Assam Scheme 2 MCQ SPM

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Assam Scheme

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Padhe Bharat campaign (*) • Punishment-minimum three years

(extendable up to eight years) and fined
Rs 3 lakh (with the upper limit Rs 5 lakh)
Points to be kept in mind for PT
'Padhe Bharat'
• 100 days reading campaign
• Focus-Balvatika to Grade 8
• Alignment with the National Education
Policy (NEP) 2020
• Reading-joyful reading in local/mother
tongue/regional/tribal Language.

In line with Article 48 of the Constitution "shall

endeavour to organise agriculture and animal
husbandry on modern and scientific lines and
prohibit slaughter of cows and calves.

Q5.The Assam Cattle Preservation Act, 2021 bars

the sale and purchase of beef products in areas
predominantly inhabited by which of the following
1. Hindu
2. Jain
3. Sikh
a. 1 Only
b. 1 and 3 Only
Q3.In January 2022, Union Education Minister c. 1 and 2 Only
Dharmendra Pradhan launched a ___ days d. All 1, 2, 3
reading campaign ‘Padhe Bharat’
a. 90 Ans: d (All 1, 2, 3)
b. 120
c. 180
d. 100 Police modernization in Assam
Ans: d

Points to be kept in mind for PT

Assam Cattle Preservation Assam Police (Amendment) Act, 2021
law, 2021 (***) • Sought to amend the relevant sections
of the Assam Police Act, 2007
• Introduced State level Police
Points to be kept in mind for PT Accountability Commission-take cases
Assam Cattle Preservation law, 2021 related to serious misconduct of police
• The Act prohibits the slaughter of cows. like fake encounters etc
• Regulates slaughter of other cattles- • In line with Prakash Singh Case 2006 of
slaughter allowed if SC.
a. Above 14 years of age Assam Cyberdrome Project(In line with Kerala
b. Declared unfit for work police)
• Restricts intra-state and inter-state • Online police patrol-keep a tab on
transport of cattle suspicious digital activities.HQ- special
• SI rank officer or above to inspect

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

branch Police headquarters at Handicraft Policy & Youth

Kahilipara in Guwahati
Project MOITRI Commission of Assam (***)
• To modernise Police stations of Assam.

Q16. Assam’ Police Cyberdrome Cyber Points to be kept in mind for PT

Security is developed in line with cyber Handicraft Policy of Assam
security model of which of the following state • Development of indigenous handicraft
police? industry
a. Tamil Nadu • Capital investment subsidy up to 30 per
b. Kerala cent on Plant and machinery with a ceiling
c. Karnataka of Rs 15 lakh for new and Rs 5 lakh for old
d. Andhra Pradesh machinery
• Interest Subsidy -5 Percent
Ansb: Kerala • Subsidy of up to 50 per cent-on the
marketing expenditure.
• One-time financial assistance up to Rs
MoU for Dairy Development (**) 30,000
Assam Youth Commission
• For protecting the interests of the youth of
Points to be kept in mind for PT Assam
National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) • Within and outside the State
• 1965 • Assam is the second state after kerala to
• Set up by an Act of Parliament of India constitute youth commission
• Headquarters at Anand, Gujarat
• For promoting milk coop societies across Q41.Consider the following statements-
India in line with India. 1. Assam Youth Commission will work to
• Father of White Revolution in India: protect the interest of youth Assam within
Verghese Kurien the state only.
• White Revolution in India in 1970 2. Assam is the first state of India to constitute
transformed India from a milk deficient State Youth Commission.
nation into the world's largest milk Which of the following statement is/are not correct-
producers. a. Only 1
Current news b. Only 2
• MoU between NDDB and the Assam c. Both
government for dairy development in the d. None
• A joint venture company of Ans : C
NDDB/Assam government will be set up
for Rs 2,000 crore with the target of
processing 10 lakh litre of milk through India State of Forest Report
six new milk processing units in seven
years. 2021 (**)
Q30.The largest Milk producing country in the
Points to be kept in mind for PT
world is?
• by Forest Survey of India
a. China
• Biennial Report/First Survey-1987
b. India
• ISFR 2021 is the 17th edition
c. Indonesia
India State of Forest Report 2021-Key findings
d. Brazil
• Forest cover increased from 21.67% in
2019 to 21.71% in 2021
• Total forest and tree cover is 24.62%

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• Mangrove cover is 4,992 sq km-increase Tiger Population in Assam:

of 17 sq Km observed 1. Kaziranga: 104 tigers
State Wise performance 2. Manas: 31 tigers
• Highest increase in forest cover 3. Orang: 21 tigers
1. Percent wise-Telangana (3.07%) 4. Nameri: 3 tigers
2. Overall area cover wise-Andhra Pradesh Area wise(notified tiger area) largest tiger
• Every Northeastern state reports loss in reserve of Assam:
forest cover(Assam Lost 66 sq km) 1. Manas: 2837.10 sq km
• Largest forest cover in the country- 2. Kaziranga: 1173.58 sq km
Madhya Pradesh
• Among states largest forest cover as Q48.The term M-STRIPES is sometimes seen in
percentage of total geographical area - news in the context of-
Mizoram (84.53%) a. Captive breeding of Wild Fauna
• Union Territory of Lakshadweep has the b. Maintenance of Tiger Reserve
highest forest cover of 90.33% c. Indigenous Satellite Navigation System
d. Security of National Highways.
Q42.Which of the following statements are
true? Ans : b
1. Russia has highest forest cover in the M-STRIPES is android based monitoring
world software, developed by NTCA
2. In India Madhya Pradesh has highest
forest cover amongst the Indian state
in term of percentage of total area. Jyotiprasad Agarwala(***)
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both Points to be kept in mind for PT
d. None • Mother- Kironmoyee-first president of
the Tezpur Mahila Samiti, established in
1919/ she set up -Sipini
Ans : A
Sangha(weaving centre for women)
• Agarwala home in Tezpur called ‘Poki’-
Tiger density (**) now converted into Jyoti Bharati
• Gandhi stayed in Poki-in 1921 and
Points to be kept in mind for PT 1934.
Regions with highest tiger density per 100 sq • First president of the Assam branch of
km(as per India State of Forest Report 2021) - the Indian People's Theatre Association
1. Corbett Tiger Reserve : 14 tigers. (IPTA)
2. Kaziranga National Park: 13.06 tigers Contributions
Area wise largest Tiger Reserve of India: • First Filmmaker of Assam-Joymati
• Nagarjunasagar Srisailam in Andhra film(1935)- First released in Raunak
Pradesh Mahal Calcutta then in Kumar Bhaskar
Tiger Reserve with highest number of tiger- Natya Mandir in Guwahati
• Corbett(Uttarakhand): 231 • Joymati film inspired from play titled
States with highest number of Tiger Reserve: Joymati Kunwori by Lakshminath
• Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra- Each Bezbarua
have 6 Tiger Reserves. • Created Chitraban studio at Tezpur in
Assam Specific • Established cinema hall Junaki at Tezpur
Tiger Density in Assam: (per 100 sq km) in 1937
1. Kaziranga Tiger Reserve: 13.06 tigers • Second Assamese film Indramalti in
2. Orang Tiger Reserve: 10.62 tigers 1939
3. Manas Tiger Reserve: 3.30 tigers

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• Title of Rupkonwar-Ananda Chandra

• His Music called-Jyoti Sangeet
(confluence of Assamese/ Indian

Q54. Who gave the title Rupkonwar to Jyoti

Prasad Agarwala?
a. Ananda Chandra Barua
b. Lakshminath Bezbarua
c. Phani Sarma
d. Bhabendra Nath Saikia
• January 21, 2022-50th statehood day of
northeastern states Manipur, Tripura, and
Project Sadbhavana(***) Q69. Which of the following north eastern state
was not part of Assam before getting full
1. Mizoram
2. Sikkim
3. Nagaland
4. Meghalaya
a. 1, 2 only
b. 2 only
c. 1,4 only
d. 2,3, only


Q55. Aim of Project Sadbhavana launched by

Assam government is to- Civilian Awards (***)
a. To clear all police stations of old cases
b. To clear Assam courts of old cases
c. To dispose off all pending cases in Points to be kept in mind for PT
Janata Bhawan Assam Baibhav
• Highest civilian award of the state.
d. None of the above
• A cash of five lakh Rupees/all the
Answer – c medical expenses
• Ratan Tata was the first recipient in the
year 2021.
• Eminent oncologist Dr Tapan Saikia-
Statehood day of NE States (***) second recipient in the year 2022.
Assam Saurav
• four lakh Rupees/medical expenses of
Points to be kept in mind for PT upto two lakh Rupees
Assam Gaurav
• Cash of three lakh Rupees/medical
expenses of upto two lakh Rupees

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Q71. Which of the following are present in

Assam Baibhav medal?
1. Image of Jaapi
2. Words “Assam Baibhav” in English
3. Leaf of Hollong tree
a. 1,3 only
b. 1,2 only
c. 1 only
d. 1,2,3 all


Civilian Awards (**) Q83. Which of the following statements are true
about Padma awards?
1. It can be given only to Indian nationals.
Points to be kept in mind for PT 2. It can be given posthumously also.
1. Bharat Ratna a. 1 only
• Highest - 1954 b. 2 only
• For-arts, literature, science and public c. Both
services,"any field of human endeavour" d. None
• Maximum 3 in a year
• Sanad(certificate) but no monetary grant Ans : b
• Seventh in the Indian order of precedence
2. Padma Awards Special Rhino Protection Force
• Vibhushan>Bhushan>Shri
• Distinguished Service (SRPF) (***)
All persons without distinction of race, occupation,
position or sex are eligible for these Awards.
Government servants including those working Points to be kept in mind for PT
with PSUs, except Doctors and Scientists, are not • An 82-member Special Rhino Protection
eligible for Padma Awards. Force (SRPF)
Padma Awards to personalities from Assam- • Posted under eight ranges of Kaziranga
2022 National Park (KNP) to control rhino
• No one from Assam got Padma poaching as well as tiger poaching(since
Vibhushan or Padma Bhushan. Kaziranga is also a tiger reserve).
• 2 People from Assam got Padma Shri-Shri • Assam government would be paying the
Dhaneswar Engti(Literature and salaries of the SRPF members and the
Education),Ms. Shakuntala amount would be reimbursed by the
Choudhary(Social Work) National Tiger Conservation Authority
(NTCA), which recommended setting up of
the special force.

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• PM Narendra Modi lauded Project

Sampoorna initiated by Assam’s
Bongaigaon administration.
• Project Sampoorna had prevented at least
1,200 children from becoming
malnourished over the last year.

Q91. Project Sampoorna, an initiative to

counter malnutrition in Assam, was started in
which district?
a. Bongaigaon
b. Cachar
Q90. Which of the following statements are c. Nagaon
true about Special Rhino Protection Force? d. Dibrugarh
1. It is a joint initiative of both the central
and Assam government to control Ans : a
rhino and tiger poaching.
2. The force is deployed at many areas of
Kaziranga National Park
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

Ans : c

State Emblem (***)

Karmashree award (***)
Points to be kept in mind for PT
Points to be kept in mind for PT • State Cabinet constituted a committee to
• 'Karmashree', the Chief Minister's Award finalise the State emblem.
for Excellence in Public Administration has • The committee will comprise Education
been instituted since 2017 by Assam govt Minister Ranoj Pegu and Health and
• To acknowledge, recognise and reward Family Welfare Minister Keshab
innovative works done by the officers of Mahanta.
the State Government. • Presently, the Assam government uses the
• Officers of State Government individually national emblem of India with the words
or as a group will be eligible for the award. "Axom Sorkar" above and "Government
• Not more than 4 (four) officials (maximum) of Assam" below.
including the applicant.
Karmashree award 2022
• MS Laxmipriya,IAS- for Project
Sampoorna is aimed at reducing
malnutrition among children in
Bongaigaon district. (not Varnali
• Project Sampoorna is aimed at reducing
malnutrition among children in Bongaigaon

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Q99.Which of the following statements are true

about Science City of Assam?
1. It will be jointly built by National Council
of Science Museums and the Science
and Technology Department of Assam.
2. The project cost will be equally divided
between Assam and Central
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None
Ans: a

Scheme for Tourism(**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT

Paryatan Sanjibani
• loan between Rs 1 lakh and Rs 20 lakh to
youth for initiative in tourism
Paryatan Sarathi
• Electric gadgets to guide
Punyadham scheme
Q95. ‘O mur Apunar Desh” was adopted as State • Pilgrims in Assam(ASTC Luxury Bus)
song at- • Age 50 to 65
a. Assam Sahitya Sabha Guwahati session, Implemented by-Assam Tourism Development
1924,presided over by Lakshminath Corporation(ATDC)
Bezbaruah. Launched on 27th Sept 2020
b. Assam Sahitya Sanmilan held in Tezpur,
c. Assam Sahitya Sabha Guwahati Session, Q100.Which of the following correctly explains
1937, presided over by Krishna kanta the provision of Paryatan Sanjibani?
Handique. a. Pilgrims will be taken to various places
d. None in the State with ASTC luxury buses
b. Tourist guides will be given electric
gadgets that will enable them to communicate
Ans: bAccorded the status of official state song
with the Tourism Department
on 15th December,2013 c. Loan between Rs 1 lakh and Rs 20 lakh
will be extended to interested local youths to
Science City (**) take up new initiatives in tourism
d. None of the above
Points to be kept in mind for PT
Science City Ans: c
• Tepesia near Guwahati
• By -National Council of Science
Museums(Central Government) + Science
and Technology Department(Assam
• Funding centre: State-90:10(Rs 184 cr)

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Assam Repealing Act 2020 (**) 1. UDAY Scheme

• From 2015 to 2020
• 75% of discom debt by state
Points to be kept in mind for PT governments
• Introduced by Assam government in • Reduction in AT&C
2020. 2. Budget 2022
Aim • In 2022-23, States will be allowed a fiscal
• To abolish all state run Madrassas deficit of 4% of GSDP, of which 0.5% will
• Convert them into general schools from be tied to power sector reforms.
1st April 2021. • Ideal LT/HT ratio-1:1.2
The act repealed- • Country average- LT/HT ratio-3:1
1. Assam Madrassa Education • Assam average-LT/HT ratio-4:1- leading
(Provincialisation) Act, 1995 to transmission loss of nearly 22%
2. Assam Madrassa Education
(Provincialisation of Services of Teachers
and Reorganisation of Educational
Institutions) Act, 2018.
• The act was challenged in Gauhati HC,
were it was turned down.
• Md. Imad Uddin Barbhuiya, a resident of
Assam, has now filed a petition in the SC
against the act.
Q102 Which of the following statements is true
about secularism in India?
a. Neither state nor religion can interfere in
the affairs of one another
b. Indian states must maintain a principled
distance from religion
Q106. Which one of the following is a purpose
c. States cannot intervene in the personal
of “UDAY”, a scheme of the government?
laws of communities
a. Providing technical and financial
d. State is supposed to prevent the
assistance to start-up entrepreneurs in the
domination of one religious community by
field of renewable energy.
another community
b. Providing electricity to every household
A. a and b in the country.
B. b and c c. Replacing the coal-based power plants
C. b and d with natural gas, nuclear, solar, wind and tidal
D. a and d power plants over a period of time.
d. Providing for financial turnaround and
Ans: C revival of power distribution companies.
Ans: d
Power sector (*)
Assam Ethanol Production
Points to be kept in mind for PT Promotion Policy, 2021(*)
Main challenges
1. Power theft
2. Loss to Gencom & Discoms Points to be kept in mind for PT
3. Huge Transmission and distribution Features of Assam Ethanol Production
losses. Promotion Policy 2021
Steps to reform power sector by Central • In line with National Policy on Biofuels
government- 2018
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• Capital subsidy will be provided at 20% of Digital archive by Assam

the cost of plan(limit Rs 5cr)Power
subsidy will be provided at Rs 2 per Sahitya Sabha (**)
unit(limit Rs 75 lakh per year)
• 5% interest subvention
• Skill development subsidy-Rs 20000 per Points to be kept in mind for PT
employee • Assam Sahitya Sabha -launched digital of
• Employment Cost Subsidy-50% 500 rare, ancient books and journals in
reimbursement (in case of male workers) Assamese.
and 100% reimbursement (in case of • Assam Sahitya Sabha had signed a (MoU
female workers) of expenditure on with state-run public sector undertaking,
account of contribution toward ESI and Assam Electronics Development
EPF scheme for a period of 5 years for Corporation Limited (AMTRON), -to
new units provide a dedicated online platform for
• valid up to March 31, 2026. Assam’s literary treasures.

Q119.Which of the following statements are

1. The Asam Sahitya Sabha signed a
memorandum of understanding (MoU)
with the Assam Electronics
Development Corporation Limited
(AMTRON) to develop online archive for
Assamese literature.
2. It will digitalise only the literary sources
developed by Srimanta Sankardev and
his contemporaries.
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None


UDAN scheme (**)

Q108. Which of the following statements are
true about Assam Ethanol Production
Promotion Policy 2021? Points to be kept in mind for PT
1. It is in line with National Policy on • Airline operators-flights to un-connected
Biofuels 2018 routes
2. It will provide 50% reimbursement of • Viability Gap Funding
expenditure on account of contribution • Reverse Bidding-successful bidder-3 years
toward ESI and EPF scheme for both male • Capping-one hour journey of appx. 500 km
and female employees. -Rs. 2,500(at least 50%)
a. 1 only • Airports Authority of India (AAI), the
b. 2 only Implementing Agency
c. Both • Scheme is applicable for a period of 10
d. None years
Reverse bidding
Ans: a • A reverse bidding is a type of auction in
which sellers bid for the prices at which

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

they are willing to sell their goods and Kala Pahar name change (***)
services. Lowest bidder gets to order.

Points to be kept in mind for PT

• Kalapahad or Kala Pahar was a Muslim
General of the Bengal Sultanate under
the reigning Karrani Dynasty.
• He attacked Puri Jagannath Temple
& Konark temple.
• His original name was Rajib Lochan Ray,
who was a pious Vaishnava Brahmin.
• Later He fell in love with Sultan's
daughter, Gulnaz and converted to Islam
for marriage.
• He is said to be the Muslim general under
whose orders the Kamakhya Temple in
Guwahati, Assam was destroyed.
Q134. With reference to Viability Gap Funding News
consider the following statements- • Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC)
1. It is grant provided for projects that are has proposed to rename Kalapahar as
economically justified but lack financial Nilachal Nagar.
2. A private sector company can be Q140. Real name of Kala Pahad was
selected for VGF only if it selected a. Rajib Lochan Ray
through open bidding process. b. Gajapati Mukundadeva
a. 1 only c. Sulaiman Karran
b. 2 only d. None of the above
c. Both
d. None Answer- a

Answer- c
Kala Pahar name change (***)

Points to be kept in mind for PT

• Kalapahad or Kala Pahar was a Muslim
General of the Bengal Sultanate under
the reigning Karrani Dynasty.
• He attacked Puri Jagannath Temple
& Konark temple.
• His original name was Rajib Lochan Ray,
who was a pious Vaishnava Brahmin.
• Later He fell in love with Sultan's
India’s first Seaplane in Gujarat-under UDAN daughter, Gulnaz and converted to Islam
scheme for marriage.
Seaplanes ports in Assam will be built at Gauhati, • He is said to be the Muslim general under
Umrangso( Dima Hasao) and Kaziranga whose orders the Kamakhya Temple in
National Park Guwahati, Assam was destroyed.
• Guwahati Municipal Corporation (GMC)
has proposed to rename Kalapahar as
Nilachal Nagar.

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Q140. Real name of Kala Pahad was Q151. Which of the following is not vision of
e. Rajib Lochan Ray five pillar under Hydrocarbon Vision 2030?
f. Gajapati Mukundadeva a. People
g. Sulaiman Karran b. Policy
h. None of the above c. Partnership
d. Prosperity
Answer- a
Hydrocarbon Vision 2030 for
North-East (**) Asomi Saras Mela (**)
Points to be kept in mind for PT
Points to be kept in mind for PT • “Sale of Articles of Rural Artisans Society”
• Doubling Oil and Gas production by • Held in Guwahati every year
2030 • First 2016
• Making clean fuels accessible, • Assam State Rural Livelihood
• Fast tracking projects Mission(Under National Livelihood Mission
• Generating employment
• Aim-empowering women/Market access to
opportunities and promoting
cooperation with neighbouring • By Department of Rural
countries Development(Ministry of Rural
• The Vision rests on five pillars: Development)
People, Policy, Partnership,
Projects and Production.
Current news
• Assam government has sought some
5% stakes in Oil India Limited (OIL)
from GoI.
• Currently- GoI-56% in OIL
• Earlier, the Assam government had
brought 26 percent stakes in
Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL),
with an investment of over Rs 2,000
• As per Assam government- Stakes in
OIL will help in fulfilling-goal of
Northeast Hydrocarbon vision 2030. Q166. Which of the following ministry organize
a. Ministry of Women and Child
b. Ministry of Rural Development
c. Ministry of Labour & Employment
d. Ministry of Skill Development


SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Mental Health Act, 2017(*) The act doesn’t decriminalise abatement for the

Points to be kept in mind for PT

• provide for mental healthcare and Hoolock Gibbon (**)
services for persons with mental illness
1. Right to make an Advance Directive Points to be kept in mind for PT
• Patient can state on how to be treated or • Tailless Hoolock Gibbon is the only ape
not to be treated for the illness during a found in India
mental health situation. • eastern Bangladesh, Northeast India and
2. No Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Southwest China.
without anesthesia Types
2. Right to appoint a Nominated 1. Western hoolock gibbon
Representative • Found at all the states of the north-east.
2. Bars prosecution in case of attempt to • Endangered(IUCN)
suicide.Earlier Section 309 of the Indian Penal 2. Eastern hoolock gibbon
Code criminalized attempted suicide. • Arunachal Pradesh and Assam in India.
Issues • Vulnerable under the IUCN.
• Health is a State subject under Schedule Both- Schedule 1 of the Indian (Wildlife)
VII. Protection Act 1972.
• Thus Mental Health Act, 2017 will be
implemented in Assam through rules
formulated by Assam government.
• But Assam yet to come up with State
rules for Mental Health Act, 2017.
• A division bench of the Gauhati High Court
comprising Chief Justice RM Chhaya and
Justice Soumitra Saikia has granted time
till March 31, 2023, to the Assam
government to complete the process for
implementation of the provisions of the
Mental Health Act, 1987 as well as the
Mental Health Care Act, 2017.
Range of East and West Hoolock Gibbon are
Q188. With reference to the Mental Health Care
• West Hoolock-All NE states- but South of
Act 2017, consider the following statements:
1. The act makes provision for advance
• East Hoolock- Arunachal/Small part of
directive, which people can make when
Assam-Between Lohit and Dibang rivers
they are well.
2. It decriminalise the suicide attempt and
abatement for the suicide. Q193. With reference to Hoolock Gibbon,
Select the correct answer using the code consider the following statements:
given: 1. It is the only ape species found in India.
a. 1only 2. It has two sub-species and both are listed
a. 2 only as endangered in IUCN red list.
a. Both 1 and 2 3. This species is an example of arboreal
a. None of the above adaptation.
Which of the statements given above are
Answer: a. 1 only
a. 1,2 only
a. 2,3 only
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

a. 1,3 only
a. 1,2,3 all

Answer: c
Arboreal locomotion refers to species that live
in and move through trees.

