Pa44 Fact Sheet

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PA-44 Fact sheet ERU

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2. 406 MHZ ELT Starting February 1, 2009 the ELT frequency 121.50 Mhz will not be monitored by a satellite. The frequency 406
Mhz will be used and monitored by a satellite. Local ATC towers and other local facilities will still monitor
121.50 Mhz from the ground, so they might hear the ELT alert, but it will not be monitored from space anymore.
While it is not mandatory to switch to a 406Mhz ELT, there are some advantages:
3. AIRFRAME Aluminum alloy construction
semi‐monocoque fuselage
4. Air used for goes into the engine through an air filter and then through the induction air box mounted on the bottom of the
combustion engine. The induction air box has a manually operated two way valve that allows the carburetor to receive:
induction air or carburetor heat.
5. ALT ALT When either alternator output is zero
6. At low pitch and 1. Oil pressure
high RPM what 2. Nitrogen, Hub spring, counter weights
forces are acting
on the propeller?
In high pitch and
feather/ Low RPM
and feather?
7. Battery & Battery The battery (12 volt, 35‐ampere hour) is located in the nose compartment and is kept charged by the 14 volt
contactor alternators. The battery and alternator switches incorporate a relay or contactor. A relay or contactor can be
thought of as a remote switch. For example the battery master switch activates the battery contactor which then
connects the battery to the system. This accomplishes two things: 1. It keeps the larger amounts of electrical
energy away from the pilot. 2. It keeps the amount of heavier gauged wire down to a minimum, reducing
electrical resistance and overall weight.
8. BRAKES The wheel brakes consist of two single‐disc, double‐puck brake assemblies, one on each main wheel. There are
four master brake cylinders, one located behind each rudder pedal.
9. Cicuit-breakers There are circuit‐breakers to protect the electrical system and equipment. A circuit‐ breaker contains a piece of
metal that will heat and expand when electricity moves through it. If the circuit breaker has more than the
normal amount of electricity flowing through it, the metal will get very hot, expand a great deal, and actually
push out or "pop" the circuit breaker. Re‐setting, the circuit‐breaker requires a "cool down" period of a few
minutes (Piper recommends 2 to 5 minutes) to allow the metal and other electrical wires to cool down.
Repeated re‐setting of the circuit‐breaker after it pops out could result in a fire. Some circuit‐breakers are
designed to be pulled out manually
10. Constant speed The propeller governor will automatically vary oil pressure inside the propeller hub to change the propeller
blade pitch in order to maintain constant engine RPM
11. Continued: Propeller pitch is controlled by oil, a hub spring, counterweights, and nitrogen pressure. Governors supply
engine oil at various pressures to the propeller hub to maintain constant RPM settings. Each governor controls
engine speed by varying the pitch of the propeller to match load torque to engine torque in response to
changing flight conditions.
12. Controllable Pitch Controllable pitch is the ability to control engine RPM by varying the pitch of the propeller blades.
13. Controllable pitch When the blue propeller control handle is moved forward, oil pressure, regulated by a propeller governor,
discussion drives a piston, which moves the blades to a low pitch-high RPM (unfeathered) position. When the blue
propeller control handle is moved aft, oil pressure is reduced by the propeller governor. This allows a nitrogen-
charged cylinder, spring and centrifugal counterweights to drive the blades to a high pitch-low RPM (feathered
14. Cowl flaps change volume of air flowing through engine cowling. Cools engine. Cowl flap cover has (open, intermediate,
and closed) positions
15. Cross feed The crossfeed position should only be used in level flight and then only to keep the fuel load
balanced across the airplane (usually in a single engine scenario). In flight, the fuel selectors should
never both be in the X‐Feed position. Do not takeoff or land with a fuel selector in the X‐Feed position.
There are two fuel quantity gauges as well as two fuel pressure gauges located on the instrument
panel in front of the pilot.
