Brooklyn 20
Brooklyn 20
Brooklyn 20
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Table of Contents
Tarsuit Caisson Retained Island 22
Hibernia Offshore Platform 23
CIDS Island Drilling System 24
Powell River Ships 26
Boknasundet Bridge 6
Sandhornøya Bridge 13
Raftsundet Bridge 14
Heidrun Floating Concrete
Offshore Platform 25
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
ESCSI Information Sheet # 4700.4
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
ESCSI Information Sheet # 4700.4
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
ESCSI Information Sheet # 4700.4
Boknasundet Bridge
Date of Construction:
March 1989 - Dec. 1990
Bridge Type: Balanced cantilever,
box girder
Location: State Highway No. RV 9, Norway,
over Boknasundet
Owner: Department of Public Roads
Engineer: Department of Public Roads
Contractor: Aker Entrepreneur
LWC Used In: Beams and deck
Wearing Surface: Normal density concrete
C-65 with steel fiber
Traffic: Heavy Trucks: 20%
Mix and Design Information
Antioch Bridge
Density: 1,950 kg/m3 (121.7 pcf) California, USA
Cement Content: 430 kg/m3 (724 #/cy)
Air Content: 3 - 4%
Lightweight Aggregate Producer: Liapor
Coarse Aggregate Type: Liapor 8
Fine Aggregate Type: Natural sand 0-5 mm
Compressive Strength: LWC 60 MPa cube
strength (8,700) psi (multiply by .9 for
approx cylinder equivalent)
Bridge Condition: 1991, Excellent
Antioch Bridge
Date of Construction: 1978
Location: State Highway No. 12,
over the Carquinez Strait Antioch Bridge
Owner: State of California
Pertinent Construction Information:
Engineer: Caltrans, PO Box 942874
2-lane bridge with a total length of 9,437 ft.; longest
Sacramento, CA
span, 460 ft.; Maximum vertical clearance 135 ft.
Contractor: Peter Kiewit & Sons Average width, 43.5 ft.
LWC Used In: Deck
Wearing Surface: Polyester SLC Bridge Description
Traffic: Moderate Trucks: 15% Lightweight reinforced concrete deck is on two con-
Mix and Design Information tinuous composite welded corten steel girders.
Density: 1,840 kg/m3 (115 pcf) Spans No. 1-4 are on reinforced concrete two-col-
Cement Content: 658 #/cy umn piers on precast, prestressed concrete piles.
Air Content: 4 - 6% Continuous reinforced concrete slabs (No. 41-70
Lightweight Aggregate Producer: are on reinforced concrete 4-column bents on pre-
Port Costa Materials cast, prestressed concrete piles. The condition
Coarse Aggregate Type: Baypor F-43 upon the most recent inspection (7-12-92), rating
Fine Aggregate Type: Natural sand was 7. The original rating was 9.
Compressive Strength: 4,000 psi
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
ESCSI Information Sheet # 4700.4
Coronado Bridge
Date of Construction: 1969
Location: State Highway No. 75
over San Diego Bay, San
Diego, CA
Owner: State of California
Engineer: E.R. Foley
Contractor: Murphy-Pacific Company;
W.F. Maxwell, Inc; Jay Atkinson Company
LWC Used In: Lightweight precast,
prestressed concrete girders
Wearing Surface: Normal weight concrete
Traffic: Moderate Trucks: 15%
Coronado Bridge
Pertinent Construction Information:
A total of 307 precast/prestress structural LWA girders were produced more than 100 miles from the bridge
site, and then transported overland for installation on the bridge spans. Of these girders, 206 are 5 feet 6 inch-
es deep, and 41 are 7 feet 6 inches deep. The average length of the smaller girders is 95 feet with a maximum
length of 117 feet, while the deeper girders are 151 feet long with two-foot-wide top flanges and 8-inch webs.
The structural LWC used for the pretensioned beams made possible the benefits of plant fabrication and
overland transportation to the bridge site. Precast in Santa Fe Springs, CA, the beams were produced under
close quality control. The elements were steam cured under conditions permitting tight controls on shrinkage
and modulus of elasticity.
Weight reduction of the smaller 5-foot 5-inch deep girders transported to the bridge site by highway was a
major factor in making this type of transportation feasible. The giant 151-foot girders were transported by the
Santa Fe Railroad to the bridge site. Each girder was loaded aboard three 60-foot flat cars with the first and
third cars supporting their weight. The center car served as a spacer. The girders were laterally braced for
transportation by means of the specially designed framing and cradling system.
Two 115-ton capacity truck cranes were used for their erection at the site. In all, the 11,179-foot-long bridge
contains 6,000 cubic yards of prestressed lightweight concrete.