Golden Langur (**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT

Gee’s golden langur also known as
simply the golden langur
• Old World monkey found in a small region
of Western Assam, India and in the
neighboring foothills of the Black
Mountains of Bhutan
• Adult males have a cream to golden coat
1. Habitat Fragmentation
2. Inbreeding
• IUCN -Endangered
• Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 : Schedule I
Current news?
• Assam Forest Department had issued a
preliminary notification for converting the
19.85 sq. km. patch of forest into the
Kakoijana Bamuni Hill Wildlife
Sanctuary(Bongaigaon dist).
• Kakoijana Reserve Forest is one of the
better-known homes of the golden

Chakrashila wildlife sanctuary Q194. Which of the following is true about

• Chakrashila is India’s first wildlife Golden Langur?
sanctuary with golden langur as the 1. In India it is found only in North East
primary species. India
• Chakrashila WLS is in Kokrajhar district 2. Its IUCN status is Endangered.
and some adjacent areas of Dhubri a. 1 only
district a. 2 only
• Chakrashila has about 600 golden a. Both
langurs a. None

Answer: c

Yaoshang Festival (*)

Points to be kept in mind for PT

Yaoshang Festival
• Referred as the Manipur Holi.
• Meitei community
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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• involves Thabal Chongba-dance

• “Jatrawali” (shumang lila)-Play

World Water Day

• 22nd March UN World Water Day is
being celebrated.
• The theme for the World Water Day 2022
Q194. Which of the following is true about
is ‘Making Invisible Groundwater
Golden Langur?
3. In India it is found only in North East
Falkenmark Indicator-
India-1483 Water Stress
4. Its IUCN status is Endangered.
b. 1 only
c. 2 only
d. Both

Answer: c

Composite Water Management

Index (**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT Q196. Which of the following statements are
• Released by NITI Aayog in association true-
with Ministry of Jal Shakti. 1. According to Falkenmark indicator
CWMI 1.0 launched in 2018 India is classified as Absolute Water
CWMI 2.0 launched in 2019 Scarce country.
2. Among Northeast states Assam is the
best performer in terms of water
management according to Composite
Water Management Index 2019.
a. 1 Only
a. 2 Only
a. Both
a. None

Answer: d

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Biplab Kumar Sarma Committee Choose the correct option:

a. 1 only
(***) b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None
Points to be kept in mind for PT
Answer: C
• Assam Movement (1979-85) Against
illegal immigrants Assam Accord
signed(15th Aug 1985)
Assam Accord-Important provisions MP Bezbaruah committee (**)
1. Clause 6-constitutional, legislative and
administrative safeguards to “protect-
Points to be kept in mind for PT
cultural, social, linguistic identity
• Formed by Ministry of Home Affairs
2. Clause 7-speedy all round development/
• To recommend-safety and better integration of
improve the standard of living of the people
natives of North East states in rest of India.
3. Clause 9-Central and State governments
Major recommendations:
would have to secure the international
1. New sections 153C and 509A in IPC
Section 153-C
4. Clause 10-encroachments in government
• fear or feeling of insecurity among the
land, particularly the tribal belts and blocks,
northeastern community punishable with up to
would be prevented
five years’ imprisonment
• 2019--Justice Biplab Kumar Sarma
Section 509-A
Committee by Assam government (14
• three years’ imprisonment for words, gesture
member committee)- to recommend
or act intended to insult
implementation of Clause 6-- Submitted a
2. Compensation and monetary
report on 25th Feb 2020.
assistance to the NE people under Delhi
Important recommendations of Biplab Sarma
Victim Compensation Scheme 2011
3. Delhi police will recruit 20 police
• Definition of Assamese- The report proposes
personnel, (10 male – 10 female) each
1st January 1951 as the cut-off date
from North East States
• Legislative council in Assam-
4. North East Special Unit at New Delhi
• Reservation in Parliament & State assembly
and Local bodies- Minimum 80% maximum
Q205. The government has notified a High-
Level Committee headed by _______ for
• Quota in jobs
implementation of Clause 6 of the Assam
• Creation of Inner Line Permit system in
Accord on 6th January, 2019.
a. Syed Fakhr Imam
Step by Assam government
b. M.P. Bezbaruah
• 8 member subcommittee to examine and
c. Rana Tanveer
prepare a framework for the implementation
d. Mallikarjun Kharge
of all clauses of the Assam Accord--headed
by minister Atul Bora
Q201. Consider the following statements
regarding the Clause 6 of the Assam Accord, Note-Before Biplab Sarma committee,MP
1985: Bezbaruah committee was created on Clause
1. The Sankardev kalakshetra Society was 6.
established under Clause 6. This is different from the committee created
2. An Autonomous Institution namely for people of Northeast.
Anandaram Barooah Institute of
Language Art and Culture Assam has
been established.

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Sahitya Diwas (***) • His death anniversary on 1 May is observed

as - Bodofa Day
• Assam Govt to observe his Birthday 31
Points to be kept in mind for PT March as Student day(Chatra Divas)
• Observed on 26 March-death anniversary of • The Upendra Nath Brahma Trust (UNBT)
Lakshminath Bezbaroa. was established on July 1999, by ABSU with
Lakshminath Bezbaroa its Head quarter at Dotma, destines to fulfill
• Great Novelist, writer and poet from Assamese the project left by Upendra Nath Brahma.
literature. Upendra Nath Brahma Soldier of Humanity
• Born on 14th October 1864 in Nagaon. Award
• Regularly wrote humorous column titled • Conferred every year by the UNBT,
Kripabor Boruar Kakotor Topola in Jonaki Kokrajhar
magazine. • Consists of Rs.1 Lakh, and a memento
• Died on 26 March,1938. and a citation and indigenous Eri
• Assam Sahitya Sabha honoured with title- shawl/Aronai/Coat.
‘Roxoraj’ meaning 'The King of Humour' in • Shri Palagummi Sainath- Author,
Assamese literature. Journalist, Noted columnist & social
• Also known in Assamese literary society as the worker- Recipient of the award for the year
‘Sahityarathi’, which means "Charioteer of 2022.
Literature", for his expertise in all branches of

His Autobiography - Mor Jiban Xuworon.

Lakshminath Bezbarua's book 'Burhi Aair Sadhu'
translated into Spanish by Tonmoy Sonowal - as
‘Cuentos De La Abuela’
• Bodoland Autonomous Council
Q215. Assam Sahitya Sabha honoured
Lakshminath Bezbarua with the title ‘Roxoraj’ - It was created on March 31, 1993 as per
in 1931 during its session at? a state law.
a. Tezpur - It was given status of Autonomous council
b. Sibsagar under 6th schedule in 2003
c. Jorhat
d. Nagaon Q219. Consider the following states:
1. Assam
Ans: b 2. Manipur
3. Meghalaya
4. Tripura
Bodofa Upendra Nath Brahma How many of the states given above are
(***) mentioned under the sixth schedule of the
Indian Constitution for the administration of
tribal areas?
Points to be kept in mind for PT a. One
• Upendranath Brahma (1956 – 1990)- Bodo b. Two
social activist and the former president of c. Three
All Bodo Students’ Union(ABSU) d. Four
• The title of Bodofa (Guardian of Bodos)-
posthumously conferred upon Brahma on 8 Ans: C
May 1990 in recognition of his vision and
leadership. Hints: Sixth Schedule contains Assam,
Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram
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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Armed Forces (Special Powers) Q221.Which of the following states/UTs were

under Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act
Act, 1958 (**) (AFSPA) at some or the other point since
1. Tripura
Points to be kept in mind for PT 2. Chandigarh
• Gives special powers to army to suppress any 3. Sikkim
protests. a. 2, 3
• First-by Britishers-to suppress-the Quit India b. 1, 2
movement c. 1, 3
• After independence-Armed Forces (Assam d. All of the above
and Manipur) Special Powers Act, 1958-to deal
with insurgency in Nagaland(1958: G B Pant Answer-b
Introduced The Bill In Parliament.)
Special powers are enjoyed by the armed
• Sec4-authorised officer has the power to open Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram
fire at any individual even if it results in death
if the individual violates laws Yojana (**)
• Section 5-authorised officer-arrest without
a warrant; and (b) seize and search without
any warrant any premise Points to be kept in mind for PT
• Section 6-Individuals who have been taken Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana(SC)
into custody-handed over to the nearest police • Pilot basis during 2009-10
station as soon as possible.(Part of Article 22 • Integrated development of 1000 villages-
that says that an arrested person must be Scheduled Castes is above 50%.
produced in front of a magistrate within 24 • Implemented by Ministry of Social Justice
hours) and Empowerment
Possibility of misuse • Cachar district administration has been
• Justice B P Jeevan Reddy committee 2004- adjudged second in the country in the
repeal AFSPA( amend Unlawful Activities implementation of Pradhan Mantri Adarsh
(Prevention) Act, 1967 to deal with protests) Gram Yojana (SC)
• Hamirpur district in Himachal Pradesh has
Currently applicable in 4 States of NE-Assam, secured the first position
Nagaland, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh and Pradhan Mantri Adarsh Gram Yojana(ST)
J&K • Started in 2021- for villages more than
50% ST population.
• by Ministry of Tribal Affairs
• 1700 tribal villages in Assam will be
converted into model village
• 184 new Van Dhan Kendra will also be set
up in Assam

Van Dhan Vikas Kendra

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• Under Van Dhan Yojana(by Ministry of • The jars found in Assam are more
Tribals-implementing Agency TRIFED) or less similar in shape and size,”.
• The establishment of "Van Dhan Vikas Dating
Kendra(SHG of Tribals)" • Indonesia -300 BC and 5th century
Minor Forest Produce
• Laos -3000 BC and 1400 AD.
'Minor Forest Produce (MFP)' means all non-
timber forest produce of plant origin and will
include bamboo, canes, fodder, leaves, gums,
waxes, dyes, resins and many forms of food
including nuts, wild fruits, Honey, Lac, Tusser etc.
Q230.Consider the following statements
regarding Bamboos:
1. It is a minor forest produce.
2. Out of the total bamboo consumed in
India, majority of it is used for making
paper pulp.
3. Mizoram will be developed as the
Bamboo state of India.
a. 1 only Jars of Assam were first sighted by British civil
b. 1,2 only servants- James Philip Mills and John Henry
c. 1,3 only Hutton in 1929, who recorded their presence in
d. 2,3 only six sites in Dima Hasao:
1. Derebore (now Hojai Dobongling)
Answer-c 2. Molongpa (now Melangpeuram)
Of the total bamboo consumed in India, 32% is 3. Kartong
for construction, 30% for rural use, 17% for 4. Bolasan (now Nuchubunglo)
pulp making.Mizoram will be developed as the 5. Ndunglo.
Bamboo state of India. Bamboos find a place in
cultural activities of the Mizo people, i.e,
Cherraw (bamboo) dance.
Q232. A number of megalithic stone jars have
been discovered recently in _____ district of
Assam, highlighting the possible links
Stone Jars found in Assam (**) between Northeast region of India and
Southeast Asia :
Points to be kept in mind for PT a. Karbi Anglong
b. Dhubri
• Stone jars are a unique
c. Dima Hasao
archaeological phenomenon in d. Tinsukia
• Similar features also present in Laos Ans : c
(Lao People’s Democratic Republic)
and Indonesia.
• Recently 4 more stone jars were Assam Ground Water Control
found in Dima Hasao taking numbers
of stone jars in Assam to 11.
rules (**)
• World wide the number of the
‘mysterious’ stone jars now reportedly Points to be kept in mind for PT
has gone up to 700. • Tarun Gogoi-led government enacted the
• Human remains were found from Assam Ground Water Control and
these jars in Laos. Regulation Act in 2012

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• Purpose- To stop rampant and unauthorized a. Rs 1000 Cr.

extraction of groundwater. b. Rs 2000 Cr.
News? c. Rs 3000 Cr.
• State Cabinet approved the Assam Ground d. Rs 4000 Cr.
Water Control and Regulation Rules, 2022-
ten years after the Act passed
Answer: d. Rs 4000 cr
According to the Assam Ground Water Control and
Regulation Rules, 2022
• an applicant needs to seek permission Jnanpith Award (***)
specifying the category of water use —
domestic, community and industrial purposes. Points to be kept in mind for PT
• Highest literary award
Q234. The Assam Ground Water Control and • English + any of the 22 “scheduled
Regulations Rules approved in 2022 were languages”
enacted in which year? • sponsored by the cultural organization
a. 2012 Bharatiya Jnanpith
b. 2017 • The prize carries a cash award of Rs. 11
c. 2009 lakhs, a citation, and a bronze replica of
d. 2015 Vagdevi (Saraswati), the goddess of learning.
• The Award is open for only Indian citizens
Ans: a and is given annually.
• Earlier given for any notable work-now for
lifetime contribution
Mukhyamantri Souro Sokti Jnanpith Award from Assam
1. Birendra Kumar Bhattacharya-1979 for his
Prakalpa (**) novel Mrityunjay (Immortal)
2. Indira Goswami -2000(Notable works-The
Moth Eaten Howdah of the Tusker -The Man
Points to be kept in mind for PT from Chinnamasta -Pages Stained With
• Chief Minister’s Solar Power Project Blood)
Target 3. Nilamani Phookan-56th Jnanpith Award(for
• 1000 MW of solar power in the next three year 2021)
years. • The function to handover the literary award
• projects would be sited on “unused was held for the first time in Assam
government lands” and on “water considering the health issues of Phookan, a
bodies” and the state’s electricity utility. recipient of Sahitya Akademi and Padma Shri
• APDCL is expected to lead the work awards.
• In line with India’s goal to produce 500 GW Nilmani Phookan passed away on-19 January
from renewable resources, and to attain 2023
net-zero (removing as much carbon, as is Born-10 September 1933 Dergaon, Assam
being released into the atmosphere due to Province, British India
various human activities) emissions by
2070(as per Panchamrit Strategy
announced in Glasgow CoP 26).
• The total cost of the Project will be Rs.
4000 Cr .
Q248. As per the Assam budget 2022, how
much fund is earmarked for Mukhyamantri
Souro Sokti Prakalpa to increase the
generation of clean energy by installing solar
power generation plant with an aggregated
installed capacity of 1000MW.?
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• Nilamani Phookan- Bestowed with the

title of ‘Kavya Rishi’.

APSC Forest Ranger 2022:

Q253. The project launched by Assam
Q252. Which of the following is NOT a work of Government to develop the waterways in
the 56th Jnanpith Awardee, 2021, Sri Nilamani Assam has been funded by?
Phookan? a. Asian Development Bank
a. Gulapi Jamur Lagna b. IMF
b. Kobita c. World Bank
c. Surjya Henu Nami Ahe Ei Nadiyedi d. Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
d. Sagar Dekhisa
Ans: c
Ans: d
Sagar Dekhisa - Devakanta Barua

Waterways Conclave 2022 (**) Commonwealth Parliamentary

Association (**)
Points to be kept in mind for PT
• Two-day Waterways Conclave 2022 was
held at Dibrugarh Points to be kept in mind for PT
• Six memorandums of understandings • Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
(MoUs) were signed. is an association made up of over 180
National Waterways legislatures(Parliament) of the world.
• There are 111 National Waterways in India. • It was founded in 1911.
• Out of it 20 National Waterways belong to • Aims to “promote knowledge of the
North East Region. constitutional, legislative, economic,
• 13 belongs to Assam. social and cultural aspects of
• Important National Waterways of Assam parliamentary democracy”.
1. National Waterways no 2- Sadia to Dhubri News
on Brahmaputra river
• 8th Commonwealth Parliamentary
2. National Waterways no 16- Lakhipur-
Bhanga stretch of the Barak river Association (India Region) conference
• The Assam government has started $110 was held at Assam Legislative
million project to develop waterways in Assembly in Guwahati.
• The project is funded by World Bank.

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Q255. The First made in India Dornier aircraft

Q254. The 65th Commonwealth Parliamentary flight was flagged off from Dibrugarh in Assam
Conference (CPC), 2022 was hosted by which to _____ in Arunachal Pradesh in April 2022?
country? a. Basar
a. Canada b. Aalo (Along)
b. India c. Anini
c. Australia d. Pasighat
d. South Africa Ans : d

Ans: a
Assam Meghalaya border deal
First made in India aircraft (**) disputed (**)
Points to be kept in mind for PT
Points to be kept in mind for PT Background
• First flight of Made in India commercial flight • March 2022 Assam and Meghalaya have
Dornier Do-228 partially resolved a 50-year-old border -
• manufactured by HAL six of the 12 sectors along their 885-km
• Flight-Dibrugarh in Assam to Pasighat in boundary
Arunachal Pradesh • 70% of the inter-State boundary has now
• Under scheme-“Providing air connectivity and become dispute-free
Aviation infrastructure in North Eastern Procedure
Region (NER)”. • The freshly demarcated border will have to
• Also under this scheme- First FTO (Flying be passed by Parliament by amending the
Training Organization) for North Eastern North Eastern Region (reorganisation)
Region at Lilabari, Assam. Act, 1971.
• This will then have to be ratified by the
legislative assemblies of both the states.
• But Khasi Hills Autonomous District
Council (KHADC) has opposed the
Assam-Meghalaya border pact.
Ground of opposition
• The council claimed that the disputed
areas belong to private parties.

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• Meghalaya government will be required to

take the council’s consent according to
Section 41 of the Right to Fair
Compensation and Transparency in
Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Act, 2013

Q271.Who among the following have signed

the agreement to resolve Assam-Meghalaya
border dispute in March 2022? APSC Dept. Exam.
a. Home secretary of India and Chief Q273. The major mineral deposit found in
Secretaries of Assam and Meghalaya. Assam are-
b. Home Secretary of India and Director a. Coal, china clay, iron ore
Generals of Police of Assam and b. Cement grade limestone, granite
Meghalaya. c. Glass sand, sillimanite
c. Chief Ministers of Assam and Meghalaya. d. All of the above
d. Union Home Minister, Chief Ministers of
Assam and Meghalaya. Ans: d. All of the above

Ans: d
Assamese Muslims(**)
Mineral Assessment of Assam
(***) Points to be kept in mind for PT
• Muslim Population in Assam-34.3%
• Around 4%-of total muslim population in
Points to be kept in mind for PT Assam -Indigenous Assamese Muslims
• Directorate of Geology & Mining (Assam Assamese Muslims
government)-started-assessment-major • Goriyas, Moriyas and Deshis come under
and minor minerals district-wise the umbrella of indigenous Assamese-
• Working on a scientific sand mining Often called as “khilonjiya”, but its use is
policy-classification of sands into Sand, contentious.
SIlt, clay etc 1. Goriya
• Once the key issues are streamlined- • From 13th-century Ahom kings who
directorate captured many muslims from invading
plans to export sand outside the State armies
especially South India which has a • Edward Gait described them as hailing
shortage of sand. from Gaur, the ancient “Mahammadan
capital” of Bengal.
2. Moriya
• Known for craft work, specially bell metal

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• Julha Muslims are also often included in • Makum(Tinsukia)

this category. They are from Bihar and UP • Dilli Jeypore(Partly in Dibrugarh and Partly
who came to Assam along with the railway in Sibsagar)
expansion during British rule. Sulphur content
3. Deshi • Peat>Lignite>Bituminous> Anthracite
• from lower assam • Assam coal- Lignite-Tertiary coal fields
• converts from the Koch Rajbongshi • Assam coal reserves-525.01 million tonnes
kingdom • Assam coals are classified as the sub-
• speak the Deshi language bituminous type.
Why in news? General Info
• Assam’s Welfare of Minorities and • Jharkhand largest producer in India
Development Department has • Odisha-largest reserve
announced plans to hold a census of four • In NE Meghalaya highest- Rank 11
communities broadly known as • Assam rank -12
“Assamese Muslims” —Goriya, Moriya,
Deshi, and Julha.

