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Section 5 - Civil Works Requirements

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BSMSN Surhcc War.r Tre ncnl Plafl hoFct Employ./3 (Technic{l} Rcquircmcnts

Employer's (Technical) Requirement!


Civil Works Requirements


ol Wale

* *

Bangladcsh 4) BSMSN SWT?-Tcnd.r Docum.nl volumc-l

BSMSN Surlee Watcr Trcarmcnl PlanrProt€cr Employc/s (T.chnical ) Req u iremcnts


5.1 General

This Section contains Civil Works Requirements.

5.I .l lntroduction and Contents

The Requirements are based on British Standards Eguipment and materials. Workmanship and methods of
working which meet other internationally accepted standards which ensure quality equivalent to or higher
than the British Standard specified will also be accepted. Where goods or materials of Chinese and
Baagladeshi origin are to bc incorporatcd into thc works, the relevant Chinese and Bangladeshi Standard
shall be certified by the corresponding (BS/EN/ISO/ASTM/ACVAWWA etc.) lnstitutional Standardization

Mat€rials shall only be purchased from organizations which operate under a quality assurance system.
Wherever possible, this system should be accredited under an internationally recognized organization (e.g.
Xr ish Standard Institrtion) as meeting the requirements of the relevant parts of BS EN ISO 9000 or a
similar equivalent standard. The Contractor will be required io demonsrate compliance with this
lequi€nrctlt by Lhe pruvision of certificates in respect of suppliers of items as selccLed by fte Engineer's
from time to time.

5.1.2 Survey of Highways, Properties, Lands and Crops

l. Where appropriate, the Contactor shall an-ange for surveys to be carried out, in conjmction
with the relevant audrorities, ownem or occupiers, of the condition of highways, properties,
Iands and crops which may be affected by the Works. The employer shall assist the contactor
for coordinating with concerned agencies.

2. Before any work affecting such highways, properties, lands or crops is commenced, the
Contractor shall confirm in writing to the Engin€er's that the relevant survey is a true and
accurate record of their condition.

3. Tlrc Contractor shall, by arrangement with the Enginecr's, take rccortl photo$aphs and/or

5.1 .3 Setting Out

l. The Contactor shallsupply to the Engineer's details ofthe value and location ofthe temporary
benchmarks and refaence points which he proposes to use.

2. Prior to the commencement of operations, the Contractor shall firly set out the work for line
and satisfr himself and confirm to the Engineer's throryh topographical surveys, that the
ground levels as indicated in the conaact drawings are correct. Any discrepancies shall be
produced in a schedule and submitted to the Engineer's.

The Conbactor shall allow for a period of seven days from submission of his survey schedule
prior to commencement of operations to enable any realignment to be considered by the

5.1 .4 Interference with Land Interests

l. The contractor shall confine his constructional operations within the Site, or such other areas
of land as may be negotiated and shall instruct his employees not to trespass.

of works are to be constructed on, over, under, in or through priyately owned

shall ensure that this method of working cause the minimum of disturbance
its owners and oc cuplers

Bansl BSMSN SWTP-Tender Docum.nt v'olm.-1

o Dhaka \LJ
BSMSN Surfrce War.r Trcatln€nt planl projccl
Eft ployer's (Tcchnicat) Requiremen8

2 Subject to any unavoidabre disturbance- which may

be necessirated by the execution of the
Contract, the Contracror shall nor interferc whh
,,iy ,""iiri,.foJrg, fishing
which may be enjoyed on or near the Site.
3 Eefore exercising any right negotiated by him in
connection with way leave or accommodation
outside the Site, the Contractor shall notis the
Engineer,s in wriiing otsrcn a,,*g"r*L. "-'
5.1.5 Interfcrcnce with Acscss to properties and

Before interfering with access to any- propefty, the

contacror sha, provide ahernative
anangefients. Th€ Contractor shall notifi thcEngineer,s
and the relevant;*il;;;il;;
14 days in advance of sny such imerfercnce and
a rrangements have bccn agreed.
s-hall ."rf;;;;;;;#;'d;###;:
2 The contracror shal not obstruct accoss to nny pulrric:
utirig or privirtery owned mar rure or
other surface cover.

3 The Conhrctor shall not leave any spoil, or such

other materials related to his works that either
obstructs or in any way crcates a nuisance.

5.1.6 Procedure for Complaints and Claims for


l' Details of alr craims or \riamings of intended craims which the contractor may receive in
' respecr of maf,ers against which he is required Uy ttre Contract. to i"d.."ify ;rL'Er;i;y;;
shall be.notified wifrour delay to the engineers, *io sn"riiit"*r"
Dass to the Conrracrr_,..,
such claims or wamings which may bJprovided
directry to *'. rlg".*'l"r-e".pilrli.*''
, of information sha, atso be made in relation ro a, complaints whicb may
3. The Contractor shall keep-, yrylt". maintain a registerof complaints (rogether rvith *'
Tq provided
communications) a copy of which shall r.gi"""",r'r"a ,ry&t& **Uy. '
be to the

4. The CoDfactor shall notifi, rhe Engineer s in writing

immediately following any damage or
i injr:ry arising out of the execution or-the Works.
5' In ordc. for the Publlc to be kept intbrmed of potentiar
disruotion or nuisance crrtcF,r hw ,ho
nccessaDr construction activities, tte
Contsactor shall prepare adhere ,"
pnblic rclatiom pran He shar irdvertise in-locar Jk;p ,ry; A;';
ahead ofsuch planned opcrations as rrry afrect
o"t .iffi-"it*s ,*my, #tr,
the pubficjr"itn-errgio"er,s ,pprourl. "!a-[*
The contractor shalr at ar time ensure rhat
he does not cause any d@age to or polrrtion
shall ake positive steps to minimize any inconvenience aad he
to rr,"-iJrr"tit"rt" of rocar commmities.

In additior, he shalr provide and distribute timery

information of tbe works affecting locarities
to all occupants along the streets. or_other aign
ie*" adte?io, tir" to time. This shal be
in the form of printed notices in rngish ind ri*g"ri -"itr,'i*oing
to be agrced by the

Any spot of witten communication made by the Contractor

to the Engineer,s shall be copied to
the Employer.

5.1 .7 Damage

must take every precaution to protect the enviiorunent fi,om damage and/or
* I tl!t /tt type.
aSMSN SU/TP-Tendcr Documenl Volum.-j
Employ€/s (Technical) Requirements
BSMSN Surlhce watel Tres(me Plant Project

vapours and noxious fumes'

The Contractor shalimini[rize the generation ofsmoke, dust'

any unwarranted damage

7 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to avoid causing
to roads, lands, properties, trees and ;t'her features and during the currency of the Contract'
shall deal promptly with any complaints by ownerc or occuplers'

, Where any portion of the Works is c'lose to, aoross' or under any
existing apparatus of Public
Utilities other parties, the Contractor shall temporarily support ard
work round' under
Ieakage or danger' and to
or adjacentto all apparatus in a manner designed to avoid damage'
ensure uninterupted operation.

4 Should any leakages or damage be discovered, the Contractor shall

at once notify the
eogioor;*'*a thc- Stannory eitrority or owner concerned, and. the Contractor shall afford
*ili".fitty i- tfre repair or replacanenl of the aPpamtus affected and bear the cost thereof'
5.1.8 Public I,ltility and Other Services

the accuracy or
Corf,"tot ro far as they are telieved to exist, but no waranty is given as to
;6t;;*t of this information. The Contractor shall satisry himself of the adequacy
of the j
for any error or omission' These details are
infdmarion and the Employer is not re'sponsible
firmished for guidance only and no claim by the Contractor shall be entertained for lack of
accuracy of these details-

times necessary for the

2. The approved programme of works shall show the allowance of time or
Contmctor to arrange for uff aiu*ion' or rcmovals, of services specificalty requested by the i
E;g.;"r,, _ a"."iiu.a in the contracr to be carried out at the appropriate time by the
appropriate Authorities.

conurtcttcing any excavstions ond shall satis! himself as to the position
of existing services
which may afleit orbe affected by the construction ofthe Works' t:
4. The Contractor shall make his own arangements for any diversion ot removal
of services i'
method of working'
which he may requirc lbr his own convenience or, because ofhis proposed
*J .f,.ff, in iff inform tte-Enginee;'s in arlvance ofhis proposils' Ii
"ir"r, IJ
tbr the
5. The Confactor shall have made available on site during all working times equipment
ana sffut be of i type approved by ttre Engineer's. The Contractor shall ensure
that his
employees are trained in the correct use ofthis equipment'

The Contractor shall check for underground services well in advance of excavation
in the vicinity of underground service shall only be with suitable hand tools to
prevent damage.

6. Should any service be found to exist which was not indicated, or not as indicated
in the
information received, the Contractor shall at once give written notification to the Engineer's'

safety measures to ensure that his plant will not interfere with these lines'

5.1.9 Tralfic Requirements

l. At and again before any work in or affecting the use of any road or
hi Contrictor's proposed method ofworking shall be agreed with, and

16 BSIISN SWTP-Iender Document Volumc-

o,o Dhaka
BSMSN Surlace Warcr TreanrlEnl Plant Protecl Employcr's (Technical ) Requiremcnls

confirmed in writing to, the Engineer's and the Highway and Police Authorities. AII traffic
regulalion rneasures shall be in accordance with "Safety at Road works".

2. Throughout the execution and maintenance oflhe Works, the Contractor shall co-operate with
the Highway Authority and Police Authorities conceming works in, or access to, the road or
highway. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer's of any requirements of, or arrangements
made with, the Highway and Police Autho ties.

3- Where the diversion of any existing carriageway, footway or public right ofway is temporarily
necessitated by the Works, the Contractor shall provide and maintain an altemative which shail
be opoational before interference with the existing way.

4. Where ramps are required, they shall be provided and maintained to a standard suitable in all
respects for the class or classes oftraffic or pedestrians requiring using them.

5 The contractor shall take all reasonable steps to prevent vehicles entering and leaving the Site
rlepositing mud or other debris on the surface of adjacent roads or footways and shail remove
expeditiously any materials so deposited.

6 When working within or adjacent to public road or highways the Contractor is to provide and
maintain a continuous illuminated steel barrier. Traffic lights equipped with a vehicle sensing
auto change-over facility shall be used if normal two-way vehicular movements are prevented
by the Works. Maximum working length between traffic lights to be 100 m. Minimum distance
between working areas will be 500 m. Maximum carriageway occupation to b€ half carriage
way width except along tracks when full closures are envisaged through widths less than 4 m.

7 Any costs incurred in so doing shall be the contractor's liability and shall be recovered from
sums due under the Contract.

5.1.10 Tidiness of Site

The contractor shall be responsible for the proper upkeep and maintenance of the site and the
works and shall remove fiom the Site rubbish and other waste as it accumdates- Materials and
I equipment shall be positioned, stored, and stacked in an orderly manner.

I 2 Before commencing any section of the work along public thoroughfares affecting garbage
disposal services, the contractfi shall remove all ga6age from the street. caruage -ontaners
are to be provided for the use of householders wherever work is in progr.ss, or where the
I access of the appropriate garbage collection unit is prevented by the execution of the works.
The contractor shall ensure that garbage is deposited in the containers and shall make
collection ofgarbage not less than twice per week at times equally spaced during the weck.

The contractor shall make his own arrangements for the disposal of the garbage collected and
such arrangements shall be to the approval ofthe Engineer,s.
The Contractor shall be responsible for stabilizing for all weather condifions, cleaning and
maintaining the Employer roads and associated drainage efficient sr:rface drainage ihere
deemed necessary for the execution ofthe works under the Contract.

5.1.1 I Works Affecting Watercourses and Surface Water Drains

l. The contractor shall noti! the Engineer's in writing l4 days in advance ofhis intention to start
any pan ofthe Works affecting watercourse or drain.

2 shall be responsible for maintaining walercourses and drains within the Site in
ng condition at all times.

Ban .1r BSMSN SWTP-Tcnd€r Document Volume-l

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BSMSN Surface Watcr Treatment Plart Projcci Employer's (Technicr,) Rcquirements

3. The Contractor slrall take all practicable measures, which shall be to the prior approval ofthe
Engineer's, to prevent the deposition of silt or other matedal in, and the pollution of any
existing watercourse or drain reservoir, arising from his operations.

4. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to ensue that no work in any watercourse
or drain is done in such a manner as to cause unnecessary damage, and if any damage is done
he will repair such imrnediately and for such repair no payment will be made to the Contactor.

5. The Contractor shali take all reasonable precautions to ensure that no polluting discharge either
of solid or liquid is made to any watercourse and that no work carried out in any watercourse is
done in such a manner as to cause pollution. Should pollution take place the Contractor shall
forthwith advise the Employer and take immediate and full remedial measures. He shall not be
entitled to additional payment for so doing. In particular, but not by way of derogation from the
generality of this clausg the Contractor: Hydraulic reclamation shall be allowed for economic
Iand leveling with local material.

(i) shall ensure that all fuel or lubricating oils stored in bulk on the site arc located as far as
reasonably possiblo from any watercourse and that such stores are surrounded with an
effective bund capable of holding the full contents of the store; all stores shall be kept
locked when not in use; t

(ii) shall locate all equipment using fuel oil as far away as reasonably possible from any
watercourse and shall surround them with oil-absorbent material to certain spills or leaks;

(iii) shall provide for pumped silting discoloured water fiom excavations either to be irrigated
over grassland or settled in a lagoon or tank prior to any discharge to a watercourse. The
proposed location of all disposed water, silt or debris shall be approved by the

(iv) shatl not use plant in a river or ford the river with vehicles without the prior consent in
writing of the Engineer's;

(v) shall avoid the discharge or seepage of excavated material or of cement slurry from any
concreting work into any watercourse;
(vi) shall agree with the Engineer's, his plant and vehicle parking and servicing areas; and if,
notwithstanding these precautions, any pollution takes place, th€ Contractor will
forthwith advise the Employer and take immediate remedial measures at no additional i;
cost to the Employer.

5.1.12 Contamination of Water Supplies

Before any person is engaged on work described in the Contract involving public water supply, he shall be
notified of the need for penonal hygiene and the dangers of contamination, he shall complete a medical
examination and where there is a need, shall be tested to indicate that he is not a carrier of typhoid or other
waterbome disease. The Contractor shall noti$ the Engineer's ofany person who has been certified by a
doctor suffering from an illness associated with looseness of the bowelq and no such penon shall be
employed on such work urfil the Employer's medical adviser is satisfied that it is safe for him to be so

5.1.13 Chlorine and Sulphur Dioxide

Where the Contract requires the handling or use of chlorine or sulphur dioxide, or work to be carried out
on,or immediately adjacent to, any existing or proposed chlorine or sulphur dioxide installation, the
Contractor shall com the relevant provisions of Safe Handling of Chlorine and Sulphur Dioxide
$l ater

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Bangladesh 48 BSMSN SWTP-Tender Documen! volumc-J
BSMSN Surfacc walcr Treatrncfl Plant Projcct Employe/s (Technical ) R.quircmenrs

5.1.14 Permit ro Work System

The Employer shall operate a Permit to Work systen, where the Contract requires work to be caried out in
an area designated by the Engineer's as restricted, which includes any confined space. The Confactor shall
pay particular attention to ensure safe melhods of working in enclosed or other areas that may prove
injurious to health or pose a safety problem. Full details of such safety provisions shall be included in the
method statements complying with the requirements of the Building Codc and the relevant Bangladesh

5.1.15 Emergency Anangements

l. The Contractor shall mainain anangements whereby he can quickly call out labour outside
normal working hours to carry out any work needed for an emergency associated with the
Work. The Engineer's shall be provided al all times with a list of addrcsses and telephone
numbcrs of the Contractor's staff who are curently responsible for organizing enrcrgsncy

2 Itshall be contactor's responsibility-ro safeguard hy means of temporary or permancnt

supports or otherwisc all pipes, cables, land dmins structure and other things which would
be liable to suffer damage if such precautionary measures were not taken.

3 The Contractfi shall acquaint himself and his employees with any relevant local
arrangements which are in existence for dealing with emergencies.

5.1.16 Electricity Distibution 0n the Site

All electrical installations forming part ofthe Temporary Works shall comply with the relevant provisions
of the 'Regulations for Eleckical lnstallations' (l.E.E Wiring Regulations - l6th Edition), published by the
UK lnstitution of Electrical Engineer's.

5.1.17 Local Facilities

The Contractor is advised that the area is subject to power outages and to operating restrictions imposed
fiurn tinle tu timc by the Govelruneltt of Peuple's Republic of Bangladesh or the electncity supply
authority. .

The Contractor shall be deemed to have allowed for all accommodation of such restrictions, servicing and
facilities that he may require to enable his operations and method of working to proceed in accordance with
the programme of work laid dovm in the Contract or as approved from time to time.

5.1.18 Contractor's Plant

All mechanical planl used by the Contractor in the execution ofthe works shall be ofsuch type, size and of
such method of working as the Engineer's shall approve. The Engineer's approval to use any particular
mechanical plant will not be uffeasonably withheld, but if in the Engineer's opinion circumstances arise
which make it desirable that the use of plant should be suspended either temporarily or permanently, the
Contractor shall change the method of performing the work affected at his own cost, and he shall be
deemed to have no cause for claim against the Employer on account of having to carry on the work by
another method, nor shall he be deemed to have cause for claim if any order issued by the Engineer's
results in the mechanical plant having to stand idle for a period ofany duration whatsoever or having to
be removed.

In in the opinion ofthe Engineer's it is impossible or undesirable, due to the proximity of,
roads, structures, or services, to excavate, except by hand methods, then in such cases
le for the purpose ofthe Clause, for the Engineer's to withhold authority to use

Authority BSMSN SWTP-Tender Documenl volume-3

BSMSN Surfae Wilcr Treatment Plant Prqecr Employe/ s iTechnrcal ) Req uiremcnls

This shall be deemed to include for situations where in the opinion of the Engineer's unreasonable nuisance
is caused to residents.

All equipment and plant, where appropriate in the opinion of the Engineer's shall be fitted with noise
atten uators.

5.1.19 Portabl€ Electric Tools

The use of any portable or tBnsportable electrical equipment shall be approved by the PDB and DESA
before being connected to the electricity supply. tt is the Contractor's responsibility to obtain this approval.

Electrical wetding equipment shall not be cormected to the site electricity supply and the Contractor shall
provide all of the necessary porlable generating equipment as may be required to carry out such electrical
weiding for the Works.

5.1.20 Temporary Works

The Conhactor shall be responsllc for thg dasign, constructiorr and installation ofall temporary works.

5.l.2l Contractor's Services

The Confactor shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining all his own services and for the running
ofthe facilities for the Engineer's, his works and offices, e.g. generaton for electricity, portable gas supply,
mains supply or tankered water and telephone connection. In addition, tbe Contractor shall dispose of all
waste materials and wastewater and sewage generated during the works.
The Contractor shall be responsible for stabilizing for all wealher conditions, cleaning and maintaining the
Employer's access roads and associated &ainage where deemed necessary for the execution of the works
under contract.

Static generators should be contained by bunding and portable generators should be sited such that spillage
onto the round is prevented or contained and the contamination of lhe site camot occur.

Gas cylinders should be sited and protected in accordance with health and safety recommendations.

The Contractor shall provide and maintain at the site suitable and sufficient shelters, mess rooms and
sanitary conveniences for his workmen and supewisory staff as are customary and necessary, and as are
required by local legislation or practices applied to construction sites in Bangladesh.

The Contractor shall make adequale provision for mobile sanitary and welfare facilifies for his work force
adjacent to all working fronts and areas of activity. Failure to do so may result in suspension of the work
until such time as the appropriate facilities ar€ put in place.

5.1 .22 Lwels and Reference Points

L Benchmark and Datum

The Contractor shall appoint the necessary and experienced staff to set out accumtely the works with
reference to the levels and reference points according to the drawings.

The level datums shall be a suitable benchmark, selection of which must be agreed with the Engineer's.
Once selected it is the duty ofthe Contractor to ensure the benchmark is correctly surveyed and marked
with a steel pin encased in 0.125m3 concrete. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure the
benchmark is maintained.

2. Temporary

Baneladesh Economic 5r) BSMSN SWTP-Tender Document Volume-j

a t.c
BSMSN Surfacc Waler Treatm€nt Planr Projec( Employcr's (Technical) Rcquirements

The Confi-aclor shall establish coordinated and levelled temporary survey stations throughout the project
site area at not greater than 0.5 km centers. Such stations shall comprise a protect€d steel pin set in 0.125
m3 concrete. The stations shall be established prior to work proceeding and the Engineer's shall be
provided with a comprehensive sheet detailing level and co-ordinates ofeach-

l. Tolerances

Tolerances for sening out and levelling the permanent works shall not exceed those specified under
the relevant part ofthis Specification.

4, Setting Out

Before the Works, or any part thereof, are commenced, the Contractor shall make a complete
survey, and take levels, of the Site and a$ee on the dimensions and elevations upon which setting
oul ofthc Works shall be boscd.

These levels shall be related to the benchmarks and shall be plotted and drawn up by the
Contmctor. Afteragreement of the drawings, which shall be signed by the Engineer's and the
Contractor, these levels shall form thc basis of setting out ofthe Work.

A the Contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the Works in
relation to reference data given on the Drawings and shall accurately set out the prositions,
levels and dimensions of all parts of the Works. Any delay or loss resulting from errors in
the setting outofthe Works shall be the responsibility ofthe Contractor.