16. Differential Ailerons With differential ailerons, the aileron that is raised will travel upward a greater distance than the aileron
that is lowered. This produces an increase in drag on the descending wing, the wing with the upward
aileron. The greater drag results from the larger deflection of the aileron which results in parasite drag.
In the Piper Seminole the ailerons deflect upward 23° (±2°) and downward 17° (±2°). The flight controls
use a system of gears, chains, cables, pulleys, bellcranks, pushrods, and counterweights.
17. doors & exits entry/exit door-forward right (passenger) cargo door-aft right side emergency egress-forward left
(pilot) window.
18. The effects of the anti- 1. Increase the angle of attack on the control surface resulting in a more effective control surface. 2.
servo trim tab will Increase pilot feedback by making it harder for the pilot to move the control surface the more it is
deflected up or down. 3. Increase stability by the relative wind forcing the control surface back to the
neutral position.
19. Electrical The electrical system is a negative‐ground, dual‐fed, spilt‐bus system. There are two belt‐ driven, 14‐
volt, 70 ampere alternators; one mounted on each engine.
20. The electrical systems 1. Battery Bus 2. Avionics Bus #1 3. Tie Bus 4. Main Bus 5. Avionics Bus #2 6. Non‐Essential Bus
contain 6 bus bars which
distribute the electricity.
The names of the busses
can be remembered by
using the acronym
21. Emergency Exit The left window can be removed to be used as an emergency exit. To open the exit removed the
plastic cover over the handle, pull the handle towards the nose of the airplane, and push the window
out. The window will then free fall out of the frame. This exit should only be opened and used when on
the ground.
22. Emergency Extension The emergency extension utilizes a basic pressure relief valve. The landing gear is held in the UP
position by hydraulic pressure. If that pressure is released, gravity will cause the landing gear to free‐
fall to the Down position. While the landing gear is extending, the piston in the hydraulic actuator will
move the hydraulic fluid into the extension side of the gear actuators.
23. Emergency Extension When using the Emergency Gear Extension Knob, move the metal guard up and out of the way of the
(continued) knob and pull the knob out fully. Leave it out fully. Only Fleet Maintenance personnel should push the
knob back in and only after the landing gear system has been checked. The maximum emergency
extension speed is 100 KIAS.
24. Emergency Locator The ELT is located in the aft fuselage section of the airplane. It runs off its own self contained battery.
Transmitter (ELT) The battery must be replaced after 1 hour of cumulative use, after it has been used in an emergency
situation, or after the replacement date on the battery, which is half the shelf life of the battery. It can
be tested during the first 5 minutes after the hour for no more than 3 audio sweeps. There is an
automatic G‐switch that will turn on the ELT after a hard landing or a crash, and a remote switch
located on the instrument panel that can turn on the ELT anytime.
25. Engines LHAND: The Seminoles engines are manufactured by Lycoming Engines of Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
The engines have horizontally opposed Pistons, producing 360 cubic inches of displacement. Each
engine is air cooled, drawing air in through the front of the engine cowling. The engines are normally
aspirated (no turbo or super charging). Each engine is direct drive, the crankshaft is connected directly
to the propeller).
26. Engines The Seminoles four‐cylinder O‐360‐A1H6 engines produce 180 hp at 2700 RPM. 360 denotes the 360 inches of
cubic displacement in the cylinders & A1H6 is the engines accessory code. The engines are carbureted and right
engine LO‐360‐A1H6, left‐turning. The engines oil system requires 6 t0 8 quarts and ATP's minimum is 6.5 quarts.
each engine has its own oil dipstick
27. Environmental The environmental system provides both outside air and heated air for cabin heat and defrosters. There is an air
blower near the tail of the airplane and a Janitrol combustion heater, which is located in the nose compartment of
the airplane. Both ram air through vents on the outside of the airplane and an air blower can move air through the
overhead vents.