Q305. Which is the largest Coal mine of

Q281. Which of the following muslim groups Assam?
will be known as indigenous assamese a. Ledo-Tirap
muslims? b. Lakuwa-Geleki
1. Goriya c. Lakuwa-Makum
2. Moriya d. Jaipur-Makum
3. Julha
4. Deshi Answer- D
5. Syed
Choose the correct codes from below Makum is a town and a town area committee in
a. 1, 2 and 3 Tinsukia district in the Indian state of Assam. It
b. 2, 3 and 4 should not be mistaken for Makum Pathar (the
c. 1, 2, 3 and 4 police near Digboi where, crude oil was first
d. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 struck in Asia). It is the meeting point of three
premier towns of upper Assam namely
Answer- D Tinsukia, Digboi and Doomdooma. The
National Highway-37 and National Highway-38
meet at Makum.
Coal Sector in Assam (***)

Points to be kept in mind for PT

• Earliest reported- Gazetteer of
Lakhimpur 1825,Lieutenant Willock -
Borhat on the Disang river
Important Coal Fields of Assam

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

MoU between Digboi Forest • It will protect the Kaziranga National

Park by bypassing it, also benefit India
Division and OIL (***) strategically by cutting travel time
between Assam and Arunachal Pradesh
(to counter any challenge from
Points to be kept in mind for PT neighbouring countries like China)
• OIL signed an MoU with Digboi Forest • Will be executed by the National
Division, Assam Forest Department. Highways and Infrastructure
The MoU focus will be on- Development Corporation Limited
1. Carbon Sequestration (NHAIDCL) along with Consultant Louis
2. Restoration of Degraded Forest Land in Berger -floating Traffic underground
Upper Dihing Reserved Forest under tunnel.
Digboi Forest Division • 14.85 km long
• Initiative under OIL’s CSR project • The project will be funded entirely by the
Vasundhara. Ministry of Road Transport and
Carbon Sequestration-process through which Highways.
CO2 from the atmosphere is absorbed • It will be the second twin-tunnel that will
(Natural/Artificial) be constructed under a river in India( First
one- 10.8-km stretch of the East-West
metro corridor under the Howrah,

Q309. Recently Oil India Limited signed an MoU

with Digboi Forest Division for Carbon
Q320.Proposed Strategic Tunnel under
Sequestration and restoration of Degraded
Brahmaputra will connect
Forest Land in-
a. Dhemaji and Dibrugarh
a. Jorhat
b. Sonitpur with Nagaon
b. Sibsagar
c. Numaligarh to Gohpur
c. Geleki
d. Jogighopa with Pancharatna
d. Digboi
Ans: c
Answer – D

Strategic Tunnel under Assam bifurcates health

Brahmaputra(**) department(**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT

Points to be kept in mind for PT • Assam government bifurcated the Health
• Centre has given in-principle approval
& Family Welfare Department into two
• Four-lane tunnel will link Gohpur (NH-52)
with Numaligarh (NH-37). 1. Health & Family Welfare
• It will reduce the distance between
2. Medical Education & Research.
Numaligarh to Gohpur from 230 km to 40 Additional info-
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• Health-State subject
A high level group (HLG) formed for the health
sector by the 15th Finance Commission-
• Health must be transferred to the
Concurrent List

Q323.As per VIIth schedule of the Indian

constitution ‘Health’ is a matter of -
a. Union List “Ride of Pride”
• “Ride of Pride” is a motorcycle rally
b. State List
c. Concurrent List constituting 9 Police officers from Assam.
• It is led by led by Anand Mishra AIGP
d. None of the above
(Sports) of Assam Police.
Answer-b Purpose-To celebrate the prestigious
President’s Colour award presented to Assam
President’s Colour award (***)
Q325. With reference to the President’s Colour
award, which of the following statements is/are
Points to be kept in mind for PT correct?
President’s Colour award 1. Indian Navy was the first amongst the
• highest honour being bestowed upon Indian Armed forces to be awarded the
security forces in the country. President’s Colour on May 1951.
• Assam 10th State to get President’s 2. Uttar Pradesh was the first state to receive
Colour award. President’s Colour award.
• Given by the Home Minister Amit Shah. Select the correct answer using the code
• A special flag, also known as ‘Nishaan’, given below.
is given to a unit as part of the award. a. 1 only
• The flag is engraved with Assam's map b. 2 only
and 36 stars representing the districts of c. Both 1 and 2
the state, a one-horned rhino and the d. Neither 1 nor 2
insignia of Assam Police Answer: c

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Behali Reserve Forest declared

WLS (**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT

• The Assam Government has Issued a
preliminary notification for declaring the
Behali Reserve Forest (RF) as a wildlife
Behali Reserve Forest
• Declared as reserve forest in 1917
• last remaining semi-evergreen forest in Q328.National Parks and Wildlife sanctuaries
Biswanath district (now Sonitpur) of are declared as per-
Assam. a. Environment Protection Act 1986
b. Wildlife Protection Act 1972
c. Forest Rights Act 1927
d. None of the above


Upskilling the youth (**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT

• Tata Technologies Ltd, a global
engineering and product development
digital services firm- decided to collaborate
with the Assam government to transform
34 state polytechnics and 43 Industrial
Training Institutes (ITIs) into futuristic
Centres of Excellence (CoEs) - cost of
2,390 crores.
• to develop their skill sets and capabilities in
line with Industry 4.0 requirements
• Signed a 10-year Memorandum of
Agreement (MoA) with the Assam

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Q332. The Assam Government had recently

signed a 10 year Memorandum of Agreement
with which of the following digital service firm
for upskilling of youths of Assam?
a. Upgrade
b. Tata Technologies Ltd. Q338. With which of the following has Assam
c. Byju’s state Government signed an MoU for
d. Google India Pvt. Ltd. incorporation of digital learning platform in
Ans: b a. Wipro
b. Infosys
c. Cognizant
Boost to digital learning in d. Tech Mahindra
Assam (***)
Answer: B

Points to be kept in mind for PT

• An MoU was signed between the State
Advanced Health Innovation
Government and Infosys for Institute (**)
incorporation of a digital learning
platform – Infosys Springboard.
• To change pedagogic approach across Points to be kept in mind for PT
schools. • North East Research Conclave (NERC)-
• In line with National Education Policy 2022 at IIT Guwahati-inaugurated by Skill
2020. Development Minister Dharmendra
It is part of a CSR initiative for upskilling and re- Pradhan
skilling of learners. On this occasion
• MoU to establish ‘Assam Advanced
Health Innovation Institute (AAHI)’
signed between Government of Assam
and IIT Guwahati

Assam Advanced Health Innovation Institute

• facilitate a research institution to
leverage advanced technologies

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Q345. On which of the following occasion, an Q362. The 3rd edition of NADI conclave were
MoU was signed to establish ‘Assam Advanced held in May 2022 in which city?
Health Innovation Institute (AAHI)’ between a. Bongaigaon
Government of Assam and IIT Guwahati? b. Silchar
a. FE Digital Health Conclave c. Guwahati
b. North East Research Conclave d. Nagaon
c. National Health Ministers Conclave
d. North East Education Conclave Answer: c

Answer: B Gopinath Bordoloi Committee

NADI conclave (**)
Points to be kept in mind for PT
Points to be kept in mind for PT
• 3rd edition of NADI conclave held in
• Sixth Schedule of the Constitution of India
(Articles 244(2) and 275(1)) provides for
• NADI-Natural Allies in Development &
decentralized self-governance
• Recommended by -
• The conclave is hosted by-
The North-East Frontier Tribal Areas
1. Shillong-based think tank Asian
and Assam excluded & Partially
excluded Areas Sub-Committee under
2. Union External Affairs Ministry,
Chairmanship of Gopinath Bordoloi
3. the Assam government’s Act East
Gopinath Bordoloi
Policy Affairs Department,
• Bharat Ratna posthumously in 1999
4. North Eastern Council (NEC).
• Died on 5 August 1950 -5th Aug-
Attended by- Bangladesh Foreign Minister and
Karamchari Diwas
India’s External Affairs Minister
• ‘Lokapriya’ title by then Governor of
Assam Jairam Das Doulatram

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme


Pygmy Hog Conservation


Points to be kept in mind for PT

● Smallest species of pig in the world-
about 55 to 71 cm long and stand at 20–
30 cm with a tail of 2.5 cm- It is also an
Q371. Who had conferred the title of indicator species.
‘Lokapriya’ to Gopinath Bordoloi? ● Mammals weighing 6.6–11.8 kg.
a. Jawaharlal Nehru ● Scientific Name: Porcula Salvania
b. Jairam Das Doulatram ● Categorised as- Critically Endangered in
c. Mahatma Gandhi IUCN Red Data Book- CITES: Appendix
d. Saiyid Fazal Ali I
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972: Schedule I
Ans: b ● They live in wet grasslands.
● The only viable population of the pygmy
hog in the wild is in the Manas Tiger
Reserve in Assam.
Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (*) ● 1996 Pygmy Hog Conservation
Programme( PHCP) was launched by
Assam government and implemented
Points to be kept in mind for PT by NGOs - Aaranyak and EcoSystems
● Ramsay Hunt Syndrome is neurological India
disease in which a virus – Varicella ● A Pygmy Hog Conservation Centre in
Zoster – causes inflammation of the Guwahati was established.
nerves involved in facial movements.
● The Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) is the
same virus that causes chickenpox and
What is the news?
● Pop star Justin Bieber revealed that a viral
disease called the Ramsay Hunt Syndrome
has temporarily paralysed one side of
his face.
Q389. Which of the following statements are
correct about Pygmy Hog?
1. It is the world’s smallest wild pig.
2. Currently its population is restricted to
Manas Wildlife Sanctuary and its buffer
3. They reside in relatively undisturbed, tall
‘terai’ grasslands.
Select the correct option from the codes given
Q388.Ramsay Hunt Syndrome recently seen in below:
news is a a. 1 and 2
a. Fungal disease b. 1 and 3
b. Viral disease c. 1, 2 and 3
c. Bacterial disease d. 2 and 3
d. None of the above Answer: c
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

APART scheme (***) Assamese Language Act, 2020

Points to be kept in mind for PT
● World Bank financed project
Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Come into force from January 1,2021
● “add value and improve resilience of
● schools which are not teaching
selected agriculture value chains,
Assamese will have to introduce
focusing on smallholder farmers and
Assamese as a subject in standards I to
agro-entrepreneurs in targeted districts
X from the academic year 2021.
of the State of Assam ”
● Exemption-A student admitted in Class-
Start Date: 1 November 2018
VI or above in any school on transfer
End date: 31st October 2023
from another state will be exempted
Part A: Enable Agri-Enterprise Development
● Schools in the Sixth Schedule areas,
Part B: Facilitate Agro-Cluster Development
Bodo medium schools and schools in
Part C: Market-led Production and Resilience
Barak Valley areas have been exempted
● The project will monitored and Q400.Which of the following regions have been
coordinated by the ARIAS Society-an exempted from Assamese Language Act,
autonomous body, headed by the Chief 2020?
Secretary, Assam, as its President 1. Sixth Schedule areas
2. Barak Valley areas
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None


Q399.Which of the following statements are

true about APART scheme?
1. It aims to uplift the agricultural sector of
the state and inspire the farmers to
adopt latest technology to increase
2. It is financed by Asian Development
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

One Nation, One Ration Card (**) 3. Eldest woman of above 18 years of age will
be head of household.
Select the correct answer using the code given
Points to be kept in mind for PT below.
● by Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and a. 1 and 2 are correct
Public Distribution. b. 2 and 3 are correct
● Nationwide portability of ration card c. 1,2 and 3 are correct
holders under National Food Security Act, d. None
2013 (NFSA)
● 'MERA RATION' mobile application which Answer: c. 1,2 and 3 only
has been launched in order to extract
maximum advantage from the scheme
Witch hunting (***)
● Now a worker can avail benefit of NFSA-in
any part of India.
Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Act of hunting for people believed to be
● Assam has become the last and the 36th
practising witchcraft or sorcery.
state or UT to implement the One Nation One
Steps taken to address issues of Witch hunting
Ration Card (ONORC) scheme (June 2022).
in Assam
● With this, the scheme now covers all the
1. Project Prahari
states and UTs
● By Former DGP Kuladhar Saikia who
NFSA 2013(Right to Food- Art 21)
was the DIG of Western Range-a bridge
● Cover two third population- 50% in Urban and
of friendship was developed between
75% Rural
the police and the communities.
● Eldest women of family(18+) is considered as
2. Sanskar – Manuhe Manuhor Babe project
head of the family
● Former CM Sarbananda Sonowal
2 components
initiated an awareness drive
● Antyodaya Anna Yojana
3. Mission Birubala
● Priority Household
● Birubala Rabha, from Thakurvila village of
Goalpara district, is an Indian activist who
campaigns against witchcraft and witch
● Birubala has been running an organisation
During Pandemic called Mission Birubala
● 3rd component added- 5kg additional food ● In 2005, she was nominated for the Nobel
grains for beneficiaries (10 kg total- 5+5) Peace Prize.
1st Jan 2023 ● On January 25, 2021, Birubala Rabha was
● NFSA renamed-‘PM Garib Kalyan Anna honoured with the Padma Shri award.
Yojana’ 4. Assam witch hunting (Prohibition,
● 5kg food grains provided free of cost-PHH Prevention and Protection) Act 2015
● 35kg food grains- free of cost-AAY ● Efforts by-Ms. Birubala Rabha/Director-
(3/2/1Rs/kg-funda- not applicable since 1st Jan General of Police Kuladhar Saikia
2023 Provisions-5 lakh in fine for calling a person witch
/ Section 302 of the IPC (punishment for murder)
Q405. With reference to the National Food if someone is killed after being branded a witch.
Security Act, which of the following statements
is/are correct?
1. It will cover up to 75 percent rural and 50
percent urban population.
2. Special focus on nutritional support to
women and children.

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,

Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttarakhand and Uttar
3. Aspirers category
● Assam, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Jharkhand,
Kerala, Rajasthan and West Bengal
4. Emerging Business Ecosystems category
● Andaman and Nicobar, Bihar, Chandigarh,
Daman and Diu, Dadra and Nagar Haveli,
Delhi, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Nagaland, Puducherry and
Q415. According to the Business Reforms
Action Plan 2020, Assam has been categorized
as __?
a. Achievers
b. Emerging business ecosystems
c. Aspirers
d. None of the above

Ans: c

Q414. Mission Birubala is related to ___?

a. Anti Witchcraft and Anti Witch Hunting Digboi refinery (**)
b. Anti Alcohol practices
c. Education of the old aged people
d. Anti forest encroachment movement Points to be kept in mind for PT
Digboi refinery
Ans: a ● commissioned on December 11, 1901
● India's oldest operating refinery
● termed as the "Gangotri of the Indian
Business Reforms Action Plan Hydrocarbon sector."
● Previously owned and operated by the
Ranking (*) Assam Oil Company Limited/Burmah Oil
Company, it came into the IOC fold by an Act
Points to be kept in mind for PT of Parliament on October 14, 1981.
How refinery came into being in Digboi?
● released by Union Minister of Finance and
● Oil was accidentally discovered in 1867
Corporate Affairs.
while laying a railway line in Digboi area.
● Prepared by-Department for Promotion of
Current news
Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)
● Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) will invest over
● Ranked on the basis of economic reforms
Rs 740 crore to raise the capacity of Digboi
taken up by the states.
refinery from 0.65 million tonnes per annum
● Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
to 1 million tonnes.
released the Business Reform Action Plan
(BRAP)- 2020.
States and UTs under different categories on the
basis of their performance-
1. Top achievers category
● Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Haryana,
Karnataka, Punjab, Telangana and Tamil
2. Achievers category

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

2. Assam Fodder Mini Mission

● Achieving self-sufficiency in fodder
● Effective post-harvest management in
fodder through crop residue management,
● seek to leverage the Central government
schemes for fodder production
● DCs will act as chairperson of the respective
District Fodder Mission Cells (DFMCs).
3. Seed vertical
● Production of high-quality seeds.
4. Natural farming
● Establish a decentralised cluster model to
identify, mobilize, and train ‘master
farmers’-for zero budget natural farming
● ZBNF is a method of chemical-free
agriculture drawing from traditional Indian
● Karbi Anglong, Golaghat, Sonitpur,
Nagaon and Kamrup have been selected for
district and cluster-level implementation of
the pilot approach on natural farming

Q421. Which among the following is the India’s

first Oil Refinery?
a. Jamnagar Refinery
b. Digboi Refinery
c. Numaligarh Refinery
d. None

Answer: b

Assam Millet Mission (***)

Points to be kept in mind for PT Q426.Which of the following are the objectives
To promote agri sector in Assam the state of Assam Millet mission recently implemented
government announced 4 initiatives(under in Assam?
APART mission)- 1. Increase demand for millets.
1. Assam Millet Mission 2. Promote millets processing organizations.
● Increase millet consumption/production 3. Increased fodder production.
● District Millets Cells will be established with 4. Increase millet consumption for improving
DCs as its chairpersons. nutritional security.
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

a. 1,2 only b. Gujarat

b. 2,3 only c. Hyderabad
c. 1,2,4 only d. Assam
d. 1,2,3,4 all
Answer: D
Handloom Reservation Act 1985

Points to be kept in mind for PT

● The Handlooms (Reservation of Articles for
Production) Act of 1985 reserved 22
varieties of cloth products exclusively for
weaving on handlooms.
● But due to lobbying in 1996, the number of
articles reserved for weaving on handlooms
was reduced to 11.
Assam Singapore Letter of ● Over a period of time more exemptions have
been given to powerloom, which has made it
Intent (**) difficult for handloom to survive the
Steps taken by State government to promote
Points to be kept in mind for PT Silk
● Assam Industrial Development Corporation 1. 'Muga Mission' in 2018, worth Rs 460 crore,
(AIDC) and Singapore headquartered firm for a period of 10 years.
Surbana Jurong signed a ‘Letter of Intent’ 2. Central government gave its approval for an
(LoI). official trademark for silk products made in
● Surbana Jurong has expertise in developing Sualkuchi.
urban infrastructure. Silk Production in Assam:
● Focus will be on developing infrastructure of ● Assam -largest producers of Muga silk in
Guwahati. the world
● For this a master plan to transform Guwahati ● Assam produces all the 4 varieties of silk,
into a world class city will be developed. major emphases have been given in
production of Muga and Eri Silk which are
popularly as Vanya Silk
● Assam Contributes 95% and 65% of
country’s total Muga and Eri production
● Assam received the Geographical Indication
(GI) tag for Muga silk in 2007.

Q430. In July 2022 which state has signed a

Letter of Intent for infrastructure development
with Singapore based company Surbana
a. Madhya Pradesh
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Q435: Name the documentary on the life and

work of artist late Neel Pawan Baruah that
bagged the Best Director Award at the 11th
Mumbai Short International Film Festival
Q433. Which state is the largest producer of a. Brush Life
Muga Silk in the world- b. Brush Stroke
a. Karnataka c. Brush Delight
b. Jharkhand d. Brush Kite
c. Assam
d. None Answer: b.
Brush Stroke- by Parthajit Baruah
Answer: c

Indian Achievers Award 2021-22

Neel Pawan Baruah (***)
Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Indian painter from Assam Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Died recently ● Awarded in London to Dr. Ghanshyam Das
● Awarded the Assam Sourav Award, the Dhanuka from Guwahati, Assam
second-highest civilian honor of Assam. ● Conferred for driving positive changes in social
● Notable paintings include: and business sector.
○ Green Bird, ● Recognised as Visionary Leader in Assam
○ Kaliya Daman, and Northeast by the TIMES group in 2020.
○ Shankhachakra Gadapadma, ● Only industrialist from NorthEast to be
○ Sleeping Man, invited as a panel speaker in the
○ Victory of Vietnam, Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices Forum at
○ Scream, the Global Investors Summit: “Advantage
○ Three Powers, Assam”.
○ Patchitra and
○ The Three Faces of the Godde.
● His father was Binanda Chandra Barua
popularly known as Dhwani Kobi.
● An alumnus of Santiniketan’s Kala Bhawan.
● He was married to Dipali Borthakur(who was
suffering from Motor Neuron
Disease),popularly known as Nightingale of

Q438. Indian Achievers Award conferred to

industrialist Dr. GD Dhanuka who hails from
a. Uttar Pradesh
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

b. Madhya Pradesh public grievances under the Ministry of

c. Assam Personnel, Public Grievances and
d. Delhi Pensions.
● GOALMART is a fully electronic market
Answer: C which aims to provide an online platform for
marketing of the local SHG products.
● Portal was developed in-house with no extra
New Assamese Book (***) cost to the exchequer

Points to be kept in mind for PT

Asami Aailoi Pronaam (Ode to Mother Assam):
● Theme: Lata Mangeshkar, and her musical
connection with Assam that she developed
through none other than Bharat Ratna
awardee, Dr Bhupen Hazarika.
● Written by Debojit Bhuyan, associate editor of
Prag News.
● The book was released at the Lata
Mangeshkar’s Mumbai home “Prabhukunj”

Q440: The project GoalMart of Assam bagged

the prestigious GOLD Award in the 24th
National Conference on e-Governance under
the Category-I: Excellence in Governance
Process Re-Engineering for Digital
Transformation which was held in Hyderabad.
Which district administration of Assam won
the award?
a. Sonitpur
Q439: A new Assamese book titled “ Asomi b. Tinsukia
Aailoi Pranaam” is based on the life of which c. Sivasagar
legendary singers- Goalpara
a. Lata Mangeshkar
b. Asha Bhosle and Lata Mangeshkar Answer: d
c. Dr Bhupen Hazarika and Lata Mangeshkar
d. None
African Swine Fever and
Answer: c
Piggery sector in Assam (**)
Project GoalMart (***) Points to be kept in mind for PT
African Swine Fever
Points to be kept in mind for PT ● Caused by double-stranded DNA virus -
Project “GOALMART Asfarviridae family
● It is an initiative of Goalpara District ● Not a zoonotic disease
Administration. ● No vaccine developed so far.
● Selected for Gold Award under Category I – ● causes fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and
“Excellence in Government Process Re- bloody diarrhea in pigs and wild boar
engineering for Digital Transformation” by ● highly contagious haemorrhagic viral
the department of administrative reforms and disease
20th livestock census of India
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● NE Region alone is the home for 38.42% of the ● Headed the bi weekly ‘Asom Batori’ as
total pig population of India. an editor.
● Assam is having highest population of pigs in ● simultaneously edited a monthly
India. magazine called ‘Monideep’
● Pigs population in Assam has grown from 16 ● Editor of another magazine ‘Asomiya’
Lakhs (last census of 2012) to 21 lakhs in from the year 1968-70.
2020. ● Founder editor of the monthly Assamese
● Overall Pigs population in country has literary magazine ‘Prakash’
decreased from 1.03cr to 90.6 lakhs. ● Founder editor of an Assamese daily
newspaper named ‘Natun Dainik’.
● Founder editor of another Assamese
literary magazine ‘Gariyoshi’.
● President of the Assam Sahitya Sabha in
the years 1999, Hajo session.
Achievement and Awards:
● Awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award for
his novel ‘Maharathi’
● The Williamson Magor Award, the
Publication Board Award for his novel
‘Torae Morae Alokare Yatra’.
● Katha Award for three consecutive
years from 1996 to 1998 for ‘Gariyoshi’.
● Conferred the Padma Bhushan Award by
the Indian Government in the year 2007 for
his outstanding contribution to the society.

