MKSAP 19 board
Pulmonary Function Tests
The four PFTs commonly used to measure static lung function are spirometry,
flow-volume loops, lung volumes, and DLCO.
Lung volume measures include total lung capacity (TLC), vital capacity (VC),
functional residual capacity (FRC), expiratory reserve volume (ERV), and residual
volume. The TLC is normal or even increased in pure obstructive disease and
decreased in restrictive diseases.
Study Table: Interpreting DLCO
Finding Interpretation
↑ or Asthma
DLCO and
↑ DLCO Pulmonary hemorrhage, left-to-right shunt, polycythemia
Flow-volume loops can help localize anatomic sites of airway obstruction. Refer
to the “Flow-Volume Loops” figures.
Don't Be Tricked
• In patients with low lung volumes, a normal DLCO suggests an
extrapulmonary cause (e.g., obesity).
Study Table: Understanding Important Pulmonary Tests
Tests Considerations
Pulse oximetry Measures percentage of oxyhemoglobin; performed at rest or
during exercise
Don't Be Tricked
• Pulse oximetry is normal in patients with carbon monoxide and cyanide
• Pulse oximetry may be falsely low in patients with shock.
Common symptoms of asthma are cough, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness
of breath that are intermittent. The cardinal features of asthma are reversible
airway obstruction, inflammation, and airway hyperreactivity.
Diagnostic studies include spirometry before and after bronchodilator
administration. Must meet both criteria:
• FEV1 ↑ ≥12%
• FEV1 ↑ ≥200 mL
Don't Be Tricked
Study Table: Differential Diagnosis of Asthma
Disease Characteristics
This is often overlooked until onset of more advanced disease,
including fixed obstruction and bronchiectasis
Eosinophilic Upper airway and sinus disease precedes difficult-to-treat
granulomatosis asthma; look for flares associated with use of leukotriene
with polyangiitis inhibitors and glucocorticoid tapers
Assess asthma control with standardized instruments (Asthma Control Test,
Asthma Control Questionnaire).
Institute therapy:
Don't Be Tricked
• All patients should receive one of these three combination treatments:
• For mild asthma, an inhaled glucocorticoid–formoterol combination as
needed or low-dose inhaled glucocorticoid whenever a SABA is taken.
• Regular inhaled glucocorticoid or inhaled glucocorticoid + LABA daily
plus SABA when needed.
• Maintenance and rescue treatment with inhaled glucocorticoid–formoterol.
Don't Be Tricked
• Do not administer theophylline with fluoroquinolones or macrolides (may
result in theophylline toxicity).
• Do not use LABAs as single agents in asthma (increased mortality rate).
Don't Be Tricked
• A normal arterial PCO2 in a patient with severe symptomatic asthma
indicates impending respiratory failure.
• Consider vocal cord dysfunction for patients with “asthma” that improves
immediately with intubation.
Test Yourself
A 35-year-old woman with asthma has daily coughing and shortness of breath.
She uses triamcinolone, 4 puffs twice daily, and albuterol, 2 puffs twice daily as
needed. Her sleep is disturbed nightly by coughing. The chest examination shows
soft bilateral expiratory wheezing. PEF is 60% of predicted.
Answer: For diagnosis, choose severe persistent asthma. For management, select
adding a long-acting bronchodilator. The short-term addition of an oral
glucocorticoid to the inhaled glucocorticoid and a long-acting bronchodilator
would also be correct.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Screening asymptomatic patients for COPD is not recommended by the USPSTF.
COPD is a heterogeneous disorder that includes emphysema, chronic bronchitis,
obliterative bronchiolitis, and asthmatic bronchitis. Patients typically present with
cough, sputum production, dyspnea, and decreased exercise tolerance and energy
level. The features most predictive of COPD in a symptomatic patient are the
combination of:
• smoking history
• wheezing on auscultation
• self-reported wheezing
Chest x-ray showing “tram lines”; diagnose with HRCT, which will
show airway diameter greater than that of its accompanying vessel
and lack of distal airway tapering
Cystic fibrosis Obstructive pulmonary disease (ultimately with bronchiectasis)
or GI symptoms are the most common presentation in adult
patients; other symptoms may include recurrent respiratory
infections and infertility
Study Table: Mimics of COPD
Disease Characteristics
Smoking cessation is essential in the management of all patients with COPD to
reduce the rate of decline in lung function.