B Setting out ofthe Works shall use methods and the necessary instruments described in BS
5606 ''Code ofPractice for Accuracy in Building" or equivalent.

D Work, which fails to meet the specified levels of accuracy, shall be rectified. Proposed
rectification measures shall be submitted to the Engineer's for approval. The Contractor
shall note that rectification measures may include removal and replacement of sub-standard
work at no cost to the Employer. All costs and losses associated with rectification of sub
standard work shall be bome by the Contractor.

5.1.23 Pmtection of Works

The Contractor shall, at his own expense, suitably protect all work and plant liable to damage, either by the
weather cconditions not reaching force majeure level or by the method adopted for the execution of the
Works. Damage due to inadequate protection shall be made good at the Contractor,s expense.

5- 1.24 Programme of Works

The Contractor is required to submit a Work Prograrnme in accordance with the Conditions of Contract.
The contractor shall state on all programmes, the basis of working hours and days on which that
progxamme has been prepared. The programme to be submitted by the Contractor shall include a bar chart
indicating in sufficienl detail, mobilization and demobilizarion of the works, the main activities in each
section of the works taking cognizance of the constraints to execute the works and of the necessary
coordination with the othet Contractors.

When the site is adjacent to or foms part ofan existing road, service, building or an existing installation the
contractor shall allorv for programming and organising his works in co-operalion with the Highway
Authority, owner of the service or building or installation or with the Emptoyer to ensure the minimum
interference with existing operations.

ot Wa ter

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Bangl Authoriry
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BSMSN SWTP-Tende. Document Volunre-l

BSMSN Surfac! Waler'I rotmcnt Plam Projecl Employer s (Technical) Requrrcments

5-1.25 Method Statements

Detailed method Statements shall be submitted in duplicate to the Engineer's on an activity by activity basis
(e.g. reducing environmental irnpact, clearing the construction site, design and construction of the intake
WTP and transmission mains) (by location) in order to be agreed not less than seven working days before
the activity is programmed to commence. The Method Statements shall contain detail of the proposed
programme for and staffing ofthe work and particularly of measures which are to be taken to eliminate the
daiger ofpollution of waler courses and the public water supply, as well as methods for minimising noise
and local disruption to commercial, residential and tourist interests.

Acceptance ofa method statement by the Engineer's shall be signified by returning to the Contractor a copy
ofthe method stalement, signed offby the Engineer's.

Method Statem€nts will be required to provide details of the following (as appropriate) as a
Methods of trench excavation or pipejacking
- Dewatering and trench support systems
- Bemoval oftrench support systems
- Backfilling and compaction
- Traffic Management during Construction I
- Man Entsy to Deep Excavation and Confined Spaces
- Excavalion in Rock Including Disposal of Material
- Pollution confol
- Concreting
- Conneclion of Live Services
- Comrnissioning and Setting to Work
- Training
- Pressure Testing ofNew Pipelines
- Plant and equipment installation
- M&E installation and testing
- Reinstatement
- Any other activities that the Engineer's may notif from time to time L:

Mcthud Statements shdl be updated and revised aad methods of working shall be reconsidered whenever it
is found that previous proposals fail to be effective, endanger life, property or finished work or where
changes in ground or other conditions are such as to require a different method ofworking.

The Contractor shall not be permitted to commence work until the relevant method statement has been
approved, and he shall not be paid for any work carried out in a method other than that given in the
statement, unless prior approval for the variance has b€en obtained from the Engineer's.

5.1.26 Good Practice

Where materials, producls and worknanship are not fully specified, they are to be:

(a) Suitable for the purpose of the works stated in or reasonable to be infened from the Contract
Documents, and

(b) In accordance with good building and civil engineering practice, including the relevant
provisions or current BS Documents.

5.1.27 Avoidance ofNoise and Other Nuisances at Site

l The Contract$ shall take all reasonable prccautions to awiffil6-i6G in the use of
p lant and other under his conlrol at the site of He shall adopt such measures
as the er necessary, and to ensure that noise nuisance to the
public as much as possible. The Contractor shall make all efforts that in

Bangladcsh Economic 52 BSMSN SWT?-Tend€r Documeni volume-J

BSMSN Surface Water Treatment Planl protect Employe/s (Technical ) Requirements

no case prolonged (more than 48 hours) noise levels to exceed 65 dBA at 10 meters distance
from source.

The Contractor shall provide all the construction workers with adequate hearing protection
such as ear plugs or earmuffs in areas even if the noise Ievels exceed 65 dBA at l0 meters
distance fiom the source.

2. The Contractor shall also take all reasonable precautions for the avoidance ofall other forms of
nuisance at the site ofthe Works.

3 The Contractor shall take all practicable measures to minimise nuisance from dust being
created by his worls. He shall, as appropriate, water down site roads and cover any stockpilei
containing fine materials, which may otherwise become windblown.

4 If the Conhactor causes complainls to be received and/or fails to respond to the Engineer's
instructions in respect of measures to reduce the nuisance, then the Engineer's may Jtop the
work that is causing the nuisance until the Contractor rectifies the matter, and/or may arrange
fo1 the provision ofmeasures to mitigate thoimpacts. The cost of any such actions shall be tie
Contractor's liability and, ifpartly or wholty incurred by the Employer, shall be recovered from
the next interim payment due to the Contactor.

5.1.28 Health and Safety

I. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the safe conduct of the works. He shall ensure
that all operations are carried out safely and that any person who is responsible for the safe
conduct of any part of the operations carries out this duties in a proper manner.

2. The Contractor shall provide details of his safety policy and procedures for ensuring a safe
working site in compliance with intemational legislation.

3. If the Engineer's becomes aware of any practices which in his opinion are unsafe, he shall be
empowered to stop the work and insfuct the Contractor to improve his safety measures. Any
delays and cost implications arising fiom such an inskuction shall be the sole responsibility of
the Contractor, and the event shall not be a Compensation Event.

5.1.29 Local Legislation

The Contractor shall keep himself informed of all laws, ordinances, and regulations in any manner affecting
those employed on the work, or the materials used in the work, or in any way affecting the conduct of the
work, and ofall orders and decrees ofbodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority over the same-
He shall at all times himself observe and comply with, and shall iequire all his agents, employees, and
subcontactors to observe and comply with all such applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and
decrees.in effect or which may become effective before completion ofthis Contract; -and shali protect and
indemniry the Employer against any claim of liability arising from or based upon the violation of any such
Iaw, ordinance, regulation, order, or decree, whether by himsel{ his employees, or his subconkactors.

Unless otherwise explicitly provided in this contact, atl permits and licenses necessary to the execution of
the work shall be secured by the Contractor at his olvn expense.

5. I .30 Measurement

The Contraclor is advised that this contract is a lump sum contracl and does not require re-measurement.



Authority BSMSN SWTP-Tcnder Docurnent Volum€-J

BSMSN Surface Water Trealrnenl Plan!Projecl Employer's (Tcchnical) Requir€menrs

5.1 .31 Contractor's Compounds and Offices

The Contractor shali make his own arrangements for storage and offices. P or to entry onto such land, the
Contractor shall provide the Engineer's with written evidence of his agreements with the respective
Iandowners. The Contractor shall be responsible for any additional land he requires for his offices, stores
and working areas beyond that made available by the Employer.
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing all building, fences etc. that he may require and on
completion ofthe works shall be required to remove all such building, fences etc. and to restore land to be
original condition to the satisfaction ofthe Engineer's.

5.1.32 Training

The Contractor shall ensure that all personnel engaged on the Work are provided on commencement and at
regular intervals thereaffer with training in Safe Working Practices by a suitably qualified member of his

'lhe Contractor shall provide access to the Works during its construction lbr personnel identitied by the
Employer, or the Engineer's in order that they may familiarise themselves wilh the works and its methods
of construction. Such access is not intenifed to.disnrpt the Contractor from his normal method of workirf'
Verbal information is required for such purposes.

Such access shall include the witnessing of such testing and commissioning procedures identified elsewhere
in the Specification.

The Contractor shall instruct the Employer's personnel in aspects oferection, operating and maintenance.

5.1.33 Record Drawings

Throughout the progress of the works the Contractor shall provide the Engineer's with
accurately marked up extracts of the relevant contract drawings detailing to scale all
modifications, variations, additions and/or deletions to the original drawing issued and scope of
works and the drainage must show all works constructed. Sufficient information shall .be
provided to adequately describe the works and all its components to the satisfaction of the

2. Such information shall normally be provided within one month of the changes being effected
but in no case grcaleL tllfur twu urur .lrs.

3. Two copies of each detail shall be provided, and each shall be duly signed and dated by the
Engineer's and Contractor. After signing oft the Contractor shall retain his copies in a
purpose file until th€ Defects Corection Certificate has been issued.

4. The Contractor shall incorporate the details as provided and agreed with the Engineer's, and
shall produce Record Drawings within the time scale shown in the Contract Data.

5.1 .34 Project Meetings and Reporting

l. Attendees: Unless otherwise specified or required by the Employer, regular project meetings
shall be attended by the Employer (Project Director), the Engineer's, and the Contractor's
Contmct Manager and Site Manager. Subcontnctors and others may attend when involved in
the matters to be discussed or resolved, but only when requested by or with the agreement of
the Employer or Engineer's.

2. Meeting Records: The Engineer's will record minutes of each meeting and will fumish copies
to within 7 working days thereafter. If the Contractor does nol submit a signed
or a written objection to the contents of such minutes within 7 days after
shall be understood and agreed that the Contractor accepts the minutes as
ord ofthe meeting.

Bangiadesh 54 BSMSN SWTP-TEnder Docum€nt Volume-l

o 0haka
BSMSN Surhce WaterT.eatment Planr Proj€cr Employe/s (Techni€l ) Rcquirernents

3. Meeting Schedule: The dates, times and Iocations for regular project meetings shall be agreed
upon but shall nonnally be not less than weekly. Changes to the schedule shall be by agreement
between the Employer, Engineer's and Contractor, with appropriate *riffen notice to all parties

4. Agenda: The regular meeting agenda shall include the following issues:-

l) Comments to the minutes of previous meeting, if any.

2) Actions arising from previous meeting
3) Contractor's report and presentation ofmarked up programme, including
i. progress achieved against programmed
ii. cause and effect ofany delays
iii. intended progress for the next month
iv. Sub-Contractors, Motsrials, and Site Conditions
4) Report by the Engineer's Representative
i. Pro$ess
ii. Quality Control (Materials and Workmanship)
5) Health and safety
6) Environmentalprotection/publiccomplaints
7) Estates maflers
8) Information required by
(a) The Contactor
(b) The Engineer's
(c) The Employer
9) Financial mafters
(c)Disputesi claims
10. Any other business
11. Confirmation of Date of Next Meeting

6 Other Meetings: The Engineer's shall an-ange meetings from time to time as necessary to
discuss specific matters, for example road reinstratement (with the Roads Authority), land
matters or complaints (with private individrrals) The Contractor shall attend these meetings as
required by the Engineer's.

7. Reporting: Reports shall be compiled by the Contractor based upon his presentations at regular
meetings and the agreed minutes. Reports shall be presented monthly indicating the progress
made on site compared with the anticipated work plan, any difficulties encountered and
remedial action take& or to be taken, proposed work plan for the coming period 3 months
accurate planning and remaining forecasts for the remaining Project period,

5.1.35 Use ofthe Site

The site shall be used only for the purposes of constructing the Works and the site includes also the
installation of the contractors facilities. The arrangement for sharing the available space between
the contractors will be defined in coordination between contractors and the Engineer's. If the
contractor enters into any other activity on the site, the Engineer's retains the right to stop all work
until such time as the other ac.tivities cease. ln such a case, any additional costs and delays shall bc
the sole responsibility ofthe Contractor.

Wa ter Contactor shall remove any unused equipment making obstruction to works of other
Removable shall be done promptly by the Contractor at his own cost after instruction
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Zone Authorjty BSMSN SWTP-T€nder Documenr Volum€ l
BSMSN Surf.ce Warer TrcatmenlPlant Projecr Employcr's (Technical) Requirements

5.1.36 Site Clearance

On Completion, the Contractor shall leave all parts ofthe Site clean and tidy, and in at least as good
a condition as it was handed over to him-


5.2.1 Standards and Submission of Materials

Wherever, in respect of any British Standard (BS), a BS Kitemark Certification Scheme is

available, all materials, shall be marked with the BSI Certification Trademark (the Kitemark).
The mark of conformity of any other third-party certification body recognised by the BSI or
Bangladesh Standard Institute or equivalent shall be an acceptable altemative to the

All consignments ofPipes, Specials, M & E Equipment and Ancillaries shall be manufactured
al factories cr.rmplying with ISO 9002 or equivuleut. The urigin uf tlu suurse uf supply of the
particular consignments shall also be certified by the Contractor with documenury evidence.
A[[ pipe work, valves and fittings shall be submitted to hydra ic fressure in conformity of
national or int€rnational standard. Electrical, mechanical and ancillaries shall be vigorously
t€sted to the respective standard.

2. The Confiactor shall provide a complete and new set of all appropriate standards and codes in
English language to the Engineer's with a copy to Engineer's. When approval is sought from
the Engineer's for the supply of any materials the Contractor in his application shall
identiry/quote th€ appropriate standards/codes with the relevant sections highlighted.

3. The Contractor will not be allowed to deviate in his choice of material ftom those proposed in
his bid or in his Contract except in exceptional circumstances and with the express written
approval from the Engineer's and the Employer.

4. Samples shall be taken in accordance with the appropriate British Standard where applicable.

The Contmctor sholl afford thc Enginccr's cvcry facility for tol<ing in whotcvcr manncr thcy
may consider necessary samples for testing of materials used in the construction of the works.
A consignment of material which has had samples taken from it for testing shall not be
removed for use until permission to use it or an order to remove it has been given.

The Engileer's reserves the right at any time to require samples to be sent to an independent
testing authority and the Contractor will be responsible for the cost of sampling, delivery and
testing in the case of unsuccessful tests. The Employer will however bear the cost of successful
tests in this case except where the sampling and testing is a condition ofthe Specification.

5. In general, all materials, fittings and fixtures used for this Contract must be approved by the
Engineer's prior to installation.

6. Names of additional supplien and sources may be submitted by the Contractor during any
period of the Contract, but no source of supply shall be changed without the Engineer's

7. The Contractor shall, ifrequired, from time to time and at any time, produce for the perusal of
the Engineer's the Advice Notes and Invoices for materials used in the works, and shall
likewise produce, when required, the Receipts ofpayments for such materials.

8. All to be provided under the Contract shalJ be subject to inspection


Bangladesh Economic 56
Y-/ BSMSN SWTP-Tender Documen( Volume-3
BSMSN Surf.cc Waler lr€atrnenr Planr projecl Employ./s (T.chnicrl) RequircrrEnts

The performance of each item of plant shatl be tested in accordance with the appropriate
Standard which has been approved by the Engineer's, and to the requirements of the

9. Should this specification deviate in respect of road building materials fiom current, the
requirements of the relevant Roads Authorities shall take precedence. If a loss results fiom a
change in materials, it will be considered as a variation provided that the Contractor supplies
proofofsuch loss with the details requested by the Engineer's-

5.2.2 Storage of Materials

l. All materials shall be delivered and stored at site a sufficient period of time before they are
required for use in the works to enable the Engineer's to take such samples as he may wish ard
undertake testing and approval. Materials and components shall be stored in such a manner as
to preserve their quality and condition to the standards required by the Contract.

2. The quantity ol nraterials and components stored on the Site shall be consistent with that
necessary for efficient working. In this regard, the,Contractor shall also ensrtre that he has an
adequate storage offuel to last not less than one week.
3. Materials shall be stored in accordance with Clauses 4.4.2to 4.4.5 of BS 5328 - part 3: 1990
and shall be delivered in sufficient quantities to ensure that there is no suspension or
interruption ofthe vork at any time.

Particular attention shall be paid in this respect to the avoidance of interruption of concreting

4. All aggregates brought to the site shall be kept free from contact with deleterious matter.

:5.2.3 Handling and use of Materials

Materials and components shall be handled in such a manner as to avoid any damage or
. t. contamination, and in accordance tvith atl applicablo rooommondations ofthc msnufscfirxers.
Notwithstanding the fact that approval has been given to the source of supply, the Engineer's
may forbid the use of any such materials if upon delivery, they are formd to be defective, or he
t. considers thcm umuitable fur inuurpuration in the works. such reJected materials sha be
removed from the site forthwith-

The Contractor's attention is drawn to the need to ensure that appropriate transport and carriage
is employed for all materials, particularly pipes and plant

2 Unless otherwise described in the Contract, the use, installation, application of fixing of
materials and components shall be in accordance with all applicable recommendations of the
manufacturers. Where appropriate, the Contractor shall make use of any technical advisory
services offered by manufacturers.

When pipes, fittings etc. are strung adjacent to the pipe hench prior to laying they shall be
supported clear of the gound on suitable supports to prevent any damage to the pipes fittings
etc. and/or extemal sheathing or coating, and gaps shall be leff at intervals and at well-defined
tracks and roads to permit the free passage of livestock, vehicles or persons.

rubber joint rings, gaskets, bolts and similar fittings and materials liable to
ifexposed shall be stored in the shade and under cover. Pipes must remain capped

Bmghdlsi Ec-onomi( Zone Aurlro.in jr BStltsN SWTP T€nder Documenr Volume-3

BSMSN Sudacc Wat€r Tr.dmcyrt Plan! Proj.ct Employe/s (Icchnical) R.quir€fi|ents

5.2.4 Water

Water for use with cement, or in contact with potable water mains and installations, shall be
obtained from a public utility undertaking supply or well or borehole supply with due
permission from appropriate authority as may be approved by the Engineer's and ACI standard
for water for concreting will be followed.

5.2.5 Aggregates for Cotrcrete

l. Aggregates for concrete shall comply with the relevant provisions of the appropriate British
Standard, as set out below:

Type ofAggregate Type of Concrete

Ordinary Prescribed Designed Mixes and
Mixes and Those Special Prescrlbed Mixes
D€signed to Retain an
Aqueous Liquid

Aggregates liom Natural BS 882 BS 882

S ources I
Air-Cooled Blast fumace Slag
AAgregate BS 1047 BS 1047
Foamedor Expanded Blast
fumace Slag Lightweight BS 877: Part 2
Clinker and Fumace Bottom
Ash Aggregates BS lr65
Li ghtweight A ggregates BS 3797: Part2

2. Aggregates complying with BS 877: Part 2, BS 1047, BS I 165 or BS 3797: Part 2 shall have
values of 'ten per cent tines', aggregzte impact aad chloride ion content which are consistent
with the relevant provisions of BS 882.

3. The water absorption of aggregates for conoete designed to retain an aqueous liquid shall not
exceed 3olo when rneasured in accordance with BS 812: Part2. ::
4. Marine aggrogatos Marine oggregotes con be used for rcinforsed concrctc subjcct to the
following conditioff:

(a) That the sodium chloride content of the fine and coarse aggregate does not exceed
respectively 0.10% and 0.03% by mass ofdry aggregate.

(b) lfeither aggegate exceeds the above limits, the material may still be considered acceptable
provided that the total sodium chloride concentration derived from the aggregates is not
great* than 0.32%o by mass of the cement in the mix.

(c) Hollow shells or shells of msuitable shape in quantities which may adversely affect the
quality of, or cause permeability in, the conqete, are not pemitted.

(d) That the shell content ofthe aggregates should not exceed the following arnounls: -

o\ V.Jater

Nom owable Percentage by Wei ght ofDry Aggregate of Shell

as Calcium Carbonate

Ban8ladc+ Economrc Zone BSMSN SWTP-Iendcr Document Volume-3

o Dhaka
SSMSN Surfac. Watc. Trcament ptafl projcct Employe/s (Technical ) R.quiremcnts

40 mm 2
20 mm 5
l4 mm l0
10 mm l5
Fine 30

5. Aggregate shall be clean, hard, durable and shall not contain iron pyrites, iron oxide mic4 coal
or other laminar, soft or porous materials. Oolitic limestone, mining waste aggregate or
ag.Sreglte.from rock types such as slates, shales and sandstones with a high p.opo.tion of
minerals shall not b,e used. "l"y

If at any time a significant physicar or chemicar change in the nature of the coarse or fine
aggregate occurs' or a new source aggregate is used, the Engineer's may direct that some
or all
ofthe acceptance testing is repeated.

nggrcgatcs shall contain any mir:cral krrowr to havc a

\9 ne.t 1r*g
silica, alkali
;.rur.untiul to cousc alkali
silicate, alkali carbonate or any other damaging chemical ieaction between alkalis
and aggregales.

5.2.6 Aggregates for High Strength Concrete Topping

l. Ag$egates for high snength con,ete topping (granolithic finish) shall comply wirh BS gg2
and be l0 mm nominal size, graded in accordance with above mentioned tabte itandara.

5.2.1 Sands

l. _san-d1
for mortar and grout sharl compry with BS 1200 and be graded in accordance with rabre
I ofthat Standard-
2. Sands for floor
screeds shall comply with the relevant provisions ofBS gg2.
3. Sands for
extemal renderings and intemal plastering with lime and portland cement shall
comply with the relevant Fovision of BS I 199.
4. All sands required to compry with BS g82, BS I 199 or BS 1200 shall be washed sands.

