section 3 an overview of the AE processing techniques is
given with emphasis on conventional methods of determining AE hits and the corresponding
hit parameters. The section also introduces the problem of determining AE hits in bursts.
Section 4 then introduces the methodology and presents the algorithms. In section 5 an
experimental AE signal is used to demonstrate the methodology. The chapter ends with
section 6 which concludes the chapter and provides suggestions for future research into this

2. Acoustic Emissions
Acoustic Emission (AE) is a term used for transient elastic stress waves generated by the
energy released when microstructural changes occur in a material [9, 21]. The energy

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2 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications
2 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

is provided by an elastic stress field in the material. The stress field can be generated
by stressing the material, for instance using mechanical, thermal, pressure and chemical
stressing. These types of stress all contribute to fatigue failure and are commonly
encountered in-service. As the stress waves propagate from the AE source they are
influenced by a variety of factors. These factors include propagation velocities, attenuation,
reflection, refraction, discontinuities and the geometry of the material. Furthermore, the
propagation velocity of an elastic stress wave depends on the wave type, material properties
and frequency. When the stress waves reach the surface they cause it to vibrate and the
vibration can be measured. The minute surface displacements are measured using sensitive
transducers which respond to surface displacements to the order of several picometers.
Several types of transducers can be used for this: piezoelectric, capacitance, electromagnetic
and optical. The last two are non-contact, but electromagnetic transducers are considerably
less sensitive than piezoelectric transducers. Optical sensors, e.g. laser, are free of resonance
and can be absolutely calibrated by measuring the correct amplitude of the AE [8].
Piezoelectric transducers are the most popular and are either of a broadband or a resonance
type. The transducers are made by using a special ceramic, usually Porous Lead Zirconate
Titanate (PZT). Figure 1 shows a schematic view of a piezoelectric transducer and how
an AE is converted into an electric representation. The transducers are pressed up
against the surface of the material and the vibration is transferred to the PZT inside the
transducer through the wear plate. When the PZT element vibrates it generates an electric
signal. The transducer’s signal is, therefore, a 1D voltage-time representation of the 3D
displacement-time wave that it senses.

Figure 1. An illustration of a typical resonant piezoelectric AE transducer and how an AE is converted into an electric

Measurements using piezoelectric transducers are sensitive to how the vibration is

transferred to them. The main factors that affect this are: the material’s surface, the
transducer’s pressure against the material, and the coupling medium [5]. The presence
of a transducer affects the vibration; however, this is unavoidable when using contact
transducers. The direction of the waves also affect the transducer’s response. This is because
AE transducers are nearly always designed to measure the components of the AE waves that
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 3
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 3

are normal to the surface [1]. Although the stress waves typically have components in the
normal direction this directionality means that the response to identical waves arriving from
different directions will not be the same.
The selection of transducers is most often based on their frequency response curves,
also known as calibration curves. These curves can be absolute or relative. The most
typical calibration curves are relative displacement and pressure response curves. Relative
curves are useful for comparison of transducers. At Vallen Systeme GmbH pressure
and displacement curves are generated by connecting an exciter face to face with the
corresponding transducer [20]. In both cases continuous sine waves are used for excitation.
Pressure curves are generated by exciting the sensing area uniformly, but displacement
curves are performed by using an exciter with small aperture size. The displacement
calibration is an attempt to simulate line excitation of a travelling displacement wave.
Figure 2 demonstrates the difference between these two calibration methods. The red curve
is the result of a pressure calibration and the green curve is the result of a displacement
calibration. The resulting response curves are more relevant for continuous and long
duration AE signals than for transient AE signals. Some authors have deconvolved the AE
signal with the frequency response of the transducers as an attempt to minimize the effect
of the rugged frequency response of resonant transducers [7, 11]. The transducer’s response
to transient signals is, however, different from the response to continuous waves. Hence, the
convolution may not work as intended or even make things worse.

Figure 2. Two calibration curves for the same resonant AE transducer. The red curve is the result of a pressure calibration and
the green is the result of a displacement calibration (reproduced with permission from Vallen GmbH).

3. Conventional AE processing and hit detection

Due to all the influencing factors listed above, the digitized representation of the AE
will be different from the original emission. Despite this, and somewhat surprising,
acquired AEs have been successfully used to detect, monitor and distinguish between several
damages, e.g. delamination, matrix cracking, debonding, fibre cracking and fibre pull-outs
in fibre-reinforced polymer composites [3, 4, 10, 12, 21, 22].
Acoustic Emission signals can be roughly divided into three types: bursts, continuous and
mixed [6]. Bursts are transient signals generated by the formation of damage, e.g. fiber
breaking and delamination. Continuous AE signals are generated when multiple transients
overlap so that they cannot be distinguished and the envelope of the signal amplitudes
becomes constant. Continuous AE can be generated by electrical noise and rubbing. The
4 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications
4 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

mixed type signal contains both bursts and continuous signals and it is the type which is
normally encountered in-service.
Over the years many research projects have been conducted with the aim of extracting useful
information from AE signals. The extracted information is stored in n-dimensional data
structures, known as features. A number of techniques can be used for extracting the AE
features. A popular method is to identify transient waves in the signal and extract the
features from them. These transients, also called hits, are therefore portions of the measured
AE waveform which satisfy a given detection criterion. The purpose of the detection criterion
is to detect the presence of transient AE and discriminate it from background noise, or
continuous AE. Because AE are mainly transient stress waves, the term AE hit is usually
understood as an isolated, and separated, transient from the acquired waveform.
There are many detection techniques which can be used for detecting and determining AE
hits. A common technique used in realtime commercial parameter-based AE systems is to
compare the AE signal against a certain threshold. The threshold is typically set on the
positive side of the signal, just above the noise, and held fixed. The threshold is sometimes
floating, i.e. it is adjusted regularly so that it is just above the noise. A hit is detected by
comparing the AE signal against the threshold and if the signal surpasses the threshold a hit
is detected. Figure 3 illustrates the threshold based hit detection and shows how few well
established features are computed.

Figure 3. Illustration of the threshold based hit detection and the AE features extracted from each hit.

After an AE hit has been detected it is determined. Three parameters are commonly used
with the determination of AE hits: the hit definition time (HDT), the hit lockout time (HLT),
and the peak definition time (PDT). These parameters are illustrated in Fig. 3. The HDT
parameter specifies the maximum time between threshold crossing, i.e. if no crossing occurs
during this time then the hit has ended. If the HDT is set too high then the system may
consider two or more hits as one. If the HDT is set too low then the system may not fully
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 5
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 5

capture the AE hit and possibly treat one hit as multiple ones. The HLT parameter specifies
time which must pass after an hit has been detected before a new hit can be detected. If the
HLT is set too high then the system may not capture the next AE and if it is set too low then
the system may capture reflections and late arriving component of the AE as hits. The PDT
parameter specifies the time allowed, after a hit has been detected, to determine the peak
value. If the PDT is set too high then false measurements of peak value are more likely to
occur. It is recommended that the PDT should be set as low as possible. However care must
be taken not to set it too low because that may result in the true peak not being identified.
Once the AE hit has been determined hit-based features can be extracted. Conventional
AE hit-based features include amplitude, duration, energy, number of peaks above certain
threshold (ring-down count) and rise time [2]. Figure 3 illustrates how these and other
common hit based features are related. New features can be designed by processing existing
ones. The processing includes, but is not limited to: adding, subtracting, multiplying, and
dividing two or more features. New features can also be made by filtering and extracting
statistical information from the features in the set; e.g., variance, skewness and kurtosis.
Trend analysis of hit-based features is widely used. Sometimes trending is carried out by
plotting the cumulative sum of the feature. In some applications trending can be sufficient;
e.g. when monitoring of the AE signal’s power alone is of interest. In many cases, however,
further analysis is required. In some cases more information about a feature can be gleaned
by studying its statistical parameters and its correlation with other features.
The threshold based hit technique is suitable when the background noise level is either
constant or changes gradually. The threshold level is then set at the beginning of monitoring
and if a floating threshold is used then the threshold is updated regularly. The technique,
however, does not perform well when the AE signal contains strong temporal bursts of high
AE activity. Such bursts consist of overlapping transients with varying strength, duration,
shape and frequency. For this reason, the burst threshold based technique cannot determine
the exact start and end of individual hits as the AE burst never drops below the threshold.
Bursts with these properties occur in CFRP assemblies subjected to dynamic loading; e.g.,
the CFRP prosthetic foot Variflex [14, 17].
Figures 4 and 5 show the AE acquired at two different times while the Variflex was subjected
to multi-axial cyclic loading. Figure 4 shows the measured AE signal during one loading
cycle early during testing. Also shown, is the threshold which was set just above the noise.
Figure 5 shows the AE signal few thousand loading cycles later. The two strong bursts
contain AE from many sources such as damage growth, rubbing of crack surfaces and friction
between the fibres and the matrix due to their different material properties. As can be
observed, the threshold based approach is not able to separate the transients in the bursts.
In the next section a technique designed to overcome the abovementioned limitations of the
threshold based hit detection.

4. A new methodology for detecting and determining AE hits

Transients in AE signals acquired from complex systems are often difficult or even impossible
to separate using a conventional threshold based approach. There can be several reasons for
this such as variable amplitude of the continuous AE within a loading cycle and overlapping
of transients, which can be simultaneously emitted from the many AE sources in the material;
6 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications
6 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 4. AE signal in one fatique cycle early during cyclic testing of an assembled CFRP.

Figure 5. AE signal in one fatique cycle few thousand cycles into the cyclic test of an assembled CFRP.

e.g. in CRFP composites subjected to dynamic loading. These transients have varying
strength, duration, shape, and frequency. Hence, as the complexity of the AE signal increases,
more advanced signal processing methods are required to detect and separate transients.
In this section a new methodology for detecting and determining AE hits is introduced and
explained. Figure 6 shows a flow chart of the procedure. In the first step, the acquired
AE signal is processed in order to extract descriptive features for detection. The resulting
signal is called a detection function, or novelty function, and can be in any suitable domain
of interest; e.g., time and time-scale/time-frequency domains. For detecting and locating
hits, the detection function is input to a peak-picking algorithm which automatically detects
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 7
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 7

hits based on the trough-to-peak difference of local troughs and peaks. In the final step, the
detected transients are compared against a threshold both to locate the hits more accurately,
as well as to filter out weak hits; e.g., from background noise.

Figure 6. Flow chart of the AE hit determination procedure.

4.1. Detection functions

Two detection functions based on the signal’s power will now be introduced, one in the time
domain and one in the time-frequency domain.

4.1.1. Time Domain

Assuming an acceptable signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), most transients can be detected in the
time domain using the temporal characteristics of the signal; e.g., the amplitude. Temporal
amplitude increase is one of the key properties of transients and is, for an example, used in
threshold based hit detection and determination. The signal’s power can also be used for
generating a detection function. In digital signal processing it is customary to refer to the
squared values of a sequence as power and to the sum as energy. Hence, the power can be
calculated by squaring the amplitudes:

| x [i]|2
P [i ] = (1)

where x is the voltage of the acquired AE signal, R is the equivalent resistance of the
transducer and amplifiers and the use of square brackets serves as a reminder that the
values are discrete. In acoustics, the energy is commonly expressed in base-10 logarithm
scale, known as the decibel (dB). The logarithm transformation changes the dynamic range
of the signal by enhancing low values, while compressing high values. The logarithmically
converted energy can be expressed by
8 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications
8 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

 | x [i ]|2 
Plog10 [i ] = 10 log10 | P[i ]| = 10 log10   = −10 log | R| + 20 log | x [i ]|
10 10 (2)

Because the hits will be determined by peak-picking the detection function, both the negative
constant involving R and the multiplication by 20 can be omitted. Furthermore, in order
to ensure that the detection function will be positive and to eliminate the need to deal
with numbers less than one, whose logarithms are negative, the rectified signal values are
incremented by one. The resulting detection function is:

DF [i ] = log10 |1 + | x [i ]|| (3)

This detection function has the shape of the the signal’s power envelope. In some instances
the detection function may be too jagged to accurately perform peak-picking. In order to
improve the peak-picking the detection function can be filtered but, with the cost of higher
computational load and a time-lag of peaks. Figure 7 illustrates the process of generating the
detection function.

Figure 7. Illustration of the procedure for generating detection function in the time domain. In the chapter, a simplified
version of this procedure is used.

4.1.2. Time-Frequency Domain

AE signals are mainly transient stress waves with a broadband frequency response. This
property can also be used to detect transients. Power spectrum analysis, for instance using
FFT, only shows which frequencies exist in the signal and how they are distributed. This
is because the FFT is not designed to analyze transient signals, but rather continuous
signals. Time-frequency representations are methods designed to analyze time-varying
signals. Among the methods that have been used for this task is the Short-Time Fourier
Transform (STFT).
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 9
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 9

The STFT is an enhanced version of the standard FFT. The idea behind the STFT is to divide
the signal into portions where it is stationary. A window function is used to extract the
portions from the original signal. The portions are then processed using FFT. Hence, the STFT
is basically a FFT with a window function. The time-frequency localization obtained is from
the location of the window functions. The frequency localization suffers due to the limited
size of the window. For a given window size, the STFT has a constant localization resolution
at all times and frequencies. By increasing the window size, the frequency localization can be
improved, but then the time localization gets worse, and vice versa. This problem is related to
the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, which can be applied to time-frequency localization
of signals. Basically what it says is that we cannot know both the exact localization of time
and frequency.
In the time-frequency domain the power of the signal can also be used to detect and isolate
transients. For this purpose a function based on the short-time Fourier transform can be used
to generate the detection function. Figure 8 and Algorithm 1 describe how the STFT based
detection function is computed.

Figure 8. Illustration of how the time-frequency based detection function is generated.

The computation procedure starts by dividing the AE signal into segments of k samples. The
segments overlap by d samples. For each segment, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is
computed using k samples; i.e., no zero padding is used. Then the results are converted into
the decibel scale by applying logarithm (base 10) to the complex modulus (magnitude) of the
DFT coefficients. The coefficients for each segment are then summed up. Each coefficient is
multiplied by a 20. The multiplication can be omitted because it only scales the detection
function; i.e., the peak-picking results will be the same with adjusted parameters.
The number of elements in the detection function, DF, is equal to the number of segments.
Consequently, the elements are mapped to the corresponding data points in the AE signal,
the mapping is stored in a vector MAP. The time resolution is controlled by the length
of the segments. The additional information obtained by using overlapping, is obtained by
10 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications
10 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Algorithm 1: STFT based detection function

Data: , ,
Result: ,
1 ← divided into sample segments with sample overlap;
2 ← map the segments to corresponding data points in the ;
3 for i=1 to do
4 ← Calculate Discrete Fourier Transform of segment i;
5 [i] ← sum (20log10 (| |));
6 end

Given the reduction in the time resolution and the computational cost involved, the STFT
based detection function does not compare well against the previous detection function,
which was in the time domain.

4.2. Peak-picking the detection function

In order to locate hits from the detection function a peak-picking procedure is used. The
procedure is illustrated in Fig. 9. The small troughs and peaks in the detection function are
incrementally removed until it contains only troughs and peaks which have trough-to-peak
difference above the trough-to-peak threshold, Ttp . The hits are then located from the
remaining troughs in the detection function. The threshold controls the sensitivity of the
approach. If the sensitivity is increased; i.e., Ttp is lowered, then smaller pulsations in the AE
signal will be detected as hits. This procedure can be split into two algorithms: Algorithm 2
and Algorithm 3.

Figure 9. Illustration of the incremental peak picking procedure.

Algorithm 2 is used for locating troughs and peaks in an input signal. The algorithm starts
by creating an empty vector, Locs, of the same length as the input signal. This vector will be
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 11
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 11

the output of the algorithm and contains the locations of all detected troughs and peaks. The
derivative, or slope, of the input signal is used to determine troughs and peaks. The slope
is computed by subtracting a time-shifted version of the input signal from itself. Peaks are
detected by first finding all samples which have zero or positive slope. If the next sample in
time has negative slope then a peak is detected. The procedure for finding troughs is similar,
in this case all samples with zero or negative slope are first found and when the next sample
in time has positive slope then a trough is detected. The end points are treated separately.
In both cases, it is first checked if a peak or trough have been determined at the ends. If not,
then a trough is determined if a peak is closest to the end, and vice versa.

Algorithm 2: Trough and Peak Picking Algorithm

1 ← zero vector of the same size as ;
2 peaks:
3 ← indices of all samples with positive slope (and 0);
4 ← indices of samples in for which the adjacent samples with
indices +1 have negative slope;
5 [ [ ]+1] ← (+1);
6 valleys:
7 ← indices of all samples with negative slope (and 0);
8 ← indices of samples in for which the adjacent samples with
indices +1 have positive slope;
9 [ [ ]+1] ← (-1);
10 end points:
11 ← find the indices of non zero entries in ;
12 if abs ( [first entry]) �= 1 then
13 [1] ← (−1)× [1]
14 end
15 if abs ( [last entry]) �= length of signal then
16 [1] ← (−1)× [last entry]
17 end

Algorithm 3 is used to remove troughs and peaks which have trough-to-peak difference
below a specified threshold, Ttp . They are removed incrementally by increasing the threshold,
a, from 1 to Ttp in steps. The larger the increments, the larger can the hit location error
be. Smaller increments, however, increase the computational cost. After each removal
step, Algorithm 2 is used to reevaluate the troughs and peaks from the remaining list.
The reevaluated list is then used for the next step. The hit locations determined by the
peak-picking procedure are the trough locations in the final list.

4.3. Hit determination

After the hits have been located they are compared against a determination threshold,
TAE . This threshold is the same threshold as used in the conventional threshold-based hit
detection. Here, this threshold is used to filter out weak hits; i.e., only hits which exceed
12 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications
12 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

the threshold are determined as hits. The threshold is also used to extract threshold based

Algorithm 3: Trough and Peak Removal Algorithm

Data: , , tp
1 for a=1 to tp do
2 Remove trough/peak entries in which have trough-to-peak difference below a;
3 ← Algorithm 2 ( [ ]));
4 ← map the entries in to entries in ;
5 end
6 ← ;

4.4. Summary
Continuous parameter based AE systems commonly use threshold based hit detection with
a fixed or a floating threshold. However, in some situations neither may be appropriate.
When the fixed threshold is set, it is tuned to the AE signal; i.e., the noise level, at the start
of monitoring. As the component under monitoring degrades and the signal level increases,
the threshold may not be used to detect individual transients. That is, the threshold based
approach may not be able to separate transients if the signal does not fall below the threshold
for a sufficient period of time. In some situations a floating threshold can be used to overcome
this problem, however, a floating threshold may not be appropriate if the signal level varies.
This is because it can be difficult to set the appropriate response time of the floating threshold.
If it is set too fast it can be affected by strong transients.
In this section an approach for hit determination has been introduced. This approach is
designed to handle the abovementioned limitations of the threshold based hit determination
approaches. In order to accomplish this, hits are first detected by peak picking a detection
function and then they are compared against a threshold in order to filter out weak ones.
Hence, the approach is able to detect and separate transients even though the signal does
not fall below the threshold. The separation is accomplished by splitting the transients at the
point of lowest amplitude between them, Fig. 10 illustrates this.

5. Experimental study
In this section the approach will be studied by applying both detection functions on the same
AE signal. The AE signal was obtained during cyclic testing a CFRP prosthetic foot [17]. The
signal consists of 3 AE signals chosen to demonstrates the ability of the approach to work
with and detect transients which amplitudes differ by magnitudes.
The AE data was sensed and amplified using the VS375-M transducer and the AEP3
preamplifier from Vallen Systeme GmbH. The preamplifier was equipped with 110 kHz high
pass and 630 kHz low pass filter. The gain was set to 49 dB. The analogue AE signal was fed
to a 16 bit analogue/digital (A/D) converter for a full waveform digitization using 1.25 MHz
sampling rate. After digitization the data was high-pass filtered in order to remove DC and
other low frequency disturbances. Phaseless filtering was used on the AE signal in order to
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 13
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 13

Figure 10. Illustration of how the hit determination approach presented here is able to detect and separate overlapping
transients which the threshold based procedure does not.

avoid phase delay. A fifth-order elliptic filter with 1 dB passband ripple and corner frequency
of 80 kHz was used. The stopband attenuation was set to 30 dB at 50 kHz. Only high pass
filtering was applied to the signal. No corrections were made due to the amplifications made
by the preamplifier and the transducer.
The AE signal is depicted in Fig. 11 and consists of weak, intermediate, and strong AE
transients. The duration of each type is 5 milliseconds and they are arranged in the order of
increasing amplitude. The weak transients are low amplitude transients, all with amplitudes
equal to, or less than, 85 mV, the intermediate transients are at most 650 mV, and the strong
AE transients are roughly ten times stronger, or up to 6.2 V. The strong transients have been
soft clipped by the preamplifier.
In the time domain a 15 sample moving average of the power envelope was calculated before
transforming it into the decibel scale. The trough-to-peak threshold, Ttp , was set to 13 dB
V-s. The resulting detection function, which has the shape of the signal’s power envelope, is
plotted above the signal in Figure 12(a). The detection function has been offset to fit in the
The STFT detection function described in Sect. 4.1 was used with segment size of k = 128
samples and d = 120 sample overlapping. The trough-to-peak threshold, Ttp , was set to
304 dB V-s. This value was used in [17] to design an AE failure criterion equivalent to a 10%
displacement failure criterion. The resulting detection function is plotted above the signal in
Figure 12(b)
At first sight the two detection functions may seem to be identical. However, upon close
comparison one can see that they respond differently to some transients; e.g., the 3rd
transient from the end of the weak transient signal portion (0-5 ms) is better defined in
the time-frequency detection function. The reason for the differences lies in the nature of
how the functions are generated. In the time domain the detection function is generated
by squaring the signal’s values, averaging them and then transforming the results into the
14 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications
14 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 11. The AE signal that will be used to study the AE hit detection approach. The signal consists of weak (0-5 ms),
intermediate (5-10 ms), and strong transients (10-15 ms).

(a) The AE signal used in this study and the (b) The AE signal used in this study and
corresponding detection function in the time domain. the corresponding detection function in the
time-frequency domain.

Figure 12. The two figures show the AE signal used here. The signal consists of weak, intermediate and strong transients.
Above the AE signal are the two detection functions which have the shape of the signal’s power envelope.

decibel scale. In the time domain, however, the frequency content of the signal is used for
generating the detection function. This means that in order for an transient to have high
energy both the amplitude and the frequency content play a role. Hence, the detection
function in the time-frequency domain has the potential to be better at detecting the start of

5.1. Weak hits

Figure 13 shows the weak transients, the two detection functions and the results from the
peak-picking of the detection functions; i.e., the detected troughs and peaks. The peaks and
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 15
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 15

troughs are shown respectively by triangles pointing up and down. The figure allows for
better comparison of the two detection functions. In the time domain the detection function
closely follows the signal’s envelope whereas in the time-frequency domain the detection
function does not follow the signa’s envelope as well. An example is the 3rd transient from
the end, located approximately at 3.8 ms. In the time domain the detection function shows
the transient as a bump in the curve but, the time-domain detection function responds
differently and represents it as a well defined peak. As a result, when the two detection
functions are peak-picked the algorithm finds more accurate location of the peak in the
time-frequency domain.

(a) The weak transients and the corresponding (b) The weak transients and the corresponding
detection function in the time domain. detection function in the time-frequency domain.

Figure 13. The figures show the weak transients, the detection functions in more detail. Also shown are the results from the
peak-picking of the detection functions; i.e., the detected troughs and peaks.

More accurate location of peaks is in general obtained using the time-frequency detection
function; e.g., for transients that start at 1.4 ms and 3.8 ms. However, the purpose of the
peak-picking is to detect transients. The determination is performed using conventional
threshold approaches. Therefore, even though the peak-picking algorithm does not provide
exact timing of peaks and troughs it can be used to separate transients.

5.2. Intermediate hits

Figure 14 shows the intermediate transient. The maximum amplitude of the transient in the
intermediate signal is approximately 640 mV. The amplitude is 7-8 times higher than the
weak transients which are all less than one tick on the Volt axis in the figure.
It is interesting to see that, despite that the same settings are used and the transients are much
stronger, the approach handles the AE signal with the intermediate transients quite well.
Visual inspection and comparison of Figures 14(a) and 14(b) reveals that the peak-picking
results are similar to the results when working with the weak transients.
However, inspection also shows that the detection function in the time-frequency domain can
combine two or more transients into one. An example of this is the transients starting at 6.2
ms and 6.4 ms. The detection function in the time domain separates them with two peaks but
in the time-frequency domain they are treated as one. This may be of the strong broadband
content of the first transient which blends into the second one but, it is also due to the size
of the overlapping used in the STFT calculations. The reason why the two transients are not
16 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications
16 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

(a) The intermediate transients and the corresponding (b) The weak transients and the corresponding
detection function in the time domain. detection function in the time-frequency domain.

Figure 14. The figures show the intermediate transients, the detection functions in more detail. Also shown are the results
from the peak-picking of the detection functions; i.e., the detected troughs and peaks.

identified from peak-picking the detection function in the time domain is the value of the Ttp
- a lower value will identify the smaller transient.

5.3. Strong hits

Figure 15 shows the strong transients. The transients were soft-clipped by the amplifier
but the high-pass filtering of the signal partly restored them. The maximum amplitudes of
the strong transients are approximately 10 times larger than of the intermediate transients
which are all less than one tick on the Volt axis in the figure. The signal leading and trailing
the strong transients is a weak/intermediate signal. As can be observed upon comparing
Figures 15(a) and 15(b) the approach is able to tackle the strong transients and identify them.
It is interesting to notice that no transients are detected in the transient fluctuations during
the decay of the large transient that starts at 11.6 ms. The transients in the decay manage to
blend into each other so that they are not represented in the detection functions.

(a) The strong transients and the corresponding (b) The strong transients and the corresponding
detection function in the time domain. detection function in the time-frequency domain.

Figure 15. The figures show the strong transients, the detection functions in more detail. Also shown are the results from the
peak-picking of the detection functions; i.e., the detected troughs and peaks.
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 17
Hit Detection and Determination in AE Bursts 17

6. Conclusion and future research

The approach presented in this chapter was designed to detect and determine AE hits in
AE signals where conventional threshold-based hit detection is not suitable; i.e., using a
fixed or a floating threshold. Fixed thresholds are set at the start of the monitoring; i.e.,
tuned to the noise level of the AE signal. As the material degrades and AE is generated by
the cumulative damage, the AE signal level increases and the threshold cannot be used to
detect individual hits. Furthermore, neither the fixed threshold nor the floating threshold
can be used to distinguish between hits when a burst of strong, slightly overlapping AE is
encountered. This type of burst is for example encountered during cyclic testing of assembled
CFRP composites. In [13] it was generated by the rubbing of splinters. The overall strength
of the AE increased during the test due to due to cumulated damage, but not noise. For this
reason, a floating threshold was not suitable. Furthermore, because the strength of the AE
emissions varied within each cycle, it was difficult to set the appropriate response time of
the floating threshold. If the response was set too fast the threshold was affected by strong
The transformation of the detection functions into the decibel scale is useful when the
transducer cannot be placed at the location of damage and the AE signal suffers from high
attenuation. Furthermore, the transformation produces a detection function that makes it
possible to use one setting for automatic hit determination of both strong and weak hits.
The resolution of the approach can be fine tuned by adjusting the threshold, Ttp . This
threshold is used to filter out small local troughs and peaks in the detection function. If
a high resolution is required; i.e., to detect pulsations in the signal, then the time domain
is the appropriate choice. This is both due to the computational cost and the inherent
trade-off between the time and frequency resolution of the time-scale/time-frequency based
The presented approach has, intuitively, its own limitations. These include the tuning
of the parameters used, the required computational load and associated time-lag. The
hit determination in the time domain, using the envelope of the signal’s energy, has
a significantly lower computational load than the STFT-based determination in the
time-frequency domain. Although it does not suffer from the time-frequency trade-off
associated with the STFT, it will have a slight time-lag if the envelope is filtered; e.g., moving
average filters. The main concern is the computational load but, not the time-lag. This
is because the detection function and the peak-picking are only to detect the presence of
transients. The final determination; i.e., deciding whether it is a hit or not, is performed
using conventional threshold approaches. Hence, the exact timing of the peak-picking is not
Two detection functions were presented in this chapter and used. Numerous of other
detection functions can of course be created. The detection functions can be created in
the time domain as well as in the time-scale/time-frequency domains. In some instances
transients are only separable in the time-scale/time-frequency domains, where wavelets and
Cohen’s class of time frequency representation (TFR) are used, respectively. Both approaches
have been shown to provide a good representation of signals and for this reason, they have
been receiving increasing attention in the recent years. The successful detection of transients,
using either wavelets or Cohen’s class of TFR depends strongly on the choice of the wavelet
function and the distribution function, respectively.
18 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications
18 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

The author wishes to acknowledge Össur hf. for both providing prosthetic feet for testing
and access to their testing facilities. Furthermore the funding for the work presented
was supported by grants from the University of Iceland Research Fund, the Icelandic
Research Council Research Fund, the Icelandic Research Council Graduate Research Fund
and Landsvirkjun’s Energy Research Fund.

Author details
Rúnar Unnþórsson
University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Iceland

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[15] Unnthorsson, R., Runarsson, T. P. & Jonsson, M. T. [2007a]. Monitoring The Evolution of
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Chapter 2

Acoustic Emission to Detect Damage in FRP Strength

Under Freeze and Thaw Cycles

Hyun-Do Yun and Wonchang Choi

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Strengthening with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets and plates, as opposed to
the use of steel plates, has been employed recently in the rehabilitation and retrofitting of
infrastructures due to better performance (than that of steel plates) in terms of resistance to
corrosion and high stiffness-to-weight ratios. Because concrete structures are exposed peri‐
odically to snow and freezing temperatures during the winter season, a reduction in struc‐
tural integrity, such as observed in the deterioration of the concrete and the degradation of
the FRP bond system, is evident in field conditions. In terms of environmental exposure, pe‐
riodic temperature changes such as freeze and thaw cycles can cause devastating damage to
RC structures.

Since 1989, research by Kaiser [1] has been used to investigate the structural integrity of
CFRP-strengthened RC beams exposed to freeze and thaw cycling. Results indicate that the
strength of RC beams with CFRP sheets does not decrease with fewer than 100 cycles rang‐
ing from -25°C to 25°C. Similar test results are reported by Baumert and Bisby [2] who con‐
ducted tests on CFRP-strengthened RC beams exposed to temperatures ranging from -27°C
to 21°C and from -18°C to 15°C with 50 freeze and thaw cycles for each temperature. Bisby
and Green [3] examined the bonding performance of concrete members strengthened with
CFRP and glass FRP under freeze and thaw cycling with temperatures ranging from -18°C
to 15°C. Their results indicate insignificant effects on strengthening in flexure within 300 cy‐
cles of freeze and thawing. The American Concrete Institute (ACI) 440R-02 [4] recommends
that the FRP system, which is exposed to high humidity, freeze-thaw cycles, salt water, or
alkalinity, should be taken into account when determining the environmental degradation
of an adhesively bonded system.

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© 2013 Yun
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22 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

2. Problem statement

Because the condition of strengthened concrete is not visible from outside the CFRP sheets,
it is difficult to quantify the deterioration and any defects that affect the structural integrity
of the infrastructure. Evaluation techniques are needed to expand CFRP’s application in re‐
pair and rehabilitation. With that need in mind, an acoustic emission technique is employed
to determine the performance of CFRP-strengthened RC beams exposed to freeze and thaw

The author’s previous study successfully shows the possible application of acoustic emis‐
sion activities to determine the structural integrity corresponding to the representative dam‐
age levels of CFRP-strengthened RC beams that contain intentional defects in the bond
system [5]. In this research, the acoustic emission signal characteristics of RC beams
strengthened with CFRP sheets and exposed to several freeze and thaw cycles (0, 30, 60,120,
and 400 cycles) ranging in temperature from -18 to 4°C are investigated.

For this study, six beams were fabricated in 100 x 100 x 400 mm sections with a specified
design compressive strength of 33 MPa for all specimens. The specimens were designed in
shear failure regardless of the shear reinforcement with CFRP. Specimen S1 indicates the
control beam without any strengthening or freeze and thaw cycles. Specimens S2 indicate
the shear-strengthened beams with CFRP sheets (0.12 mm thickness). Detailed reinforce‐
ment and specimen information is presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Detailed information regarding the test specimens

Acoustic Emission to Detect Damage in FRP Strength Under Freeze and Thaw Cycles 23

The CFRP sheets used in this study have tensile strengths of 4,100 MPa, respectively. The
adhesive (Sikadur-330) used for bonding the CFRP composites is epoxy resin, and its bond‐
ing strength, as supplied by the manufacturer, is 17.5 MPa. The material properties of the
reinforcement in the specimens are listed in Table 1.

Size of Rebar (diameter, area) Yielding Strength (MPa) Yielding Strain (µm)

D13 (12.7mm, 1.267cm2) 255 2130

Transverse Reinforcement D6 (6.35mm, 0.3167cm2) 290 1920

D6 (6.35mm, 0.3167cm2) 290 1920

Table 1. Material Properties of Reinforcement

The simply supported specimens were tested under four-point loading conditions by a
2000 kN Universal Testing Machine (UTM). The load was applied up to failure with dis‐
placement control of 0.1 mm/sec. Figure 2 shows the typical test set-up for the speci‐
mens used in this study. A linear variable differential transducer (LVDT) was installed
to measure the displacement at the mid-span of the specimen. An electrical strain gauge
also was installed to measure the strain in the tensile reinforcement and concrete. Four
acoustic emission sensors (Model SE900-MWB with wide bandwidth) with a frequency
range of 100~ 900 kHz were installed to measure the acoustic emission activities that cor‐
respond to the damage level of the specimens under flexure. These sensors were pre-am‐
plified (at 20 dB) prior to recording in order to prevent noise signals due to friction, and
a rubber sheet was placed between the beam and loading points. The threshold level
was fixed to 35 dB to eliminate electric and mechanical noise. The acoustic emission sig‐
nals were recorded up to the failure of the specimens.

Unit (mm)

Figure 2. Typical test set-up and gauge installation

As the diagonal crack width expands, the specimen fails in shear mode, while multiple
flexural cracks were generated for the S2 specimens with CFRP strengthening. For specimen
24 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

S1, the flexural crack initiates at the mid-span of the specimen around 12% (12 kN) of the
ultimate strength, and then diagonal cracking is generated at around 30% (29kN) of the ulti‐
mate strength. As the diagonal crack width expands, the specimen fails in shear mode, while
multiple flexural cracks were generated for the S2 specimens with CFRP strengthening.
As the load increases, the diagonal crack width increases, and then finally it fails in
shear mode. Similar crack propagation was observed for all CFRP-strengthened speci‐
mens. As seen in Figure 3, the CFRP-strengthened specimens exposed freeze and thaw‐
ing cycles partially de-bonded due to the deterioration of the interface between the
concrete surface and adhesive.