28. External External power of 14 volts may be used to power the airplane. It would be plugged in underneath the nose and to
Power the right of the nose wheel doors. It is a good practice to start one engine with external power, then disconnect the
external power and start the other engine on the airplanes own power system to help make sure it is working
properly. Be sure to refer to the appropriate checklist before doing this procedure.
29. Feathering control full aft into the detent position. Feathering 10 to 17 seconds Un-feathering accumulators store engine oil
under pressure from the engine, which is released directly to the governors for propeller unfeathering.
Un-feathering 8 to 12 seconds, depending on oil temperature.
30. feathering - is operated by centrifugal force, prevent feathering during engine shutdown by making it impossible to feather
lock anytime the engine speed falls below 950 RPM. -If there is no oil pressure in the engine and the engine speed is
above 950 RPM the propeller will feather.
31. Flaps The Seminole incorporates plain flaps that are extended and retracted by a manual flap control handle. The flaps are
extended by a control cable and pushrods with the use of the flap control handle. The flaps can be selected in 4
different positions: 0, 10, 25, and 40 degrees. The flaps are spring‐loaded to return to the retracted (0°) position. The
flap control handle incorporates a button that must be pressed only when retracting the flaps. The button does not
need to be depressed to extend the flaps. The right flap incorporates a lock to allow the right flap to be used as a
step. The maximum flaps operating speed is 111 KIAS.
32. Flight controls The empennage consists of a vertical stabilizer and a horizontal tail surface (or stabilator). The stabilator is an all‐
and Trim moveable slab‐type with an anti‐servo trim tab mounted on the trailing edge. Both the rudder and stabilator
incorporate anti‐servo trim tabs, which provide longitudinal stability and trim. The ailerons are frise‐type with some
differential characteristics.
33. Frise type When the yoke is moved the aileron that is being raised pivots on an offset hinge. This projects the leading edge of
Ailerons the aileron into the airflow and creates parasite drag. The drag helps equalize the drag created by the lowered
aileron on the opposite wing and reduces adverse yaw. The frise‐type aileron also forms a slot so air flows
smoothly over the lowered aileron, making it more effective at high angles of attack.
34. Fuel There are two 55 gallon total fuel cells (54 usable), one in each nacelle (behind each engine). The total capacity is
110 gallons with 108 gallons of fuel usable. The fuel tanks are made of a rubber bladder. There are four fuel vents,
one in each fuel cap and one under each wing. The vents under the wing feature an anti‐icing design. The curvature
in front of the fuel vent disturbs the air and prevents ice from forming on the exposed fuel vent.
35. fuel quantities 110 gallons total 108 gallons usable
36. Fuel Selector There is a fuel selector for each engine that has a 3‐position switch (ON, OFF, X‐Feed (crossfeed). If the left engine
fuel selector is ON, fuel will be used from the left tank to the left engine. If the left engine fuel selector is OFF, no
fuel will flow to the left engine. If the left engine fuel selector is in the X‐Feed position, fuel will be fed from the right
fuel tank to the left engine. The right fuel selector works in a similar way, but with the opposite tank.
37. Fuel System The intake manifold is the pipe that carries the fuel/air mixture to the cylinder from the carburetor). At a constant
Cont'd rpm and altitude, the amount of power produced is directly related to the fuel/air flow being delivered to the
combustion chamber. As the throttle setting is increased, more fuel and air flows to the engine and MAP increases.
When the engine is not running, the manifold pressure gauge indicates ambient air pressure (i.e., 29.92 inches of
38. Fuel System Two fuel drains are located on the right side of the fuselage near the baggage door. The system also contains two
explained engine‐driven fuel pumps and two electrical fuel pumps. The electric fuel pumps are a backup in case the engine
driven pumps fail and are also used when priming the engine. When priming the engine only three of the cylinders
are primed; the fourth cylinder, where manifold pressure is measured, is not primed. The electric fuel pumps must be
on to prime the engine
39. Full When Propeller blades are in alignment with the relative wind they are feathered
40. Gear horn The horn can be muted by pushing the yellow GEAR WARN MUTE button. The GEAR WARN MUTE button will
mute illuminate and the horn will cease its 90 cycles per second beeping. The horn can only be muted when it was caused
by the position of the throttles. The mute can only be cancelled by moving the throttles or lowering the landing gear.