5.2.8 Cement
l. Cement shall:
(a) be factory-produced by the cement manufacturer and comply with the provisions
of the
appropriate British Standard, as set out below :

Cement Tv tss
Ordinary Portland t2
Rapid hardening Portlald t2
Portland - blast fimace 146:.Part2
Low-heat Portland 1370
Sulphate-resisting Portland 4027
Low-heat Portland - blast furnace 4246: Part 2
Super sulphated 4248
Masonry 5228
Pozzolanic cement with pfa
as pozzolana
Portland pfa
of a normal or special combination of cement complying with the relevant
ofBS l2 and ggbs or pfa in accordance with the foliowing, to be included as
* the concrete mix by simultaneously combining them with the other concrete
!o at the concrete mixer

Bang ic Zone Atllnontr BSMSN SWTP-Tend.r Docurnent Volurne-3
BSMSN Surface Waler Trcarrnenr Plant Projcct E ploye/s (Technical) Requir€ments

Cementitious Use of British Percentage by Mass of

Component Concrete Standard to Total Cementitious
Other Than be Complied Content
Cement with Normal Special
Pfa Any BS 3892: Pan I 5-35 25-40
Ggbs Concre[e BS 6699 0-50 70-90
Designed to
Retain and
Gsbs BS 6699 0-65 70-90

2. For all cement used in structural concrete the Contractor shall provide when requested by the
Hngmeer's certit cates ol the relevant proportions of alry ggbs or pfa-

3. White ind coloured Portland cement shall comply with the chemical arid physical requirements I
of BS 12. Added pigments shall comply with BS 1014 and shall be mixed with the cement in t
accordance with the manufacture/s instructions. The amount of added pigrnents shall not
exceed l0plo ofcement by mass, except for carbon black, where tbe limit shall be2%.

All cement used in the works shall be tested by the manufacturer or the Contractor in a
laboratory acceptable to the Engineer's and the Contractor should supply two copies of each I
test certificate to the Engineer's.

Each set oftests carfied out by the manufacturer or Contractor shall relate to not more than one
day's output of each cement pla-nt and shall be made on samples taken from cement which is
subsequently delivered to the Site. Altematively, subject to the agreement of the Engineer's,
the frequency of testing ofcement delivered to Site from each cement plant shall be one set of
tests for every 200 tonnes or for each delivery, whichever is the lesser arnormt.

Cement which does not comply with the Specification and cement which has become hardened
or lumpy or fails to comply with the Specification in any way shall be removed from site and
shall not be used in dre Permanent Works.

Th6 Contractfi shall koep full records ofall data relevant to the manufacture, delivery, testing
and use of all cement used in thc Pemrartcltt Worls ald sLall pruvirle the Eugiueer''s witlt two I
copies thereof.

Cement shall be free flowing and free of lurnps. It shall he supplied in the manufacturer's sealed I
unbroken bags or in bulk.

Bagged cement shatl be transported in vehicles provided with effective means ofensuring that
it is protected from the weather.

Bulk cement shall be transported in vehicles or in containers built and equipped for the

Immediately upon anival at the Site, cement shall be stored in silos designed for the purpose.
Cement in bags shall be stored in dry weather-tight and properly ventilated structures with
floors raised 500mm above gound level with adequate provision to prevent absorption of
mol \ later

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Bangladesh Econorn 60 BSMSN SWTP-Tender Document Volum€-3
+4 3/e
BSMSN Surface Warer Tr.al,nml Plad proj€ct Emplor"er's (T€chdcal) Requirernen6

Each delivery of cement in bags shall be stacked together in one place separate fiom other
deliveries. The bags shall be closely slacked but shall not be stacked against an outside wall. lf
pallets are used, they shall be constructed so that bags are not damaged (luring handling and
stacking. No stack of cement bags shall exceed 3 m in height. Different types of cement in bags
shall he clearly distinguished by visible markings and shall be stored in separate stacks.

Cement from hroken bags shall not be used in the Pemanent Works. Cement .in bags shall be
uscd in the order in whicli it is delivered.

Bulk cement shall be stored in weatherproof silos which shall bear a clear indication ofthe type
ofcement contained in them. Different types ofcement shall not be mixed in the same silo.

The Contractor shall provide sufficient storage capacity on Site to ensure that his anticipated
pmgramme of work is not interrupted due to lack of cement having due regard to factors
outside the C ontractor's control.

All storage facilities shall be subject to approval by the Engineer's and shall he such as to
permit easy access for inspection and identification. _

Each consignment of pfa or ggbs delivered to the site of concrete manufacrure shall be certified
as conforming to the above respective requirements and a copy of the certificate shall be given
to the Engineer's.

5.2.9 Admixtues for Concrete or Grout

Arcelerating, retarding and water-reducing admixtures for concrete or grout shall comply with
the relevant provisions in BS 5075: Part l Air-enfi-aining admixtures shall comply with the
relevant provisions of BS 5075: Part 2. Super plasticizing admixtures shall comply with the
relevant provisions ofBS 5075: Part 3. Approval ofuse to be obtained from Engineer's.

2. Calcium chloride shall not be used in concrele, which is to be reinforced, contain embedded
metal, or has been designed to retain an aqueous liquid. Wlere used with sulphate-resisting
cement, or in concroto, tvhich is to bo reinforced or contoin cmbcddcd mctol, thc chloride ion
a. content of admixtures shall not exceed 2Yo by mass ofthe admixture or O.03o/o by mass of the
cemenl. Admixtures containing chlorides shall not be used in reinforced concrete designed to
retain an aqueous liquid.

5.2.10 Mortar

l. Mortar shall be mixed only as and when required in the relevant proportions indicated in the
following table, until its colour and consistency are uniform. The constituent materials shall be
accurately gauged, allowance being made for bulking ofsand.

Nominal Mix by Volume

Class Cement: Lime Cement: Class Masonry
Putty: Sand Sand with Cement: Sand
MI l:O to %:3 l:2Y, to 3 M5 l:2lo 2%
M2 l:Y2:4 to 4Y2 l:3 to 4 M6 l:2%to 3Yz
M3 l:l:5 1o6 l:5 to 6 M7 l:4 to 5
M4 l:2:8 to 9 l:7 to 8 M8 l:sY2to 6%

ixed lime: sand for mortar and ready-to-use retarded mortar shall comply with the
provisions of BS 4721

Zom Authorit) 6l BSMSN SwTP-Tender Documenl voiu;e-l
BSMSN Sorfacc Warer Tr.annen! Pla0l Projlcl Employeis (Tcchnic!,) Rcquircments

3. All mortar shatl be conveyed fresh to the Work as required for use- Mortar which has begun to
set or which has been Site-mixed for a periodof more than one how in the case of classes M l,
M2, M5 and M6, and two hours in the case of Classes M3, M4, M7 and M8 shall not be used.
Plasticizing and s€t retarding mortar admixtures sball comply with BS 4887: Parts I and 2
respectively and shall be supplied with instructions for use.

4. Mortar shall be composed of fine aggregate as specified in related Clause and the type of
cement as specified in related Clause, The mix proportions shall he as stated on the Drawings
or if not stated shall be one part ofcement to three parts offine aggregate by weight.

Small quantities of mortar may be hand mixed but for amounts over 0.5 m3 a mechanical mixer
shall be used.

The water content of the mortar shall be as low as possible consistent with the use for which it
is required but in any case, the water/cement ratio shall not be more than 0.5.

Mortar which is spccified as'dry pack'shall be mlxcd wlth sufficicnl wlrter for thc mlx to
become cohesive but not plastic when squeezed in the hand. Dry pack mortar shall be rammed
into the cavity it is required to fill, using a hand rammer with sufficient force to ensure full :
compaction. I

5.2.1 I Steel Reinforcement


1. Steel reinforcement shall comply with the relevant provisions of the appropriate British I

Standard, as set out below:


Tvpe BS
Carbon Steel Bars 4449
Cold Reduced Steel Wire 4482
Steel Fabric 4483

2. Steel fabric reinforcement shall be welded at the intersections and, unless otherwise described
in the Contract, shall be delivered to the Site in flat sheets. (.,

5.2.12 Tying Wire

l. Tying wire for steel reinforcement shall be 1.6 mm diameter finely annealed mild steel wire,
complying with BS 1052.

5.2.13 Cover Blocks and Spacers for Reinforcement

Cover block and spacers shall be designed to maintain the correct clear cover of concrete over
steel reinforcement, shall be as small as p,ossible consistent with their purpose, and of a shape
acceptable to the Engineer's.

2. Concr€te cover blocks shall be manufactured with a l0 mm maximum aggregate size and
otherwise produced to the same specification as the surrounding concrete. Wire cast in the
block for the pur?ose of tying it to the reinforcement shall comply with standard acceptable to

3. Spacers shall be of rust-proof mate al and shall not produce staining, or otherwise be
detrimental to the concrete or steel.

5.2.14 Precast Concrete Producls

l. Constituent m concrete products shall comply with the relevant requtements

of this S an appropdate British Standard includes specified

Bangiadesh Economic Zon. A (o BSMSN SWTP-Tender Document Volurn€-l

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BSMSN Surl'ace Walc.I.eament Pla0t Project Employe/s (Technical ) Requirements

2. Except where otherwise specifiei in a relevant British Standard or described in the Contract,
the surface finish of precast concrete products shall be Rough Finish for surfaces next to earth
and elsewhere Fair Finish.

5.2.15 Plastic Sheeting and Sleeving

I . Plastic sheeting for waterproof underlay shall be free from tears and voids and be substantially
free from pinholes and other discontinuities. It shall have a composition in accordance with
Clause 3 ofBS 6076 and a nominal film thickness of 0.125 mm.

2. Tubular polyethylene film for use as a loose protective sleeving for buried iron pipes and
frttings shall comply with the relevant provisions ofBS 6076, except that the nominal lay-flat
width shall be 280 mm for use with 80 mm and 100 mm nominal intemal diameter pipelines
incorporating push-in flexible joints, and 400 mm for 150 mm nominal intemal diameter
pipelines. Sleeving for pipes for below ground use for potable water shall be coloured blue and
all other sleeving black.

.2.16 Vitrified Clay Pipes and Pipe Fittihgs

Vitrified Clay pipes and pipeline fittings shall comply with the relevant provisions ofBS EN
295 and be ofa chemically resistant type with flexible mechanicaljoints.

5.2.17 Design Notes

For all types of pipes and fittings, the Contractor shall supply design calculations to show the rate
of fatigue of the pipe wall under the expected loads under normal conditions and during handling,
including loads under the following conditions:

. Pipe empty or pipe full ofthe specified test presswe in the trench,
. Pipe simply supported at ends or at a distance of one-quarter of the effective length from the
ends (pipe acting as cantilevered beam),
r Variable weight ofbackfill, up to 4 m,
e Standord road trafiic Ioads under at l6ast 1.00 m backfill, rvith due allowance for surfacing,
. Empg strenglh: vith residual inside pressure of 5 m absolute and backfill and road traffic
Ioads as above.

Ductile iron pipes shall be designed according to the procedure of ISO253I Standadylattest

5.2.18 Type ofJoints

L This Section concerns parts ofjoints liable to be in contact with water.

2. Pipes, fittings aad valves shall be assembled together by means of watertight joints, the details
of which shall be provided by the manufacturer.

3. The dimensions and weights of pipes and fittings corresponding to each type ofjoint shall be
specified in the manufachrrers' catalogues.

4. Pipes and fittings shall be supplied with push-onjoints unless mechanical joints are specified.

action ofthe push-onjoint is achieved as soon as the pipes or fittings are assembled
the spigot end ofone pipe into the socket of the next pipe.
action of the mechanicaljoint is achieved by compressing the rubber gasket by means
or ring held by bolts or iron segments

Bangladcsh Econon1ic Zonc Authority


r BSMSN SWTP-Tcndcr Docume Volumc-l
BSMSN Surface Water Treatment P.lantProject Employe,'s (Technical) Requir€m€nrs

6. Joints shall be flexible and capable of tolerating the maximum angular defections stated in th€
tender without leakage.

7. Push-on joins shall be ofthe locking type when so specified. Locking joints shall anchor the
pipes and fittings together making it impossible to uncouple them.

8. Resrained joints shall be used when so specified. The design of these joints is the
responsibility of the pipe manufacturer who shall submit appropriate drawings, assembly
instructions end rcfcrcnccs for cvaluation. Rcstraincd joints must bc designed so that they will
accept the test pressure in the pipeline when deviated by at least one-half of one degree.
Preference will be given to restraining assemblies which may be adapted in the field to regular
nonJocked joints (prrsh-on or mechanical)

9. Joints to pipes, fittings and valves in the valve roonx and lrydraulic structurcs shall be pcrflex
type or oquivalent where sr-r specilied, in order to permit subsequent tlismantling. Seal dngs
shall be square section natural rubber or elastomer or equivalent.

10. Couplings for jointing plain-end pipes shall be Viking Johnson or equivalent approved by the
Efiginecr-s and may be steel or ductile iron at the option ofthe Conuactor.The joi[t rirgs shall
be first gnde natural or synthetic rubber. The couplings shall be of a suitable class for the pipe
and shall be protected by a polyethylene sleeve.

ll- If the Contactor's normal range of goods includes a type of joint suitable for the type of
assembly specified in the Specification and capable of performing the same duty with the
necessary guarantee of reliability, he may propose such joints and/or assembly m€thod in his

12. Flange adapters forjointing flanged specials to plain-end pipes shall conform to the foregoing
contents ofthis item.

13- Prior to commencement of manufacture, the Contactor shall submit to the Engineer's for
approval detailed drawings ofall mechanical couplings.

14. All couplings shall be supplied with a slop coat of quick{rying primer approved by the i
Engineer's compatible with the material to be used subsequendy for moulding or painting.

15. Ductile iron pipes shall be connected to protected and unprotected steel and other pipe by
means ofisolating sections, joints or other devices in a watertight inspection chamber in order
to interrupt the elecfical conlinuity ofthe pipeline.

5.2.I9 Flanges

Standard NP l0 flanges shall be used to suit maximum pipeline operating pressure. Flange faces
shall be at right angles to the axis of the pipe or special. FlaDges shall be obtained specially cast
under accurate moulding procedures. Flange drilling shall be to ISO Standard 253 L

5.2.20 Fittings

Types and dirnensions of fittings shall be as specified in the manufacturet's catalogue and in
accordance with ISO Standard 2531.

5.2.21 Geometrical Tolerances

l. Tolerances on Joints
Tolerances shall be as indicated in the Contractor's designs for the ty?e and nominal

2. Tol ons in mm)

Bangladcsh Econom ic BSMSN SWTP'Tcndcr Documenl Volume-3

BSMSN Surface Water Treaoe Planl P.ojecl Employer's (Tcchnical) RcqurrerEnts

The tolerance on wall thickness and flange thickness are as follows:

Type of casing Dimensions Tolerances in mm

- (1.3 + 0.00t ND)
Pipes centrifugally cast in Wall thickness '
sand or metal mould Flange thickness + (2 + 0.05 b)
Fittings and accessories Wall thickness - (2.3 + 0.001 ND) *
Flanee thickness + (3 + 0.05 b)
r No limit on plus tolerance.
3. Tolerances on pipe and fitting lengths

The manufacture may supply up to l0% ofthe total number of socket and spigot pipe ofeach
diameter in standard lengths shorter than the standard lenglhs specified, the permitted reduction
in length being amultiple of 0.50 meters but not more than 2 meters.

The permitted tolennce on manufactured pipe lengths +

30 mm. The permitted tolerances on
manufadured lengths offittings shall be as specified in ISO Standard 2531.

--{. -Tolerances on straightness ofspun pipes

When spun pipe is rolled along two rails approximate'ly tow-thirds of the pipe length apart, the
maximum deviation f. in millimeters shall not be greater than 1.25 times the pipe length L in
f. < 1.25 L
5. Tolerances on outside diameler ofpipes

The tolerances on the outside diameter of pipes are as follows;

Plus tolerance + I mm
Minus tolerance - (1.5 + 0.004 ND) mm

6. Tolerances on weight

The weights ofpipes aad fittings depend on the weights ofthe sockets which can differ from
one manufacturer to another. The following tolerances are permissible on the weights ofpipes
ald fittings stated by the urarufacturcr iu his catalogue and czlculated with a cast iron denslty
of 7050 Kg/m.

Spun pipes,ND < 20Gr 8%


Bends, branch fittings

and special castings+ '12%o

-Other fittings + 8%

Casting weighing more than the maximum permissible weight will be accepted provided that
comply in every respect with the requirements ofthis Specification.

7. Tolerance on spigot ovalization

None ofthe spigot diameters shdl vary for more than + lyo oftl*. outside diameters. Ovalized
shall be repaired without damage to cement lining before installation.

5 Test Barc

gally cast in metal moulds or sand moulds

0haka {
&, Ban BSMSN SWTP-T.nde. Do{ument Volume-l
BSMSN Surfac€ WaEr TrEarm.nt Phnl Proj€cr Employels (Technrcal) R€quircmcnts

The machined test bar for tensile testing of pipes centrifugally cast in metal or sand moulds
shall be taken from the spigot end ofthe pipe, at approximately mid-thickness, and its axis shall
be parallel to the axis ofthe pipe.

The test bar shall include a cylindrical parl the length of which, between the marks, shall be as
given in the folloving table, dependent on pipe thickness;

Pipe thickness (mm) Diameter of test bar (mm)

Less than 5 2.0
5 and above, but below 6 2.5
6 and abovg but below 7 3.0
7 and above, but below 8 3.5
8 and sbove, but below l0 4.0
l0 and above, but below 12 5.0
l2 and above 6.0

2. Fittings and accessories cast in sand moulds or metal moulds

The tra:hined bar for the tensile testing of fittings and accessories cast in sand or metal moulds I
shall be taken from a sample cast separately but from the same iron as used for the castings
and, where applicable, shall be subjected to the same heat treatrnent. The choice of the method
used for casting the sample shall be left to the manufacturer wilh a view to obtaining soundly
cast test barc. The tlickness ofthe sample and the diameter ofthe bar are given in the following
table, dependent on the mean thickness ofthe casting.

Mean thickness of Thickness of sample Diameter of test bar

casting (mm) (mm) (mm)
Less than 12 12.5 6
12 and above 25 12

The length of the machined bar between the marks shall be equal of five times its diameter. ln
all cascs, the ends ofthe test bars shall be such that they shall fit the testing machine.

5.2.23 Tensile Test - Method and Results

The manufachrrer's rnechanical tests shail be camed out during manufach[e. The mechanical
acceptance tests shall be carried out on batches of castings as specified hereunder.

I . Pipes centrifugally cast in metal moulds or sand moulds

Each batch shall be made up ofpipes cast successively as follows

Up to and including ND 3@100 pipes

ND 350 to ND600 inclusive 50 pipes
ND 700 to ND 1000 inclusive 25 pipes
ND 1100 and above l0 pipes

2. Fittings and accessories cast in sand moulds or metal moulds

Casting made frorn iron of substantially the same composition and having undergone the same
heat treatmenl if applicable shall be considered as one batch except thal the size of batches
shall be limited to 4 tons ofcrude castings, excluding the weight ofthe risers.
V{ ater
For one ple from each batch in the case of fittings and accessories, the
m bar which must satisfy the following requirements:

BanBlad€sh Economic 66 BSMSN S$vTP-Tendcr Documcrt Voluhe-3

BSI\,!SN Surlhc. Water Trcatmenr Pla Protect Employe/s (Tcchnical) Rcquircmenb

Minimum tensile Minimum elongation to failure

Type ofcasting strength (Rm) %
N/mm ND 40 to I 000 ND I 100 to 20O0
Pipes centrifugally cast 420 l0 7

Fittings cast in sand

moulds or melal 400 )

Ifthe test piece fails to satisfy these requirements, two other test bars shall be taken from the same
pipe or from the same sample in the case of fittings and accessories and both test pieces shall
satisry the specified requirements.

Pipes from which test bars have been cut will be accepted as complete lengths.

5.2.24 Brinell Hardness Test

Brinell rests shall be carried out on the extemal surfaces ofcastings after lightly grinding down to
check compliance with the hardness limits specified where surface hardness shall not eiceed 230
HB on pipe and 250 HB on fittings. Brinell hardness tests shall be performed to ISO
Recommendation R 79, Amendment I with a steel ball of l0 mm or 5l mm diameter.

5.2.25 Works Tests and Maximum Working pressures

I . Works tests

Pipes shall be pressure tested for 15 seconds in the manufacturer's works under an inside
pressure of:

60 bars for ND up to 300 mm

50 bars for ND 350 to 600 mm
40 bars for ND above 600 mm
Pressure test for pipes and fiftings should be according to ISO 2531 standards.
t No sweating or leakage will be accepted.

2. Maximum working pressure

The maximurn working pressure is the maximum pressure to which the pipeline may be
subjec]ed under stable operating conditions. It does not include surge. rittings and iipes
manufactured to ISO Standard 2531 are suitable for maximum working pressures (rr"p) ,s


Up to 300 mm40 bars

350 -
1200 rnm 25 bars
Above 1200 mm 16 barc

ol manufacturer shall guarantee that his joints are capable or withstandin these pressures


4 (\.-
( Bangladesh Economic Zon! Authority 61 BS]VISN SWTP'Tender Documenr Volume-l
BSMSN Surfac. Water Trealme PlantProiccr Employef s (Tcchnical) Rcquircm.nts

Pipes laid in aggressive soils liable to shorten their normal service life, i.e. soils of low
resistivity or containing sulphur or with a high sulphate or chloride content, shall be effectively
protected by a polyethylene film complete unwrapping the pipes and fittings at the time of
laying. Polyethylene film shall comply with ISO standard.

