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EL-Augsburg Service Manual

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Description W

Service manual e

1. Instructions 2
2. Malfunctions 2
2.1 Possible problems 2
3. Incorrect setup operation 5
3.1 Reload parameter values 5
4. Replace soft ware 6
4.1 Spare parts delivery for E+L guiding systems 6
4.2 Function expansion to an existing guiding system 6
4.3 Function expansion to include oscillating mode 6
4.4 Retrofitting a digital coloured line sensor 6
4.5 Software replacement 6
5. CAN bus cards 8
5.1 Control card RK 40.. 8
5.2 Central processor ZC 40.. 9
6. Serial bus cards 10
6.1 Logic card LK 4002 10
6.2 Logic card LK 4010 10
7. Expansion cards 11
7.1 Analog card AK 4002 11
7.2 Power module PK 40.. 11
8. Technical Data 12
8.1 Analog card AK 40.. 12
8.2 Logic card LK 4002 12
8.3 Logic card LK 4010 12
8.4 Power unit PK 40.. 12
8.5 Control card RK 40.. 13
8.6 Central processor ZC 40.. 13

Service manual

Explanation of symbols
➜ = jobs to be performed
= important information and instructions

This manual is designed as an aid to clearing simple malfunctions or

1. Instructions incorrect operation. Your E+L service engineers supply full support
for all problems.

Check and change parameter settings according to the parameter

2. Malfunctions list only (attached to the block diagram) and always note the set
parameter values. Group and device numbers (addresses) are
specified in the block diagram. If parameter settings have been
corrected, an intialisation run must be performed afterwards.

2.1 Possible problems (Note: X = place retainer; e.g. address X.6)

Problem / Malfunction possible causes recommended action

Operating voltage indicator Operating voltage not supplied Check voltages and electrical
+5 V DC does not go on. Power unit defective connections according to wiring
Line to CAN bus card broken diagram

Support beam does not move mechanical defect Call E+L service engineer.
(positioning drive) Operating voltage not supplied Check electrical connections.
Incorrectly set parameter in Check/changer support beam-guider
device 6 and/or 7 (address X.6 / X.7). according to parameter list
..7. speed automatic = 0 mm/s Increase speed
..8. speed manual = 0 mm/s Increase speed
.1.1. motor current insufficient Set motor current according to
type plate
Gears blocked Set motor current to double the nom.
value and perform initialisation run,
then set nominal current
(Process must not last longer
than 2 mins. - motor might other-
wise be destroyed!)

Actuating element does not move mechanical defect Call E+L service engineer
(Actuator does not move) Operating voltage not supplied Check electrical connections
Connection defective Check plug connections
Incorrectly set parameter in Check/change guider settings .
device 5 (control card, address X.5) according to parameter list
..7. speed automatic = 0 mm/s Increase speed
..8. speed manual = 0 mm/s Increase speed
..9. pos. range +/- insufficient Increase actuating range limits
.1.1. motor current insufficient Set motor current according to
type plate
.1.5. control mode Set correct operating mode
Reference switch incorrectly mounted See act. element descr. for mounting

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Service manual

Problem / malfunction possible causes recommended action

Actuator moves in one direction only Initialisation run not performed Perform initialisation run
and stops (see command station DO description)
Ref. switch activated several times Check ref. switch mounting
(several switch points - CAN LED flashes)

Actuator motor direction of rotation Incorrectly set parameter in Check/change parameter setting
incorrect device 5 (address X.5) according to parameter list
.1.2. motor direction (0 = normal / 1 = inverted)

Initialisation run not possible Incorrect connection to actuator Check connections

(is not initiated) (e.g. motor line mistaken)
Motor direction of rotation is wrong Check/change motor direction of rot.
Reference switch incorr. mounted / defect Check reference switch
Incorrectly set parameter in Check/change parameter setting
device 5 (address X.5) according to parameter list
..9. pos. range +/- insufficient Increase actuating range limits
.1.1. motor current insufficient Set motor current according to
type plate
Ref. switch activated several times Check reference switch mounting
(several switch points - CAN LED flashes)