An additional indication for which long-term oxygen therapy should be considered
is an arterial blood PO2 ≤59 mm Hg with signs of tissue hypoxia
(polycythemia, PH, right-sided HF)
Test Yourself
A 55-year-old man is evaluated for progressive dyspnea. He has a 40-pack-year
cigarette smoking history. On spirometry, his FEV1 is 54% of predicted. He is
using an albuterol inhaler with increasing frequency. Therapy is prescribed.
Cystic Fibrosis
Chronic airway inflammation and bacterial infection characterize CF-related
pulmonary disease. Most adults with CF present with pulmonary disease.
Characteristic findings are recurrent or persistent respiratory infections
with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae,
or Burkholderia cepacia; bronchiectasis; or hyperinflation. Other findings may
All patients should receive pneumococcal conjugate and polysaccharide vaccines,
COVID-19 vaccine, and annual influenza vaccine.
• pancreatic enzyme replacement and fat-soluble vitamin supplementation if
Choose evaluation for transplantation for patients with advanced lung or liver
Test Yourself
A 34-year-old woman has had frequent episodes of bronchitis and three episodes
of pneumonia in the past 5 years. Between episodes, she has a persistent cough
producing yellow sputum. She also has been treated for multiple episodes of
sinusitis. The patient is a lifelong nonsmoker. BMI is 18. The thorax is
hyperresonant to percussion and has diminished air movement bilaterally. Digital
clubbing is present.
Answer: For diagnosis, choose CF. For management, select sweat chloride testing
followed by genetic testing.
Desaturation >4% with ambulation is consistent with a diffusion limitation, a
hallmark of DPLD.
Look for interstitial reticular or nodular infiltrates on chest x-ray; the type and
pattern of the infiltrate often correlate with underlying pathology on lung biopsy.
Obtain chest HRCT, even if chest x-ray is normal, if clinical suspicion is high.
Look for presence of mediastinal and/or hilar lymphadenopathy (sarcoidosis),
pleural effusion (asbestos- or connective tissue–related DPLD), and pleural
plaques (asbestosis).
Testing for CRP, ESR, ANA, rheumatoid factor, myositis panel, and anti-
CPP antibodies is recommended.
Don't Be Tricked
• Patients with dyspnea for days or weeks (vs months) are more likely to
have pneumonia or HF than DPLD.
• Plain radiography may be normal in 20% of patients with early DPLD;
continue evaluation if suspicion remains high.
• Consider DPLD in patients with dyspnea and pulmonary crackles but no
other findings of HF.
When possible, treatment is directed toward the underlying cause (connective
tissue disease), limiting exposure (drug discontinuation), and smoking cessation.
The evidence for glucocorticoid efficacy is weak.
Fever, cough, and fatigue develop 12 hours later.
Chest x-ray may be normal or show diffuse micronodular disease. HRCT shows diffuse
centrilobular micronodules and ground-glass opacities.
Antigen removal results in resolution of symptoms in 48 hours. Glucocorticoids are
provided for severe symptoms.
• normal temperature
• bibasilar crackles (“dry,” end-inspiratory, and “Velcro-like” in quality)
• late-phase cor pulmonale
• clubbing (50% of patients)
Chest x-ray shows peripheral reticular opacities and honeycomb changes at the
lung bases. HRCT scan reveals subpleural cystic changes and traction
bronchiectasis. A restrictive pattern with decreased DLCO is found on PFTs.
Lung transplantation may improve survival and quality of life. Pirfenidone and
nintedanib have demonstrated benefit in slowing disease progression for select
persons. Oxygen therapy is indicated for patients with hypoxemia.
Don't Be Tricked
Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous inflammatory disease of unknown
cause. Ninety percent of patients with sarcoidosis have pulmonary involvement,
which may include a clinical presentation consistent with DPLD.