Q446.Which of the following statements are

true about African swine fever?
1. It's a bacterial disease caused amount pigs.
2. No vaccine has been developed so for
against it.
a. 1 only Novel:
b. 2 only ● Edin,
c. Both ● Tore More Alokore Jatra,
d. None ● Meghamallar
● Maharathi,
Answer: b ● Suryasnan
Short story collections
● Mayamriga
Chandra Prasad Saikia (***) ● Nachpati Phool
● Chakrabat
● Angikar
Points to be kept in mind for PT ● Chandra Prasad Saikiar Nirbachita Galpa
● Actively involved with the Freedom
Movement as a young student- jailed APSC Dept. Exam.
twice in the year 1942. Q455: The novel, “Maharathi” on Karna of the
● Served in The Assam Tribune for a brief Mahabharata was written by-
period. a. Chandra Prasad Saikia

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

b. Nirmal Prasad Agarwala

c. Dr. Bhaben Saikia
“Namsai Declaration” (**)
d. Dr. Laxmi Nandan Borah
Answer: a Points to be kept in mind for PT
Assam- Arunachal border dispute
Important Assamese Books and ● boundary of over 804 km
● Dispute issue started with a 1951 report
Themes (***) which transferred 3,648 sq. km of the
“plain” area of Balipara and Sadiya
foothills to the Darrang and Lakhimpur
Points to be kept in mind for PT districts of Assam.
● Makam by Rita Chowdhury: Makam" ● Arunachal Pradesh claims the transfer
which means "golden horse" in was done without consulting its tribes.
Cantonese, is a fictionalized historical ● Assam contested this and the matter is in
account of the Chinese Assamese people the Supreme Court.
in North-East India.'Chinatown Days' is the Current news:
English Translation of "Makam".The book ● In the border talks between Assam and
brings alive the forgotten lives of the Arunachal Pradesh, the two states on
Chinese Community Established in Friday signed the “Namsai Declaration” –
Makum, Assam before the Sino-Indian war an agreement to reduce the number of
of 1962. disputed villages from 123 to 86.
● Deo Langkhui by Rita Chowdhury: The ● Dispute in 37 villages have been
book unveils some aspects of Tiwa resolved.
Society and their customs and
traditions. The Novel is based on
evidence of the Tiwa Kingdom. The story is
about the life-struggle of Chandraprabha,
the banished Queen of King Pratap Singha.
● Jangam by Debendranath Acharya: The
novel, based on actual events from World
War II, tells the story of the exodus of an
estimated 4,50,000-5,00,000 Burmese-
Indians who fled the Japanese invasion
and ethnic violence in Burma by escaping
into Assam in British India.
● Ledolam by Juri Borah Borgohain: Ledo
is known as Ledolam in local Singpho
language. This book is based on the
historic Stilwell Road, a 1726 Km long
road link stretching upto Kunming in China
via Myanmar constructed from the Zero
Point in Ledo Town.

Q459.Atulananda Goswami, was awarded the

Sahitya Academy award in 2006, for his novel
a. Senehor Poja
b. Seneh jori
c. Seneh Jorir Gathi
d. Senehor Aai

Ans: c

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● They did not directly come into the ambit

of the Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019
(CAA), since Arunachal comes under ILP.

Q470.Consider the following statements

regarding Chakma and Hajongs :
1. They were given Citizenship of India
Q466. Namsai Declaration which was seen in following an order of the Supreme
the news recently, was signed between - Court, which in 2015 had directed the
a. Assam-Manipur Union government to grant citizenship
b. Kerala Karnataka to the Chakma and Hajong refugees.
c. Maharashtra Gujarat 2. Chakma and Hajong refugees came to
d. Assam Arunachal India from Myanmar five decades ago.
Which of the above statements is true?
Answer: d a. Only 1
b. Only 2
c. Both 1 and 2
Chakma and Hajong community d. Neither 1 nor 2
relocation (*) Answer- A

Points to be kept in mind for PT NITI Aayog innovation index

Chakma and Hajong 2021 (**)
● Originally residents of the Chittagong
Hill Tracts of erstwhile East Pakistan (now
Bangladesh). Points to be kept in mind for PT
Why they left Bangladesh? There are 3 categories in the Index-
● They fled when their land was submerged 1. Major states
by the Kaptai dam project in the 1960s. ● Karnataka retained its position as the most
● Most of them settled in Arunachal. innovative major state.
Chakma-Buddhist ● Telangana at second place
Hajongs-Hindus ● Chhattisgarh was ranked the last in the
● Assam Chakma people have scheduled index with 14.5 score.
tribe status. 2. NE/ Hilly states
● 2015-Supreme Court directed the Centre ● Manipur topped among the NE/ Hilly states.
to grant citizenship to Chakma and 3. UT and City States
Hajongs who had migrated from ● Chandigarh topped among the UT/ City
Bangladesh in 1964-69. States, followed by Delhi.

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Purpose- to promote competition amongst states- ● 2 wheelers- Subsidy of Rs.10,000/kWh(

get top 25 rank in Global Innovation Index (GII) battery capacity) to a maximum of
Global Innovation Index (GII) Rs.20,000 given for battery capacity of
● GII ranks the innovation ecosystem or more than 2kWh. Vehicle should cost
performance of economies around the less than Rs.1.50 lakhs. (Only for first 1
globe each year. lakh 2 wheeler)
● It is released by the World Intellectual ● 3 wheeler- Subsidy of Rs.10,000/kWh to a
Property Organization (WIPO). maximum of Rs.50,000 given for battery
GII 2022 Rank of India-40th out of 132 capacity of 5kWh.Vehicle cost less than
Rs.5 lakhs. (Only for first 75,000 3
● 4 wheeler- Subsidy of Rs.10,000/kWh to a
maximum of Rs.1,50,000 given for
battery capacity of 15kWh.Vehicle cost
less than Rs.15 lakhs. (Only for first
25,000 3 wheelers)

Q471. Consider the following statements

regarding Niti Aayog Innovation Index 2022:
1. NITI Aayog India Innovation Index is
prepared by NITI Aayog and the Institute
for Competitiveness.
2. Assam topped the ranking in the
Northeast & Hill category.
APSC Dept. Exam ’22
Which of the statement(s) is/are correct?
Q473. Which of the following North-East states
a. 1 only
recently announced Electric Vehicle Policy,
b. 2 only
c. Both
a. Meghalaya
d. None of the above
b. Mizoram
c. Arunachal Pradesh
Ans: a
d. Nagaland

Answer- A (Meghalaya)
Assam Electric Vehicle Policy
2021 (***)
LEADS (Logistic Ease Across
Points to be kept in mind for PT
Different States) Report 2022 (*)
● Aims to achieve 25% penetration of EVs
in all vehicle registration by 2026. Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Deployment of 2 lakh EVs under
● Recently, the Ministry of Commerce and
commercial or individual use
Industry has released the Logistics Ease
● Target to convert 100% of the public
Across Different States (LEADS) Report
transport into electric buses by 2030.
Similar target for all Government
● The first logistics report was released in
● Three performance categories namely:
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

○ Achievers: States/UTs achieving 90% ● Best Athlete (Male) award to Bivanjyoti

or more percentage. Laskar of Morigaon.
■ Andhra Pradesh, Assam, ● Best Athlete (Female) Upasha Talukdar
Chandigarh, Delhi, Haryana, of Kamrup.
Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka,
Maharashtra, Odisha, Punjab,
Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Uttar
Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Gujarat
are in the achievers Category.
● Maharashtra tops amongst the
“Achievers” states.
○ Fast Movers: States/UTs achieving
percentage scores between 80-90%.
■ Kerala, Madhya Pradesh,
Rajasthan, Puducherry, Sikkim Prelims Practice Question
and Tripura. Q480. Which of the following statements are
○ Aspirers: States/UTs achieving true about Assam Youth Olympics 2022?
percentage scores below 80% have 1. It was second edition of Assam Youth
been made. Olympics 2022.
● It reflects positively on international indices, 2. Bivanjyoti Laskar of Morigaon was
like Logistics Performance Index. declared best male athlete.
● The Logistics Performance Index (LPI), a. 1 only
developed by the World Bank Group b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None
Q478. In the 2022 Logistic Ease Across
Different States (LEADS) Report, Assam is Answer-b
placed in which of the following categorie?
a. Fast Movers
b. Aspirer Desh Bhakti Diwas (**)
c. Achievers
d. None
Points to be kept in mind for PT
Ans : C
● In 2021 the Assam Government took the
decision to observe ‘Deshbhakti Divas’
to mark the death anniversary of
Assam Youth Olympics (**) Deshbhakta Tarun Ram Phukan.
● Deshbhakti Diwas will be celebrated
every year in Assam on 28th July.
Points to be kept in mind for PT Tarun Ram Phukan
● organized by Assam Olympic ● He was called as Deshbhakta
Association ● He led the freedom movement in Assam
● Assam Youth Olympics 2022 is the first and played a key role in Mahatma
season of the Assam youth olympic Gandhi's first visit to the State in 1921
games. and the Congress session held at Pandu
● There will be 1881 medals to be won in 1926.
during the five day event. ● Due to his conflict with the Congress
● Assam Youth Olympics was concluded on leadership on the participation of the party
27th July. in the provincial government that he split
Outcome of the event away from Congress and formed the
● Guwahati 1st in medal tally followed by 'Asom Jan Sangha' in 1936.
Sivasagar and Dibrugarh.

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● In 1927-President of Assam Sahitya ● Once a tiger had entered his village and
Sabha at its Goalpara session for his Ismail Siddique, who was literally
contribution to Assamese literature. unarmed, killed the tiger- so the name
Books Bagh(Tiger) by the people.
1. On sexual hygiene "Jauna Tatwa" ● The news of this valour reached the Ahom
2. "Mur Sikar Kahini"(his experiences in king Chakradhwaj Singha and he called
hunting adventures), the young man to his court to display his
3. "Stuti mala" a book of hymns, "Nigni strength- the king appointed him a
Bhaworiar Kahini" a book of humorous Hazarika, an Ahom office in charge of
poems and others. 1000 paiks.
● He is culturally represented as "Hero of
Indigenous Muslim Communities in

APSC Dept. Exam 2021

Q489. The real name of Bagh Hazarika, a
Q488. Assam Government took the decision to historic character of Assam is __.
observe ‘Deshbhakti Divas’ to mark the death a. Ismail Darbari
anniversary of which of the following b. Ismail Rehman
personality? c. Ismail Siddique
a. Ambikagiri Rai Chowdhury d. Ali Mech
b. Tarun Ram Phukan
c. Prasanna Lal Chowdhury Ans: c
d. Nabin Chandra Bordoloi

Ans: b Arun Sarma (***)

Bagh Hazarika (**) Points to be kept in mind for PT

● Noted Dramatist, Novelist and Journalist
● Some of his famous plays are– Ahar,
Points to be kept in mind for PT Kukurnesia Manuh, Parashuram
● Bagh Hazarika, also known as Ismail ● Published novels- Ashwirbadar Rong,
Siddique, a 17th century warrior who Ubhola Sipa, Jojati Aru Ranjona
fought against the mighty Mughals for ● Poems:
the Ahoms as a commander of legendary Arun Sarmar Kabyanurag
Ahom general Lachit Barphukan- best ● He was awarded the Sahitya Academi
known for his bravery during the battle Award in 1998 for his novel Ashwirbadar
of Saraighat Rong
● A highly skilled front ranking military ● Other Awards :
officer Sangeet Natak Academy Award 2003
● He was born in Dergaon. Assam Valley Literary Award 2005
Padmashree Award 2010
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● Elected as the president for Assam Natya

Sanmilan in 2002 and 2004
● Only person in Assam who won both
Sahitya Academy and Sangeet Natak
Academy award

APSC Dept Exam 2020

Q490. For which book Arun Sarma won the
Sahitya Academy Award?
a. Ubhola sipa
b. Ashwirbadar Rong
c. Jibon Jibon Bor Anupom APSC Dept. Exam ’22
d. Mayabritto Q491. Name the assamese scientist who is the
recipient of Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize,
Ans: b 2021.
a. Bhupendra nath Goswami
b. Jitendra Nath Goswami
Assam Scientist wins Shanti c. Binoy kumar Saikia
d. Mihir Kanti Chaudhuri
Swarup Bhatnagar Prize 2021
(**) Answer- C

Points to be kept in mind for PT Project Aarohan (***)

● Dr. Binoy Kumar Saikia of CSIR-North
East Institute of Science and
Technology, Jorhat won the award in Points to be kept in mind for PT
2021. Project Aarohan:
● The award is given in 7 categories. Dr. ● Started 25th June ,2022.
Saikia was conferred the award in the ● It is mentor-mentee programme for the
Earth, Atmosphere, Ocean and talented students of Class 9 to Class 12 of
Planetary Sciences category. Assam.
● He developed fluorescent “carbon ● Here a mentor will guide upto 5 students
quantum dots (CQDs) from Indian coal”. for 4 years on various skills and
● 5th person from Assam to win the award. development.
● It is annually given by Council of Scientific Schools are eligible for Arohan Scheme Assam
and Industrial Research (CSIR) ● Government Schools
● Provincialised Schools
● Adarsha Vidyalaya
● Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas
In Assam, there are a total of 4,375 schools of the
above mentioned categories.From each school 1
student will be selected.The selection of boys
and girls will be 50:50.
● Initiative of Assam Government in
cooperation with Tata STRIVE
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● Skill development initiative by Tata
Community Initiatives Trust.

APSC Dept. Exam 2022:

Q496. Very recently the Life and work of one
scientist from Assam has been included in the
SCERT textbook of Class IX and Class X. Who
is he?
Q494. Which of the following state government a. Padma Shree Jitendra Nath Goswami
will launch a four year mentorship program b. Dr. Bhupendra Nath Goswami
called “Project Aarohan” to provide guidance c. Padma Shree Uddhab Bharali
to students- d. None
a. Assam
b. Meghalaya Ans: C
c. Gujarat
d. Karnataka

Answer: a
New Assam Tourism Policy
2022 (***)
Assam’s Padmashree Uddhab
Bharali (**) Points to be kept in mind for PT
● The policy was drafted after detailed
deliberation with the World Bank.
Points to be kept in mind for PT Key features of the policy-
● News: Assam’s Padmashree Uddhab 1. Development of home stay schemes
Bharali is now included in Delhi among local communities
government school syllabus. 2. Focus on coordination between tourism
● SCERT will include his achievements in the and transportation sectors,
entrepreneurship mindset curriculum of 3. Creation of special tourism zones by
Class IX to XII promoting tea tourism, golf tourism,
● Bharali an Indian inventor from the medical and wellness, adventure
Lakhimpur district is known for his tourism along with the existing wildlife and
invention of a pomegranate de-seeder. heritage circuit in PPP mode.
● Bharali has also invented low-cost peeler 4. Tea tourism to promoted-develop 50 tea
machines for betel nut, cassava, garlic, gardens. Rs 2cr to 50 tea gardens will be
jatropha, coconut and safed musli, and re- given.
designed the Assamese paddy grinder. 5. Industry status to the State’s tourism
● Padma Shree Award in 2019. sector.
● All his inventions are made to make life Benefit of Industry status
and living easier for the common ● Earlier only hotels and resorts above
people. three star category and river cruises

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

were included under the thrust areas of the level playing field for private companies
Assam Industrial Policy. and a predictable regulatory environment.
● From now onwards, other tourism units like Private space-based companies can use
heritage hotels, bungalows, camping Public Space Infrastructure.
sites, restaurants, amusement parks, 2. ANTRIX
ropeways also included. ● Commercial wing of ISRO- brings-
● Now these will be eligible for all incentives commercial projects for ISRO.
and subsidies under the State’s
industrial policy Q500.Which of the following statements about
newly created NewSpace India Limited(NSIL)
Q498. Which of the following correctly represents is/are correct?
provisions adopted under New Assam Tourism 1. It is the commercial wing of ISRO, a
Policy 2022? single-window agency for marketing
1. Rs 2cr will be granted to 50 tea gardens to Indian space capabilities.
promote tea tourism. 2. NSIL is responsible for the promotion
2. Hotels and resorts above three star and commercial exploitation of the
category only and river cruises will be products and services emanating from
included under State’s industrial policy. the Indian space program.
a. 1 only a. 1 only
b. 2 only b. 2 only
c. Both c. Both
d. None d. None

Answer-a Anser-b

Space Tutor Programme (**) ● commercial wing of ISRO, a single-window
agency for marketing Indian space
capabilities both products and services to
Points to be kept in mind for PT the world.
● ISRO encourages institutions which are NSIL
involved in STEM activities for reaching ● For the promotion and commercial
out to students at large. exploitation of the products and
● It engages with NGOs or educational services emanating from the Indian
institutions without any commercial space program.
advantage to develop interest of students ● Will mainly manufacture- PSLV and
in Space science. SSLV- through technology transfer
● Thus ISRO started Space Tutor mechanism.
● The ISRO has invited ‘Scientific Har Ghar Tiranga campaign
Temperament’ NGO members at
Bengaluru under Space Tutor Programme. through Orunodoi (***)
● Scientific Temperament is from Biswanath
Chariali and it is the only organization
from Assam invited by ISRO under its
Points to be kept in mind for PT
Space Tutor Programme. Orunodoi scheme
Additional Information ● Under it Assam government will provide
1. INSPACe an assistance to 17 lakh families of
● Regulatory body INSPACE (India national weaker financial background
space promotion and authorization centre) (Composite income less than Rs 2
has been established under the Lakhs).
department of space to provide level with a
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● Current assistance is Rs 1000(which will ● On this day, the handloom weaving

be increased to ₹1,250 per month from community is honoured and the
next financial year) contribution of this sector is highlighted.
● ₹250 additional subsidy for 50 units of Handloom sector in Assam
electricity. ● Assam is having the highest number of
● 6000 additional families from each looms in the country as indicated by the
constituency will added(approx 6 lakh Handloom Census Report.
additional beneficiaries). ● There are 12.83 Lakh weavers out of
● Under the scheme, priority will be given which most of them are women.
to widow, divorced, unmarried or
separated woman along with families with
specially abled member.

