Aladdin II

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brano industries (pty) ltd.

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tel +27 (011) 887-0625 fax +27 (011) 887-7616
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Setup Instruction and

Users Manual
Aladdin II Domestic Garage Door Operator

Manual AL - N01 Version 1

When in doubt .........

.................. Read the Manual !!!
COPYRIGHT C brano industries (pty) ltd.
October 2009
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Garage Door Operator Installation Manual

Section Page Description Dear Installer,

No. No. Thank you for choosing a "brano industries"
00 Index garage door operator for your installation.
00 "brano" Distribution Centres This operator incorporates the very latest
features associated with this type of equipment
and complies with SABS - IEC 60335 - 2 - 95
1 Technical Specifications and equivalent US, European, British and
1 01 Technical Specifications Australian standards.
2 01 Operator Parts Only the very best materials have been used in
the manufacture of the machine. Extensive and
3 02 Control Panel Layout
punishing testing of the door operator has given
4 02 Terminals and Connctions us the confidence to offer a 1 year Limited
Warranty on the unit subject to the terms and
2 Programming The Operator conditions contained herein.
1 03 Applying Power We trust that you will find the operator to be
everything you could want in a garage door
2 03 Setting The Open And Closed operator and a profitable one to work with.
If you have any queries or simply would like to tell
3 03 Programming The Transmitters us of your experiences with this operator please
4 04 Setting The Force Adjustment contact us.
5 04 Installing Infra Red Safety Yours sincerely,
Beams brano industries (pty) ltd.
6 05 Setting The Auto-Close Timer September 2009
7 05 Switching The Auto-Close
Function ON and OFF
8 06 Setting The Maintenance Johannesburg brano industries (pty) ltd.
Flashing Counter Head Office:- 22 - 3rd Street, Wynberg, Sandton.
and Factory PO Box 277, Bramley, 2018, RSA.
Tel (+27) 011- 887- 0625 / 6 / 7 / 8
3 Quick Reference Guide Fax (+27) 011- 887- 7616
1 06 Quick Reference Guide
Cape Town brano cape (pty) ltd
Tel 021- 552- 5350 Fax 021- 552- 5350

Pretoria brano pretoria (pty) ltd

Tel 012 - 349 - 1494 Fax 012 - 349 - 2963

Westrand brano westrand cc

Tel 011 - 760 - 5773 / 3884 Fax 011 - 760 - 5774

For more information on your nearest

agent or distribution center
please contact us on our
Share Call Number:-

08600 - 27266

page inside cover

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Technical Specifications

1 Technical Specifications 2 Operator Parts

1.1 Power Input

220 VAC - 50Hz

1.2 Electric Motor

24 VDC

1.3 Working Temperature

-20 to 50 Degrees Celsius

1.4 Opening and Closing Force

1000 N

1.5 Receiver
On Board - 433.92 Mhz - Rolling

1.6 Lamp
24V - 5 Watt - Bayonet Type

1.7 Courtesy Light Time

3 Minutes

1.8 Programming Console

Soft Touch Push Button Control
Pad with LED Display

1.9 Functions
Soft Start and Soft Stop
Adjustable Overload Sensitivity
Connection Points for Safety
Beams or Pressure Sensitive
Optional Backup Battery
Optional Auto-Close function

The Auto-Close function should not
be activated unless Infra Red Safety
Beams have been installed. An
external power supply is needed to
supply power to the Infra Red Safety
beams, power CANNOT be drawn
from the operator PC Board.

“brano” door operator installation manual"

page 01
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Technical Specifications

3 Control Panels Layout

4 Terminals and Connections

page 02
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Programming The Operator

1 Applying Power The LED display will change from “OP”

Ensure that the traveller is in engaged to “CL” to show that the up limit have
by moving the door until a click is been set. Using the “DOWN” button,
heard and the traveller is connected to jog the door to the closed position. The
the chain. display will show “CL” throughout this
Turn the power supply to the operator operation. Once the closed position is
on. The courtesy light will turn on for reached press the “SET” button. The
several seconds while the LED display operator will open and then close the
counts from “99” to “11”. door automatically to complete the
setup procedure. The LED display will
show “OP” during the up cycle and
“CL” during the down cycle. Once the
setup procedure is completed the
operator will return to “STANDBY”
Once the auto test cycle has completed
the courtesy light will switch off and the
operator will go into standby mode.
The operator is now ready to program.
3 Programming The Transmitters
With the operator in “STANDBY” mode
press the “CODE” button. The LED
display will change to display “SU”.
2 Setting The Open And Closed Limits
With operator engaged to the door
ensure that the door in about 150 mm
above the floor. Press and hold “SET”
until the operator displays “P1”. Press
the “SET” button to confirm setup
Press and release the button on the
transmitter that you want to program.
The “SU” on the LED display will flash,
then press and release the same button
on the transmitter again. The operator
will return to “STANDBY” mode when
The display changes to show “OP”. the transmitter is successfully
Use the “UP” button to jog the door all programmed in.
the way to the fully open position, the
display will show “OP” throughout this
operation. When the open position is
reached, press the “SET” button.

The operator can store 20 transmitter

codes. When the receiver memory is
full the LED display will flash “FU” to
show that the memory is full.
page 03
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Programming The Operator

Press the “SET” button to enter setup

mode. The display will show the current
setting. To increase the sensitivity
press the “UP” button and to decrease
the sensitivity press the “DOWN”
button. When the desired sensitivity is
To clear the memory press and hold the
reached press the”SET” button and
“CODE” button for 10 seconds. During
this time the display will change to the operator will return to “STANDBY”
mode to show that the setting is
show “SU” and once the memory is
clear the display will show “DL”.