Heart of America
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
ESCSI Information Sheet # 4700.4
Lewiston Pump-
Plant Bridge
Date of Construction: 1960
Location: State Highway I-190
Owner: New York State
Dept. of Transportation
Engineer: UHL, Hall & Rich, Boston, MA
Designer: Schupack & Zollman,
Newton Square, PA
Contractor: Tuscarora Contractors
Niagara Fall, NY
LWC Used In: Prestressed Lightweight Girders,
Lightweight slabs
Wearing Surface: 2.5 inch asphaltic
Traffic: Heavy ly since the deck of the bridge was about 100 feet
above the reservoir floor.
Mix and Design Information The 68-foot “I-shaped girders are 54 inches
Cement Content: 658 #/cy deep and were post-tensioned at a plant using 1.5
Air Content: 6% inch diameter cables made up of 12-wire assem-
Lightweight Aggregate Producer: blies. A 5,000-psi lightweight concrete using 7
Hydraulic Press Brick Company sacks of Type I cement provided sufficient
Compressive Strength: 5,000 psi strength in 16 hours so that the units could be
removed from the forms and placed in storage for
Lewiston Pump-Generating additional curing. Stressing operations followed in
three or four days. In addition to these I-shaped
Plant Bridge girders, 24 special walkway girders were required;
u-shaped sections are 6 feet wide and 3 feet 8
Pertinent Construction Information:
inches deep.
Precast units were manufactured by George
The roadway slabs are 3 inches thick and gen-
Rackle & Sons, Cleveland OH. After more than 40
erally measure 6 feet 10 inches by 2 feet. A 4,000
years of continuous service carrying heavy traffic
psi lightweight concrete mix was used for these
under well-known severe winter conditions, the
units. At the bridge site, the slabs were set into
Lewiston Bridge in New York near Niagara Falls will
span between girders and act as forms to receive
continue to carry traffic for many more years.
the 5-inch, cast-in-place concrete deck. The gird-
The bridge is constructed of 204 prestressed
ers have shear connectors extending from the top
lightweight concrete girders and nearly 6,000 pre-
flange into the deck concrete, and the slabs have
cast lightweight concrete roadway slabs. The units
roughened top surfaces so that a composite 8-
were plant produced near Cleveland, OH, and
inch deck is achieved for full live-load capacity.
shipped approximately 220 miles to the site. Using
high-strength Lightweight Structural Concrete in the
Bridge Condition on Most Recent Inspection:
elements was an important factor in reducing ship-
The 1991 inspection by NY DOT Region 5
ping costs and gaining the advantages of an effi-
reports that the lightweight concrete structural
cient plant-casting operation. The design
members and the concrete deck are in almost
approach, which made full use of precast units,
new condition.
greatly reduced bridge construction costs, especial-
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
ESCSI Information Sheet # 4700.4
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
ESCSI Information Sheet # 4700.4
William Preston
Lane Jr. Bridge
Date of Construction:
East bound (original) 1952
West bound 1975
Redecked East bound 1988
Location: State Highway No. 50
over Chesapeake Bay
Owner: Maryland Toll Facilities Administration
Engineer: Greiner Engineering Sciences
Contractor: Whiting Turner weight aggregate. Water-cement ratio was 0.40, 28-day
LWC Used In: All concrete decks, barriers and compressive strength, 4,830 psi; and air-dry unit weight,
parapet walls 103# per cubic foot. In 1975, after the second parallel
Wearing Surface: Various materials bridge crossing had been built, the first bridge was tem-
Traffic: Very heavy (80,000 vehicles/day porarily closed for inspection and maintenance.
in summer) Petrographic analysis on core samples taken after the
Mix and Design Information asphalt wearing surface was removed showed secure
adhesion between the aggregate and cement paste and
1952 East Bound
little evidence of cracking. Additional examinations in
Density: 103 pcf
1983 supported the findings of the 1975 studies and dis-
Cement Content: 705 #/cy closed negligible further deterioration.
Lightweight Aggregate Producer: These studies confirm that lightweight concrete is
Carolina SOLITE Corp. durable when exposed to freezing and thawing cycles.
Aggregate Type: Carolina SOLITE 3/4 in.- No.4, Because the modulus of elasticity of lightweight aggregate
#4-0 and Natural Sand is close to the modulus of elasticity of the concrete mortar,
Compressive Strength: 3,500 psi stresses in the contact zone between aggregate and mor-
1975 West Bound tar are significantly reduced. The aggregate and mortar,
Lightweight Producer: Norlite Corporation in this case, tend to behave as one homogeneous materi-
1988 Redecking (East Bound) al. On the other hand when the modulus of elasticity of
Lightweight Producer: Carolina SOLITE Corp. aggregate differs significantly from that of the mortar, the
Parapet Walls: Constructed with extruded, zero mortar and aggregate as dissimilar materials: Example:
slump, 3-way mix consisting of Carolina When the concrete consists of stiff aggregate in soft mor-
SOLITE coarse aggregate, AF Old SOLITE tar (normalweight concrete), bond strength between
fine aggregate, and a minimum amount of aggregate and mortar may be exceeded and contact zone
microcracking may occur. When concrete consists of soft
natural sand; design weight: 105 pcf
aggregate instill mortar (very low density, nonstructural
lightweight concrete), the soft aggregate is crushed.
