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Value and Importance

Food - For Our Overall Development,

Is life enhancing if consumed n cooked in right way with correct


It is written in Ayurveda,

When diet is wrong medicine is of no use.

When diet is correct medicine is of no need.

● A person should take meal only Generally half of the capacity of

when he feels hungry. stomach should be filled with
● Lunch should be taken early solids, ¼ th with liquids and rest
between 11A.M. and 1P.M. , this kept empty for the free
coincides with the peak Pitta movements of body humors.
period, Capacity of stomach can be
● Pitta is responsible for the analyze by ingestion capacity of
digestion. Ayurveda a person.
recommends that the lunch
should be the largest meal of
the day. Dinner should be
lesser and lighter than lunch.


Madhur (sweet) rasa food like fruits

are advisable to take in the
beginning of meal, food with Amla
and Lavana (sour and salty) rasa in
the middle and Katu, Tikta, Kashay
(bitter ,astringent and pungent)
foods should be taken at the end of
meal for healthy one.

This serial of food intake will

prevent over eating by inhabiting
sanitary center.

● First wash the face, hands and feet before meal. Selected an isolated
neat and clean place in pleasant environment with the affectionate
persons in sitting position.
● Food should be taken after complete digestion of previous one. Chew
your food until it is an even consistency before swallowing.
● Hard items should be consumed in the beginning followed by soft and
liquids subsequently.
● Heavy substances are contraindicated after meals and should be
● Do not drink cold drinks just prior to or while eating, also don't drink
large quantities of liquid during meal. This weakens digestion.

● Milk followed by fruits and vice versa.

● Soar substance along with milk.
● Milk with salt, horse gram, green gram & cow gram
● Wheat preparations in Tila taila
● Hot drinks after alcohol, curd or honey
● Cold and hot substances together Banana with curd and butter milk
● Ghee kept in bronze vessel
● Radish with jaggery
● Fish with jaggery or sugar

Use of incompatible food leads to skin disorders, Gastro intestinal disorders,

constipation, anemia, leucoderma, hyperacidity, impotence etc. hence these should
be avoided
Green tea or black tea and milk
Tea contains flavonoids called catechins, which have many beneficial effects on the
heart. When milk is added to tea, then a group of proteins in milk, called caseins,
interact with the tea to reduce the concentration of catechins. So avoid tea and milk

Milk and yoghurt interaction

As you know consuming both together can precipitate milk inside the stomach that may
irritate and induce vomiting. So avoid milk and yoghurt together.

Tea and garlic

Tea contains anticoagulant compounds called coumarins. When combined with garlic
(that also has anti clotting properties), they may increase the risk of bleeding. So, better
to avoid tea and garlic together.
Pomegranate juice and grapefruit juice
Pomegranate juice and grapefruit juice, are both known to block the cytochrome P450
3A4 enzyme systems in the intestines and increase blood levels of many medications you
are taking. Taking these two juices together may synergize the above action.

Unripe (green) tomatoes or potatoes and alcohol

The unripe green tomatoes contain huge amount of solanine, which may interact with
alcohol. You may feel more sedation if the intake is more.

Sanskara Viruddha
Deep frying of potatoes can develop toxic substances, such as acrylamide, which can
prove to be carcinogenic.

Eating potato chips regularly is Sanskara viruddha. It is also mentioned in Ayurved text
that heating honey is Sanskar Viruddha. Honey that is available in the market is Agmark
honey and this honey is strongly heated before packaging. It is very important to find
the relevance about why we must not heat honey.
Learning Modern Concepts

A calorie is a unit of energy. In nutrition,

calories refer to the energy people get from
the food and drink they consume, and the
energy they use in physical activity.
You can consume 150 calories by eating a candy bar, for instance,
or by eating 30 cups of lettuce. Understanding exactly what a
calorie is, and why we count them, can help when making dietary
Nutrition Components AWARENESS



Protein Vitamins

1gm = 4 cal 1gm = 2 cal

Carbohydrates Minerals

1gm = 9 cal
1gm = 4 cal 1gm= 2 cal

Water Most important components 15

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