41. Gear landing gear warning horn to help prevent unintentional gear up landings.
Warning horn beeps at 90 cycles per second
Horn red WARN GEAR UNSAFE light will illuminate.
42. Heater To turn the heater on, the cabin heat switch must be turned on AND the air intake lever must be in the open position.
operation To turn on the defroster, with the heater on, move the defrost lever to the on position. The temperature of the heat is
controlled by the temperature lever.
43. Heater The temperature lever acts like the heat in a home, a temperature is set and the heat goes on until that temperature is
operation reached then shuts off. When the temperature drops below the selected temperature the heater will automatically turn
CONTD back on. The heater in the airplane cycles on and off the same way.
44. Heater When the heat is turned on and the airplane is on the ground ram airflow is not flowing into the heater. There is a
operation blower that will blow air from outside into the heater to be pushed into the cabin while on the ground. This blower
continued shuts off when the up limit switch on the nose wheel is depressed (meaning the gear is up). When aloft the ram air
from outside will push air into the heater and provide air for heating. The fan switch position can be used on the
ground to blow fresh outside air into the cabin.
45. HTR HTR OVERTEMP When heater temperature in vent jacket is too hot
46. Janitrol The Janitrol combustion heater uses fuel from the left fuel tank at the rate of a ½ gallon per hour. (Make sure to
combustion account for this during flight planning). There is a fuel pump in the nose compartment to pump fuel from the left tank
heater to the heater. The heater draws in outside air and uses a spark plug and fuel to make a "high velocity whirling flame".
The heat from this flame will heat air moving around a shroud around the heater and then push warm air into the
cabin. This operates in similar principle to the cabin heat of a Cessna 172, however it does not involve engine exhaust
at all. When the heater is on, heat should be felt right away.
47. Landing electrically activated
Gear hydraulically actuated
electric 12‐volt, reversible pump
fluid flows in and out of an actuator
actuator raises and lowers the landing gear
LG pump is behind the baggage compartment aft bulkhead (a removable plastic panel)
extension or retraction 6 to 7 seconds
series of up‐limit, down‐limit, and squat switches that control the system
48. Landing gear 3 green gear annunciator lights are illuminated when the down‐limit switches are depressed.
cockpit The red WARN GEAR UNSAFE light illuminates when any one of the down‐limit switches are not depressed (meaning
lights and the gear is not totally down), or up‐limit switches are not depressed (meaning the gear is still in transit and not all the
handle way up).
All three of the indicator lights are interchangeable to allow troubleshooting possible landing gear extension
49. Landing gear When raising or lowering the landing gear, the hydraulic pump will activate and move hydraulic fluid from one side of
continued each landing gear actuator to the other. This fluid motion moves a piston connected to an actuator rod that is
connected to the appropriate landing or nose gear. The main gear actuators are located near the wheels under each
50. The landing 1. Landing gear is not Down‐and‐Locked and the MP is below 14" on one or both engines. This is accomplished by
gear warning micro‐switches positioned on the throttle quadrant near the throttles themselves (not from a MP indication). Because
horn will the positioning of the micro‐switches are critical to the accuracy of horn actuation, any variation in the location of
sound in the these switches will cause the gear horn to sound at a MP higher or lower than 14", as appropriate.
following 2. Flaps are extended to the 2nd or 3rd notch and the landing gear is not down and locked
three 3. If the Gear Selector switch is in the UP position when the airplane is on the ground.
51. LO BUS LO BUS When system voltage drops from 14v to 12.5v (meaning only on battery power)
52. Low The engines are equipped with an oil cooler with a low temperature bypass system and engine mounted oil filter. The
temperature bypass system only lets oil flow through the oil cooler if the oil is hot enough to need to be cooled.