5.2.26 Inspection and Testing at the Manufacturer's Works

l. The Contractor shall fumish and prepare the necessary test pieces and samples and supply the
labour and appliances for such testing as may be required to be carried out on his premises
according to this Specification. If there are no facilities at his own wo*s for making the
prescribed tests, the Confactor shall bear the costs of carrying out the tests elsewhere.

2. The Engineer's shall have full access to all those parts of the plant that are concerned with the
testing, fumishing or preparation of materials for the performancc and testing of work under
this Specification.

3. Thc Contractor shall fulnish the Eugineer's with reasouable facilities and space (witl)oul
charge) for the inspection, testing and obtaining of such information as he desires respecting
the charagtirof material in use and the progress and manner ofthe work.

4. The Engineer's shall be advised in advance of the time at which the operations of inspection
will normally take place.

The Engincer's may witness the sampling, preparation and testing of the test pieces, the
checking of dimensions and weights and the hydrostatic tests.
The inspections and weighing of the pipes and fittings may be carried out affer coating.

A quality cenificate shall be drawn up by the manufacturer and the Contractor's Representative
for all items satisfactorily inspected and tested. Each item weighed separately shall be listed on
the certificate with its weight and serial number. Each batch of items weighed together shall be
shown on the certificate against the number and total weight ofthe relevant items.

Should be Engineer's not be present at tlrc agreed time, the maDufacturer shall be entitled to
proceed with the inspection alone.

-5.2.27 Protection of Ends

The Contractor shall, to the Engineer's approval, effectively protect the ends of all pipes and
fittings before they leave the place of manufacture against damage during hansit and storage
and the ingress of foreign matter inside the pipes and fittings.

2. All details ofthe proposed method ofprotection shall be submitted before shipment.

5.2.28 Rainwater Pipes and Gulters

Rainwater pipes, guners, fixings and accessories shall comply with the relevant provisions of the
appropriate British Standard, as set out below:

Material BS
Cast lron 460, Type A
Aluminium 2991
-.d>- 4576: Part I

5.2.29 Soil, Waste

Brngledesh Economrc Zonc o8 BSMSN SwTP-TendcrDocume Volumc-3

BSMSN Surfacc Watcr Trearmen! Pla Projecr Employe/s (Tcchnical) Rcquircmcn(s

Soil, Waste and ventilating pipes, fittings and accessories for above ground drainage systems
shall comply witlr the relevant provisions ofthe appropriate British Standard, as set out below:

Material BS
Cast lron 416, Type A
uPVC (Soil and Ventilating) 45t 4
Polypropylene (Waste) 5254
Plastics (Waste) 5255

2. Wash basin and sink wastes shall comply with the relevant provisions ofBS 3380.

3. Plastics waste traps shall comply with the relevant provisions ofBS 3943.

5.2.30 Water Fittings

l. Water fittings sball comply with the relevant provisioas of the appropriate specification, as set
out as follows:

Water Fi BSAVIS No.

Sewice pipes, pump Copper 2871: Part I
Delivery pipes, distributing Capillary and compression fittings
pipes and fittings for copper tubes 864: Patt 2
Polyethylene 6572
Copper and copper alloy Wls No.4-22-01
compression frttings for
polyethylene pipes 5l l4
Joints & fittings for polyethylene 3 505
UPVC joints and 4346: Pafl 1

fi ttings (solvent welded)

UPVC j oints and fittings
(Mecharical) 4346: Part 2
Draining Taps
Screw-down pattem 2879
Draw-off taps
Metal bodied (Performance) 5412: Paft l - 5
Plastic bodied @erformance) 5413:Partsl-5
Stop valves
Above-ground, screw-down pattem
Underground l0l0: Part 2
Float operated Valves Diaphragm type (brass body)
Diaphragm type (plastic body) l2l2: Put 2
l2l2: Put 3
Floats for ball valves Copper
Plastics r968
Storage Cisterns and lids Low Carbon Steel 2456
Polyolefin or olefin 417: Parr 2
copolymer 4213
Wash Basins
Ceramic I r.88
Metal hand rinse t3z9
Clased fireclay 1206
Stainless Steel 1244: Pan 2
Horizontal outlet 5503: Parts I &2

&' WC Pans

Aulhori$' 5! BSI\,ISN SWTP-T endcr Docurnent

W Volumc-j
BSMSN Surface Watcr Trertm.n( Plant Proj€ct E rploye/s (Technrcal) RequirEmenls

I WC seats and covers Plaslics 5627

WS flushing cisterns Plastics, Type I 1254
Dual flush type 1't2.5

Urinals Stainless steel slab 4880: Part I

Vitreous china bowl 5520
Automatic flushing cisems Lidded 1876
for urinals

5.2.31 Marker Tape

l. Marker tape for buried water mains shall be blue PVC or polyethylene mesh or ribbon at least
50 mm wide, incorporating a conosion resistant tracing system.

2. Marker tape for buried cables shall be yellow PVC or polyethylene mesh or ribbon at least 150
mm wide. Ribbon shall be printed with the words 'ELECTRIC CABLE in bold capital letters at
intcrvals not exceeding 700 mm.

5.2.32 Pipes for Land Drainage and Temporary Drains

l. Pipes, joints and fittings for land drainage and temporary drains shall comply with the relevant
provisions ofthe appropriate British Standard as set out below:

Typ" BS
'Perforated' or 'Surface Wate/ vitrified clay pipes and fittings BS EN 295
Concrete porous pipes for under drainage
Clayware fi eld drainpipes I 194
Plastics pipes for use as light duty sub-soil drains I 196
'Land Drainage' calegory concrete pipes and fittings with ogee 4962
joints 591 l: Part 3

5.2.11 Pipes tbr Ducts

l. Pipes, ioints and fittings tbr ducts sha[ comply with the relevant provisions of the appropriate
British Standfid, as set out below:

Tvpe BS
Unplasticized PVC Pipe 3505 or 3506
Hollow steel sections (greater than 150 mm 4360, 43C to 4848: Pan 2
Steel tubes (not greater than l50nmOD) 6323: Part 2, HFW 2

2. Pipes, joints and fittings for buried ducts shall have flexible mechanical joints and comply with
the relevant provisions ofthe appropriate British Standard, as set out below:

Type BS
Vitrified Clay BS EN 2095
Unreinforced or reinforced Concrete 591l: Part 100
Unplasticized PVC 4660 and 5481

3. Alt d com plete between duct chambers

Bangladesh Economic Zon€ BSi\,lSN SWTP-Teodcr Documcnl vo,ume-l
BSMSN Surface Watcr Trcahent Plsnt Project Employels (Technical) Requt menls

5.2.34 Gaskets for Flanged Joints

l. Gaskets for flanged pipe joints shall be ofthe inside-bolt+ircle type. The dimensions of gaskets
shall cornply with BS 4865: Part l. Gaskets shall be manufactured from material complying
with the provisions ofBS 2494 for Type W rings.

5.2.35 Valves

l. Valves for pipeline installation shall comply with the relevant provisions of the appropriate
British Standard.

2. Valve parts to be in contact with potable water shall meet the relevant provisions of BS 6920:
Pan I or IGN No. 5-01-03 as appropriate.

5.2.36 Pipe Bedding Bacldll and Side fill Materials

Dedding and Sitc Fill

l. Granular materials for beddings shirll consist of aggregate to BS 882 and shall conform to the
following grading.

Nomlnal DiameterSize (mm)Crading (mm)

801010 single-size
l00l0l0 single-size
l50l5l0 or I4 single-size
or 14 to 5 graded

2002010, l4 or 20 single-size
toor 14 to 5 graded
500or 20 to 5 graded

,l - >500 4010, 14, 20 or 40 single-size

crushed rock
or 14 tu 5 grarled
or 20 to 5 graded
or 40 to 5 graded.

? Selected main backfill, whether selected from locally excavated material or imported, shall
consist of uniform readily compactible material, free from vegetable matter and building
rubbish or materials susceptible to spontaneous combustion, and excluding clay of liquid limii
grcater than 80 an or plastic limit greater than 55 and materials of excessively high moisture
content. Clay lumps and stones retained on 75 mm and 37.5 mm sieves respectively shall be
excluded from the fill material.

5.2.37 Precast Concrete Manholes

Precast concrete manhole of circular cross section shall comply with the relevant provisions of
BS 591l: Part 200. units which bed onto bases shall be manufactured so that imposed vertical
Ioads fie transmitted directly via the full wall thickness ofthe unit. Forjoints behveen unirs and
the underside of slabs, joint profiles shall be capable of withstanding applied loadings from
such slabs and spigot-ended sections shall only be used where the soffit ofthe slab is recessed
oi Ws ter ve them.

Zonc Authorily rl BSMSIi SWTP-T€n&r Do.ument Volume-3
BSMSN Surface Warer Tr.atmcnr Plantprolec( Employc/s ( Techn ical ) Req u rrcm€nts

5.2.38 Manhole Covers and Frames

Manhole covers and frames shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 497: Part I and
have a minimum clear opening of 600 mm. Covers and frames with minimum clear openings
outside the ranges in BS 497: PaiL I shall comply with the provisions of that Standard where
applicable. All manhole covers shall be Ductile Iron, shall have closed kel.ways and
incorporate ventilation slots.

5.2.39 Manhole Step Irons

Step irons for manholes and other chambers shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS

5.2.40 Gullies and Gully Cover Slabs

I. Precast concrete guilies and gully cover slabs shall comply with the relevant provisions ofBS
.591I : Pnrt 2

5.2.41 Gully Coven, Gratingsand Frames

I. Gully covers, gratings and frames shall comply with the relevant provisions ofBS 497: Part l.
5.2.42 Surface Boxes and Guards

l Small and large surlace boxes shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 5834: Parts 2
and 3 resp€ctively.
2. Guards and foundation units for underground stop valves shall comply with the relevant
provisions of BS 5834; Part L

5.2-43 Structural Steel

l. Stuchral steel sections shall comply with the relevant provisions of the appropriate British
Shndard, as set out below:

Structural Steel Sections 4: Part I
Cold rolled ste€l sections 2994
Weldable structr:ral steels 4360
Hot-rolled structural steel sections 4848: Pans 2 and 4
Steel tubes for 6323:Pu1aZ-7

5.2.44 Nuts, Screws, Washers and Bols

l. Allnuts screvs washers and bolts shall be corosion resisting. Stainless steel nuts, screws,
washers and bolts shall be manufactured from Grade 3l5s3l steel complying with BS 970:
Pafi I or BS 1449:Part2.
2. Bolting for pipes and fittings shall comply with the relevant provisions ofBS 4504: Pafi I,
except that spheriodal graphite iron bolts for use with ductile iron pipes and fittings shall be
manufactured from metal complying with the provisions ofBS 2789 for Grade 500/7.

3. Bolt lengths shall be sufficient to ensure that nuls are full-threaded when tightened in their final

5.2.45 Safety Chains

st Waler
L Mild stee 8 mm nominal size Grade M (4) non-calibrated chain, Type l,
compl 2. After man mild steel safety chains shall be hot dip
galvan L 'f! td s 729.

Belgladesb Economic BSMSN SWTP-TlDdcr Documcnt Volumc-3

BSiVSN Surface WaGr Trianneor Ptam proj€cl Employc/s (Techrical ) R€quirements

2. Stainless sleel safety chain shall be manufactured from Grade 3l653l steel complying with BS
970: Part l, Chain links shall be welded and have an intemal length not exceeding 45 mm and
an intemal width of between 12 mm and 18 mm. The fins caused by welding shall be removed
and the weld shali be smoothly finished all round. When tested in accordance with Clause 7.3
of BS 4942: Part 2, each chain shall withstand a breaking force of 30 kN and a proof force of
l5 kN.

5.2.46 Handrails and Balusters

Handrails and balusters shall be manufactured from nraterial complyiDg with the relevant
provisions of the appropriate British Standard, as set out below. Protective barriers shall
comply with the provisions of BS 6180 for Building - use Category 6.

Handrails Balusters
Solid Tubular Solid Tubular
BS Grade BS Grade BS Grade BS Grade
Stainless 970 3 r653l 6323 LWITK 970 31653 6323 LWITK
Steel nt Pr8 M Prl I PT8 M

Aluminiu 't474 6082 147 4 6082 1490 1474

m or LM6 or 6082
t47 t 1471

2. After manufacture, aluminium handrails and balusters, shall be anodised, as appropriate, in

accordance with BS 1615, Grade AA25.

Handrailings shall be welded, 38 mm nominal IPS schedule 40 aluminium pipes. The handraillng
shall be prefabricated for site assembly without welding.

5.2.47 Ladders

Stainless steel ladders for vertical fixing shall be fabricated from Grade 31653l steel
complying with BS 970: Part I or BS 1449:Part 2 and shall comply with any dimensional
provisions ofBS 421 l, Class A, consisting of65 mm x I 12 mm flats as sfingers 400 mm apart
with 20 mrn dia rings at a maximum of250 centers shoutdered and riveted over.

5.2.48 Industrial Flooring, Walkways and Stair Treads

l. steel and aluminiun indushial open type metal flooring, walkways and stair heads shall
comply with the relevant provisions ofBS 4592: parts 1,2 and3.

2. After fabrication, Iow carbon steel flooring, walkways and stair treads shall be hot dip
galvanised in accordance with BS 729.

5.2.49 Fixings for Mealwork

Stainless steel propdetary fixings shall be rnanufactured from Grade 31653l steel complying
with BS 970: Part I or BS 1449:Parr2.

5.2.50 Fixing Accessories for Building Puposes

for sheet, roof and wall coverings shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS
: Part l.

&( 4
ic Zon. Authority 't) BSMSN S\rTP-Tcnder Document Volumc-l
BSMSN Surface WatcrTrealmen( Plant Project Employer's (Technical) RequiremenE

5.2.51 Wall Tiles

l. Ceramic tiles for internal walls shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 6431: Parts I-

5.2.52 FIoor Tiles

1. Floor tiles shall cornply with the relevant provisions of the appropriate British Standards as set
out below:

Type BS
Ceramic 6431:Part I-9
Concrete 1197lPaft2
Clay 6431

5.2.53 RoofCoverings

l. Roof coverings shall comply with the relevant prwisions of the appropriate British Standards,
as set out below:

Material/Type BS
Clay tiles and fittings 402
Concrete tiles and fittings 473 & s50

5.2.54 Bricks and Blocks

l. Clay bricks, precast concrete masonry units and calcium silicate bricks shall comply with the
relevant provisions of BS 3921, BS 6073: Parts I and 2 and BS 187 respectively.
2. Bricks to be used for shallow manholes and chambers shall be solid type.
3. The shapes and dirnensions of special bricks shall comply with the relevant provisions ofBS
4. Air bricks and gratings for wall ventilation shall comply with the relevant Provisions of BS 493
and shall match any surrounding bricks.

5.2.55 Permanent Fencing :

L Permanent fencing shall comply with the relevant provisions of the appropriate Part of BS
2. Atl timber for permanent fencing shall be given preservative treatment in accordance with the
provisions ofthe rclevant Part ofBS 1722.

5.2.56 Hardcore

1. Hardcore shall consist of clean, hard, durable material, either broken stone, bricks or concrete,
graded from 200 mm to 5 mm, aad be free fiom extraneous matter.

5.2.57 Granular Sub-Base Material

l. Cranular Sub-Base Material shall be subject to the approval ofthe Engineer's.

5.2.58 Rolled Asphalt

l. Hot rolled asphalt ply with the relevant provisions ofBS 594: Part l.

5.2.59 Bitumen Road

l. Bitumen ly with the relevant provisions ofBS 434: ParI-I

Blngladeli Economic Zone Aut BSMSN SWTP-Iender Docufl€nt Volume-3

Dha 'c
a .o(
BSMSN Surtace WaterTreatment Planl Protcct EmployeCs { Tecihnical ) Requ irements

5.2.60 Joint Sealing Compounds and Sealants

l. Joint sealing compounds shall be impermeable ductile materials of a type suitable for the
conditions of exposure in which they are to be placed, and capable of providing a durablg
flexible and watertight seal by adhesion to the concrete tkoughout the range of joint

2. Hot poured sealants shall comply with BS 2499, Ordinary Type Al sealant.

3. Cold poured polymer-based joint sealants shall comply with BS 5212, Normal TypeN sealant.

4. Two-part polysulphide-based sealants shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 4254,
Pouring Grade shall be applied to horizontal upward-facing joints and Gun Grade to joints of
any other aspect of inclination. other two-part polymer-based sealanls of Gun or Trowel Grade
shall comply with the physical and test requirements ofBS 4254.

5. Silicone based building sealants shall comply with thc relcvant provisions ofBS 5889.

6. Primers for use with joint sealants shall be compatible with, and obtained from the samo
manufacturers as, the adjacent sealant. Primen shall have no harmful effects on concrete.

7. sealonls and primers which will be in coDtact with water to be usctl for potable supply shall not
impart to water taste, colow, or any effect kno$n to be harmful to health, ind shall be
resistant to bacterial growth.

8. Sealants and primers which will be in contact with sewage m sewage sludge shall be resistant
to biodegradati on.

5.2.61 Cement Grouts

cement grout shall be mixed in the relevant proportions indicated in the following table using
,- the minimum quantity of water to ensure the necessary fluidity and to render ii capable oi
penetraiing the worki

Nominal by Mass
Cement Sand Pfa
G2 I ;
G3 I l0
1 cement grout shall be used within one hour of mixing, except where containing a retardant

Authonry 15
0"-- BSMSN SWTP-Tender Document Volume-3
BSMSN Surfae Waler Treatnrenl Plaol Prolecl Employ!/s (Technical) Requiremcnts


5.3.1 Excavation


l. The Contractor slrall carry out his operationsin such a manner as to avoid damage to, or
deterioration oi tbe finished formation of excavations- The Contractor's attention is
parlicularly draw[ tt.r the timitations and requirements set out in Section 3.4 of this
Specification (Dealing with Water).

2. lfthe contractor encounters ground in the finished formation which he considers unsuitable, or
the fmished formation is damaged or allowed to deteriorate, the Engineer's shall be promptly

3 The sides of excalations shall be adequately supported at all times an4 except where described
in or peluitted under thc Contract, shall not be battered.

4 The Contractor sHffiispose of surplus excavated material to tipping locations that-shall be

subject 10 the prior approval of the Engineer's. No excavated material suitable for re-use in the
Works shall be rernoved Aom the Site except on the direction, or with the permission, of the

All dumping (topsoil or excavated material for reuse) will be within the employer site Export
ofexcavated material out ofthe site will not be tolerated.


5. Trenches for pipes up to 100 mm nominal bore shall be excavated to provide a minimum
clearance of 100 mm around the outside of pipe barrels and joints. For pipes with nominal
bores exceeding 100 mm, the minimum clearance shall be increased to 150 mm for flexible
pipeline and to 200 mm for rigid pipeline.

6. tlnless indicated in the drawings the trench depth shall allow a minimum pipe cover of 800
mm. Lenglh of trench shall be opened by short sections. If there is a danger of erosion of
trenches, the period berween excavations of trench, the pipe laying and subsequent backlilling
shall be kept to minimum.

During 15 days after excavation of the pipe bedding the Contractor shall be responsible to
maintain the trench in good condition (cleaning, bottom levelling, shoring and dewatering if

Within a maximurn of3 days after Engineer's order, the contractor shall short the bacldrlling of
the trench^

7. The Contr-actor shall use a diamond saw to cut clean trench sides in the road formation to
facilitrte reinstatement and limit over break.

Ground Conditions

8. Primary Ground conditions are recorded in the geotechnical survey reports.

The I satisfy himself as to the need for further site investigation and shall
irrcl his Method Related Charges

'76 BSMSN SWTP-Tendcr Document Volume-3

Bmgllldcs.h Economic
BSNTSN Surface Water Treatment Plant project Employe/s (Technical) Requirements

The Contractor's attention is dlawn to the fact that in some areas lre will encounter difficult and
poor ground conditions and he shall take appropriate measures to deal with these. These
measures are to be stated in his method statements which shall be submitted and approved
before pipe laying works shall be permitted to commence.

9. The Contractor shall be responsible for any permits that may be required for the disposal of
ground water from his excavations, but under no circumstances will the Contractor be allowed
to discharge polluted ground water, or water containing fines to open drainage ditches or water

10. Where the $ound conditions compdse rock a trenching system not involving blasting will be
generally required.

Utility Services

ll. It is the Contractor's responsibility and avoid all utility services that may interfere with his
constmction worlc. Thc location ofthcsc EcrvicoE shall form an intogral psrt ofthe pipe lnying
operations and shall not be paid for separately.

12. Existing known services located on the site can be seen on drawings from the respective
Utilities- The Contractor shall continually probe for unknown services and confirm the position
of known services ahead of his working front using his own services detection equipment, and
shall exercise exheme caution when excavating near services. Wlere possible each service
should be located using suitable cable avoidance tools and hand digging.

Site Features

13. Before starting work, the Contactor shall veriff which existing fences, gates, walls, roads,
paved areas and existing structures are to be removed. Materials arising fiom demolition are to
be removed from site or retained for fuhrre re-use.

