Ramdhuni Boq

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Bill of Quantities

Contract Identification No./ID :- BSMC/NCB/01/079/080

Project Name :- [Construction of Bhadgaun Sinuwari Multiple Campus Building National Competitive Bidding (NCB)]
Estimated Amount :- Rs. 9782923.12 (Including VAT)
1 Provisional sum
Procurement item Details
SL. Item Name & Description Unit Quantity Bidder's Rate Amount Rs.

Insurance premium for the work, plant and materials damage for
contract work for all risk, third party liability personal only per
1 PS 1 45000 45000
person, Insurance Premium for construction equipments and
machines & Insurance premium for the insurance of owner and
Techinical Person of contractor & Owner staff
Performing required Lab Test as per work required and Technical
2 PS 1 10000 10000
2 Construction work
2.1 Building Construction Work
Procurement item Details
SL. Item Name & Description Unit Quantity Bidder's Rate Amount Rs.
Placing of Hoarding Board about site information of approved size
1 with site clearance before & after the completation of work job 1 12500 12500.00
including dustbins.

Earthwork in excavation of foundation of structure in ordinary

soil including construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
2 Cu.m 225.8099976 389.5 87952.99
stumps and other deleterius matter and backfilling with approved
material as drawings and technical specifications.@ Depth upto
3m ( mechanical means)
Stone soling work in foundation with approved size and quality
3 Cu.m 18.09000015 2500 45225.00
and required level with complete work

Providing and laying machine mixed P.C.C. work 1:3:6 in

floorwith cement, sand and stone ballast max.size 25 mm guage
4 Cu.m 15.10000038 11000 166100.00
including setting out,mixing , compacting, curing and finishingetc.
to approved level, lines and dimensionall complete as per
specification, drawing and intruction of the site engineer.

5 Providing, laying, compacting and curing average 75 mm thick sqm 232.0700073 1200 278484.01
1:2:4 concrete on floor in perfect lines & level as per design.
Providing, laying, compacting and curing M20 (1:1.5:3) plain
cement concrete for slab, beams, tie beam Lintel Sill and all kinds
of R.C.C. works with cement sand and stone ballast 20mm down
6 Cu.m 111.4199982 11500 1281329.98
finishing to approved level, line and dimensions all complete as
per specifications, drawings and instructions of the site engineer,
all complete.

Reinforcement bars (Grade Fe500) work including straightening,

cleaning, cutting, bending, binding with 20 SWG annealed wire &
7 fixing in position as per drawing, bar bending schedule for raft Kg 15918.58008 120 1910229.61
foundation column, beam, wall, stair, slab in all R.C.C. works as
per specification, drawing & instruction of site engineer.
Approved brands: Himal Iron, Panchakanya or equivalent.
Centering and shuttering with plywood for Column, Beam, Slab &
other RCC work including all necessary propping, scaffolding,
8 Sqm 560.6699829 525 294351.74
staging, supporting, dismantling and clearing from the site,
including shuttering all complete as per design drawings,
specifications and instruction of the site engineer .

First class local chimney made brick work in cement sand

9 mortar(1:6) in foundation & superstructure in perfect line and Cu.m 103.5999985 12500 1294999.98
level including wetting the brick,packing the joints and curing all
types of works as per specification and instruction by Engineer

Providing, laying & curing 12.5 mm cement sand (1:6) Plastering

on walls to perfect plumb, lines & level including raking the
10 Sqm 594.5200195 300 178356.01
mortar joints and wetting the masonry surface all complete as per
design drawings, specifications and instruction of the site
engineer all complete:

Providing, laying & curing 12.5 mm cement sand (1:3) Plastering

on Ceiling to perfect plumb, lines & level including raking the
11 Sqm 232.0700073 350 81224.50
mortar joints and wetting the surface all complete as per design
drawings, specifications and instruction of the site engineer all
Earth filling work with transported soil upto 10m and spreading in
12 15 cm -15 cm layer and compaction manually with watering and cum 817.6900024 450 367960.50
all complete work
Sand Filling as per drawing, specification and instructions of a site
13 cum 21.57999992 550 11869.00

Providing and laying loose granular sub-base on prepared surface,

14 cum 21.57999992 1800 38844.00
with normal compaction by mechanical means, complete as per
Drawing and Technical Specifications.
Supplying & Fixing of chaukas of sal wood in perfect line & level
15 cum 1.149999976 250000 287499.99
will all complete work

38 mm seasoned sal wood fully panelled shutter for doors and

16 sqm 38.22000122 14500 554190.02
windows with necessary tower bolts, hinge, screws, locking set all
complete work as per specification and instructions

5X20 MM MS grill work inlcuding rubbing with rough paper and

17 kg 540 180 97200.00
painting with red oxide and placing in position and fixing all
complete as per instructions and specifications

Steel Tubular(Black Pipe) Section Truss, Strut,Purlin,tie, Ms Plate,

18 Nutt Bolt work including supplying, Fabrication, Fixing, approved kg 215.7100067 180 38827.80
Quality with one coat red lead paint all complete as work as per
specification & instruction of Site Engineer
supplying and fixing 26 gauge coloured corrugated roofing sheet
19 sqm 35 1500 52500.00
in perfect line and level with all complete work
Total Item Price
Total Item Price 7079645.14
VAT 13% 920353.87
Total Price Including VAT 7999999.01
Provisional Sum 55000.00
Grand Total 8054999.01
Below= 18.22%

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