53. Manifold The manifold pressure gauge measures the absolute pressure of the fuel/air mixture inside the intake manifold and is
Pressure more correctly a measure of manifold absolute pressure (MAP).
54. non The non‐essential bus is a bus that can be deactivated to quickly help reduce electrical load in the case of a single or
essential dual alternator failure. To monitor electrical loads and the system there are two ammeters which measure the
bus individual electrical load of each alternator.
55. OIL OIL When oil pressure on either engine is 15 psi and decreasing
56. Over The over‐center joint helps to keep the landing gear fully extended in the event of any side‐ loading during landing.
Center Joint "Over‐center" means that, instead of the joint being in a straight line, it is slightly bent to utilize the force of a side‐load
(gear) to help keep the gear down‐and‐ locked.
57. overheat There is a overheat switch that acts as a safety feature to shut the heater off if the heater malfunctions. If an overheat
switch happens the HTR OVER TEMP annunciator light will turn on and the heater will be automatically deactivated. Once the
function HTR OVER TEMP light illuminates the heater can only be reset on the ground by maintenance.
58. Parking To set the parking brake, depress the brake pedals first and then pull the parking brake handle up. This activates a
brake valve that traps hydraulic pressure in the brake lines. Hydraulic fluid for the brakes and the parking brake valve are
located in the nose compartment.
59. Pitot and The pitot and static lines can be drained of water through drain valves located inside the cabin to the left of the pilot
static seat near the floor. To drain press the buttons in and any water in the lines will drain out the middle of the button.
60. Pitot mast The pitot mast is also heated for de‐icing or anti‐icing if unintentionally encountering icing conditions in flight.
61. Pitot Static The pitot static system supplies pitot and static pressure to the airspeed indicator and static pressure to the altimeter,
vertical speed indictor, and blind encoder. (The blind encoder is what sends the altitude of the airplane to ATC.)
62. Propeller ...
63. Propeller ...
64. Propeller supply engine oil to the propeller hub, to maintain constant RPM settings.
governors controls engine speed by varying propeller pitch in changing flight conditions.
65. Propeller Propeller over speed is caused by malfunction of propeller governor, which allows the propeller blades to rotate to
overspeed full low pitch. In event of overspeed, move prop control to full decrease RPM, reduce airspeed and reduce throttle to
maintain a maximum of 2700 RPM
66. Propeller ...
picture 1
67. Propeller ...
picture 2
68. Propeller counter‐rotating propellers two‐bladed, constant‐speed, controllable‐pitch & full‐feathering Hartzell propellers.
(system) Propeller pitch controlled by oil, a hub spring, counterweights, and nitrogen pressure.
69. Relief and The landing gear system has a number of relief & control valves. 1. Thermal Relief Valve - the valve will open to relieve
Control pressure as a result of temperature and pressure changes as the airplane climbs or descends. 2. High Pressure Control
Valves - if the pressure switch fails to shut off the pump when the landing gear is being retracted, this valve will open to
prevent the gear pump from building excessive pressure in the hydraulic system. ¾ The only way to know if the gear
pump is still pumping is to check the alternator amp meters for a higher than normal load. A high load is shown
anytime the gear pump is pumping. 3. Low Pressure Control - if the pump fails to shut off when the gear is being
lowered, this valve will open up to prevent any damage to the gear pump or system. Again be sure to check the
alternator amp gauge to see if the gear pump is running. If the gear pump will not turn off, the associated circuit
breaker can be pulled out to shut off the pump.
70. retracted when the gear is retracted, it is held in the up position only by the hydraulic pressure. When the gear is fully extended
gear is held (DOWN), it is locked down by a down‐lock (called a "J‐Hook" because of its shape), a spring that keeps tension on the
up by? J‐Hook, and an over‐center joint which helps keep the gear down in the event of a side‐loaded landing.