14. Where necessary, bushes, scrub and under$oMh will need to be removed and large roots will
need to be grubbed up and disposed of.

15. Basic workmanship for excavating shal! comply wifh RS 8000: Part l, Sections 3.1, 3.2 and

16. Swfaces of excavations with a gradient greater than I in 5 which are to receive filling shall
lrave horizontal belches cut to match the depth of compacted layers of filling.

17. For excavations, the permissible deviations from formation levels shall be:
For trenches receiving pipe work: +/- l5 mm
Beneath mass concrete foundations: +/- 25 mm
Beneath ground bearing slabs and rc foundations: +/- l5 mm
Emban-kments and cuttings: +/- 50 mm
Ground abutting extemal walls: +/- 50 mm, but such as to ensure that finished level is not
less than 150 mm below dpc.

18. Advance arangements with the Engineer's for inspection of finished formations shall be made
prior to commencement ofconcreting or pipe laying for the following: -


excavations shall be removed by hand just before inspection. Excavations

and levels shall trimmed and oose shall be removed.

71 BSMSN SWTP-Tcnder Documem Volume-3

BSttISN Surfac. WalerTreatnrenr Planl Prolecr Employe/s (T.chnrc-al) Requiremenrj

Unless otherwise instructed all formations shall be sealed within 4 houn of inspection with
concrete or other Eecified fill and pipes shall be laid and backfilled within 2 hours from

19. Where natural bearing formation of undisturbed subsoil is not obtained at the depth shown on
the drdwings or whcre the formation contains soft or hard spots or highly variable material, the
Engineer's shall be advised and his instructions shall be sought.

20. Existing watercourses which have been diverted and are to be filled must be cleared of all
vegetable grovlths and soft deposits before filling.
21. Excavation deeper than necessiuy or over break shall be filled and made good at the
Contracto/s expense with concrete and/or other materials as per instruction ofrhe Engineer's.

Pip€ bedding, sunound, backlill and reinstatement shall be over the full trench width and any
additional malcrials required because of over-break will be provided and installed by the
Contractor at his own expense.

22. The trench width shall be as small as practicable but not less than 150 mm each side ofthe pipe
with sides vertical. Mud, rock projections, boulders and hard spots shall be removed from the
trench bottom and the level shall be trimmed.
Artifi cial Obstructrons

23. Should cess-pits or other artificial obstructions be encountered in the excavations the
Contractor shall immediately advise the Engineer's thereof and execute srrch work as he may

Temporary Works

24. For constuction of pumping stations and pipelines the Contractor shall design, provide,
construct and maintain proper and sufficient coffedams or other temPorary works for dealing
with water during the construction ofthe work where high groundwater tables are encountered
and across rivers and the like and shall remove the cofferdams or such other temporary works
on completion. The design and method ofconstuction is at the discretion ofthe Contractor.
Such other temporary works shall be designed to withstand all presswe conditions at high and
low water levels both before and affer excavation work has been caried oul Such other t:
temporary works must be maintained in a stable and satisfactory condition for such periods as
are necessaq/ for the performance of the Work and they are not to be removed without the
Engineer's written consent.
The Contractor shall keep all working areas and other temporary work spaces free from water
from any source and shall provide all temporary pumping plant, pumping sumps, subdrains,
pipes, channels etc. and shall fill in any spaces left by the removal of any such works in a
manner approved by the Engineer's.

5.3.2 Turf for Relaying

L Turfs to be reJaid shall measure approximately lm by 300 mm when cut and shall be of
uniform thickness not less than 40 mm.

2. Turfs cut; they shall be kept moist and shall be laid within one week of

J turfs shall be such that the final grass surface after compaction
ining grass surface

BalrSladesh Econ 73 BSMSN SWTP-Tende, Docum€nt Volume-l

BSMSN Su.face Water TrEatmenl plantprojecr Employer s (Technical) RequiremenE

5.3.3 Topsoil for Re-use

l. 'Topsoil'sball mean the top layer ofsoil that can support vegetation. It shall include all turf
not required for relaying or not acceptable for turfing under Clause 3.2.

2. Topsoil shall be removed fiom the areas presuibed in the contract, and where required for re-
use, shall be stock-piled separately and kept free from weeds.

5.3.4 Dealing with Water

All excavation and placement of backfill and fill shall be canied out in the dry except in the
case of caisson sinking, which excavation shall be permitted to be carried out below water
subject to the prior approval of a detailed method statement by the Engineer,s. However
Hydraulic reclamation shall be allowed for economic land filling and levelling with local

He shall at all times have on hand sufficient pumping equipment and machinery in good
working condition for all ordinary emergencies, inchrdirry power outage, and ihall have
available at all times competent workmen for the operation ofthe pumping equipment.

The static water level shall be drawn down a minimum ofone foot (30 cms) below the bottom
of the excavalion so as to maintain the undisturbed state of the foundations soils and allow the
placement of any fill or backfill.

Details of the proposed system shal be provided to the Engineer's for approval, which
t approval will not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for any loss, injury or damage to
works or property.

2. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any gromd water ftom entering
mains to be used for the conveyance ofpotable water.

3. No water shall be discharged into any pipeline, watercourse or drain without the permission of
the Engineu's, and such permission will not be granted unless the Contractor has provided to
the satisfaction of the Engineer's, an elficient settling basin or sand trap through which all such
water sha.ll pass belore discharge into the said pipeline, watercourse or drain.

4. The Contractor shall include the cost of any andlor all expenses under this clause in his priced
rates for excavation or otler appropriate items.

5.3.5 Temporary Drains

I' Where tenrporary drains are required, they shall be laid in a nanow trench or grip formcd
below the bottom of the excavation in an approved position. The pipes shall be Jpen-jointed
and shall be sunounded with Type A Bedding material.

2. Grouting pipes shall be_ inserted in the line ofthe temporary drains at intervals not exceeding 25
m and the drains shall be solidly filled with Class G3 or G4 grout. The grout pipes will be
offon completion-

5.3.6 Backfilling

l. Backfilling shall, wherever practicable, be undertaken .immediately after t}le specified

preceding it have been completed. Bacldlling shall not, however, be commenced
works to be covered have achieved a sirength sufficient to withstand all loading

thereon and have been approved by the Engineer's.

Authority 79 BSMSN SWTP Tender Documen( Vollne i

BSMSN Sur-face Water Treatmenl PlantProject Employels (Technical) Requirem€nts

2. Backfilling around Permanent Works shall be undertaken in such a manner as to avoid uneven
loading or damage.

3. Filling material to excavations not situated in highways or prospective highways shall consist
of selected fill as defined in Clause 5.3.6 (8) deposited in layers not exceeding 200 mm
unconsolidated thickness and compacted to form a stable backfill.

4. Unless otherwise required by the relevant Roads Authorities, excavation in highways or

pedestrian footpaths shall be filled, above the level of any pipe surround required under Part 5,
Clause 5.4.1, with selected fill as determined by Engineer's and brought up to the level ofthe
underside ofthe sub base.

Backfill material shall be placed within 0.57o of optimum moisture conten! and compacted in
layers not exceeding 150 mm after compactioq to a density of at least the density required for
the material in adjoining layers of fill, sub-grade and sub-base, the minimum requirement being
as lbllows:

% Compaction
(BS 877,ft 4, Cl .3 & BS 1377, Pr 9, Cl .2
Earthworks 95o/o I
Subgrade 95%
Subbase 100%
Aggrcgale base couse 100o/o

Backfilling shall be carried out simultaneously and equally on both sides ofthe tench.
5. Where the excavations have been supported and the supports are to be removed, these, where
practicable, shall be withdrawn progressively as backfilling proceeds in such a manner as to
minimise the danger of collapse, and all voids formed behind the supports shall be carefully
filled and compacted. Any disturbance of the permanent works caused by the removal or
withdrawal of support systems is to be rectified by the Contractor at his own cost-

6. Hazardous, Aggressive or Unstable Materials: ,

The Contractor shall not import or use filI materials which would, either in themselves or in
combination with ottrer material or ground water, give rise to a health hazard, cause damage to
building structures or produce instability in the tilling.

The Contractq shall submit test reports from an approved laboratory demonstrating
compliance of the proposed material(s).

7. Placing fill generally:

The Contractor shall ensure that excavations and areas to be filled arc tree trom loose sorl,

rubbish and standing water.

Plant employed for transporting, laying and compacting must be suited to the type of material.

The Contractor shall lay differing materials separately so that only one type of material occurs
in each layer.

8. Compacted subsoil flling:

The that at time of placing and compacting the moisture content of
they j ust bind when squeezed in the hand. The moisture
I shall be adj usted necessary to achieve adequate compaction,
if ing of the

Bangladesh Economic 30 BSMSN SWTP-Tcndcr Document Volume-3

BSMSN Surface Water Treatment Plant project Employe/s (Technical) Requiremcnrs

Material shall be spread in layers of not more than 200mm thick and as soon as possible
thereafter each layer shall be compacted using plant and methods suitable to the type of

Well in advance of starting work a method staternent shall be submitted to the Engineer,s,
containing details of:

Materials to be uscd.
Proposed type ofplant.
Proposed maximum depth of each compacted Iayer
Proposed minimum number ofpasses per layer.

9. Compacted granular filling:

Materials shall be used which may be arising from the excavations (or, where instructed,
imported) as defined below. If both suitable and unsuitable material is excavated, the material
shall be selected, and sufficient suitable material shall be kept separate. If there is insufficient
suitable excavated material, the Engineer's instructions regarding the importation of material
sholl bc obtdncd.
MaLsrials whiuh can be used shall satisry the deflsity requlrement of maxlmum laboratory dry
density under Standard ASTM, ASSHTO or BS compac.tion of not less than 14,4 kN/m3, and
may comprise fhe following:

Well graded sands and gravels with a uniformity coefficient of more than l0 or
Well graded crushed hard rock or quarry waste (othe! than chalk) or
Sound blast firrnace slag (other thaa from steel making foundries) or
Well bumt non-plastic shale.

Materials shall be protected from contamination and from excessive moisture due to wet
weather while stockpiled before use.

Material shall be spread and levelled in layers not exceeding 150mm in depth and as soon as
possible thereafter each layer shall be compacted using planl and methods suitable to the type
of material. Well in advance of starting work a method statement shall be submitted for the
approval ofthe Engineer's giving derails of propr.rsed:

Type ofplang
Maximum depth ofeach compacted layer;
Minimum number of passes per layer;

10. Blinding:

The Contractor shall at all times afford protection to any exposed formation to obviate
deterioration and where applicable, binding concrete shall be laid immediately following the
Engineer's approval of the formation.

I L Standard Earthwork Compaction Test Procedure:

All compacted earthfill dry density shall equal or exceed the specified percentage, determined
as by Test l2 ofBS 1377. This method will be used to determine the maximum dry density of
each type of soil used in compacted fills, backfills, and embankments and to measure the
relative compaction at optimum moisture content of compacted fills, backfills, embankment

\ 8l MSN S WTP-Tcnd.r Ddururt Vulumc-3

BSMSN Surface Water Treatmenl Planr Proiect Employels (Technical) Requircments

During the cource ofthe work, the Contractor, under overall supervision of the Engineer's, will
perform such tests as are required to identiS materials, to determine compaction
characteristics, to determine moisture content, and to determine density to fill in place' These
tests performed by the Contractor will be used to veriry that the backfills and fill conform to the
requirements of the specifi cations.

Testing be performed by the Contractor or an approved testing laboratory selected by the

Confactor when, where, and as directed by tbe Engineer's. The Contractor shall arrange his
operations so as to permit time to make tests and shall excavate and fill such holes as may be
required forsampling and testing. The Contractor may carry out (at his own cost) any
additional tests that he requires to protecl his own interests'

5.3.7 Reinstatement ofRoads, Tracks and Paths

1. General

The Contractor shall reinstate all properties whether public or p vate affected by the Works
temporary Works, Plant Labour materials or lransport to a condition as specified hereafter and
at least equa.l to that obtained before his first elrlry, cxuept itr tlte case of Public Roads where
the Highways Authority has elected to carry out permanent surfacing reinstatement.
If in the opinion of the Engineer's the Contractor shall have failed to take reasonable and
prompt action to discharge his obligations in the matter of reinstatements the Engineer's will
inform the Contractor in writing of his opinion in which circumstances the Employer reserves
the right to make payments to owners and occupiers of land in respect of such matters for
which the Contractor is responsible. Such payments will be deducted from any money due or
which shall become due from the Employer to the Cont-actor.

2, Levels
The Contractor may, subject to the approval of the Engineer's, keep temporary reinstatement
higher than final levels, provided that the surface profile of such temPorary reinstatement is
smoo*r and rounded and that no inconvenience is caused to traffic or to users or occupiers.

3. Maintenance of surfaces

The Contactor shall maintain and uphold the temporarily reinstated surface oftrenches and all
openings until they are finally reinstate4 during the continuance of the Contract including the
defects conectlon period to the satisfaction of lhe Engiueer's. If [rc Cuntlaulur [ails to rJu su,
the Engineer's may carry out such remedial work as is necessary and deduct the cost of so
doing fiorn payrnents due to thc Contractor.

The Contractor shall have the surface properly inspected from time to time, and prior to the
{inal reinstatement other than for public roads specified herein shall fill in such portions as may
sink below the level of the adjoining surfaces with new material, similar to the existing
surfaces, thoroughly rammed to the satisfaction of the Engineer's-

5.3.8 Reinstatement of Unpaved Land

l. On the completion of work in unpaved land the Contractor shall break up and cultivate the
surface of all land affected, to a depth of at least 300 mm, replacing topsoil and restoring the
land as closely as possible to its original condition.

The al) properties whether public or private affected by the Works

tem materials or transport to a condition as specified hereafter and
at before his entry.

Bangladesh Economic BSMSN SWTP-Tend€r Documenl Volume l

BSMSN Surlace Wald Trcatrncot Plrnl Projecl Employels (Tcchnical) Requt.cmeBts

lf in the opinion of the Engineer's the Contractor shall have failed to lake reasonable and
prompt action to discharge his obligations in the matter of reinstatements the Engineer's will
inform the Contractor in writing of his opinion. Under these circumstances the Employer
reserves the right to make paymens to owners and occupiers of land in respect of such matters
for which, is the Engineer's opinion, the Contractor is responsible. Such payments will be
deducted ftom any money due or which shall become due from the Employerto the Contractor.

2, Surfaces to be sown with grass seed shall be reduced to a fine tilth and raked clear of stones
greater than 50 mm in size. The seed shall be sown at the proper season, evenly distributed and
applied at a rate of not less than the quantities given in the following table:

Nature ofArea to be Level Surfaces Sloping Surfacc to

Seeded (elm2) Cuttings and
Lawns 60
Surrounds to Tanks and
Process Plants 25 35
Agricultural -Land and
Roadside Verges 6 l0

Planting will be pcrmitted in lieu ofseeding and turfing. Approved local gass shall be planted
at 150x150 mm centres.
3. Surfaces to be turled shall be prepared as for seeding. The approved turves shall be placed,
butted, interlocked and tamped and the joints filled with fine sandy soil. On sloping ground
where they may be likely to slip, turves shall be laid diagonally, Any subsidence taking place
shall be made good by taking up the turt, fiuing with good finely sieved topsoil and replacing
the turf in the manner specified above. Any turf that dies shall be replaced with new turf.

4. Imported top soil shall be provided as necessary to make up any deficiency oflopsoil existing
on site and to complete the wo*.

The material shall be in accordance with the following specification:

Reasonably free of stones.
Maximum size of stones in any dimension: 5U mm.
Free ofweed seeds, roots or perennial weeds, sticks, subsoil and foreign matter.
From an approved source.
Obtain approval ofa sample load ofnot less than 5 m3.
Retain for comparison with subsequent loads.

5. Topsoil contaminated with subsoil, rubbish, oil-based products, or other materials toxic to plant
life shall not be used and shall be disposed ofto an approved tipping site.

6. The Contractor shall provide all attendance as may be required until the grass has become well
established and shall keep the areas trimmed, weeded and in good order rmtil substantial
completion of the works.

The soiling and grasing to slopes shall be carried out immediately the slope is formed-

Grass areas shall be replanted/seeded/turfed at the Contractor's cost if the first opemtion is not
or iffor an y reason the grass is destroyed

nthonry 8l BSMSN SWTP'Tender Documcar Volume-l
BSMSN Surface Watar Traamorl Plant Project Employer's (Tcchnrcal) Requircments

5.3.9 Land Drains

l. The positions ofall land drains intercepted or disturbed shall be prorninently marked at every
point of intersection with the work. The Contnctor shall rccord these positions, depths, pipe
diametem and the types of construction, and a copy of these records shall be given to the
Engineer's. Care shall be taken during the progress of Works to prevent the disturbance of

5.3.10 Filling above Ground

Embankments and other areas of fillshall be formed of suitable materials capable of normal
compaction to form a stable fill, deposited and compacted as soon as practicable after
excavation, in layers ofthicknes appropriate to the compaction plant used.

2. The filling shall, wiere practicable, be built up and compacted evenly, and shall be maintained
at all times with a suffrcient camber or cross fall and a surface sufficiently even to enable
suface water 10 drain readily from it.


5.4.1 Concrete F--

Consists of a mixture of Portland Cenent, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, water, and
additives (when reguired). The proportion mix and placing shall be in accordance with BS 5328
and BS 8 I l0 for framed building struch:res aad BS 8007: 1987 for water retaining stuctures.
Where these specifications conflict with, or are inconsistent with, the requirements of
BS 5328/BS 8ll0/BS 8007, the requirements in these specifications shall prevail. Specific
design requirements shall be as defined in these specifications. All concrctc mixes shall be
designed for special or ordinary concrete as defined in BS 8l10, Clause 6.3.

Standard Concrete Mixes shall be as shown in the table below:

Proportions and Weight Requirements for Portland Cement Concrete

Approx Ratio of Total Min. Compressive

AgB egate to Ceotet[ by Cylhdcr Strerg[r
Maximum Weight N per sq. mm.
Class of Nominal Size of
Concrete Mix Aggregate
Irregular Regular Ratio 7 days 28 days
Coarse Coarse
Aggregate Aggregate
A l'.1i2 20 4.8 to I 4.2 to I 0.45 2t 35
B l:lYzi3 20 5.5 to I 4.9 to I 0.5 t7 25
C l:2:4 20 6.2 to I 5.4 to I 0.55 l4 20

2. Sampling and Testing

Compressive sffength tests are to be made at7 days urd 28 days unless otherwise instructed by
or agreed with the Engineer's.

Concrete in all underground structures "including cover slabs to chambers," shall use local
produced portland cement and sulphate resistant portland cement where necessary.

3. At of the Contract the Contractor shall submit for the approval of the
E sa detailing with regard to the requirements of this Specification
tion of reting actjvities at the Site.

BanBladesh 8,1 BSMSN SWTP-Tcndc. Docunenr Vo[tme-3

BSMSN Surlace Watcr Treame Plefl Projccl Employel s (Technical ) Requjrchents

The method statemcnt shall include the following items:

(a) plant proposed;

(b) Iayout of concrete production facility;

(c) proposd mahod oforganization ofthe concrete production facility;

(d) quality control procedures for concrete and concrete materials;

(e) method oftransport and placing of conqete;

(0 striking times for formwork and procedure for temporary support of beams and

Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer's, manufacturet's test sheets shall be supplied
with each consignment of cement and admixture certiling compliance with the relevant

The Contractor shall,also submit to the

Engineer's certificates of calibration forthe
weighing and dispensing equipment on the concete batch mixing plant.

The Contractor shall also submit to the Engineer's certified test results for all tests carried
out on aggregate, water, fresh concrete and hardened concrete, all as specified.

5.4.2 Ready-MixedConcrete

l. Where concrete is to be obtained from a ready-mix supplier, the Contractor shall obtain the
Engineer's approval of the source and shall satisfr the Engineer's that the supplying plant is
capable of supplying concrete of a consistently good quality and adequate quantity. Third party
accreditation ofthe supplier would be considered satisfactory evidence ofsuch capabilities.

2; The Contractor shall also inform the Engineer's what altemative suppliers are available to him
.. if the approval of the source referred to above has to be withdrawn during the currency of the

3. The delivery ticket required for each load of ready-mixed concrete shall, in addition to the
information prescribed under BS 5328 detail:

i.the typ€ ond nominal moximum sizc of aggrcgatc

ii.the type or name and proportion of any admixture, and
iii.the position ofthe concrete in the works.

4. All delivery tickets shall be kept at the Site and strall be made available for inspection by the
Engineer's if requested.

5.4.3 Concrete Mixes

l. Standard Mixes shall be in accordance with Clause 5.4.labove.

2. Before concrete ofa Designed Mix is supplied, the Contractor shall, not less than 7 days before
lhe start of the concrete production, provide the following information to the Engineer's in
addition to that specified in Clause l4 ( I ) and l4(2) of BS 5328:

that the proposed mix proportions and method of manufagture will produce
ofthe re quired quality with the intended workability, or

* on the trial mixes, or

3i BSMSN SWTP-Tendcr Document Volume-l
BSMSN Surface Wat€r lreamenl plantProjcct Employc/s (Technical) Requiremcnts

(c) a slatement thal for initial production, the appropriate mix proportions given in Tables I
and 2 in BS 5328 will be used.