• dry cough and dyspnea
• eye pain or burning and photosensitivity
• EN
• violaceous or erythematous indurated papules, plaques, or nodules of the
central face (lupus pernio); often associated with pulmonary disease
• a variety of papular, nodular, and plaque-like cutaneous lesions
• lymphadenopathy and hepatosplenomegaly
• asymmetric joint swelling
• Löfgren syndrome (fever, bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, EN, and often
ankle arthritis)
• uveoparotid fever (Heerfordt syndrome, featuring anterior uveitis, parotid
gland enlargement, facial palsy, and fever)
A definite diagnosis requires a compatible clinical picture, pathologic
demonstration of noncaseating granulomas, and the exclusion of alternative
explanations for the abnormalities (known causes of granulomatous inflammation
such as infection). A diagnosis can be made without histologic studies in a patient
with all features of Löfgren syndrome (95% diagnostic specificity) or in patients
with asymptomatic hilar lymphadenopathy (stage I pulmonary sarcoidosis).
Don't Be Tricked
• Always rule out TB and fungal infections by ordering appropriate stains
and culture on tissue biopsy.
• Exposure to beryllium (often found in workers in light bulb or
semiconductor factories) may cause a sarcoidosis-like clinical syndrome.
• Don't select a serum ACE level. It won't confirm the diagnosis or help in
managing sarcoidosis.
Topical glucocorticoids are prescribed for skin lesions or anterior uveitis, and
inhaled glucocorticoids are used for nasal polyps or airway disease. Oral
glucocorticoids are indicated for progressive or symptomatic pulmonary
sarcoidosis; hypercalcemia; or cardiac, ophthalmologic, or neurologic sarcoidosis.
Patients with glucocorticoid-refractory disease are treated with
immunosuppressive, cytotoxic, and antimalarial agents. Löfgren syndrome has a
very high rate (80%) of spontaneous remission and resolution.
Don't Be Tricked
Figure 5. Sarcoidosis:
X-ray shows bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy characteristic of sarcoidosis.
Sarcoidosis can be associated with interstitial lung disease.
Test Yourself
A 66-year-old man is hospitalized because of azotemia and hypercalcemia.
Laboratory studies show a normal serum PTH level and an elevated 1,25-
dihydroxy vitamin D3 level. A chest x-ray shows an interstitial infiltrate and an
enlarged left paratracheal lymph node.
Symptoms worsen during or after work
Symptoms abate or improve with time off or away from the workplace
The overriding principle is discontinuing the exposure. Occupational asthma and
reactive airways dysfunction syndrome are treated with inhaled glucocorticoids.
Don't Be Tricked
Test Yourself
A previously healthy 45-year-old man has a cough of 6 months' duration. He is a
lifelong nonsmoker and works as an automobile spray painter. Physical
examination discloses a few expiratory wheezes. FEV1 is 0.65 and FEV1/FVC ratio
is 65% of predicted, with a 22% improvement after bronchodilator administration.
Pleural Effusion
Most pleural effusions in the United States are the result of HF, pneumonia, or
malignancy. A thoracentesis is indicated for any new unexplained effusion.
Observation and therapy without thoracentesis is reasonable in the setting of
known HF, small parapneumonic effusions, or following CABG surgery.
Point-of-care ultrasonography can identify small effusions and determine if they
are free-flowing or loculated and should be used to guide thoracentesis. Pleural
fluid is characterized as transudative or exudative.
Study Table: Most Common Causes of Transudative and Exudative Pleural
Effusions Exudative Pleural Effusions
Cirrhosis Malignancy
Pleural fluid cell counts and chemistries can further narrow the differential
Parapneumonic pleural effusion requires chest tube drainage if Gram stain or
culture is positive, when the pH is <7.2, or if it appears loculated on imaging.
Anaerobes are cultured in up to 72% of empyemas; empiric antibiotic therapy
should include anaerobic coverage.
Don't Be Tricked
• Always obtain thoracentesis for moderate to large effusions associated with
• Pleural effusions associated with nephrotic syndrome are common,
but PE should be excluded in such patients because PE and renal vein
thrombosis often occur in patients with nephrotic syndrome.
• Consider pulmonary LAM when chylothorax is diagnosed in a
premenopausal woman.
Test Yourself
A 65-year-old woman has a 2-week history of shortness of breath. A chest x-ray
shows a large right-sided pleural effusion. Serum LDH is 190 U/L, and total
protein is 6.0 g/dL. On thoracentesis, pleural fluid protein is 2.8 g/dL and pleural
fluid LDH is 110 U/L.
Symptoms are chest pain and dyspnea. Spontaneous pneumothorax is primary
when no underlying lung disease is identifiable. Tall men who smoke are at risk.
Subpleural blebs and bullae are commonly detected on CT scan and predispose to
primary pneumothorax.