Figure 3. De-lamination of CFRP at failure

Figure 4 shows the load versus displacement relationship of the specimens. The CFRP-
strengthened specimens prevent rapid strength reduction due to diagonal cracking once the
ultimate strength is attained. The strength and ductility tend to decrease for the CFRP-
strengthened specimens over 60 freeze and thawing cycles.
For the CFRP-strengthened specimen, the deformation in the diagonal direction rapidly in‐
creases. This occurrence results in the shear strengthening of the CFRP sheets. Moreover, the
deformation in the diagonal direction increases as the number of freeze and thawing cycles
increases. This occurrence results in the reduction of bond strength between the concrete
surface and CFRP sheets.

2.1. Acoustic emission activities

2.1.1. Event counts and energy

Figure 5 shows the relationship between acoustic emission event counts and energy that cor‐
responds to the normalized elapsed time (T/Tu). The normalized elapsed time is computed
using the ratio of the loading time (T) to the moment of failure (Tu). The moment of failure is
determined at the time of 80% ultimate strength after reaching the ultimate strength. Figure
5 show the rapid increase in the acoustic emission event counts at the initiation of flexural
Acoustic Emission to Detect Damage in FRP Strength Under Freeze and Thaw Cycles 25

cracking. No external cracks or visible damage are evident prior to the initiation of the flexu‐
ral cracks; however, a low level of events was recorded, which is possibly due to the voids
and micro-cracks within the concrete.



Load (kN)


S1 S2-0
S2-30 S2-60
20 S2-120 S2-400

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Deflection (mm)

Figure 4. Load versus displacement

For specimen S1, the acoustic emission event counts moderately increase after the initiation
of the flexural cracks.
For specimen S2, the acoustic emission event counts moderately increase after the initiation
of the flexural cracks. Otherwise, the acoustic emission event counts for the CFRP-strength‐
ened specimen, S2, increase and continue to increase along with the damage of adhesion in
the interface between the concrete and CFRP plates.
The acoustic emission event counts for specimen S1 at the normalized elapsed time ratio of
41% drop within a short period due to the occurrence of diagonal cracks. Subsequently, the
acoustic emission event counts increase up to the normalized elapsed time ratio of 64%,
which is due to the incremental growth of the width of the existing diagonal crack, instead
of the occurrence of a new crack. Compared with the occurrence of new cracks, increasing
the width of existing cracks may result in a decrease in the occurrence of elastic waves [5].
Figure 5 show that the acoustic emission event counts for the specimens exposed to freeze
and thaw cycles gradually increase from the beginning of the loading and continue to in‐
crease up to the ultimate loading. This occurrence may result in the weakness of the bond
strength of the concrete within that causes deterioration of the structural integrity of the RC
member. The acoustic emission energy tends to decrease gradually with an increase in the
number of freeze and thaw cycles as shown in Figure 5.
The AE energy can be evaluated by the area of AE elastic waves. The AE energy level of the
strengthened beam is higher energy level than that of the beam without strengthening. This
was because the amplitude of AE signal due to the damage of epoxy is greater than that due
to the crack in the concrete beam. The AE energy over 30 freeze and thawing cycles was rap‐
idly increased. This was because the emitted AE elastic waves from the reduced bonding
26 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

force between the CFRP sheets and epoxy were relatively lower than that from the rupture
of epoxy which typically has a high level of amplitude characteristic.
Acoustic Emission to Detect Damage in FRP Strength Under Freeze and Thaw Cycles 27

Figure 5. Acoustic emission event counts and energy characteristics of RC beams with CFRP composites (up to
0.80Pmax after maximum loading)
28 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

2.2. Amplitude and frequency

Figure 6 shows the progress of amplitude and frequency that corresponds to the normalized
loading ratio for selected specimens. The amplitude and frequency of specimen S1 increase
considerably from the beginning of the load to the initial flexural crack, as shown in Figure 6
(a). This result is caused by the development of macro-cracks that represent the connection
of the voids and entrapped air within the concrete. The incremental development of the
macro-cracks continues until diagonal cracks begin to appear. The frequency decreases radi‐
cally once these diagonal cracks appear. However, the amplitude does not change signifi‐
cantly. The frequency decreases continuously until the ultimate load is reached. Afterward,
it is in the range of 100 – 200 kHz until failure.

For specimen S2, the acoustic emission signal is detected at the beginning of loading. Speci‐
men S2 generates a higher amplitude and frequency than specimen S1. These higher acous‐
tic emission signals might be caused by the damage of epoxy on the concrete surface and
CFRP plate. No considerable change is evident from the beginning of the de-bonding of the
CFRP to the ultimate loading and failure. The frequency until failure is in the range of 150 –
250 kHz, which is a higher frequency than for specimen S1. This finding is due to the acous‐
tic emission signal characteristics of the epoxy in the interface between the concrete and
CFRP sheets.

On the other hand, specimens S2-120 and S2-400 generate low amplitude and frequency at
the initial flexural cracks and diagonal cracks. This occurrence results in the deterioration of
the epoxy and/or the concrete surface due to the considerable number of freeze and thawing

As shown in Figure 8 (f), the more freeze and thawing cycles, the more deterioration of the
concrete surface and CFRP sheets. This deterioration results in the significant increase in
amplitude and frequency during the beginning of loading up to the de-bonding of the
CFRP. Afterward, the acoustic emission signal decreases. The frequency until failure is in
the range of 200 – 350 kHz, which is a relatively high frequency range. In general, there is a
tendency for the amplitude and frequency to increase as the micro-cracks and initial flexural
cracks develop. The frequency tends to decrease as the diagonal cracks propagate and the
crack widths expand, although the maximum amplitude does not change.

2.3. Damage evaluation

In order to apply acoustic emission techniques to the evaluation of damage and integrity of
CFRP-strengthened RC beams, it is essential to study the characteristics of the acoustic emis‐
sion parameters according to damage levels. The evolution of acoustic activity caused by
micro-fracture within the concrete is often quantified using the concise framework originat‐
ed by Gutenberg and Richter in their analysis of earthquake magnitudes, which is a reflec‐
tion of the view that large-scale (i.e., geological) and small-scale (i.e., micro-fracture)
acoustic events share a common origin in cascades of strain energy release events. In earth‐
quake seismology, events of larger magnitude occur less frequently than events of smaller
Acoustic Emission to Detect Damage in FRP Strength Under Freeze and Thaw Cycles 29

magnitude. This fact can be quantified in terms of a magnitude-frequency relationship, for

which Gutenberg and Richter propose the empirical formula (1),

log N ( W )= a - bW , (1)

where N(W) is the Richter magnitude of the events, which is the cumulative number of
events having a magnitude greater than or equal to W, and a and b are the empirical con‐

In acoustic emission data analysis, the coefficient b is known as the AE-b value [6]. The AE-b
value is given as the gradient of the linear descending branch of the cumulative frequency
distribution. The coefficient 20 was multiplied to get the AE-b values to the slope [7]. In the
process where micro-fractures are more prevalent than macro-fractures, the b-value tends to
increase, whereas in the process whereby macro-fractures occur more frequently than mi‐
cro-fractures, the b-value tends to decrease.

Figure 7 presents the relationship of maximum amplitude versus frequency during the spe‐
cific normalized elapsed time, which indicates the representative damage level. For speci‐
men S2-120, the AE-b value is 1.389 when the micro-cracks initiate on the surface and can be
detected visually. As the cracks propagate and expand, the values are 1.222 and 1.051, re‐
spectively. Those values tend to decrease as damage progresses. In short, the AE-b values
tend to increase when the micro-cracks dominate the overall behavior, whereas the AE-b
values seem to decrease when the behavior is controlled primarily by the propagating and
expanding cracks [6, 8].

Figure 8 presents the comparison between the AE-b values versus the normalized elapsed
time to failure. For specimen S-1, the AE-b value decreases significantly at the initiation of
the diagonal cracks and flexural compression failure, at which time considerable damage is
generated. This occurrence results in a high acoustic emission signal.

For specimen S-2, the lowest AE-b value is obtained at the de-bonding of the CFRP. After‐
ward, the rapid decrease in the AE-b value can be observed around the point of failure.

Specimens with fewer than 120 freeze and thawing cycles have relatively higher AE-b val‐
ues (higher than 1.2) at the initiation of the micro-cracks and diagonal cracks and de-bond‐
ing of the CFRP. In general, the AE-b values range from 1.20 to 1.45, which is a relatively
narrow fluctuation range compared to that for the specimens that are not exposed to freeze
and thawing cycles.

For specimens exposed over 400 freeze and thawing cycles (S2-400), the low AE-b values are
obtained at the beginning of the elapsed time, which may result in the deterioration of the
concrete surface and bonding surface with the CFRP. The damage level caused by the freeze
and thawing cycles is comparable to that of the macro-cracks. This occurrence is caused by
the low acoustic emission values at the beginning of the test.
30 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications
Acoustic Emission to Detect Damage in FRP Strength Under Freeze and Thaw Cycles 31

Figure 6. Frequency and amplitude

32 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

1) 30% of normalized elapsed time(T/Tu, %)
2) 61% of normalized elapsed time(T/Tu, %)
3) 95% of normalized elapsed time(T/Tu, %)
Linear (1) 30% of normalized elapsed time(T/Tu, %))
2.5 Linear (2) 61% of normalized elapsed time(T/Tu, %))

Frequency - log N Linear (3) 95% of normalized elapsed time(T/Tu, %))

1) b = 1.39
2) b = 1.22
1.5 3) b = 1.05



40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Maximum amplitute (dB)

Figure 7. Typical variations of amplitude and load for S2-120

Figure 8. The AE-b values versus the normalized elapsed time to failure
Acoustic Emission to Detect Damage in FRP Strength Under Freeze and Thaw Cycles 33

In order to quantify the evolution of the damage process during the loading of the CFRP-
strengthened RC beams, the AE-b values are separated into three subpopulations represent‐
ing each damage level (i. micro cracks; ii. crack propagation and/or crack growth; iii. macro
cracks; de-bonding, and/or CFRP failure). The relationship between the physical damage
level and the AE-b value is presented in Table 2.

Range of AE-b values Damage description

AE-b values "/> 1.25 Development of micro-crack

1.25 "/> AE-b values "/> 1.15 Propagation of micro-crack and crack width

1.15 "/> AE-b values "/> 0.80 Formation of macro-crack, de-bonding of CRFP, rupture

Table 2. AE-b Values for Each Damage Level

3. Conclusions

The strengthening performance and evaluation of the damage caused by acoustic emission
activities for RC beams strengthened in shear with CFRP are examined under various freez‐
ing and thawing cycles with and without shear strengthening. The following results are
found based on the limited experimental tests.

The significant increase in acoustic emission activities (event, energy, amplitude, and fre‐
quency) is observed at each damage level that corresponds to the initiation of the crack,
propagation of diagonal cracking, de-bonding of CFRP, and failure. These acoustic emission
activities are good indicators for determining the structural integrity and micro-damage of
CFRP-strengthened RC beams.

The AE-b value provides a possible application to quantify the local damage of CFRP-
strengthened RC beams exposed to freeze and thaw cycling corresponding to various dam‐
age levels.

Author details

Hyun-Do Yun1 and Wonchang Choi2

1 Chung-Nam National University, Korea

2 NC A&T State University, USA

34 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications


[1] Kaiser, H. P. Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete with Epoxy-Bonded Carbon Fibre

Plastics. Doctoral thesis. Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH), Zurich: Swit‐
zerland; 1989.

[2] Baumert, M. E., M. F. Green, and M. A. Erki. Proceedings of the Second ACMBS In‐
ternational Conference, August11-14, 1996, Montreal, Canada.

[3] Bisby, L. A. and M. F. Green. Resistance to Freezing and Thawing of Fiber-Rein‐

forced Polymer Concrete Bond. ACI Structural Journal 2002; 99(2) 215-223.

[4] ACI 440. Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP systems
for Strengthening Concrete Structures. 2002.

[5] Yun, H., W. Choi, and S. Seo. Acoustic Emission Activities and Damage Evaluation
of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with CFRP Sheets. NDT & E Interna‐
tional, Elsevier, 2010; 43(7) 615-628.

[6] Shitotani, T., Y. Nakanishi, X. Luo, and H. Haya. Damage Assessment in Railway
Sub-structures Deteriorated Using Acoustic Emission Technique, DGZFP-Proceed‐
ings BB 90-CD, 2004.

[7] K. Mogi, Study shocks caused by the fracture of heterogeneous materials and its rela‐
tions to earthquake phenomena, Bulletin of Earthquake Research Institute, Universi‐
ty of Tokyo,1962; 40 123-173.

[8] Colombo, I. S., I. G. Main, and M. C. Forde. Assessing Damage of Reinforced Con‐
crete Beam Using b-value Analysis of Acoustic Emission Signals. Journal of Materials
in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 2003; 15(3) 280-286.
Chapter 3

Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-

Test: The Overall Effect Monitored by Acoustic Emission

Giovanni P. Gregori, Giuliano Ventrice,

Sebastiano Pinori, Genesio Alessandrini and
Francesco Bianchi

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

A study is here presented, which was carried out on a steel bridge monitored by acoustic
emission (AE), during load-test before its opening to public. Other standard security checks
of linear deformation were simultaneously carried out, according to law requirements, by laser

The focus of the present study is on material fatigue, consequent to load test. This newly
constructed viaduct displayed an excellent performance. Hence, it is an effective and suitable
reference to be compared with every old metal viaduct. In some respect, and up to some extent,
this study also applies to concrete, or brick, or wood bridges. Indeed, fatigue is a permanently
ongoing process and, when integrated over time, it affects old structures, causing progressive
ageing and loss of performance and security. The difference between bridges constructed by
different materials only relies on a different response-time to an applied tress. But fatigue and
ageing are a much similar process when dealing with different materials. There is only need
for a suitable calibration focused on every given case history.

The technique here applied relies on passive AE monitoring in the ultrasound band. AE are
spontaneously released by every stressed solid material. Indeed, AE occur as a response to
every gentle stress, independent of its cause.

It should be pointed out that AE intensity is not of concern for the analysis which is here
considered. The only requirement is that an AE signal is detectable. The timing of the AE
release, not the intensity, is rather fundamental for the present analysis.

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© 2013 Gregori
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36 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Several applications of ultrasound monitoring are reported as a standard in the literature and
they deal with several engineering concerns. However, the method, which is here applied for
data handling, for analysis and for physical interpretation, derives from an original proce‐
dure1 which is completely different compared to all previous procedures by other authors that
are reported in the literature.
The viaduct of the present study is named “Cavalcaferrovia Ostiense” (i.e. “Overpass Os‐
tiense”). It holds three-lanes (altogether 11.5 m wide) in each direction, plus two large side‐
walks. It connects the major road “Circonvallazione Ostiense”, on its eastern side, with the
arterial road “Ostiense” on its western side (figure 1). It is ~ 159 m long, and is located in the
Rome neighbourhood named Garbatella. Hence, it is here briefly called “Garbatella bridge”
(figure 2, 3 and 4).2 Its design reminds about a 3-leg spider, with one “leg” on its eastern side.
“Side A” is its northern side and “side B” its southern side. Each side is further distinguished,
respectively, into its eastern (E) and western (W) segment (figures 3 and 4).
It crosses over a four-way railway, i.e. two ways of the Rome urban metro plus two ways of
the suburban train Roma-Lido di Ostia. The height of the viaduct with respect to the rail‐
way3 is comparable to the height of a train inside a standard railway tunnel. Every urban train
always stops at the Garbatella station, which is very close to the viaduct (figure 1), while every
suburban train crosses through it at moderate, although sometimes low, speed.
Thermal dilatation is compensated at the two western “legs” of the bridge that can slide
longitudinally, while the single eastern “leg” is fixed to its concrete basement.
AE monitoring was implemented on December 16th, 2011 on the occasion of the load test,4 which
was formally carried out on December 17th, 2011.5 The total load was made by means of 28 mobile
concrete mixers, filled with rubble, everyone of total weight of ~ 3.5 tons. Altogether the load
was 9800 kN.
The load test was exploited in four steps. During Step 1 the load was symmetric (14 mixers on
each side A and B). Step 2 was asymmetric with 14 mixers on side A and no mixer on side B.
Step 3 was carried out with 5 mixers over segment A-E and 5 mixers over segment B-W. Step
4 had a load of 8 mixers over segment A-E and 8 mixers over segment B-E.
Standard monitoring was exploited by means of laser measurements concerning several linear
deformations to be compared with model computation. In addition, model computations also

1 The algorithms that are here applied include a few methods that already appeared in a few papers by the authors and
co-workers (see below). These procedures are now also a part of a more systematic and compact set of methods for
technological applications, which were implemented and patented by G. P. Gregori. Their practical exploitation and
applications are in progress at S.M.E.
2 The design is by “Solidus srl – Ing. Francesco Del Tosto”, with components provided by “Cimolai spa”,Pordenone,
3 The road level with respect to the highest side of the rail is 7.80 m. We acknowledge and thank Ing. Francesco del Tosto
for providing us with this (and other) information.
4 We acknowledge Ing. Fabio Rocchi for kindly providing with the official documentation.
5 The legal prescriptions are specified by the Italian Ministerial Decree D.M. LL. PP. 14/01/2008, Technical standards for
construction, and by its explanatory supplement 02/02/2009, n. 617, Instructions for the application of the “Technical
standards for construction” (D.M. 14 January 2008).
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 37

specify the axial stress of several different components of the bridge, which were compared
with direct measurements.

Figure 1. Sketch (out of scale), over a Google-Earth’s image, showing the location of the Garbatella bridge. The urban
metro line is indicated by a red strip, and the suburban train by a blue strip. The approximate locations of the three
“legs” are indicated by white circles.

Figure 2. The Garbatella bridge seen from its western side. AE monitoring was carried out at the base of the single
eastern “leg” here shown in the background.
38 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 3. The 3-leg spider cable-stayed Garbatella bridge. Its single eastern leg is to the right. Figure after the official
documentation of the load test of the viaduct. See text.

Figure 4. Horizontal and vertical orthogonal projection of the bridge. The eastern side is to the right. Figure after the
official documentation of the load test of the viaduct. See text.
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 39

Only the details of Step 1 are here of concern. The vertical displacement of the key of arch (side
A) was measured as -37 mm, which resulted 92% the model estimate -40 mm. The vertical
displacement of the middle point of the road level (side A) was 59 mm, which equals 95% the
computed 62 mm. The variation of compressive stress at the middle key of the arch (side A)
resulted -3930 kN, which is 93% the model estimate -4243 kN. The external suspension cable
9e (side A) experienced a traction of 170 kN, which is 97% the estimated 175 kN. A lower oblique
chain under the road level, which opposes the longitudinal and lateral extension of the arch,
experienced a traction of 3160 kN, which is 89% the estimated 3560 kN. The sliding of the two
western legs was (Δx, Δy, Δz, respectively, in mm): for the southern leg (-11,-1,0), to be
compared with model computation (-12,-1,0), and for the northern leg (-11,0,0), to be compared
with model computation (-12,1,0).

Similar results, which however are not here reported in detail, were found concerning Steps 2,
3 and 4 of the load test. The absolute values of all measured parameters resulted less than the
estimated applied stress. They claim that this discrepancy derived from the size of the nodes
of the arch, which in model computation were assumed point-like. Therefore, the model
underestimated the true rigidity of the structure.

In general, the discrepancy between model and records resulted less than a few percent, which
was explained by thermal dilation effects, originated by changes of air temperature. Owing to
abrupt rain and hail, at the end of Step 1 an air temperature variation had occurred ΔT =
-4°C which affected only the arch of the bridge, but not its road level, as it was protected by
road cover. According to model computation, it was estimated that this effect implies a
lowering to the road level by 4 mm. The discrepancy, 4 hour later, when the absolute value of
ΔT had diminished, was only 2 mm. This result is consistent with the leading role of the
thermoelastic stress, in agreement with what is clearly envisaged by the present investigation.

For future reference, the detailed load timing is here needed only concerning Step 1. Two trucks
at a time were loaded, starting at 08h 07min a.m. (LT=UT+1 hour), attaining full load at 08h 45min
45sec. The loading occurred by adding 3 sets of mixers at a time. The first set, here called “load-1”
set, involved 7 couples of trucks loaded during 9 min (approximately at 08h 07min, 08h 08min,
08h 10min 45sec, 08h 12min, 08h 13min, 08h 15min, 08h 16min LT). Then, 2 couples of trucks were loaded
after a while (approximately at 08h 24min and 08h 34min 15sec); this is here denoted as “load-2”
set. The remaining 6 couples of trucks were loaded during 5.5 min (approximately at 08h
42min, 08h 43min, 08h 43min 30sec, 08h 45min, 08h 45min 45sec), and this is here denoted as “load-3” set.

The load test further continued through Steps 2, 3 and 4. But, their detailed timing is not of
interest for the present study. The entire load test was completed by late afternoon.

2. AE monitoring

AE were recorded (figure 5) at the base of the single eastern “leg”, in two frequency bands:
high frequency (HF AE) at 200 kHz and low frequency (LF AE) at 25 kHz.
40 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 5. The AE recording apparatus while it is implemented (upper figure), and details of the AE detector (lower
figure), where every AE transducer is located inside a transparent plastic cylinder (left figure), and the two preamplifi‐
ers are the small white cylinders (right figure).
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 41

Per each frequency, the primary signal was released by a piezoelectric acoustic transducer.
The signal was then pre-amplified and amplified. The rms amplitude of the signal was
averaged over 5 msec. The entire set of all these [5 msec]-averaged signals was averaged over
a pre-chosen time interval Δt. Then, a data logger stored this final average over Δt into two
distinct data series, for HF AE and LF AE, respectively.
The main time series of records lasted between Dec 16th 20h 58min 59sec through Dec 29th 14h 17min
35sec. Data were collected at Δt=4 sec and these series are here briefly denoted as the “4s” data
set. It is almost uninterrupted, apart a few minor gaps. During one of these gaps, between Dec
20th 12h 14min 58sec through Dec 20th 13h 39min 11sec, data were recorded with Δt=1 sec and these
series are here briefly denoted as “1s” set.
Meteorological conditions were substantially perturbed, with occasional relevant wind gusts,
and episodic rain or hail precipitation. However, no anemometer was available, and no regular
temperature record.

3. Data analysis: Algorithms and physical principle

Data handling was carried out by a set of a few different algorithms. Reference is made to
previous literature6. Several applications of these methods already appeared in previous
papers by the authors and co-workers, mainly concerned with the natural environment (crustal
stress and volcanic precursors), but including also a few studies dealing with laboratory test,
either on steel or on (non-reinforced) concrete.
The present paper is specifically focused on the output of a few algorithms, which are better
suited to characterize the overall performance of the steel structure. Additional algorithms are
to be later considered by additional investigations (in preparation), to be more specifically
concerned with detailed features of the time-history of the response by the microcrystalline
solid structure to the applied stress, both during load-time and during after-load recovery.
The identical data handling and analysis has been separately applied to both HF AE and LF
AE series.
One key algorithm, here applied and briefly summarized, deals with the fractal dimension Dt
of the time series of the AE records.
But a preliminary needed step is the outlier rejection which is applied to every AE raw data
series. The purpose is to get rid of every AE signal that, owing to any physical reason (maybe
sometimes even by unpredictable instrumental bad functioning but also by any other un‐
wanted physical disturbance), eventually appears to deviate by a relevant amount with respect

6 As far as the methods are concerned, refer to Paparo et al. (2002, 2006), Gregori et al. (2002, 2005, 2007, 2012), Paparo
and Gregori (2003), Gregori and Paparo (2004), and Poscolieri et al.(2006, 2006a), where several applications are discussed
in detail. Other applications are here mentioned passim. Additional references dealing with applications and which are
not mentioned in the following are: for laboratory experiments on concrete see Guarniere (2003) and Gregori and Paparo
(2006); for Vesuvius see Paparoet al. (2004, 2004a); for Cephallonia Island see Lagios et al. (2004), and Poscolieri et al.
(2006); and for fractal analysis on the geographical distribution of faults see Cello (2000) and Gregori et al. (2010).
42 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

to some “smooth” trend of its background. However, while dealing with every previous
analogous AE investigation, the outlier series resulted not to be concerned with spurious and
unwanted disturbances. Rather, it reflected an intrinsic physical feature, derived from the
intimate physics of the microcrystalline structure of materials (see section 4). This same
conclusion is also found in the present study.

The subsequent investigation of the outlier series, which is here reported, is then carried out
by the algorithm “arp”, which in the present application resulted particularly suited for the
detection of some (maybe unexpected) oscillations of the bridge.

The algorithm for outlier rejection relies on some mathematical technicalities, which are not
of specific interest for the present discussion. Therefore, owing to brevity purposes, they are
not here explained. The interested reader may refer to the aforementioned literature.

Call f (t ) the data series of the records (of either HF AE or LF AE). It is a discrete set of values.
In general, all values refer to successive time instants defined by a time increment Δt. Accord‐
ing to the requirements by our algorithm, however, this regularity is only optional. For the 1s
set it is Δt = 1 sec, and for the 4s set it is Δt = 4 sec. Reject the outliers.

Call f̄ (t ) a (weighted) running mean, computed only by means of the non-rejected f (t ). In the
present analysis, a triangular weight-function was chosen with half-time interval ± 100 sec.
This interval, however, may be arbitrarily changed inside comparatively loose constraints, and
this choice results to imply only a physically insignificant consequence on results.

Call g (t ) = f (t ) - f̄ (t ) the residual, computed by means of all f (t ), i.e. including also the formerly
rejected outliers.

Define a point-like process7 identified with the time series of “AE events” defined as follows.

An “AE event” is identified with one relative maximum of g (t ). But the amplitude of this relative
maximum must to be above some arbitrarily pre-defined threshold, defined as follows.

Consider a reasonably wide subset of the original series of g (t ). Call “S” this subset. Compute
the rms value σ of all g (t ) contained in “S”. In the present case, the aforementioned threshold
has been chosen as [σ/4] for the reasons explained below.

Choose another arbitrary and suitable time interval Δt1, which is used to evaluate Dt. For
every given pre-chosen time instant tj (for j=1, 2,...), consider the set “M” of all elements of
the aforementioned point-like process, which occur inside a moving time lag of total dura‐
tion Δt1 and centred at the given tj. Apply the box counting method,8 and compute the frac‐
tal dimension Dt(tj ) (for j=1, 2,...) of the set “M”. This Dt(tj ) is one leading parameter in the
present discussion.

7 A “point-like process” is the conventional name used in mathematics to denote a time series of “yes” events (e.g. a
heartbeat, a natural catastrophe, an earthquake of magnitude larger than a given threshold, a volcanic eruption, a flood,
etc.). Every event is characterized by its abscissa (i.e. time in the present case history), independent of its ordinate (or
8 This is a well known algorithm and its description may be easily found on every elementary textbook on fractal analysis.
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 43

The criterion used for the definition of the aforementioned threshold began by choosing ten trial
values for the threshold, everyone arbitrarily defined as [σ/k] (with k=1, 2,..., 10). The fractal
dimension Dt(k) was computed on the entire aforementioned subset “S”, and for every given k.

Owing to physical reasons, if k is exceedingly large, a threshold chosen equal to [σ/k] results
exceedingly small. The background noise is thus included and some false “AE events” enter
into subsequent computation: owing to its mathematical definition, a large Dt(k)~1 must
therefore be found.

In contrast, if k is exceedingly small, [σ/k] results exceedingly large, and the threshold excludes
several physically significant “AE events”, which are erroneously likened to background.

Therefore, owing to mathematical reasons, the plot of Dt(k) vs. k certainly is monotonic and
decreasing. But, whenever a step-like decrease is observed on this plot, this denotes the correct
k value, which excludes the entire background noise, while it keeps all values which are
physically significant. Hence, this k defines the correct logical ‘’sieve’’ that rejects noise and
saves the physical significant information. The optimum choice was thus found to be k=4.

However, in the present data analysis - and concerning both 1s and 4s sets - it is convenient to
consider the definition of Δt1 from a different viewpoint. Let us refer to the order number of the
elements of the point-like process, rather than to their respective time instant. In the present
application, this makes no difference, as the original AE data series was recorded at constant
time increments Δt.

Three choices have been made for each 1s or 4s set. Every single Dt(tj ) was computed by
means of ND elements, which are included in the aforementioned Δt1 moving time lag. It
was chosen either ND =600, or ND =1200, or ND =1800 elements. In the case of the 1s data ser‐
ies, this implies that the evaluation of every Dt(tj ) was carried out by referring to running
time intervals of total duration 10 min, 20 min, and 30 min, respectively. In the case of the 4s
data series, this corresponded to evaluate a Dt(tj ) by referring to time intervals of 40 min, 80
min, and 2 hours, respectively.
These different choices of ND were considered, because a different ND eventually plays a rel‐
evant role when dealing with the error-bar and scatter of the time series of computed Dt(tj )
(j=1, 2,...). The reason is the unknown response to unwanted disturbances, originated by sev‐
eral physical environmental perturbations (see section 5). This ND choice resulted compara‐
bly critical for HF AE, while concerning LF AE series it appeared robust.

As already mentioned, other algorithms for data analysis are to be considered (in preparation),
which are more directly focused on details of the response of the microcrystalline steel
structure. But, as far as the present analysis is concerned, only one relevant physical item ought
to be here anticipated.

According to the so-called “hammer effect” (see Gregori et al., 2007), we found that, in the
present AE records, the AE release almost always occurs only during the “recovery stage”,
rather than during the “hammer stage”. That is, no AE release occurs while the material is
subjected, on an instant basis, to an externally applied stress. Rather, the AE release occurs as
44 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

soon as the micro-crystals recover during their (approximately) “elastic” response, after the
former applied stress. But, owing to brevity purposes, no additional details can be here given.

Another algorithm used for the present study is the “arp” histogram9 applied to both outliers
time series. This algorithm may be applied to every point-like process. Every event is consid‐
ered independent of its intensity, and only the time instant of its occurrence is considered. Call
{tj} (j=1, 2,...) the time series of a point-like process, and call Δtj,k (j,k= 1, 2,....; k>j) the set of all
possible time intervals between the time instants of any couple of successive (even non-
contiguous in time) elements of the set {tj}.

“Arp” is the histogram of these Δtj,k (j,k= 1, 2,....; k>j). But, it is well known that a histogram can
be drawn only after choosing a suitable elementary time increment Δte on abscissas, such that
all the elements that occur during every given time interval Δte of the histogram are supposed
to be associated with an identical occurrence instant of time. Practically, it resulted convenient
to define Δte equal to (1/10) the average of all Δtj,k (j,k= 1, 2,....; k>j).

As it can be easily shown (just try it), owing to definition, if the point-like process is a random
series, its “arp” must look like a rectangular triangle, with a regularly decreasing trend. In
contrast, if the system has some leading component characterized by a periodicity T0, its “arp”
will display approximately the same roughly decreasing trend, and a scatter superposed on it
with relative maxima at every abscissa hT0 (h=1,2,...).

Denote by T any general value for an abscissa of “arp” abscissas and call n(T) its ordinate. The
error bar of “arp” is expressed as n (T ) ± n (T ). Since this error bar depends on n(T), the
assessment may eventually result ambiguous of the occurrence of a relative maximum of
n(T). This drawback can, however, be easily avoided by considering the histogram defined by
n (T ) ± 1 / 2, which has a constant error bar, and will be here briefly denoted as arp.

In the next section a concise summary is given of the primary physical principle. This is the
basis for entire physical rationale of all previous algorithms. Section 5 deals with the analysis
of Dt and with the way to recognize and rebut unwanted environmental disturbances. Section
6 deals with the “arp” (or arp) analysis of each outlier series.

4. The physical rationale

No material exists that is either ideally “elastic”, or ideally “plastic”. Every time that every real
approximately “elastic” and solid medium experiences a stress, it also experiences a fatigue.
For instance, even a tenuous thermal deformation is a cause of ageing of the medium.

The fatigue, or ageing, of the material is manifested as a rupture of some crystalline bond.
Whenever an additional stress is applied, new bonds yield. But, in general, these new ruptures
occur close to formerly broken bonds, where the crystalline structure is comparatively weaker.

9 “Arp” is an acronym for “automatic research of periodicities”. “Arpa” is the Italian name for harp.
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 45

In this way, a true chain-reaction occurs. This is the physical explanation of the well known
phenomenon of cleavage plane in a crystal.
Every time that a crystalline bond yields, some AE is released, which is propagated through
the medium. The primary physical information of our method relies on the timing of the
sequence of subsequent AE release, which is detected inside the medium.
It should be pointed out that the concern is not about the intensity of the AE signal. There is
only need to assume that the signal has a sufficient intensity in order that it can be detected.
Indeed, the recorded AE amplitude is controlled by several unknown factors, such as by the
distance and intensity of the instant AE source, but also by the unknown and eventually time-
varying damping of the signal between source and detector, etc.
In contrast, the timing of the detected AE signal results to be an information of paramount
importance in order to check how the medium responds to an applied stress. In this way, the
ageing of the medium can be effectively monitored, and its eventual loss of performance. The
entire procedure is therefore purely passive, and no invasive action is required.
An important related concept deals with the frequency of the AE signal, which depends on the
size of the micro-flaw, which is associated with the broken bonds: comparatively smaller flaws
release comparatively higher frequencies. We cannot know the law that relates flaw size and
AE frequency, but we do know that this is the physically correct rationale.
While the ageing process is in progress, small flaws coalesce into larger ones. A former
population of comparatively smaller flaws thus progressively decays, while it generates an
increasing population of larger flaws etc.
Define “flaw domain” (Gregori et al., 2012) the typical physical domain of a flaw, which is
associated with the observed AE of a given frequency (although we do not know the real size
of this flaw domain). The statistics of flaw domains for a given AE frequency shall display a
lognormal distribution.
This inference derives by consideration of the rationale of the simplest case history of the so-
called Kapteyn class distributions (Kapteyn, 1903, 1912; Katpeyn and van Uven, 1916; Paparo
and Gregori, 2003). That is, the probability of occurrence of an event is proportional to the
number of identical events that are occurring at the same instant of time. For details and
reference see the aforementioned literature. Owing to definition, a lognormal distribution is
asymmetric. It has a tail, and this can be promptly shown to be the primary physical cause for
the aforementioned persistence of outliers, both in f (t ) and in g (t ), independent of the “sieve”.
We know therefore that one and the same kind of anomalous behaviour is to be expected to
be observed first by AE of comparatively higher frequency, and subsequently by AE of every
progressively lower frequency, etc. This is of paramount important, as it provides us with a
physical information on the direction of the time arrow inside the ageing process. That is, we can
thus recognize a precursor phenomenon compared to an after-event occurrence. For instance, in
the case of seismic precursors, or of any kind of other environmental measurements, the
practically unsolvable problem is well known of the assessment, on a statistical basis, of what
is a precursor compared to what is an aftershock.
46 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Summarizing, it is possible to monitor the ageing of a material - and the loss of performance
of a structure (either natural or manmade) - simply by a passive monitoring of the AE released
by its medium, when it responds even to a very gentle stress.
When an AE experiment is carried out in the laboratory, we can very effectively control the
physical system, and by this we can minimize the impact of unwanted disturbances. In
contrast, when operating in the field, this is impossible, and it is therefore important to record
environmental perturbations in order to assess their respective impact on the AE records and
on their interpretation.
While exploiting the AE monitoring of the Garbatella bridge, unfortunately no regular
meteorological records were available. Hence, the meteorological disturbances had to be
assessed by means of an a posteriori analysis on both AE data series.
In this respect it has to be pointed out that we deal with Dt which is treated like a performance
index. Its temporal trend is considered and, on its basis, an eventual alert is to be issued
according to some pre-defined and well assessed protocol.
But, in general, while evaluating the Dt vs. t trend, two distinct operative case histories are thus
to be envisaged.