DOWN mirrors on nacelles confirm gear down
gear is
down by
71. Scupper If fuel is spilled by the fuel cap, or if the tank is over filled, a drain called a scupper drain removes the excess fuel. The
drain Scupper Drain is located underneath the engine on each wing.
72. Semi- internal supports & metal skin share load
73. Stabilator The stabilator and rudder move in a similar manner as the ailerons with gears, chains, cables, pulleys, bellcranks,
pushrods, and counterweights. The stabilator and rudder trim is anti‐servo, meaning that the trim tab will move in same
direction as the control surface when it is deflected. The trim is controlled by cables, pulleys, pushrods and trim screws
that will move the trim tab. Both the rudder and the stabilator trim work in a similar manner.
74. Stall Stall warning vanes are activated when the airplane is airborne by the right squat switch. They cause an aural warning
warning when airplane is approximately 5‐10 knots above stall speed. The outboard stall warning vane operates when flaps are
set at 0 or 10 degrees. The inboard stall warning vane operates when the flaps are set at 25 and 40 degrees.
75. turning off When turning off the heater in the air, turn the heat switch off and leave the air intake open for 15 seconds. If on the
heater ground, turn the heater switch to the Fan position for two minutes. This will allow the heater to cool down after use.
while There is a placard on the instrument panel with this information as well.
76. Up-limit The main gear up‐limit switches (difficult to see) are depressed by the top of the each landing gear trunion (larger
Switch metal support that is connected to the oleo strut) as the gear retracts.
77. VAC VAC When differential vacuum between pumps is 4 in Hg ±.25 in Hg
78. vacuum The vacuum filter is located under the instrument panel and allows filtered air from inside the cabin to flow into the
filter vacuum system. Normal suction is 4.8 to 5.2 inches of mercury. There is a regulator near each pump to prevent
excessive suction in the system. There is also a set of check valves that can, in the event of a pump failure, separate
that pump from the system to maintain proper vacuum suction in the system. The suction gauge has red flow buttons
which allow the pilot to see if anyone of the pumps has failed. A red button will "pop out" in the event of a vacuum
pump failure.
79. Vacuum The vacuum systems uses two engine‐driven, dry‐type vacuum pumps (dry‐type means no liquid lubrication is used
System inside the pump). These pumps are connected to the accessory case on the back of each engine and contain a shear
drive. If the vacuum pump would break or seize up and not spin freely the shear drive will "shear" off and disconnect
the pump from the engine's accessory case to prevent damage to the engine.
80. V speeds VSO - 55 KIAS
VS - 57 KIAS
VLE-landing gear VX - 82 KIAS
extended speed VXSE - 82 KIAS
VY - 88 KIAS
VFE - 111 KIAS
VLO(retract) 109 KIAS
VLO(extend) 140 KIAS
VLE - 140 KIAS
VNO - 169 KIAS
VNE - 202 KIAS
VA - 112 KIAS (2700 lbs.)
VA-135 KIAS (3800 lbs.)
81. Watch Fuel system Video ...
& draw
82. weights Maximum Ramp Weight - 3816 lbs. Maximum Takeoff Weight - 3800 lbs. Maximum Landing Weight -
3800 lbs. Maximum Baggage Weight - 200 lbs.
83. What actions must be An alternate static source located under the left side of the instrument panel will allow air from inside
taken before activating the cabin for static pressure. The cabin and storm window must be closed and the cabin heat and
the alternate static defroster must be on when using the alternate static source.
84. what does a squat switch Each main gear or the nose gear has an up‐limit switch and a down‐limit switch to sense gear position.
do? The left and right main gears have a squat switch. A squat switch determines if the airplane is airborne
or still on the ground. The left squat switch prevents accidental gear retraction on the ground, while the
right squat switch activates the stall warning horn and starts the maintenance time (equivalent of Time in
Service in the Seminole).
85. What happens when the To lower the landing gear,
gear is lowered the Gear Selector switch is placed in the Down position. The gear pump will start and pump fluid into
the opposite side of the three hydraulic actuators.