However, when aggregate and mortar have similar
William Preston Lane Jr. Bridge strength and elastic properties (Structural Lightweight
Concrete), aggregate and mortar are securely bonded and
Other Pertinent Data: From a durability perspective, microcracking is reduced. Fewer microcracks mean fewer
the lightweight concrete outperformed the normalweight places for water and de-icers to enter the concrete and
concrete used in the approach-spans. cause damage.
Pertinent Construction Information: The Chesapeake A 1973 Russian study has shown that for lightweight
Bay Bridge: Lightweight Concrete Remains durable concrete, the micro-hardness of mortar in contact with
After 33 Years, by T.A. Holm, P.E., F.A.C.I. aggregate is much greater than the micro-hardness of
Built in 1952 over the Chesapeake Bay, the William mortar outside this zone. This is due in part to a chemical
Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge was made of structural reaction between the products of cement hydration and
lightweight concrete with the following batch quantities the aluminosilicates formed at the surface of the light-
for a cubic yard of concrete: 7.5 sacks of cement, 1370# weight aggregate during high temperature production of
of fine lightweight aggregate and 750# of coarse light- the aggregate.
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
ESCSI Information Sheet # 4700.4
Bridge Type:
box girder
Date of Construction
3/88 – 9/89
State Highway
No. RV 17, Norway
Owner: Department of Public Roads
Engineer: A. Aas Jacobsen, A.S.
Contractor: Eeg Henriksen, A.S.
LWC Used In: Deck and beams
Traffic: Heavy Trucks: 15%
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
ESCSI Information Sheet # 4700.4
Raftsundet Bridge
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and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
ESCSI Information Sheet # 4700.4
Date of Construction:
Scheduled for Completion:
November 2003
Location: Monongahela River, Braddock, PA
Owner: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Engineer: Ben C. Gerwick
Contractor: J.A. Jones, Traylor Bros. (above) Floatable section to be placed on pier foundation
(Joint venture)
Architect: Bergman Associates
LWC Used In: Pre-cast interior dam supports
and floor sections
Mix and Design Information
Specified Compressive
Strength @ 28 days: 5,000 psi
Specified Maximum Saturated
Cast-in-place SLC interior supports and floor sections
Density @ 28 days: 125 lb/ft3
Air Content: 6%
Super plasticizer (Bottom Slab Only):
48 oz/yd3
Weir Bay Sections: 110 ft. x 103 ft.
Dam Section One: 333 ft. x 103 ft.
Dam Section Two: 265 ft. x 103 ft.
Floatable section under construction (Feb. 2001)
Lightweight Aggregate Producer:
Hydraulic Press Brick Company
Coarse Aggregate Type: Haydite 3/4”- No. 4
Fine Aggregate Type: Tri-State Dredge 16
Compressive Strength: 5,886 psi
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
Date of
City of Folsom, California, American River Bridge
over Lake Natoma
Owner: City of Folsom Pertinent Construction Information:
Engineer: HDR Engineering This bridge crosses lake Natoma and Negro Bar
Contractor: C.C. Meyers, Inc. State Park, and connects Folsom Blvd. to the
south with Folsom-Auburn Road to the north. The
LWC use in: Two concrete box frames
690-meter-long structure consists of two structural
lightweight concrete box frames supported by
Mix and Design Information seismic isolation bearings. The substructure con-
Density: 125 pcf sists of deep, large diameter drilled shafts. The
Cement Content: 752 lbs. Type III lake crossing consists of three 100-meter spans
Air Content: 6% with 55-meter back spans of dual single cell, pre-
Lightweight Aggregate Producer: stressed concrete, haunched box girders with a
continuous 33.6-meter wide deck. Drilled shafts
TXI - Pacific Custom
are 2.5 meters in diameter, with maximum trip
about 27 meters below the lake surface. Precast,
post-tensioned lightweight concrete decorative
arches are below each cell of the main spans.
Arch thrusts are supported by four inclined shafts,
installed coincident with with the arch thrust line at
each end of the two series of three arches. The
park crossing consists of five 58-meter maximum
spans of multi-cell, prestressed concrete, constant
depth box girders, with a deck varying in width
from 33.6 meters to 41.2 meters. Drilled shafts
are 2.0 meters in diameter, and have a maximum
tip about 10 meters below ground. The structure
will carry four lanes of traffic, shoulders, side-
walks, and a median with sufficient width for future
LRT/HOV lanes.