• In one case, every AE event primarily responds to one applied stress impulse, which is
originated by an external action applied to the system. For instance, consider the case history
of a volcano. Its endogenous hot fluids eventually repeatedly and progressively increase
their pressure. The pores of the medium of the volcanic edifice experience an ever increasing
number of yielding of flaw domains. As long as the solid structure of the medium affords
to sustain the increasing pressure, it is found that Dt remains reasonably small. But, when
the pressure increases, also Dt shall increase, as an ever increasing number of flaw domains
will randomly yield per unit time. When Dt increases until reaching 1 the volcanic edifice
shall unavoidably yield, and a new boca is opened. This time sequence was observed e.g.
on the occasion of the recent Stromboli paroxysm (Gregori and Paparo, 2006).
• The second case history is to be considered when the externally applied stress is only a
trigger, and we observe only the subsequent evolution of the medium, while it searches for
a new equilibrium state, after having suffered by the previously applied stress. In this case,
a “young” medium first responds with a Dt close to 1, because the ruptures of its bonds
occur randomly, as no previously organized flaw domains exist inside it. In contrast, an
“aged” medium will display a progressively decreasing Dt and the lower is Dt the more
“aged” is the medium.

For instance, while carrying out experiments on some steel bars (Biancolini et al., 2006), it was
found that when Dt ~ 0.45-0.5 the bar is very close to break (different steels ought, however, to
be tested in the laboratory, in order to assess an eventually different security threshold for
different alloys).
Differently stated, Dt denotes how far every AE event keeps a memory of other AE events
either that occurred before it, or that are going to occur after it. No memory exists in a random
sequence of AE event, the medium is therefore “young”, and it is found Dt =1, just due to the
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 47

mathematical definition of randomness. When the medium suffers by progressive ageing, its
flaw domains get progressively organized towards the final organization of a cleavage plane.
This entire process is illustrated and quantitatively measured by the time evolution of Dt
towards progressively lower values.

5. Steel ageing — The Dt analysis, and the rejection of environmental


Concerning the AE monitoring of the Garbatella bridge, for clarity and brevity purposes let us
anticipate a few much general inferences and conclusions.

A higher temporal resolution ought to be recommended. An AE datum ought to be recorded,

at least, every 50-100 msec (rather than every 1 sec or every 4 sec).

Consider the warning of section 4. When the external trigger caused by an environmental agent
is repetitive, displaying some peculiar time sequence, the resulting AE signal - when it is
interpreted according to the present rationale - may eventually simulate a false effect. There‐
fore, while one operates in the field, a sum of unknown and unpredictable disturbances must
always be suitably taken into account, and whenever needed rejected.

This drawback is found to be particularly severe for HF AE, which are much more directly
related to the primary external input. In contrast, owing to physical reasons (see section 4), the
LF AE are more directly related to the downgrading of the crystalline structure. Indeed, LF
AE are released when the material has already evolved and some conspicuous amount of
comparatively large flaw domains have already been generated. Therefore, LF AE are to be
expected to be much more indicative of the real loss of performance of a structure, while HF
AE ought to be much better representative of the diachronic history of its external disturbances.

In terms of an expressive analogy, it is like listening music while a child close to you abruptly
and loudly cries. The child noise has to be rebutted in order to appreciate the music in the
background. Similarly, the ageing of the structures can be appreciated only after rejecting
unwanted, even “loud”, disturbances.

Summarizing, the primary scope of the analysis of a data series measured in the field is the
distinction between the effects associated with the unknown timing of some external input,
compared to the time history of the AE release determined by the evolution of the ageing
process inside the medium which is to be monitored. In addition, the “perturbation” by
external causes, which may eventually simulate a false behavior, is much better evidenced by
means of HF AE compared to LF AE.10

One additional relevant concern, related to the role of the external trigger, deals with a
technological problem, i.e. with the time required by the whole AE recording device to reach

10 This conclusion is evident from the “macro-analysis” which is here presented. But it is also confirmed by a much more
detailed - “micro” rather than “macro” – analysis, which is the object of a different investigation (in preparation).
48 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

its operative regime. During a limited initial time-lag, a sum of several normally unknown
factors apparently perturb the AE records. This lag has to be empirically determined, mostly
whenever one wants to carry out once in a while a rapid test of performance of a given structure
(the purpose is to avoid, sometimes and whenever possible, a steady AE monitoring, which is
comparatively more expensive and time consuming).

Summarizing, we have to distinguish (mainly for HF AE but also in LF AE) between AE signals
caused by an accidental trigger compared to the AE signals which are passively released by
the material and are specifically suited to monitor its ageing.

It is therefore here first shown how we first assessed the role of a few typical and relevant
disturbances. The Garbatella bridge is “young” and performing. The target of the present test-
experiment is therefore to calibrate the procedure of AE analysis, in order to check and assess
a general procedure suited to investigate the performance of every old bridge.

We thus realized that - compared to the time of its formal load test - the viaduct suffered by a
comparatively greater stress during the previous day, when the road cover was laid down.

Figure 6 is a plot of the raw signal for both HF AE and LF AE 4s sets, while the 1s set is discussed
only here below, when dealing with a specific item (see figure 22). An exponential decay trend
is superposed on either plot to represent the recovery of the bridge after the stress that was
applied during Dec 16th and 17th. The HF AE time-constant of the decay is about half the time-
constant for LF AE, consistently with the fact that HF AE, compared to LF AE, are more directly
associated with a shorter-lived effect.

For future reference, it should be pointed out that the HF AE signal is very low, almost null
(although not strictly null; see below) except during the warmer hours of the day (say between
noon and 5 p.m.). This denotes that the signal amplification was insufficient in order to detect
the AE signal other than when the thermoelastic deformation was conspicuous. This is a typical
case history that shows that the instrumental amplification of the original AE signal was
suitable only during some hours of the day, while during other hours the recording system
was in underflow.

The most important inference which deals with material ageing is represented by Dt(tj )
computed for LF AE and by the 4s data set (figure 7). The three different computations, by
ND=600, or ND=1200, or ND=1800 for every Dt(tj ) computation, result remarkably similar.

Every apparently much dramatic very low value for Dt(tj ) is the expected response to every
sporadic disturbance originated by finishing works in progress on the viaduct. The viaduct
was not open to public, and a conspicuous amount of finishing activity was in progress dur‐
ing the ~ 13 days spanned by the 4s set. Drills were occasionally used, operated inside either
the metal components or the concrete basement of the “legs”. Since the bridge is a very effi‐
cient AE probe, composed of a monolithic body with an excellent conduction of ultra‐
sounds, the action of a drill - or of any kind of strong friction which causes some relevant
local destruction of crystalline bons – must produce an LF AE signal with some very low
Dt(tj ) . This is the same effect as the aforementioned “loud” disturbance by the cry of a child
while you listen music.
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 49

Figure 6. Raw data of the 4s data sets. The cause is unknown of the abrupt upward discontinuity at time instant
29,28337 (it was probably instrumental while disassembling the AE recording device). An overall interpolated expo‐
nential decay is superposed (computed on f̄ (t ) for LF AE and on f (t ) for HF AE and by excluding the unreliable final
discontinuity). The time constant is 1.795 ± 0.016 days for HF AE and 3.468 ± 0.043 days for LF AE. That is, the recovery
of steel after load-test is about twice more rapid for HF AE compared to LF AE flaw domains. Note that the detected
HF AE signal is significant only during the warmer hours of the day, while during the remaining hours in general the
AE detecting system is in underflow. See text.

Another cause of much dramatic very low value for Dt(tj ) is the eventual underflow of the
AE detection device. Indeed, if the recorded AE signal is e.g. constant in time (e.g. at its low‐
est sensitivity value, i.e. 1 mV on the scale plotted in the figures here shown), it is found
Dt(tj ) = 0. This can be formally checked, but it also represents the fact that, when all AE re‐
cords are identical, the physical system has a complete memory of all AE records which oc‐
cur at every other instant of time.
Note that all these features are evident independent of ND. The algorithm is robust. The real
relevant information about the ageing of the metal components of the viaduct is therefore
represented by the long-range trend of the average value of Dt(tj ), which is found to be intui‐
tively close to Dt~ 0.8.
The analogous Dt time series for HF AE, shown in figure 8, denotes a comparably less robust
response to the ND choice, but no clear inference. When the AE recording system is under‐
flow (see figure 6) no Dt can be computed, according to the argument mentioned here above.
Figure 8 displays therefore an approximately diurnal periodical trend, because the system
detects AE signals, with a significant time-varying intensity, only during the warmer hours
of the day.

Therefore, we smoothed the Dt(tj ) data series by means of a weighted running average, with
triangular weight over 6 min 40 sec. The result for HF AE is shown in figure 9, which displays
three time intervals with comparably much different trend. The initial and final time intervals
appear to be steadily increasing. At present, it has been impossible to envisage the physical
reason of this behaviour. Environmental disturbances ought to be monitored, dealing either
50 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 7. Fractal dimension Dt(tj) computed for LF AE of the 4s data set, by using ND = 600, or ND = 1200, or ND = 1800.
The same values are plotted with offset (upper plot) or superposed (lower plot). The excellent performance of the via‐
duct is shown by the average trend at a steady Dt(tj) ~ 0.8 value, while the scatter is caused by wind gusts and/or by
the finishing activity that was in progress on the bridge and/or by underflow of the AE recording device. See text.

with meteorology or with manmade actions. In addition, long data series ought to be always
recommended, in order to avoid boundary fringe-effects that, at least in principle, can never
be fully avoided. In contrast, the intermediate time interval displays an exponential recovery,
with a time constant 2.687 ± 0.066 days which is of the same order of magnitude (~1.8 days) of
the time constant displayed in figure 6.
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 51

Figure 8. Fractal dimension Dt(tj) computed by HF AE of the 4s data set. Only the plot with offset is shown. Compared
to LF AE, this plot appears somewhat less robust with respect to the choice of ND. When the AE recording system is
underflow no Dt can be computed. Hence, this plot displays an apparent diurnal variation, because Dt can be comput‐
ed only when AE records are available, i.e. only during the warmer hours of every day when a conspicuous thermo‐
elastic effect was ongoing. See text.

Figure 9. Weighted running average of Dt(tj) for HF AE by a triangular weight over ±3 min 20 sec. The initial and final
steadily increasing trend is unexplained, and it is likely to be maybe associated to environmental disturbances or fringe
effects. The exponential trend of the intermediate time lag displays a time constant 2.687 ± 0.066 days, which is of the
same order of magnitude of the time constant displayed in figure 6. See text.
52 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

The same procedure was applied to the LF AE data series. Figure 10 shows quite a different
result. No regular exponential decay is anymore clearly detectable. Rather, the steel responds
abruptly to every temporary time-varying externally applied stress. This is particularly evident
on Saturday Dec 24th, Sunday Dec 25th, and Monday Dec 26th, because, owing to Christmas’
holiday, basically no working activity was in progress on the bridge, which was rather
subjected only to atmospheric disturbances.

Figure 10. Weighted running average of Dt(tj) for LF AE by a triangular weight over 3 min 20 sec.. The load test on Dec
17th is evidenced by blue lines, and the holiday time on Dec 24th, 25th, 26th, by red lines. See text.

This means that HF AE, compared to LF AE, reflect a substantially much different feature of
steel behaviour. HF AE reflect some much preliminary response, compared to LF AE which
rather detect the substantial subsequent implications for crystalline structure, which are
manifested as a later consequence of the primary applied external stress.

In any case, the prompt performance and reliability appears evident of this “young” via‐
duct, even during this much disturbed period of time, because the steel response denotes a
rapid recovery after every applied stress, which promptly brings back the Dt(tj ) value to a
high and reliable level. Therefore, the medium is performing, even though the bridge, as a
whole, has a slow recovery, as displayed in figure 6. In contrast, in the case of an older
bridge, it is reasonable to expect that the steel ought to result much less performing, being
denoted by a lower mean Dt trend.

In this respect, two laboratory tests ought to be recalled. A perfectly “young” material has
an ideal abstract value Dt(tj ) = 1. In contrast, its ageing is monitored by the relative decrease
of Dt(tj ). An experiment on some suspension blades of martensitic steel (Braccini et al., 2002)
showed a progressive decrease from Dt(tj ) ~ 1 (when the blade was never bent after melting)
to Dt(tj ) ~ 0.6 (after it had been bent only a few times). Then, the crystalline structure of the
martensitic steel apparently attained its working regime. Thus, it finally displayed a steady
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 53

Only after some heavy and repeatedly applied stress, a steel bar is to be expected to break.
Experiments carried out on small steel bars (Biancolini et al., 2006) were pushed until final
rupture of every specimen. It was thus found that that when it is Dt(tj ) ~ 0.45 - 0.5 the steel is
almost close to total rupture. It should be stressed, however, that these alert values ought to
be calibrated for every specific steel alloy.

Hence, it has to be expected that, in the future, the Dt(tj ) of the Garbatella bridge ought to
decrease until reaching a standard and steady working regime [maybe Dt(tj ) ~ 0.6 if the same
threshold applies for the steel of the viaduct compared to the steel of the aforementioned
laboratory experiment on martensitic blades]. This Dt(tj ) ~ 0.6 will characterize its perform‐
ance during the largest part of its existence. In contrast an old bridge, with collapse hazard,
ought to have already slowly approached its final alert threshold of Dt(tj ). It should be al‐
ways stressed, however, that this threshold has to be assessed, in every case history, upon
considering the specific kind of steel by which it was constructed.

As far as the cause of the scatter is concerned of raw data and of Dt(tj ), no anemometer re‐
cords were available. Hence, the role of wind can be only indirectly investigated in the
present study. During those days strong gusts of wind frequently occurred. According to
the personal witness of the two co-authors (SP and GV) who set up and operated the instru‐
ments, on the occasion of every wind gust the recording device experienced strong transient
perturbations, mostly in HF AE. Hence, they tuned the signal amplification on these wind
gusts, and the HF AE recording device later resulted in underflow during calm periods,
with low thermal excursion.

In any case, as far as the available AE data are concerned, several different specific kinds of
disturbances can be distinguished and recognized as explained in the following subsections.

5.1. Thermoelasticity, and the effect of a time-varying load

Figure 11 is a superposed epoch representation of LF AE records of the 4s set. The smoothed

function f̄ (t )is superposed, instead of the raw data, in order to reduce scatter. A few physical
facts are clearly evidenced, and a few days are indicated by a label on the figure.

During the entire Dec 16th heavy works were in progress on the viaduct, when a thick first layer
of material was posed on the bridge for roadbed preparation. According to an indicative
estimate, a 6 cm layer of binder was laid down, with a total load of ~ 200 tons on each 3-lane
way. In addition, construction machines were used, which had a total weight of ~ 100 tons.11

After 9 p.m. of Dec 16th until 7 a.m. of the Dec 17th, the bridge was recovering after its violent

During Dec 17th (red line), at ~8 a.m., the load-test was started, with dramatic consequences on
the LF AE signal. Note that the straight line is associated with a period of time during which
no records were available, due to a temporary failure of power supply.

11 We thank Ing. Francesco Del Tosto for providing us with this information.
54 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 11. Superposed epoch representation (or “cycle diagram” for 24 hour period) of the LF AE records of the 4s set.
The smoothed function f̄ (t ) is used instead of raw data in order to reduce the scatter. The labels on a few colored
lines are the date (Dec 2011). No offset was applied. The difference between the lowest level of different days day
depends on the relaxation process shown in figure 6. Note the dramatic behavior during the late Dec 16th and early
Dec 17th consequent to the stress applied while laying down the roadbed. See text.

During the subsequent days, the most intense LF AE signal was recorded during working
hours (say roughly between 8 a.m. through 5 p.m.), envisaging an effects associated with the
stress applied while finishing the bridge.
But, it appears curious the fact that also on Dec 25th, Christmas Day, when no work was ongoing
on the bridge (yellow line), some relevant LF AE signal was observed. In addition, in general,
on every day a comparatively more intense signal was recorded almost at the same local time,
i.e. during the early afternoon until ~ 4 p.m. Therefore, this appears to be a likely thermoelastic
In addition, in general a reasonably ordered and regular scatter was observed every day before
7 a.m. (except on Dec 17th, when the bridge was recovering after the stress of the previous day).
In contrast, the comparative trend on different days after 6 p.m. appears more varied, maybe
depending on different air temperature (for which, however, no record is available).
All these features are suggestive of a thermoelastic effect, which, in principle, ought to be
expected to be manifested in two different ways.
On the one hand, a thermoelastic effect - which is certainly conspicuous on concrete or brick
bridges - is similar to what is observed on the Gran Sasso mountain data series (a massif in
central Apennines) by AE records measured in a deep cavern (Paparo et al., 2002; Gregori and
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 55

Paparo, 2004; Gregori et al., 2012). This effect is the consequence of the cooling and/or warming
of the shallower layers of the rocks (limestone and dolomia) of the mountain. This cooling or
warming involves first the outer layer, and later on the deeper layers. When the body warms
up, the outer layer experiences thermal expansion, while it overlies colder and thermally more
contracted inner layers. In contrast, when the body cools off, the outer layer shrinks due to
thermal compression, while the inner layers are still warm and more expanded. Hence, the
outer layers have insufficient room, and some crack will occurs in the outer layer. The
phenomenon is the same as what happens to the furniture of a non-heated house, during the
cold early-morning hours in winter time. Or this is the same well known phenomenon which
typically occurs to rocks in an extreme desert area, etc.

Since, compared to a metal, concrete and bricks have smaller thermal conductivity, the
thermoelastic degrading is expected to be comparably more relevant in concrete or brick
bridges. And this effect is likely to be maximum when the thermal gradient is comparatively
larger during the cooling process, i.e. during the early hours of the day. This is the aforemen‐
tioned effect observed on Gran Sasso.

In contrast, when dealing with a metal structure, a different behavior ought to be observed.
The linear elongation of the large metal components of the bridge is the cause of large
displacements of the supporting points of every bridge element (during the aforementioned
Step 1 of the load test the bridge elongated by 11 mm). This phenomenon ought to be compa‐
ratively larger when the absolute value of either the warming or the cooling process is
maximum. This maximum (cooling) occurs during the first few hours afternoon. This effect
ought therefore to be comparatively more relevant on metal bridges, compared to concrete
bridges. This is observed on the Garbatella bridge.

Therefore, whenever temperature records are eventually available during AE monitoring of a

bridge, constructed either by concrete or by bricks or by wood or by metal, the temperature
gradient ought to be considered, and the response of the AE signal is different depending on
the thermal conductivity of the material.

Since violent time-variations of the LF AE signal occurred also during the days when the
working activity was totally (or almost totally) absent due to Christmas holiday, the phenom‐
enon ought to be only - or almost only - thermoelastic.

Consider that this thermoelasticity implications were here observed on a bridge in Rome,
where a mild and temperate climate is normally enjoyed. The thermoelastic effect has therefore
to be expected to be much more important, in terms of ageing hazard, in the case of a bridge
located in some comparably more severe environment.

For completeness sake, the HF AE figure analogous to figure 11 is shown in figure 12, which
plots raw HF AE data in a 24-hour cycle diagram. In general, the AE signal was recorded only
during the warmer hours of the day, when a thermoelastic effect was active.

Note, however, that after Dec 16th, ~ 21 p.m. through Dec 17th ~ 6 a.m. the viaduct was recovering
after the heavy stress of roadbed deposition, and the AE signal was therefore conspicuous.
56 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

In addition, during Dec 24th, between ~ 21 – 23 p.m., some environmental disturbances, i.e. likely
wind gusts, caused detectable AE signals.

Figure 12. Raw HF AE data, 24-hour cycle diagram. In general, the AE record were underflow except during the warm‐
er hours of the day, when a thermoelastic effect was active. But, after Dec 16th, ~ 21 p.m. until Dec 17th ~ 6 a.m. the
viaduct was recovering after the heavy stress of roadbed deposition, and the AE signal was therefore conspicuous. In
addition, during Dec 24th, between ~ 21 – 23 p.m., some environmental disturbances, i.e. likely wind gusts, produced
clearly detectable AE signals.

5.2. Wind gusts

Figure 13 shows a 24 hour cycle diagram of Dt(tj ) of the HF AE 4 sec data set. Figure 13 dis‐
plays a comparably confused trend. There is, however, some large effect, which seems ther‐
moelastic. Also the effect of hail is observed (see section 5.5). But, several most prominent
disturbances appear uncorrelated either with Sun hours during the day, or also with work‐
ing days, as during this period of time several days were total holiday. Hence, these distur‐
bances are very likely to be associated with strong wind gusts that frequently, and more or
less erratically, occurred during those days in Rome.

Therefore it is reasonable to conclude that wind gusts play a definitely relevant role in metal
ageing, even on a bridge that has a structure which is likely to exert a limited aerodynamic
opposition to wind.

The plot analogous to figure 13, but referring to LF AE is shown in figure 14, which is shown
only for the sake of completeness. But no apparent regularity is observed. The trend appears
definitely less influenced by the thermoelastic effect. The excellent performance of the viaduct
is shown by the Dt values comprised between ~ 0.6 and ~0.95. But, during the afternoon some
finishing works were being carried out, corresponding to lower Dt values. However, the
anomalous low value of Dt occurred between 04:45 and 04:50 LT of Dec 22, and it clearly
corresponds to a period when the LF AE was constant and underflow. Hence, as mentioned
in section 5, it is found Dt(tj ) = 0.
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 57

Figure 13. Superposed epoch representation (or “cycle diagram” for 24 hour period) of Dt HF AE of the 4s set. Colored
lines are the date (Dec 2011). No offset was applied. The thermoelastic effect is clearly recognized during the early
hours of every afternoon. The violent and erratic oscillations during all other hours of the day are the very likely conse‐
quence of strong wind gusts. The flat upper, almost linear, blue trend of Dec 29 was caused by hail precipitation, and
its superposed regular pattern of thin vertical lines is the oscillation of the viaduct at a period ~53.80 sec. This same
oscillation of the viaduct is also displayed like a sequence of thin lines at regular time intervals shown by several other
lines in the present diagram. See text.

Figure 14. Figure analogous to figure 13, but referring to LF AE. The trend appears definitely less influenced by the
thermoelastic effect. The excellent performance of the viaduct is shown by the Dt values comprised between ~ 0.6 and
~0.95. But, during the afternoon some finishing works were being carried out, corresponding to lower Dt values, or
the LF AE signal was underflow. See text.
58 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

5.3. Trains

Trains frequently transit under the bridge, moving either slowly (say at < 10 km / hour) or faster
(say at ≥ 50 km / hour).

The disturbance caused on the bridge depends on train speed v according to the following
approximate order-of-magnitude estimate. Call m the total mass of displaced matter. If one
considers the air blast caused by the train, m is the air mass which is contained inside an air
volume equal to the volume of the train. Instead, if one considers the impulse caused by the
mass of the train while it crosses on the railway under the viaduct, m is the mass of the train.

In general, it appears more likely to associate the AE disturbance to the shock-wave by air
blast, better than to the soil shock caused by train’s load. But, if an anemometer is available on
the bridge, this dilemma can be promptly solved (see below). In any case, in either case the
same following approximate argument can apply.

The impulse on the bridge is proportional to mv, where v is the train speed, and it occurs during
a time lag which is roughly proportional to time spent by the train while it crosses under the
bridge. If the length of the train is L , this time lag is Δt = L / v. Hence, the intensity of the effect
mv m 2
which acts on the bridge may be defined as F ∝ Δt = L v . Therefore, a train that moves, say,
at a speed ≥ 50 km / hour causes an effect which is ≥ 25 times the effect of a train that moves
at a speed of 10 km / hour.

The effect of the train can be clearly recognized in the 1s set, but only for HF AE (figure 15),
and not in the LF AE (not here shown). This is consistent with the fact that this disturbance is
feeble, in terms of consequences on the ageing of the crystalline structures. Hence, only some
feeble transient signal is observed and clearly recognized only in HF AE. Differently stated,
the disturbance originated by the transit of a train under the bridge is certainly less relevant
compared either to wind gusts, or to diurnal thermoelastic effects, or to traffic load.

It is found that urban metro trains produce no sensible effect, as they move very slowly due
to their regular stop at the Garbatella station. Only the suburban trains eventually transit at a
comparably higher speed, and may cause a detectable effect. Consider also that the train
crosses under the bridge at a level which is comparable with the entry of a high-speed train
into a tunnel.

According to the official time table, which is reasonably correct (at most apart an error of very
few minutes), suburban trains crossed under the bridge at the following times (for comparison
purposes, their times have been transformed into day units and decimal fraction of a day). The
times of the three trains that caused an HF AE effect are evidenced in bold: 20.50938,
20.51146, 20.51979, 20.52188, 20.53021, 20.53229, 20.54063, 20.54271, 20.55104, 20.55313,
20.56007, 20.56146, 20.56701, 20.57188. The duration of the HF AE disturbance is consistent
with the time lag spent by the train to cross underneath the bridge. For instance, a train (say)
~ 50 m long, moving at ~ 50 km / hour, spends ~ 1 / 1000 hour to cross underneath the bridge.
Hence, the perturbation originated by the train ought to last
~ 5 – 10 sec ~ 0.002 - 0.003 hours. Tick marks in figure 15 are indicated every 0.005 hours.
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 59

Figure 15. The effect of the train can be clearly recognized in the 1s set, HF AE. The vertical green lines indicate the
times, according to the official timetable, of the transit of every train that is likely to be responsible for an observed HF
AE disturbance. Several other trains, with transit time in between these three “fast” trains, caused no HF AE disturb‐
ance, and were likely to have a much lower speed. See text.

If the air blast of a train is responsible for this effect, a similar effect ought to be observed for
a wind gust. Hence, an anemometer located close to the bridge - and also close to its western
terminal, where the railway is located and were the AE records were collected; see figure 1 -
should clearly evidence the role of a perturbation on the bridge that is caused either by a wind
gust or by a blast-wave by a train.

This datum is interesting for high-speed railways. When a high-speed train (with v ~ 300 – 400
km/hour) enters or leaves a tunnel, the impact of its shock-wave is ~ 900 – 1600 times the impact
of the shock-wave caused by a train with v ~ 10 km/hour. This is responsible for a conspicuous
ageing of the nacelle of the train. But, the same shock is applied also to the walls of the tunnel,
which thus also experiences a corresponding ageing and potential security performance.

5.4. During the load-test

Figure 16 shows Dt(tj ) during load-test. For comparison purposes both HF AE and LF AE are
plotted in the present and in the following figures. The correlation appears evident with the
sequence of “load-A”, “load-B” and “load-C” sets. In particular, while the bridge was recov‐
ering after the stress originated by the “load-A” set, a new stress was applied by the “load-B”
set, etc.

Figure 17 shows the same plot during a longer time interval, including Dt(tj ) also during Dec
16th, when the bridge suffered by a violent stress caused by roadbed deposition.
60 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

5.5. Hail

Figure 17 also shows a much anomalous effect close to Dec 17th, 10h 43min (=17.44652 in day
units). The cause was a short-duration hail storm (according to direct observation by the
authors). The effect of hail grains is very small on the crystal bonds of the metal micro-structure
of the bridge. While the hail storm is in progress, a tinkle is listened. But the AE transducer
can record no audible signal. Rather it measures only HF AE and LF AE released by micro‐
crystal bonds, which are stressed and broken by hail’s impact. However, owing to the very
feeble intensity of the effect, the time sequence of the AE records responds essentially only to
the timing of different hail grains that hit the bridge at different sites. Hence, since these gentle
strokes are essentially random, it must be expected to find Dt(tj )≅1, which is indeed observed.
Note that other similar Dt(tj )≅1 periods of time were observed in those weeks, when additional
hail storms occasionally happened in Rome.

Figure 16. [upper plot] LF AE Dt(tj) during load-test. The correlation appears evident with the sequence of “load-A”,
“load-B” and “load-C” sets. [lower plot] HF AE Dt(tj) during load-test plotted for comparison purpose.
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 61

Figure 17. LF AE and HF AE Dt(tj) until Dec 18th. The horizontal bars at the bottom of the two plots indicate: the red
bar the time of load test (from its beginning through its maximum load); the light blue bar the period of time with
power supply failure; and the green bar the periods of time with hail precipitation. The lack of any Dt(tj) value for HF
AE in the lower plot during the second hail storm (second green line) was caused by instrumental underflow. See text.

6. The proper oscillations of the bridge — The “arp” analysis of the outlier

An interesting inference is derived by means of the “arp” of either HF AE’s or LF AE’s outlier
time series, as shown in figures 18 through 21.
In the LF AE (figures 20 and 21) very clear evidence is found for two oscillations, the largest
one with period ~ 20.324 min, and a comparably smaller oscillation at ~ 53.798 sec.12 According
to model computations, the first 4 proper oscillations of the viaduct, are, in decreasing order,
0.63 Hz, 1.01 Hz, 1.23 Hz, and 1.29 Hz.

12 In principle, every possible resonance of a viaducts ought to be avoided as far as possible. In this respect, the timing
of the cross-lights, which control the access to the viaduct of the surrounding much heavy city-traffic, ought to avoid
multiples or submultiples of this period, in order to prevent a possible effect by the impact altogether of a large number
of cars on either one 3-lane way of the bridge.
62 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 18. “Arp” for HF AE. It displays two major peaks at 1day 7.14348 min and 1 day 27.43776 min, respectively.

Figure 19. “Arp” for HF AE. Detail of figure 18, showing the two major peaks at 1day 7.14348 min and 1 day 27.43776
min, respectively.

That is, the two leading oscillation periods inferred by “arp” appear much different compared
to model computation, although they are a clear and unquestionable observational evidence.
On the other hand, consider that with one AE record every 4 sec, or even every 1 sec, it is
impossible to search for frequencies close to ~1 Hz. Hence, a much higher time rate in AE
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 63

Figure 20. Lesser detail of the “arp” for LF AE, showing a major oscillation with period 20.323608 min. The full “arp” is
not here shown, as it appears much regular and uniform, and it always displays the same periodical pattern.

Figure 21. “Arp” for LF AE. Detail of the full “arp”, clearly showing the second major periodicity at 53.7977869 sec,
which is also displayed by the entire “arp”.

acquisition is strictly required in order to exploit a more pertinent check of the proper
oscillation periods of a bridge with model computation.

It should also be pointed out that in the case of a volcano, e.g. of Peteroa (Ruzzante et al.,
2005, 2008), the analogous “arp” plot (unpublished) shows, unlike in the present case history,
a dramatic superposition of very many different proper oscillation periods. Indeed, in contrast
64 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

to every natural physical system, every manmade structure responds to a specific “simplicity”
rationale, according to some ordered geometrical structure, etc.

The ~ 53.798 sec oscillation is also displayed in figure 13, although superposed over the large
disturbances originated by wind gusts or by thermoelastic effects. It is also confirmed by the
1s data set. Figure 22 shows Dt(tj ) for HF AE of the 1s set, computed by means of 600, 1200,
and 1800 data. The ND=600 case history oscillation appears closely correlated with the transit
of the three “fast” crossing trains evidenced in figure 15. The most intriguing feature is
evidenced by the ND=1800 data case history, which displays a resonance oscillation with a
frequency with period ~ 1 min (between 59.87 sec and 61.15 sec), to be compared with the
aforementioned ~ 53.798 sec oscillation.

Figure 22. Dt(tj) for HF AE and LF AE of the 1s set, computed by means of ND=600, or 1200, or 1800.
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 65

The same ~ 1 min period may be recognized also in the Dt(tj ) LF AE 1s data series, although
only with 1800 data, and with a substantially larger scatter, due to the less faithful LF AE
monitoring, compared to the HF AE monitoring, of the external applied disturbance.

In either case, consider that the 1s set spans a short time interval, and the statistical depend‐
ence on ND results dramatic.

As far as the HF AE are concerned, figures 18 and 19 display a large maximum of “arp” cor‐
responding to the diurnal variation (two peaks at ~1 day 7 min, and ~ 1 day 27 min) which is
evident in figure 6, although it is mainly a consequence of underflow of the AE detecting
device. No other intuitively clear periodicities are evidenced, and are to be investigated by a
specifically devoted investigation (in preparation).

7. Conclusion

AE monitoring of a metal viaduct appears much effective, feasible, and practical. The same
procedure, apart lesser changes in procedures, can be successfully applied also to every con‐
crete or brick or wood bridge.

The recommendations are here summarized, which ought to be taken into account when im‐
plementing an AE monitoring on a viaduct.

What parameter should be monitored?

LF AE are certainly much better suited to monitor the overall bridge performance. In gener‐
al, HF AE may appear comparably less useful. However, HF AE can result important - or
sometimes even crucial - whenever a more precise physical interpretation is needed while
dealing with some unexpected or unwanted behaviour of materials.

In addition, regular records of meteorological and other environmental parameters ought to

be monitored. Also the instant traffic load might be an important environmental informa‐
tion, although, in general, after a suitable calibration carried out once forever, the traffic sig‐
nal is likely to be easily recognized by a simple routine AE monitoring alone.

What is the recommended time rate?

One rms time-averaged AE record, say, every 25-50 msec appears to be a good choice, upon
considering costs for instruments and data handling, and also the detail which is required in
order to detect the proper oscillations of the viaduct.

By this, all kinds of hazard can be safely monitored (except an eventual very rapid damage,
such as caused by an explosion, which should require a much higher time rate; but in gener‐
al this information is of no practical interest).

What is the best procedure for AE monitoring?

66 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

In principle, AE monitoring can be operatively planned in three different ways: (i) steady
permanent real-time monitoring operated from a remote control room; (ii) steady perma‐
nent monitoring with AE records stored by a data acquisition system, to be later recovered
and analyzed; (iii) AE test carried out once-in-a-while either periodically or depending on
particularly heavy environmental or traffic stress, etc.

The choice of either one procedure, or another, depends on costs and on the specific require‐
ments by the user.

In general, real time remote monitoring may result less expensive, in terms of personnel and
of routine automatic operation.

In addition, a once-in-a-while operation cannot be carried out on an instant basis. Indeed,

in general one drawback is the time required by the AE recording apparatus to reach re‐
gime standard operation. In addition, environmental conditions, such as rain and subsoil
water flow, may affect only on some days and not on others the long-term stability of a
pillar of a bridge, etc. The same warning applies to every transient disturbance, such as
wind gusts which occur only on some days, or a more or less intense diurnal thermal ex‐
cursion, etc.

In addition, a real-time remote monitoring is also a warranty for a prompt alert about
abrupt events that may severely affect the viaduct security (landslides, hurricanes, floods,
terrorism, etc.).

How many AE devices are required on a viaduct structure?