Important Note: 5 Installing Infra Red Safety Beams

Always clear the operator memory on first The operator is designed to have Infra
installation as the all the transmitter buttons Red Safety beams connected as an
are coded in, in the factory for testing optional safety device. The operator
purposes. must be set up to be able to function
correctly with this device connected.
4 Setting The Force Adjustment PLEASE NOTE:- An external power
The operator is designed to sense source is needed for the IR Safety
obstructions under the door. The Beams. If a back-up battery is installed
operator will stop and reverse the operator will not close the door
direction if it is obstructed in the down when the mains power is interrupted as
direction. If it is obstructed in the up the IR Safety Beams will not be
direction the operator stop. functioning. The door will have to be
The operator has 9 sensitivity levels closed manually. If battery back-up is a
with “F1” being the most sensitive and requirement it is suggested that IR
“F9” being the least sensitive. The Safety Beams are NOT fitted to the
default setting is “F5” and it should not operator.
be necessary to adjust this setting if the To install the IR Safety Beams press
door is properly balanced. and hold the “SET” button until the
display shows “P1”. Press the “UP”
To adjust the force sensitivity press and button until the display shows “P3”.
hold the “SET” button until the display Press the “SET” button to enter the
shows “P1”. Press the “UP” button setup mode.
once and the display will show “P2”.

page 04
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Programming The Operator

The display will show the current “10” seconds is the minimum and
setting - in the default setting “H0” the “90” seconds the maximum that the
IR Safety Beams are disabled. Use the timer can be set to.
“UP” and “DOWN” buttons to switch
between “H0” - IR Beams disabled and
“H1” - IR Beams enabled.

When the desired time is reached press

the “SET” button. The operator will
return to “STANDBY” mode to indicate
When the desired setting is reached that the setting is complete.
press the “SET” button. The operator
will return to “STANDBY” mode to
indicate that the setup is complete.

7 Switching The Auto-Close Function

The default setting for the Auto-Close
5 Setting the Auto-Close Timer function is off. The function must be
Important Note:- turned on before the operator will close
The Auto-Close function should not be the door automatically. To switch the
used unless IR Safety Beams are fitted auto-close funtion “ON” or “OFF”
to the operator. Brano Industries press and hold the “SET” button until
recommends that the Auto-Close the display shows “P1”. Press the
function be disabled. Using this function “UP” button until the display shows
is done entirely at the risk of the “P5”.
installer and the home owner. Brano
Industries cannot be held responsible
for any damage to property and or
injury to persons.
To set the auto-close function press
and hold the “SET” button until the Press the “SET” button and the display
display shows “P1”. Press the “UP” will show the current setting. Press the
button until the display shows “P4”. “UP” or “DOWN” button to switch
between “b0” - Auto-Close Disabled
and “b0” - Auto-Close Enabled.

Press the “SET” button to enter the

setup mode and the display will show
the current setting. Using the “UP” and When the desired setting is reached
“DOWN” buttons adjust the setting press the “SET” button. The operator
until you reach the desired auto-close will return to “STANDBY” mode to
time. indicate that the setup is complete.
page 05
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Programming The Operator Quick Reference Guide

8 Setting the Maintenance Flashing Functions

The operator is equipped with 1 “P1” - Limits Settings
maintenance flashing counter that “OP” - Open Limit
enables you to set the courtesy light to “CL” - Closed Limit
flash for 2 minutes after a preset
number of cycles have been 2 “P2” - Closing Force Adjustment
completed. This let the user know that “F1” - Most Sensitive
the operator needs a service. The “F5” - Default Setting
counter has 9 levels and each levels “F9” - Least Sensitive
accounts for 2000 complete cycles. 3 “P3” - Setting IR Safety Beams
To set the maintenance counter press “H0” - IR Safety Beams Disabled
and hold the “SET” button until the “H1” - IR Safety Beams Enabled
display shows “P1”. Press the “UP”
button until the display shows “P6”. 4 “P4” - Setting Auto-Close Timer
Press the “SET” button to enter the “10” - 10 Seconds - Shortest Setting
setup mode. “20” - 20 Seconds
“30” - 30 Seconds
“40” - 40 Seconds
“50” - 50 Seconds
“60” - 60 Seconds
“70” - 70 Seconds
“80” - 80 Seconds
The display will show the current “90” - 90 Seconds - Longest Setting
status. Use the “UP” and “DOWN”
5 “P5” - Auto-Close ON and OFF
button to move between “C0” and
“b0” - Auto-Close Disabled (OFF)
“C9”. When the desired setting is
“b1” - Auto-Close Enabled (ON)
reached press the “SET” button. The
operator will return to “STANDBY” 6 “P6” - Setting The Maintenance
mode to show that the setting is Flashing Counter
complete. “C0” - Maintenance Flashing Disabled
“C1” - Flash after 2000 Cycles
“C2” - Flash after 4000 Cycles
“C3” - Flash after 6000 Cycles
“C4” - Flash after 8000 Cycles
“C5” - Flash after 10000 Cycles
“C6” - Flash after 12000 Cycles
Important note:- “C7” - Flash after 14000 Cycles
The counter is set in 2000 cycle increments. “C8” - Flash after 16000 Cycles
“C0” - OFF “C9” - Flash after 18000 Cycles
“C1” - 2000 Cycles 7 “CODE” - Programming The
“C2” - 4000 Cycles Up to
“C8” - 16000 Cycles and
“Fu” - Memory Full
“C9” - 18000 Cycles.
“dl” - Memory Cleared
“Su” - Search Unit - Waiting for Code to
be programmed

page 06
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