Current news?
● Beneficiaries of the Orunodoi scheme in Q510. Consider the following statements in
Assam will get ₹18 extra for August to reference to Handloom:
buy a National Flag. 1. 7th August is National Handloom Day in
● This initiative of Assam government has India.
been taken under Har Ghar Tiranga 2. Swadeshi Movement was launched on
Campaign. the same date in the year 1905.
3. Assam is having the highest number of
Q505. Orunodoi scheme was launched on- looms in the country as indicated by the
a. 15th August 2020 Handloom Census Report.
b. 2nd October 2020 4. Most weavers in Assam are Men
c. 2nd October 2021 Which of the above statement(s) is/are
d. None of the above Correct?
a. 1, 3, 4 only
Answer: b b. 1, 2, 4
c. 1, 2, 3 and 4
d. 1, 2 and 3
8th National Handloom Day (*)
Ans: d

Points to be kept in mind for PT

● 7th August is National Handloom Day in Tech City in Bongara Kamrup
● The first National Handloom Day was (**)
celebrated in Chennai in 2015.
Significance of 7th August
● The date, 7th August, was chosen as the Points to be kept in mind for PT
Swadeshi Movement was launched on Tech City in Bongora, Kmarup:
the same date in the year 1905. ● Largest tech park of NorthEast India’

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● Joint initiative of Government of ● Completed Kirtan Ghosa here.

india(GoI) and Government of 4. Baradi Satra-
Assam(GoA). ● Founded by Shri Madhavdev.
● Assam Electronics Development 5. Dargah of Syed Shahnur Dewan-
Corporation Limited (AMTRON), the nodal ● Syed Shahnur Dewan, a disciple of Ajan
agency of Department of Information Fakir. Situated at Bhella.
Technology, Govt. of Assam 6. Chinpara- Vithi-
● Objective: To enable suitable ● Here Shrimanta Sankardev landed from
environment for Information his boat on banks of Palangdi Bori.
Technology and Information Technology
enable services(ITeS) Industries.
● The Sectors of Production:
1. Quantum Dot Nano Crystals
2. Solar PV
3. Photonics
4. IoT
5. Robotics
6. Artificial Intelligence

Q512. Assam Electronics Development

Corporation Limited(AMTRON) which had
initiated the proposal to set up the Northeast’s
first drone pilot training school after approval
from Directorate General of Civil
APSC Dept. Exam ’22
Aviation(DGCA) in
Q513. Sri Sri Parihareswar Devalaya in Assam
a. Dibrugarh
is situated at
b. Jorhat
a. Hajo
c. Sivasagar
b. Madan Kamdev
d. Guwahati
c. Sorbhog
d. Dubi
Answer: d (Tech City, Guwahati)
Answer: D
Parihareswar Devalaya (**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT Cleanest Village of Assam (*)

● Foundation stone laid by Ahom ruler Shiva
Singha in dedication to Lord Shiva.
Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Located in Dubi, Barpeta.
● Rangsapara village in Goalpara District.
● Know for the origin of Devadasi Nritya.
● Declared in year 2016-17 by Public Health
Other places in Barpeta (The Land of Satras)-
Engineering Department of Assam
1. Ganakkuchi Satra-
● Founded by Shri Madhavdev (was the
● Mostly inhabited by Garo tribe.
Festivals of Garo Community-
● Has preserved Sachipat Puthis of
● Wangla festival- A 3 day post harvest
Shrimanta Sankardev.
festival also called 100 drum festival.
2. Sundaridiya Satra-
● Agalmaka Festival- related with Shifting
● Founded by Shri Madhavdev.
● Namghosa and Bhakti Ratnakar are
preserved here.
3. Patbaushi Satra-
● Established by Shrimanta Sankardev.
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

a. Bhupen Hazarika
b. Bhabendra Nath Saikia
c. Satyajit Ray
d. Sharmila Tagore

Answer: B

Assam Arogya Nidhi (***)

Points to be kept in mind for PT

APSC Dept. Exam ’22 ● This is a yearly Financial Assistance
Q514. The Population of Rangsapara, the Scheme of Government of Assam,
cleanest village of Assam, belongs to provided as reimbursement to members of
a. Garo tribe families whose yearly income is less
b. Rabha tribe than Rs. 5 lakhs for treatment of serious
c. Bodo tribe diseases including accident cases.
d. Khasi tribe Eligibility Criteria:
● Applicant should be permanent resident
Answer: A of Assam.
● Family income of the applicant should be
less than 5 lakhs per annum.
Basistha Dev Sarma (**) ● No age limit for applicants.
● Govt. employees or govt. pensioners
are not entitled.
Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Eminent Satriya Exponent.
● Burha Satriya of Barpeta Satra.
● National level Srimanta Sankardev
Award in 2017 by Assam Government.
Other Awards received by him-
● Lifetime Award by Asom Sanskritik
● Asom Jatiya Vidyalaya Fellowship
● Sri Sri Mathura Das Burha Ata Award
● Sri Sri Badla Ata Award APSC Forest Ranger 2022:
● Sankar Madhav Award Q518. The Arogya Nidhi Scheme of the
Government of Assam is aimed to provide
a. Financial assistance to families below
poverty line for specialized treatment of
life-threatening diseases.
b. Free of cost treatment for all COVID-19
patients during the pandemic.
c. Financial assistance for the revival of
sick industrial unit of young
entrepreneurs of the state.
d. Waiver of bank loans of women covered
under Micro Finance Scheme.

Ans: a
APSC Dept. Exam ’21
Q515. Who among the following is not a
recipient of Srimanta Sankardev Award?
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Rhino Memorial in Kaziranga Dergaon PS ranks as the best in

National Park (***) Assam (**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT Points to be kept in mind for PT

The Rhino memorial has three rhino sculptures ● The Ministry of Home Affairs,
and is named “Abode of the Unicorns”. Government of India released the list of
● It has one male rhino, a female rhino and Police stations on the basis of their
a calf. performance.
● It also has three statutes of forest ● Dergaon Police Station (PS) in Golaghat
guards, created using different materials. district secured the top rank among the
● The rhino statues were created using police stations in Assam.
ashes collected from around 2,500 rhino ● The ranking included 344 recognised
horns that was burnt to flames by the police station across India.
Assam Government. ● Aska Police Station of Ganjam, district of
● On the occasion of World Rhino Day Odisha as the number one police station
(September 22) last year, rhino horns were in the country.
burnt which were collected or seized over
the past 40 years.
● Rhino sculptures were created by Q531. Police academy at Dergaon would be
sculptors Biju Das. named after ____
● The statues of the forest guards were
sculpted by Biren Singha. a) Swargadeu Sukafa
● The memorial was unveiled by Assam b) Lachit Barphukan
Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma. c) Bishnu Rabha
d) Chilarai

Ans: b

Sakhi Express’ scheme(**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT

● Sakhi Express’ scheme is implemented
under Assam Rural Livelihood Mission
Q520. Which state has created a memorial for (ARLM) scheme.
rhinos using ashes named as 'Abode of the ● Beneficiaries of Sakhi Express scheme
Unicorns’? includes “Krishi Sakhi”, “Bima Sakhi”,
a. West Bengal “Pashu Sakhi”, “Jivika Sakhi”.
b. Uttar Pradesh Krishi Sakhi
c. Assam ● Krishi Sakhi is a Community Agriculture
d. None of the above care Service Provider (CASP) which will
enable the last mile coverage in rural
Ans: c areas
● Eligibility criteria for Krishi Sakhi-She
should be a native and residing in the
same GP (member from women SHG).
Bima Sakhi
● Promote SHG in rural areas that engage in
promoting insurance coverage.
Pashu Sakhi
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● Promote SHG in rural areas in the field of ● Nagaland got GI tag for Bhut Jolokia in
livestock rearing. 2007
Jivika Sakhi
● Focus on promoting self-employment ● GI products of Assam put to export-Karbi
opportunities. Anglong Ginger, Assam Lemon, Joha Rice
● Recently the State government will (Non-Basmati, Scented, Sali or winter rice)
provide the scooty to female member of
SHG. Red Rice of Assam
● Iron rich
Q532. Sakhi express is related to: ● Brahmaputra valley
1. Krishi Sakhi ● Without the use of any chemical fertilizer
2. Bima Sakhi ● ‘Bao-dhaan’
3. Swasthya Sakhi Joha Rice
4. Jivika Sakhi ● Non-Basmati Rice.
Choose the correct option: ● Scented rice type under Sali rice.
a. 1, 2 only ● Joha rice is also known by the name of
b. 1, 3 and 4 winter rice.

c. 1, 2 and 4 ● GI tag for Joha rice is given to Assam.

d. 1, 2, 3, 4
Ans: c

APEDA (**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT

Agricultural and Processed Food Products Joha Rice ‘Bao-dhaan’
Export Development Authority
Q540. Which of the following statements are
● Created acc to APEDA Act 1985 true about Joha rice?
● Under Ministry of Commerce and Industry
1. It has got GI tag from Assam
● To boost agri export
2. It is a kind of winter rice also known as Sali
Agriculture Export Policy of Assam
● Double agricultural export from Assam
by 2024-25 3. It is a type of basmati rice.

● APEDA is helping in it a. 1,3 only

b. 2,3 only
● Recently Bao Dhaan rice exported to the
c. 1,2 only
US. d. 1,2,3 all
Bhut Jolokia is also being exported

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Joymala elephant(*) Q552. Which of the following is NOT an

Elephant Reserve in Assam?
a. Sonitpur Elephant Reserve
Points to be kept in mind for PT b. Chirang Ripu Elephant Reserve
• there were reports of cruel treatment c. Dhansiri-Lunding Elephant Reserve
meted out to an elephant named Joymala d. Pobitora Elephant Reserve
from Assam in a temple in TamilNadu.
• Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma held Ans: d
a meeting with the forest department 5 ERs in Assam:
officials to bring the elephant back to I. Sonitpur ER
Assam. II. Dihing-Patkai
• The matter came to light last week after III. Kaziranga-Karbi Anglong ER
PETA India raised the issue. IV. Dhansiri-Lunging ER
PETA(People for the Ethical Treatment of V. Chirang Ripu ER
Animals )
• People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
is an American animal rights nonprofit “Vigyan Pragati” Magazine has
organization. received National Rajbhasha
• It raises voice against the cruel treatment
of animals worldwide. Kirti Award (**)
Statutory provisions against animal cruelty in
• Section 428 and 429 of the IPC make it Points to be kept in mind for PT
illegal to maim or cause injury to any • “Vigyan Pragati” magazine has received
animal. the National Rajbhasha Kirti Award
Cruelty to Animals Act of 1960 (First position)
• Empowers the govt of India to • First issue published in the year 1952
establish Animal Welfare Board of India • Published by -Council of Scientific &
(AWBI ) Industrial Research (CSIR)
• Recognizes following activities as cruelty • Published in Hindi language.
to animals such as Beating, kicking, • In 2022- this magazine has completed 70
overriding, overloading, torturing and years of spreading science among the
causing unnecessary pain to any animal public.
etc. • It is popular among children, teachers,
researchers, and the public across India
as well as the world.

APSC Dept. Exam

Q.558 Vigyan Pragati, a popular science
magazine which received the National
Rajbhasha Kirti Award, is published by the-
a. Indian Space Research Organisation.

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

b. Council of Scientific and Industrial • residents of the State of Assam, who are
Research aged above 60.
c. Assam Science Society • Monthly pension-Rs 250
d. Bhaba Atomic Research Centre. Exclusion
• Beneficiaries of any of the existing
Answer: b government schemes.
• Parents of children (where the latter is
‘Rice Doctor’ mobile app (**) employed with the government).
• Any taxpayer who earns an income of
above INR 2.5 lakhs.
Points to be kept in mind for PT 1. Indira Miri Universal widow pension
• Developed by Assam Agricultural scheme : women unto the age of 45 who
University (AAU) with technical support lost her husband -Rs 25000 as
from International Rice Research Institute immediate family assistance and a
(IRRI) under the Assam Agribusiness & monthly assistance of Rs 300 credited
Rural Transformation Project (APART). into the bank account.
• Enable farmers to instantly diagnose 2. Assam Deendayal Divyang sahajya
diseases and infections. scheme
• Will also prescribe remedial measures. • one-time grant of Rs. 5000 to the disabled
• In two languages, English and Assamese people for their treatment.
• Monthly-Rs 1000
Assam government has announced that by 10th
of every month beneficiaries under various
schemes will receive money directly into their
bank account.

Q565. With regard to Indira Miri Universal

widow pension scheme, consider the following
Q559. Consider the following statements about statements-
‘Rice doctor’: 1. Regardless of the age, any widow can
a. It is a new subsidized fertilizer for Rice apply for this scheme.
production 2. Indira Miri popularly known as Mereng,
b. It is an app to detect diseases and was an Indian educationist from Assam.
suggest measures Which of the above statements is/are
c. It is a device to estimate greenhouse incorrect?
gas emission since paddy fields release
methane a. Only 1
d. It is an app similar to the paddy watch b. Only 2
app and ricexpert app. c. Both 1 and 2
d. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: B
Answer: A

Pension schemes of Assam CM Samagra Gram Unnayan

government(**) Yojana (**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT Points to be kept in mind for PT

Schemes covered • A 5-year mega-mission.
1. Swahid Kushal Konwar Briddha • Launched on 5th February 2017 in
Pension scheme : Guwahati.

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• which is scheduled to culminate in the FY b. 2 only

2021-22, coinciding with 75 years of India's c. Both
Independence(but it is still continuing). d. None
• The main objective of the mission is to
double the farm income. Answer-c
Main areas of work-
1. Technical support to farmers like tractors,
pumps etc National Climate Vulnerability
2. Skill development of farmers
• implemented by Assam Food and civil Assessment Report (**)
supplies Corporation Limited
The Chief Minister Samagra Gramya Unnayan
Yojana will be implemented through saturation Points to be kept in mind for PT
model by covering each revenue village through • By- Department of Science and
focused interventions in direct economic Technology
activities, logistic support including market • Identifies the most vulnerable states
linkages, and community support. and districts in India
• Highly Vulnerable States: It identified
Jharkhand, Mizoram, Orissa,
Chhattisgarh, Assam
• Assam is ranked 5th vulnerable State in
India to climate change.
• Karimganj district is the most vulnerable
in the country.
• Out of 25 most vulnerable districts-15
belongs to Assam.

Q573. As per Climate Change Minister Keshab

Mahanta rank of Assam in National Climate
Vulnerability Assessment Report as far as
vulnerability is concerned-
a. 3rd
b. 4th
c. 5th
d. 6th


Classical language status for

Assamese (**)
Q567. Which of the following statements are
correct about CM Samagra Gram Unnayan Points to be kept in mind for PT
Yojana? • Currently, six languages enjoy the
1. The main objective of the mission is to ‘Classical’ status: Tamil (declared in
double the farm income. 2004), Sanskrit (2005), Kannada (2008),
2. The scheme will be implemented Telugu (2008), Malayalam (2013), and
through saturation model by covering Odia (2014).
each revenue village through focused Guidelines for declaring a language as
interventions in direct economic ‘Classical’ are:
activities. 1. History over a period of 1500-2000 years.
a. 1 only
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

2. A body of ancient literature/texts, which Time taken-

is considered a valuable heritage by • Amlan is National record holder in 100m
generations of speakers. with time-10.25 sec-87th all-India inter-
3. The literary tradition be original and not Railway athletics championships-beating 6
borrowed from another language. year record of Amiya Kumar Mallick
News? (10.26s) )
• Government of Assam is working on • 200m-(Amlan has national record in
getting ‘classical language’ status for 200m(20.63 sec)-Federation cup 2022)
Assamese. Boxing
• “Assam Prakashan Parishad and • Lovlina Borgohain- Gold-75 kg category-
Anundoram Borooah Institute of Defeating Sweety Boora of Haryana
Language, Art & Culture have been • Ankushita Boro-Gold-66kg category-
tasked to do the groundwork. walterweight

Q575. Which one of the following was given

classical language status recently?
a. Odia
b. Konkani
c. Bhojpuri
d. Assamese


36th National Game 2022 (***)

Points to be kept in mind for PT

• 36th National Game 2022 will be held in
Gujarat(35th in 2015-Kerala)
• 36 sports will be hosted
• The official motto of the games is
"Celebrating unity through sports".
• The theme of the national anthem is Ek
Bharat Shreshtha Bharat.
• mascot is named Savaj which in Gujarati
means cub
• Assam end campaign with 28 medals-9
are gold, 10 are silver and 9 are bronze
• Rank of Assam-14th(1st Services)
• Amlan Borgohain -Gold in 100(10.38 sec)
and 200 m(21.06 sec)
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Q587.Amlan Borgohain created national record Answer-d

in 100m in 2022. He broke the record of
a. Milkha Singh
b. Amiya Kumar Mallick First Woman head of Forensic
c. Muhammed Anas Yahiya Directorate (***)
d. Nisar Ahmed
Answer- b
Points to be kept in mind for PT
Hints • Dr. Tilaka Das has been appointed as
Amlan Borgohain created national record in head of the Assam State Directorate of
200m in 2022 by breaking Forensic Science.
• She is first woman head of Assam State
Directorate of Forensic Science since its
Artificial fruit ripening(**) inception about 60 years ago.
Another news regarding Forensic lab
• Assam police in 2022 became the first
Points to be kept in mind for PT police department in the country to
• Ripening, in general, is a physiological launch the e-Forensic Science
process which makes the fruit edible, Laboratory (eFSL).
palatable and nutritious. • eFSL-online system for downloading the
Artificial fruit ripening Forensic Science Laboratory Reports,
• In artificial ripening, this process is which can be used by all the districts.
mimicked using chemicals.
• Most commonly used compound is
calcium carbide, which produces
Why in news?
• State government of Assam announced
some strict measures to curb the
widespread practice of artificial ripening

Q593.Which of the following is correctly


1. Ascorbic and citric acids-Common

Antioxidants Q595. Which among the following statements
2. Calcium carbide-Artificial fruit ripening is/are true :
3. Sodium benzoate-Preservative In Food 1. Assam police in 2022 became the
a. 1, 2 only second police department in the
b. 2,3 only country after Kerala police to launch the
c. 1,3 only e-FSL (e-Forensic Science Laboratory)
d. 1,2,3 all 2. eFSL is an online system for
downloading Forensic Science
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Laboratory Reports that can be used by Asia-renowned Pacific’s Young Executive

all the districts. Award 2022 on April 28.
a. 1 only 13. On 24th February 2022, Russia started a war
b. 2 only against Ukraine. In April 2014, armed pro-
c. Both Russian separatists seized government
d. None buildings in Ukraine's eastern Donbas region
and proclaimed the Donetsk People's Republic
Ans: b (DPR) and Luhansk People's Republic (LPR)
as independent states, sparking the Donbas
Some Facts collected by analyzing APSC 14. Tokyo Olympics-
departmental exams • USA won the highest number of medals
1. World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th (113) and also the highest number of Gold
June since 1973. The theme for 2022 is “Only medals (39) and Silver medals (41) and
One Earth” which was hosted by Sweden. Bronze medals (33).
2. Motifs on Indian Currency- • India- India won total 7 Medals in
• 10 rupee note- Konark Sun temple Olympics, 2020 which is the highest
• 20 rupee note- Ellora Caves medal tally from India in any Olympic
• 50 rupee note- Hampi with Chariot including 1 Gold, 2 Silver and 4 Bronze.
• 100 rupee note- Rani Ki Vav • Neeraj Chopra (2018- Arjuna award) won
• 200 rupee note- Sanchi stupa Gold and he is the 2nd Indian to win
• 500 rupee note- Red Fort individual gold in any olympics (the other
3. The GST (Goods and Service Tax) was being Abhinav Bindra).
launched on 1st July, 2017. • Ms. PV Sindhu (2013- Arjuna award) won
4. The INA Martyrs Memorial Complex, a World Bronze in Women's Single Badminton
War II Memorial, is located in Moirang, becoming the Second Consecutive
Manipur. Olympic Medal Winner in two consecutive
5. “The Hindu View of Life” was authored by Olympics after Sushil Kumar.
the Indian President Sarvepalli • Shri Ravi Dhaiya (Major Dhyan Chand Khel
Radhakrishnan. Ratna Award for Wrestling) won Silver
6. The birthday of Chaudhary Charan Singh Medal in 57 Kg Men and Mr. Bajrang Punia
(5th PM of India) is celebrated as Kisan (Arjuna award- 2015) won Bronze in 65 Kg
Divas or National Farmers Day which is Men in wrestling.
on 23 December. 15. Tokyo Paralympics 2020- A record
7. The luxury tourist train, The Palace on number of 54 para Athletes participated in
Wheels, was launched on Republic Day in 9 different sports disciplines. India won 19
the year 1981-1982. medals Tokyo Paralympics. Till Tokyo,
8. International boundaries- India had won a total of only 12 medals in
• Radcliffe Line- India and Pakistan all previous Paralympics.
• Durand Line- India and Afghanistan 16. Operation Ganga was an evacuation
• Mcmohan Line- India and China mission carried out by the Indian
9. Hajo- Triveni Sangam of Assam has government to rescue its citizens stranded
important religious sites of three religions in neighboring countries during the 2022
i.e. Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism. Russian invasion of Ukraine.
10. The name of the Human Resource 17. Mount Etna, also called Mongibello, with an
Development Ministry was changed in the New elevation of 3,357 m, is an active stratovolcano
Education Policy 2020 to the Ministry Of on the east coast of Sicily, Italy which erupted
Education. on 27th November 2022.
11. The National Vaccination Day 2022 was 18. On 15 August 2021, Afghanistan's capital city
observed on 16th March celebrated by of Kabul was captured by the Taliban after a
World Health Day. major insurgent offensive that began in May
12. Rekibuddin Ahmed the environmentalist 2021. Bagram Air Base was formerly the
from Assam was named the winner of ACI largest U.S. military base in Afghanistan.
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

19. Vivek Express covers the maximum 12. The minimum age for obtaining driving
distance in India - Dibrugarh to license in India for geared vehicle is- 18
Kanyakumari: Vivek Express is a chain of years
express trains and 4 pairs run on 4 different 13. The longest highway in Assam is- NH37
routes. But among the longest is the 14. FASTag in India introduced by-
Dibrugarh to Kanyakumari route. NHAI(National Highway Authority of India)
15. The national highway network connects the
four metro cities of India -Delhi, Mumbai,
Kolkata and Chennai- Golden Quadrilateral
16. Length of Golden Quadrilateral- 5846 Km.
17. The Alternative black and red lines painted
across roads are called- Zebra-crossing
18. FASTag color code for light commercial
vehicles 2-axle/minibus- Orange
19. Number of cautionary traffic signs have been
added by the Roadways and Transport
Department in India- 40
20. “Meri Saheli” initiative focuses on- Safety
and Women Passenger

By Ministry of Railways

21. Name of the India’s initiative to deliver

20. Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy was the sixth
COVID-19 vaccine to other
President of India. He was directly elected to the
countries- Vaccine Maitri
post of Lok Sabha Speakership in 1977. Only
22. New name of the “Motera Cricket
person to get elected unopposed.
Stadium” after it has been renovated-
1. The only active volcanic area in
Narendra Modi Stadium
India- Barren Island
23. ISRO launched Cartosat-3 recently from-
2. Mineral State of India: Odisha
3. The Bombay High-
24. Sahitya Academy Award for Assamese,
• Major oil reserve
2020 in the ‘short stories’ category- Apurba
• The largest oil field of India
Kumar Saikia for “Bengsata”
• Discovered by an Indian oil
25. State that has topped the Indian Happiness
exploration team in 1965
Report, 2022- Himachal Pradesh
4. Oldest Oil well in India : Digboi
26. “Good Governance Day “ is observed
5. Largest Oil Refinery in India: Jamnagar
across India on 25th December every year
to mark the birth anniversary of- Atal
6. The wettest place of the world is located
Bihari Vajpayee
at- Mawsynram
27. According to the RBI notification, who will
7. Joypur Rainforest is located
sign on the new one-rupee currency
at- Dibrugarh
note- Finance Secretary.
8. Jatinga is located in- Dima Hasao District
28. Custodian of the country's foreign
9. The validity of learner’s license in India
exchange reserves - RBI
is valid for- 6 months
29. Increase in export of India helps in
10. How can we distinguish a transport
earning- Foreign Exchange
vehicle- By the number plate of the
30. The largest contribution in India’s National
Income is from- Service Sector
11. The Road safety week is organized every
31. The “Eco Mark” is given to the Indian
year in the month of- January(First week of
products that are- environment friendly