Act. element does go into center pos. Reference switch incorr. mounted / defect Check reference switch
(Centering) Incorrectly set parameter in Check/change parameter setting
device 5 (address X.5) according to parameter list
.1.6. zero offset Set offset to 0.0

Actuator moves in one direction only Mechanical defect Call E+L service engineer.
in manual mode Ref. switch incorrectly mounted See act. element descrip. for mounting
Motor leads mixed up
A/B incremental encoder lines mixed up

Act. element does not move in Incorrectly set parameter in Check/change guider settings
manual mode device 5 (control card, address X.5) according to the parameter list
..8. speed manual = 0 mm/s Increase speed
Initialisation run not performed Perform initialisation run
Incorrectly set parameter in Check/change parameter settings
device 5 (address X.5) according to parameter list
..9. pos. range +/- insufficient Increase actuating range limits
.1.1. motor current insufficient See motor current according to
type plate

Actuator moves in one direction only Mechanical defect Call E+L service engineer
in automatic mode Ref. switch incorrectly mounted See act. element descrip.for mounting
Motor leads mixed up
A/B incremental encoder lines mixed up
Sensor signal incorrect /not supplied Check sensor function according to
sensor description

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Service manual

Problem / malfunction possible causes recommended action

Actuator does not move in Incorrectly set parameter in Check/change guider settings
automatic mode device 5 (control card, address X.5) according to parameter list
..7. speed automatic = 0 mm/s Increase speed
..9. pos. range +/- insufficient Increase actuating range limits
.1.1. motor current insufficient Set motor current according to
type plate
Sensor signal incorrect /not supplied Check sensor function according to
sensor description
Guider not enabled Close guider enable contact
Initialisation run not performed Perform initialisation run

Actuating path is not symmetrical Actuator not centered Consult E+L service engineer
Actuator is mounted off-center Reposition actuator
Actuator goes to its mechanical stops Reduce actuating range limits in
.9. pos. range +/-

CAN LED does not go on no +24 V DC voltage supply Check voltage supply
no software in the appropriate Plug in EPROM
CAN bus card
CAN bus card defective Replace CAN bus card

CAN LED lights up red Malfunction on the CAN bus card or Check all bus connection according
interrupted CAN bus line to the block diagram
No CAN terminating resistor connector

CAN LED flashes continuously unknown hardware Check hardware components.

1 x green and 1 x red serial bus card defective or no Disconnect all serial bus cards one
(unknow hardware) serial bus terminating resistor connector after another then reconnect until the
error occurs again - last card to
be reconnected possibly defective.
Check terminating resistor connector
Reference switch activated several times Check reference switch mounting
(several switch points)

CAN LED flashes continuously more serial bus cards /devices Reduce no. of serial bus cards/devices
1 x green and 2 x red than allowed attached to the CAN bus card and check CAN bus connections
(max comp reached) (generally max. 8). according to block diagram
(consult E+L service engineer).

CAN LED flashes continuously internal error ---

1 x green and 3 x red
(no link defined)

CAN LED flashes continuously Memory overflow in the EEPROM Reduce no. of serial bus cards
1 x green and 4 x red Consult E+L service engineer
EEprom overflow

Operating or function keys on Key is disabled via key filter Enable key via Hex code in
command station have no effect (key filter parameter). key filter parameter (see command
station DO description)

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Service manual

Problem / malfunction possible causes recommended action

All displays on the command station Connectors X 1and X 2 on relevant Check connectors on operator panel
light up red operator panel RT 4... mixed up RT 4...

Setup parameters cannot "Display parameter" only, e.g. see parameter list
be changed software version
Setup editor disabled see command station DOdescription
DIP switch S 2.8 = on (DIP switch S 2.8 = off) and/or
expanded setup is not selected Select expanded setup (enter 42 in
parameter ..3. , change parameter )

Setup cannot be quit Incorrect operation Isolate guider voltage

Attention: changed parameter values
are thus stored.