In general one AE recording device is needed for every “monolithic” component of the
bridge. By “monolithic” component it is here meant a unique solid body through which AE
are effectively transmitted. For instance, a metal bridge is a unique huge metal body, and
every AE, which is released at any point inside it, is promptly transmitted to all other parts
of the bridge with negligible damping (at least as far as the size of the bridge in not exceed‐
ingly large).

In addition, the recommendations are to be taken into account provided by structural engi‐
neers, who should indicate the nodes that are likely to support the largest stress and are
therefore the points that are more likely to suffer by a comparably more rapid ageing.

In any case, a given composite bridge in general has several pillars, and it is likely that
AE cannot be easily transmitted from one pillar to the next. Hence, it is necessary to in‐
stall an AE monitoring on every pillar. The same recommendation holds for every arch.
In addition, suitable consideration ought to be given for the connection of a bridge to
ground on either one of its sides, mainly whenever there is also a tunnel immediately
close to the bridge, etc.

In general, AE monitoring ought to be recommended to be simultaneously operated at

different points on the viaduct. However, it is also possible to envisage a periodical AE
Structural Ageing of a Cable-Stayed Bridge During Load-Test… 67

test carried out at different times and on different pillars, nodes, etc. Instrumental costs
may be reduced, but operational costs may result to be largely increased, and the detail is
certainly reduced of the final information about loss of performance and about security.

That is, every case history has to be considered independently, and the costs for implemen‐
tation and operation are to be optimized depending on the required kind of alert which is
required by the user.

What is the relevant difference between a metal viaduct and a concrete or brick or wood via‐

The aforementioned “monolithic” component structure has to be taken into account when
dealing with every kind of viaduct.

Concrete bridges are expected to suffer by the comparative more intense thermoelastic effect
during the early hour of a cold morning, unlike metal bridges that suffer by thermal excur‐
sion mainly during the hotter hours of the day.

A present great concern deals with the unknown performance of concrete, when it is older
than one century, mainly when its ageing is combined with the effect of some particularly
hostile environment.

Brick bridges ought to be tested in order to assess how far AE can be transmitted be‐
tween contiguous bricks depending on the specific kind of mortar that was used. In gen‐
eral, a brick wall has a much compact structure, and in general AE transmission is likely
to result much effective. In addition, in general a wetting of materials may dramatically
improve AE transmission, etc. Hence, every case history has to be suitably evaluated, and
every aforementioned warning has to be considered, which also applies to metal or con‐
crete bridges.

Wood bridges require no particular additional warning, other than the investigation and cal‐
ibration of that specific kind of wood, when it is strained by an applied stress. Compared to
metal or concrete or stone etc., wood behaves much differently depending on its fibrous
structure, which determines its “elastic” or “plastic” response, and also some kind of com‐
parably time-delayed final yielding and rupture.


We thank Ing. Francesco Del Tosto for kindly providing us with some information about the
height of the viaduct with respect to the railway, and about the preliminary activity on the
bridge, carried out on December 16th, the day preceding the load test. We thank Ing. Fabio Rocchi
for kindly providing us with the official documentation and drawings dealing with the load
test of the viaduct.
68 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Author details

Giovanni P. Gregori1,2,3, Giuliano Ventrice1,4,5, Sebastiano Pinori1,6, Genesio Alessandrini1,6 and

Francesco Bianchi1,7

*Address all correspondence to: giovanni.gregori@sme-ae-it

1 S.M.E. (Security, Materials, Environment) s.r.l., Roma, Italy

2 IEVPC – International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center, USA

3 IDASC(CNR), Roma, Italy

4 PME Engineering (Progettazione Macchine Elettroniche), Italy

5 SAE-Technology (System Acoustic Emission Technology), Italy

6 “Più s.r.l. costruire il futuro”- Gruppo Alessandrini, Italy

7 Faculty of Architecture, Third University of Rome, Italy


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Chapter 4

Acoustic Emission Application

for Monitoring Bearing Defects

Zahari Taha and Indro Pranoto

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Several studies have been conducted to investigate AE application in bearing defects diagnosis
and monitoring. The application of AE to measure the condition of slow speed antifriction
bearings on off-shore gas production platform slewing cranes have been investigated by
Rogers [1]. It was found that AE sensors can detect defects before they appeared in the vibration
acceleration range and can also detect possible sources of AE generated during a fatigue life
test of thrust loaded ball bearing [2, 3]. Morhain and David [4] showed the application of AE
to monitor defects on the inner and outer races of split bearings.
Some researchers have studied AE based on the types of defects, locations, and various bearing
operation condition. Smith and Fadden [5,6] identified the acoustic emission signals to detect
defects in the form of a fine scratch on the inner race of axially loaded angular contact ball
bearing at low speed only. The usefulness of some acoustic emission parameters, such as peak
amplitude and count for detection of defects in radially loaded ball bearings at low and normal
speed have been demonstrated [7].
Tan [8] suggested that, measurement of the area under the amplitude-time curve is a preferred
method for detection of defects in rolling element bearings. Distribution of events by counts
and peak amplitude has been used for detecting bearing defects [9]. Hawman and Galinaitis
[10] noted that diagnosis of bearings defect is accomplished by high-frequency modulation of
AE bursts at the outer race frequency.
The types of bearing used will affect the types of defects criteria to be simulated. Some
researchers have used many types of bearings. Choudury and Tandon [11] have used the NJ
series cylindrical roller bearing of normal clearance with five sizes of SKF bearing. NJ series
bearings were chosen because the inner races of these bearings can be easily separated and
thus the creation of simulated defects on the inner races and the rollers become easier. One

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72 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

simulated defect was introduced across the length of a roller bearing and the inner raceway
by spark erosion technique. Cooper split-type roller bearing was selected with assembly and
disassembly accomplished with minimum disruption to the test sequence. Two defect types
used were surface discontinuity of the outer race and material protrusions that are clearly
above the average surface roughness [12]. C.J Li and S.Y Li [13] used the ball bearing under
four conditions: good bearing, a bearing with a groove on its outer race, bearing with a single
roller defect, and a bearing with three outer race defects. The size of the artificial defects was
15.2 mm in diameter by 0.127 mm in depth and the width of the groove was 2 mm.

Choudury and Tandon [11] used the counts and statistical distribution of events by counts and
peak amplitudes, and showed that as the defect size increases, more events are emitted with
higher values of peak amplitudes and counts. It was also shown that the increase in counts is
much greater than in other parameters, such us events and peak amplitudes. C.J Li and S.Y Li
[13] showed that defects at different location of bearing (inner race, roller, and outer race) will
have characteristic frequencies at which bursts are generated. The signal emitted by damaged
bearing consists of periodic bursts of AE. The signal is considered to be amplitude modulated
at the characteristic defect frequency.

Traditional techniques were used for detecting localized defects mainly based upon the
processing of vibration and sound measured near the bearing with time domain techniques
such as: peak level and r.m.s value [14], crest factor analysis [15], kurtosis analysis [16], and
shock pulse counting [17]. Counts, events, and peak amplitude of the signal can be investigated
and compared with each other to find more sensitive and accurate values.

In roller bearing application, the forces transmitted in the bearing give rise to stresses of
varying magnitudes between the surfaces in both rolling and sliding motion. As a result of
repeated loads concentrated contacts, changes occur in the contact surfaces and in the regions
below the surfaces. These changes cause surface deterioration or wear [18]. The loss or
displacement of material from the surface will cause wear. Material loss may be loose debris.

Mild mechanical wear

Adhesive wear


Corrosive (tribochemical) wear

Plastic flow

Surface indentation

Abrasive wear

Surface distress


Fatigue spalling

Table 1. Bearing Failure Classification Due to Wear [18]

Acoustic Emission Application for Monitoring Bearing Defects 73

Material displacement may occur by local plastic deformation or the transfer of material
from one location to another location. When wear has reached the level that it threatens the
essential function of the bearing, the bearing is considered to have failed. Bearing failures
can be classified as in table 1.

In this research AE data is analyzed in the time domain. Peak amplitude, r.m.s., and AE counts
were investigated and correlated with the type of defects, size of defect, speed, and applied load.

2. Experimental setup

A sketch of the rig on which the experiments were conducted is shown in figure 1. It consists
of a shaft (2) supported on the base plate of a lathe machine and mounted on the chuck
mounting. The bearing housing (5) supports the test bearing and is mounted on a base plate.
The bearing housing is a plummer block housing type, SKF-SNL 516-513 series. Bolts, nuts,
and washers are used to mount it on the base plate. Locating rings inside the housing restrict
the movement of the shaft.

1. Motor driver, from spindle of Colchester lathe machine

2. Shaft
3. Load
4. AE sensor
5. Bearing housing
6. Test bearing
7. Piezotron AE Coupler
8. Signal Conditioning
9. PCI Data Acquisition (DAQ)

Figure 1. The experimental setup diagram

74 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

The shaft is extended beyond the right tailstock of the lathe machine such that the test bear‐
ing (6) may be easily mounted or dismounted from it. The extended portion of the shaft is
stepped and of varying diameter to allow testing of different sizes of bearings and also to
vary the load. The drive to test the rig is provided by the spindle of the lathe machine (1)
and transmitted through a chuck mounted on the shaft. The speed of the rig can be adjusted
easily by a variable control speed knob between the ranges 0 up to 3,250 rpm. To apply radi‐
al load on the test bearing a pulley load model is used (3). The pulley load is designed and
calibrated to satisfy the load testing condition. The AE sensor (4) is mounted on the top of
the test bearing housing by a magnetic clamp so that the measurement is performed in the
nearest zone of the burst signal.

3. Test bearings and housing

The test bearings used in the study are self-aligning ball bearings from SKF series 1311 ETN9
with inside bore diameter 55 mm, outside diameter 120mm, and width 29 mm (figure 2). These
bearings can self-align while operating inside the housing and also the inner race can be easily
separated thus the creation of simulated defects on the inner races and rollers become easier.

The test bearing has a double row, consisting of 30 ball elements with 15 balls in each row. The
bearing has dynamic and static load rating of 50.7 KN and 18 KN, respectively, a maximum
speed rating of 7500 rpm, and weighs 1.6 kg. The appropriate bearing housing for the self-
aligning ball bearing series 1311 ETN9 is the SNL 513-611 plummer block housing type from
SKF. The housing encapsulates the test bearing and provide space for mounting the AE sensor.
Figures 2 to 5 show the experimental set-up of the test bearings.

Figure 2. SKF Self aligning ball bearing used as test bearing

Acoustic Emission Application for Monitoring Bearing Defects 75

Figure 3. Test bearing arrangement on the housing, locating rings, and others equipments

Figure 4. Shaft, test bearing, and the housing arrangement on the lathe machine

Figure 5. A view of the experimental set-up

76 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

4. Instrumentation

Measurements were carried out using an instrumentation system that consist of an AE sensor
Kistler 8152 B121, an AE PZT coupler Kistler 5125B2, a DAQ card NI 6034 E, a BNC connector
NI, signal conditioning SC 2345 NI, and Lab view software on a PCI system (Figures 6 to 8).
The AE sensor has a frequency range of 50 – 400 kHz, 10 dB, sensitivity 57 dBref 1V/(m/s) and
is mounted on the test bearing using a magnetic clamp from Kistler.

An AE PZT coupler with a gain process the high frequency output signals from the sensor and
filter the signals. The gain can be set with a jumper. The frequency output of the coupler has
an AE RMS output in a range of 10-1000 kHz and AE filtered output of 5-1700 kHz. The data
acquisition NI 6034E series have 16 analog inputs at up to 200 kS/s, 16-bit resolution and Lab
View 7.0 software is used for acquiring and processing the data. The AE PZT coupler is
powered by a DC power supply with 0-2 A current range and 0-30 V voltage range.

5. AE sensor

In this research, the AE signal is obtained from an AE sensor. The sensor used is a Kistler AE
sensor type 8152 B121. The sensor has an integral impedance converter for measuring AE above
50 kHz. With its small size it mounts easily near the source of emission to optimally capture
the signal. The sensor has a very rugged welded housing (with degree of protection IP 65 PUR
or IP 67 Viton).

The AE sensor consists of the sensor housing, the piezoelectric sensing element, and the built-
in impedance converter. The sensing element is made of piezoelectric ceramic and mounted
on a thin steel diaphragm. Its construction determines the sensitivity and frequency response
of the sensor. The sensor have the capability of high sensitivity and wide frequency range,
inherent high-pass-characteristic, insensitive to electric and magnetic noise field, and ground
isolated to prevents ground loops. The sensor is mounted in the bearing housing with a
magnetic clamp (figure 6)

Figure 6. AE sensor mounting on the bearing housing with a magnetic clamp

Acoustic Emission Application for Monitoring Bearing Defects 77

Figure 7. Instrumentation apparatus: PCI DAQ card, Connector block, and DC power supply

Figure 8. Data acquisition board signal conditioning SC-2345

6. AE–Piezotron coupler

The AE-Piezotron Coupler processes the high frequency output signal from AE sensor (Figure
9). Gain, filters, and integration time constant of the built-in-RMS converter are design as plug-
in modules. This allows the best possible adaptation to the particular monitoring function. The
gain can be set until 100 times. The amplifier has two series-connected second order filters,
design as plug elements. The types of filter (high pass or low-pass) as well as the frequency
limit are freely selectable.

A band pass filter is obtained by the series connection of one high-pass and one low-pass filter.
The integration time constant of the RMS converter can also be freely selected. The limit switch
is set with a potentiometer, and the switching threshold set point can be monitored at the limit
output with an oscilloscope. The output of the limit switch is electrically isolated by an
optocoupler. The output signals are available at the 8-pole round connector: two analog output
signals AE output (Filter), AE-Out (RMS) and a Digital output signal (Limit Switch)
78 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 9. AE Piezotron Coupler Data Acquisition and Processing

6.1. PCI data acquisition board 6034E

Data acquisition system is implemented by a PCI 6034 E card. Data acquisition is performed
using the Lab View 7.0 software and NI-DAQ Driver. The NI- DAQ has an extensive library
of functions that can be called from an application programming environment. In this research,
buffered data acquisition function is used as high speed A/D conversion process.
The NI-DAQ also has a high-level DAQ-I/O function for maximum capacity. The example of
high-level function is streaming data to the hard disk or acquiring a certain number of data
points. NI-DAQ maintains consistent software interface among its different version so that the
platform can be changed with minimal modification to the software code.
In data acquisition application, there are many programs language that can be used. Zang
illustrated the application of data acquisition developed using the NI-DAQ driver software
and also show the relationship with other software and environment (Figure 10) [19].

6.2. Data acquisition and user interface

In this research, when monitoring the bearing defects, AE signal was captured using the Lab
View Library. The data obtained was sampled using the windows XP interface to display the
correlation graph and trend of AE signal. The Lab View 7 Software provides the Windows
interface that makes the data processing more user friendly. Figure 11 describes the process
of data acquisition and processing in this research.

7. AE counts and threshold level

The AE counts indicates the number of times the amplitude exceeds a preset voltage in a given
times and gives a simple number characteristic of the signal. Many researchers have investi‐
gated the used of AE counts to detect defects on the bearing. Mba and Rao [9] stated that the
successful use of AE counts for bearing diagnosis is dependent on the particular investigation,
and the method of determining the trigger level is at the discretion of the investigator. They
also stated that AE counts are also sensitive to the level and grade of lubricant within the
bearing, adding the complexity of this measure.
Acoustic Emission Application for Monitoring Bearing Defects 79

Programming Environment [19]

Figure 10. Relationship between the NI-DAQ Software and Hardware

Figure 11. The schematic diagram of acquisition and processing the data

Morhain and Mba undertook an investigation to ascertain the most appropriate threshold level
for AE counts diagnosis in rolling element bearings. The result shows that values of AE
maximum amplitude did correlate with increasing speed but not with load and defect size. In
addition, they stated that the relationship between bearing mechanical integrity and AE counts
is independent of the chosen threshold level, although a threshold of at least 30% of the
maximum amplitude for the lowest speed and load operating condition was suggested [4].

To calculate the AE counts from the defects, there are some parameters that have to be

1. Maximum amplitude of background noise

2. The preset or threshold level as a reference to calculate the number of times the AE of
defects exceed it.
80 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

The data processed from Lab View and Ms Excel gives the maximum amplitude of background
noise and the defects. The characteristic of a maximum amplitude of AE is a burst signal, which
is the maximum amplitude in the time domain graph that is not frequently distributed. Using
the maximum amplitude as a reference of AE counts is not recommended.

Investigation of preset values in wide ranges of percentages of maximum amplitudes of

background noise is useful to calculate the AE counts. The percentage levels of maximum
amplitude are called threshold levels. The threshold levels ensure that the AE counts are
calculated in wide ranges percentages of maximum amplitude of AE. Investigation of the AE
counts in many threshold levels is useful to get the appropriate threshold levels range in real
time monitoring.

In this study, the threshold levels were chosen as percentage of maximum amplitude of the
corresponding background noise level. For example to calculate the AE counts for ball defect
at 1500 rpm, the threshold level will be the percentage of the maximum amplitude of back‐
ground noise at 1500 rpm (N15L0). In order to investigate the relationship between the
threshold level and AE counts, five threshold values were calculated at varying percentages.
The percentage values selected were 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%. The wide ranges of values
will be useful for determining the influence of threshold value on AE count result. The
threshold levels for all rotational speed are show in table 2 below:

Threshold Value

Amplitude Level (volt)

Noise Condition Maximum Voltage (volt) for Each Percentage

10% 30% 50% 70% 90%

N3L0 0.6 0.06 0.18 0.30 0.42 0.54

N5L0 1.2 0.12 0.36 0.60 0.84 1.08

N7L0 1.8 0.18 0.54 0.90 1.26 1.62

N15L0 6.3 0.63 1.89 3.15 4.41 5.67

N30L0 18.15 1.82 5.45 9.08 12.71 16.34

Table 2. Threshold value for different noise condition

8. AE counts of ball defects

The number of AE counts for ball defect size 1 is shown in figures 12 to 16 below. Figures 17
to 21 show the number of AE counts for ball defect size 2.
Acoustic Emission Application for Monitoring Bearing Defects 81

Figure 12. Number of AE counts for ball defect size 1 at speed 300 rpm

Figure 13. Number of AE counts for ball defect size 1 at speed 500 rpm

Figure 14. Number of AE counts for ball defect size 1 at speed 750 rpm
82 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 15. Number of AE counts for ball defect size 1 at speed 1500 rpm

Figure 16. Number of AE counts for ball defect size 1 at speed 3000 rpm

From the result of AE counts in ball defect size 1, the value of AE counts increases with
increasing load for all level of threshold. The increasing value is seen more clearly at percen‐
tages 50%, 30%, and 10%. This phenomenon is also observed from the result of AE counts in
ball defect size 2, as shown in figures 17 to 21 below. The results also show that the number of
AE counts of ball defect size 2 is greater than counts of size 1 for each respective rotational
speed level and load. The graph for ball defect size 2 also indicates that, at percentages level
of 50%, 30%, and 10% the AE counts clearly increases as the load increases.

In ball defect analysis, the result clearly showed that the AE counts increases with increasing
load and size of defect at all rotational speed. The results are very clear at threshold level at or
less than 50 % (50%, 30%, and 10%).
Acoustic Emission Application for Monitoring Bearing Defects 83

Figure 17. Number of AE counts for ball defect size 2 at speed 300 rpm

Figure 18. Number of AE counts for ball defect size 2 at speed 500 rpm

Figure 19. Number of AE counts for ball defect size 2 at speed 750 rpm
84 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 20. Number of AE counts for ball defect size 2 at speed 1500 rpm

Figure 21. Number of AE counts for ball defect size 2 at speed 3000 rpm

9. AE counts of inner race defects

The number of AE counts for inner race defect size 1 are shown in figures 22 to 26 below and
figures 27 to 31 show the number of AE counts for inner race defect size 2.

The result of AE counts in the inner race defect shows different phenomenon compared with
the ball defect. For the inner race defect size 1, at 300 rpm and 500 rpm the AE counts increases
as the load increases at threshold levels of 30% and 10%. Whilst at 750 rpm, 1500 rpm, and 3000
rpm the AE counts increases as load increases at 50%, 30%, and 10% threshold levels. In general
the AE counts increases with increasing load.
Acoustic Emission Application for Monitoring Bearing Defects 85

Figure 22. Number of AE counts for inner race defect size1 at speed 300 rpm

Figure 23. Number of AE counts for inner race defect size 1 at speed 500 rpm

Figure 24. Number of AE counts for inner race defect size1 at speed 750 rpm
86 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 25. Number of AE counts for inner race defect size1 at speed 1500 rpm

Figure 26. Number of AE counts for inner race defect size1 at speed 3000 rpm

Figure 27. Number of AE counts for inner race defect size2 at speed 300 rpm
Acoustic Emission Application for Monitoring Bearing Defects 87

Figure 28. Number of AE counts for inner race defect size2 at speed 500 rpm

Figure 29. Number of AE counts for inner race defect size2 at speed 750 rpm

Figure 30. Number of AE counts for inner race defect size2 at speed 1500 rpm
88 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 31. Number of AE counts for inner race defect size2 at speed 3000 rpm

For inner race defect size 2, at 300 rpm the AE counts increases as load increases at threshold
levels of 30% and 10%. Whilst at 500 rpm and 750 rpm the AE counts increases as load increases
at threshold levels of 50%, 30%, and 10%. And at 1500 rpm and 3000 rpm the AE counts
increases as load increases at 70%, 50%, 30%, and 10% threshold levels. It is difficult to
distinguish the AE counts of defect size 1 with defect size 2 for all respective speeds and
threshold levels.

10. Conclusion

The results of the study shows AE counts can be used to detect defects in bearings. It also shows
the correlation between the AE counts with speeds and loads. It is important to choose the
appropriate range of threshold levels. A range of at least 30% (90%, 70%, 50%, 30%) of the
maximum amplitude of the background noise was found to be effective..Morhain and Mba [4]
stated that there isn’t an ideal threshold level for all operating condition in bearing diagnosis,
so investigation of background noise at all operational speed can be very useful. The use of
AE r.m.s and counts is more successful for ball defects rather than inner race defects..

Author details

Zahari Taha1 and Indro Pranoto2

1 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia

2 Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Indone‐

Acoustic Emission Application for Monitoring Bearing Defects 89


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(ISSN 1350-6501)

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[7] Tandon N, Nakra BC, Defect detection in rolling element bearings by acoustic emission
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[8] Tan CC, Application of acoustic emission to the detection of bearing failures, In:
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[10] Hawman M.W., Galinaitis W.S., Acoustic emission monitoring of rolling element
bearings, Proceedings of the IEEE, Ultrasonics Symposium (1988): 885-9

[11] Choudhury A, Tandon N, Application of acoustic emission technique for detection of

defects in rolling element bearings, Tribology International 33 (2000): 39-45

[12] Abdullah M.A., David Mba, A comparative experimental study on the use of acoustic
emission vibration analysis for bearing defect identification and estimation of defect
size, Mech. System and Signal Processing J (2004): 1-35

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185 (1995): 67- 74

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National University of Singapore, 2002
Chapter 5

Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on

Acoustic Emission Method

Wojciech Sikorski and Krzysztof Walczak

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Partial discharge (PD) diagnostics is a proven method to assess the condition of a power
transformer. Too high level of PD in a transformer may quickly degrade its insulation system
and lead to damage. If PDs are detected and located quickly, then the transformer may be
repaired or replaced, thus preventing power outages (Bartnikas, 2002; Gulski & Smitt, 2007).
Partial discharges in power transformers in service are most often detected with DGA
(Dissolved Gas Analysis) and afterwards located using acoustic emission method (AE) (Duval,
2008; Lundgaard, 1992; Bengtsson & Jönsson, 1997).
In regard to the possibility of location of defects generating partial discharges, acoustic
emission is an important diagnostic method of power transformers and other HV equipment.
Widely applied techniques for the fault location based on AE method are: (i) measurement of
the time difference of arrival (TDOA) of the acoustic signals, (ii) measurement of the acoustic
signal amplitude in different areas of a transformer tank (standard auscultatory technique,
SAT), (iii) advanced auscultatory technique (AAT), (iv) estimation of the direction of arrival
(DOA) of the acoustic signal based on the phased-array signal processing (Markalous et al.,
2008; Tenbohlen et al., 2010; Qing et al., 2010).
More and more frequent breakdowns of large power transformers, often ending with fire
difficult to put out, compel to more critical evaluation of traditional diagnostics techniques
based mostly on periodic testing. Ageing of network infrastructure causes that the possibility
of insulation system damage resulting from defect developing in short period is becoming
more and more real. This fact favours different kinds of monitoring systems, which, through
continuous investigation of the most important transformer parameters, allow to early
detection of coming damage.

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92 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

While analysing described in the literature cases of damage of power transformers, one can
observe that many of them were related to accelerated degradation of insulation system,
caused by high activity of different kinds of partial discharges (Höhlein et al., 2003; Lundgaard,
2000). Therefore the PD intensity monitoring as well as monitoring of its dynamics changes in
time, in selected, neuralgic points of transformer seem to be a very important indicator
informing on coming damage.
Currently there are only a few commercial systems for partial discharge monitoring in the power
transformer in the world. These systems are based on the method of measuring AE (Acoustic
Emission) or UHF (Ultra High Frequency) signal and offer limited capabilities (Markalous et al.,
2003; Rutgers et al., 2003). A drawback of these systems is that as autonomous devices they do not
cooperate with superior systems, and only transmit information or alerts about the status of the
unit, what makes difficult a subsequent analysis of the causes of failure and looking for correla‐
tion with other parameters recorded by the monitoring system of the transformer.
Project assumptions of the partial discharge online monitoring system, developed at the Insti‐
tute of Electric Power Engineering of Poznan University of Technology, were quite different. The
system was, of course, so designed and constructed that it can work as a standalone device, what
corresponds to the demand on emergency short-term monitoring (e.g. by day or a few days).
However, the authors designing device have made all effort to ensure that it can be also integrat‐
ed with any system of full monitoring of the transformer, such as e.g. Mikronika SYNDIS ES, which
has already been installed on tens transformers in the European transmission networks. Through
open collaboration of systems, the data collected by the PD monitoring system are visible in the
superior system, so that it is possible to perform a full correlation analysis with other recorded
parameters (load, voltage, oil temperature, OLTC operations etc.). The first prototype implemen‐
tation of the integrated system for PD monitoring and SYNDIS ES was performed on one of the
power substations. Currently the authors have already got the annual experience related to the
work of the system, what will be discussed later in the chapter.

2. Superior power transformers monitoring system — Mikronika SYNDIS


In the power transformer monitoring Mikronika SYNDIS ES system, which has been installed
on a few substations, the functionality of the expert system was acquired due to implementa‐
tion of the knowledge base consisting of mathematical functions and models of phenomena
occurring in a power transformer. Basing on logical operations and implemented inference
rules, the expert functions generate (in online mode) summary alarms, emergency signals and
prompts for substation staff. Expert functions assign specific logical value to the rules and
relations contained in the knowledge base. On their basis, the transformer condition is defined
as Normal, Warning, Alarm or Emergency. The simulating calculations conducted in real-time
are significant elements of evaluation of power transformer condition. Therefore, the special‐
ized mathematical model of thermal state was elaborated basing on the elementary relations
presented in the IEC 60076-7 – Part 7: Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers. The
Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on Acoustic Emission Method 93

model includes relation between load losses and the temperature mean of the separate bushing
and tap changer position. The model was expanded on the work of the three power transformer
coils as well as the relation between cooling effectiveness and number of working coolers or
radiator batteries was included in the model. Basing on simulations, possibilities of a power
transformer load at the current surroundings temperature are calculated every minute. In
order to efficiently manage the resources, besides load and temperature analysis one can
distinguish the following thematic groups in the monitoring system:
• moisture content in oil,

• dissolved gas analysis,

• cooling system,

• on-load tap changer,

• bushings,

• partial discharges.

3. Partial discharge online monitoring system

The prototype system for partial discharge monitoring presented in this chapter is the effect
of several years of research, the results of which have already been presented, among others
in (Sikorski & Walczak, 2010; Sikorski, 2012). In the mentioned literature items one can find
more information on project assumptions and criteria for the selection of individual compo‐
nents of the system.

The system works basing on the detection of acoustic emission pulses recorded by piezoelectric
contact sensors (PAC WD), which are mounted on the transformer tank. A practical solution
enabling easy mounting of AE sensor with a constant force to the tank is the use of special handles
fitted with strong permanent magnets and such solution was used in the prototype. The pream‐
plifier is also mounted in the handle. The amplifier and filters are located in standard 19-inch, fully
screened industrial housing. From the conditioning module signals are transmitted to the
acquisition module. Its integral element is a powerful workstation, based on multi-core architec‐
ture, with specialized software and ultrafast acquisition card installed. Procedures for the
acquisition and analysis of data are implemented in National Instrument LabView program‐
ming environment and realized in real time. Acquisition module, like conditioning module, was
placed in a separate screened industrial housing, compatible with mechanics standard 19-inch.
The housing is waterproof and equipped with automatic temperature control system.

The system is designed for continuous, multi-month fieldwork, therefore specialized software
allows not only for continuous registration of partial discharge activity, but also for correctness
of the work of the system itself (e.g. temperature and humidity inside the enclosure or
operation of electronic measuring circuits). The program is equipped with advanced data
processing modules, which make it easier to evaluate events and noise filtering. In addition to
94 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

the registration and calculation of basic PD parameters (like the number of pulses, their energy
and amplitude), the program creates also event log, whose goal is to inform, with a specified
frequency (service station or the superior system), about the work of the PD monitoring system
or threat to the transformer resulting from the intensity discharge growth. External commu‐
nication is provided using a GSM modem (with an additional antenna) or LAN/WLAN
network. The second solution was used in case of cooperation with the superior system of
transformer monitoring SYNDIS ES.

The schematic diagram of developed partial discharge on-line monitoring system, which was
in detail described in (Sikorski & Walczak, 2010), was presented in figure 1.

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of developed partial discharge on-line monitoring system

Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on Acoustic Emission Method 95

4. Partial discharge location techniques in power transformer

4.1. Standard and advanced auscultatory technique

Standard auscultatory technique (SAT) is one of the simplest methods of PD location. It

involves the AE amplitude measurement in different areas of a transformer tank and thereby
in different distance from the PD source. The SAT allows finding an area on a tank, in which
the pulses of the highest amplitude/energy are recorded. One may assume that in this location
under the surface of the tank, some depth in the object, the source of partial discharges’ source
is located.
The main advantages of the method are: (i) the possibility to carry out the measurements with
one sensor, (ii) straightforward measurement procedure, (iii) the possibility of detection of the
multi-source discharges, the occurrence of which in old transformers with aged insulation
system is very probable (Sikorski et al., 2007, 2008, 2010).
Unfortunately, while employing the SAT method, very often one may expect errors in
location of PD sources. This is because the amplitude of AE signal depends not only on
the distance of a piezoelectric sensor from the discharge source (which is the basis of this
measuring technique), but also depends on the energy fluctuations of partial discharges.
Therefore satisfactory accuracy in the PD location with the SAT technique can be ob‐
tained only when discharges are stable (not self-extinguishing) and their energy does not
change in time for the duration of the measurement. But taking into consideration that PD
is a non-linear, dynamic phenomenon and has strongly stochastic character, this ideal
situation is not very probable during the lengthy measurements performed on a real high
voltage power transformer. The influence of small fluctuations of the PD energy on
accuracy of discharges location with the use of standard auscultatory technique can easily
be mitigated when one may determine the value of simple moving average (SMA) of the
registered AE pulses’ energy, e, and monitor the value of their standard deviation, σ. In
case of fluctuations of the PD pulses’ energy (e.g. their apparent charge q changes in a
wide range, from hundreds pC to some nC), the procedure of AE-pulses energy averag‐
ing, does not give satisfactory results. The largest errors of the PD source location while
employing the SAT method occur when the partial discharge activity is not-stable and after
the period of high intensity we observe their extinction for a certain time.
In order to improve the efficiency and reliability of auscultatory technique, the authors
propose to simultaneously monitor in each measuring point on the surface of a transform‐
er tank the simple moving average of: (i) AE waveforms energy, SMA(e), and (ii) the PD
apparent charge, SMA(q). Additionally, the parameter p is introduced that is equal to the
quotient of the measured values SMA(e) end SMA(q). Due to this operation, the correct‐
ed value of the AE pulses energy depends mostly on the acoustic waves’ attenuation effect,
and so depends on the distance between a piezoelectric sensor and the PD source. The
influence of the changes of PD energy on the result of the PD source location is then
The proposed algorithm of the AAT method consists of the following steps:
96 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Step 1. Using the conventional electric method, identify the transformer phase, in which the
partial discharges occur.

Step 2. On the transformer tank mark a grid of the measurement points, consisting of m-rows
and n-columns (see Figure 2).

Step 3. For the given measurement point a(i,j), where i=1,…,m and j=1,…,n, simultaneously
register r-values of partial discharge apparent charge q=(q1,q2,…,qr) and s AE-waveforms

Step 4. For the registered AE waveforms [x1,x2,…,xs] calculate their signal energy e=(e1,e2,..,es).

Step 5. For the registered values of the apparent charge (q1,q2,..,qr) and the calculated AE
waveforms energy (e1,e2,..,es) determine their simple moving average (SMA): SMA(q) and

Step 6. Calculate standard deviation σ of SMA(e).

Step 7. If σ ≤ 0.1 stop the acquisition, else repeat steps 3 through 6.

Step 8. Calculate the value of parameter p, which takes into account the influence of PD
energy fluctuations on the energy of registered AE pulses in time for the duration of the

SMA(e )
p= SMA(q )

Step 9. Repeat steps 3 through 8 for all measurement points.

Step 10. Create matrix P=[pi,j].

Step 11. Create matrix Pnorm=[pnormi,j], which constitutes normalized values of matrix P in the
range [0;1]:

( p i , j - pmin )
pnorm i , j = ( pmax - pmin )

Step 12. On the base of the Pnorm and the bilinear interpolation function generate a high
resolution intensity graph (called Acoustic Emission Map).

Step 13. Superimpose the Acoustic Emission Map image on the photograph or construction
drawing of the investigated transformer’s phase, to find on the tank the areas which are the
closest to the PD source.

Because the Acoustic Emission Map shows the result of PD source location on the 2D plane (see
Fig. 3), it is recommended, if possible, to perform the additional measurements with the TDOA
triangulation technique, by placing the AE sensors on the tank wall close to the area of highest
p values localized with AAT.
Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on Acoustic Emission Method 97

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of AAT measurement procedure

Figure 3. Two-dimensional visualization (Acoustic Emission Map) of PD-source location results in advanced auscultato‐
ry technique (AAT).
98 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

The most important modification, comparing to the SAT method, is application of the
parameter p which, to a very significant degree, minimizes the negative influence of the
temporal changes of PD energy on the defect location results. This positive feature is illustrated
by a simulation shown in figure 4. For simplification, it was assumed that the defect is present
in the ‘B’ phase of the transformer, and the AE pulses were registered only in 7 measuring
points. In the first case, it was assumed that the partial discharges are stable and their energy
does not change in time for the duration of the measurements. Of course, with such an idealistic
and almost unrealistic assumption, both techniques achieve identical and correct result of the
defect location (Fig. 4a). As for the second analysed case, when energy of PD varies (fluctuate)
during the acoustic emission signals’ measurements, only the AAT technique allows to obtain
the proper location of the defect (Fig. 4b).