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

32. Sultan of Delhi , who is known as “a

General c. 2019
mixture of opposites”- Muhammad Bin
budget(**) d. 2017
33. The Preamble of Constitution of India has Right To 12th a. 2005
been amended - only once(42nd amendment Information Act October, b. 2006
act, 1976) implemented 2005 c. 2004
34. First Chief Justice of India- Justice d. 2007
Harilal Jekisundas Kania
35. First political party of India- Indian Electronic Novembe a. Novembe
National Congress Voting Machine r 1988, r 1998
36. The IPL team represented by Cricketer used for the first Assembly a. January
Riyan Parag of Assam- Rajasthan time in election Election 1998
Royals in India b. March
37. First swimmer of Assam to cross the 1999
Catalina Channel (80 km in 10 hr 59 c. April
minutes) in the USA.- Elvis Ali Hazarika 1999
38. The assamese historical book “Ahomor
Din” authored by- Hiteswar Barbaruah Panchayati Raj 2nd a. 1956
39. Assamese novel, “Life of A Driver: was launched October b. 1957
Cabinor Ipare” authored by- Rupam 1959 c. 1958
Dutta d. 1959
40. “Deccan Traps” in India created by-
Volcanic outburst Tashkent 10th a. 1964
41. agreement January b. 1966
signed by the 1966 c. 1969
Year based-Questions asked by APSC then PM Lal d. 1968
Bahadur Shastri
India Scientist 1991 a. 1989
brought out the b. 1990 Ahom Dynasty 1228 a. 1238
Supercomputer c. 1987 established b. 1228
“Param” d. 1988 c. 1248
d. 1218
Instagram was 2010 a. 2009
launched in the b. 2008 Famous battle 18th June a. 1816
year c. 2010 of Waterloo 1815 b. 1819
d. 2022 fought c. 1815
d. 1817
Project Tiger 1973 a. 1974
launched b. 1973 State of 21st a. 1974
c. 1975 Meghalaya January b. 1976
d. 1976 created 1972 c. 1975
d. 1972
Article 21(A) & 1st April a. 2010
Right To 2010 b. 2007 The Name of 1973 a. 1973
Education Act c. 2009 Mysore state b. 1974
came into effect d. 2008 changed to c. 1972
Karnataka d. 1975
First National 1968 a. 1960
Education b. 1964 The 1985 a. 1982
Policy of India c. 1968 Department of b. 1983
introduced d. 1970 Scientific and c. 1984
Industrial d. 19
Railway budget 2017 a. 2015 Research 85
merged with b. 2016
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

(DSIR) -set up “Decriminalisati c. 6th

in year on of September, 2019
homosexuality” d. 7th JUly,
State 1953 a. 1952 2018
Reorganisation b. 1953
committee c. 1955 Jallianwala 13th April a. 13th
appointed d. 1958 Bagh Massacre 1919 March 1919
b. 13th April
First passenger 1853 a. 1853 1919
train run b. 1854 c. 13th May
between c. 1856 1919
Bombay and d. 1858 d. 13th June
Thane 1919
Mahatma 1921 a. 1910 Dr Bhupen 1992 a. 1978
Gandhi’s first b. 1926 Hazarika b. 1996
visit to Assam c. 19 awarded with c. 1986
21 DadaSaheb d. 1992
d. 19 Phalke Award
Peacock 1963 a. 1963
British Colonial 1858 a. 1789 recognised as b. 1965
Rule in India b. 1821 the national bird c. 1961
began c. 18 of India d. 1967
d. 18 Dandi March 1930 a. 1930
64 launched on b. 1937
c. 1942
The Indian 1914 a. 19 d. 1945
Motor Vehicle 14
Act first b. 19 Atmanirbhar 12th May a. 12th May
introduced 13 Bharat Abhiyan 2020 2020
c. 19 announced on b. 3rd June
12 2020
d. 19 c. 1st July
11 2020
d. 15th
Guwahati High 1948 a. 19 August 2020
Court 45
established in b. 19 National 2005 a. 2003
the year 48 Electronics b. 2004
c. 1950 Fund c. 2005
d. 1965 Transfer(NEFT) d. 2006
, maintained by
Assamese 1889 a. 1850 the RBI , started
monthly b. 1889 operation in the
magazine “Jon c. 1899 year
ali” published d. 1889
In India, Internet 15th a. 15th
Supreme Court 6th a. 6th was started by August August 1992
landmark Septemb September, 2018 VSNL on 1995 b. 15 th
judgment- er, 2018 b. 7th August 1995
October, 2018

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

13. Biographical novel on Srimanta

c. 15th
Sankardev , ‘Dhanya Nara Tanu Bhal’ -
August 1997
written by - Syed Abdul Malik.
d. 15th
14. Book - Patal Bhairabi - by Dr. Lakshmi
August 2000
Nandan Bora.
Sikkim became 1975 a. 1975 15. Baromukhiya village, Golaghat -
state of India b. 1977 associated with Lovlina Borgohain.
c. 1974 16. Six New sports added to the Tokyo
d. 1976 Olympics 2021 - Baseball, Softball,
Karate, Skateboarding, Sport Climbing
Reserve Bank 1935 a. 1934 and Surfing.
of India b. 1935 17. ‘Jadav and the Tree-Place’, a children’s
established c. 1947 book on Jadav ‘Molai’ Payeng - authored
d. 1950 by - Vinayak Varma.
18. ‘Shantir Ogroshena’ - a four-nation
military exercise in Bangladesh involving
armies of India, Bangladesh, Bhutan and
Sri Lanka to mark the birth centenary of
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
1. Southernmost town of Assam -
and 50 years of Bangladesh’s liberation
2. Lunar Polar Exploration Mission (LUPEX)-
19. Eminent scientist, Jitendra Nath
a joint mission to the Moon of India (ISRO)
Goswami - principal scientist of
& Japan (JAXA).
Chandrayaan-1 mission.
3. Nagaland - won 7 TRIFED Van Dhan
20. Atul Bora - allotted the portfolio of Border
Awards, 2021.
Area Development in Assam Cabinet
4. Assam Mission on Malnutrition -
formed in 2021.
Launched in 2020 - to eradicate
malnutrition among children in the age
1. Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana – Urban
group of six months to five years- It was
(PMAY-U), a flagship Mission of
launched under the name Project
Government of India being implemented by
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
5. ‘UNICORN’ - term used in the venture
(MoHUA), was launched on 25th June
capital industry to describe a startup
2015. The Mission addresses urban
company with a value of over $1 billion.
housing shortage among the EWS/LIG and
6. Folk Dances:
MIG categories including the slum dwellers
1. Lavani - Maharashtra
by ensuring a pucca house to all eligible
2. Nongkrem - Meghalaya
urban households by the year 2022.
3. Chhau - Jharkhand, Odisha, West
Pradhan Mantri Gramin Awas Yojana,
previously Indira Awas Yojana, is a social
7. Wangala (“Festival of Hundred Drums”) -
welfare programme, created by the Indian
Garo Tribe
Government, to provide housing for the
8. Mopin Festival - Arunachal Pradesh (Galo
rural poor in India.
2. India’s rank in steel production in 2022
9. Bukuni-Patani - traditional costume of
is second.
India has emerged as the second-largest
10. Latest demonetization of India economy -
producer of crude steel by replacing Japan.
8 November, 2016
The biggest steel producing country is
11. Headquarters of North-East Frontier
currently China, which accounted for 57%
Railway - Maligaon, Guwahati
of world steel production.
12. First/Oldest match factory of Assam -
Dhubri - WIMCO - Estd. 1926.

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

3. Umananda Island is the smallest and often affects the sinuses, lungs, skin, and
inhabited river islet in the middle of river brain.
Brahmaputra, flowing through the city of Guwahati
in Assam, a state in northeast India. It is also
called Peacock Island.
9. Double Olympic medallist badminton
ace P. V. Sindhu was the flagbearer of the Indian
contingent for the opening ceremony of the
4. central government appointed Sundaram Commonwealth Games 2022 held at Birmingham,
Commission in 1971 under the chairmanship of UK.
K. V. K. Sundaram, former Chief Election
Commissioner of India to settle border disputes
between the states of Assam and Nagaland.
10. The Assam Legislative Assembly came
into being on the day of its first sitting on April
7, 1937 in the Assembly Chamber at Shillong, the
5. Mountaineer Hedayet Ali, who hails from erstwhile Capital of the composite State of Assam.
Assam’s Hajo, added another feather to his cap by Late Babu Basanta Kumar Das was the first
climbing the Mount Everest on Thursday Speaker of the Assam Legislative Assembly.
morning. He is the seventh Assamese
mountaineer to successfully scaled the Mount
Everest. 11. The 2022 National Games of India, also
The first Assamese to climb Mount Everest known as the 36th National Games of India
was Tarun Saikia, a resident of Guwahati. Gandhinagar, Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot and
Bhavnagar in the state of Gujarat between 29
September and 12 October 2022.
Assam Manages 14th Rank in Medals
6. Khadi Prakritik Paint is Natural Cow
Tally of Nationals Games 2022. Assam
Dung Paint. It is Eco-friendly paint. It is Vedic paint
won a total of 28 medal.
and it is a pure Prakritik Paint.
It is an eco-friendly, non-toxic paint with
anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties. Based
on cow dung as its main ingredient, the Digital Banking Units(**)
paint is cost-effective and odourless, and Points to be kept in mind for PT
has been certified by the Bureau of Indian ● announcement that was made in the 2022-23
Standards(BIS) Union Budget
● PM dedicated-75 digital banking units in Oct
Digital banking units
7. O Mur Apunar Dekh is the state anthem ● specialized fixed point business unit or hub,
of Assam, India. It was written by Lakshminath housing a certain minimum digital
Bezbarua and the tune was made by Kamala infrastructure for delivering digital banking
Prasad Agarwala. It was first published in 1909 in products and services
an Assamese magazine named Bahi ("flute"). It ● Aim- Financial inclusion
was officially adopted as the Assam's state song in Who can set up these DBUs?
1927 at Asom Chatro Sonmilon ("Assam Student ● Commercial banks (other than regional rural
Conference") held in Tezpur. banks, payment banks and local area banks)
What services will be provided by these units?
● opening of savings accounts, balance-check,
printing passbooks, transfer of funds,
8. Mucormycosis, also known as black investment in fixed deposits, loan applications,
fungus, is a rare but dangerous infection. It's etc.
caused by a group of molds called mucormycetes

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● It is widely used in the shipping industry

because ramie fibre is stronger when wet.

2 DBU branches opened in Assam

● SBI-Baksa District
● PNB-Bongaigaon

Q603. Which of the following statements are

true about digital banking unit?
1. It can help in opening bank account but
not in lending services
2. All commercial banks including
payment banks can open digital
banking units.
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None Q605. Which among the following is/are the
Answer-d benefits of ramie cultivation:
DBU can’t directly give loans but provide loan 1. Ramie cultivation will help the textile
related services like loan application industry earn revenue.
2. Ramie cultivation will lead to huge
employment opportunities for skilled and
Ramie culture(**) unskilled workers, specially women leading
Points to be kept in mind for PT to the upliftment of the rural economy.
● Ramie (Boehmeria nivea) is one of the oldest 3. It can also lead to foreign trade from the
fibres native to Southeast Asian countries. shipping industry, oil industry and
● In Assam it is known as Riha and Kunkhara( parachute industry and thus lead to growth
in lower Assam ) of India’s economy.
● in Assam, ramie is grown because of its a. 1 and 3 only
congenial climatic and soil condition. b. 2 and 3 only
● It is a flowering plant of the nettle family. Its c. 1 and 2 only
bark has been used for millennia to make twine d. All of the above
and thread, and spun as grass-cloth. Answer: D
● Assamese girls and brides wear this Riha (a
special soft cloth) along with mekhela
chadar. Multidimensional Poverty Index
● This is the strongest natural fibre and is used
as a textile fibre in many countries.
● It is used in military uniforms, suitings, Points to be kept in mind for PT
shirtings, table cloth, napkins, fishing nets, ● released by the United Nations
shoe-sewing threads, etc. Development Programme (UNDP) and

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

theOxford Poverty & Human

Development Initiative (OPHI).
uses three dimensions and ten indicators which
1. Health: Child mortality and nutrition (1/6
weightage each, total 2/6);
2. Education: Years of schooling and child
enrollment (1/6 weightage each, total 2/6);
3. Standard of living: Electricity, flooring,
drinking water, sanitation, cooking fuel and Q606.The Multi-dimensional Poverty Index
assets (1/18 weightage each, total 2/6) developed by Oxford Poverty and Human
India has by far the largest number of poor Development Initiative with UNDP support
people worldwide at 22.8 crore, followed by covers which of the following?
Nigeria at 9.6 crore. 1. Deprivation of education, health, assets
On the basis MPI- NITI Aayog released MPI at and services at household level.
country level. 2. Purchasing Power Parity at national
● Bihar-highest level
● Kerala Least 3. Extent of budget deficit and GDP growth
● Assam-6th- MPI-32.67% rate at national level
Select the correct answer using the codes
given below.
a. 1 only
b. 2 and 3 only
c. 2 only
d. 1,2,3 all

Great Indian Bustard(**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Critically endangered species in IUCN Red
● Heaviest of the flying birds.
● mostly to Rajasthan and Gujarat .Small
populations in Maharashtra, Karnataka and
Andhra Pradesh + Pakistan .
● State bird of Rajasthan
● generally favour flat open landscapes with
minimal visual obstruction
● Listed in Schedule I of the Indian
Wildlife(Protection)Act, 1972
● It is commonly named as Godawan in
● sighting of three Great Indian Bustards
(GIBs) deep in Pakistan’s Cholistan desert
has given rise to speculation that the
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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

endangered birds might have flown across PRANAM Act(**)

the international border from India.
Points to be kept in mind for PT
● GIBs move from Jaisalmer to Pak in search of PARENTS RESPONSIBILITY AND NORMS FOR
● passed Assam Legislative Assembly in 2017-
25th Oct 2017.
● The PRANAM Act makes it mandatory for the
state government employees to look after
their parents and unmarried differently-
abled siblings who do not have their own
sources of income.
● Under the Act’s provisions, if the PRANAM
Commissiongets a complaint that parents
of a state government employee are being
ignored, then 10 or 15 percent of the
employee’s salary will be deducted by the
government and paid to the parents or
differently-abled siblings.
● This act covers only State government
Q611. Consider the following pairs: and State PSU employees.
Protected Area - Well-known for
1. Bhitarkanika, Odisha - Saltwater
2. Desert National Park, Rajasthan - Great
Indian Bustard
3. Eravikulam, Kerala - Hoolock Gibbon
Which of the following pair are correctly
a. 1 only
b. 1 and 2
c. 2 only
d. 1,2 and 3
Answer-b Q612. Who is the first Chief Commissioner of
the PRANAM Commission ?
Hoolock Gibbon- Found in Assam
a. V B Pyarelal
b. Bhaskarjyoti Mahanta
c. Violet Baruah
d. Anand Kumar Mishra
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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Ans : a
Sarbananda Sonowal, the then CM handed over
appointment letters to Chief commissioner- V B
Pyarelal and commissioners-Dr Alaka
DesaiSarma and Jugabala Buragohain of the
PRANAM Commission in Feb 2019.

Biosphere Reserves(**)
Points to be kept in mind for PT
● The concept of Biosphere Reserves-
UNESCO’s ‘Man and Biosphere
Biosphere Reserves in India Q622. In which one among the following
categories of protected areas in India are local
● There are 18 biosphere reserves in India. people not allowed to collect and use the
There are 2 Biosphere Reserves in Assam biomass?

● Manas, Assam a. Biosphere Reserves

● Dibru-Saikhowa, Assam b. National Parks

The first Biosphere Reserve in India is the c. Wetlands declared under Ramsar
Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve that is a part of Tamil Convention
Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala-1986. d. Wildlife Sanctuaries
The November 3, 2022 is the first International Answer-b
Day for Biosphere Reserves.
Largest active volcano in the
Points to be kept in mind for PT
Mauna Loa volcano
● It is the largest active volcano in the
● Mauna Loa is one of five volcanoes that
together make up the Big Island of Hawaii.
● It is the southernmost island in the
Hawaiian archipelago.
● It is not part of Pacific Ring of Fire.
Pacific Ring of Fire
● The Ring of Fire is home to more than 450
active and dormant volcanoes (75% of
Earth’s total volcanoes) forming a
semicircle or horseshoe around the rim of
the Pacific Ocean.
● 90% of earthquakes occur along its path.
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Assam Scheme

Q623.Which of the following statements are

1. Hawaiian islands are located in
Northern hemisphere.
2. They are part of Pacific Rim of Fire.
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
d. None
624. Performance Grading Index (**)
● PGI measures the performance of states
in school education.
● The Education Ministry releases PGI
every year.
PGI for 2020-21(released in 2022)
● Kerala, Maharashtra,Punjab are top three
states PGI-2020-21.
Q624. Who among the following publishes
● Assam is placed in Level IV(801-850). Performance Grading Index?
a. NITI Aayog
b. Ministry of Skill Development
c. Ministry of Women and Child
d. Ministry of Education
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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Largest active volcano in the d) None

world(**) Answer-a
Points to be kept in mind for PT 624. Performance Grading Index (**)
Mauna Loa volcano
● PGI measures the performance of states
● It is the largest active volcano in the in school education.
● The Education Ministry releases PGI
● Mauna Loa is one of five volcanoes that every year.
together make up the Big Island of Hawaii.
PGI for 2020-21(released in 2022)
● It is the southernmost island in the
Hawaiian archipelago. ● Kerala, Maharashtra,Punjab are top three
states PGI-2020-21.
● It is not part of Pacific Ring of Fire.
● Assam is placed in Level IV(801-850).
Pacific Ring of Fire
● The Ring of Fire is home to more than 450
active and dormant volcanoes (75% of
Earth’s total volcanoes) forming a
semicircle or horseshoe around the rim of
the Pacific Ocean.
● 90% of earthquakes occur along its path.

Q623.Which of the following statements are

3. Hawaiian islands are located in
Northern hemisphere.
4. They are part of Pacific Rim of Fire.
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Q626. Q. With reference to Cordy gold

nanoparticles (Cor-AuNPs) consider the
following statements:
1.It can make drug delivery in humans faster.
Q624. Who among the following publishes
Performance Grading Index? 2.They are derived from the synthesis of the
extracts of Cordyceps Mlitaris and Gold Salts.
a) NITI Aayog
3.It can be delivered in the form of ointments
b) Ministry of Skill Development and tablets.
c) Ministry of Women and Child Which of the statements given above are
development correct?
d) Ministry of Education a. 1 and 2 only
Answer-d b. 2 and 3 only
c. 1 and 3 only

Cordy gold nanoparticles (**) d. 1, 2 and 3 only

Points to be kept in mind for PT Answer: d. 1,2 and 3 only
Cordy gold nanoparticles
● fungus-powered biosynthesised
nanogold particles Assamese Ramayana(***)
Uses-It could make drug delivery in the human Points to be kept in mind for PT
body faster and surer. Madhava Kandali’s Ramayana

News? ● Known as Saptakanda Ramayana

● Assam’s Bodoland University is part of ● Pre Shankari literature (1300-1490 AD)

collaborative research on fungus- ● recited in the court of the 14th century
powered biosynthesised nanogold Barahi Kachari king Maha Manikya
particles that has received an
international patent from Germany. ● vernacular translation of the original
sanskrit Ramayana of Valmiki into
Translated Ramayana
1. Kamban's Tamil version

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Assam Scheme

2. Kandali’s Ramayana Q630. Who among the following is the first

Assamese translator of the Ramayana-
3. Kirttibas'(Bengali,15th century)
a. Ram Saraswati
This makes Kandali’s Ramayana-first rendition of
the Ramayana into an Indo Aryan language in the b. Madhav Kandali
Indian Subcontinent.
c. Ananta Kandali
● first (Adikanda Book 1)and last
d. Sankardeva
(Uttarakanda book 7) cantos of Madhava
Kandali's work were lost, and were later Answer: b. Madhava Kandali
inserted by Madhavdeva and Sankardeva
● Madhava Kandali drew from local
Assam Skill University (**)
elements Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Assam Skill University at Darrang district
● mention of the people and society of headquarters Mangaldai.
14th-century Assam
● Rs 1,000 croreproject
● Instead of the heroic nature, Kandali
emphasized the humane nature ● Upskill the youth of Northeast

● Shankardeva honored Madhava Kandali ● Will be ready by 2025

with the title "Opromadi Kobi " ● It will be third skill University of the country.
Current news? ● First skill University was opened in Haryana-
● A well-researched volume of the book Shri Vishwakarma Skill University, Palwal
"Madhava Kandali Ramayanar
Prachinatwa Nirupan" compiled under
the aegis of The Epic Study Centre
(TESC), Jorhat traces the history of
Madhava Kandali’s Ramayana
● concludes that the Assamese Ramayana
was accomplished much earlier than the
Gaudiya Path (Bengali) Ramayana by

APSC Dept. Exam 2022:

Q631. The First Skill University of North East
India will be set up in?
a. Shillong
b. Imphal
c. Mangaldai

APSC CCE 2015 d. Guwahati

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Ans : c Sudhakantha Award(**)

Info related with Tea(**) Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Dr. Bhupen Hazarika, popularly known as
Points to be kept in mind for PT Sudhakantha.
● Assam tea company was formed in 1839
● The Sudhakantha Dr Bhupen Hazarika
● Maniram Dewan was the first tea cultivator Sanskritik Samannay Award was conferred
of Assam. upon 2 personalities-
● The Tocklai Tea Research Institute in Jorhat 1. Natyacharya and Padma Shri awardee
is a prime tea research Institute established in Jatin Goswami
2. Singer Sudakshina Sarma
● The Guwahati Tea Auction Centre
(GTAC),1970 has seen the largest volume of Sudhakantha Award
CTC tea auction in the world.
● The Sanskritik Mahasabha, Assam has
● Assam teas have two basic quality been presenting this award biennially to
designations: CTC(crush, tear, curl) and reputed cultural personalities.
● Highly labour-intensive sector- around 10 lakh
workers employed across 850 tea gardens
● Monabarie Tea Estate at Biswanath District of
Assam is Asia's Largest Tea Estate.
● Dibrugarh is known as "Tea City of India".
Jorhat is known as the “Tea Capital of India”.