3. Incorrect setup When quitting the setup editor (setup mode / expanded setup
mode) via a reset or isolating the guider voltage, changed para-
operation meters are stored.

3.1 Reload parameter values If the parameters are changed such as to impair guider function, the
E+L basic setting can be loaded again. If setup operation was incor-
rect however, the E+L basic setting may already be overwritten and
the guider cannot continue to operate error-free in this situation. In
this event, the "default values" must be loaded and the guider re-pa-
rameterized with the aid of the parameter list.
First load the E+L basic setting, if you have no success with
this, load the default values and re-parameterize the guider.

Load E+L basic setting

➜ Select expanded setup mode
➜ Load the E+L basic setting; select parameter ..2. reset settings
and set the number 1, change parameter (see parameter list).
➜ Perform guider reset; select parameter ..3. start service, set the
number 1 and change parameters.

Load default values

➜ Select expanded setup mode
➜ Load default values; select parameter ..2. reset settings and set
the number 2, change parameters (see parameter list).
➜ Perform guider reset; select parameter ..3. start service and set
the number 1, change parameters.

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Service manual

➜ Select expanded setup mode
➜ Set the values specified in the parameter protocol in all parame-
If the system was not designed by E+L, set the values specified in
the "value" column in all parameters in the parameter list.
➜ Perform guider reset; select parameter ..3. start service, set the
number 1 and change parameters.

The software for E+L guiders and the appropriate E+L components is
4. Replace soft in principle downwardly compatible i.e. components with current and
ware older software can be combined. The old function scope is retained,
extended functions of the new software have no bearing in this case.
4.1 Spare parts delivery for
E+L guiding systems On support beam VS 353. both RK control cards must always
have the same software. This means that when the software is
changed, both programme memories must be replaced. We
however also recommend that you replace the software in the ma-
ster device (address X.5).

4.2 Function expansion to an In the case of function expansions to existing guiding systems, the
existing guiding system programme memories in the master device (address X.5) and in all
componnts affected by the function expansion must be replaced
(same software status).
Function expansions should be performed by E+L only!

4.3 Function expansion to When expanding function to include oscillating mode on VS 3530 the
include oscillating mode software status must be current in command station DO 002., in
the web guider (master device, address X.5) and in support beam
VS 3530 (in both control cards, address X.6 und X.7).

4.4 Retrofitting a digital colou- If a web guiding system is retrofitted with a digital coloured line sen-
red line sensor sor, both command station DO and control card RK in the master de-
vice must be equipped with the current software.

4.5 Software replacement The following are required:

- control block diagram
- descriptions of all affected components
- parameter lists
- programme memory (EPROM with new software)
- appropriate tools

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Service manual

Programme memories (EPROM with software) are located on all RK

control cards and ZC central processors (see block diagram). Which
programme memory belongs to which device can be read from the
software number (see adhesive label on the EPROM).
Software RK 4...... control card programme memory
(act. element / master device +supp. beam)
Software ZC 4...... central processor programme memory
(command stations and interfaces)
Replace programme memory as follows:
- Enter all parameter values of the "old" programme memory in the
parameter lists (see block diagram for address).
- Switch off mains voltage.
Socket - Remove old programme memory carefully and insert the new pro-
gramme memory correctly. The notches on the socket and
EPROM must match (visual checking of connections).
- Switch the mains voltage back on.
- Select expanded setup mode (see CAN bus, serial bus and setup-
RK4002-0001U_ZL editor or command station DO.. descriptions).
- Select parameter ..3. in the master device (address X.5) and set
the number 99, then change parameters.
Software number
- Check the addresses of the attached devices, such as sensors,
support beam etc. in the new programme memory. The addresses
are specified in the block diagram and parameter list.
- Enter the parameter values you have noted in the new program-
me memory (changed device).
Web guider initialisation run - Perform web guider initialisation run and if featured, perform su-
port beam initialisation run (see CAN bus, serial bus and setup-
+ editor descriptions).
- Select manual mode and check the direction of rotation and end
+ position display.
- Select sensors and set automatic mode. Then check the web gui-
Support beam initialisation run der function.
+ - Commission the new components such as remote display DO ac-
cording to the description and perform further parameter settings
as necessary (see parameter list and description).