3. Unless otherwise described in the Contract, the cementations content of concrete shall not
exceed 450 kg/mr where pfa forms a cementations component and the structure is designed to
retain an aqueous liquid. In any structural member, the maximum water/cementations ritio and
minimum cementations content of the concrete mix shall be in accordance with the following
table, for the relevant exposure condition and nominal cover. Concrete in members oi
structures that are to retain an aqueous liquid shall have a maximum free water/cementations
ratio of0.55.

Exposure Condition l{ominal Cover (mm)

Mild 20 20 20 20
Moderate ,j 30 25 20
Severe 40 30 25
Very Severe 50 40 35
Max free waterl 0.60 0.55 0.50 0.45
cementations ratio
Min cenrentalions content 300 325 350 400

4. where lhe conFact requires aggregates of nominal size other 20 mm to be used, the minimum
ceurentatiorts uuntcnt in Clause 4.3.3 shall be modified as follows:

Nominal Maximum Adjustments to Minimum Cementations

Aggregate Size Content in Clause 4.3.3
(nm) (kglm3)
l0 +40
t4 -2O
40 -30

5. The maximum size of aggregate in any structural member shall not exceed 25%o of the
minimum thickness of the member.

6 Itshall be assumed that concrete used for stuctures designed to retain aqueous liquid are
subjcct to the 'scvere' cxposurc co[ditir:n of thc auuvc ktlc (i.e. a mirrirnum
content of325 kg/m3 and a maximum of450 kglm3, when used with 20 mm coarse""-"nr"tions

7 If at any time a significant physical or chemicar change in the nature of the coarse or fine
aggregates occurs' or a new source aggregate is used, the Engineer's may direct that some or
the entire acceptance is repeated.

5.4.4 Porous No-Fines Concrete

I. Porous no-fines concrete shall contain ordinary portland c€ment and 20 mm single sized
aggregate complying with BS 882, in a proportion
of l: l0 by mass.

2. The concrete shall be mixed to a uniform colour and consistency with the addition of water
sufficient only to coat all of the aggregate without forming excess grout,
3. The concrete shalr not be mechanicalry vibrated or excessivery woiked when praced.

5.4.5 Chloride

t. irlures containing calcium shall not be used in the production of

rete which is to contain em bedded metal.

BanSladesh 85
tffigtq, BS]\{ SN SWTP-Tcnder Docurnam Volumc-l
ESMSN Surface Water Trcat nent planr prqect Employe/s (Technical) Requiremen15

2. steam-cured concrete shall not contain chloride irons, derived from all its constituents, in
excess of 0.170 by mass of its cementations content. The percentage for all other concrete
containing embedded metal in the final work shall not exceed the following:

Portland cement concrete, rapid hardening 0.4, save that the propofiion may
Portland cement concrete, or combinations be up to 0.5 in not more than 5oZ
with ggbs or pfa ofthe test results
Concrete made with sulphate-resisting or super 0.2
sulphated cement

5.4.6 Adjustments to tlesigned Mix proportions

l. During production of designed mix concrete, the Confactor shall adjust mix proportions with
the limits prescribed in BS 5328 to achieve the required strength aDd workability.

5 .4 .7 Workability

L Workability of fiee concrete shall be such that the concrete can be handled and placed without
segregation and, allcr curnpaction, can completely iitl rhe formwork and sunound all
-- reinforcemenl and ducts.

2. 'l'hE quantity of water used shall not exceed that required to produce
a concrete with
appropriate workability to be placed and compacted in the required location.

3. Slump tests shall be caried out on site on every batch of concrete used so as to veriry the
workability of the concrete. concrete failing to achieve the workability specified in the mix
design shall not be incorporated into the Works

5.4.8 Transporting, Placing and Compacting

l. At the commencement of the Works the Contractor shall design a mix for each grade of
concrete which will be required for use in the Works and shall submit full details of the mix
designs to the Engineer's for his approval. Each mix design shall be according to the
requirem ents of the Specification.
I The Contractor shall furnish all equipment ard materials necessaDr for collecting samples and
carrying out field laboratory tests on materials for concrete and on fresh and hardened concrete.
Laboratory equipment shall be housed in a suitable laboratory building on the Site, which shall
also incorporate space for storage of field test equipment and for curing of concrete test cubes
in an orderly manner so that they are readily accessible for testing on the due date. The
Contractor shall also furnish all weigbts, conainers and other equipmem necessary for testing
the weigh-batching equipment, for concrete materials and the dispinsers for admixtures.

2. Concrete shall be transported from the mixer and plsccd in the Works as rapidly as practicable
by methods which will prevent the segregation or loss of any of the ingredients and will
maintain the required workability. It shall be deposited as nearly as practicable in its final
position and all equipment for transporting concrete shall be kept clean.

3. The Contractor shall give the Engineer's not less than 24 hours' notice ofhis intention to place
structural pour conoete in order that the formwork and reinforcement may be in spected duing
normal working hours. The notice shall detail, as a minimum, the intended stafi time, expected
of completion ofplacing and of trowelling off, proposed compaction plant and method of
from drying out after completion. A pro forma for supplying this information shall
th the Engineer's early in the contract.

I be thoroughly compacted in its final position within 30 minutes of discharge

, unless canied in purpose-made agitators ng continuously, when the time


BSMSN SWTP-Tendcr Document Volume-l
Employe/s Gechnical) R€quir€ments
BSMSN Surface Wat€r Trcatmeflt Planl ProJect

shall be within 2 hours of the introduction of the cement to the mix and within 30 minutes of
the discharge from the agitator.

5. The plant userl for compaction shall be operated continuously during the placing of each batch
of concrete until the expulsion of air has virtually ceased, and in a manner, which does not
cause segregation of the ingredients-

6. Whenever vibration has to be applied externally, the design of formwork and disposition of
vibrators shall be such as to ensuri efficient compaction and to avoid surface blemishes'

7. The Contractor shall not place shuctural concrete until the Engineer's has inspected and
approved the formwork and reinforcement.

8. The maximum period of 24 hours for inspection shall commence after the work is clean and
ready for concr;ting. In the event that the work shall not be apProved, the contractor shall give
simiiar notice again after the necessary correction or modificatioo has been carried out.

9. If concreting is not started within 24 hours of approval being given, approval shall again be
obtaincd. C&crcting sholl thcn proceed continuously over the area between construction
joints, f
Fresh concrete shalinot be placed against in situ concrete which has been in position for more
than 30 minutes unless a construction J'Oinf ls-formed. When in situ concrete has been in place
for 4 hours no further concrete shall be placed against it for a further 20 hours'

10. Truck mixer units and their mixing and discharge performance shall comply with the
requirements of BS 4251. Mixing shall continue for the number and rate of revolutions
reiommended in accordance with item 9 in Appendix B ofBS 4251, or, in the absence ofthe
manufacturer's insftuctions, mixing shall continue for not less than 100 revolutions at a rate of
not less fhan 7 revolutions per minute.

ll. concrete shall be deposited in horizontal layers to a compacted depth not exceeding 450
millimeters where intemal vibratom are used, or 300 millimeters in all other cases.

12. Before placing strucOral concrete (not blinding concrete) on hardcore or other absorbent
substratis, a building paper to BS 1521, Class B or polythene sheet, 250 microns shall be
placed againsl it.
13. Concrete shall not be poured from an excessive height or through reinforcement or other
obstructions in a way which may cause uneven dispersal, segregation or loss of ingredients.
Suitable chutes or bunking should be used to place concete where necessary.

14. Vibrators shall not be used to make concrete flow horizontally into position, except where
necessary to achieve firll compaction under void formers to cast in accessories and to place
concrete against vetical joints,

15. During placing of concrete against formwork which has been coated with a surface retarder,
care should be taken to avoid retarded surface being splashed with concrete.

16. Where an exposed aggregate finish is to be achieved, vibraling poken are not to be used closer
than 100 mm to the exposed face and the pokers are to be withdrawn slowly from concrete to
prevent segregati on.

17. The duration of vibration shall be limited to drat required to produce satisfactory compaction
without causing segegation. Vibration shall on no account be continued after water or excess
grout has appeared on the surface.

18. When end of the supply pipe shall be kept immersed in the concrete during
pl Mortar and water used at thb beginning or end of a run shall be

B.ugladcsh 88 BSMSN SWTP-Teoder Document Volume-l

t o'
BSMSN Surlace Water Treatment plant project Employer's (T€chnical) Requi.emen|s

19. when concrete is discharged above its place offinal deposition, se$egation shall be prevented
by the use of chutes, down pipes, hunking, baffles or other appropriate devices.

5.4.9 Concrete Temperature

1. Concrete rvhen deposited shall have a temperature ofnot more than 35oC

2. The contractor shall not permit any cement to come into contact with water at a temperature
greater than 60oC.

3. When the temperature of the fresh concrete is likely to exceed 35oC, concreting shall not be
permitted unless rneasures are taken to keep the temperature below that level.

5.4.10 Curing

l. Immedialely affer compaction and for a period not less than 7 days, concrete shall be
against harmful effects of weather, including drying out. When elevated temperatue iuring is
used, the rate ofrise in the temperature ofthe conorste must not exoood l5.C per hour for the
first thee hours and thereafter the rate of rise and fall of the temperature of the concrete must
nol exceed 35'C per hour. The t6mperature of concrete during heat of hydration must not
exceed 70"C. The method of curing employed must prevent loss of moisture from the concrete.
The contractor's proposals in respect of concreting during the whole of the eontract period
shall have regard to the prevailing weather conditions and temperatues at the time of casting.

2. components which are intended to have a simitar exposed surface finisb shall have received
the same treatment.

3 When other fypes of cement or admixtures are used, longer or shorter periods of curing may be
required by the Engineer's. In cold weather the curing period shall be increased in ordJr to
achieve the same rninimum maturity at striking.

4 Freshly placed concrete shall be protected from rainfalt and from water running over the
surface until it is sufficiently hard to resist damage from this cause.

5 The following table has been included to guide Contractors in thc ways ofcontrolling carly age
thermal cracking. Particular attention should be given to the necessary different wayJin dealing
with thick and thin sections.

s ummary o f the Factors wl! I ch s ist ln the Prevention of Contro I Early -Age Thermal Cmcking
AGGREGATE TYPE Hich Low Co-off expansion
CEMENTITIOUS OPC, RHPC, SRPCiGGBS This is subject to many
MATERIALS SRPC, SRPC/pfa, conditions & the present
QPClpfa Ievel of knowledge
OPC/GGBS (particularly on tensile
stain capacity) Check
durability requirements.
ADMIXTURES None WATER REDUCERS As cementitious material
SUPERPLASTICISERS reducers- Check durability
TURE High Low Is cooling the concrete
before placing feasible and
High Low Little or no control over
* this

s9 ESMSN WTP-Tender Document Volume-3

BSMSN Surface watcr Trcatm€n( PIanlPmFct Employc/s (Technic-al) Requrrern€nts

COOLING OF PLACED Effeclive, but expensive

(a) Cooling Pipes
(b) Surface Cooling Should only be used in
sections under about 500
mm thick
(a) Section thickness undcr Plyuood
about 500mm
(b) Large isolated sections Sreel GRP P)ywoodlnsulated The aim is to minimise the
thermal gradients across
the seclion
FORMWORK STRIKING Long Period Short Period
(a) Section thickness under
about 500 mm
(b) Large isolated sections Short Period Long Period Also keep the upper
surface Insulated
REDUCINC RESTRAINT Altemate Bay Sequential const- ruction Sequence of casting is not
ofshon infill bays significant if the joints are
(a) Construction sequence Long period movementjoints
successivc lifts
Shofi Slip forming
pe od
(b) MoYement joints Non-Partial Full
(c) Prestressing the base Not normally economic
CONTROL OP CRACK Plain bars Type 2 High
WIDTHS WITH Yield small
REINFORCEVENT Lalge dia. bars at dia hars at
wide spacings close spacings

6- The Contractor shali prcvent surface evaporation fronl conqete tlroughout the period(s)
specified folloved by: -
Retaining formwork in position and, if necsssary, covering exposed surfaces immediately after
striking, and

Covering top surfaces of fresh concrete immediately afier completion of placing and
compacting each bay, removing covering only to permit any finishing opentions and replacing
immediately thereater.

7, Coverings for curing that may be suitable are impewious sheet materials or suitable curing
compomd with an emciency of at least 75% and which:

Must be effective in preventing evaporation of water fiom the concrete, particular attention
being paid to sealing at edges aodjunctions.

Must not disfigure permanently exposed surfaces.

Must not affect the satisfactory bond ofsubsequent construction and finishes.

Until the fresh concrete are in a state suitable to receive either sheets in
direct ng compor.rnd as applicable, cover with ],!6aterproof sheeting
shall be and shall be well sealed at edges ald
.l un

Bangladesh Economic Zone A 90 BSMSN SWTP-Tender Documcnt Volumc-l

BSMSN Surrrc. Water Trcament Plant Projccr Employc/s (Tcchnrcal ) Rcquir.m.nts

8. No traffic should be allowed on any concrete surface until such time as it is hard enough to
resist darnage by such traffic.

9. Concrele placed in the permanent works shall not be subjected to any structural loading until it
is attained al least its minimum average strength as specified.

5.4.1 I Records of Concreting

l. The Contractor shall keep up to date records of the dates and times when concreting is canied
out and of tlrc weather and tenperatures at those times. The records shall be available for
inspection by the Engineer's.

5.4.l2 Construction of Formwork

Formwork shall be constructed in accordance with the recommendation made in BS 5975. ln

general, formwork shall be sufficiently rigid and tight to prevent loss of mortar frorn the
concrete and to maintain the correct position, shape and dimensions of the finished work. It
shall be so constructed as to be removable from the cast concrete without shock or damage.

2. The forms shall be capable of producing a consistent quality of,surface as descrihed in the
Cont act

3. Where holes are required in forms to accommodate projecting reinforcement, fixing devices or
other built-in items, precautions shall be taken to prevent loss of mortar matrix.

4. Formwork shall give access for the preparation of joint surfaces before the conuete has

5. For the purposes of compliance with the provisions of intemationally acceptable standard, the
Contractor's method of constructing formwork shall a.llow for props to soffit forms to remain in
position continuously for the period described.

6. Vertical faces of strip footings, bases and slabs may be cast against face of excavation,

I r Priul appuval is obtained.

. The faces arc sufficiently accurate and stahle.
. Adequate measures are taken to prevent contamination of concrete or loss of
constituent materials.
, Faces ofwalls ofwalls must be cast against formwod(

7. Inserts, holes and chases

Positions and details ofproposed inserts, holes and chases are to be submitted to the Engineer's
to ensure that alterations to and decisions about their size and location are not made without
knowledge and approval of Engineer's.

Inserts or box outs as required shall be placed in correct positions before placing concrete. All
holes and chases shall be boxed out.

Hardened concrete shall not be cut without approval of the Engineer's.

8 Forms shall be constructed and maintained as to prevent warping and opening ofjoints due to
shrinkage of the timber.
ol Wa
shall, unless otherwise directeq be provide with 25 mm by 25 mm angle fillets
form splays on intemal and external angles.

c 9l BSMSN SWTP-TcM€r Document VolLime,3

BSMSN SLrrface Water Trcat,ncnt Platl Pro.icct Employe,'s (Technical) Requircmcnts

10. AII forms shall be treated with approved mould or suitable oil or be soaked with water
immediately before placing concrete to prevent adherence of concrete. Any materials which
adhere to or discolour concrete shall not be used.

ll. When forms appear to be unsatisfactory in any way, either before or during the placing of
concrete, the Engineer's shall order the work stopped until the defects have been corrected.

5.4.13 Cleaning and Treatment of Forms

l. The interiors of all forms shall be thoroughly cleaned out before any concrete is placed. The
faces ofthe forms in contact with the concrete shall be clean and treated with a suitable release
agent, where applicable.

2. Where a concrete surface is to be permanently exposed, only release agent shall be used
through the entire area. Release agents shall be applied evenly and contact with reinforcement
and other embedded items avoided. Where the concrete surface is to receive an applied finish,
care shall be taken to ensure the compatibility ofthe release agent with the finish.

5.4.14 Striking of Formwork t

1. Formwork shall be removed without shock to or ilisfurbance ofthe concrete.

2. Formwork to vertical surfaces or sloping formwork not supporting concrete in flexure shall not
be removed until, as may be relevant, the following criteria are met:
a) a minimum period of l0 hours shall have elapsed since the concrete was poured.
b) the concrete strength shall be sufficient to meet any wind loading upon the concrete likely I'
to arise at the time when the formwork is removed.

3. Formwork supporting concrete in flexure shall not be removed until the concrete strength (as
confirmed by tests on cubes cured under representative conditions) has reached l0 N/mm2, or
twice the tress to which the conmete will then be subjected, whichever is the greater, provided
that such earlier stdking will not result in unacceptable defections due to sh nkage, creep, etc.

4. In the absence of cube test results or any fonnal procedure agreed in writing with the L-
Engineer's, the periods before striking given in the following table shall be used:

Ordin ary Portland and Sulphate Resisting Cement Concretes

Type ofFormwork Minimum Period Before Striking
Vertical Formwork to columns, walls l2 houx
and large beams

Soffit formwork to slabs and beams 4 days

Props to slabs
l0 days

These periods do not apply where accelerated curing is used

5. The Coffiactor shallgive the Engineer's not less than 24 hours' notice ofhis intention to strike
any formwork. The time and manner at which the formwork is struck shall be the Contracto/s

5.4.15 Sloping Formwor

l. Top form opes 30 or more from the horizontal.

Bangladesh Economrc Zone BSMSN SWTP'Tender Documcnt Volume-3

ESMSN Surfa.? Water Tr.atm€nr Phnl Proiecr Employcls (Technrcal) Requirements

5.4.16 Reinforcement

Fumish all labour materials, equipments and incidentals required and install all concrete
reinforcement as shown on the drawings and specified herein.

The following shall be submitted for review prior to the fabrication ofreinforcement:

I Placing drawings for steel reinforcement.

2 Bar bending details.

BS 4466 shail apply in general.

Reinforcement shall be shipped and stored with bars ofthe same size and shape fxtened in bundles
with durable tags, marked in a legible manner with waterproof markings showing the same
designation as showl on the submitted placing drawings.

5.4.17 Cutting and Bending ofReinforcement

L Cutting and bending of reinforcement shall be in accordance with BS 4466 and shall be done
without the application ofheat. Bends shall have a suhstantially constant curvature.

2. Reinforcement shall not be straightened or rebent without the approval of the Engineer's. If
permission is given to bend projecting reinforcement, care shall be taken not to damage the
concrete and to ensure that the radius is not less than the minimum specified in BS 4466.

5.4.18 Fixing of Reinforcern ent

1. Reinforcement shall be firmly supported in position and secured against displacement.

2. Non-structural connections for the positioning of reinforcement shall be made with tying wire
or other fixing devices. Precautions shall be taken to ensue that projecting ends of ties or clips
do not encroach into the concrete cover.

3. Thc concrete cover shall be not less than the required cover minus 5 mm and, where
reinforcement is located in relation to only one face of a member, not more than the required
cover pltts:
5 mm for bars up to and including 12 mm size
l0 mm for bars over 12 rnm up to and including 25 mm size
l5 rrrrrr fur bars over 25 mm size.

4. Where ground bearing slabs are reinforced with a single layer of fabric in the upper part of the
slab the fabric may be placed in position on top of the first compacted Iayer of concrete,
followed by the top layer ofconcrete, placed within two hours ofthe first layer.

5. Where an exposed agfegate finish is required the use of cover spacers should be kept to a
minimum and they should be ananged in an approved regular fashion.

6. The Contractor is solely responsible for determining, providing and installing accessories such
as chairs, chairs bars, and the
like in sufficient quantities and strength to adequately support the
reinforcement and prevent its displacement during the erection ofthe steel and the placement of

5.4.19 ofReinforcement

I not be placed until reinforcement is free fiom any substance which might

the steel chemically or reduce the bond

Authonty 9l BSMSN SWTP-Tcnder Documcnl Volumc-3

BSMSN Surface Watcr T.catmefl Plarl Prolccr Employe/s (Tcchnical) Requiremenls

5.4.20 Laps and Joints

I . Laps and joints in reinforcement shall be made only at the positions specified by applicable
Standards or as agreed by the Engineer's.

2. Laps in nominal reinforcement shall nol be less than 300 mm.

3. Laps in fabric reinforcement, where not detailed, shall not be less than 250 mm. Where
necessary instructions should be sought from the Engineer's to avoid a four layer build up at

5.4.21 Welding of Reinlorcement

1. Reinforcement shall not be welded on Site except where described in or permitted as per
applicable standard. AII welding procedures shall be subject to the prior approval of the
Engineer's in rariting.

5.4.22 Builtln Items

l. Where pipes, sleeves, water bars or other items are built into concrete, they shall be rigidly
secured in positionio'prcvent movement and shall be free from external coatings wtrich might
reduce the bond. The Contractor shall take pre€autions to prevent the formation ofair pockets,
voids or other defects whilst the concrete is being placed.

5.4.23 Construction Joints

l. The following layout drawings shall be submitted for review prior to submittal of reinforcing
shop drawings and the stalt ofconcrele work.

a Layout drawings showing the locatiors ofall concretejoints as shown on the drawings and
those additional concrete joints proposed by the contractor to facilitate the construction.

b. Layout drawings showing the location and extent of all joint waterstops. The type and size
ofallwaterstops to be used including splice locations shall bc indicated for eachjoint.