Q643. Consider the following statements in

reference to Sudhakantha Award:
1. It is awarded to eminent personalities in
the field of singing only.
APSC Dept. Exam
2. It is awarded by the Kumar Bhashkar
Q638. Tea in Assam was discovered by: Natya Mandir, Guwahati.

a. Maniram Dewan Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

b. David Scott a. 1 only

c. Lord Auckland b. 2 only

d. Robert Bruce c. Both

Answer: D d. None of the above

Ans: d

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Janjatiya Gaurav Divas(**) ● India is the 5th largest exporter of millet

Points to be kept in mind for PT ● To highlight the importance of millets, United
● 2021-Union Cabinet has approved Nations General Assembly has declared
declaration of 15th November as 2023 as the "International Year of Millets"
Janjatiya Gaurav Divas.
● 15th Nov- birth anniversary of Sri Birsa
Munda who is revered as Bhagwan by
tribal communities across the country.
Tribal population
● As per the 2011 census, 10.42 crore -
8.6% of countries total population.
● Madhya Pradesh has the highest tribal
population in India as per 2011 Census.
● Mizoram has highest population of
tribals percentage wise(94.44%).
● Percentage tribal population in Assam is
Q645.Which of the following state has highest
population of tribals percentage wise in India?
a. Madhya Pradesh
b. Chattisgarh
c. Mizoram
d. Meghalaya

Q651. Which of the following statements is/are

true :
Points to be kept in mind for PT 1. The Assam Millet Mission was
● oldest known foods to humans. Launched by Assam CM on 16th
November 2022.
● high nutritive value.
2. 2023 has been declared as the National
● superfood -rich in nutrients such as copper, Year of Millets by Government of India.
magnesium, phosphorus, and manganese.
a. 1 only
● low on Glycemic index (GI is a rating system
for foods containing carbohydrates). b. 2 only

● India is the largest producer of millet in the c. Both 1 and 2

world(41% of the world production)
d. None
● Rajasthan is the largest millet producing state
Ans: A
in India.

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

2023 - International Year of Millets Vision for Great Nicobar

2018 - National Year of Millets (India) Island(**)
Points to be kept in mind for PT
Bhupen Hazarika Solidarity NITI Aayog’s ‘sustainable’ vision for Great
Award (**) Nicobar Island
Points to be kept in mind for PT ● Airport, Metro etc in Great Nicobar
● Singer Usha Mangeshkar was conferred with
the Dr Bhupen Hazarika Antorjatik Samanya Concerns-
Award 2022
● Galathea Bay Wildlife Sanctuary,Nicobar
● Assam Sahitya Sabha has been giving this megapode-Endangered bird,Shompen(1 of
award in association with Numaligarh the 5 PVTG in A&N)
Refinery Limited since 2013.
● Great Andamanese, Jarawas, Onges,
● The award will carry a cash prize of Rs. 5 Shompens and North Sentinelese.
● Total PVTG-75, Odisha (13) has maximum
● Assam has 0 PVTGs

Q656. Consider the following statements in

reference to Bhupen Hazarika Solidarity
1. It is awarded by Assam Sahitya Sabha in
association with Oil India Limited.
2. Singer Usha Mangeshkar was conferred
with this award in 2022.
Which statement(s) is/are correct?
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. both
d. none
Ans: b

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Assam Scheme

● Delhi : Sikkim & Assam(important for

● Assam govt to write history book on Lachit’s
life in 10 Indian languages.
● This will be done under ‘Ek Bharat, Shreshtha
Bharat’ initiative.
Q659. Which of the following statements about
“Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat” is/are Correct?
1. It was announced in the year 2014.
Q657.Which one of the following pairs of 2. It aims to create an environment which
islands is separated from each other by the promotes learning between the states
'Ten Degree Channel'? by sharing best practices and
a. Andaman and Nicobar experiences.

b. Nicobar and Sumatra Select the correct ans:

c. Maldives and Lakshadweep a. 1 only

d. Sumatra and Java b. 2 only

Answer-a c. Both
d. None
Ans: b
Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat (**)
Points to be kept in mind for PT Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat was announced by
● “Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat” was announced Hon'ble Prime Minister on 31st October, 2015 on
by the Prime Minister in 2015 on the occasion the occasion of the 140th birth anniversary of
of the 140th birth anniversary of Sardar Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
Vallabhbhai Patel- 31st October- Ekta
● Objective: To promote engagement and Padmanath Gohain Baruah (**)
thereby understanding amongst the people of Points to be kept in mind for PT
different states/UTs to ensure ensure a ● regarded as the "Pitamaha" (great
stronger united India. grandfather) in Assamese literary world.
● first president of Asam Sahitya Sabha (1917
● The Ministry of Education has been Sivsagar session)
designated Nodal Ministry ● British government gave him Raibahadur title
● first literary pensioner of Assam.
Engagement matrix between states and UTs ● first Ahom member of Assam Legislative
● Jammu & Kashmir : Tamil Nadu council.
● His novel Bhanumoti(1890) is the first
● Punjab : Andhra Pradesh Assamese novel. His other novel is
● Himachal Pradesh : Kerala etc ● Assamese Monthly: Bijulee, Usha
● Assamese Weekly: Asom Banti

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Assam Scheme

● Assam government acquired the assets of

Hindustan Paper Corporation Limited located
at Jagiroad and Panchgram at an auction
price of Rs 375 crore, and offered a relief
package to the employees.
● Mill property at Jagiroad is around 573.95

Q661.Who among the following was the

president of 2nd Assam Sahitya Sabha?
a. Padmanath Gohain Baruah
b. Chandradhar Barua
c. Kaliram Medhi
d. Hemchandra Goswami

Answer-b (Chandradhar Barua-1918-Goalpara)

Q665.The assets of Hindustan Paper

‘Gurujana’ (**) Corporation Limited located at Jagiroad and
Panchgram at an auction price of-
Points to be kept in mind for PT a. 475 cr
‘Gurujana’ a musical tribute to 15th–16th century b. 375 cr
Assamese polymath Srimanta Sankardeva was c. 275 cr
recently released by the PIB. d. 300cr


Assam Agitation Trust (**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Assam Agitation Welfare Trust has been
created for welfare family members of
martyrs of the Assam Agitation and those
Q662. ‘Gurujana’ a musical tribute recently grievously injured in it.
released by PIB is attributed to- ● It has total Rs 5cr in its fund.
a. Madhabdev Recent decisions
b. Laxminath Bezbaruah ● An additional amount of Rs 5 crore would
c. Srimanta Sankardeva be provided to the trust,that would have a
d. Phaninath Sarma total of Rs 10 crore at its disposal.
● Assam AccordImplementation
Answer-c Department to make database of those
injured during Assam Agitation.

Satellite city in Jagiroad mill Q670. Swahid Smarak (martyrs memorial) and
Swahid Udyan, in the memory of 'martyrs' of
land (**) Assam Agitation is being constructed at-
Points to be kept in mind for PT a. Guwahati
● The Assam government is planning to set up a b. Mirza
satellite city at Jagiroad – where the defunct c. Barpeta
Nagaon Paper Mill exists – to relieve the d. None of the above.
growing pressure on Guwahati.
Answer: a. Guwahati (Paschim Boragaon)

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Kaziranga Project (**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Kaziranga project is a part of a larger
Assam Project on Forest and
Biodiversity Conservation (APFBC) for
which the Agence Française de
Développement (from France) has
committed funding of €80.2 million for a
10-year period, between 2014-2024.
● APFBC Society was created by State
Government of Assam as a Special
Purpose Vehicle (SPV) registered under Q676. Which of the following statement(s) with
the Societies Registration Act, 1860. respect to Kamrup Anusandhana Samiti(KAS)
is/are correct?
Q671.Assam Project on Forest and biodiversity 1. It is the Oldest Research Institute in NE
Conservation (APFBC) recently seen in news India established in 1912.
has been developed with help of which of the 2. It is also known as Assam Research
following foreign country? Society.
a. The US 3. Rajani Kumar Padmapati was a
b. The UK founding member of KAS.
c. France a. 1 and 2 only
d. Germany b. 1 and 3 only
c. 1, 2 and 3
Answer-c d. None
Ans: c

Kamarupa Anusandhana Samiti

(**) Untold Stories of the Freedom
Points to be kept in mind for PT Struggle from North-East India
Assam Research Society
● Oldest Research institution in North-
East India Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Established in the year 1912 at Kamakhya ● Senior journalist Samudra Gupta
● To work in the field of antiquarian study Kashyap(State Info
● It started the Museum movement for the Commissioner),authored book, Untold
collection and preservation of antiquities Stories of the Freedom Struggle from
resulting in the birth of the Assam State North-East India.
Museum in 1940. ● The book published by-Ministry of
Information and Broadcasting.
● The book traces the role played by
Assam for the freedom struggle from the
annexation of the region in 1826 to

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Q679.Which was the first Indian product to get

the geographical indication tag?
a. Aranmula Kannadi
b. Darjeeling Tea
c. Katarina Rice
d. Madhubani Paintings


Q678. The book “Untold Stories of the Freedom Assam State Disaster
Struggle from North-East India” is written by
______. Management Authority(**)
a. Wasbir Hussain Points to be kept in mind for PT
b. Arnab Goswami ● Assam government has notified the Assam
c. Siddhartha Sarma Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
d. Samudra Gupta Kashyap Roadmap 2030.
Ans: d 1. Creation of Assam State Disaster
Management Authority
GI tag for Gamosa (***) ● 23-member State Platform for Disaster
Points to be kept in mind for PT Risk Reduction
● Central government has given the ● It will be headed by the Chief Minister.
Geographical Indication (GI) tag to 2. Fund-3% of Non-salary state budget
gamosa. from FY 2023-24.
● The tag was received by the Assam
government on, five years after the first
application was made in 2017.
● Application for a GI tag was filed by the
Institute of Handicraft Development of
Golaghat district in Assam.
What are GI tags?
● Sign of originating from a particular
● Represents special quality eg Darjeeling
Q683. Consider the following statements about
Assam State Disaster Management Authority:
a. It is a 33 member State Platform for
Disaster Risk Reduction.
b. It’s chairperson is the Chief Minister of
Which of the above statements is/are true?
a. 1 only
b. 2 only
c. Both
Process of getting GI d. None
1. Application for GI tag is submitted to
Registrar of GI. Answer: B
2. If application accepted then the registrar
publish it in GI journal.
3. If no one objects the GI application in 3
months then GI tag is given.

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Sahitya Akademi Awards (***) Answer: b. Manoj Kr Goswami

Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Sahitya Akademi award established in Vehicle Scrappage policy of
1954, Assam 2022(**)
● It is a literary honour that is conferred
annually by Sahitya Akademi. Points to be kept in mind for PT
● second highest literary honour by the ● Under this policy, people who give their old
Government of India, after Jnanpith award. vehicles for turning them into scrap, will be
● Satyajit Ray is the designer of the plaque given many tax benefits by the government.
awarded by the Sahitya Akademi. ● Government recognised Registered Vehicle
● copper-plaque, a shawl and a cheque of Scrappage facility will be established.
Rs 1 lakh. ● This will help in bringing Circular economy.
● 24 awards annually to literary works-22 ● A 'circular economy' model,employs
Schedule languages+English and maximum reuse, recycling and minimize
Rajasthani waste.
Sahitya Akademi Awards
1. Assamese
● Manoj Kumar Goswami-his collection of
short stories, Bhool Satya.
2. Bodo language
● Rashmi Chaudhary

Themes of Bhool Satya

● Bhool Satya was published in 2017 and the
stories are based on different themes like
unrest, middle class crisis, and conflict.

Q687. At which location first Registered

Q686. Who received the Sahitya Academy Vehicle Scrappage Facility of East and North
Award for work on Assamese literature in East India has been established at
2022? a. Rangia
a. Arupa Patangia Kalita b. Guwahati
b. Manoj Kr Goswami c. Dibrugarh
c. Jayashree Mahanta Goswami d. Silghat
d. Sananta Tanty

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Fortnight for development (**) ● 42nd Amendment Act, 1976- declared no

delimitation till 2001(as it incentivises
Points to be kept in mind for PT states to increase population).
‘Bikakhor Babe Eta Pokhek’ Delimitation Act, 2002
Announcements ● New feature-Number of seats of allocated
1. Assam will be set up its second Zoo at Parliament allocated to States should
Tingkhong in Dibrugarh district remain unaltered.
2. Me-Dam-Me-Phi will be celebrated ● Only internal realignment be done
centrally at historic place Tipam. Assam
Tipam ● The Delimitation commission 2002didn’t
● Located in upper Assam at the Bank of undertook delimitation action in Assam
Burhi Dihing. since the NRC update process was yet to
● Treaty of Ghilajharighat ( between happen.
Ahoms and Mughals- January 23,1663) Current news-Election Commission to begin
delimitation exercise in Assam (on the basis of
2001 census).Last time delimitation in Assam-
1976-as per Census of 1971-under Delimitation
Act of 1972.
● Orders of Delimitation Commission can’t
be challenged in any court.
● Its report is put in front of Parliament and
State Legislative Assembly- but they can’t
● 31st of January every yearin memory of
alter the decision of Delimitation
the departed at some common venue.
Q690. Under “Fortnight for Development “the
● 14 Lok Sabha constituencies
second zoo of Assam will be set up at-
● 126 legislative Assembly seats
a. Dergaon , Golaghat
equal representation to equal segments of a
b. Tingkhong in Dibrugarh
population as far as possible.
c. Lahowal Dibrugarh
d. Amguri, Sivasagar

Answer: b

Delimitation exercise in Assam


Points to be kept in mind for PT

● Act of redrawing boundaries of Lok
Sabha and state Assembly seats. Q693.Which of the following statements are
Composition correct about Delimitation Commission?
1. retired Supreme Court judge 1. It is a statutory body.
2. Chief Election Commissioner and the 2. Recently a Delimitation commission
respective State Election was set up for delimitation of Assam
Commissioners. and Jammu and Kashmir.
Article 82-the Parliament should constitute a a. 1 only
delimitation commission according to an act of b. 2 only
the Parliament. c. Both
● 4 times established-1952, 1963, 1973 d. None
and 2002
● no delimitation after the 1981 and 1991 Answer-c
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Pratima Barua Pandey Award Dhanu Yatra (*)

(***) Points to be kept in mind for PT
● celebratedBargarh in Odisha.
Points to be kept in mind for PT ● largest open-air theatre in the world.
● folk culture activist Ekalabya Gam ● Came into existence in Bargarh in 1947-48
About Pratima Barua Pandey Award- as part of the celebration of the country’s
● Instituted by the All Assam Students’ Independence and is held annually.
Union (AASU).
● The award is given annually on
December 27, the death anniversary of the Theme
legendary folk singer Pratima Barua ● dethroning of Emperor Ugrasen of
Pandey. Mathura by angry Kansa over the
● The award carries a citation, a sarai, marriage of his sister Devaki with
gamosa, seleng sador, a jacket made of Vasudev.
eri, and Rs 25,000 ● conclude with the death of demon king
Kansa and restoration of the throne to

Q698. The largest open air theatre of the world

“Dhanu Jatra” which is a 11 days long
celebration is of which state of India?
a. Odisha
b. Assam
c. West Bengal
d. Manipur
Ans: a

Assam number of districts

reduced 31 (**)
Points to be kept in mind for PT
● As per the decision
Q694. Who is the recipient of the Pratima Barua 1. Biswanath district will be merged with
Pandey Award 2022? Sonitpur
a. Eklavya Gam 2. Hojai with Nagaon
b. Manoranjan Brahma 3. Bajali with Barpeta
c. Chandrakamal Gogoi 4. Tamulpur will be merged with Baksa.
d. Mileshwar Patar The decision has reduced the number of districts
in Assam from 35 to 31.
Ans: A ● The decision was effected from 31st Dec
2022 since no administrative changes
were allowed once delimitation

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

commission started its process(which

started on 1st January 2023)
Additional info-on 1st Jan 2023 Guwahati’s first
CNG station was established by Purba Bharati

Q709. Which among the following state does

not celebrate the festival Chakan Gaan-Ngai?
a. Tripura
b. Manipur
c. Nagaland
d. Assam
Q703. Recent merger of few districts in Assam Answer: a
for administrative convenience was effected
a. 1st January 2023
b. 31st December 2022 Pratima Barua Pandey (***)
c. 1st March 2023 Points to be kept in mind for PT
d. 1st February 2023 ● “Hastir Kanya” (Elephant's daughter).
● Popular for Goalparia lokogeet(“Hastir
Answer-b Kanya” and “O Mur Mahut Bandhure”)
Current news?
● The Assam government acquired the
Gaan-Ngai Festival (**) historic Matiabagh Hawa Mahal to
Points to be kept in mind for PT preserve it as a heritage site.
● post-harvest festival of Zeliangrong Matiabagh hawa mahal
people of Manipur, Assam and ● Cultural icon of Gauripur Zamindari
Nagaland. Estate in Dhubri.
● begins on the 13th day of ‘Wakching’, a ● Matrimonial house of the folk legend
Manipuri month which falls between Padmashree Pratima Barua Pandey.
December and January ● Built by Chinese carpenters on the bank
● marks the end of the year. of the Gadadhar river in 1914.
Additional info ● Mahal combines in itself elements of
Sagol Kangjei Hindu, Mughal and British
● Name of the game of polo played in architectures.
● Recently, Union Home Minister
inaugurated a 122-foot-high Sagol
Kangjei (Polo) Statue at Heingang in
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● Mission Basundhara tagline "Mor mati,

mor adhikaar” (My land, my rights)".
APSC CCE 2020:
Q715. As per the Tripartite Assam Accord
signed among Government of India,
Government of Assam and leaders of the
Assam Agitation on 15th August, 1985, what
was set up as the cut-off date for detection and
deportation of illegal migrants to Assam?
a. 1st January, 1951
b. 15th August, 1967
Q710.Matiabagh Hawa Mahal recently seen in c. 26th January, 1970
news is associated with which of the following d. 24th March, 1971
a. Bhupen Hazarika Ans: d
b. Pratima Barua Pandey
c. Mini Bhattacharya
d. Nazmul Hoque
Gunotsav 2023(**)
Points to be kept in mind for PT
• Gunotsav is school evaluation initiative.
• Focus on evaluating quality of education
Section 6A of Citizenship Act in schools.
(**) • Adopted from the Gujarat model-same
Points to be kept in mind for PT nomenclature.
● special provision for Assam • started in Assam in 2017.
● persons who entered between January 1, • In Gunotsav, ministers, MLAs, IAS, IPS
1966, and March 25, 1971, and who are and senior government officials go to
residing in the state, upon being detected schools as external evaluators.
as foreigners, will be allowed to register • 10% weightage from Gunotsav to be
as voters- get voting rights after 10 added to annual exam result.
Current context
● A Constitution Bench led by Chief Justice
of India D.Y. Chandrachud said it will first
take up for preliminary determination
whether Section 6A of the Citizenship
Act, 1955 suffers from any
“constitutional infirmity”.

Q724. In which year Gunotsav started in

a. 2020
b. 2017
c. 2015
d. 2019
Additional info

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Answer: B • gender neutral- under 18yrs age

• Not limited to sexual harassment but also
involves including children
Charaideo Maidams for Heritage in pornography.
• Aggravated crime-child is mentally
site (***) ill/abuse is committed by the person in a
Points to be kept in mind for PT position of trust
• Central Government -sent a proposal to • POCSO e- Box- For online complaint
UNESCO nominating Charaideo Maidam- • Punishment- Up to death sentence
as a World Heritage Site. POCSO(Amendment) Act 2019
Charaideo Maidam • It makes it the legal duty of a person
• known as ‘Pyramids of Assam’ aware of the offence to report the sexual
• original capital of the Ahom Kings. abuse.
• built by Chaolung Sukapha the founder of • In case he fails to do so, the person can be
the dynasty in about 1229 CE. punished with six months imprisonment
• Located at the foothills of Nagaland or fine.
• situated at a distance of around 30 KM- Jaya Jaitley task force
from Sivasagar • “right age of marriage” for women-
suggested minimum marriageable age 21
years for girls also
Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006
• Girls-18 Years
• Boys-21 years

Q726. Lachit Maidam was built during the reign

Q729.Jaya Jaitly committee, is related to which
a. Jayadwaj Singha
of the following:
b. Chakradwaj Singha
a. To examine minimum age of marriage for
c. Udayaditya Singha
d. Rajeswar Singha
b. For repealing of AFSPA in North East
Answer: c region.
c. For framing rules for efficient working of
Lachit Maidam: Parliament.
• located at a distance of 16 km from the d. For bringing reforms in Criminal Justice
city of Jorhat. system of India.
• Constructed by Udayaditya Singha
(Sunyatpha) in the year in 1672 Answer-a

POCSO Act, 2012 (**) Bal Puraskar (**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT Points to be kept in mind for PT
Current news? • It is conferred by the President of India in
• Assam Police-crackdown on child the week preceding Republic Day, 26
marriage under POCSO Act January
POCSO Act, 2012 Bal Prushkar from Assam-
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• Shreya Bhattacharjee-tabla artist from

Assam was conferred with Pradhan Mantri
Rashtriya Bal Puraskar

• Guwahati, Dibrugarh, Nagaon, Silchar

are being developed as Sponge cities.