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Service manual

Every CAN bus card has its own address which is specified in the
5. CAN bus cards block diagram of systems designed by E+L. Setting is performed on
all CAN bus cards via DIP switch S 2.
The address is made up of two parts:
- the group number from 0 to 7
- the device number from 1 to F (hex)
Example: address 0.5 0 = group number
5 = device number
Each address must be assigned once only! ! The settings on
the DIP switch are in binary code form.

Example: group number 0, device number 5, setup editor free

S 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1234 Disable setup editor (master device):
1234 S 2.8 on = setup editor disabled
OFF 1234 S 2.8 off = setup editor free

Binary value:
1 2 4 8 1 2 4
Device number (e.g. B. 5) : Group number (e.g. 0) :
DIP switch S 2.1 - S 2.4 DIP switch S 2.5 - S 2.7
DIP switch S 2

5.1 Control card RK 40.. The control card converts all signals required for controlling into an
appropriate corrective signal for a DC actuator. The motor current is
also monitored.
Depending on the control card task, various connectors are assi-
gned (see diagram and illustration at top of page 9).

Magnetic incremental
encoder signals
X1 Supply voltage 20 to 30 V DC.
M X2 DC actuator and magnetic incremental encoder.
X3 Command station for web offset RE..
DC actuator actuating
signal X4 Reference switch and external signals e.g. "Guider stop"
X5 CAN bus interface RS 422 for digital sensor.
X6 CAN bus interface RS 422 for digital sensor.
Optical incremental
encoder signals X7 CAN bus interface for CAN bus compatible E+L components
X 10 e.g. a further RK control card
X2 X8 Analog card AK 4.., for connecting analog sensors
Actuating signal
DC actuator X9 Serial bus components from E+L such as operator panel RT.
X 10 Optical incremental encoder
Connector X 2 and X 10
X 11 Power unit PK for increasing the output power to 100 W.

H1 +5 V operating voltage available.
H2 Current controller for DC actuator active.

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Service manual

X9 X8 Most common addresses on the DIP switch:

Guider (master device) 0.5 (hex)
Right support beam 0.6 (hex)
Left support beam 0.7 (hex)
S 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
X6 X4 ON


Binary value:1 2 4 8 1 2 4
H1 DIP switch
S 2.1 bis S 2.8 6 0
X5 S 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

X 11 X 10 X2

7 0
S 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Control card RK 40..

5.2 Central processor ZC 40.. The ZC 40.. central processor is a CAN bus controller and is located
in DI interfaces and DO command stations (see diagram).

X1 Supply voltage 20 to 30 V DC.
X2 Serial bus components from E+L such as operator panel RT.
X3 CAN bus interface
X4 System bus (processor bus), connection for E+L expansion
cards e.g. ARCNET interface

H1 Operating voltage of +5 V available

X4 Address on DIP switch 1.E (hex)
E 1
S 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

DIP switch
S 2.1 bis S 2.8 Binary value:1 2 4 8 1 2 4

H1 X3 X2

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Service manual

Logic card LK 40..serves as an input-output module (I/O-Port) for

6. Serial bus cards transferring commands or reading values in and out.

LK 4002 connections
6.1 Logic card LK 4002 X1 Supply voltage 0 V DC
8 digital inputs
X2 Supply voltage 20 to 30 V DC
8 digital outputs
X3 serial bus ("In"). Connection to CAN bus card ZC 40..
X4 serial bus ("Out"), E+L components such as operator panel RT
or further logic cards.

LK 4002 LEDs
H9 Internal supply voltage of +5 V DC
H 10 Supply voltage of 20 - 30 V DC
H 1 to H 8 (digital inputs)
Input 1 to 8 (H 1 to H 8); go on when logical "1" set
H 11 bis H 18 (digital outputs)
Output 1 to 8 (H 18 to H 11); go on when logisch "1" set
LK 4010 connections

LK 4002 LK 4010


X1 X3

X1 X4

6.2 Logic card LK 4010 X1 serial bus ("In"). Connection to CAN bus card ZC 40..
X2 4 digital inputs and 0 V DC (ground reference)
X3 serial bus ("Out"), E+L components such as operator panel RT
or further logic cards.

