Rent Agreement
Rent Agreement
Rent Agreement
Village Name: pahadi Date: 24/11/2021
Receipt No.:16043
Document No.: BRL1/14469/2021
Document Type :Leave and Licenses(36 A)
Presentor Name: Hashme Iranali Irphanali
Registration Fee |1000.00
Total: 1000.00
_eave and Licenses
Agreement executed by presentor and Ghatak Arpan is received iOr tion.
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Joint S R Bonvali
1) Name: Mr.Ghatak Arpan , Age: About 43 Years, Occupation: Service, PAN: AKRPG6037G
Residing at Flat No:D4/11, Building Name:SECTOR 49, Block Sector:SOUTH CITY-II
Road:JASMINE STREET, GURGAON, Gurgaon, Haryana, 122018
HEREINAFTER called 'the Licensee' (which expression shall mean and include only Licensee
above named).
WHEREAS the Licensor is absolutely seized and possessed of and or otherwise well and
sufficiently entitled to all that constructed portion being unit described in Schedule I hereunder
written and are hereater for the sake of brevity called or referred to as Licensed Premises and
islare desirous of giving the said premises on Leave and License basis under Section 24 of the
Maharashtra Rent Control Act, 1999.
AND WHEREAS the Licensee herein is in need of temporary premises for Residential use
has/have approached the Licensor with a request to allow the Licensee herein to use and occupy
the said premises on Leave and License basis for a period of 11 Moths commencing from
01/12/2021 and ending on 31/10/2022, on terms and subject to conditions hereafter appearing.
AND WHEREAS the Licensor have agreed to allow the Licensee herein to use and occupy the
said Licensed premises for his aforesaid Residential purposes only, on Leave and License basis
for above mentioned period, on terms and subject to conditions hereafter appearing;
consumed on the licensed premises and should submit original receipts to Licensor indicatina that
purpose.The Licensee shall maintain the said premises in its existing condition and damage, if anu
caused to the said premises, the same shall be repaired by the Licensee at its Own cost subject to
normal wear and tear. The Licensee shall not do anything in the said premises which is or is likel
to cause a nuisance to the other occupants of the said building or to the prejudice in any manner to
the rights of Licensor in respect of said premises or shall not do any uniaul activities prohibited
8) No Tenancy: That the Licensee shall not claim any tenancy right and shall not have any right to
transfer, assign, and sublet or grant any license or sub-license in respect of the Licensed Premises
or any part thereof and also shall not mortgage or raise any loan against the said premises.
Registered as Document
No.14469/2021 at the Joint S.R. Borivali I on 24/11/2021
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11) Possession: That the immediately at on the expiration or termination or cancellation or tis
agreement the Licensee shall vacate the said premises without delay with all his goods and
belongings. In the event of the Licensee failing and / or neglecting to remove himself and / or his
articles from the said premises on expiry or sooner determination of this Agrement ,the Licensor
shall be entitled to recover damages at the rate of double the daily amount ofcompensation per
day and or alternatively the Licensor shall be entiled to remove the Licensee and his belongings
from the Licensed premises, without recourse to the Court of Law.
12) Miscellaneous: Licensee cannot obtain Aadhaar card, Ration card, Pan card, Election card,
Loans, Driving license, Passport on the below mentioned leave and license premises.
13) Registration: This Agreement is to be registered and the expenditure of Stamp duty
registration fees and incidental charges, if any, shall be borne by the Licensee and Licensor
(Being the corect description of premise Apartment/Flat which is the subject matter of these
All that constructed portion being Residential unit bearing Apartment/Flat No. 1601, Buit-up:1340
SquareFeet,situated on the
16TH Floor of a Building known as standing on
the plot of land bearing C.T.S. Number:01,Road: I B PATEL ROAD, Location: GOREGAON EAST
MUMBAI400063, of Village:Pahadi goregaon,situated within the revenuelimits of Tehsi Borivali
and Dist Mumbai Sub-urban District and situated within the limits of Mumbai Municipal Corporation
IN WITNESs WHEREOF the parties hereto have set and subscribed their respective signatures by
way of putting thumb impression electronic signature hereto in the presence of witness, who are
identifying the executants, on the day, month and year first above written.
Ghatak Arpan |15/11/2021 15/11/2021 ARPAN GHATAK, Male, XXXX
07:10:05 PM 07:10:43 PM XXXX 3235
identifierfor all
executants 15/11/2021 15/11/2021 Naresh Satyanarayan Saboo,
Saboo NARESHO7:15:17 PM 07:15:35 PM Male, XXXX XXXX 3161
identifierfor all
executants 15/11/2021 15/11/2021 Rahul Vikramajit Yadav, Male,
Yadav RAHUL p7:18:11 PM 07:18:48 PM XXxX xXXx 6175
55000/ 16TH,
Floor No:
Apartment/Flat No:1601,
4 )PropertyDesaription
Corporation: Mumbai, Other details: 400063,
ssessmento rJ u d i
43 Address: Flat
a n d Address Apan Age: Road:JASMINE STREET, City:GURGAON,
BIock Sector:.SOUTH CITY-,
State: Haryana, Pin: 122018
DIstrict Gurgaon,
E X E C u t i o n
Date of
(11) R e g i s t r a t i o n N u m b e r / Y e a r
(12)Stamp Duty
Rs. 000/
(13) Registration Fee
1 4 )R e m a r k
of Joint S.R.Borivali
Thumb Impression
nt S.R. Borivali 1
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