Q730.Consider the following statements

regarding “Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal
Puraskar (PMRBP)”:
1. It is awarded by Government of India to
children between the ages of 5 and 18.
2. Each awardee of PMRBP is given a medal,
a cash prize of Rs 1 Lakh and a certificate.
Which of the statements given above is/are Q732. The leader of which of the following
correct? countries was invited as the Chief Guest for the
a. 1 only 74th Republic Day parade 2023?
b. 2 only a. Guyana
c. Both 1 and 2 b. Egypt
d. Neither 1 nor 2 c. Australia
d. Bangladesh
Ans: B
• This year, Egyptian President Abdel-
Fattah el-Sisi is the chief guest of Republic
Ahom Republic Day Tableaux Day celebrations.
(***) • President of Guyana, Md. Irfaan Ali - Chief
Points to be kept in mind for PT guest of Pravasi Bhartiya Divas 2023.
The Assam tableau in the Republic Day parade
will portray
1. A scene from the 1671 epic battle of Methanol Expansion project (**)
Saraighat. Points to be kept in mind for PT
2. Kamakhya temple was chosen as one of Methanol Expansion project
the themes for the tableau as it was • Assam Petrochemicals Ltd (APL)-500-
decided to make Nari Shakti. tonne-per-day (TPD)
Additional info • Location-Namrup
• For the first time Republic Day parade • Produces-60% of Methanol produced in
witnessed a contingent of a women-armed India
police battalion of CRPF. • It also produces Formalin
• India imports Methanol(80%)-West Asia
Methanol vs Ethanol
• Both Alcohol
• Ethanol- Sanitizers,Alcoholic beverages

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• Methanol-Toxic- Paints, Q737. Which of the following statement(s)

Solvents,Antifreeze, Solvent given is/are correct in reference to Assam
Sahitya Sabha:
1. The 2023 session of Assam Sahitya Sabha
was held at Bor Khamti Pathar in
Narayanpur which was ceremoniously
named as Mani-Kanchan Kshetra.
2. For the first time, there was digital
conference at the Sahitya Sabha 2023
session at Narayanpur.
3. The next biennial session of Asam Sahitya
Sabha will be held in Pathsala.

a. 1 and 2 only
b. 1 and 3 only
c. 2 and 3 only
d. 1, 2 and 3

Ans: d

Important cabinet decisions (***)

Points to be kept in mind for PT
1. Investment in Power plant outside the
• Cabinet approved the plan to invest in a
Q735.Methanol plant of Assam Petrochemicals power plant project in Ghatampur in
Ltd is located at- Uttar Pradesh to meet the increasing
a. Amingaon power requirement of the State.
b. Namrup • Rs 1000 cr investment will be made.
c. Patgaon • Assam looking for 20% stake in the project.
d. Chaygaon 2. Chief Minister’s Secretariat
• In Dibrugarh along river Brahmaputra.
Answer-b • Rs 450-crore ADB project.

Q741. Recently, in the cabinet decision it was

Assam Sahitya Sabha awards declared that Assam Govt will invest an
(***) amount of 1000 Crore in which of the following
power plant project?
Points to be kept in mind for PT a. Ghatampur power plant UP
1. Ambikagiri Raichoudhury award-Dr M b. Parichha power plant UP
Kamaluddin Ahmed c. Obra power plant UP
2. Kalaguru Bishnu Prasad Rabha award- d. Singraulli power plant UP
Dr Purna Bhattacharya
3. Basanti Bordoloi award-Nilakshi Ans: a
Chaliha Gogoi
4. Hem Baruah award-Gangapad
5. Buduram Panging memorial award-
Mukut Sarma

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Sustainable Finance Working

Group (*)
Points to be kept in mind for PT
• Aims to mobilise fund to help ensure
global growth- in green
manner(environment friendly manner)
• The first G20 meeting of The Sustainable
Finance Working Group (SFWG)
successfully concluded on in Guwahati,
Assam. Dr Surjya Hazarika
• Inaugurated by Union Minister of AYUSH • Padma Shri award in 2008
and Ports-Sarbananda Sonowal • Editor-fortnightly newspaper Bahniman

Q742.The first G20 meeting of The Sustainable

Finance Working Group (SFWG) was held in
a. Guwahati APSC PYQ
b. New Delhi
c. Bengaluru Q743. The motto of Assam Sahitya Sabha “Siro
d. Chennai Senehi Mur Bhaxa Jononi” was written by:
a. Sarat Chandra Goswami
Answer-a b. Chandrakanta Handique
c. Maheswar Neog
d. Mitradev Mahanta
Narayanpur Session (***)
Points to be kept in mind for PT Answer: D
• 76th biennial session of Assam Sahitya
Sabha 2023-Narayanpur, Lakhimpur
• fromJanuary 31 to February 4. Mask Art of Majuli (***)
• newly elected president Dr Surjya
Points to be kept in mind for PT
• “Mask Art of Majuli”, a documentary film
History of Narayanpur
featuring the Sattriya mask-making
• believed that the Dimasa-Kacharis had
culture of Majuli
their territory inthis area known as Dilyi. It has been chosen for competition sections of-
• A stone tablet inscription (Known as the
1. 29th Festival International des Cinémas
Pathalipahar stone inscription, the d’Asie (FICA) in France
longest ever of its kind found in Assam, 2. 11th Chennai International
Brahmi script) belonging to the 8th
Documentary and Short Film Festival.
century says that the present day • 55-minute film
Narayanpur area was ruled by the • Directed by Utpal Borpujari
Bhuyan clans of Bhagadutta’s lineage. • Produced by the North East Regional
Centre of Indira Gandhi National Centre for
the Arts (IGNCA)
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

• only Indian film among the eight selected devotees and for the welfare of one and
for the documentary competition. all.

• The masks, or “Mukha” as they are called

in Assamese, were introduced by Q760. Bhimashankar Dham Jyotirlinga temple
Srimanta Sankardev. in Assam is situated in which place?
• It acts as a key element in the a. Near Pamohi, Kamrup
performance of “Bhaona” b. Near Silghat, Nagaon
Q752.Match the following theatre forms with c. Near Bordubi, Tinsukia
their state of origin: d. Near Sapanala, Nagaon
Theatre forms States
Ans: a
A) Bhavai 1. Madhya Pradesh
B) Bhaona 2. Gujarat
C) Maach 3. Assam
a. A-2, B-1, C-3
'Clean Village Competition' (**)
b. A-2, B-3, C-1 Points to be kept in mind for PT
c. A-1, B-2, C-3 • Khumtai Subdivision is a town in
d. A-1, B-3, C-2 Golaghat district
• Mrinal Saikia-MLA conducting
Answer-b Initiatives by Mrinal Saikia
1. Destination Khumtai-to promote
Bhimashankar jyotirlingas (***) 2. ‘My Village,Cleanest Village’-
Points to be kept in mind for PT Competition of cleanliness.
• There are 12 Jyotirlingas in India 1 km road from government fund will be awarded
Bhimashankar jyotirlingas to the village coming first.
• 2 legends about Bhimashankar jyotirlingas
• Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga is situated in the
north of Pune, on the Sahayadri, by the
banks of the river Bhima.
• It is from here that the Bhima River flows.
• It is believed that Lord Shiva was pleased
by the devotion of a king named Bhimak
of the sun Dynasty and is called the
Jyotirlinga in the place.
• But according to the Shiv Purana the
Bhimashankar Jyotirlinga is situated on
the Mountain Brahmapur, district
Kamrup of Assam.
• Lord Shiva had incarnated so that he
could destroy the demons and protect his

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Q762. The first full marathon in rural assam is Assam Public Safety (Measures)
held in:
a. Majuli Enforcement Bill, 2023 (**)
b. Khumtai Points to be kept in mind for PT
c. Lepetkata
d. Mohbondha

Answer: B

Sangeet Natak Academy and

New CJ (**)
Points to be kept in mind for PT
● CJ of Gauhati HC
● Justice Sandeep Mehta-Chief Justice of
Gauhati High Court.
● The Gauhati High Court is the principal
seat catering to the states of Assam,
Nagaland, Mizoram and Arunachal
● Yuva Puraskar
● Sangeet Natak Akademy -Ustad
Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar to the
theatre artist from Guwahati Kismat Bano

Q773. Consider the following statements

regarding Assam Public Safety (Measures)
Enforcement Bill, 2023.
1. Its aim is to ensure citizens safety by
mandating use of surveillance
equipments like CCTVs etc. in spaces
that see congestions of people.
2. The CCTV surveillance cameras shall
have a provision for storage of the video
APSC DEPT. PYQ footage for 15 days.
Q764. Who was sworn in as the first Chief 3. Which of the above statements is/are
Justice of Assam High Court in 1948? true?
a. Parbati kumar Goswami a. 1 only
b. R.F. Lodge b. 2 only
c. Harilal Kania c. Both 1 and 2
d. Holiram Deka d. None

Answer: B (R.F. Lodge) Ans: a

Holiram Deka was the first Assamese Chief
Justice of Guwahati High court.

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Bor Thekera (**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT
● Popularly known as Bor Thekera in
Assamese, is an evergreen tree.
● The tree is endemic to the south-eastern
regions of Asia such as parts of
Bangladesh and north-eastern parts of
● Traditionally forbidden for raw consumption
● Known to have therapeutic properties like
anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, Q774. Consider the following statement:
antibacterial, antifungal. 1. Garcinia pedunculata is a medicinal plant.
● Also protects against heart attack. 2. It is commonly called 'Borthekera' in the
Additional info- Assamese language.
● first compressed biogas (CBG) plant of 3. It is a very protective medicinal plant for
the Northeast at Domora Pathar in heart attack.
Sonapur inaugurated 4. Choose the correct option from the codes
● set up by Redlemon Technologies Pvt given below:
Ltd in collaboration with Indian Oil a) 1 and 2
Corporation b) 2 and 3
c) 1 and 3
d) 1, 2 and 3

Ans: d

Classical Dances in India (**)

Points to be kept in mind for PT
Sangeet Natak Akademi has identifies 8 dances
as classical dances of India.
● They are-
1. Bharatnatyam (Tamil Nadu)
2. Kathak (North India)
3. Kathakali (Kerala)
4. Kuchipudi (Andhra Pradesh)
5. Mohiniyattam (Kerala)
6. Odissi (Odisha) ● Noted dancer Kanak Rele, who gave
7. Sattriya (Assam) academic status to Mohiniyattam,
8. Manipuri (Manipur) passed away recently.
Q775.With reference to Manipuri Sankirtana,
Note-Mayurbhanj Chhau dance of Odisha is consider the following statements:
declared semi-classical( recognised by 1. It is a song and dance performance
Ministry of Culture/not by Sangeet Natak 2. Cymbals are the only musical instruments
Akademi) used in the performance
3. It is performed to narrate the life and deeds
of Lord Krishna

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

4. Which of the statements given above is/are c. 2 and 3 only

correct? d. 1 only
a. 1, 2 and 3 Answer-b
b. 1 and 3 only

12. Anundoram Borooah

● first barrister of Assam
● He was both the first graduate and
member of the Indian Civil Service from
the state of Assam.
Literary works
● Bhavabhuti's Mahavircharitam
● Janakiramabhashya

22. SITA( State Innovation and

Transformation Ayog)
● A think tank of government of Assam.
● Created in 2016-Executive order
● Replaced State Planning Board
● Chairman of SITA-CM of Assam
26. Ways and Means Advances
● Sri Ramen Deka-Vice Chairman
● Temporary loan facilities by RBI to
● Chief Executive Officer- Shri Mukesh C.
govt(Central and States)
Sahu, IAS
● Government pay interest in return
22. Mrityunjaya temple
● Limit set by RBI inconsulation with govt
● located at Bherbheri Nagaon district of
Assam ● Central government can take overdraft also
● It has 126 feet high Shivling 26. First IAS of Assam
22. Hima Das Jamchonga Nampui
● First Indian athlete to win a gold medal in a ● First person from Assam to be directly
track event-World U20 Championships at recruited to the IAS
Tampere, Finland in 2018
● First Scheduled Tribe IAS officer in India-
● Nicknamed Dhing Express, Mon Joi cleared exam in 1954, Assam-Meghalaya
26. Rupshi Airport(***)
● Kokrajhar district

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Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● constructed in the historical time of World

War II.
● 1935 to 1943-45-British used to supply
● Redeveloped under UDAN
● Completed for commercial operations
26. Rhino Man of Assam(**)
● Julin Baruah regarded as the Rhino Man
of Assam
● Made a solo motorcycle coverage of 28000
kms to create awareness for Rhino
protection in Assam.
● He made a 231 days of campaign

Julin Baruah 35. Bibhuti Lahkar

30. Agri centre in Assam ● From Assam

● Vegetables Protected Cultivation Center ● working -save-Manas National Park area

at Khetri near Guwahati for the past two decades

● With support of Israel ● first Asian- Heritage Heroes Award IUCN

30. Child Friendly Police Station in Assam 35. Jadav Payeng

● 1st 2018- Bharalumukh Police station ● Jadav Payeng is better known as the
Forest Man of India.
● 2nd 2021- Mangaldoi
● He earned this name by spending 30 years
34. Bhortal Nritya of his life planting trees, creating a real
man-made forest of 550 hectares.
● Originated from Barpeta district
● Molai Kathoni forest is one-man-made
● developed from Sattriya dance
forest created by Jadav Payeng.
● By Narahari Burha Bhakat
● The Molai Reserve is a forest on the
● Six or seven dancers- very fast beat known Majuli Island
as ‘Zhiya Nom’.

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

1. Annuity Grant to Devalayas- Rs 2 Lakhs to
each religious institutions
2. Improving basic infrastructure of natural
and historical places- Rs 50 Lakhs per
destinations one time grant
40. Theme song of Kaziranga
● Kaziranga Kaziranga jenai sau
● sung and composed by Mridusmita Gogoi
● sponsored by Assam State Biodiversity

45. CA/TS accreditation

• International criteria
• To check-if management of tiger
sites will lead to successful tiger
• 14 tiger reserves in India-
CA/TS accredited
• 3 in Assam-Manas, Kaziranga
Article 371B – Assam and Orang.
• Nameri Tiger reserve - could not
● Article 371B, the president may provide for get CA|TS accreditation.
the Constitution and functions of a
committee of Legislative Assembly of
the state consisting of members elected
from the tribal areas of Assam.
● 22nd Amendment Act, 1969- 22nd
Constitutional Amendment Act (1969)
created Meghalaya as an 'autonomous
state' or 'substate' within the state of
Assam with its own legislature and
council of ministers.
● it achieved full statehood on January 21,
39. Asom Darshan Scheme
● To promote tourism in Assam
● Objective - To popularise cultural and
natural places in Assam

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

47. Tejasvi Navadhimstu Edu Infra

• 50 cr fund to 6 universities of
Assam to upgrade infrastructure.
Summary Assam Budget 2022-
Receipt on Contingency Fund- Rs.2000 Crore
● Under Art 205 and 206 of Constitution
Contingency Fund augmented from Rs 200
cr to Rs 2000 cr
Oil India Limited

● Assam government requested

Government of India to provide us with a
minimum 5% share in Oil India Limited.
Other Capital investment announced
1. Kaziranga elevated corridor 2. Construction of underwater Road cum
On NH 37 Rail Tunnel between Jamuguri and
● First in the country
● The Road and Railway Ministries along
with the Border Road Organisation
(BRO) have decided to develop the
country’s first underwater road-cum-rail
tunnels across the Brahmaputra in Assam.
● It is estimated to cost of Rs 7,000 crore.
● The tunnel will connect Silghat on the
south bank and Dhaliabil railway station
on the north bank of Brahmaputra.

Locate- NH 37- Goalpara to Saikhoa Ghat

NH 31/ NH 52/ NH 39/ NH 150

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● ₹25 crore earmarked each for the holistic

development of Tai Ahom, Moran, Matak,
Chutia and Koch-Rajbongshi in the
present budget.

Seuj Axom Abhijan or Assam Green Mission

● To increase green cover in Assam from

36 per cent and to 38 per cent in five
years using the Miyawaki model.

Youth Commission
● After Kerala(Assam 2nd)

Axom Adarxo Gram Yojana

● Axom Adarxo Gram Yojana was taken up

for creating 250 model villages

● Propose to create three municipal cadres

under the “Assam Municipalities
(Amendment) Act, 2017”
1. The Assam Urban Administrative
2. The Assam Urban Administrative
Engineering Service
3. The Assam Urban Financial Service
Note- This is different from the Four-lane tunnel ● Urban Infrastructure Development
that willlink Gohpur (NH-52) with Numaligarh Fund(by removing City Infrastructure
(NH-37)- covered in Current Affairs topic no Development Fund) . This fund will be
320. available to all Municipal towns\
Namghars and Satras Assam Knowledge Network- equipping state
Institutions with high speed internet.
● Projects to preserve Eksarana Dharma
undertaken at Bordowa Than in ● Project Swachhata is on to ensure better
Narayanpur and Gangmou Satra ecosystem and hygiene in State
● ₹2.5 lakh to each of 1,260 namghars secretariat.
● e-Prastutifor standardization of all
Lachit Borphukan Samadhi Government websites to deliver
information and services.
● beautification of Lachit Borphukan ● Amar Alohi scheme, more than 60
Samadhi at Hollongapar homestay facilities

ST development 26th November- National Milk Day

● Proposal to allow up to 50 bigha per tribal Vidyanjali 2.0: Assam is No.1 in the country:
family by removing upper ceiling of 8
bigha under Assam Land Policy, 2019. ● inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra
SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

Modi on September 7, 2021 UJJWAL ABAHAN:

students, former teachers, well-wishers,
professionals, private organisations, NGOs ● ONGC-supported Assam Handloom
and corporates, former and present project ‘Ujjwal Abahan’ on 6 August 2021
employees to contribute meaningfully to through virtual platform.
their alma mater
● The project will support and train over a
● Assam has earned the distinction of hundred artisans of Bhatiapar of
being ranked first in the country so far Sivasagar, Assam in Hathkharga
Welfare of the people of Bodoland Region: handicraft.
● mission ‘Dugdhadharas’,cross-breed
cattle yielding 12 - 13 litres of milk per day Assam One Time Grant for Media Personality
will be provided to cooperative farming Scheme 2023
societies to enhance livelihood.
● The state govt. will provide one time grant
of Rs. 50,000 to journalists who have no
Assam Migrant Labour Food Security Scheme affiliation to any political party.
● Only those journalists who have published
● Labour and Welfare Department or broadcast at least three success
● Objective: stories of government schemes in the
last 12 months can apply.
1. Provision of dry ration to migrant workers PROJECT NIRAMAY:
during emergency time.
2. To provide Relief to migrant workers ● National Health Mission (NHM) with
Piramal Swasthya and Cisco to evaluate
during emergency time like the recent
and demonstrate the integration of digital
lockdown.. health technology to strengthen public
health care delivery.
Some of the Product List in Assam:

● Assam Tea - New Tinsukia Station

● Local Assamese Gamosa - Guwahati
● At Naharlagun station of Rangiya
division - traditional Headgear, local
“Gale” worn by tribal women, tribal men’s
jacket - showcasing the glimpse of
traditional costume of Arunachal Pradesh.
Naharlagun railway station is a railway station
located in Papum Pare district of Arunachal
“Alaap-Alochana” initiative Pradesh.
● All-round development of Indigenous Assam Tea Industries Special Incentive
Assamese Muslim community this Scheme (ATISIS)
Government has taken this new initiative
“Alaap-Alochana” ● To establish a balance between the
production of CTC tea and orthodox
● the intellectuals and leading citizens of the
Community are brought to single platform
for discussion

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,
Assam Scheme

● Rs. 40,000 in lieu of 1 tola gold to newly-

wed brides with annual
family income of less than Rs. 5 Lakh.

● Mandatory Registration of Marriage under

the Special Marriage
Act, 1954
● Bride and Groom must be a resident of
● Age of Bride and Groom should be 18
years and 21 years respectively.
● Bride and Groom must have passed at
least HSLC or equivalent

To end on 1st April 2023

Bhraman Sarathi
● Free and dedicated bus services for
women and senior citizens
in Guwahati

● Pink buses in busiest routes will provide

safe and comfortable

● Free ride in ASTC for youth appearing in

examination / interviews

Padma Shri Yeshe Dorjee Thongchi Chosen for

Anandaram Dhekial Phukan Award-2022
● Padma Shri Yeshe Dorjee Thongchi has
been chosen to receive the Anandaram
Dhekial Phukan Award in 2022.
Yeshe Dorjee Thongchi will receive the award for
promoting peace and harmony between
Assamand Arunachal Pradesh

SPM IAS Academy, D.S. Mansion 2nd floor, Opposite Indian Oil Petrol Pump, Near Assam State Zoo, Zoo Road,
Guwahati, Assam – 781005 Phone: 6901259799, Students’ Support Team: 7099064717,

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