The on-site PD measurement using a standard IEC-60270 PD detector is complicated. There‐

fore, the new AAT method is dedicated mainly for the transformer manufacturing plants and the
repair companies. However, modern PD-detectors with the integrated noise-gating channel for
noise-suppression via an external antenna and the software for noise reduction and filtering may
also expand the AAT usage to transformers installed at substation (Kraetge et al., 2010).

Figure 4. The diagram illustrating the result of PD location employing the parameter SMA(e) (standard auscultatory
technique) and parameter p (advanced auscultatory technique) in case when the apparent charge of partial discharg‐
es is: a) stable, and b) varying in time during the measurement.
Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on Acoustic Emission Method 99

Due to a low sensitivity of the PD detection procedure using acoustic emission method, the
AAT method is the best for location of the defects that are the source of discharges with high
energy (e.g. surface and creeping discharges, sparks), or defects that are close to a transformer
tank (e.g. discharges in bushing and near the winding at the bushing connection, on the surface
of outer pressboard barriers and spacers, etc.). Unfortunately, location of the internal PD
sources (e.g. within the winding), is very difficult or even impossible. It concerns not only the
use of AAT method, but any other technique that is based on acoustic emission.

Furthermore, it should be stressed, that complex and non-homogeneous internal construction

of the transformer (pressboard barriers, supporting beams made of wood or phenolic resin
etc.) and transformer tank (corrugated walls, magnetic or non-magnetic shields, stiffeners,
gussets or ribs reinforcing the mechanical strength, welds etc.) impedes a proper interpretation
of the AAT results because it causes a strong suppression of the acoustic signal.

4.2. Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) technique

The PD source location based on TDOA technique is usually applied during on-site diagnostic
tests of large power transformers. At least four AE sensors are used for spatial location of a
defect PD(x, y, z) in transformer tank. The sensors theoretically are fixed in different distances
from the PD source (Fig. 5). The position of the defect is estimated basing on measured time
difference of arrival of acoustic signals. In order to find the coordinates of defect one should
solve the following nonlinear system of equations:

( x - xs1)2 + ( y - ys1)2 + (z - zs1)2 = (νoil ∙ T )2 (3)

( x - xs2)2 + ( y - ys2)2 + (z - zs2)2 = (νoil ∙ (T + t12))2 (4)

( x - xs3)2 + ( y - ys3)2 + (z - zs3)2 = (νoil ∙ (T + t13))2 (5)

( x - xs4)2 + ( y - ys4)2 + (z - zs4)2 = (νoil ∙ (T + t14))2 (6)

where: x, y, z – unknown PD-source coordinates in space, T – unknown acoustic wave

propagation time from PD-source to the nearest sensor numbered as S1, xS1..4, yS1...4, zS1…4 -
Cartesian coordinates of the four AE sensors S1...S4, t12, t13, t14 - propagation time delay between
the sensor 1 and the sensors 2, 3 and 4 respectively (t12 < t13 < t14), voil – acoustic wave propagation
velocity in transformer oil (1413 m/s at 20ºC, 1300 m/s at 50ºC, 1200 m/s at 80ºC).

This nonlinear system of equations can be solved with one of direct (non-iterative) solver
algorithms or with a least square iterative algorithm, which efficiency strongly depends on
initial values selected by user.

The most common errors in accurate location of PD source coordinates using TDOA technique
in large power transformers result from:
100 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

• simplifying assumption that the acoustic wave propagates only in oil with the velocity voil
< 1500 m/s. This ignores the fact that acoustic wave propagates in transformer tank wall with
velocity 5100 m/s as well.

• incorrect time-of-arrival estimation of signal propagating along the shortest geometric path.
In regard to the fact that the velocity in metal is greater than in oil, the acoustic wave, which
most of its way travels in tank wall (structure-borne path), arrives at the sensor first.
Afterwards the sensor registers the wave, which propagated in oil slowly (direct acoustic

• inaccurate measurement of coordinates of the AE sensors as a result of complex transformer

tank structure.

Time-of-arrival of partial discharge pulses is usually estimated by an experienced expert. It is

also possible to apply an algorithm dedicated for automatic time-of-arrival estimation (so-
called auto-picker). Currently used algorithms giving satisfying results base on the following
criteria: (i) Signal Energy (EC), (ii) Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), (iii) Discrete Wavelet
Decomposition (DWT), (iv) Gabor centroid, (v) Maximum Likelihood (ML), (vi) Phase in
frequency domain and (vii) trigger level.

Figure 5. Schematic diagram of Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) technique for partial discharge location in power
Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on Acoustic Emission Method 101

In most cases, when signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is high, the auto-pickers allow to estimate time-
of-arrival with satisfying accuracy. In the rest of cases, it is necessary to apply additional
advanced signal denoising methods, which increase the SNR.

The figure 6 presents the example of the time-of-arrival estimation of partial discharge pulse
based on AIC and energy criterion.

Figure 6. Exemplary estimation of the time-of-arrival of partial discharge pulse based on AIC and energy criterion

The application of triggering with an electrical (IEC-60270 detector, only in laboratory

conditions) or an electromagnetic (RFCT or UHF sensors, both in laboratory and on-site
conditions) partial discharge signal is another variant of defects location technique (Fig. 7).
The main advantages of simultaneous use of electrical/electromagnetic triggering and acoustic
emission method are: (i) obtaining information on time of partial discharge initiation and (ii)
reduction in the number of AE sensors required for measurement procedure (three are
sufficient). In order to locate PD-source the following system of equations should be solved:

( x - xs1)2 + ( y - ys1)2 + (z - zs1)2 = (νoil ∙ t1)2 (7)

102 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

( x - xs1)2 + ( y - ys1)2 + (z - zs1)2 = (νoil ∙ t2)2 (8)

( x - xs1)2 + ( y - ys1)2 + (z - zs1)2 = (νoil ∙ t3)2 (9)

where: x, y, z – unknown PD-source coordinates in space, xS1..3, yS1...3, zS1…3 - Cartesian coordi‐
nates of the sensors S1...S3, t1, t2, t3 – measured absolute arrival times, voil – acoustic wave
propagation velocity in transformer oil.

Figure 7. Schematic diagram of Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) technique with electrical/electromagnetic trigger‐
ing for partial discharge location in power transformer

5. Examples of partial discharge location and on-line monitoring

5.1. Case study 1 — Short-term monitoring (daily) of the 160 MVA transformer

Investigations were carried out in a power transformer 125000/220 manufactured in 1978 with
the parameters shown in Table 1.
Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on Acoustic Emission Method 103

Parameter Value

Type RTdxP 125000/220

Voltage 230/120/10.5 kV

Power 160/160/50 MVA

Table 1. Main parameters of investigated transformer

The main reason for performing the partial discharge investigation was a disturbing level of
flammable gases in the insulating oil, especially hydrogen. It was noticed just after a flashover
which occurred in 2002 in a distribution line that caused a flow of the short-circuit current in
the local power system. In successive years the periodic diagnostic measurements revealed a
continuous increase of the amount of gases dissolved in the oil. In 2008 a sudden increase of
gases in the oil was noticed. The amount of hydrogen exceeded the level of 2000 ppm, and the
breakdown voltage of oil decreased to 18 kV, while the permissible value is not less than 50
kV for this type of transformer.

Unfortunately, even after oil treatment process, continuous increase of flammable gases in oil
content was still observed. In 2009 SFRA (Sweep Frequency Response Analysis) investigation
was made, and the results suggested that the axial displacement, as well as the radial buckling
of low voltage and compensating winding was probable. In April 2011 the concentration of
hydrogen exceeded 2200 ppm (with permissible value of 350 ppm), and content of CO2
exceeded 3100 ppm, approaching the permissible value equal to 4000 ppm.

In order to estimate the danger of a transformer failure, the owner decided to make additional
measurements of PD using the electrical method. For that reason, the 220/110 kV transmission
overhead lines connected to this transformer had to be temporarily switched off. It should be
noted that due to very intensive interference originating mainly from the corona on the
transmission lines, it was not possible to detect the PD with the use of the conventional
electrical method according to IEC 60270. However in this case, the substation was equipped
with one transformer only, so when the transformer and the transmission lines were de-
energized for the PD measurement system calibration, the interference did not exceed the level
of 300 pC. Next, during the PD measurement procedure, when the transformer and the lines
were switched on, the interference level changed from 400 pC (110 kV side) to maximum 8 nC
(220 kV side), depending on investigated phase and transformer load. Measurements with the
electrical method were done for all phases of the transformer (on 110 kV and 220 kV side) using
the measuring taps of the bushings.

The measurement procedure was repeated for each transformer phase and consisted of:
1. Disconnection of transmission line and switching the transformer off,

2. Connection of the measuring impedance to the measuring tap of a bushing,

3. Calibration of the measuring system with the use of a standard PD calibrator,

4. Energization of the transformer and detection of the partial discharges.

104 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Transformer phase Apparent charge [nC]

HV 1 10

HV 2 17

HV 3 11

LV 1 N/A*

LV 2 1

LV 3 N/A*

* No PD activities or PD buried in background noise

Table 2. Maximum value of PD apparent charge registered during test

The result of the PD measurements carried out with conventional electrical method
revealed the presence of strong discharges in phase HV 2 (Table 2). The maximum value
of apparent charge reached 17 nC (Fig. 8), however the range of a phase angle, in which
the discharges appeared, was mainly from 30° to 90°. In other phases of 220 kV side (HV
1 and HV 3) the PD pulses were also recorded, but their apparent charge value did not
exceed 10-11 nC. The range of phase angle was identical as in HV 2 phase. On the basis
of the obtained results it was concluded that the signals observed in phases HV 1 and HV
3 were the same as those coming from the HV 2, but attenuated, indicating their origin as
HV 2. In the case of 110 kV side, only the low-energy signals were registered with the
apparent charge up to 1 nC, and in LV 2 phase only.

Figure 8. The results of PD apparent charge measurement in phase HV 2 of investigated transformer.

On the basis of the results obtained with the use of conventional electrical method, it was
decided that the procedure of PD source location should be restricted to HV 2 phase only.

The time of investigation was not limited, as well as it was possible to carry out the continuous
monitoring of the apparent charge level. It was also possible to perform the PD location using
both the AAT and the TDOA triangulation.
Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on Acoustic Emission Method 105

In case of the AAT, in the first step, the measurement points on the surface of transformer tank
were chosen and marked. These points formed a measurement grid. In order to increase the
reliability of measurements, and simplify the interpretation of the obtained results, the
fragments of tank walls with higher thickness were omitted (e.g. corrugated walls and welds).
The measurement grid consisted of 36 points, as it is shown in figure 9a.

(a) (b)

Figure 9. The measurement grid (36 points) used for PD source location with advanced auscultatory technique (a) and
the result of PD source location presented as an Acoustic Emission Map applied in the picture of the HV 2 phase of the
investigated power transformer (b).
On the basis of the results obtained with the use of AAT, the Acoustic Emission Map was
prepared and superimposed on a photograph of the transformer tank. The analysis of the
Acoustic Emission Map image showed that in the HV phase 2 two sources of partial discharges
were present (Fig. 9b).

When the acoustic emission measurements with the AAT were finished, a procedure of the
PD sources location was initiated with the use of a triangulation technique. The AE sensors
were placed on the tank wall in the locations identified by the Acoustic Emission Map image
analysis. Placing the sensors in region of the strongest AE signals was done to increase the
precision of XYZ coordinates’ estimation of the PD source location using the triangulation

The analysis of the results of PD source location, obtained with the triangulation method
showed that both sources of discharges were placed near the symmetry axis of the phase HV
2 bushing and the transformer tank (Fig. 10a and 10b). On the basis of the investigation results,
a hypothesis was assumed that partial discharges were generated inside the insulation of the
winding leads or in the support beam that is close to the transformer tank.
106 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

(a) (b)

Figure 10. The result of the PD source location obtained with the use of triangulation method presented in the XYZ
coordinates system (the XZ plane illustrates the wall of tank from the HV side) (a) and projection of calculated PD co‐
ordinates (XYZ) to the XZ plane (b).

Based on the obtained results of defect location and the analysis of the external structures of
the transformer tank, the places, where acoustic emission sensors of monitoring system should
be mounted, were selected (Fig. 9b). Due to the fact that AE sensors were placed close to located
defect, on each of the four channels a similar number of acoustic events was recorded (Fig.
11). The amplitude of the signal recorded by each sensor was similar as well.

The same was also the average amplitude of the signal recorded by each sensor (Fig. 12).
However, when looking at the distribution of number of AE events, it can be noted that daily
activity profiles of the partial discharges recorded by pairs of sensor (00&01 and 02&03) were
similar. This fact suggests the existence of two defects, which was already mentioned after the
analysis of the location results with the use of Advanced Auscultatory Technique (see Fig. 9b).
Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on Acoustic Emission Method 107

Figure 11. The number of AE events registered during daily monitoring of 160 MVA transformer

Figure 12. Amplitude of AE events registered during the daily monitoring of 160 MVA transformer.
108 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Further interesting conclusions arise when comparing both the number of events and the
average amplitude of the acoustic signal with daily load of the unit (Fig. 13). One can observe
that the increase in the load is associated with increase of intensity and amplitude of partial
discharges. Load peaks, occurring at 21:00 and 12:00, are accompanied by the largest PD
intensity and highest average amplitude of registered acoustic signals. Probably, the temper‐
ature increased closed to defect, which was a consequence of the growth in the value of the
current, causing intensification of the partial discharge phenomenon. Analysis of the impact
of voltage changes caused by tap changes of the autotransformer, did not show any significant
correlation with respect to the recorded acoustic signal (voltage change were small indeed).

Figure 13. The value of daily load of the monitored transformer, registered in SYNDIS ES system

Observation of daily profile of PD activity changes also shows the advantages of on-line
monitoring and imperfections of the standard approach to measuring partial discharges.

As one can observe in Fig. 11-12, the time of measurement can determine the quality of the
analysis. During the day, both periods occurred in the monitored unit: extinction of partial
discharges and their particular intensification.

Therefore one can conclude, that the choice of date and time for the implementation of periodic
diagnostic tests by AE method (lasting usually no longer than a few hours) may have a
fundamental importance for correct and reliable assessment of transformer insulation system.
Of course, due to the stochastic nature of the partial discharge phenomenon, the most reliable
results are obtained by monitoring the unit for a period of time at least one day.
Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on Acoustic Emission Method 109

5.2. Case study 2 – Short-term monitoring (weekly) of 250 MVA transformer

A reason for installing the monitoring system to 250 MVA transformer was to observe from
the beginning of 2011, the systematic increase of dissolved gases in oil (mostly hydrogen). The
same year, in June, the location of the partial discharge sources by means of acoustic emission
method was performed.

During the tests, several areas were located on tank in which recorded acoustic emission pulses
were characterized by high amplitude. In the case of the lower voltage side (110 kV), repeatable
pulses with the largest amplitude were recorded close to neutral point bushing (N). In addition,
on the same side, sporadically occurring high amplitude PD pulses localized in phase LV 1
and LV 3 were recorded. During the measurements, any discharge pulses in phase LV 2 were
not registered (Fig. 14). In the case of the high voltage side (400 kV) sporadically occurring
partial discharge pulses were also recorded, however, they were characterized by much
smaller amplitude than it was in the case of the low voltage side.

Figure 14. Results of PD source location (Acoustic Emission Map) obtained using advanced auscultatory technique
(AAT) on low voltage side of the 250 MVA transformer

Due to further systematic increase in the level of hydrogen dissolved in oil and the alarming results
of the detection and location of partial discharges, in December 2011 the transformer owner
decided to install a monitoring system for a period of one week. Based on the results of the location,
obtained before, three AE sensors have been mounted on the tank on the low voltage side near
selected areas of greatest loudness (phase LV 1 – sensor ’02’, phase LV 3 – sensor ‘00’, proximity to
neutral point insulator – sensor ‘03’). The last sensor ’01’ was mounted in phase LV 2 (as refer‐
ence sensor), where the test results showed that it is free from partial discharges. Such arrange‐
ment of AE sensors allowed the simultaneous monitoring of all phases of the transformer, with
particular emphasis on critical points, which were fixed on the tank before. In the characteristics
of the number of acoustic events registered during the weekly monitoring of the transformer were
110 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

summarized in figure 15. In turn, on figure 16 the values of the oil temperature in top layer and
voltages of monitored transformer registered in SYNDIS ES system were presented.

Figure 15. The number of EA events registered during the weekly monitoring of tested 250 MVA transformer

Figure 16. The value of the top layer of the oil temperature and voltages of the monitored 250 MVA transformer reg‐
istered in SYNDIS ES system
Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on Acoustic Emission Method 111

Analysis of the characteristics showing the number of AE events recorded by the monitoring
system confirmed the presence of partial discharges in phase LV 1 and LV 3 and the absence
or presence of a few discharges in phase LV 2 and close to neutral point bushing (Fig. 15).
Monitoring showed that pulses with the highest intensity and energy are generated in phase
C. The recorded PD pulses were unstable, and their ignition took place only in periods of
voltage growth (Fig. 16). Moreover, it was noted that the moment of PD ignition correlates
with temperature minima of top layer of oil, which may have a relationship with some dynamic
changes in moisture at the interface of oil-paper insulation, described for example in (Borsi &
Schroder, 1994; Buerschaper et al., 2003; Sokolov et al., 1999).

5.3. Case study 3 ─ Long-term (continuous) monitoring of 330 MVA transformer

In this case the choice of the research object, on which continuous monitoring was tested, did
not resulted from bad condition of the transformer. The primary purpose was integration of
the PD monitoring system with the superior system (SYNDIS ES) and evaluation of opportu‐
nities for their cooperation. However, as in other cases, place of sensors location were selected
basing on previously carried out detection and PD sources location using Advanced Ausculta‐
tory Technique (Fig. 17).

Figure 17. Results of PD source location (Acoustic Emission Maps) obtained using advanced auscultatory technique
(AAT) on HV and OLTC side of the 330 MVA transformer

Acoustic sensors were installed in each HV-phase and on the tank of on-load tap changer
(OLTC), in the place, where the pulses with the highest amplitude were recorded.
For the moment, the system worked continuously and without failure for about 9 months. At
that time, it registered several periods of partial discharge activity, but their low intensity not
suggested the possibility of a serious threat. However, the ability to correlate, e.g. the moment
of PD initiation with different parameters recorded by the SYNDIS ES system (oil temperature,
load, voltage etc.), seems to be interesting, especially from a scientific point of view and the
possibilities for development and improvement of inference rules implemented in the software
of monitoring system.
112 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 18. The number of AE events registered on 330 MVA transformer, where the long-term test of partial dis‐
charge monitoring system was carried out.

Figure 19. The oil temperature at top layer and values of voltages of the monitored 330 MVA transformer registered
in SYNDIS ES system
Power Transformer Diagnostics Based on Acoustic Emission Method 113

For example, figure 18 shows the number of PD pulses registered by two sensors with numbers
‘01’ and ‘02’, installed respectively in phase HV 1 and HV 2. As one can observe, partial
discharges were transient, but comparison with other parameters, such as temperature and
voltage (Fig. 19), allows to detect a correlation. As it was described in the previous case, the
moment of PD initiation and growth of its intensity were connected not only with an increase
in voltage, but at the same time, with relatively low value of oil temperature (20-30°C).
Particularly high partial discharge activity has been reported in cases, in which the period of
oil cooling and at the same time the growth of voltage lasted at least several hours. In the phase
HV 1 (sensor ‘01’) this situation took place from 25 until 27 February, and in phase HV 2 (sensor
‘02’) between 12 and 13 day of the same month.

6. Conclusions

The chapter presents detailed description and features of the Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA)
technique and new Advanced Auscultatory Technique (AAT) for location of partial discharge
sources, as well as some examples of its practical application in power transformer diagnostics.

The developed by the authors Advanced Auscultatory Technique constitutes a synergistic

combination of two diagnostic methods: (i) the acoustic emission (AE) and (ii) the conventional
electrical PD detection method according to IEC 60270.

The presented research results proved numerous advantages of the AAT, among which the
most important are:
• reduction of influence of partial discharge energy fluctuations on energy of registered AE
pulses, which are the main reason of the PD source location errors with the standard
auscultatory technique,

• clear and readable presentation of the fault location results in form of a high-resolution
intensity graph (Acoustic Emission Map),

• the possibility of correlation between AE parameters and apparent charge,

• uncomplicated and quick PD location technique, particularly useful for transformer

manufacturing plants and repair companies equipped with electrically shielded HV
The partial discharge online monitoring in power transformer based on AE method was
another important topic covered in the chapter.

The presented results largely confirmed the advantages offered by the partial discharge
monitoring using the acoustic emission method, of which the most important are:
• ability to assess the profile of daily, weekly or monthly partial discharge activity,

• possibility of linking the partial discharge activity with other events or parameters recorded
by the service station or other systems monitoring transformer work,
114 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

• ability to assess the dynamics of defect development,

• elimination of the interpretative errors which might arise in the standard and short-lived
measurement procedures, and

• possibility of partial discharge sources location.

Author details

Wojciech Sikorski and Krzysztof Walczak

Poznan University of Technology, Poland


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(ICPADM), , 550-552.
138 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 13. Z3 source: a) description of AE signal, b) frequency characteristic, c) phase-time characteristic, d) averaging
phase characteristic, e) and f) averaging STFT spectrograms recorded in measuring conditions: measurement by
means of WD sensor placed at P3 measuring point of ,,M” bar, the supply voltage of the bar 15.5 kV, measured value
of the apparent charge 3.4 nC
Testing of Partial Discharges and Location of Their Sources in Generator Coil Bars… 139

Figure 14. Z6 source: a) description of AE signal, b) frequency characteristic, c) phase-time characteristic, d) averaging
phase characteristic, e) and f) averaging STFT spectrograms recorded in measuring conditions: measurement by
means of WD sensor placed at P6 measuring point of ,,M” bar, the supply voltage of the bar 31 kV, measured value of
the apparent charge 26 nC
140 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

12. Cumulative analysis of PD testing results made by means of joint

electric-acoustic methodology

Results of analyses concerning testing of PD within ,,D” and ,,M” bar, received simultaneously
from electric and AE method, are stated in Tables 3 and 4. The statement contains supply
voltages and the following measured or calculated quantities for signals recorded under
particular supply voltages: apparent charge, ADP descriptors for AE signal which gives
maximum within the suitable group of AE signals (after analysis within bands of 150 – 500
kHz and 20 – 60 kHz) and properties of PD sources determine independently by means of
electric and acoustic method. There are properties: kind of PD determined by means of expert
diagnostic program TEAS (electric method) and location of PD sources (AE method). Such a
statement enables us to obtain more complete information on the kind and the place in which
partial discharges appear.

Electric method AE method

Diagnosis results received from ADP within

U Q TEAS program: bands of: Location
kV nC Kind of PD source – correctness of [150,500] [20,60] of sources
diagnose (estimation by probability) kHz kHz

Inclusions near HV electrode (inside dielectric, Z1 source

10 3.5 -16.3 -4.9
near surface of the bar) – 0.57 – near P2

Inclusions near HV electrode (inside dielectric,

Z1 source
near surface of the bar) – 0.41
– near P2
15 3.8 Inclusions near LV electrode (in upper part -4.2 -1.2
Z2 source
of dielectric) – 0.21
– near P5
Inclusions inside dielectric – 0.15

Z1 source
Inclusions near HV electrode (inside dielectric, – near P2
20 2.2 -3.3 -2.2
near surface of the bar) – 0.39 Z2 source
– near P5

Z1 source
Inclusions near HV electrode (inside dielectric, – near P2
25 2.2 -4.0 -2.7
near surface of the bar) – 0.44 Z2 source
– near P5

Z1 source
Inclusions near HV electrode (inside dielectric, – near P2
30 2.0 -1.3 -1.6
near surface of the bar) – 0.86 Z2 source
– near P5

Table 3. Statement of results of PD analysis made by means of electric-acoustic methodology for ,,D” bar (UN =13.8 kV)
Testing of Partial Discharges and Location of Their Sources in Generator Coil Bars… 141

The source of the most intensive partial discharges appears within ,,D” bar near measuring
point P2. This source is created by inclusions near HV electrode (inside dielectric, near surface
of the bar). Ignition of partial discharges at point P2 takes place already under the supply
voltage of 7 kV (about 52% UN). This source is created by inclusions near LV electrode. The
most compose description of PD, given by expert diagnostic program TEAS (for the supply
voltage 15 kV), corresponds with activity of Z1 source and growth of activity of Z2 source.
Growth of apparent charge value is caused by properties of PD source which is located near
point P2. Maximal value of ADP descriptor and maximal value of apparent charge was
registered for the band of 20 – 60 kHz under the supply voltage of 15 kV.

Electric method AE method

Diagnosis results received from ADP within

U Q TEAS program: bands of: Location
kV nC Kind of PD source – correctness of diagnose [150,500] [20,60] of sources
(estimation by probability) kHz kHz

Z3 source
– near P3
10 2.2 External disturbances – 0.03 -24.0 -2.1
Z4 source
– near P5
Z3 source
Superposition of inner discharges and corona
– near P3
15 3.4 (own analysis of Authors for lack -15.8 -1.6
Z4 source
of a standard in the library of profiles)
– near P5
Z3 source
Discharge inside dielectric, – near P3
20 6.5 -1.4 -1.2
1% surface discharge – 0.12 Z4 source
– near P5
Z3 source
– near P3
Corona appeared at many points which Z4 source
25 70 -0.4 -1.0
dominates inner discharges – 0.21 – near P5
Z5,Z6 sources
– near ends
Z3 source
– near P3
Corona appeared at many points which Z4 source
30 26 -1.0 -0.7
dominates inner discharges – 0.26 – near P5
Z5,Z6 sources
– near ends

Table 4. Statement of results of PD analysis made by means of electric-acoustic methodology for ,,M” bar (UN =13.8
142 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

The source of the most intensive partial discharges within ,,M” bar appears near measuring
point P3. It is caused by inner discharges. Additionally, the source within area of measuring
points P5 and P6 is active for supply voltages 25 and 30 kV. There is also a source near
measuring point P5 within the band of 20 – 60 kHz. Acoustic method shows weak sensitivity
for many-point corona discharge given growth of apparent charge up to value of 70 nC.

13. Recapitulation

The original method, worked out to analyze of AE signals at basic and advanced level, is
presented. The basic analysis is made in domains of time, frequency and time-frequency,
whereas advanced analysis describes properties of AE signals in domain of threshold.

The results of basic analysis are as follows:

–the signal after filtration with its minimal, maximal and RMS values (the band pass filter of
5. order is applied to filtration which band is given as a frequency range at the frequency

–spectral power density as frequency characteristic of the signal with the frequency for main
maximum and spectrum value for this frequency,

–phase-time characteristic,

–averaging phase characteristic,

–three-dimensional STFT spectrogram,

–three-dimensional STFT spectrogram dropped to a phase-frequency plane.

These quantities are calculated for AE signals recorded during 100 periods of the supply
voltage and describes properties of AE signal for ,,averaging“ period of the supply voltage.
They define frequency of bands dominant within AE signals and describe random character
of AE signals appearing in analyzed phenomena.

Results of advanced analysis are distributions of counting rate and power of the signal in
function of discrimination threshold as well as ADC and ADP descriptors which describe
quantitatively AE signals named as advanced degree of recorded AE signals. Descriptors are
a base to locate PD sources by means of advanced degree of AE signals.

Investigations of partial discharges within generator coil bars, realized as simultaneous

measurements made by means of electric and acoustic method. Electric method was applied
to determine apparent charge, introduced by active PD sources, and kind of recorded partial
discharges (by means of TEAS program). Analysis of test results is presented for two chosen
bars, designed as ,,D“ (bar of the coil of the generator 120 MW, UN=13.8 kV) and ,,M“ (bar of
the coil of the generator 200 MW, UN=15.76 kV). The both bars are interesting from the point
of vue of analyze of PD sources. In the case of ,,D“ bar, PD sources introduce apparent charges
whose value is at the level of several nC; this value diminues when the supply voltage
Testing of Partial Discharges and Location of Their Sources in Generator Coil Bars… 143

increases. Values of apparent charges introduced by PD sources into ,,M“ bar reached
suprising anomalous great value (70 nC).

AE measurements were made at six measuring points of each tested bar. Investigation results
obtained from AE method determine the following frequency bands, dominant in AE signals:
20 - 40 kHz, 70 - 110 kHz, 120 - 150 kHz, 200 - 240 kHz, 270 - 290 kHz and 450-490 kHz. ADC
and ADP descriptors calculated for recorded signals order theses signals according their
advanced degree. They are a base for location of AE sources by means of the original method
of advanced degree of AE signals.

In result of analysis of AE signals within the band of [150,500] kHz such a location od PD
sources for different values of the supply voltage have been made; six PD sources were located
and results of basic analysis for these sources were presented.

Obtained results were proved by location resultant from application of Kohonen network.

AE signals recorded within the band [20,60] kHz were analyzed additionally. Analysis of AE
signals in different frequency bands showed the same location of PD sources and proved
changes of AE signals during propagation.

The cumulative analysis of PD test results made by means of complex electric-accoustic

methodology enables us to obtain more complete information about the kind and the place of
occurrence of partial discharges.

Author details

Franciszek Witos1 and Zbigniew Gacek2

*Address all correspondence to:

1 Department of Optoelectronics, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland

2 Institute of Power Systems & Control, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland


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Chapter 7

Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials

Stefan Jan Kowalski, Jacek Banaszak and

Kinga Rajewska

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Drying of wet materials is one of the oldest and most common unit operation found in di‐
verse processes such as those used in the agricultural, ceramic, chemical, food, pharmaceuti‐
cal, pulp and paper, mineral, polymer, and textile industries. It is also one of the most
complex and least understood operations because of the difficulties and deficiencies in
mathematical descriptions of the phenomena of simultaneous – and often coupled and mul‐
tiphase – transport of heat, mass, and momentum in saturated porous materials. Drying is
therefore an amalgam of science, technology, and art, or know-how based on extensive ex‐
perimental observations and operating experience [Strumiłło, 1983; Mujumdar (Ed.), 2007].

Drying processes ought to be appropriately arranged and operated to obtain a high quality
dried products, that is, products without excessive deformations, surface cracks, and above
all crosswise fractures. A non-uniform moisture distribution in products arising during dry‐
ing causes a non-uniform material shrinkage and generates stresses, which are responsible
for permanent deformations and material fracture. A risk of fracture in drying samples is
possible to analyze both theoretically and experimentally. Mechanistic drying models make
the basis for numerical simulations of drying kinetics and analysis of the drying induced
stresses [Kowalski, 2003]. In this way it is possible to determine the spots, where the drying
induced stresses reach maximum and the possibly crack may occur [Kowalski and Rybicki,
2007]. The theoretical predictions are confronted with the experimental data obtained due to
application of the acoustic emission method (AE), which enables monitoring on line the de‐
velopment of the drying induced fractures caused by stresses [Kowalski et al., 2000].

The acoustic emission method (AE) is a non-destructive method allowing indirect control of
micro- and macro-fracture development during drying and above all the identification of the

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148 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

period and also the place where the fractures start to develop. In this sense the AE is a method
that enables control of drying process and help to protect the material against destruction
[Kowalski, 2010]. Thus, the EA provides a unique advantage of early detection of subcritical
crack growth and recognize when and where the crack is growing. The cracks and deforma‐
tions arising inside dried materials constitute the AE source. The intensity of AE signals, their
number and energy inform about the state and magnitude of stresses [Kowalski, (2002),
Kowalski et al., (2004)].

The aim of this chapter is to show the possibly using the AE method to diagnostic purposes
of destruction due to monitoring materials subjected to drying. The results of the tests obtained
from convective and microwave drying of ceramic and wood materials carried out in the
laboratory drier equipped with the acoustic emission set-up constitute the illustrative material
of this chapter.

The example under analysis concern cylindrical samples made of kaolin and wood. Based on
the mechanistic drying model, the stress distribution in the samples and its evolution in time
were determined. In this way the moment at which the stresses reach the critical value causing
material damage was appointed [Kowalski et al. 2012]. The system of double coupled differ‐
ential equations of this model, adopted to the cylindrical geometry, was solved numerically
with the help of the finite element (FEM) and the finite difference (FDM) methods. Due to AE
method, the number and the energy of AE hits were measured, and the crest value of acoustic
waves was appointed, and these data enabled validation of the theoretical predictions. A good
adherence of the theoretical and experimental results serves for identification of fractures
occurring in materials during drying.

2. The essence of acoustic emission (AE) in drying

2.1. AE descriptors

• Different regimes of compresional acoustic waves propagating through the material from
the crack places to the AE detectors attached to the samples, can be identified through the
proper choice of the AE descriptors. The descriptors suitable to assessment of mechanical
phenomena occuring in drying materials are selected mostly to be: the number of acoustic
emission hits, hit rate (showing the dynamic of the process), the maximum energy of hits, and
the crest value (showing the power of AE signals).

• When applying the AE method to drying processes, a suitable selection of AE descriptors

that let to obtain the most useful information about the phenomena occurring in dried
materials is an important issue. The parameters characterizing the AE signals that are
recorded by the detector inform about intensity and possible size of destruction, and
therefore are significant for the precise assessment of the AE occurrence. So, the appointing
of the descriptors which qualitatively fit best for description of the AE occurrence is a
responsible and difficult task.
Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 149

• Based on the authors’ experience and the performed up to now experiments, it was stated
that AE descriptors best reflecting the character of mechanical phenomena occurring in
drying materials, are:

• Hits rate. This descriptor shows the dynamics of the destruction development (e.g. a rise of
temperature drying involves rapid growth of the AE hits rate). Moreover, this descriptor
indicates the stages of drying, in which the reduction or increase of the AE activity takes

• The hit of maximum energy. This descriptor is more useful than that “energy of hits” as it
shows the single hit with maximum energy in a given time interval. The descriptor “energy
of hits” presents the energy of all hits in a given time interval.

• Crest value. This descriptor presents the intensity of hits in time. It is a very significant
parameter illustrating the "power" of existing hits.

• The total number of hits and the total energy of hits. These parameters show some individual
phenomena occurring during drying. Thanks to these descriptors it is possible to distinguish
stages of drying in which some irregular changes of the AE energy or the AE hits rate appear.
These descriptors point out the critical moments of drying, in which the fracture of drying
material may occur.

2.2. Calibration of AE energy

The registered by the equipment AE signals are characterized by two fundamental param‐
eters: the amplitude and the time of signal duration. The relative energy of each signal,
called also the acoustic energy of AE signal, is possible to determine integrating the sur‐
face under the envelope curve of this signal. It is a relevant characteristics of the magni‐
tude and power of the AE signal source. By application of the AE method to monitoring
of drying processes, which are characterized with constant reduction of moisture content
(MC) in dried materials, it should be taken into account that the AE energy depends on
the material MC. If assume that the sources of AE signals cause cracks of a similar size,
however, occurred first in wet material and next in dry one, then, the registered by the
equipment AE signals will be different for these two events. This follows from damping
of the acoustic waves propagating though a not perfectly elastic material. It is obvious
that a more saturated material characterizes with stronger damping properties than an
unsaturated one. Therefore, it is essential to take into account the damping effects by
analysis of the AE energy descriptors.