2. Except where constuction joints in concrete are described in the Contract, the Contractor shall
obtain the Engineer's approval to the positions and details of such joints before any work is

3. Joint lines shall be arranged to coincide wherever possible with features ofthe finished work.

4- Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to construction joints.

5. Concrete shall not be allowed to taper off to a thickness of less than 50 mm. Vertical joints
shall be formed against a stop board suitably notched to accommodate the reinforcement. The
top surface of each lift of concrete shall be straight and level unless described otherwise in the

6. Where a kicker is used, it shall be at least 225 mm high and shall be incorporated with the
previous concrele.

7. The surface of any concrete against which new concrete is to b€ cast shall be free from laitance
and shall be roughened to the extent that the Iarge aggregate is exposed but not disturbed. The
oint surface and dampened immediately before the fresh concrete is placed
against it.

8. Where ofjoints shall be carried out when the concrete has set but
not h

BarEJadcsh Ecoiom,c Zonc ;91 BSMSN SWTP-T.nticr Documenr Voh[n.-l

BSMSN Su.fac. Wat.r') rcarnrent Pla project Em ployels (Technicel ) Requ ircrnents

5.4.24 Surface Finishes Produced Without Formwork

l. Screeded Finish
The concrete shall be levelled and screeded to produce a uniform plain or ridged surface as
required. No ftrther work shall be applied to the surface unless it is a first stage for a Wood
Float or Steel Trowel Finish.

2. r ood Float Finish

The Screeded Finish shall be wood floatcd undcr light pressure to eliminate surface
inegul arities.

3 Steel Trowel Finish

Where a steel trowel finish is required, it shall be approved when the moistue film has
disappeared, and the concrele has hardened sufliciently to prevent laitance from being worked
to the surface. The surface to the wood Float Finish shall be steel trowelled under finn pressure
to produce a dense, smooth, uniform surface free fiom trowel marks.

4. Where the type offinish is not given is shall be Wood lloat !inish

5. For concrete frnish required for later applied screed, see Clause 4.36

6. Where an exposed aggregate finish is required, upon completion of wood trowelling the
horizontal surface shall be sprayed with a suitable surface retarder in accordance witlr
manufacturers recommendations. The surface shall then be covered to prevent drying out until
aggregate is exposed during following day-

7. All finishing operations shall be carried out at optimum times in relation to the setting and
hardening of the concrete. Surfaces of concrete shall not be wetted to assist surface woiking.
The surface ofthe concrete shall not be sprinkled with cement.

5.4.25 Surface Finishes Produced with Formwork

Rough Finhh
A "rough" finish shall be obtained by the moulds or designed forms of closely- jointed sawn
boards. The surface shall be free from substantial voids, honeycombing or other large

?. Foir Finirh
A "fair" finish shall be obtained from forms designed to produce a hard-smooth surface with
hue, clean arises. only very minor surface blemishcs shall be permitted and there slrall be nr.r
staining or discoloration. Any projections shall be removed, &nd the surfacc made good.

3. Fair Work Finish

A "fair worked" finish shall be obtained by first producing a Fair Finish and then filling all
surface blemishes with a fresh, specially prepared cement and fine aggregate paste whilsi the
concrete is still green where possible. After the concrete has been properly cured, the faces
shall be rubbed down, if required, to produce a smooth and even surface. Ifthe surface is to be
exposed in the final work, every effort shall be made to match the colour ofthe concrete.

4. If any porti on of the facework should prove unsatisfactory on removal of the formwork it shall,
without de lay, be cut out and made good as directed. No plastering ofconcrete surfaces shall be
wed. At the disoetion of the Engineer 's, boardmarks or minor discontinuities on exposed
be removed by rubbing down with carborundum, and pinholes, small voids or minor
of the surface, may be filled, by rubbing down with cement mortar of the same
as in the concrete. Treatment shall be made immediately after removin g the formwork.

0.--- BSMSN SWTP-T.oder Documcnt Volume-3

BSMSN Surfa€c Water Trcatmcnl Plarn Project Employe/s (Technical) Requiremmrs

5. For curved surfaces, the formwork face shall be built up ofsplines cut to make a tight surface
which shall then be dressed to produce the required finish. Alternatively, single curvature
surface may be faced with plastic or plywood linings attached to the backing with adhesive or
with escutcheon pins driven flush. Linings shall not bulge, wrinkle or otherwise deform when
subjected to temperature and moisture changes-

6. Any concrete, the surface of which has been treated in any manner without the approval ofthe
Engineer's shall be liable to rejection.

5.4.26 High Strength Corsrute Topping

l. High stength concrete topping (granolithic finish) shall be provided, laid and finished in
accordance with the relevant provisions ofBS 8204: Part 2.

5.4.27 Tie Bolts for Formwork

l. Only tie bolts which avoid embedding any metal parts permanently within 50 mm of the
concrete surface shall be permitted. Voids remaining after the removal of all or part of each tie
bolt shall be filled flush with the surrounding concrete using a lieshly prepared cemcnt and tine
aggregate paste. In the case of stuctures designed to retain an aqueous liquid, the Contractor
shall ensure that the measures adopted shall not impaFthe water tightness of the structure.

5.4.28 Marking of Precast Concrete Components

l- Where appropriate, indelible identification and orienlalion marks shall be put on all precast
concrcte components in such a position that the marks shall not show or be exposed in the I
finished work. I

5.4.29 Tolerances for Concrete Surfaces ;

!. General
The permissible tolerances in formed and unformed surfaces for the various classes of finish
specified above shall not exceed the limits shown below:

TYPE OF TYPE OF Tolerances (millimetres)

Formed Surfaces I Unformed Surfaces
Fair Fair Rr-ruglr Stccl wood Sclccded tr
Worked Formed Float Float
Buried concrcte (in Deparhne from NA NA +50 NA NA +10
foundations culverts alignment and grade as -t0
retaining walls tanks shown in the clntract

Variations in cross NA NA +10 NA NA NA

sectional Dimensioo 5
Abrupt NA NA l0 NA l0
Dcviatioo from NA NA +10 NA NA +10
template in long
Exposed concrete (in Departurc fiom +10 +10 NA +5 +5 NA
columns, piers and alignmenl artd grade as
retaining Walls) shown ir the contract
Variations m ctoss +10 +10 NA NA NA NA
sectional 5 5
,{dnItrt-:- 3 5 NA 5 5 NA
from +5 +10 NA +5 NA

&nglud.sh Ecommic 96 BSMSN SwTP-Tcdcr Document Volume l

BSMSN Surfacc Wa(er lrcatmcnt Pb Prqcct Employ.ls (Technical) R.quircmcnts

TYPE OF TYPE OF Tolemnces (millimetres)

Formed Surfaces Unformed Surfaces
Fair Fair Rough Steel Wood Screeded
Worked Formed Float Float
Exposed concrete (in Departure from +5 a5 NA a3 NA
tanks etc whete alignment and grade is
mechanical plant is to shown in the Contract
be installed)
Variations in cross +5 +5 NA NA NA NA
sectional Dimensions 3 -3
Abrupt 2 3 NA 2 3 NA
Floor ofBui)dings Deviation from L3 +5 NA ).3 +3 NA
template tn long
Measuring flume Departure from +2 NA NA -) NA NA
contours Tops of alignrrent and grade as
Reservoir Walls shown in the Contract
AbIupt 1 NA NA I NA NA
Deviation from +2 NA NA NA NA
template ID long
Deparhne from NA NA NA NA *10 NA
alieFment as shown in
the Conhact
Filter Bed and Drying Departure from NA NA NA NA i3 NA
Floors longitudinal grade as
sho\+T in the Contract
Deviation fiom 3 m NA NA NA NA +3 NA
sFaight edge palallel
and at right angles to

(NOTE: NA denotes Not Applicable)

Thc tcmplate to be used in detennl ng the deviation in long dimensions shall bei
l. Fr-rr straight surtaces 2 metres
2. For curved surfaces I metre

5.4.30 Site-Mixed Concrete

l. Mechanical Mixing on Site

a) Batching of concrete shall be canied out as described in Clauses 4.5 and 4.7 of BS
5328: Part 3: 1990.
b) The mixing of conffete is to comply with Clause 4.6 of BS 5328: Part 3: 1 990.
c) Unless otherwise approved, concrete shall be mixed in a batch type mixer
manufactured in accordance with BS 1305 or in a batch type mixer a specimen of
which has been tested in accordance with BS 3963 and having a mixing performance
within the limits of BS 1305: Table 6. Where appropriate the batch capacity, method of
Ioading, mixing time and drum speed shall conform to the details fumished in
accordance with the requirements of BS 3963 for the mix which corresponds most
closely to the mix proportions being used. The mixing blades of pan mixer shall be
maintained within the tolerances specified by the manufacturer of the mixer and the
blades shall be replaced when it is no longer possible to maintain the tolerances by
adj ustmenl.
ot ?br
xers which have been out of use for more than 30 minutes shall be thoroughly
before any fresh concrete is mixed. Mixing plant shall be thoroughly cleaned
* I changing from one type of cement to another
91 BSMSN SWTP-Tcndcr DocumeDt Volumc-3
BSMSN Sudace Walcr Tr€atmeni Plant Proj€cr Employils (Technical) Requiremcnts

e) During hot weather the Contractor shall ensure that the constituent materials of the
concrete are sufficiently cool to prevent the concrete from stiffening in the interval
between its discharge from the mixer and compaction in its final position-
f) The proportions of cement, aggregates and water shall be carefully determined by
weight in accordance with the contractor's approved mix design and sieve analysis
shall be made by the method described in BS 812, offine aggregate and each nominal
size of coarse aggregate used.
g) All cement used in manufacture of concrete shall be measured by weight either with an
approved weighting machine or by making the size ofeach batch of concrete such as to
require an integral number of complete bags or drums ofcement.

2. Hand Mixing of Concrete

lf approval to the mixing of small quantities of concrete by hand is given mixing shall be
done on a clean, non-porous surface, the material being carefully tumed over twice in a dry
state and tlree times after the addition of water- Cement shall be increased by l0 per cent
in hand mixing and not more than 0.5 cubic metre shall be mixed at one time'

5.4.31 Lean-MixConcrete

The aggregate for lean-mix concrete shall consist of eitler coarse or fine aggegate batched t-
separately or an all-in aggxefate, having a maximum nominal size not exceeding 40 mm-ncii Iess
than 20 mm. Aggregate quality and cleanliness shall comply with the rclevant requirements of
Clause 2.10 and the overall grading of the aggregate shall be within the limits shown in the
following table:-

Percentage Passing by Weight

BS 410 Test Sieve
Nom. Max- Size 40 mm Nom. Max. Size 20 mm
75 mm 100
37.5 mm 95-100 r00
20 mm 45-80 80-100
l0 mm 30-40 35-45
600 microns 8-30 l0-35
75 microns 0-6 0-6

The minimum cement shall be I20 kglm3 concrete and the actual content shall be sufficient to
produce a 28-day characte stic strengh of 17 N/mm'/.

The materials shall be mixed in accordance with the requirements for mixing structural concrele.

Prcceutions to bc takcn against Alkali/Aggrcgatc Rcaction in Concrctc for Watcr-rctaining or

Exposed Structures (i.e. Structures in Repeated Contact with Water)

Lr 0rc manufaLrturc uI ctxrurelc, for water retaining or exposed struotures, the Contractur will not be
pemitted to use alkali aggregates. All proposed mixes for concrete are subject to the approval by a.
the Engineer's.

5.4.32 Admixtures

l General Requirements
The use of admixtures in concrete may be required under the Contract to impart special
properties to the concrete or may be proposed by the Contractor to assist compliance with the

BS 5075 or ASTM C 494.


o Dhaka

Bansladesh Economic 9B BSMSN SwTP-Tenda'Document Volume-l

BSMSN Surfac. Wakr Tr.atment pla projcct Employcr's (Tcchnrcal) Requir.menrs

ln all cases the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer's full details of the admixture he
proposes to use and the manner in which he proposes to add it to the mix, at least 2g days priol
to the date of cornmencement of construction of the particular structures on which he intends to
use such admixtures.

The information provided shall include:

. The typical dosage and the detrimental effects of an excess ofdeficiency in the dosage;
. The chemical names ofthe main active ingredients in the admixtures
. Whether or not the admixture contains chlorides, and if so the chloride ion content
expressed as a percentage by weight ofadmixture.
. Whether the admixture leads to the entrainrnent of air when used at the manufacture/s
recommended dosage, and ifso, the extent to which it does so.
t Long- and short-term effects of the admixture on concrete including the effects of
different types or cement and aggregates.
. Storage life.
. Safety precautions required in handling
. Compatibility with orher additives.
r Compliance with Standards.

Thq chlg4{e ion content of any admixture shall not exceed 2% by weighloffie admixrure rror
0.03%oby weight of the cement in the mix.

Admixtures containing chlorides shall not be used in reinforced concrete designed to retain on
aqueous Iiquid.

Admixtures shall not be used unless the Engineer's has given his prior approval in w ting for
each instance. Both the amount added, and the method of use shall be to the approval oI the
Engineer's who shall also be provided with the following information:

a) The typical arnount added and the detrimental effecs, if any, of an increase or decrease in
this amount-
b) The chemical name(s) ofthe main active ingredient(s) in the admixture.
c) whether or not the admixture leads to the entrainmert of air when used at the arnount the
manufacture recommends-

when more than one admixtwe is used in a concrete mix the compatibility of the various
admixtures shall be ascertained by standard tests and certified by the manufacturers.

Admixturc shall bc used in accordurcc with thc manufacturer's instmctions and shall not have
any adverse effect on the properties ofthe concrete.

2. Super Plasticizing Admixtures

If the Drawings specify or the use of super plasticizing admixtures is subsequently authorised
by the Engineer's, the Flow Table test carried out in accordance with BS I gti part i os sha be
used to control and record workability.

Test cubes shall be made in accordance with BS l88l except that tre concrete shall be placed
in the cubes and compacted to the same degree as the concrete placed in the works.

ln addition to the normal trial mix cubes required an additional set ofcubes shall be made with
I .5 times the intended super plasticizing admixture addition to assess
the effect of over dosage
on the concrete.

plasticizing additive is not specified but the Contractor re quests permission to use it
s vill not approve its use unless full particulars including chemical constituents of
are submifted and the additional trial mixes mentioned above have been carried
are considered satisfactory.

99 BSMSN SWTP-Tender DocuDmt Volum.,l

BSMSN Su.face WatcrTreatm€nt Plant Project Employc/s (Techoicll) RequircmenLs

The Engineerh resaves the right to refuse the use of super plasticizing admixture for concrete
required for particular smrctures.

5.4.33 AppliedFinishes

Where an applied finish is to be used the concrete shall have a wood float finish. Approved
adhesives and materials shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions
Faces shall be treated in one application and day joints shall be made where directed After
application no remedial treatmenl will be permitted to any face apart from complete re-

Fine Concrete Screed to ln-Situ Concrele Floors (where used to create drainage falls and where only lightly

l. The screed shall be a Designated Mix Concrete to BS 5328: Part 5 (pending). It shall have
medium workabiliq (nom. 25 mm max. slump) and be Grade B with l0 mm max. size
ag$egate. No screed shall be less than 75 mm in thickness at the thinnest edge.

2. Preparation for ard laying ofthe screed shall be as follows:

The surface of the base concrete shall be brushed with a stiff broom just it hardens, to remove
laitance and to form a key for the screed concrete, which is to be laid when all the floor
segments have been cast.

When the screed concrete is to be laid, the surface of the base concrete must be thoroughly
cleaned and wetted (preferably overnight) and any surplus water removed before laying of the
screed commences. Immediately prior to laying the screed concrete, a thin brush coat ofcement
grout shall be applied to the damp surfaces of the base concrete and well-scrubbed in. The
grout must not be applied more than 20 minutes before it is covered with the screed concrete.
Final finishing to the screed concrete shall be done either by wood float or steel float, according
to the accuracy and consistency of the surface required. As soon as this is completed and the
screed concrete hardened sufficiently to prevent damage to it's surface, the surface shall be i.
covered with polythene sheets and curing continued for at least four days. The sheets must be
adequately lapped and held down to secure in place. The swface of the screed must be
protected from hot sun, drying winds and low temperatutes and casting ofthe screed concrete
is to be avoided in very cold weather. It is desirable that the whole of the screed be cast in one
opcration, but whclc joins arc ncccssary, they shall linc up with thosc in the undcrlying bosc

3. Where the screed is in contact with the sewage or ground wat€r, sulphate resisting cement shall
be used.


5.5.t General

Fumish all labour, materials, equipment and incidentals required to complete 5 test borings and to
excavate and install cast-in-place concrete piles complete and in place as shown on the Drawings
and in compliance with BS 8004, except otherwise specified.

Piles shall be located, staked out, and stakes maintained by the Contractor.
'rhe all applicable local requirements and codes

The work test for each size of pile installed on the project in the
Iocations i test method shall conform to the specifications.
Blnglode$ Economic Zone I00 BSMSN SWTP-T€nder Documenl volum€-l
BSMSN Sorfsc. tlate. Treatmcnt Plant koject Ernploye/s {Technical) RequiremeDB

5.5.2 Constructional Method

Subnit to the Engineer's, proposed installation equipment ard methods; certified concrete design
mix data; and proposed detailed pile load test methods, sketches and data.

Submit to the Engineer's, as sample and literature of the proposed setting time of chemical

Bored piling shall be reinforced as required by the design.

Portland cement concrete used to Iill piles shall be of grade C358.

Cofise aggregate shall not be larger than 20 mm.

Cement content shall not be less than 350 Kg/cu. metre.

A chemical admixturc to retard the concrete setting time is not allowed.

Test borings shall be complaed at the locations included on the draryings (5 locations per main
structures). Test borings shall be advanced using auger or wash boring equipment and methods.
Standard "split spoon" penetration test (SPT) shall be completed at l.5m intervals (ASTM D I586-
67). Soil classification and index tests shall be completed on each samplo as follows:
Test Numbcr per Samole
Water Content one
AtterbergLimit one
Pocket Penehometer 2 to 5, compute the average
Torvane 2 to 5, compute the average

Pocket penetrometer and Torvane tests shall be completed in the field

A test boring log shall be submitted describing all pertinent data including date, location, elevation
of ground surface, soil descripions, strata deptlE, graphical summary of SPT data and other test
Test boring logs shall be submitted prior to installation ofthe test pile.
One pile load test per main shucture shall he successfi.rlly completed prior to the installation of
production piles.

Pile shafls shall be coostructed by installing a temporary casing, in one piece or in sections. The
casing shall be advanced by methods which do not cause soil displacement or by impact driving
which produces unacceptable vibrations. Pre-auguring, presetting or pre-excavation ofthe soil prior
to advancing of casing are acceptable methods.

The use of bentonite instead of casing is authorized, provided that the Contractor provides details
on the proposed process and methods.

Excavation of soil through the temporary casing shall be completed using augers or excavating
tools which shall produce an excavated shaft with a uniform diameter of the minimum diameter
required. The dry process method shall be used where possible and the method shall be approved
by the Engineer's before wor* proceeds.

The minimum spacing distance for bored piles shall not be less than six times the diameter of the
bored, If shorter distances are required, the next pile shall not be installed for at least
the installation ofthe adjacent pile.

a (v-
BSMSN SWTP-Tcndcr Document Volumc-l

BSMSN Surfacc waterTreatmcnt Plant Project Employc/ s (Techn ical) Req!irements

At the completion of excavation and prior to placement of the concrete, loose soil and water shall
be removed from the shaft. Water shall be removed from the shaft leaving a maximum of3 cm of
water at the bottom. Reinforcement steel and concrete shall be placed in a timely manner after
completion of excavation. In no case shall a completely excavated shaft remain open more than 2
hrs. prior to placement of concrete- Conmete shall be placed using a funnel with a pipe extension
embedded in fresh concrete of at least I .0 m. Concrete shall be placed continuously.

As soon as the Ievel of mncrete has reached the proper final $ade, the casing shall be extracted.
During extraction the level of concrete surface shall be monitored. The final concrete shall be free
ofsoil or debris. Weak concrete shall be chipped away to expose sound concrete.

The alignnent of each pile shall be checked by lowering a light to the bottom of the excavated

Each pile shall be within 7.0 centimeters of its correct position and shall be within I :100 of its
correct batter. In any case the allowable tolerance more than two in number, shall be within 5.0
centimeters of its conect position.

Excessive changes in the Ievel of concrete during concrete placement or exfaction of the casing
shall be immediately reported to th6 Engineer's for review. Concrote shall be placed such that the
final grade of the concrete, allo-wing for shrinkage and settlement during casing removal. shall be
within + 7.5 or l5 cms ofthe design grade.

When cutting offand trimming piles to the specified cut-off level, the Contractor shall take care to
avoid shattering or olherwise damaging the rest ofthe pile. Any macked of defective concrete shall
be cut away and the pile repaired in an approved manner to provide a full and sound section at lhe
cut-off level.
Each bored pile shall be considered complete only when:

l. The compression concrete strength ofthe field concrete samples test results is not less than the

2. The pile position accuracy conforms with the requirements of the bored pile tolerances stated

3. The depth of the pile tip shall conform to the drawing or to the approval ofthe Engineer's-

If any cast-in-place pile deviates from the above-mentioned conditions the said pile shall be
considered as incomplete and the Contractor shall replace the pile, enlarge the foundation and,/or
add othe.r stnr.trres, The conlractor shall bear the cost of any additional work.