LK 4010 LEDS
H5 internal supply voltage of +5 V DC
H 1 bis H 4 (digital inputs)
input 1 to 4 ( H 1 to H 4), go on when logical "1" set

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Service manual

7. Expansion
7.1 Analog card AK 4002 Analog card AK 4002 features two analog-digital converters which
convert analog sensor signals into pulse width-modulated signals.

X2 X1 X 1 and X 4
Connection to sensor (if not assigned, connect jumper as indi-
X5 X4 cated in diagram).
H2 H1
X 2 and X 5
Connection to sensor (if not assigned, connect jumper as indi-
cated in diagram)
X3 Connection to control card RK 40..

H1 Operating voltage +12 V DC supplied.
H2 Operating voltage -12 V DC supplied.

Overload protection
F1 If the output voltage of ±12 V is shorted out or overloaded,
thermostatic switch F 1 shuts off the output voltage. Once the
malfunction has been cleared and the thermostatic switch coo-
led down, analog card AK 4002 is operational again.

7.2 Power module PK 40.. Power module PK 40.. is an additional power unit for control card
RK 40.. and is used to increase the overall output power of a digital
guider to 100 W.

X1 Supply voltage 24 V DC.
X2 DC actuator AG.. and connection to control card RK 40.. termi-
nal X 2
X4 Connection to control card RK 40.. terminal X 11.

H1 Operating voltage +5 V DC supplied.
H2 Current controller for DC actuator active.

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Service manual

Supply voltage AK 4002 20 to 30 V DC

8. Technical Data
Output voltage 2 x ±12 V DC
(Sensor supply voltage)
8.1 Analog card AK 40.. Output current maximum 0.5 A
Input signal 2 x ±10 V
Output signal 2 x +5 V (PWM)

8.2 Logic card LK 4002 Internal supply voltage +5 V DC

External supply voltage 20 - 30 V DC
including residual ripple
External current input
per LK 4002 maximum 4 A (8 x 0.5 A)
Potential-free inputs
Input voltage
with signal "1" 20 - 30 V DC
Input voltage
with signal "0" < 3 V DC
Input current maximum 10 mA
Potential-free outputs
Output voltage
with signal "1" supply voltage - 1 V
Output current per output maximum 0.5 A
Ambient temperature 0 - 50° C

8.3 Logic card LK 4010 Internal supply voltage +5 V DC

Potential-free inputs
Input voltage
with signal "1" 20 - 30 V DC
Input voltage
with signal "0" < 3 V DC
Input current maximum 10 mA

8.4 Power unit PK 40.. Supply voltage

including residual ripple 20 to 30 V DC
Current input maximum 3.5 A
Power input
depending on output loading maximum 85 W
Output voltage 22 V pulse width-modulated
Output power
with additional heat sinks maximum 50 W
Output power in conjunction
with control card RK 4002 maximum 100 W
Heat sink 2.5 W / K

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Service manual

8.5 Control card RK 40.. Supply voltage

including residual ripple 20 to 30 V DC
Power input
(depending on output loading) 30 W to 100 W
Output voltage ±22 V (PWM)
(pulse width-modulated)
Output power
without additional heat sinks maximum 20 W
with additional heat sinks maximum 50 W
with external power module maximum 100 W
Protection class IP 00

8.6 Central processor ZC 40.. Supply voltage 20 to 30 V DC

Current input maximum 0.5 A
CAN bus
CAN bus level + 5 V (potential-free)
CAN baud rate 250 KBaud
Serial interface
Serial interface level 5V
Synchronous baud rate 1.3 MBaud
Technical data subject to modification without notice

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Erhardt + Leimer GmbH
Postfach 10 15 40
D-86136 Augsburg
Telefon (0821) 24 35-0
Telefax (0821) 24 35-666

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