It is necessary then to carry out the calibration of the AE energy for each examined material in
dependence on its MC. There is a number of calibration methods (Malecki and Ranachowski
1994, Banaszak and Kowalski 2010). Here, the mechanical method is presented, that is, the
method of falling ball (Berlinsky at al. 1990, Luong Phong 1994). The calibration was carried
out with the use of the equipment presented in figure 1.
150 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 1. AE energy calibration set-up: a)1 – the ball’s releasing mechanism and AE sensor, 2 – AC power supplier, 3 –
oscilloscope, 4 –preamplifier, 5 – AE acquisition system AMSY5, 6 – computer, b) impact of dropping ball at the upper
kaolin sample surface

A still ball of mass m = 5.60 g and diameter d = 11 mm was used as a source of acoustic signals
having known and constant energy. The ball was planted in the grip with release mechanism,
being the electromagnet connected to the power supply adaptor of direct current (2). The ball
was situated at height of 10 cm above the upper surface of the sample. The AE sensor (1) was
attached to the bottom surface of the sample. The registered AE signals were conveyed through
the preamplifier (4) to the module unit AMS-5, where they were processed by means of control
unit (6). The digital oscilloscope (3) was connected to the system to analyze the course of signal
appearance and to assign the level of noise.

The release from the grip ball hit the upper surface of the sample (Fig. 1b) and generated elastic
wave, which experienced damping when propagating through the not perfectly elastic sample.
After its arriving to the AE sensor, it became converted into the electric signal and next
undergone a suitable energetic analysis. Each test was repeated five times for each sample of
given MC, and the average value was taken for further considerations. On the basis of those
tests the curve of attenuation of the AE energy was determined as a function of the material
MC. Figure 2 presents the results of the research carried out for the kaolin and the walnut

(a) (b)

Figure 2. Damping of EA energy in dependence of material MC determined in the test of falling ball: a) kaolin, b) wal‐
nut wood
Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 151

Damping of the AE signal energy depends strictly on the material moisture content. Kaolin
material becomes plastic for the moisture content over 27-29% and thus it stronger attenuate
the AE signals than that unsaturated one. For the walnut wood the attenuation of acoustic
waves becomes very strong for the moisture contents above the fiber saturation point (FSP)
(ca. 30%), and there remain on a constant level. Dry wood is a very acoustic material and the
energy of AE signal in such a material is weakly attenuated. Alongside with the increase of
the MC up to the fiber saturation point the damping of EA waves increases radically. Over this
critical MC wood stops to be acoustic material and utters characteristic hollow sounds. It
should be noted a very intensive linear drop of energy in the range below the fiber saturation
point, what means that wood is a material very sensitive to changeability of the moisture
content, for example, music instruments made of wood should be always adjusted to the actual
air humidity.
There is a necessity of suitable correction of the energetic values of AE signals received from
the measurement set-up, dependent on the actual MC of the material. For this purpose it is
necessary to construct the calibration curve of AE energy for the tested material. It can be
constructed by the best adjustment of the theoretical curve expressed by the fourth order
polynomial to the experimental data. (Fig. 2).
Figure 3 presents the results of measurements of the mean energy of AE events for kaolin and
walnut wood during drying with and without taking into account the calibration curve.

(a) (b)

Figure 3. Comparison of mean energy of a AE hits as the function of material MC with and without taking into ac‐
count of the damping effects during drying: a) kaolin, b) walnut wood

The curve of calibrated AE energy for kaolin has not a significant impact on the final results
by the analysis of the AE events. The character of plots with and without taking into account
the calibration curve is similar. It follows from insignificant difference in AE signal attenuation
for saturated and unsaturated materials. For walnut wood, however, at the beginning of drying
(ca. 70% MC) there were registered low energetic AE signals only. High energetic signals
appear else by about 20% MC. Taking into consideration the fact that wood strongly attenuates
the AE signal with increase MC, then, it can be noticed (Fig. 3b) that the real annotated AE
energy, measured with using calibration curve, is significantly higher. It influences then the
analysis of AE signals for MC above the fiber saturation point (30%). Some signals arriving to
152 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

the AE sensor are high energetic ones even for MC 70% to 60%. The initial high energetic signals
for such a high MC originate from sample heating. For example, the AE signal registered for
39% MC originates from a crack in the sample. This AE event could be identified else after
taking into account in the analysis the calibration curve presenting the effects of AE energy
damping. The other high energetic signals, connected with the successive cracks in the sample,
were registered for the sample with MC below the fiber saturation point. They are clearly
visible both for the calibrated and not calibrated energy with respect to the material MC.

The presented above results show how important is taking into account the damping of AE
signals in studies of drying processes in which the AE method is used for monitoring of the
mechanical effects, particularly in wood. Without such an approach a part of the AE signals
can be wrongly interpreted, for example, some crack occurrence could not be noticed.

3. Experimental setup equipped with AE measurement instruments

3.1. Scheme of the equipment

The drying tests were realized in the laboratory hybrid drier in the Department of Process
Engineering, Institute of Technology and Chemical Engineering, Poznań University of
Technology. Presented in this chapter experimental results has been taken for over a decade
and according to technical progress our measurement instruments obviously has changed few
times during those years. Figure 4 presents the photograph of the latest dryer version equipped
with the acoustic emission (AE) system.

Figure 4. Photo of the laboratory hybrid dryer

Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 153

Figure 5 presents the scheme of the dryer. The cylindrical kaolin or wood samples were placed
in the drier chamber on a special ceramic thimble with mandrel embedded on the balance
located beyond the chamber. In this way the measurement of the sample weight was possible
continuously during all kinds of drying, also during microwave drying. The AE detector was
attached either directly to the sample foundation by convective drying or indirectly to the
ceramic thimble with mandrel by microwave drying.

Figure 5. Scheme of the hybrid dryer

The hybrid drier enabled different combination of the three methods of drying: the convective,
microwave, and infrared. The drier instrumentation enable programming and control of the
velocity and temperature of the air supplied to the drier chamber, control of the microwave
power, two-step control of the infrared heater, and the measurement of the sample surface
temperature with the help of the optical pyrometer
154 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

3.2. Methodology of AE measurement

The AMSY-5 AE system manufactured by Vallen Systeme, Gmbh is shown in figure 4. The
sample subjected to convective drying was placed on the aluminum plate with fixed piezo‐
electric sensor. Acoustic signals generated in the drying sample are registered by broad-band
transducer. Next the signals were send via insulated cable to AEP3 preamplifier unit. Pream‐
plifiers was located close to AE sensors. The main task of preamplifier was amplifying and
strength the signals enough that they could be sent to the distant main measurement unit. The
AEP3 unit was equipped with 5 kHz to 1000 kHz filters. The main unit used in the tests had
an M6 master unit for up to six AE channels from which three were fully equipped with ASSIP
card. This high speed system could store up to 30 000 AE signals per second. The frequency
filter inside the unit was used to eliminate noise sources. It can be set up for each channel
separately. In our tests the low and high filters in the range from 12 to 850 kHz were applied
to collect AE signals from kaolin and wood samples subjected to drying. The filtered AE signals
were digitalized in A/D converter and stored in computer memory. The companion notebook
PC had a software to control the whole measure system. During the tests the measured data
were analyzed online and displayed on computer monitor so that it was possible to recognize
the development of defects within the tested object.

4. Materials and conditions for AE appearance

KOC kaolin-clay from the Surmin-Kaolin SA Company, Nowogrodziec, Poland was the
material investigated experimentally and theoretically in the drying tests. For this material
some charakteristic data necessary for numerical calculation of drying kinetics and drying
induced stresses were already given by the Surmin-Kaolin SA Company (see Table 1 in
Kowalski et al. 2000). The KOC kaolin-clay is widely applied in ceramic industry for manu‐
facturing sanitaryware and tableware. It provides a good strength and plasticity during
shaping of the mentioned products and reveals a reduced amount of pyroplastic deformation
in the process of their firing.

micro structure macro structure

SEM image of kaolin KOC kaolin stack kaolin plates

Figure 6. Image of kaolin KOC

Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 155

The kaolin-clay was delivered in a dry state, and before experiments it was grinded and
wetted with a predetermined amount of water and mixed to achieve a greasy paste of initial
moisture content (MC) approximately equal to 0.45 [kg water/kg dry kaolin]. The greasy
paste was stored and homogenized in a closed box for 48 hours to unify moisture distribu‐
tion in the whole material. The obtained in such a way soft kaolin-clay mass was used to
mold cylindrical samples of 6 cm in diameter and 6 cm height. The cylindrical samples were
extruded from a special instrument to preserve their regular shape (Fig. 7a), and samples of
such a form were used for drying tests.

Figure 7 shows the shape of kaolin and pine wood samples applied in the studies.

Figure 7. Image of the samples used in drying tests: a) kaolin cylindrical sample with attached AE detector, b) pine
wood sample with spring pressed the sample to the AE detector

Samples of the pine wood in the form of cuboid of dimensions about 4×4×2 cm were cut
from the blade of the trunk of diameter about 30 cm and keep the symmetry with regard to
the axis of the core. The walnut samples were of cylindrical form with height about 26 ÷ 27
mm and the diameter about 44 ± 2 mm. These samples were cut out from walnut branches
deprived of defects in the structure. They contained 5 annual growth rings on average. The
samples were placed on the aluminum support to which they were pressed with the springs
to get a better contact with the AE sensor. The initial humidity of pine wood samples was
about 117% and walnut samples about 85%. The samples prepared in this way were used to
convective and microwave drying tests in the laboratory dryer presented above.

5. Examples of AE in drying materials

5.1. Convective drying of ceramic-like materials

One of the goals of the realized tests was to interpret the AE signals that may occur during
drying of kaolin-clay (Fig. 8). The first (I) characteristic group of AE signals appears at the
156 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

beginning of drying process, the second (II) one in the period when the surface layer intensively
shrinks, and third (III) one is noticeable sometimes in the final stage of drying and identified
as being generated by the reversed stresses.


Moisture content [%]

AE hits rate [N/30s]

maximum maximumAE hits rate


20 III
Drying kinetic
maximum 5

60 12 time [min]
Figure 8. AE signals and the curve of drying

As the drying body is almost fully saturated at the initial stage of drying, the number and the
maximum value of AE signals in the heating period (I) is proportional to temperature of the
drying process. At this stage of drying, the thermal stresses dominate in the clay sample which
are rather not so much meaningful. Unfortunately, at the initial stage of drying some of AE
signals come from heating aluminium probe and the AE sensor. It is hard to decide which AE
signals in this stage of drying are from the investigated kaolin-clay sample and which from
other sources. In tests with lower process temperatures the first maximum was also lower.

The second group of AE signals is evidenced at the end of the constant drying period (II). Their
number is the highest of the whole drying process. The reason for appearance of these signals
can be explained by the tensional stresses that arise at the external layers of the cylinder as a
result of shrinkage. The surface of the body becomes more and more dry while its core is kept
still wet. The first cracks on the external surface of the cylinder are observed when the local
stress reaches the yield strength or the strain exceeds the allowable ultimate limit.

The third (III) maximum of AE signals is rather of small or moderate magnitude and depends
on drying conditions. It was stated that this maximum exists usually for high temperature or
low humidity of the drying medium. It holds for porous materials revealing inelastic properties
(e.g. wet wood, clay, kaolin), and can be explained as follows: at the beginning of drying, the
external layers are stressed in tension and the core in compression. Inelastic strains occur both
in the surface layer and in the wet core. Later, under a surface layer with reduced shrinkage,
the core dries and attempts to shrink causing the stress state to reverse. These new induced
tensional stresses in the core cause fracture of a brittle (almost dry) structure, in what follows
generate the acoustic signals.
Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 157

Fig. 9 presents the rate of AE hits for the five different temperatures of drying. It is seen that
for the conditions of high drying rates created by high temperatures, the rate of AE hits achieve
higher values than for lower temperatures. That high active emission of AE signals has a
reflection in the drying induced stresses.
AE hits rate [N/30s]

Figure 9. The rate of AE hits during drying at different temperatures

Note that the highest peak of the AE hits, which correspond to temperature 120oC, appears
earlier than the lower peaks corresponding to the lower drying temperatures. The primary
peak of AE hits appeared in 50 min of drying time, that is, when the tensional stresses at the
cylinder surface reached maximum. The secondary peak is visible about 110 min drying time
for temperature 120oC. In this time the core of the body starts to dry. The wet core wants to
shrink but the surface layer is not able to deform itself because it is almost dry. So, in these
circumstances the tensional stresses arise in a core. The secondary maximum is, of course,
much lower than the first one.

Another AE descriptor termed the total energy is useful in analysis of fracture phenomenon by
drying. It measures successively the total energy released during the whole process of drying.
Figure 10 presents the rate of AE hits and the curve of total energy versus time.

The curve of summarized in time acoustic energy released during drying can deliver essential
information on fracture dimension occurring in the investigated body. A highly fractured
material is qualified as a bad quality one. The descriptor of total energy released may serve as
an indicator, whether the dried product is of good or bad quality at the end-state. Strong cracks
of body structure release high energetic EA signals. The high or medium energetic signals are
evidenced in figure 10 as the strait upright lines. In some cases, the high energetic signals
denote macro-cracks or splits that are visible on the sample surface. Taking into considerations
the above presented curve of total energy one can state that it represents a dried product of
bad quality.

The strength of material with damaged structure is impaired. Often a number of internal small
micro-cracks arising during drying may nucleate and create macro-cracks during utilization
158 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

AE hits rate
Total energy 0,03
AE hits rate [N/30s]

Total energy [(mV)2s]

released curve
20 medium energetic AE


60 120 time [min]

Figure 10. Total energy of AE signals released during drying

of dry products, so that an unpredictable total damage of the body may take place in any time
after drying.

The reason for fracture of materials under drying results mostly from not proper drying
conditions (e.g. too high temperature or too low drying medium humidity). By optimal drying
process the high energetic AE signals ought to be eliminated or minimized. The majority of
registered AE signals ought to be low energetic (horizontal or almost horizontal lines in figure
10). Low energetic AE signals mean lack of destruction in dried products.

Figure 11 shows several curves of total EA energy released from kaolin cylinders during drying
at different temperatures. Each EA signal carries a certain portion of energy. The flat horizontal
lines represent the low energetic signals. Hits of high energy create sudden vertical lines as,
for example, those visible on the energy curves obtained for drying at temperatures 100 and
120oC. These very energetic signals are generated by strong material cracks.

Figure 11. Total energy of hits during drying process for various conditions
Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 159

Analysing figure 11 one can see the differences in released energy for different drying
conditions. The curve of 45 oC, being almost horizontal, represents low energetic AE signals.
It means that drying at this temperature is unpropitious for creation of material fracture, so
the manufactured product is of good quality and without residual stresses. Unfortunately,
drying at such a low temperature takes a long time and is unsatisfactory from the economic
point of view.

The total energy curve for drying at 75oC looks a little different from that of 45oC. It contains
a greater number of signals in the time period from 40 to 100 min but these signals are not so
much energetic either, some of them might be generated by invisible micro-cracks. This curve
is slightly inclined upwards.

The next curve (85oC) has similar character as that of 75oC one, however, represents more
energetic signals. The energy released here is much higher than that represented by the two
previous curves. The dried product at this temperature may have a number of micro-cracks
that can expand into visible cracks under the action of residual stresses.

The most energetic AE signals are represented by the curves characterizing severe drying
conditions (100oC and 120oC). So, high temperatures together with low humidity of the drying
medium (air) are propitious to high drying rate. This produces quickly dry and brittle surface
layers while the wet core becomes still wet and deformable. The drying induced stresses cause
damage of the fragile surface.

5.2. Microwave drying of ceramic-like materials

Figure 12 presents the photographs of the cylindrical samples after microwave drying with
300 W of the microwave power (MWP). The damage of the cylinder is occurred in its center
and looks like an explosion caused by a high vapor pressure inside the cylinder due to intensive
phase transitions of water into vapor. This proofs that by microwave heating the highest
temperature arises inside the material. It is confirmed by the picture presented in figure 12c
made with infrared (IR) camera (Flir therma-cam B2).

Figure 12. Kaolin sample subjected to 300 W MWP a) front view, b) rear view, c) IR camera picture of temperature
distribution in the sample longitudinal cross-section
160 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

The sample subjected to 300 W of MWP has a huge vertical slit, almost 3 cm long and 2.5 cm
deep (Fig. 12a). It was caused by the explosion after 20 min of drying time. The barrel shape
of the samples is very clearly visible in both figures 12a and 12b. The picture of temperature
distribution in the sample longitudinal cross-section (Fig. 12c) shows that the temperature
reached about 90oC in some hot spots, although the mean temperature in the central part was
about 72oC. This indicates the existence of places where the water was rapidly changed into
vapor. The rapidly increased vapor pressure created the big slit, so that the water vapor had
found the way out.
Figure 13 presents AE signals acquired during microwave drying of kaolin cylinders.

Figure 13. AE hits mean energy acquired during microwave drying of kaolin cylinders

For 300W of MWP the huge acoustic energy wave was generated during the explosion. It is
visible in figure 13 as a high single signal at 20 minutes of drying. Drying with lower MWP
(180 W and 240 W) induces signals of lower AE energy.
The number of AE signals induced during microwave drying depends on the MWP (Fig. 14).
By lower MWP the number of AE signals is greater, but they are of lower energy than those
of higher MWP.
The destruction of samples raised by microwave drying proceeds mainly in the second drying
rate stage, except the one dried in 300W MWP. For samples dried in 180 W and 240W MWP-
s the destruction was observed as step by step splitting small parts (Fig. 15).
The convective and microwave drying methods differ from each other in the way of heat
supply. By convective drying the heat is delivered from the surroundings through the material
surface from the hot air of temperature higher than the temperature of drying material. By
microwave drying on the other hand the heat is generated volumetrically as a result of the
Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 161

Figure 14. AE results for microwave drying of kaolin: the total number of AE hits

Figure 15. The kaolin sample dried in microwave oven by 240 W MWP

dispersion of the high-frequency monochrome waves of the order 2.45 GHz. The microwave
power is absorbed mainly by the water present in the material pores.

The different ways of heat supply affects the directions of heat and mass fluxes. During the
convective drying the heat flux is in opposite direction to the mass flux, and this causes a
decrease of moisture removal, what is favorable to non-uniform distribution of the moisture
inside the material. Such a negative thermodiffusive effect not appears or is minimal in
microwave drying by which the heat flux coincides with the mass flux. The interior of the
material usually has the temperature higher than the surroundings. The moisture distribution
162 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

in the material in this case is more uniform than during the convective drying. So the drying
induced stresses should be smaller. Diagrams get from measurements of total numbers of AE
signals and the AE energy confirm this prediction.

Figure 16 presents the AE hits in kaolin sample dried convectively. It appears from the
presented diagrams that the maximum number of AE signals was occurred in the middle of
the constant drying rate period (CDRP).

Figure 16. The AE hits for convective drying of kaolin sample: a) drying curve and AE hits rate, b) mean energy of AE

Kaolin clay sustains the greatest shrinkage in the initial period of drying (15 – 90 min). External
layers of the cylindrical sample are dried first and shrink generating stresses and cracks, which
is manifested by an increased number of AE signals. The density of these signals decreases
with the course of drying, however, their energy becomes more and more greater. Figures
16a presents the rate of AE hits and 16b the mean energy of AE hits. One can see that the initial
great number of hits is of relatively low energy but the subsequent ones revealed much bigger

Figure 17. The AE hits by microwave drying of kaolin sample: a) drying curve and AE hits rate, b) mean energy of AE
Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 163

energy. In the latter cases a number of distinct scratches was visible on the surface of dried
samples and in some cases even micro and macro cracks were formed, particularly by drying
in more severe drying conditions.

Figure 17 presents the AE hits in a kaolin sample that occurred by microwave drying. In the
case of microwave drying one can see that both the number of AE hits (Fig. 17a) and the emitted
AE energy (Fig. 17b) are much lower in comparison to the convective drying. The lower
number of AE hits in microwave drying can be justified by the coincidence of the heat and
mass fluxes and thus more uniform distribution of the moisture through the material in this
kind of drying, which consequently resulted in reduction of stresses. It is important that a
significant increase of drying rate was noticed by microwave drying. The CDRP amounted
only from 10 to 70 min (Fig. 17a), dependent on MWP.

5.3. Convective drying of wood

Drying of pine wood samples was conducted at three different temperatures: 60, 80 and 100oC.
Figure 18 presents the rate of AE hits, i.e. the density of AE signals per a time interval (e.g. 30
s) (Fig. 18a), and the drying curves (Fig. 18b), for different drying temperatures.

Figure 18. Results of pine wood drying: a) the rate of AE hits, b) drying curves

One can state based on the experimental results that the rate of AE hits in drying wood depends
on the number and size of fractures occurred in wood samples. The shrinkage of wood begins
at the moment, when the MC reaches the fiber saturation point (FSP) (c.a. 30%). In the initial
drying period, when the MC in wood is higher than FSP, the AE activity is insignificant. Only
when MC in the surface layers drops below FSP, and the MC inside the samples exceeds this
value, the AE start to reveal greater activity, in particular for high drying temperatures. The
considerable increase of the rate of AE hits corresponds then with drying temperatures and is
attested by drying stresses and cracks of different sizes, which generate acoustic wave.
164 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 19. The energy of AE hits for pine wood sample dried at various temperatures

Figure 19 shows the energy of AE hits for pine wood for different drying temperatures. The
graphs presented in this figure, and in particular this referring to drying at temperature
100oC, point out a danger of wood destruction at the moment when the AE energy reaches

As the plots in figure 19 show, the rate of AE hits grow rapidly at the beginning but after some
time they decrease also quite rapidly. The rate of AE hits decreases in the period that refers to
drying of the sample core, however, the emitted AE energy stays on the same level or even
grows, as it is seen on the graph for 80oC. Incurred earlier micro-cracks start expanding and
linking. A danger of wood destruction could be then even greater than in the initial period,
because of increase of the summarized energy of AE signals. Dried wood becomes more and
more rigid and the risk of the brittle cracking becomes more and more probable. Observation
of the mean energy of AE hits presented in figure 20 confirms it.

Figure 20. The mean energy of AE hits

Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 165

The energy is released up to the end of drying process. Incurred earlier micro-cracks grow
further. The mean energy of the AE hits is a measure of the progressing decomposition of
wood. It is bigger for higher temperatures of the drying medium. However, in the conducted
series of drying tests in no case occurred a visible crack of dried sample. This fact is evidenced
on the curves of total energy presented in figure 21, that is, the energy summed up during the
whole course of drying.

Figure 21. The total energy of AE hits for the whole drying process

One can see that the curves of total energy are growing smoothly, that is, without violent jumps.
Violent jumps on graphs of total energy indicate just fractures visible even with a naked eye.

5.4. The phenomenon of stress reverse

The phenomenon of stress reverse results from a constrained shrinkage in dried material. It
can happen when the surface of material becomes deformed permanently due to intensive
shrinkage. The stresses arose on the surface are tensional and in the material interior com‐
pressive ones. When the drying is progressing deeper into the material and its core starts to
shrink but is hindered by the surface shell previously stretched in a permanent way, then the
stress on the surface becomes compressive and that in the material interior tensional, so thus
the stress reverse take place.

Modeling of the stress reverse phenomenon requires taking into account inelastic properties
of the materials. This issue was already considered in the work by [Kowalski, 2001, 2002;
Banaszak and Kowalski, 2002; Kowalski and Rajewska, 2002; Kowalski et al., 2002].

Figure 22 shows the time evolution of the circumferential stresses distributed in the cylindrical
kaolin sample dried convectively by the assumption that kaolin is viscoelastic and obey
Maxwell model [Kowalski, 2001, 2002; Kowalski and Rajewska, 2002].

We can see that the circumferential stresses are compressive in the core and tensional in the
boundary layer at the beginning and reversibly signed at the end of the drying process. We
suppose that the tensional stresses in the core of the cylinder may cause structural fracture and
thus the emission of the third group of acoustic signals at the final stage of drying.
166 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

0,8 t=1 min

t=10 min

0,2 t=60 min t=30 min

r [mm]
t=120 min


Figure 22. The evolution of circumferential stresses in kaolin cylinder dried convectively

Figure 23 shows the evolution of circumferential stresses in wooden cylinder (birch) dried
convectively [Kowalski et al., 2002]. Here the Maxwell model was used for wood.

Figure 23. The evolution of circumferential stresses in wood cylinder dried convectively
Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 167

At the first stage of drying the stresses for the viscoelstic model run in a similar way as for the
elastic model. After some time, however, when the dry zone extends deeper towards the wet
core, the circumferential stresses start to change their sign at the boundary from tensional to
compressive. Note that the maximum value of the tensional circumferential stresses is moving
during drying from the boundary surface towards the interior of the cylinder.

Figure 24 shows the evolution of the number of AE hits in time during convective drying of
kaolin sample. The plot of the number of AE hits is confronted with the curves presented the
circumferential stresses determined on the basis of elastic Hooke model (dashed line) and
viscoelastic Maxwell (solid line).

Figure 24. Hits rate and the theoretical curve of circumferential stresses as a function of time

As it is seen from figure 24, Hooke model does not reflect the occurrence of stress re‐
verse. It demonstrates only the compliance of the first maximum of stresses with the in‐
creased AE activity. The consideration allow us to appreciate the meaning of the
mathematical model adequacy for the description of the mechanical phenomena by dry‐
ing of wet materials. The experimentally observed enhanced emission of acoustic signals,
betoken the enhanced destruction of the material at the final stage of drying. Using the
elastic model one obtains the stress development, which rises from the beginning, then
reaches a maximum at point in time, and next, as the process proceeds further, disap‐
pears totally. Otherwise, the model that takes into account the permanent deformations of
the dried material, allows us as in the case of viscoelastic model to observe the stress re‐
verse, and in particular the appearance of tensional stresses inside the dried material at
the final stage of drying. The tensional stresses in the core at the final stage of drying
cause an increase of AE signals, which is visible in figure 24.
168 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

6. Control of material damage with the help of AE

6.1. Avoiding material fractures through changes drying conditions

The non-stationary (intermittent) convective drying denotes drying with different drying rates
in several periods. The results of the drying studies presented in this chapter allows to state
that the intermittent drying can be recommended above all to drying of materials, which have
a tendency to cracking during drying as, for example, ceramics and wood. Through changes
of drying conditions in the right moments one can avoid material fracture and thus preserve
a good quality of dried products. Thus, one can state that intermittent drying positively
influences the quality of the dried materials without significant extension of the drying time.
In these considerations the intermittent drying was realized through periodically changing
both temperature and humidity of drying air. The results of intermittent drying are compared
with adequate processes of stationary drying to show the profits resulting from the former.
Apart from the visual assessment of the quality of dried products, the acoustic emission (AE)
method was applied for monitoring of the micro- and macro- cracks developed during drying
[Kowalski and Pawłowski, 2010]. In those studies it was measured the total number of AE hits
and the total amount of AE energy emitted. The descriptor of total AE energy is the sum of energy
of all acoustic signals emitted by the dried sample from the beginning to the end of drying. It
denotes the energy released due to material cracking. These descriptors show the moment at
which the AE becomes intensive and how big is the AE intensity. Knowing these descriptors,
one can assess the intensity of micro- and macro- cracks that arise in dried materials as well as
their magnitude. The "intensity" quantifies the number of cracks per 30 s intervals or the total
number of cracks in the whole process. The crack "magnitude" is evidenced as the vertical straight
line on the descriptor of total AE energy curve. In this way we can estimate the degree of
destruction and how fast the destruction advances in dried materials.
Figure 25 presents the total number of AE hits and the total AE energy emitted during
stationary drying of the kaolin cylindrical sample at temperature 100 oC.
The plots in figure 25 show a continuous increase of the number of AE hits and the AE energy.
The flatness on the energy plot that begins at about 100 min of drying follows from the release
of the elastic energy accumulated in the stressed material due to material fracture, and in this
way a reduction of the stress state occurs.
Figure 26 presents the total number of AE hits and the total AE energy emitted from the cylin‐
drical sample during drying with periodically changing temperature between 50 and 100 oC in
the falling drying rate period (FDRP).
Note that the total number of AE hits and the total AE energy emitted during drying with
periodically changing temperature is less than those in stationary drying. The plots in figure
26 are not so smooth as those in figure 25, which follows from the variable air temperature,
and strictly, by switching off and on the air heater and cooler.
Figure 27 presents the total number of AE hits and the total AE energy emitted during drying
with variable air humidity. The number of emitted AE hits and the total AE energy in this kind
Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 169

Figure 25. Total number of AE hits and total AE energy in stationary drying of cylindrical kaolin sample at 100oC

Figure 26. Total number of AE hits and total AE energy by convective drying of kaolin cylindrical sample at periodically
changing temperature between 50 oC and 100 oC

of drying is lesser than those during stationary drying and also lesser than during drying with
variable temperature.

The humidification of air in the chamber dryer caused the plots of acoustic emission to be very
rugged. Nevertheless, we can state that drying in intermittent conditions accomplished
through periodically changing temperature and air humidity is accompanied by a smaller
number of AE signals and smaller value of AE energy. This denotes less micro- and macro-
cracks in dried material and simultaneously better quality of dried products.
170 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 27. Total number of AE hits and total AE energy by convective drying of kaolin cylindrical sample at periodically
changing air humidity between 4 % and 60 ÷ 80 %

6.2. Reduction of material fractures through surfactant application

In order to improve moisture transport inside the dried body, and thus to assure more uniform
distribution of moisture in the material and thus avoid its cracking, the authors proposed
wetting the raw kaolin-clay with water containing surface active agents (surfactants). These
agents have the ability to stimulate the surface tension between water and the pore walls and
thus to improve moisture transport inside the material [Cottrell, 1970; Wert & Thomson, 1974].

Figure 28. Drying curve, total AE energy and total number of AE hits in clay samples saturated with pure water of clay
samples at air temperature 120 °C
Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 171

Figure 28 presents the typical drying curve of clay samples with the CDRP (0 – 180 min) and
the FDRP (180 – 400 min), and the descriptors of total AE energy and total number of AE signals
emitted during drying of clay saturated with pure water.

Each rapid increase of the total AE energy visible on the AE curve denotes a crack occurring
of in the clay sample at a given moment. As seen in this figure, the biggest cracks were formed
in the second stage of the CDRP and in the first stage of FDRP. At this stage the sample surface
became dry while the core of the sample was still wet, and material cracks occurred at this

Figure 29 presents comparison of total AE energy for dried clay saturated with water contain‐
ing different concentration of surfactant SDS (0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 and 1%).

Figure 29. Comparison of total AE energy emitted by clay with different concentration of SDS

It is seen that different amounts of SDS added to water solutions used for clay saturation
differentiate the total AE energy emitted by kaolin-clay during drying. As it follows from this
figure, the greatest energy is emitted for clay saturated with pure water (0% SDS) and for the
greatest surfactant concentration (1% SDS). It means that there is a SDS concentration at which
the AE energy reaches minimum. The limit value of the surfactant concentration, at which the
drying results are efficient is called the critical micelle concentration (CMC).

Figure 30 shows that the quality of sample with 0.01% surfactant concentration is much better
than that with 0% (pure water) concentration.

Figure 30 proves that surfactant concentration of value close the CMC have a meaningful
influence on moisture transport inside capillary-porous materials. These conclusion is
confirmed by the good quality of dried product visualized on the photo of samples bottom
surface presented in figure 30b.
172 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 30. Bottom surface of kaolin-clay samples after drying: a) without surfactant, b) with 0.01% of SDS

7. Conclusions

The presented in this chapter results of research concerning analysis of the AE activity in dried
materials allows to state that the AE method can indeed support the control of the drying
process and facilitate the guidance for the purpose of avoiding destruction of materials during
drying. Comparison of the drying induce stresses simulated numerically on the basis of
mechanistic drying model with the experimentally measured descriptors of AE activity reveal
an excellent adherence of the theoretical and experimental results. Although with the AE
method we are not able to estimate strictly the magnitude of generated stresses, however, the
assessment of material destruction intensity caused by the stresses and the time and place of
their occurrence is very helpful for control of drying processes. Besides, monitoring of the AE
events can be helpful also for validation of the failure criterion formulated on the basis of the
mechanistic theory of drying, which is used for estimation of the magnitude and location of
maximal stresses as well as their time evolution during drying.

It is worth to point out here the importance of the acoustic emission method that allows us
observations on line the development of the acoustic signals connected with the destruction of
the materials. The possibility of the registration of various descriptors such as: the intensity of
acoustic signals, the energy of emitted signals and the total number of signals or total amount
of energy allows the current control of drying processes.


This work was carried out as a part of research project No. N N209 031638 and N N209 104337
sponsored by the Polish Ministry of Education and Science.
Acoustic Emission in Drying Materials 173

Author details

Stefan Jan Kowalski*, Jacek Banaszak and Kinga Rajewska

*Address all correspondence to:

Poznań University of Technology, Institute of Technology and Chemical Engineering, De‐

partment of Process Engineering, Poznań, Poland


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London, UK
Chapter 8

Application of Acoustic Emission for

Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables

Artur Zdunek

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

Food crushing sound is one of the main factors used for food quality evaluation. Crispness
and crunchiness are attributes of high quality product and are usually pointed on the top of
a list of consumer preferences. However, the meanings of crispness and crunchiness are still
imprecise. Its perception varies from country to country and from individual to individual.
Despite of this there is a general consensus that crispy and crunchy sensation is related to
fracture properties. Crispy product is mechanically brittle, firm and acoustically noisy as a
result of large number of small fractures. Crunchiness is probably related to events (frac‐
tures) occurring on subsequent layers in a cell structure what gives the sense of extension of
sound duration in time.
In spite of sensory and subjective nature of food quality evaluation by human senses, a big
effort is put for objective sound properties analysis during biting and chewing and for de‐
veloping instrumental methods for human independent food evaluation. The first instru‐
mental analysis of sound was published by Drake in 1963, who found that crisper products
emit louder sound and an average amplitude of successive bursts during mastication de‐
creases [1]. Then, several authors used different sound descriptors for judging a chewing
sound, as the number of sound burst in a bite n, the mean amplitude of the burst A or the
products of these values nA or nA/sound duration [1, 2, 3]. The first hypothesis was that the
sense of crispness is an auditory phenomena, i.e. is the air-conducted sound. However,
work done by Christensen and Vickers in 1981 showed that crispness may be a vibratory
phenomena, i.e. is the bone-conducted sound [4].
Most of studies on crispness and crunchiness concern dry food products, like cakes, chips,
etc.. However, this problem has been found as important also for fruits and vegetables
called as wet food products. In 2002, presumably for the first time, Fillion and Kilcast stated

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176 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

that crispness and crunchiness are very complex concept containing sound, fracture charac‐
teristic, density and geometry of fruit and vegetables [5]. They found that crispy wet food
would refer to a light and thin texture producing a sharp clean break with a high-pitch
sound mainly during the first bite with the front teeth. Crunchy wet food would be hard
and has a dense texture producing loud, low-pitch sound that occurs over successive chews.
Many instrumental methods have been applied for crispness and crunchiness evaluation of
fruits and vegetables. Due to the fact that mastication is a highly destructive process, mechani‐
cal tests are the most popular to simulate the biting. Results of such tests, like texture profile
analysis, compression, tension, twist or three-point bending, show correlation with properties
of a material thus can be also used for its texture evaluation. One of the simplest is a puncture
test where probe is pushed into tissue and a maximum force is used as a firmness value.
As it was obtained by Christensen and Vickers [4] crispness may by the bone-conducted
phenomena. Therefore, the acoustic emission (AE) method where a sensor is in a contact
with material investigated is promising tool for food properties evaluation. In general, the
acoustic emission is monitored during deformation of a material to provide information on
cracking and internal friction of material pieces by analysis of AE descriptors like: ampli‐
tude, frequency, energy, counts, events, etc..

