The document provides an internal inspection report for a chainblock-lever block used at a coal fired steam power plant, listing aspects inspected and their condition, recommendations, and signatures acknowledging inspection. It notes the company name, plant, inspection date, equipment capacity and serial number.
The document provides an internal inspection report for a chainblock-lever block used at a coal fired steam power plant, listing aspects inspected and their condition, recommendations, and signatures acknowledging inspection. It notes the company name, plant, inspection date, equipment capacity and serial number.
The document provides an internal inspection report for a chainblock-lever block used at a coal fired steam power plant, listing aspects inspected and their condition, recommendations, and signatures acknowledging inspection. It notes the company name, plant, inspection date, equipment capacity and serial number.
The document provides an internal inspection report for a chainblock-lever block used at a coal fired steam power plant, listing aspects inspected and their condition, recommendations, and signatures acknowledging inspection. It notes the company name, plant, inspection date, equipment capacity and serial number.
Nama Perusahaan Company Name Pabrik Tanggal Inspeksi Manufacture Inspection Date Kapasitas Jenis / Type Capacity No. Serie Nama Inspektor Serial Number Inspector Name
Aspek Diperiksa G F P Keterangan
No Good Fair Poor Aspect to Inspection Baik Cukup Buruk Remarks
1 Sertifikat Pabrik/ Manufacture Certification
2 Tertera Data Teknik Pabrik/ Technical Data Printed 3 Tertera Daya Beban Aman (SWL)/ Safe Working Load Printed 4 Daya Beban Aman (SWL) Sesuai Hook/ Safe Working Load match to Hook 5 Kondisi Hook Atas dan Bawah/ Upper and Lower Hook Condition 6 Hook berfungsi baik/ Hook Good Function 7 Rusak, Karat dan Retak pada Hook/ Broken, Corosif and Cracks on Hook Kunci Pengaman terpasang pada Hook (atas dan 8 bawah)/ Safety Latch Instaled Properly (Upper & Lower) 9 Kondisi Katrol Rantai/ Chain Pulley Condition 10 Rusak, Retak, Karatan dan Penyok pada Rantai/ Broken, Crack, Rusted and Dents in The Chain 11 Kondisi Rantai Tangan dan Rantai Pengangkatan/ Hand Chain and Lifting Chain Condition 12 Kondisi Roda Gerigi dan Sproket/ Gear and Sproket Condition Rekomendasi/ Recommendation Kesimpulan/ Conclusion