The landing gear will begin to extend, assisted by gravity and springs.
When the up‐limit switches are not depressed, the red WARN GEAR UNSAFE light will illuminate.
The landing gear pump will continue to operate until all three down‐limit switches are depressed.
The down‐limit switches will also cause the three green landing gear position lights to illuminate.
After all three down‐limit switches are depressed, the red WARN GEAR UNSAFE light will extinguish.
86. What happens when the To raise the landing gear, the Gear Selector switch must be pulled out and (lifted) to the UP position.
gear is raised? gear pump will start and pump fluid into the "retract" side of all three actuators.
The down‐locks will disengage,
red WARN GEAR UNSAFE light will illuminate,
and the landing gear will be retracted (pushed up) by the hydraulic actuators.
The hydraulic pump will continue to operate and build‐up hydraulic pressure until a pressure switch is
activated to shut‐off the pump.
The red WARN GEAR UNSAFE light will extinguish when all three up‐limit switches are depressed.
The up‐limit switches do not turn the gear pump off.
gear is held in the up position only by hydraulic pressure.
87. What is a stabilator and Stabilator. A single-piece horizontal tail surface on an
how does it work? What airplane that pivots around a central hinge point. A stabilator
differentiates it from a serves the purposes of both the horizontal stabilizer and the
horizontal stabilizer on a elevators. PHAK G-28 Antiservo tab. An adjustable tab attached to the trailing edge
cessna 172? of a stabilator that moves in the same direction as the primary
control. It is used to make the stabilator less sensitive. PHAK
88. What is required when Never move the Gear Selector switch in the opposite direction (from Up to Down, or Down to Up) while
the gear selector the hydraulic pump is running.
hydraulic pump for the Doing so could damage the gear pump. Wait until the landing gear has finished its extension or
gear is running? retraction cycle completely and then move the Gear Selector switch to the desired position.
89. What is the job of the taking torque & drag loads. Providing a mount for flaps and ailerons
rear spar?
90. What maintains system Each alternator has an alternator control unit, located in the nose compartment, which uses a voltage
voltage, what recognizes regulator and an overvoltage relay. The regulators maintain 14 volts in the system between the two
alternator failure in the alternators (load sharing). They will also recognize if one alternator fails and still maintain a constant 14
seminole electrical volts in the system. The overvoltage relay will take the alternator offline if the voltage exceeds 17 volts.
91. What prevents the A centrifugal stop pin prevents propeller feathering below 950 RPM. the purpose is to allow propeller
propeller from blades to remain in low pitch upon engine shutdown, preventing excessive loads on the engine starter
feathering when RPM is during the next engine start.
below 950RPM
92. When does each light ...
93. When the NAV lights are If the NAV lights are On, the landing gear annunciator lights will automatically dim. This may make it
on, happens to the difficult to see if all three green lights are illuminated. It is acceptable to briefly turn the NAV lights Off
landing gear annunciator to verify that the three green lights are illuminated to ensure that the landing gear is down‐and‐locked.
94. Why do we check fuel When turning off the fuel pumps in flight, only turn them off one at a time, checking the fuel pressure
pressure? after turning each pump off. Doing so will help prevent the possibility of fuel starvation to an engine
and/or notice the failure of an engine driven fuel pump.
95. Why is max gear Retraction (VLO retract 109K), is slower than extension because the nose wheel will unlock and ram air
retraction speed 109 will push the nose wheel back into the wheel well. Any faster speed and it could damage the nose gear.
KIAS and extension Maximum Emergency Extension Speed - 100 KIAS This speed is slow to allow the nose wheel to go
speed 140 KIAS? forward into the oncoming air. There is also a large spring to help assist the nose wheel to extend
96. Why would a one or two three possible reasons: 1. gear not locked down. 2. bulb is burned out. 3. malfunction in the indicating
of the gear lights not system.
97. wings semi‐tapered 1 main spar & two auxiliary spars (attach wing to fuselage).

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