2. Tissue model and source of AE in fruit and vegetables

The largest volume of fruit and vegetable tissue is taken by parenchymatous cells therefore
this part of fruit is particularly often studied, also from the reason that it is relatively easy to
cut a sample for testing. A simplified model of parenchyma tissue, which considers the most
important mechanical actors, is shown in Fig. 1. The mechanical model is built of cells which
are fluid filled and walls which are elastic-like. Cell walls are made of polysaccharides: cel‐
lulose fibrils network embedded in a matrix of pectins and hemicelluloses. Cells adhere to
each other through middle lamellas which are made of amorphous pectins. Tissue structure
also contains intercellular spaces, which for some fruits, like apple, can even take 25%. It is
generally agreed that cell walls have elastic properties whereas pectins in the middle lamella
are plastic-like. External forces which cause deformation of such structure increase a pres‐
sure inside the cells and tension in the cell walls. Simultaneously, shearing forces between
cells increase. Thus, two failure modes are possible: cell wall rupturing and cell-cell debond‐
ing when strength of cell walls or/and intercellular adhesion is overcome, respectively.
These two processes can be the sources of acoustic emission in the case of cellular plants.
However, acoustic emission from cell-cell debonding due to plastic character is less likely
compared to sudden rupturing of elastic cell walls.
Studying of cracking process of plant tissue is thus indeed important for understanding of
quality of fruits and vegetables. When tissue cracks between cells, for example for fruit and
veggie which have been stored too long, the material may show a mealy character whereas
the fresh one, just after picking up, cracking through cell walls reveals juicy and crispy prop‐
erties which are usually desired by consumers. Mechanical strength of plant tissue at micro‐
Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables 177

structure level is also important not only from the point of view the sensory properties. For
example, microcracking is important for blackspot bruising of potato which starts enzymatic
browning of the tissue under the skin.

Figure 1. A simplified mechanical model of parenchyma tissue of fruits and vegetables

3. Acoustic emission (AE) for evaluation of the onset of plant tissue


As it is for other solid materials, acoustic emission has been found as a very useful method
for monitoring of cracking of plant tissue under external loading. AE has been applied for
this group of materials for the first time in the late 90’s [6]. The first attempt was aimed on
observation of the AE signal from damaged sample of potato tissue. Figure 2 presents
scheme of the first apparatus used. A one-column and low noise testing machine was used
for studying the mechanical properties and forces that participate in the process of plant tis‐
sue cracking. In that work a wide-band piezoelectric sensor was used for the recording of
the acoustic emission signal with high-sensitivity in the frequency range from 25 kHz to 1
MHz. Due to a small size of the samples which are usually used in experiments with plants
and relatively large deformations which can cause friction between sensor and sample, fix‐
ing the AE sensor directly on the sample was impossible. This problem was solved by fixing
the sensor to the jaw of the testing machine, like it is shown in the Fig. 2. Since the AE signal
passes from the material with lower density and enters into the material with higher density
at the border between the sample and the jaw (sample of tissue – steel), sensitivity of meas‐
urement is sufficient to record even small AE events. In order to eliminate any friction and
improvement of sound conductivity, silicon grease was applied on each boundary on the
way of elastic waves from sample to sensor. A set consisted of a pre-amplifier (40dB) with a
high-pass filter (25 kHz) and a low-noise amplifier with adjustable gain was used for signal
conditioning. The set was supplemented with a high speed transducer card A/D that al‐
178 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

lowed for the recording of counts, events and energy in time intervals from 0.001 to 1 second
or fast sampling with 2.5MHz short samples 0.25 s long.

The most useful method of analysis of AE signal bases on the transformation of the time
signals to the form of descriptors recorded in time intervals. If a certain threshold is es‐
tablished for the amplitude of the received signal, called a discrimination threshold, then
every time the amplitude goes above this signal is recorded as one count. Groups of the
AE signal with the characteristics shape of a damped sinusoid curve are called events
(Fig. 3). Instead of analysis the shape of event, it is possible to define an AE event as a
group of counts recorded in consecutive samples. The number of counts and the number
of events recorded in time gates are called count rate and event rate. Registered AE sig‐
nal, presented in Fig. 3 in amplitude – time coordinates can be also characterized by AE
energy E. Assuming that a signal event of duration t and of peak amplitude V of an
event, then energy of each event can be evaluated as:

E = 0.5V 2t (1)

Besides the parameters mentioned above, other parameters based on the transformations
of time or spectrum of the AE signal could be also used. Detailed definitions and de‐
scriptions of the AE signal descriptors can be found in literature [7]. The system present‐
ed in Fig. 2 also allowed for simultaneous measuring mechanical and acoustical
properties. For example, stress and AE counts as a function of strain could be recorded
together as it is shown in Fig. 4.

Figure 2. Scheme of the first apparatus used for acoustic emission recording from deformed plant tissue (based on
the work of Zdunek and Konstankiewicz [6]). The EA 100 was the analyser which allowed both recording samples with
2.5MHz and conversion of the signal to AE descriptors
Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables 179

Figure 3. The method of determination of AE descriptors: counts and events from time-amplitude signal. The discrimi‐
nation level is found experimentally to avoid external noises, for example from the loading device

In Fig. 4 it is easy to notice that for a decrease in the slope of the stress-strain curve (bioyeld
and rupture points in this case), a high value of AE counts was observed. The highest val‐
ues, however, appear at the moment of sudden rupture. Macro-cracks of the samples are
clearly visible on the cross-sections of the sample after rupture, and sometimes are even au‐
dible to human ears. Before rupture, presumably some cracks also appear, particularly in
the region close to bioyield, however it is difficult to detect them visually. The acoustic emis‐
sion signal shown in Fig. 4 unambiguously proves that bioyield point and rupture could be
assigned to tissue cracking, however maybe at different scales. Moreover, a long before bio‐
yeld, AE signal has been detected too, although with significantly lower number of counts.
In this region of deformation no noticeable decrease in the slope of the stress-strain curve
was observed. Generally, the AE counts before bioyield is more irregular and have lower
values in comparison to acoustic signal after bioyield point. It is believed that microcracking
is developing gradually due to heterogeneous structure of the plant tissue even before it
could be noted from force-deformation curve. This is particularly important because even a
small crack of tissue, for example damage of intercellular plasmalemma, could start irrever‐
sible biochemical processes which decay quality of the material or affect its function.
180 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 4. Examples of simultaneous recording of stress, strain and AE counts for potato tuber tissue. Bioyield point is
visible as the short drop down of the stress-strain curve, rupture is visible as major final fall down of the stress, and the
critical point as the onset of the acoustic signal (AE counts). The critical stress (Rc) and critical strain (εc) define the criti‐
cal point (result obtained by the author)

In the first paper on application of AE for potato tissue, new mechanical parameters
have been proposed. Critical stress (Rc) and critical strain (εc) have been defined as the
mechanical conditions at the onset of acoustic emission. In further studies critical stress
and critical strain was analysed under different conditions of mechanical test (Fig. 5) and
samples itself (Fig. 6).

Fig. 5 presents how the critical stress and critical strain change with strain rate of two potato
cultivars (Solanum tuberosum cv. Danusia and Kuba). An increase in the strain rate decreases
exponentially both parameters. From microscopic point of view, deformation of plant tissue
causes changes in the cell shape. Since initially cells of parenchyma tend to have rounded
shape due to incompressibility of the intracellular fluid, the ratio of cells surface to cells vol‐
ume increases. This means that cell walls are generally stretched during deformation. The
tension force in the walls is a function of strain rate and wall permeability. In a simplified
model, low strain rate has an effect similar to that of high permeability in the model. At a
relatively high strain rate, a seepage of the intracellular fluid through the walls is limited
and leads to a higher tensions at the same cell deformation. When the strain rate is low, the
intracellular fluid has relatively more time to flow out of the cells, and this produces smaller
increases of the tensile forces in the walls. Thus, in this case the strength limit of the cell wall
can be reached at higher cell deformation and higher external forces. For relatively slow cell
deformation, the cell can even be completely compressed without wall rupture. This ex‐
plains the pronounced increase of the critical values at very slow rates (Fig. 5).
Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables 181

Figure 5. Critical stress and critical strain obtained as the onset of AE during compression of two potato cultivars
‘Danusia’ and ‘Kuba’ with different strain rates (result obtained by the author)

The relations between critical stress, critical strain, and osmolality of mannitol solutions in
which the samples were hydrated or dehydrated are shown in Fig. 6. Higher osmolality of
the mannitol solutions corresponds with lower turgor of the tissue reached after 24h treat‐
ment. A strong influence of tissue turgor on critical stress and failure stress was observed.
Both critical stress and failure stress increase in a linear manner when turgor decrease (di‐
rection of turgor change is shown in Fig. 6). The turgor effect can be interpreted in terms of a
model of a single cell. Before deformation, higher turgor causes larger preliminary tension
in the cell wall. Thus, the additional cell deformation or the additional external force neces‐
sary for wall rupture are lower.

Application of the acoustic emission method has proven that micro-cracking of tissue starts
significantly earlier than it can be observed on the stress-strain curve. However, no correla‐
tion between the critical values and the failure values of samples tested under the same con‐
ditions (the same strain rate or turgor) has been observed [8]. This means that observation of
the critical values does not allow prediction of the bioyielding conditions for example. This
is presumably result of the fact that critical point and the bioyield point are different stages
of cracking. Between them cracking is developing, from the first local micro-cracks to large
macro-cracks. This propagation mat be very chaotic and accidental due to heterogeneous
microstructure of a tissue.
182 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 6. Critical stress and critical strain obtained as the onset of AE during compression of two potato cultivars
‘Danusia’ and ‘Kuba’ dehydrated and hydrated in different mannitol solutions (result obtained by the author)

4. Acoustic emission and different mechanical tests

4.1. Puncture test

Application of acoustic emission is possible in any mechanical test which are used common‐
ly for plants. The key issue is to apply AE sensor to the sample which in the case of plants is
usually largely deformable. Solution presented previously uses indirect attachment through
solid body. This solution was proven to be very effective in various mechanical tests. Sen‐
sors of AE could be placed inside device for mechanical tests, exactly in the probe for mate‐
rial deformation. Such device for puncture test is presented in Fig. 7. Here, acoustic emission
during the puncture test is caused and recorded by head with two sensors placed inside.
The head consists two parts. Top part is made of ertacetal and the bottom part is made of
duraluminium which effectively conducts elastic waves. The application of two different
material was intended to limit eventual disturbances from mechanical system. They are
screwed to each other. Acoustic emission sensors are glued (or it can be screwed also) to the
top surface of the metal part. In the system presented in Fig. 7, one sensor works in audible
range 1-16kHz (SA), whereas the second sensor has maximum sensitivity in ultrasound
range 25-100kHz (SU) to cover as wide as possible frequency region. The sensors are con‐
nected to individual amplifiers with adjustable amplifying. The signal is filtered in the range
Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables 183

1 kHz -20 kHz for lower band and 10kHz-900 kHz for higher band. Next, the analogue sig‐
nals are converted into digital one by A/D boards. Sampling rates per channel: 44 000 and
150 000 samples per second are more than double of the frequency range of the sensors
used. The second channel of each card is used for recording an analogue signal of force de‐
livered from universal testing machine to synchronize both acoustic and mechanical signals.

Figure 7. Scheme of the system for recording of acoustic emission from punctured fruit. Two channels were used:
1-16kHz and 20-75 kHz. Puncturing was performed with Lloyd LRX device. SA is the sensor for audible frequencies, SU
is the sensor for ultrasound frequencies. Dimensions of the puncture probe are exemplary (scheme by the author)

In Fig. 8, typical profiles of acoustic emission counts recorded during puncturing of apple
flesh are shown. In the case of apple puncturing, the AE signal starts just from the moments
of touching puncture probe to tissue. The number of counts increases progressively up to a
moment when force-deformation curve yields. At this moment the whole curved part of the
probe is in a contact with the tissue. When the probe goes deeper into apple tissue the acous‐
tic activity decreases. This could be result of damping of acoustic waves by surrounding tis‐
sue and already damaged tissue layers under the probe. In many studies, softening of
apples during ripening and storage has been reflected in a lower penetration force (lowering
firmness). The integrative use of contact AE and the puncture test showed that major acous‐
tic signals are observed together with drops of force. The coincidence was interpreted as an
184 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

energy release in the form of sound as a result of material fracturing. In the case of plant
tissues, AE signal comes mainly from rupture of the cell wall because of its somewhat elastic
properties, whereas the middle lamella due to plastic properties rather do not generate
sound. This hypothesis is supported by analysis of AE during ripening of apples, which will
be discussed later on in this chapter.

Figure 8. AE counts and force recorded during puncturing of fresh (1 day of shelf life) and stored (10 days of shelf life)
apples (result obtained by the author)

In Fig. 9, spectrum of the signal is presented from two frequency ranges in a form of
“acustograms”. Colors in the acustograms represent a power of the signal in time-fre‐
quency coordinates. A few dominant frequencies can be found: 5.5 kHz, 9.5 kHz,15 kHz,
32 kHz, 44 kHz and 56 kHz. They constantly appear during puncturing. Precise analysis
showed that they are also characteristic for the system used because no significant
changes were found with properties material used. The only one change observed with
change of properties of the material was an overall change in amplitude that occurred
uniformly for all bands. Additionally, Fig. 10 presents relation between AE energy in
1-16 kHz and 20-75 kHz obtained for a large set of apples in puncture test. It is shown
that the relation is very linear and in the case of this material, investigation in higher
band does not provide any additional information.
Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables 185

Figure 9. Acustograms of apple tissue in puncture test within frequency range 1-16 kHz (left) and 20-75 kHz (right), f
– frequency, t – time (result obtained by the author)

Figure 10. Relationship between the total energy of acoustic signal recorded within frequency range 1-16 kHz and
20-75kHz for apples in puncture test (result obtained by the author)
186 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Fig. 11 presents changes of total AE events and mean AE amplitude during shelf life storage
of three apple cultivars. Data was obtained in puncture test. AE descriptors decrease almost
linearly during shelf-life storage revealing large Pearson’s correlation coefficients R with
time of storage (Table 1). In Fig. 11 is visible that the acoustic emission method is very sensi‐
tive for registering changes that occur during postharvest storage of apples. Total number of
AE events and mean AE amplitude usually shows higher R value when compared to firm‐
ness from puncture test (Table 1).

Figure 11. Total number of AE events and mean AE amplitude registered in puncture test of apples (three cultivars)
during shelf life storage (result obtained by the author)

Elstar Gloster Jonagold

AE events -0,80 -0,54 -0,81

AE amplitude -0,90 -0,70 -0,88

Firmness -0,80 -0,40 -0,82

Table 1. Correlation coefficients R of changes of AE events, AE mean amplitude and firmness, in puncture test of
apples with shelf-life days for three cultivars ‘Elstar’, ‘Gloster’ and ‘Jonagold’ (results obtained by the author)

The postharvest softening of apples is caused by biochemical processes. During apple ripen‐
ing two major processes occur that affect the mechanical properties of the tissue including
its fracturing mechanism. Pectin degradation during ripening causes a decrease of adhesion
between cells leading to tissue softening and changes the fracturing mode toward cell–cell
debonding. As a result of respiration and metabolism during storage, turgor pressure can
decrease, which has consequences for the fracturing process. The lower tension of the cell
wall at low turgor causes a greater deformation that leads to wall fracture. Another conse‐
quence of low turgor is a decrease of cell–cell adhesion. Thus, in general, degradation of
Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables 187

pectins and lower turgor lead to changes of fracturing mode toward cell–cell debonding.
Due to the microstructure, the thin cell wall in plants is considered as an elasto-plastic mate‐
rial. The elasto-plastic character of the cell wall is responsible for the brittle fracturing neces‐
sary for sound generation. The intercellular lamella between cells consists of amorphous
pectin and are considered as plastic. It is probable that the pectin plasticity causes slow dis‐
sipation of strain energy and no brittle fracturing without sound generation. Therefore, it is
most likely that the sound made during puncturing is generated mostly when cell walls
fracture. In material science terms, a crack propagates if there is a stress concentration into a
small tip zone. Thus, propagation is ineffective if there is any plastic zone (in the case of ap‐
ples it would be pectin). Other features that halt crack propagation are the cell interiors or
intercellular spaces. There is ~ 25 % space within apple tissue, and this amount increases
with ripening. Thus, ripening attenuates conditions of cracking propagation. Again, in terms
of material science, the cell wall (as the material where the stress can concentrate) has a key
role in crack propagation.

The maximum number of acoustic events recorded after pushing the probe into the apple
flesh was about 105 (Fig. 11), which was obtained for fresh apples immediately after harvest.
This number agrees roughly with the number of fractured cell walls during the test estimat‐
ed on the basis of two assumptions; that the mean cell diameter is ~0.25 mm, which is true
for apples, and all cells in the path of the probe are damaged (i.e., all cell walls are broken).
This result shows that the breakage of each cell wall would be the source of single acoustic
event. The mean AE amplitude depends on a stress value in the source of cracking (i.e. the
strength of the cell wall) and on the attenuation of the elastic waves on the way from the
source to the sensor. As mentioned above, pectin degradation occurs during apple storage,
which can decrease the strength of the cell walls due to an increased mobility of cellulose
fibrils in the pectin matrix. On the other hand, softening of the bulk tissue caused by pectin
degradation in general and the decrease of turgor, increases the attenuation of the elastic
waves. Both causes that amplitude decrease with softening of apples.

4.2. Texture Profile Analysis (TPA)

Texture profile analysis (TPA) is used for simulation of eating process. Compression test is
performed in two cycles to the same deformation level of a sample. Scheme of TPA test and
graphical representation of TPA descriptors used for sample characterization are shown in
Fig. 12. Texture profile analysis is performed on cylindrical samples in two cycles. Maxi‐
mum deformation applied could be about 20-40% of initial sample height for both cycles,
depending on sample strength (20% for apple, 40% for potato). Maximum deformation l
should be close to failure points of investigated material. TPA requires cracking of the test
material to simulate the destructive process during eating. On the other hand, deformation
should not be too far to prevent the compression of the small pieces of the initial sample in
the second cycle which causes springiness and cohesiveness to become physically meaning‐
less. The probe always returns to the trigger point after the first cycle. No rest periods is pro‐
grammed between the TPA compression cycles to avoid material relaxation. The textural
parameters are calculated in the following way (Fig. 12). Hardness 1 is the force peak of the
188 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

first cycle. Hardness 2 is the force peak of the second cycle. Cohesiveness is calculated as the
ratio of the area under the curve of the second cycle to the area under the curve of the first
cycle. Springiness is the ratio L2/L1, where L2 is the time or distance from the beginning of
the second cycle to hardness 2 point and L1 is the time or distance from the beginning of the
test to the hardness 1 point. Acoustic emission during the TPA could be recorded using the
same head as for the puncture test described above.

Figure 12. Scheme of TPA test performed on cylindrical sample of plant tissue. Proposed positioning of the AE sensors
(1 and 2 with different frequency range) is shown. The upper plate for compression is removable to change a probe
for other mechanical tests. Graph to the right presents typical TPA curve with the method of calculation texture de‐
scriptors (by the author)

Typical TPA curves together with acoustic emission counts for apple and potato are shown
in Fig.13. For comparison, results for two apples, fresh and soft one are plotted, and for hy‐
drated potato sample. The fresh tissue has higher hardness 1 which was reached earlier than
in the case of the soft tissue. The range of macro-cracking, visible as the gradual force de‐
crease in the first cycle, is longer and more jagged. The second cycle of TPA also shows larg‐
er forces in comparison to soft sample. It is typical that for fresher samples and with higher
turgor, the failure occurs at a lower deformation or earlier on the time axis. Acoustic signal
appears earlier and it has higher values in the case of fresh apple than in the case of soft one.
In apple, acoustic counts are recorded almost from the beginning of the compression. This
would be a result of both weaker cell walls and intercellular bonds than for potato which is
actually very dense and strong tissue. Failure is accompanied by high acoustic emission
counts for both materials as a result of macro-cracking (Fig. 13). This moment is also usually
air-conducted and audible. The acoustic emission in TPA is recorded mainly during the
downward movement of the machine probe. During the upward movement, a small signal
is only observed just after the probe starts returning. It disappears at the end of the return‐
ing stage. The second cycle of TPA may also cause acoustic emission. However, the signal is
usually weak especially in the case of apple. The second cycle in TPA starts from the trigger
point of the first cycle. Thus, the time of deformation during the second cycle is related to
Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables 189

recovery of the material after the first cycle. If a crack occurs during the first cycle, it can
propagate during the second one. If the material failed during the first cycle (macro-crack‐
ing occurred) relaxation of the material is less and deformation in the second cycle is also
smaller. Therefore cracking propagation is less and, as consequence, acoustic emission is
low. In other words, the weakening of the material in the first cycle causes only small acous‐
tic emission due to the propagation of already existing cracks within the material during the
second cycle.

Fig. 14 and Table 2 show decrease of acoustic descriptors during shelf life and that the corre‐
lation with days of storage is in general similar as for mechanical descriptors from this test.

Figure 13. Typical TPA curves with AE counts for fresh and soft apple, and for hydrated potato sample (result ob‐
tained by the author)
190 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 14. Change of acoustic descriptors obtained in TPA test during shelf life storage for three apple cultivars (result
obtained by the author)

Elstar Gloster Jonagold

AE events -0,58 -0,64 -0,78

Mean AE amplitude -0,83 -0,70 -0,82
H1 -0,78 -0,19 -0,85
H2 -0,78 -0,33 -0,83
CO -0,45 -0,19 -0,44
SP -0,23 0,27 0,38

Table 2. Correlation coefficients between AE events, mean AE amplitude, hardness H1 and H2, cohesiveness Co,
springiness SP in TPA test and shelf life days for three apple cultivars ‘Elstar’, Gloster’ and ‘Jonagold’ (result obtained by
the author)

4.3. Single edge notched bending (SENB)

Recently, new engineering mechanical tests has been introduced for analysing the fracture
properties of plant tissue, so called single edge notched bending (SENB) [9]. In the test rec‐
tangular sample with a notch is bended to breaking up. From sample geometry and from
failure force obtained from force-bending curve, a critical stress intensity factor Kc can be cal‐
culated. This material parameter is tried to correlate with textural properties of a tissue, like
crispness or crunchiness. However, from mechanical point of view, the critical stress intensi‐
ty factor is a force criterion for starting cracking propagation up within material.

Single edge notched bending is performed on rectangular beams according to the ASTM
Specification E-399 standard. It is very often that fruit or veggies size or geometry does not
Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables 191

allow cutting desired by the standard sample dimensions, which should be also sufficient to
produce detectable acoustic emission. According to the standard, S/W=4 (span/height) is
suggested [10]. Sample of potato tissue of height W=16 mm and width B=8mm emits strong
enough signal in the system showed in Fig. 7 and Fig. 15. Although, to keep the ratio the
span should be 64mm, it is usually difficult to cut samples longer than L=40mm from typical
potato or apple.. Therefore, the span most often must be shortened to S=32mm for example,
which is reasonable and gives S/W=2 ratio. According to standard, in the middle of the sam‐
ple a notch with depth of a=8mm is cut.

Scheme of SENB test configuration is presented in Fig. 15. Acoustic emission during the
SENB could be recorded using the same head as for the puncture test described above
where one or more AE sensors could be placed. Sample is placed on support with the notch
to the bottom. Bending is performed up to fracture of the sample.

SENB allows determination of a critical stress intensity factor Kc. The Kc can be obtained us‐
ing formula:

PCS æ a ö
Kc = 3
f ç ÷. (2)
èW ø
BW 2

where: S- span, Pc is a failure force. Function f(a/W) is given as:

3 A( )1/ 2
æ a ö W
fç ÷= . (3)
è W ø 2 æ 1 + 2 a ö (1 - a )3/ 2
ç ÷
è Wø W


a 3.93a 2.7 a 2
A =1.99 - a / W (1 - )(2.15 - + ). (4)
W W W2

Kc has a physical meaning if following formula is true:

Kc 2
BC ³ 2.5( ) . (5)

where: Bc is minimal width of a sample used, σy is a failure stress in uniaxial compression of

the same material.
192 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 16 presents typical SENB curve and acoustic emission events for fresh and soft apple.
AE signal starts just from the beginning of bending which suggest that cracking propagation
also starts from the tip of the notch. For fresh apples, which is also harder and has higher Kc
value, AE is significantly larger than for the soft material however in both cases acoustic
emission lasts up to sample fracture.

SENB test, similar to puncture and TPA, is able to distinguish sample according to its soft‐
ness. Fig. 17 presents example for three apple cultivars which were stored at shelf life condi‐
tions. It is visible that acoustic descriptors diminishes during storage. Table 3 presents
correlation coefficients of parameters obtained from SENB test with time of shelf life storage.
The coefficients for acoustic descriptors are higher than these for mechanical descriptors
which shows again that AE method is very suitable for monitoring properties of fruits.

Figure 15. Scheme of the single edge notched bending SENB test for plant tissue with locations of AE sensors (1 and
2, for audible and ultrasound range for example), (by the author)

Elstar Gloster Jonagold

AE events -0,77 -0,43 -0,83

Mean AE amplitude -0,78 -0,47 -0,84
Work to maximum force -0,52 -0,14 -0,64
Kc -0,70 -0,18 -0,73

Table 3. Correlation coefficients R for changes work to maximum force, Kc, AE events, mean AE amplitude in SENB test
and days of shelf life for three apple cultivars ‘Elstar’, ‘Gloster’ and ‘Jonagold’ (result obtained by the author)
Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables 193

Figure 16. Typical SENB curves with acoustic emission for fresh and soft apples (result obtained by the author)

Figure 17. Change of acoustic descriptors obtained in SENB test during shelf life storage for three apple cultivars (re‐
sult obtained by the author)

5. Evaluation of sensory properties with acoustic emission

There are four key factors of food quality: appearance, smell, texture, and nutritional value
[11]. The first three are known as sensory acceptability factors, since they are perceived by
the human senses and can be evaluated directly by the consumers. Sensory acceptability of
food products is incredibly important, since people want to enjoy eating their favorite prod‐
ucts. It can also be difficult to convince consumers to eat healthy products that are unappeal‐
194 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

ing in terms of appearance and texture. Food gives us pleasure not just through its flavour
or fragrance; we also want to be aware that what we are eating is fresh. In case of fruit, we
associate the latter with mechanical qualities; fruits are desirable when their texture is crun‐
chy, crisp and juicy, and less so when they are mealy.

From a mechanical perspective, crispness, juiciness, and mealiness are all associated with
how the cellular structure is broken down. If biting into an apple causes the cell walls to
rupture releasing intracellular juices, it makes the apple feel juicy and crispy. This is because
of the acoustic signal generated as part of the process, which is perceived positively by our
auditory system. It is believed also that crispness can be perceived as a combination of
acoustic impressions and the strength required to break down the product, while the acous‐
tic signal is largely perceived as vibrations by the jaw bone (bone-conducted sound). Once
the cellular walls rupture, the fruit takes on a mealy quality and the fruit is generally per‐
ceived to be overripe.

Texture is a sensory characteristic; assessing it objectively is extremely difficult since con‐

sumers’ personal and cultural predispositions vary greatly, and perceptions can even de‐
pend on the person’s mood or frame of mind at the time. Texture of fruits and veggies
is also not a constant feature, and is affected by many factors, such as natural biological
variability, treatment prior to picking, time of picking, and method and duration of stor‐
age. This is why it should be monitored on an ongoing basis, while at the same time the
measurements should be simple, repeatable, and low-cost. Unfortunately sensory assess‐
ment conducted by a professional panel or representative group of consumers does not
meet these criteria.

Since crispness may be the bone-conducted phenomena the approach of utilizing acoustic
emission with use of sensor in contact with sample is appropriate way of instrumental anal‐
ysis of the sensory texture sound-related properties. An advantage of this approach is rela‐
tively low sensitivity to external noises comparing to air conducted methods, like these ones
which use microphones placed close to sample. The use of the “contact” acoustic emission
while mechanical test has also advantage of recording both important for consumers attrib‐
utes: acoustic and mechanical ones. Typically, system used must be calibrated with refer‐
ence to standard sensory analysis. Descriptors from instrumental method, independently or
as a combination, should be compared with sensory texture attributes to provide the most
robust calibration model as possible.

Despite of various mechanical methods used for quality testing of fruits, described previous‐
ly, the puncture method is still the most popular. This simple puncture test has been used
for a long time in laboratories, orchards and industry. The output of the test is firmness val‐
ue expressed in Newton (N) defined as the maximum force needed to push probe into fruit
flesh. In the most common configuration of the test, probe of 11.1 mm with dome-shaped
ending with a radius of curvature of 8.73 mm is pushed 8 mm into the fruit. These settings
are valid especially for apples. For other fruit they can be adjusted according to their hard‐
ness and dimension.
Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables 195

For acoustic emission, the system presented in Fig. 7 may be used. It could be a laboratory
system with commercial universal testing machine (machine noise at desired speed should
be considered) completed with a low noise set up for AE recording and the most important:
correctly chosen sensor. Since the goal is to relate sensory perception with the instrumental
method, the frequency range of sensor used can be limited to the audible range: 1-16 kHz.
This range can be covered easily by one sensor only. The use of commercial devices pro‐
vides possibility of easy adjusting of settings to different materials and application of differ‐
ent mechanical loadings programmes, however it is relatively expensive solution. Recently
the first simplified system has been developed for apples only (Fig. 18). The CAED (contact
acoustic emission detector developed by the author) has a fixed puncture probe and the pa‐
rameter of the puncture test adjusted exactly for apple. The device uses an accelerometer
with sensitivity within the audible frequency range. To avoid large data sets, electronic con‐
verts time-amplitude signal into counts in 0.1s time intervals. Counts and actual force can be
exported to ASCII whereas sum of all counts (called total AE counts) in the test and firmness
are displayed after each test.

A different instrument for texture evaluation was proposed by N. Sakurai’s team from Japan
(Fig. 19). The device uses a piezoelectric element, attached between wedge type probe for
inserting into investigated material and piston driven by hydraulic mechanism [12]. Vibra‐
tions, caused by destruction by the wedge type probe of investigated fruit or veggies, are
detected by piezoelement. The absolute amplitude in Volts (V) and time of duration of the
signal (T) has been used for definition so called Texture Index (TI) according to the formula:

TI =
åV . (6)

TI could be determined within several frequency bands to check witch of them could dis‐
criminate a sample. TI has been used for many fruits and vegetables as well for dray food
products which showed that TI has frequency related pattern characteristic for different ob‐
jects. TI was also compared with sensory texture of persimmon which showed that correla‐
tion of TI with several texture attributes (sweetness, juiciness, thickness, hardness, fragrance,
appearance, and overall acceptability) can reach 0.8, particularly in the frequency range low‐
er than 3 kHz [13].

To calibrate the instrumental method with the use of acoustic emission, a generic descriptive
analysis is a suitable method for obtaining sensory texture attributes. Sensory testing labora‐
tory should fulfils the general requirements of a standard, as an example ISO 8589:1988
standard for sensory testing conditions. Each test booth should be equipped with a system
for data acquisition from panellists. The expert panel usually consists more than 6 trained
persons selected on the basis of the ability of individuals to discriminate tastes and texture
attributes. Before the experiment, the panellists usually take part in a training session, where
definitions of attributes are discussed and clarified (as in Table 4). For the experiment pieces
of fruits are assigned a code and the samples are presented to panellists in random order.
196 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

During the experiment the panellists determine the perceived intensity of texture attributes
using linear, unstructured scale with a range of 0 – 100 points. After the test, the results are
often converted to the most frequently used: 10-point scale.

Figure 18. Contact acoustic emission detector (CAED) for apple testing developed by the author. Device uses AE sen‐
sor (1) which is placed in the AE head ended by the puncture probe (2). Apple is lift up by a motorized stage (3) to
puncture probe. Force is recorded by the force sensor (5) with capacity of 200 N. Electronic (4) calculates on line AE
counts and records the actual force within 0.1s time intervals. Sum of counts and firmness (N) are displayed on the
screen after the test (photo by the author)
Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables 197

Figure 19. Scheme of device for texture index (TI) evaluation (scheme based on Taniwaki et al. [13])

Sensory texture attribute Definition Scale

The sound intensity during the first bite with the

Crispness 0 = no sound,100 = very noisy
front teeth

The resistance during the first bite with the front

Hardness 0 = very soft, 100 = very hard

Juiciness The sense of juice release during biting 0 = no juice, dry, 100 = very juicy

The mealy sense, especially on the tongue and

Mealiness 0 = not mealy, 100 = very mealy
the palate

The overall sensory harmonization of textural

Overall texture 0 = bad, 100 = very good

Table 4. Definitions and scale of some sensory texture attributes.

In the case of CAED which provides mechanical and acoustic indexes, for construction cali‐
bration models, several methods can be used: simple linear regression, multiple linear re‐
gression or multivariative regressions. For construction the models, averaged values from 10
apples (totally 244 samples from 19 apple cultivars) were taken, as it is usually assumed for
sensory analysis to minimalize individual preferences. Examples of statistics for different
calibration models are presented in Table 5 (after Zdunek et al. [14]). These data were ob‐
tained for different 19 apple cultivars, which were stored in various ways. This example
shows that the performances of the linear regression models are satisfactory for crispness
and hardness prediction by both firmness or by total AE counts however quantitative pre‐
198 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

diction is impossible in any case using this modelling approach. Crispness is slightly better
predicted by total AE counts than by firmness when these individuals are taken for simple
linear model whereas hardness is apparently better predicted by firmness than by acoustic
variable. It is presumably due to different origins of the variables: sensory crispness is gov‐
erned mostly from auditory phenomena whereas sensory hardness from mechanical one.
Table 5 presents also performance statistics of multiple regression models (MLR) where both
firmness F and total AE counts were considered in the linear model. General improvement
of models is observed in the case of each sensory attribute. Furthermore, multivariative
principal components regression (PCR) models, where total AE counts and firmness are
used as the predictors of a group of sensory variables, show remarkable improvement of cal‐
ibration performance comparing to linear regression and multiple regression models. Full
cross validation (CV) in the PCR for showed that satisfactory prediction is possible in the
case of hardness. The models allow for prediction also crispness and overall texture with
slightly less accuracy. In the case of juiciness, successful prediction seems to be doubtful
whereas mealiness prediction is impossible. Test set validation (TSV) method showed appa‐
rently better model performance in the case of crispness and slightly better in the case of
juiciness whereas for the rest of sensory attributes performance from TSV method is worse
that from CV method. In general both validation methods show satisfactory prediction of
crispness and hardness from multivariative PCR calibration models.

