Heat Equation Applications
Heat Equation Applications
Heat Equation Applications
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بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم
الى ….من تعظم الكون بنوره له وحده اشكره واسجد شاكرا لنعمه سبحانه
العطاء وقدوتي الى … .اغلى انسان لدي في الوجود الى من علمني ان التضحية مفتاح
في الحياة …ابي الغالي
الى ….ينبوع العطف والحنان والتي بدعائها حفظني الرحمان والى المنار الذي اضاء ليلي
الطويل… امي الغالية
الى ….اساتذتي على طول مسيرتي الدراسية بدءا بمن علمني مسكة القلم وصوال الى من
تبلور على يده هذا الجهد
الى ….من احبهم بكل ما خلق هللا من حب والى من تقاسمت معهم مواجع الحياة والى كل من
كان حولي وساندني…اصدقائي
الى ….كل قطرة دم زكية سالت من اجل الحق والفضيلة …شهدائنا االبرار
ب اوزعني ان اشكر نعمتك التي انعمتَ علي بإتمام هذا البحث والصالة والسالم على خير
ر ِ
المرسلين محمد (ص) فباألمس القريب بدأنا مسيرتنا التعليميةـ ونحن نتحسس الطريق
برهبةـ وارتباك ،فرأينا أن كلية تربيةـ العلوم صرفة -قسم فيزياء هدفًا ساميًا وحبًا وغاية
يحمل في طياته طموح شباب يحلمون أن تكون أمتهم تستحق السير ألجلها ،وإن بحثنا
العربية كالشامة بين األمم.وفي هذا المقام نتوجه بالشكر الجزيل الى المشرف على البحث
الدكتور (احمد عبد الحسين طالب) فجزاه هللا عنا خير الجزاء والذي لم يبخل علینا
االنتهاء منهُ . بالتوجيهات والنصائح خالل مدة كتابة البحث حتى
Chapter One........................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction...................................................................................................1
1.1. Statement of the equation............................................................................2
1.2. Interpretation...............................................................................................5
1.2.1.Physical interpretation of the equation......................................................5
1.2.2. Mathematical interpretation of the equation............................................5
1.3. Specific examples.........................................................................................6
1.3.1. Heat flow in a uniform rod.........................................................................6
1.4. Importance of Heat Equations......................................................................8
Chapter II...........................................................................................................12
Heat equation applications................................................................................12
2.1. Theoretical Background..............................................................................12
2.2. Importance of Heat Equations....................................................................13
2.3. Application on Brownian motion................................................................14
2.4. Particle diffusion.........................................................................................16
2.5. Schrödinger equation for a free particle.....................................................16
2.6. Thermal diffusivity in polymers...................................................................18
2.7. Further applications....................................................................................18
Chapter III..........................................................................................................20
3.0. One and Two D im ension H eat Equation...................................................20
3.1. A ssum ptions:............................................................................................20
3.2. One Dimensional Heat Equations................................................................20
3.3. Derivation in one dimension.......................................................................23
3.4. Internal heat generation.............................................................................25
3.5. The Boundary Conditions............................................................................25
3.5.1. Dirichlet Boundary Conditions.................................................................25
3.5.2. Neumann Boundary Conditions...............................................................26
3.5.3. Mixed Boundary Conditions.....................................................................27
In mathematics and physics, the heat equation is a given partial differential
equation. Solutions to the heat equation are sometimes known as caloric functions.
As a typical equivalent partial differential equation, the heat equation is one of the
most extensively studied topics in pure mathematics, and its analysis is
fundamental to the broader field of partial differential equations, leading to many
engineering applications. Where this research was divided into three chapters, the
first talks about the background of the thermal equation in general and what it is.
The second research talks about the applications of the thermal equation and its
importance. The third research talks about the thermal equation and what it
contains of a group of its types.
Chapter One
-Heat Equation -
Chapter One
1.0 Introduction
In mathematics and physics, the heat equation is a certain partial differential
equation. Solutions of the heat equation are sometimes known as caloric
functions. The theory of the heat equation was first developed by Joseph Fourier
in 1822 for the purpose of modeling how a quantity such as heat diffuses through
a given region.