Obtain an upright chest x-ray in patients with dyspnea, pleurisy, or both even if the
physical examination is normal.
The presence of lung sliding with ultrasound imaging indicates no pneumothorax
at that specific location, and the presence of a lung point confirms the edge of a
Study Table: Management of Pneumothorax
Sizea and
Symptoms Management
<2 cm on Needle aspiration or admit to hospital for observation and
chest x-ray, supplemental oxygen (PSP may be managed as an outpatient if
minimal good access to medical care)
>2 cm on Insertion of a small-bore (<14 Fr) thoracostomy tube with
chest x-ray, connection to a high-volume low-pressure suction system
and chest pain
Cardiovascular Emergent needle decompression followed by thoracostomy tube
compromise insertion
regardless of
• PSP = primary spontaneous pneumothorax.
• a
Measured between lung and chest wall at the level of the hilum.
Don't Be Tricked
• Do not wait for chest x-ray results before treating suspected tension
pneumothorax with needle decompression.
Pulmonary Hypertension
PH is defined by a resting mean pulmonary arterial pressure of ≥20 mm Hg and a
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure ≤15 mm Hg. The current classification
system subdivides PH into five groups.
• unexplained dyspnea
• decreased exercise tolerance
• syncope and near-syncope
• chest pain
• lower extremity edema
Look for use of fenfluramine, amphetamines, and cocaine, as well as the presence
of Raynaud phenomenon (suggesting SLE and SSc) and history of VTE.
Typical evaluation of Group 1 PH (PAH) includes:
If the diagnosis of PAH is confirmed, the next step is a vasoreactivity test using
vasodilating agents to measure changes in pulmonary artery pressure with a right
heart catheter in place.
polysomnography if clinically indicated, and serologic tests for HIV infection or
connective tissue disease.
In some patients (<5%) after an acute PE, thromboemboli within the pulmonary
arteries become remodeled into large occlusive scars, causing CTEPH and leading
to right-sided HF.
Don't Be Tricked
• Most cases of PH are attributed to left-sided heart disease and hypoxic
respiratory disorders.
• Do not select CTA to diagnose CTEPH. A V/Q scan is superior.
Therapy for PH groups 2 through 5 is typically directed at the underlying
Don't Be Tricked
Lung Cancer Screening
In high-risk populations, lung cancer screening results in a 20% lung cancer
mortality reduction. Screen patients between the ages of 50 and 80 years
(guidelines vary) who have a 20-pack-year history of smoking and who are
currently smoking or have quit within the last 15 years. Continue annual low-dose
CT imaging until comorbidity limits survival or the patient reaches the age of 80
years. Stop screening in patients who have stopped smoking for 15 years.
Don't Be Tricked
• The risks of screening outweigh the benefit in patients at low risk for lung
Bronchitis, bronchogenic carcinoma, and bronchiectasis are the most common
causes of hemoptysis.
Don't Be Tricked
• Confirm that a patient has hemoptysis rather than epistaxis or GI bleeding;
then check the platelet count and coagulation parameters.
Treatment is cause specific. The cause of death from massive hemoptysis is
asphyxiation from airway obstruction. If the bleeding site can be localized to one
lung, position the patient with the bleeding lung in the dependent
position. Intubation and mechanical ventilation are required when adequate gas
exchange is threatened. Angiography can localize and treat bronchial artery
Solid nodules 8 mm or smaller are estimated for risk of malignancy. Most can be
monitored with serial CT according to guidelines.
A subsolid nodule is a focal, rounded opacity that is pure ground glass in
appearance (focal density with underlying lung architecture still preserved) or has
a solid component (part solid) but is still more than 50% ground glass.
Development of a solid component in a pure ground-glass nodule or enlargement
of the solid component suggests malignancy.
Test Yourself
A 65-year-old man is incidentally found to have a 7 mm pulmonary nodule on
chest x-ray obtained before an elective cholecystectomy. On chest CT, the nodule
is subsolid, and no other nodules or lymphadenopathy is evident. He has a 50-
pack-year history of cigarette smoking.
Don't Be Tricked
• PET scans may be falsely negative in alveolar cell carcinoma or lesions <1
cm in diameter and falsely positive in various inflammatory lesions.
• A nonspecific negative result from fiberoptic bronchoscopy or transthoracic
needle aspiration biopsy does not reliably exclude the presence of a
malignant growth.