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
Brooklyn Bridge
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
8th Street
Date of Completion:
Location: Sheboygan,
Owner: State of Wisconsin/
City of Sheboygan, WI
Engineer: Teng & Associates,Inc.
Chicago, Ill.
Contractor: Lunda Construction
Company, Black River
Falls, Wisconsin
LWC use on: Deck
Bascule Span: 81 feet
Bridge Width: 75 feet
Lightweight Aggregate
Wisconsin Electric Power
Company – Minergy LWA
8th Street Bridge
Mix & Design Information:
Density: Fresh density less Description:
than 120 lbs/cf First bascule bridge in the world constructed with
Equilibrium density less a reinforced concrete deck. This single-leaf,
than 115 lbs/cf unbalanced bascule bridge consists of a 6” light-
weight concrete deck carried by a pair of longitu-
Cement Content: 650 lbs/cf
dinal steel girders interconnected at the pivot
plus 55 lbs/cf silica fume end by circular cross girders. The bridge is built
Air Content: 8% without a counterweight and relies on hydraulic
Coarse Aggregate: power to lift and lower it.
Minergy LWA 1/2” x #4
Fine Aggregate: Natural sand
Admixture: High Range Water Reducer
Physical Properties: Minimum 3000 psi
at 7 days; 4000 psi at 28 days
Rapid Chloride Ion Permeability
Test: less than 1000 coulombs
w/cm < 0.40
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
Hibernia Offshore
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and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
CIDS Island
Drilling System
Date of Construction:
Location: Beaufort Sea,
LWA Used In:Slabs and
Connecting Walls
Compressive Strength:
6,500 psi (45 MPa)
Mix and Design
Density: 1750 pcf
Cement Content:
Slabs: 557 kg/m3 + 61 kg/m3 fly ash CIDS Island Drilling System
Icewalls: 460 kg/m3 + 46 kg/m3
silica fume Other Pertinent Data:
Air Content: 6-8% In 1984 with the use of High Strength Low Density
Lightweight Aggregate Producer: Mesalite Concrete the concrete drilling system was built in
Coarse Aggregate Type: Mesalite Japan and also towed to the Beaufort Sea. In addition
to reducing draft during construction and towing, use
Fine Aggregate Type: Natural Sand
of HSLDC in offshore gravity-based structures can be
Compressive Strength: 6,500 psi (45 MPa)
justified by the improved floating stability as well as
the opportunity to carry more topside loads, A large
part of the intermediate level of this structure was con-
structed with HSLDC.
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /
and other Marine Structures
with Structural Lightweight Aggregate Concrete
Pertinent Data:
Ten concrete ships are currently being used as a floating breakwater around the log pond at the
Pacific Paper Powell River Plant in British Columbia, Canada. After approximately 55 to 80 years of
marine exposure, these ships are showing varying degrees of deterioration. The ships were con-
structed with a double mat of reinforcing steel and expanded lightweight shale aggregate concrete.
Two separate inspections were conducted over the last seven years to evaluate the conditions of the
hulls, decks, and other components of five of the ships. Cores taken from various portions of the
ships with different exposure conditions were subjected to laboratory analysis and testing, including
testing for compressive strength and petrographic examination. Results of these tests indicate that
the lightweight aggregate concrete that the ships are constructed of has performed well, considering
the harsh marine environment to which they are exposed.
All the ships exhibited evidence of spalling induced by the corrosion of embedded steel reinforce-
ment. However, the extent and severity of spalling varies between ships and was influenced by the
depth of concrete covered over the reinforcement, the development of structurally-related cracking in
the ships’ hulls and decks, and the penetration of air, moisture, and salts to the level of the reinforcing
steel. Lightweight aggregate concrete in parts of the ships not exhibiting delaminations are in general-
ly good condition and the cement matrix exhibits a tight microstructure and apparent low permeability
to seawater. The manufactured lightweight aggregate used in the concrete is essentially unchanged
proving that it is durable in a harsh marine environment. Compressive strength of the concrete meets
or exceeds the designed minimum compressive strength of 35 MPa (5,000 psi). Overall, the light-
weight aggregate concrete is of excellent quality and has performed well for over 50 years.
Text taken from the ACI publication, SP 189-7, “Evaluation of Lightweight Concrete Performance in 55
to 80 Year Old Ship,” by R.D. Sturm, N. McAshkill, R.G. Burg, and D.R. Morgan.
For additional information about Expanded Shale, Clay and Slate Aggregate – 801-272-7070 /