After pile installation lhe Contractor shall perform one pile load test for each size of pile installed-
These tests shall confirm the loading capacity of the piles. The Contractor shall submit test results
to the Engineer's within 15 days after testing.

The Contractor shall demolish and remove existing structures, slabs, piles, pipes or materials that
may interfere with placement ofthe bored piles.

5.5.3 Reporting

The Contractor shall submit each bored pile report to the Engineer's within 48 hours of installation.
The report shall include the following details:

2 P ameler.
Bangladcsh Economic Zone 102 BSMSN SWTP'Tefldcr Documcnt Volm.,3
BSMSN SLrrfhc€ Walcr TRatment Plent Pro.iect Employer's (Tcchntcal) Requ jr€menls

6. Vertical inclination.
Horizontal deYiation.
8. Temporary casing length.
9. Details of bored pile reinforcement,
10. Details ofobstructions and delay ofwork.
. Concrete quartity cast.
12. Time duration for placing reinforcement.
t3. Time duration of excavation.

Submit to the Enginctls for approval, documents and drawings showing the installatio[ of test
equipment prior to starting a pile load test-

A working pile shall be used for the pile load test which shall conform to the procedure stated here

"Tell tale'' rods shall also be cast in the pile shaft to measure deflection ofthe shaft at:

l. The level of the stiffclay (as encountered during shaft construction).

2. At the bottom ofthe shaft.

One-inch diameter PVC or iron pipe sleeves capped at the bottom shall be cast in the pile. After
placing concrete, 6 mm iron pipe shall be lowered into the sleeves. During load testing, deflection
ofthe top ofeach inner rod shall be monitored with micrometers to an accuracy of 0.05 mm.

After the pile load test is completed the Contractor shall submit load test results to the Engineer's
within 4 days and a report which shall include:

l. Load values and settlement table

2 A graph showing the relation of timing-loading and settlement.

3 Remarks on all unusual mattes that happened during pile load test.

4 The load test report shall be certified by the Contracto/s Employe/s


5.5.4 Load Tasting ofPiles

Static Genera.l

This section deals with the testing of a pile by the controlled opplication of an axial load. It covers
vedcal piles tested in compression (i.e. subjected to loads or forces in a direction such as would
cause the piles to penetzte further into the ground).

The design and full details of the proposed load application system shall be satisfactory for the
required test. These details shall be submitted to the Engineer's prior to the commencement of
testing. Definitions

Allowable pile capacity: a load which is not less than the specified working load and which takes
into account the pile's ultimate bearing capacity, the materials from which the pile is made, the
required factor of safety, settlement, pile spacing, downdrag, the overall hearing capacity of the
beneath the piles and any other relevant factors. The allowable pile capacity indicates the
pile to meel the specified loading requirements.


l0l BSMSN SWTP-Tender Document Volurle-i

3, qS e
BSMSN Surface water Tr.alnrent Pl?nt Project Employe/s (Technical) Rcquircmenrs

Compression pile: a p e which is designed to resist an axial force such as would cause it to
penetrate further into the ground.

Design verificdion load (DVL): a load which will be substituted for the specified working load for
the purpose of a test and which may be applied to an isolated or singly loaded pile at the time of
testing in the given conditions of the Site. This load will be padicular to each preliminaDr or other
test pile and should take into account lhe maximum specified working load for a pile of the same
dimensions and materials, allowances for soil-induced forces such as downdrag (which may act in
reverse under the tempolary loading conditions), and any other particular conditions ofthe test such
as a variation of pile head casting level.

Ke ledge: dead load used in a loading test

Maintained load terr: a loading test in which each increment of load is held constant either for a
defined period of time or until the rate ofmovement (s€ttlement or uplift) falls to a specified value.

Preliminary pile: a pile installed before the commencement of the main piling works or a specific
part of the Works for the purpose of establishing the suitability of the chosen lpe of pile and for
contirming its design, dimensions and bearing capacity.

Pi6of load: a load applicd to a selected working pile to confirnr thai it is suitable for the load at tbe
settlemcnt spccificd, A proof load should not normally cxceed the dcsign vcrification load plus
50% ofthe specified working load.

Reaction system: the arrangement of kentledge, piles, anchors or rafts that provides a resistance
againsl which the pile is tested. t'
SpeciJied worktng load (SWL): the speoified load on the head of a pile.

Tewion pile: a pile which is designed to resist an axial force such as would cause it to be extracted
from the ground.

Test pile: any pile to vhich a test is, or is to be, applied. This may be a preliminary pile or a
working pile.

Uhimate bearing capaci6.,. the load at which the resistance ofthe soil becomes fully mobilized.

Working pile: one oft}e piles forming the foundafion ofa structue.

5 -5 .4-2 Conskuction of a Pr€lininarv Pile to be Tested

The Contractor shall give the Engiaeer's at least 48 hours' notice of the commencement of
construction of any prelininary pile which is to the test loaded. I

Each preliminary test pile shall be constructed in a manner similar to that to be used for the
construction of the working piles, and by the use of similar equipment and materials. Any variation
will be permitted only vith prior approval. Extra reinforcement and concrete of increased strength
will be permitted in the shafts of preliminary piles at the discretion ofthe Engineer's.

For each preliminary pi)e which is to be tested, a detailed record of the conditions experienced
during boring, or of the progress during driving, shall be made and submitted to the Engineer's
daily, not later than noon on the next working day.

Four test cubes the concrete used in the preliminary test pile and from the
concrele used pile. If a concrete pile is extended or capped for the
purpose of shall be made from the coresponding batch of concrete
The cubes accordance BS t881.

Ban8ladcsh Economic Zone Author t04 BSMSN SWTP-Tender Dtrumenr Volume-1
BSMSN Surfac. WaterTr.ahent Plant hoj.ct Employcis (Tcchnicai) R.qurrcmcnB

The pile test shall not be started until the strength ofthe cubes taken from the pile exceeds twice the
average direct shess in any pile section under the maximum re{uired test load, and the strength of
the cubes taken from the cap exceeds twice the average stress at any point in the cap undJr the
same load. Variation ofprocedure will be permitted only if approved.

If a.test is required on a working pile the contractor shall cut down or otherwise prepare the pile for
testing as required by the Engineer's.

The cut-off level for a preliminary test pile shall be approved by the Engineer's.

where the cut-off level of working piles is below the ground level at the time of pile installation
and where it is required to carry out a prooftest from that installation level, the pile is to be sleeved
appropriately or othenrise protected to reduce substantially or eliminate friction which develops
over the extended length. Sraffing

AII tests shall be canied out under the direction of experienced and competenl technical penonnel
conversant with the lest equipment and test procedure. Safety Precautions


Design, erection and dismantling ofthe pile tesl reaction system and the application of load
shall be canied out according to the requirements of the various applicable statutory
regulations concerned with lifting and handling heavy equipment and shall safeguard
opreratives and others who may from time to time be in the vicinity of a test from all
avoidable hazards.

b)Kent ledge

Where Kent ledge is used the Contractor shall construct the foundations for the Kent ledge
and any cribwo*, beams or other supporting structure in such a manner that there will not
be differenlial settlement, bending or deflexion of an amount that constitules ahazard to
safety or impain the efficiency of the operation. The Kent lodge shall be odcquotcly
bonded, tied or otherwise held together to prevent it becoming unstable because of
deflexion of the supports or for any other reasofl

The weight of Kent ledge for each test shall be greater than the maximum test load for that
test, and if the weight is estimated from the density and volume of the constituenl materials
an adequate factor of safety against error shall be allowed. Additional Kent ledge required
sh-all be determined taking into account the accuracy of positioning of the centr; of gravity
of the stack.

c)Tension Piles, Reaction Piles and Ground Anchorages

Where tension piles, reaction piles or ground anchorages are required to provide the
necessary load reaction, they shall be so designed that they will resist the forcei applied to
them safely and without excessive deformation which could cause a safety hazard durlng
the work. Such piles (which unless approved will not be working piles) or inchorages shai
be placed in the specified positions, and bars, tepdons or links shall be aligned ri give a
stable reaction in the direction required. Any welding employed to extend or to fix
ot Wat anchorages to a reaction frame shall be carried out.so that the
full stren g1h of the system is
equate and unimpaired.
.U *
6 105 BSVSN SWTP Tender Document yolumc-l
K Se
BSMSN Surface w'lcr Trea!:ncnr Plant Project Employcls (Technical) Requrremen6 TestingEquipment

cases fte Corfiactor shall ensure that when the hydraulic jack and load-measuring device are
ln all
mounted on the pile head the whole system will be stable uP to the maximum load to be applied.

lfin the course of carrying out a test any unforesecn occurrence should take place, further loading
shall not be applied until a proper Engineer's assessment ofthe condition has been made and steps
have been taken to rectiff any fault. Reading of gauges should, however, be continued where
possible and if it is safe to do so.

Where an inadequacy in any part ofthe system might constitute a hazard, mears shall be provided
to enable the test to be controlled from a position clear ofthe Kent ledge stack or test frame-

The hy&aulic jack, pump, hoses, pipes, couplings and othei appataits Po he operated under
hydraulic pressure shall be capable of withstanding a pressure of I % times the maximum pressure
used in the test vithout leaking.

The maximum test load expressed as a reading on the gauge in use shall be displayed and all
operators shall be made aware of this limit.
t. Pile Hcad for Compression Test

For a pile that is tested in compression, the pile head or cap shall he formed to give a plane surface
which is normal to the axis of tlre pile, suffrciently large to accommodarc the loading and t
settlement measurinS e4uipment and adequately reinforced or protected to Prevent damage from the
concentrated applicalion of load from the loading equipment.

Any pile cap shall be concentric with the test pile; the joint between the cap and the pile shall have
a strength equivalent to that ofthe pile.

Sufficient clear space shall be made under any part of the cap projecting beyond the section of the
pile so that, at the maxirnum expected settlement, load is not transmitted to the ground by the cap. ComprcssionTests

Compression tests shall be carried out using kentledge, tension piles or specially conshicted
anchorages- Kentledge shall not be used for tests on raking piles except where the test arrangement
has been specifically designed for such use and has been approved by the Engineer's. t.

Wherc, kentledge is to be used, it shall be supported on cribwork and positioned so that the centre
of gravity of the load is as close as possible to the axis of the pile. The bearing pressure under
supporting cribs shall be such as to ensure stability ofthe kentledge sack. Working Piles

Working piles shall not be used as reaction piles without approval. Where working piles are used as
reaclion piles their movement shall be measwed and recorded to within an accuracy of 0.5 mm. Spacing

Where kentledge is used for loading vertical piles in compression, the distance from the edge ofthe
test pile to the nearesl part of the crib supporting the kentledge stack in contact wilh the ground
shall be not less than 1.3 m.

oi Water

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Bangladcsh Economic Zone A ,106 BSMSN SWTP-Tcnder Documcnt Volume-l

BSMSN Surface Water Treatme plant protect Employer's (Technical ) Reqr I rern€nts

Tle centrc-to-centre spacing of vertical reaction piles, including working piles used as reaction
piles, from a test pile shall be not less than three tirDes the diameter of the tist pile or the
piles or 2 m,whichever is the greitest, except in the case of piles of 300 mm diameter (or
equivalent) or less, in which case the latter dimension may be reduced to 1.5 m. where a pile
to he
tested has an enlarged base, the same criterion shall apply with regard to the pile shaft,
with the
additional requirement that no surface of a reaction pile shall be closer to the base of the test pib
than one halfofthe enlarged base diameter.

Wtere ground anchorages are used to provide a test reaction for loading in compression, no section
offixed anchor length transfening load to the ground shall be closer to ihe test pile than three times
the diameter ofthe test pile. Adequate Reaction

The reaction frame support system shall be adequate to transmit the maximum test load in a safe
manner without excessive movement or influence on the test pile. Calculations shall be provided to
the Engineer's when required tojustify the design ofthe reaction system. Carc ofPiles

The method employediir the installation of the reaction system shall be such as to prereni damage
to any test pile or working pile. Equipment for Applying Load

The equipment used for applying load shall consist of a hydraulic ram or jack. The jack shall be
ananged in conjunction with the reaction system to deliver an axial load to the test pile- proposals
to use more than one ram or jack will be subject to approval by the Engineer's of tne detuilea
arrangement. The complete system shall be capable of safely transfening the maximum load
required for the test. The length of stroke of a ram shall be sufficient to cater for deflexion of the
reaction system under load plus a deflection ofthe pile head of up to l5% ofthe pile shaft diameter
unless otherwise specified or agreed prior to commencement oftest loading.

5.5.5 Measwement of Load

A load measuring device shall be used and in addition a calibrated pressure gauge included in the
hydraulic system. Readings of both the load measuring device and the preisure gauge shall be
recorded. In interpreting the test data, the values given by the load measuring device sha'il normally
be used; the pressure gauge readings are required as a check for gross error.

The load measuring device may consist of a load measuring column, pressure cell or other
appropriate system. A spherical seating of appropriate size shall be used to a-void eccentric loading.
care shall he taken to avoid any risk of buckling of the load application and measuring syste;.
Load measuring and application devices shall be short in axial length in order to r"cr." ttiUitity.
The Contractor shall ensure that axial loading is maintained.

The load measuring device shall be calibrated before and after each series of tests, whenever
adjustments are made to the device or at intervals appropriate to the type of equipment. The
pressure gauge and hydraulic jack shall be calibrated together. Certificates of calibiation
shall be
supplied to the Engineer's.

5.5.6 ControlofLoading

eq uipment shall enable the load to be increased or decreased smoothly or to be held

required value.

Head Movement

ilsl Authorile t07 BSMSN SWTP-Tcndcr Document voiume-l

BSNISN Surface Wat€r Treatment Plant Projec! Employels (TechDical) RequteD)ents

In a maintained load lest, movement of the pile head shall be measured by the method in related

An independent reference beam or beams shall be to enable measurement of the movement

Set up
of the pile to be made to the required accuracy. The supports for a beam shall be founded in such a
mannei and at such a distance fiom the test pile and reaction system that movements of the ground
do not cause movement of the reference beam or beams which will affect the accuracy ofthe test.
The supports of the beam or beams shall be at least three test pile diameters or 2 m from the centre
ofthe test pile, whichever distance is the greater.

Check observations ofa,'ry movements of the reference beam or beams shall be made, and a check
shall be made of the rnovement of the pile head relative to a remote reference datum at suitable
intervals during the progress ofthe test.
The measurement of pile movement shall be made by four dial gauges rigidly mounted on the
reference beam or beams, bearing on prepared flat surfaces fixed 1o the pile cap or head and normal
to the pile axis. Altematvely, the gauges may be fixed to the pile and hear on prepared surfaces on
the reference beam or beams. The dial gauges shall be placed equidistant from the pile axis and
from each other. The dial gauges shall enable readings to be made to an accuracy of at least 0. I mm
and have a stem tnvel of at least 25 mm. Machined spacer blocks may he used to extend the range
ofreading. Equivalent electrical displacement-measuring devices may be substituted. t_

5.5.7 Protection of Testing Equipment

Throughout the test period all equipment for masuring load and movement shall be protected from I
adverse effects ofsun, wind and precipitation.

Construction activity and persons who are not involved in the testing process shall be kept at a
sufficient distance from the test to avoid disturbance to the measuring apparatus. Full records shall
be kept ofany intermittent unavoidable activity and its effects.

The Contractor shall give the Engineer's at least 24 hours'notice ofthe commencement ofthe test.
No load shall be applied to the test pile before the commencement ofthe specified test procedure.

5.5.8 Test. Procedure

5.5.E.1 Proofload Test Procedure (working compnession pilcs)

'lhe maximum load which shall be applied in a proof test shall normally be the sum of the design It
verification load @VL) plus 50% ofthe specified working load (SWL). The loading and unloading
shall be carried out in stages as shown in Table 5-1.

Following each application of an increment of load, the load shall he maintained at the specified
value for not less than ttre period shown in Table 5-land until the rate ofsettlement is less than 0.25
mm/h and slowing down. The rate of settlement shall be calculated from the slope of the line
obtained by plotting values of settlement versus time and drawing a smooth curve through the

oi Water

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a Dhakc
Bar8ladesh Economic Za.i Authority 108 BSMSN Su"fP-Tcnder Documenl Volumc-j

BSMSN Surface Watcr Treatment Plarl Projcct Employels (Techh ical) Rcq uirements

Table $l: Loadin

Loed* Minimum time of holdinq load
25o/o D\l 30 minutes
str/O DYL 30 minutes
75o/oDYl 30 minutes
l00o/o I hour
75OA DYL l0 minutes
Str/oDYL l0 minutes
25%DyL l0 minutes
0 I hour
100%DvL 6 hours
10070 DvL + 25% SWI I hour
100% DVL + 50% swl- 6 houn
100% + 25% swl, I0 minutes
IOO%DVL l0 minutes
7 50/o Dyl l0 minutes
50v. DvL l0 minutes
25o/o DYI l0 minutes
0 , t hour
*SWL denotes specified working load and DVL denotes design verification load, as shown on the
pile drawings.

Each stage of unloadinS shall proceed after the expiry ofthe period shown in Table 5- 1.

For any period when the load is constant, time and settlement shall be recorded immediately on
reaching the load at notmore than 5 minute intervals up to l5 minutes, at approximately l5 minute
intervals up to I hour, at 30 minute intervals between I hour and 4 hours, and I hour intervals
between 4 hours and 12 hours after the application ofthe increment of load.

The pass criteria is not more than 20 mm settlement at 100% DVL and not more than 30 mm
settlement at 100% DVL + 50% SWL. Test Procedure for Prinrsry Compression Piles

Folluwing the complelion of the proof load test, the load shall he rcstored in two stages (DVL,
DVL + 50oZ SWL), ond shall suhscquently be increased by stages of ?5-"./o of the spccificd working
load until the maximum specified load for the test is reached. Following each application of an
increment of load, the load shall be maintained at the specified value for not less than 30 minutes
and until the rate of settlement is slowing down and is less than 0.25 mm/h or other approved rate
appropriate to the stage of loading and its proximity to a failure condition. The rate of settlement
shall be calculated from the slope of the line obtained by plotting values of settlement versus time
and drawing a smooth curve through the poin6. Reduction of load at the end of the test shall he
gradual as required by clarse and the final recovery ofthe pile head shall be recorded.

The pass criteria is 2O mm settlement at 100% DVL and 30 mm settlement at l0oo/o DyL + 50yo

Autho.iry I09 BSMSN S\!TP-Tarder Documenr Volume-3

BSMSN Surfac. Wat.r Treatrnent Plznt Projcct Employc/s (Technical) Rcqtnr.ments

Schedule of Recorded Data

The Contractor shall provide information about the test pile in accordance with the following
schedule where applicable.

(a)Pile Details

Identifi otion (number and location)

Specified working load (SWL)
Design verification load (DVL)
Commencing surface level at pile posirion
Head level at which test Ioad was applied
Type ofpile
Verticd or raking, compression or tension
Shape and size of cross-section pile, and position of any change in cross section
Shoe orbase details
Head d*ails
Length in ground Level of toe
Dimensions ofany permanent casing l'
Concrete mir/grade
Aggregate type and sbnrcE
Cementtype and cement replacement and type where used Admixtures
Cube test results for pile and cap
Date ofcasting ofprecast pile
Reinforcement f'
(b)Installation Details All piles

Dates and times of boring, driving and concretiog of test pile Difficullies and
delays encountered
Date and time of casting concrete pile cap
Type ofequipment used and method of boring
Temporary casing - dianeter, type and length
Full log of pile borehole
Mothod of plocing concrctc
Volume of concrete placed

(c)Test Procedure

Mass ofKent ledge

Tensionpile, gromd anchorage or compression pile details
Plar of test arrangement showing position and distances of Kent ledge supports,
rafts, lension or compression piles or ground anchorages, and supports to pile
movement reference system.
Jack capacity
Method of load measurement
Method(s) of penetration or uplift measurement

(d)Test Results

In tabular form
ln graphical form: load plotted against pile head movement
temperature records during test

BanSbdcsh lt0 BSMSN SWTP-T.ricr Documenr Volumc-J

BSMSN Surface Waier Tr.annent PlanlProjccr Employcis (Te.hnacal ) Rcquirerhcnrs

5.5.9 Completion of a Test

On completion of a test and subject to the approval ofthe Engineer's, all measuring equipment and
load application devices shall" be dismantled and checked. All other test equipment, including Kent
Iedge, beams and supporting structures shall he removed from the test pile location. Measuring and
other demountable equipment shall he stored in a safe manner so that it is available for further tesls
or removed ftom the Site as approved by the Engineer's.

Temporary tension piles and ground anchorages shall be cut off below ground level, and off-cut
materials removed from the Site. The ground shall be made good to the original commencing
surlace level.

Unless otherwise specified, the head of each preliminary test pile shall be cut off below ground
level, off-cut malerial shall be removed from the Site and the ground made good to the original
commencing surface level.

On completion ofa test on a proofpile, the test pile cap shall he prepared as specified and left in a
state ready for incorporation into the Permanent Works. Any rcsulting off-cut materials shall be
removed from the Site.

Authority III BSMSN SWTP-Tender Document volume-l

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