Mediastinal Masses
The mediastinum can be divided into three separate compartments, which can help
narrow the differential diagnosis of a mediastinal mass.
Figure 8. Mediastinum:
A lateral chest x-ray demonstrates the anterior (red), middle (yellow), and posterior (blue)
mediastinal compartments.
Study Table: Mediastinal Masses
Origin of
Mass Important Associations
Anterior Mediastinum
Thymus Most common tumor of anterior mediastinum; 40% have MG
Home sleep apnea testing is sensitive in diagnosing OSA in those with a pretest
likelihood of moderate to severe disease and no indications for in-laboratory
polysomnography. The severity of OSA can be classified by the AHI. Diagnose
OSA in patients with an AHI of >5/h during a sleep study.
Don't Be Tricked
Lifestyle changes:
• weight loss
• avoiding alcohol/sedatives/opioids before bedtime
• sleeping in the lateral position
CPAP is the initial treatment of choice for OSA and has been shown to improve
quality of life, cognitive function, and symptoms of daytime sleepiness.
Oral appliances are an alternative to CPAP therapy for mild to moderate OSA.
Oral appliances are not as effective as CPAP in reducing AHI.
Don't Be Tricked
• Supplemental oxygen is not recommended as a primary therapy for OSA.
• Upper airway surgery is not recommended as initial therapy.
• Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty is a recommended surgical option in patients
requiring surgery.
Obesity-Hypoventilation Syndrome
The hallmark is daytime hypercapnia, defined as a PCO2 >45 mm Hg. OSA is usually but
not always superimposed. HF, PH, and volume overload are common.
Weight loss, including bariatric surgery, and bilevel positive airway pressure ventilation
are recommended. CPAP can be considered if severe OSA is also present. Supplemental
oxygen may be needed.
All patients suspected of having hypercapnic respiratory failure should have
arterial blood gas analysis even if hypoxemia resolves with oxygen administration.
Study Table: Pulmonary Function Values Suggestive of Neuromuscular Weakness
Function Value
Maximal Less than +60 cm H2O or 50% of predicted
Test Yourself
A 36-year-old man with myotonic dystrophy awakens at night gasping for air and
experiences increasing fatigue. Cardiopulmonary examination is normal.
Neurologic examination shows 4+/5 strength in all muscle groups.
Study Table: Diagnosing and Classifying ARDS
Classification Features
Limiting IV fluids and using diuretics to keep CVP at lower targets has been
associated with a more rapid improvement in lung function but no effect on
Don't Be Tricked
Test Yourself
A 55-year-old woman with acute pancreatitis has increasingly severe shortness of
breath for 12 hours. She has no history of cardiac disease. Pulse rate is 116/min,
respiration rate is 40/min, and arterial O2 saturation is 86% (on supplemental
oxygen). Diffuse bilateral crackles are heard. Chest x-ray shows diffuse airspace
disease. She is intubated and mechanically ventilated. With an FIO2 of 1.0, her
arterial PO2 is 150 mm Hg.
Answer: For diagnosis, choose moderate ARDS. For management, select a tidal
volume of 4 to 8 mL/kg of ideal body weight.
Noninvasive Positive-Pressure
Indications in Critically Ill Patients
NPPV is the use of positive-pressure ventilation without the need for an invasive
airway. NPPV may be used as the ventilatory mode of first choice in these
• respiratory arrest
• medical instability
• inability to protect airway and/or excessive secretions or nausea and
• uncooperative or agitated patient
Improvements in blood gas values and clinical condition should occur within 2
hours of starting NPPV. If not, intubation should be considered to avoid undue
delay and prevent respiratory arrest.
Study Table: Ventilator Management
If you …the the
would like intermediateventilator
to… step is… do this by: Notes:
Difficult ventilation or complications of mechanical ventilation resulting from
changes in airway resistance may first be manifested by an increase in the peak
inspiratory pressure alone, resulting from:
• bronchospasm
• secretions in airways, endotracheal tube, or ventilator tubing
• obstructing mucus plug
• agitation with dyssynchrony with the ventilator
Don't Be Tricked
• Do not select synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation as a weaning
mode, because studies have demonstrated it actually takes longer to liberate
patients from the ventilator.