The model improvement, when both acoustic and firmness are considered in calibration
models, agrees with the hypothesis that crispness perception should be interpreted as coun‐
teraction of acoustic and mechanical phenomena. It is usually observed that firmer apples
are also more crispy. In Fig. 8 it is visible that firmer apple has more jagged force-deforma‐
tion (FD) profile during puncturing whereas soft apple has more smoother one. It was ac‐
companied with higher AE counts at the each force dropping down. One can say that firm
apple is also more brittle. The jaggedness of the FD is important from the point of view
crispness because humans can detect loads of less than 0.1 N. Such interpretation is especial‐
ly true for dry food stuff however there is no reason to refuse it for plant tissue where sound
is produced mainly from cell wall breakdowns and it could cause the momentary force drip‐
ping down. It has been shown for dry food that acoustic and mechanical parameters related
with saw like force profile could be used for sensory crispness measurement [15], thus pre‐
sumably in a future it will be the case also for fruits and vegetables.

The above calibration models for CAED were obtained with use of averaged values from 10
apples for the each calibration point. Taking into account that RMSEP value of the calibra‐
tion models is slightly less than 1, an error of prediction is not larger than ±1. Since descrip‐
tive sensory analysis uses the 10 grade scale, the PCR calibration models allow for
classification of sensory attribute to one of the 5 grades. This is very satisfactory results tak‐
ing into account that the results obtained is less expensive and testing of the 10 apples lasts
less than 10 minutes only. This means that instrumental evaluation of fruit texture with use
of combination of sound-related descriptors and mechanical descriptors could replace soon
sensory panels as it is faster, and – as is usually the case with technology – it is objective and
does not suffer from fatigue.
Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables 199

Performance Calibrated sensory texture attribute

Variables used Validation
statistic of overall
for calibration method crispness hardness juiciness mealiness
validation texture

R2 0.57 0.68 0.40 0.38 0.52

CV RMSECV 1.10 0.86 0.95 0.83 1.05
regression F
RPD 1.53 1.75 1.29 1.27 1.45

R2 0.62 0.60 0.48 0.33 0.52

CV RMSECV 0.98 0.95 0.89 0.87 1.06
regression CAE
RPD 1.72 1.63 1.45 1.27 1.50

R2 0.71 0.77 0.53 0.43 0.62

regression F and CV RMSECV 0.90 0.73 0.84 0.80 0.96
RPD 1.87 2.07 1.46 1.32 1.59

Principal R2 0.72 0.77 0.53 0.43 0.63

CV Ncal=244 RMSECV 0.90 0.73 0.84 0.80 0.93
regression F and
CAE RPD 1.87 2.12 1.53 1.38 1.71

Principal R2 0.90 0.77 0.67 0.25 0.51

component TSV Ncal=187
RMSEP 0.53 0.66 0.68 0.96 1.01
regression F and Ntest=57
CAE RPD 2.91 2.04 1.61 1.15 1.44

Table 5. Performance statistics of linear regression models, multiple regression and principal component regression
models for prediction sensory texture attributes of apples by CAED (after Zdunek et al [14]). Ncal – Number of samples
used for calibration. Ntest – Number of samples used for validation, F-firmness, CAE – total AE counts, CV-cross
validation, R2 – determination coefficient, RMSECV - root mean squared errors of cross validation or RMSEP - root
mean squared error of prediction, RPD - ratio of prediction to deviation calculated as the ratio of standard deviation of
validation data set to RMSECV or RMSEP. If the RPD was below 1.5 the model is not useful, and when the value was
higher than 2, the model can predict quantitatively sensory attributes [16]

Author details

Artur Zdunek

Address all correspondence to:

Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin, Poland

200 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications


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[10] Williams JG, Cawood MJ. European Group on Fracture: Kc and Gc Methods for Poly‐
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[11] Bourne MC. Food Texture and Viscosity: Concept and Measurement. Second Edition.
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[16] Saeys W, Mouazen AM, Ramon H. Potential for Onsite and Online Analysis of Pig
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neering 2005; 91 (4), 393–402.
Chapter 9

Otoacoustic Emissions

Giovanna Zimatore, Domenico Stanzial and

Maria Patrizia Orlando

Additional information is available at the end of the chapter

1. Introduction

In this chapter, we present a very special kind of acoustic emissions, coming from inside the
cochlea and generated along the basilar membrane by the electro-motile (active) vibrations of
outer hair cells of the organ of Corti. They are called OtoAcoustic Emissions (OAE) and are
detected in the ear canal by means of microphones which are usually assembled as part of
earphone-like probes. Since their discovery by Kemp [1], the study of otoacoustic emissions
has become an hot topic both in basic and clinical research, due to OAE unique feature to
inform directly about the normal and pathological functions of the cochlear receptors mecha‐
nisms, thus like the efficiency of the middle ear transmission chain.
From the signal point of view, the most interesting characteristics of OAE is their broad band
frequency spectrum so rousing also a new interest for broad band ear immittance measure‐
ments and interpretation [2]. In this respect, this chapter will focus the reader’s attention on
two very innovative topics to improve objective and non-invasive audiological tests: the
potentiality of Transient-Evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) to detect hearing impairment
and the availability of a new microprobe able to capture directly both the pressure and velocity
acoustic signals in the ear canal so allowing the direct measurement of ear immittance.

2. Inside cochlea

The cochlea is located in the inner ear, consisting of the front labyrinth and rear labyrinth, the
latter having peripheral vestibular formations. The cochlea has quite a complex structure, just
as complex as the Organ of Corti, contained inside the cochlea that with its neuro-epitherial
hair cells makes up the first mechanical-electrical transformation stage of the sound impulse;

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204 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

it permits the stimulation of the afferent neural structures and the transmission of the infor‐
mation contained in the sound input through the acoustic canals right up to the cerebral cortex.

Figure 1. The Organ of Corti The organ of Corti is attached to the basilar membrane on the side of the aqueous fluid
of the scala media. It is comprised of the supporting cells for the hair cells, the hair cells themselves, and the tectorial
membrane (TM).

The Organ of Corti is made up of the Basilar Membrane, hair cells, support cells, Deiter, Hensen
and Claudius cells, and the Tectorial Membrane. The hair cells can be divided according to
their position in respect of the cochlea canal, whether outer or inner. The outer cells are more
numerous and are placed along three lines; their hairs contact directly with the Tectorial
Membrane and are very sensitive, are mainly stimulated by the efferent medial olivocochlea
system of control. Acetylcholine (Ach) is their principal chemical mediator. The internal hair
cells are arranged in a single line, don't have direct contact with the Tectorial Membrane, are
less vulnerable and are supplied by afferent medial olivocochlea nerves, whose first nerve cell
is within the Organ of Corti, itself enclosed within the bony labyrinth inside the cochlea. The
glutamate is the main neuro–transmitter of the Internal Hair Cells. Given their afferent
innervations they make up the actual sensorial cells.
The mechanical-electrical transduction of the cochlea takes place through a series of bio-
chemical and bio-mechanical mechanisms. The sound impulse is transmitted from the
movement of the stirrup bone on the oval window to the endolymph fluid creating a defor‐
mation of the Basilar Membrane on which the Organ of Corti rests with its hair cells that also
create a deformation of the auditory cells who in turn are partially in direct contact with the
Tectorial Membrane and so generating a deformation wave in the Basilar Membrane (travel‐
ling wave) as a result of the sound wave. The amount of deformation that the travelling wave
Otoacoustic Emissions 205

produces along the Basilar Membrane will be evident at different points according to the
frequency of the topical tone sound. The result of such mechanical modifications by the Basilar
Membrane and hairs is the releasing of neuro-receptor neurohumours located in their synaptic
vesicles inside the Hair Cells and so generating the bio-electrical impulse. The Basilar Mem‐
brane has different physical and elastic properties along the cochlea spiral from its base,
through the intermediate part, to the apex. Even resonance properties vary along the cochlea.
This makes one part of the Basilar Membrane resonate and deform according to the frequency
of the sound rather than another part of the Basilar Membrane and consequently the Organ of
Corti, the activating groups of Hair Cells and their nerve fibres based on the different fre‐
quencies contained in the sound. The part of the Basilar Membrane that is most sensitive to
low frequency sounds is the apex of the cochlea whilst the part most sensitive to high fre‐
quencies is the widest part of the coil that is the base of the cochlea.

The first neuron of the auditory system is contained in the Corti Gland inside the cochlea where
we find T cells whose peripheral extensions come from the Internal Hair Cells whilst the central
extensions together make up the eighth cranial nerve and connect to the pontini bulb centres.
It is important to keep in mind, according to the most recent theories, that inside the Organ of
Corti at the External Hair Cell level there is an important active magnifying process of the
signal that produces significant amplification, definition and resolution in the frequency of the
sound inputs and a notable refinement of the auditory threshold. The fine longitudinal and
transversal motility of the Outer Hair Cells, both spontaneous types and those stimulated
externally, motility modulated by the efferent olivocochlea system, are the basis of such
important functions. From this it can be deduced that a loss of Outer Hair Cells would produce
a series of auditory problems more critical and complex in respect of damage to the Inner Hair
Cells. Hearing loss (reduction of auditory function) connected to changes in analysis, periph‐
eral translation and conduction of apparatus is defined as neurosensory and gives way to
distortions in frequency, intensity such as recruitment, a phenomenon that distorts the
subjective sound intensity (loudness), in phase, exertion and auditory conformation.

Outer Hair Cells are cells that belong to and are controlled by the efferent system more than
sensor cells. They are more sensitive to auditory stimulation in respect of Internal Hair Cells
which are anatomically connected to the afferent or sensorial system as previously stated. The
particular sensitivity is mainly mechanical in nature and Is connected to 1) the presence of
direct tectorial hair connections between stereohairs and the Tectorial Membrane and 2) their
"active" vibratory motility, electrically and chemically mediated, that translates into acoustic
phenomenon that can be picked up and recorded by a microphone positioned in the external
auditory canal: the Otoacoustic Emissions.

3. What OAE are

The discovery of otoemissions is attributed to the English physics professor David Kemp at
the end of the ‘70s. He is merited with first putting forward the idea and then introducing
clinical diagnosis using investigative methodologies capable of non-invasive exploration, in
206 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

humans, the Organ of Corti functions and in particular the Outer Hair Cells. The basis of this
methodology has produced a series of new and surprising evidence regarding the cochlea
physiology that integrates, contradicts and supersedes the consolidated theories of von Békésy,
Nobel Prize winner in 1960.

The direct contact between the stereo cilias of the Outer Hair Cells and the Tectorial
Membrane create mechanical-electrical type reactions that transfer to the entire cell
connected by ATP (Adenosin-TriPhosfate). The typical cytoskeleton-like network of muscle
(actina–miosina) of which the cell is made, makes use of the electric charge originated at
the level of the stereo cilia and moves either slowly or rapidly. These movements are
modulated and regulated by the medial olivocochlea system, a true servo-system of control
through various synaptic neurohumours and in particular Acetylcholine. The function of
Outer Hair Cells is fundamental in conferring on our hearing the elevated threshold
characteristics, the increased dynamics between minimum audible threshold and the
perceptible maximum and frequency selectiveness.

A cochlea system with dysfunctional Outer Hair Cells rapidly loses these properties even if in
theory the Inner Hair Cells are healthy. The information received mechanically from the Outer
Hair Cells is transmitted in electric form as well as in mechanical form to the Inner Hair Cells
and so to our proper sensory auditory system. To stress again, the Outer Hair Cells are
particularly vulnerable, their high characteristic sensitivity to which are connected elevated
bioenergetic and metabolic requests such that any cochlea noxae that is infected, toxic,
traumatised or suffering from a metabolic disorder can bring about a lesion and become
apparent prematurely. The study of Otoacoustic emissions appears significant and effective
in the majority of auditory problems of peripheral receptors.

The otoacoustic emissions (OAE) are recorded by a particular probe positioned in the external
auditory canal. If it is necessary to create responses the probe, other than being a receiver that
records the emissions from the cochlea, contains a transducer capable of sending stimuli to the
cochlea. These days it is possible to study the OAE mainly in one of three ways:
1. Recording the spontaneous emissions produced by the cochlea in the absence of any
acoustic stimulus. Such emissions are called ‘Spontaneous Otoacoustic Emissions’

2. Recording the emissions produced inside the cochlea through the sending of temporary
acoustic stimuli, such as clicks, that are able to involve synchronously and globally a large
number of the acoustic cells from the base to the apex. These emissions are known as
‘Transient Otoacoustic Emissions’ (TEOAE).

3. Cochlea emissions created by pairs of tonal stimuli of differing frequency for intermodu‐
lation phenomena, so-called ‘Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions’ (DPOAE).
Apart from the SOAE method of recording whose clinical value is unfortunately less, we shall
focus on the TEOAE and DPOAE recording methods. The first method involves sending a
series of clicks from a probe and recording the acoustic response from the hair cells. The
acoustic response is normally represented graphically by oscillations based on a time period
Otoacoustic Emissions 207

(milliseconds), as well as by a spectrogram that traces the size and frequency of the response.
The DPOAE instead operates by way of sending a pair of pure tones (F1 and F2), with very
small value frequency differences between them for example F1=1000 Hz, F2=1220 Hz, a ratio
of F2/F1 = 1.22. The two tones, so-called primary tones, give rise to distortions in the cochlea
deriving from their combination. The phenomenon of the combination of tones is mostly
connected to the peripheral processing mechanisms of the signal which is still not wholly
understood but that resides in the internal ear and in particular is connected to the active
processes of the cochlea. So if two tones of differing frequency are sent simultaneously, the ear
might perceive one or more tones superimposed that are the sum of the two tones or else are
the difference (simple, cubic, quadratic, etc.) of the two primary tones. The response traces the
form of a DP-gram, showing the extent of the response derived from the frequency of the
primary tones.

Nowadays the major diagnostic clinical function is mostly engaged in the TEOAE and DPOAE
being the spontaneous emissions less subject to interpretation despite having a notable
scientific interest. Dedicated software systems permit the execution of a rapid measurement
statistically adapted to the cochlea response. As regards the DPOAE it is interesting to note
that it establishes a modern method to survey one of the more characteristic psychoacoustic
phenomena: combination tones. The study of DPOAE in particular allows the design of cochlea
responses in an audiometric-like way, frequency by frequency, on a graph that shows on the
vertical axis the frequencies of stimulation and on the horizontal axis the intensity levels of the
received Otoacoustic emissions showing immediately if the audiological threshold is within
normal limits or not.

The operating range is important in identifying the dysfunction of the cochlea in Ménière's
disease, in evaluating damage from noise, in ototoxic type changes, in the study of some genetic
and immunological cochlea alterations, in the differential cochlea diagnosis against retro
cochlea diagnosis and the identification of new pathologies such as Auditory Neuropathy.
Finally, the range of neonatal auditory screening establishes the most sensitive and specific
means of recognising premature infantile deafness. Auditory screening is carried out at birth
before the new-born baby is discharged from hospital normally the second day after birth and,
given the simplicity and speed of testing, is the best method for definitive diagnosis or alerting
and preparing for further diagnosis and rehabilitative therapy within a few months and before
the child's first birthday, a period of great neuroplastic and linguistic activity. It's therefore
possible to control and limit the damage from auditory sensorial deprivation, language
disorders, communication and behaviour disorders.

OAEs provide objectivity and greater accuracy, representing a non invasive tool for the
assessment of OHC and the functionality of the cochlear amplifier, as demonstrated by
experimental and clinical studies [3-5]; furthermore, the cochlear effects of exogenous factors,
such as ototoxic drugs, solvents and high-level sound exposure [6-8], can be monitored by
OAE. It has been suggested that OAEs may provide early indication of cochlear damage before
evidence for NIHL appears in pure-tone audiometry [9-10]. Recently, TEOAE have been used
to study in tinnitus subjects with normal hearing to assess whether a minor cochlear or efferent
dysfunction might play a role in tinnitus [11].
208 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

One of the few limitations of OAE is related to the extent of hearing loss that we can explore:
infact, already for cochlear hearing loss above 50 dB the OAE, just because otoacoustic
emissions are produced by the activation of CCE, are no longer evoked.

4. TEOAE recording

To record the TEOAE signals the Otodynamic Analyzer (ILO92, Otodynamics Ltd, Hatfield,
United Kingdom), was widely used, by inserting a SGS-type general purpose TEOAE probe into
the external ear canal. The TEOAE recordings were carried out in a standard hospital room,
corresponding to the usual clinical setting for these measurements. The automated differen‐
tial non-linear test paradigm was used: the stimulus was characterized by a train of four clicks,
three with the same amplitude and polarity, followed by a fourth one with a 3-fold amplitude
and opposite polarity with respect to the preceding ones. The 80 μs clicks presented at 50/s were
75–85 dB SPL. The responses were obtained evaluating an average among 260 stimuli trains
(1040 clicks) stored into two different buffers (A and B) for a total of 2080 clicks. The value of the
automatically computed correlation or reproducibility between the two obtained waveforms
(A and B) of an OAE signal is named Repro or whole waveform reproducibility (REPRO) (Pearson
correlation coefficient *100) (see in Figure 2, on the right, Repro=99%).

Figure 2. TEOAE signals (ILO92, Otodynamics Ltd)

Otoacoustic Emissions 209

5. Broad band measurement of ear immittance and perspective for

improving TEOAE detection

The most innovative application of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology to

acoustic sensors is the manufacturing of thermo-acoustic velocimeters based on the two-wire
anemometric transduction principle. These new sensors allow to capture directly the acoustic
particle velocity signal v, and thus, by coupling and assembling them with standard micro‐
phones which are instead sensitive to the pressure signal p, a new generation of pressure-
velocity (p-v) micro-probes is nowadays made available (see Figure 3).

Figure 3. A p-v sound intensity micro-probe consists in the assembly of a miniaturized pressure microphone and a
MEMS technology based velocimeter in a single measurement system. While the pressure sensor is a standard electret
one, the velocity signal is transduced thanks to the differential anemometric principle applied to two closely spaced
heated wires 10 μm apart, 1mm long and 5μm large suspended in parallel in order to form a bridge. The wire compo‐
sition is 200 nm platinum (Pt) on a silicon nitride (Si3N4) substratum 150 nm thick. The captured pressure and velocity
analog signals are conditioned through a common probe input and handled in output as two separate voltage sig‐
nals. (The commercial system shown in the figure is by courtesy of Microflown®:
210 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

These micro-probes are clearly the ideal device for carrying out advanced direct measurements
of the sound field energetic properties like sound intensity j=pv or acoustic impedance Z=p/v.
To this aim, an accurate calibration procedure [12] is needed (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. The facility for sound intensity micro-probes calibration installed at the Larix Lab of the Physics Department
of University of Ferrara consists in a 48 m long wave guide where a progressive plane wave is generated through a bi-
conical loudspeaker in the [50, 10000] Hz frequency range. The p-v micro-probe under calibration is inserted at a dis‐
tance of 12.5 m from the source and is calibrated by comparison with a reference pressure microphone using the
correction function Γ(ω) defined in Equation 13 of Ref. [12].

Of course, the calibration filtering process can be implemented at post-processing level but,
with few engineering effort, the calibration filters can also be programmed at hardware level
so making, in particular, the measurement of acoustic impedance, a completely automatic task.
The technological innovation driven by MEMS application to acoustic sensors can be easily
transferred to audiometric devices so transforming for instance a traditional tympanometric
probe in a new setup for p-v tympanometry (see Figure 5). The main advantages of a p-v
tympanometric test with respect to a traditional one are: a) the direct measure of ear immitance
for more precise results; b) the test is completely non-invasive for static pressure external
pumping is no longer necessary (p-v test measurements are performed in standard pressure
conditions); c) the test produces wideband results in the typical frequency range of multi-tonal
tympanometry [100, 1200] Hz; d) the p-v audiometer provides sophisticated sound energy
analysis capability for hearing models validation (see Ref. [13]).
Otoacoustic Emissions 211

Figure 5. A p-v tympanometer is designed as a laptop based dual channel analyzer (lower left) able to record both the
Impulse Responses (IRs) of pressure and velocity signals captured with the p-v tympanometric probe shown in the up‐
per part of the figure. Once the p-v IRs of the ear canal have been measured in atmospheric pressure condition (lower
right), the system calculates the external/middle ear specific immittance and displays its magnitude in dB relative to
the frequency dependent baseline Y0 obtained by plugging up the probe.

As an example of results obtained with p-v tympanometry, wideband p-v tympanograms

measured in dB for 26 left and right normal ears belonging to 13 voluntary students are
clustered and reported in Figure 6.
212 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 6. Wideband p-v tympanograms measured in dB for 26 left and right normal ears belonging to 13 voluntary
students. One clearly see that all tympanograms converges between -10 and -15 dB for the standard frequency of 226
Hz used in traditional tympanometry. The mean value found at -12.7 dB can thus be considered the “normal” value of
the immitance magnitude measured by p-v tympanometry at 226 Hz.

As the primary data collected by the p-v tympanometry are basically the measurement of the
pressure and velocity ear canal IRs, a completely new perspective also for OAE studies is also
opened. Specifically for the TEOAEs which could be simply detected as the non-linear
byproducts of DSP algorithms used in the ear-canal immitance function calculations.

6. TEOAE post-processing analysis

The Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
have been carried on TEOAE waveforms [14-17] (Zimatore et al. 2000, 2001 2002, 2003) to
extract new descriptors that could enlighten an early diagnosis of hearing loss.

In the last few years, a new parameter has been introduced to analyse TEOAE, to improve the
specificity of diagnostic tests and to reduce inter-subject variability. The work was concen‐
trated on the analysis of the TEOAE focusing on their dynamics by the Recurrence Quantifi‐
cation Analysis (RQA). RQA is a post-processing analysis that is extremely fit to non-stationary
signals and represents a valid alternative to Wavelet analysis used by other researchers. In fact,
Otoacoustic Emissions 213

the embedding procedure allows to expand a mono-dimensional signal into multidimensional

space, thus permitting the identification of fine peculiarities of the sampled series that in turn
are described by few global parameters allowing for a synthetic patient description.
RQA in summary:

• RQA introduces few parameters descriptive of the global complexity of a signal, starting
from what is called “recurrence plot”
• RQA descriptors are calculated on the basis of the number and location of dots in the
recurrence plot
• RQA dynamic features are independent from signal amplitude

The results obtained demonstrate how proposed new global index can recognize even mild
hearing loss and that an assessment of the severity of cochlear damage can be realized.
To build the recurrence plot, the time behavior of the original signal was represented by a
series of 512 points equally spaced in time (e.g. {a1 a2 …. a 512} where ai represents the value
of the signal corresponding to the i-th time position). Then, the series was arranged in
successive columns (the columns number is defined by the “embedding dimension” param‐
eter, N), each-one obtained by applying a delay in time (lag parameter) to the original sequence,
in this way an “embedding matrix” was created.
Finally, the recurrence plot was built, drawing a black dot (named “recurrent point”) in the
represented space if the distance between the corresponding rows (the distance between the
j-th and the (j+1)th row is of the embedding matrix was lower than a fixed value (radius). In
the obtained plot, the horizontal and vertical axes represented the relative position of the 512
points into the TEOAE waveform. RQA descriptors were then calculated on the basis of the
number and the location of dots in the recurrence plot. In particular, percent of recurrence
(Rec) is the percentage of recurrence points in a recurrent plot; percent of determinism (Det)
is the percentage of recurrence points which form diagonal lines and it indicates the degree of
deterministic structure of the signal; entropy (Ent) is the Shannon entropy of the probability
distribution of the diagonal line lengths and is linked to the richness of deterministic structure
[16-17] (Zimatore et al. 2002 and 2003). The presence of horizontal and vertical lines in the
recurrence plot shows that part of the considered signal matches closely with a sequence
farther along the time (for more details see
In TEOAE analysis the delay in the embedding procedure (lag) is set to 1; the number of the
embedding matrix columns (embedding dimension) is set to 10; and the cut-off distance
(radius) is set to 15; to eliminate the initial linear ringing, the first 2.8 ms of the recorded TEOAE
signals are excluded.
Comparing Figure 7 and 8, it is clear that recurrence plots distinguish between normal hearing
and impaired hearing TEOAEs especially in terms of a reduction in the deterministic structure.
As a further step of the post-processing analysis, the well known Principal Component
Analysis (PCA), was applied on the obtained RQA descriptors. Briefly, PCA is a common
statistical technique which provides the possibility to reduce the starting data set dimension
214 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 7. Recurrence plot (top) of a typical TEOAE recorded in a Normal ear (%Det=88.89) (bottom)

without consistent loss of information and with a separation of the different and independent
features characterizing the data set. PCA describes the original data set with a lower number
of new parameters named main components (PC1, PC2) which explain more than 90% of the
total variability in the data set. Having, by construction, PC1 and PC2 zero mean and standard
deviation equal to 1, if a set of TEOAE signals from normal ears are studied, 96% of them will
fall within a circle centered in the origin of the PC1/PC2 plane, and with a radius equal to 2
(reference circle in figure 12). The PC1/PC2 plane is defined starting from a representative data
set made by 118 signals measured from normal hearing subjects [18]. The representative data
set was used to define the circle in the PC1/PC2 plane in which the majority of TEOAE signals
recorded in normal hearing subjects will fall. Mathematically, the parameter RAD2D is defined
Otoacoustic Emissions 215

Figure 8. Recurrence Plot (top) of a representative Impaired Hearing (IH) TEOAE waveform (bottom) (% Det = 62.89)

in the PC1/PC2 plane as the Euclidean distance of one point representing a TEOAE signal from
the plane origin.
The relation correlating the RAD2D obtained for all the measured signals with the entity of
cochlear damage is tested. Specifically, RAD2D was evaluated for real TEOAEs by applying
the same procedure as for simulated signals combining RQA and PCA techniques.
Furthermore, the post-processing analysis proposed is useful in screening of adults, in longitu‐
dinal studies, in test to evaluate the efficacy of new pharmacological treatments, in conserva‐
tion program in presbycusis and in protection program in noise induced hearing losses.
Figure 10 illustrates REPRO plotted vs RAD2D considering 30 subjects from Florence area
(Italy). The examined ears will be classified as normal hearing (NORM) or mild hearing losses
216 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

Figure 9. RAD2D is defined in the Principal Components plane as the Euclidean distance from the plane origin; the
points representing the normal TEOAE signals fall in the yellow reference circle and TEOAE signals recorded form sub‐
jects with hearing losses fall outside.

(MHL) or (severe) hearing losses (HL) ears according to their pure tone thresholds at 0.250,
0.500, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 kHz. The three groups according to the maximum hearing threshold
level are: NORM, with threshold <10 dB at all audiometric frequencies, MHL, with threshold
<20 dB at all audiometric frequencies and >10 dB at least at one frequency, and HL, with
threshold >20 dB at least at one frequency. In Figure 10 the HL patients (white circles), in the
MHL patients (blue diamonds) and in NORM subjects (black diamonds): each point corre‐
sponds to the recorded TEOAE waveform. A very simple and immediate description is
available by observing the areas identified by threshold of REPRO (the horizontal line at 70%)
and of RAD2D (the vertical line at 1.78). The points above the horizontal line indicate pass
signals. To the left side of the vertical line, the points indicate signals that fall inside the
normality circle, that is pass signals;. the main result is illustrated in the right upward rectangle
of Figure 9 where the ears that have both high REPRO and high RAD2D are shown: these
points-signals indicate 8 ears (3 HL, 4 MHL and 1 NORM) screened as pass by REPRO but
identified as “fail” by our TEOAE parameter (possible false-negative of ILO test).
Otoacoustic Emissions 217

Figure 10. REPRO vs RAD2D from RQA parameters of TEOAE signals

The 8 points-signals that fall in the B area correspond to 8 different subjects: 6 are hunters or
they shoot for hobby and 2 work often with tractors or lawn mowers. The combined use of the
two global parameters REPRO and RAD2D can enlighten points corresponding to the subjects
with high risk of environmental noise exposure.

In this chapter the application of technique such as RQA is proposed because, it allows the
quantification of the fine-structure of TEOAE signals without any a priori hypothesis and any
data manipulation; moreover, the dynamical structure of signals can be investigated without
taking into account the signal-amplitude differences.

7. TEAOA simulation by mechanistic model

An electronic model of human hearing system is used to test and improve new hypothesis of
cochlear mechanisms and to anatomically distinguish different contributions to ear patholo‐
gies [18-19].

An electronic model of human hearing system can be used to test and improve new hypothe‐
sis of cochlear mechanisms and to anatomically distinguish different contributions to ear

The considered ear model is directly inspired to the so called “travelling wave” representation
of the cochlear function mechanism and is able to simulate the TEOAE responses; the electric
model of the whole ear, originally introduced by Guiguère and Woodland [20-21] and used in
218 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

TEOAEs analysis [15, 18, 22], has been implemented into PSpice®. PSpice® is a standard
electrical simulation tool for dc, transient and ac analyses [23] (see Figure 11). The input circuit
can be defined by using a graphical interface or by compiling a list representing the circuit
topology. The outputs of the system are current and voltage values within the circuit which
can be displayed in both tabular and graphical formats. PSpice® has been already used to study
an electric model of the cochlea [24] due to the possibility to relate the model parameters to
physical and physiological issues. In [24], the used lumped parameter model is entirely
passive, made of a resistive network combined with two capacitances in order to model the
Reissner’s membrane and the OHC in the Corti Organ.

Figure 11. The electronic ear model

The considered ear model is depicted in figure 11 and encompasses the human ear anatomy
from the auditory canal to the OHC within the cochlea. The auditory canal is represented by
a cascade of four T-sections, corresponding to the segmented form of a uniform transmission
line, while the middle ear is modeled as a complex electrical network based on its functional
anatomy [25]. An ideal transformer connects the middle ear to the cochlea, to represent the
acoustic transformer ratio between the eardrum and the oval window [20-21]. Finally, the
cochlea is modeled as a non-uniform and non-linear transmission line, divided into several
sections from the base to the apex, each one consisting of a series inductor, a shunt resonant
circuit (composed of a resistor, an inductor, and a capacitor), and a non-linear voltage source.
In the electro-acoustic analogy, the series inductors represent the acoustic mass of the cochlear
fluids; the resistors, inductors and capacitors forming the shunt resonant circuits represent the
acoustic resistance, mass and stiffness of the basilar membrane, respectively, and the non linear
voltage sources represent the OHC active processes. Finally, the helicotrema is modeled by
the inductor LT. The initial values of the electric ear model components are those reported in
Table 1 of [20] and also used in [22]. Correspondingly, the cochlea was represented by 128 and
64 partitions [19]
Otoacoustic Emissions 219

To verify the hypothesis that TEOAE are strongly modulated by the middle ear [17], some
elements in the middle ear section were varied according to the experimental study of Avan
and colleagues [4]. The first change is the addition of a stapes capacitor (C st) to the middle-ear
section of the circuit, as already considered by [20] Giguère and Woodland (1994a) and by [25].
When C st has a large value, its impedance is small, corresponding to small tension in the
stapedius muscle (C st equal to infinity corresponds to no stiffness in the resting condition).
Conversely, when C st is small, its impedance is large, corresponding to high muscle tension.
Then, changes in the tympanic membrane stiffness (C 0, C d1), to account for changes in the
middle ear pressure, and in the tympanic membrane mass (L 0, L d), to simulate an additive
mass, have been considered [4]. Furthermore, a dead cochlea condition has been simulated by
de-activating the voltage sources in all cochlear sections.

The role of middle ear effects is a hot topic in the OAE field, and would be of high interest to
audiology and hearing researchers.

Figure 12. TEOAE Simulated (top) and real (bottom) in normal ear

Figure 12 (top) reports a typical simulated signal, and a real TEOAE signal recorded from a
normoacousic subject is reported in figure 12 (bottom). In both simulated and real signals,
recording starts after 2.5 ms from the initial external excitation (t = 0), to get rid of the initial
ringing. Both signals show oscillations lasting up to 20 ms, with higher frequencies having
shorter latency than lower frequencies, in agreement with the latency-frequency relationship
typical of TEOAEs. In fact, according to the place–frequency (tonotopic) effect characteristic
220 Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications

of the basilar membrane, each element of the membrane acts as a resonator at a frequency
inversely proportional to its distance from the oval window.

A very important goal in prevention and clinical applications is to improve the specificity of
diagnostic tests and to reduce inter-subject variability in TEOAE signals. A new pass/fail test
could be useful for screening but the quantification of cochlear damage is of great interest in
research programs. To determine the amount of damage, an ear model can be used to simulate
different levels of cochlear damage by silencing a growing number of cochlear partitions. The
relation between a new parameter and the number of silenced partitions in the model was

From the comparison between the real and simulated RAD2D values it is possible to extrap‐
olate the corresponding number of “hypothetical silenced partitions”. In this way, since each
partition corresponded to a specific portion of uncoiled cochlea and to a specific number of
outer hair cells, a descriptor of OHC integrity is obtained [26].

8. Conclusion

A very important goal in prevention and clinical applications is to improve the specificity of
diagnostic tests and to reduce inter-subject variability in TEOAE signals. The availability of
new micro-probes able to pick up both the pressure and the air particle velocity signals inside
the ear canal, while allowing to update the standard multi-tonal tympanometry with the
wideband implementation of p-v tympanometric non-invasive tests, points also to record and
analyze TEOAEs as the non-linear by-product of DSP algorithms used in the ear-immitance
function computing process. Furthermore, to prevent and to mitigate noise and aging effects
on cochlea, a new post-processing procedure could be employed in longitudinal studies [27] as
well as to test the efficacy of new pharmacological treatments and the opportunity to follow a
subject over time.

Author details

Giovanna Zimatore1, Domenico Stanzial2 and Maria Patrizia Orlando1

*Address all correspondence to:

1 CNR-IDASC – Institute of Acoustics and Sensor "Orso Mario Corbino", Rome, Italy

2 CNR-IDASC - Institute of Acoustics and Sensor "Orso Mario Corbino", c/o Physics Depart‐
ment University of Ferrara, Italy
Otoacoustic Emissions 221


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Edited by Wojciech Sikorski

Acoustic emission (AE) is a phenomenon in which elastic or stress waves are emitted
from rapid, localized change of strain energy in material. The practical application of the
AE first emerged in the 1950’s, but only in the last 20 years the science, technology and
applications of AE have progressed significantly. Currently AE has become one of the
most important non-destructive testing techniques. This interdisciplinary book consists
of nine chapters, which is a proof of the fact that the AE method is continuously and
intensively developing and widely applied in: on-line monitoring of civil-engineering
structures (e.g. highway bridges, skyscrapers, dams etc.), fatigue cracks detection
and location in pressure vessels and pipelines, damage assessment in fibre-reinforced
polymer-matrix composites, monitoring welding applications and corrosion processes,
bearing condition diagnostics, partial discharge sources detection and location in
power transformers and generators, monitoring the drying process of materials, quality
evaluation of fruits and vegetables and in otoacoustic emission analysis.

ISBN 978-953-51-6312-1

Photo by Sushaaa / iStock

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