Test Yourself
A 73-year-old woman who weighs 56 kg (123 lb) is admitted to the ICU with an
exacerbation of severe COPD. Intubation and mechanical ventilation are required:
FIO2 of 0.4, tidal volume of 450 mL, and respiration rate of 16/min. Thirty minutes
later, her BP has dropped to 82/60 mm Hg. She is restless and has diffuse
wheezing with prolonged expiration.
Operationally, sepsis can be identified whenever infection is known or suspected
and clinical criteria defining organ dysfunction are met.
Study Table: Shock Syndromes
Condition Characteristics
Cardiogenic Low cardiac output, elevated PCWP, and high SVR
Elevated CVP, S3, pulmonary crackles, edema, and CVD risk factors
Hypovolemic Low cardiac output, low PCWP, and high SVR
Obvious source of volume loss (hemorrhage, dehydration, diarrhea,
Obstructive Low cardiac output, variable PCWP, and high SVR
Consider cardiac tamponade, PE, and tension pneumothorax
Anaphylactic High cardiac output, normal PCWP, and low SVR
Rash, urticaria, angioedema, and wheezing/stridor
Septic shock High cardiac output (early) that can become depressed (late) and low
Study Table: Treatment of Sepsis and Septic Shock
Treatment Application
Fluid Balanced crystalloids
30 mL/kg within first hour
Study Table: Treatment of Sepsis and Septic Shock
Treatment Application
Carbapenem or extended-range penicillin/β-lactamase inhibitor in
most patients; in cases of septic shock (but not sepsis without
shock), combination therapy with at least two antibiotics from
different classes to cover the most likely bacterial pathogen
Hydrocortisone 200-400 mg/d IV for persistent hypotension despite fluids and
Glucose Insulin therapy to maintain glucose between 140 and 180 mg/dL
Mechanical Tidal volume 4-8 mg/kg of ideal body weight if ARDS present
Don't Be Tricked
• Do not perform cortisol stimulation testing.
• Do not use noninvasive ventilation.
Initiation of enteral nutrition is recommended at 24 to 48 hours following admission.
Critically ill patients who cannot maintain volitional nutritional intake may be fed
enterally. For patients who cannot tolerate enteral feeding, total parenteral nutrition
should not be started before day 7 of an acute illness. However, parenteral nutrition
should be started as soon as possible for severely malnourished patients and those at high
risk of malnutrition when enteral nutrition is not possible. Caloric and protein needs
should be gradually increased to their goal over the course of 3 to 7 days.
ICU-Acquired Weakness
ICU-acquired weakness includes critical illness polyneuropathy (with axonal nerve
degeneration) and critical illness myopathy (with muscle myosin loss), resulting in
profound weakness. ICU-acquired weakness may be first recognized when a patient is
unable to be weaned from mechanical ventilation. Risk factors include hyperglycemia,
sepsis, multiple organ dysfunction, and SIRS.
Treatment is supportive and includes early mobility and ongoing physical and
occupational therapy.
Test Yourself
A 65-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes cannot be weaned from mechanical
ventilation. She has required prolonged respiratory support because
of ARDS secondary to septic shock and bacterial pneumonia. Her course was
complicated by an episode of AKI. During spontaneous weaning trials, her tidal
volume is low and respiratory rate is elevated. She has weakness of her extremities
and hyporeflexia.
Hyperthermic Emergencies
Severe hyperthermia is temperature ≥40.0 °C (104.0 °F) resulting from a failure of
normal thermoregulation. Findings include loss of consciousness, muscle rigidity,
seizures, and rhabdomyolysis with kidney failure, DIC, and ARDS.
Study Table: Severe Hyperthermia Causes and Therapy
Suggestive Key Examination
Diagnosis History Findings Treatment Notes
Use of
and diuretic drugs
Malignant Exposure to Masseter muscle Stop the inciting Monitor and
hyperthermia volatile rigidity; ↑ arterial drug treat; ↑
anesthetics PCO2 K+ and ↑
(halothane, Dantrolene arterial PCO2
Neuroleptic Haloperidol, Altered mentation, Stop the inciting Resolves
malignant olanzapine, severe rigidity, drug over days to
syndrome quetiapine, and ↑ HR, ↑ BP weeks
risperidone or Dantrolene
withdrawal No myoclonus, ↓
from L-dopa; reflexes Bromocriptine
onset over days to
Severe Onset within 24 h Agitation, Stop the inciting Resolves in
serotonin of initiation or rigidity, myoclonus, drug 24 hours
syndrome a
increasing dose ↑ reflexes
• Not routinely considered a cause of severe hyperthermia but commonly confused
Don't Be Tricked
Test Yourself
A 45-year-old woman undergoes open cholecystectomy. At the conclusion of the
operative procedure, her temperature has abruptly increased to 39.2 °C (102.5 °F).
Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening syndrome caused by the release of mediators
from mast cells and basophils triggered by an IgE-allergen interaction
(anaphylactic reaction) or by a non–antibody-antigen mechanism (anaphylactoid
reaction). The most common causes are nut ingestion, insect stings, latex, and
medications (penicillin, NSAIDs, aspirin).
Don't Be Tricked
• Consider latex allergy as the cause of anaphylaxis during surgery or
anaphylaxis in a woman during coitus.
IM or IV epinephrine is first-line therapy even if the only presenting signs are
hives or pruritus. Repeated doses are often necessary. Adjuvantly use inhaled
bronchodilators for bronchospasm and IV saline for shock or hypotension.
β-Blockers may blunt the effect of epinephrine, but epinephrine remains the drug
of first choice.
Patients with diffuse rash or anaphylaxis from hymenoptera sting (bee, yellow
jacket, and wasp) should undergo venom skin testing and immunotherapy.
Don't Be Tricked
Test Yourself
A 25-year-old woman has shortness of breath and wheezing after a bee sting 1
hour ago. Her BP is 80/50 mm Hg and HR is 110/min.
Angioedema is characterized by a sudden, temporary edema, usually of the lips,
face, hands, feet, penis, or scrotum. Abdominal pain may be present owing to
bowel wall edema.
Study Table: Differential Diagnosis of Bradykinin-Mediated Angioedema
Condition Historical Clues/Disease Associations
ACE Medication history
Don't Be Tricked
Select epinephrine for acute episodes of mast cell–mediated (allergic) angioedema
with airway compromise or hypotension.
Figure 9. Angioedema:
Angioedema differs from urticaria in that it covers a larger surface area and
involves the dermis and subcutaneous tissues.
Test Yourself
A 40-year-old man has a 1-year history of cramping abdominal pain and 2- to 3-
day episodes of face and hand swelling that have not responded completely to
epinephrine and antihistamines. His mother died suddenly of “suffocation.”
Answer: For diagnosis, choose hereditary angioedema. For management, select
serum C4 and C1 inhibitor levels (functional and antigenic) and treatment of
severe acute episodes of swelling with C1 inhibitor concentrate.
Smoke Inhalation
Ensuring upper airway patency is the priority.
Don't Be Tricked
Don't Be Tricked
Normobaric oxygen therapy is the treatment of choice. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy
is indicated for patients with severe carbon monoxide poisoning (characterized by
loss of consciousness and persistent neurologic deficits), patients who are
pregnant, or patients with evidence of cardiac ischemia.
Test Yourself
A 39-year-old man is found unconscious by his family. He had not been seen since
late the previous evening. The outside temperature was below freezing overnight.
He is unresponsive and deeply cyanotic. The patient is intubated and ventilated
with 100% oxygen. Although the O2 saturation is 100%, he remains comatose.
Study Table: Toxic Syndrome Manifestations and Treatments
Syndrome ManifestationsDrugs Treatment
Sympathomimetic Tachycardia Cocaine Benzodiazepines for agitation
Cholinergic “SLUDGE” Organophosphates Organophosphate poisoning
(insecticides, requires external
Confusion sarin) decontamination
Bradycardia Physostigmine
Study Table: Toxic Syndrome Manifestations and Treatments
Syndrome ManifestationsDrugs Treatment
Edrophonium May require ventilatory
Add pralidoxime
for CNS toxicity
Benzodiazepines for
Anticholinergic Hyperthermia Antihistamines Physostigmine for those with
peripheral and CNS
Dry skin and Tricyclic symptoms
mucous antidepressants
membranes Benzodiazepines for agitation
Agitation, agents May require ventilatory
delirium support
tachypnea Scopolamine
Opioids Miosis Morphine and Naloxone
related drugs
depression Heroin
• SLUDGE = Salivation, Lacrimation, increased Urination and Defecation,
Gastrointestinal upset, and Emesis.