The heat equation, along with variants thereof, is also important in many fields of
science and applied mathematics. In probability theory, the heat equation is
connected with the study of random walks and Brownian motion via the Fokker–
Planck equation. The Black–Scholes equation of financial mathematics is a small
variant of the heat equation, and the Schrödinger equation of quantum mechanics
can be regarded as a heat equation in imaginary time. In image analysis, the heat
equation is sometimes used to resolve pixelation and to identify edges. Following
Robert Richtmyer and John von Neumann's introduction of "artificial viscosity"
methods, solutions of heat equations have been useful in the mathematical
formulation of hydrodynamical shocks. Solutions of the heat equation have also
been given much attention in the numerical analysis literature, beginning in the
1950s with work of Jim Douglas, D.W. Peaceman, and Henry Rachford Jr. (2)
where (x1, …, xn, t) denotes a general point of the domain. It is typical to refer to
t as "time" and x1, …, xn as "spatial variables," even in abstract contexts where
these phrases fail to have their intuitive meaning. The (3)
collection of spatial
variables is often referred to simply as x. For any given value of t, the right-hand
side of the equation is the Laplacian of the function u(⋅, t) : U → R. As such, the
heat equation is often written more compactly as
In physics and engineering contexts, especially in the context of diffusion through
a medium, it is more common to fix a Cartesian coordinate system and then to
consider the specific case of a function u(x, y, z, t) of three spatial variables (x, y,
z) and time variable t. One then says that u is a solution of the heat equation if (4)
Note also that the ability to use either ∆ or ∇2 to denote the Laplacian, without
explicit reference to the spatial variables, is a reflection of the fact that the
Laplacian is independent of the choice of coordinate system. In mathematical
terms, one would say that the Laplacian is "translationally and rotationally
invariant." In fact, it is (loosely speaking) the simplest differential operator which
has these symmetries. This can be taken as a significant (and purely mathematical)
justification of the use of the Laplacian and of the heat equation in modeling any
physical phenomena which are homogeneous and isotropic, of which heat
diffusion is a principal example.
1.2. Interpretation
1.2.1.Physical interpretation of the equation
Informally, the Laplacian operator ∆ gives the difference between the average
value of a function in the neighborhood of a point, and its value at that point.
Thus, if u is the temperature, ∆ tells whether (and by how much) the material
surrounding each point is hotter or colder, on the average, than the material at that
point. (7)
By the second law of thermodynamics, heat will flow from hotter bodies
to adjacent colder bodies, in proportion to the difference of temperature and of the
thermal conductivity of the material between them. When heat flows into
(respectively, out of) a material, its temperature increases (respectively,
decreases), in proportion to the amount of heat divided by the amount (mass) of
material, with a proportionality factor called the specific heat capacity of the
material. By the combination of these observations, the heat equation says the rate
ϋ at which the material at a point will heat up (or cool down) is proportional to
how much hotter (or cooler) the surrounding material is. The coefficient α in the
equation takes into account the thermal conductivity, specific heat, and density of
the material. (8)
where u(x)(r) is the single-variable function denoting the average value of u over
the surface of the sphere of radius r centered at x; it can be defined by
Following this observation, one may interpret the heat equation as imposing an
infinitesimal averaging of a function. Given a solution of the heat equation, the
value of u(x, t + τ) for a small positive value of τ may be approximated as 1/2n
times the average value of the function u(⋅, t) over a sphere of very small radius
centered at x.
where k is the thermal conductivity of the material, u = · u(x, t) is the temperature,
and q = q(x, t) is a vector field that represents the magnitude and direction of the
heat flow at the point x of space and time t. If the medium is a thin rod of uniform
section and material, the position is a single coordinate x, the heat flow towards
increasing is a scalar field q = q(t, x), and the gradient is an ordinary derivative
with respect to the x. The equation becomes (12)
Let Q = Q(x, t) be the internal heat energy per unit volume of the bar at each point
and time. In the absence of heat energy generation, from external or internal
sources, the rate of change in internal heat energy per unit volume in the material,
Q/Ət, is proportional to the rate of change of its temperature, du/ot. That is,
where c is the specific heat capacity (at constant pressure, in case of a gas) and p
is the density (mass per unit volume) of the material. This derivation assumes that
the material has constant mass density and heat capacity (13)
through space as well
as time Applying the law of conservation of energy to a small element of the
medium centered at x, one concludes that the rate at whic heat accumulates at a
given point x is equal to the derivative of the heat flow at that point, negated. That
which is the heat equation in one dimension, with diffusivity coefficient
Chamkha and Khaled have studied the effect of magnetic field on the coupled
heat and mass transfer by mixed convection in a linearly stratified stagnation flow
in the presence of an internal heat generation or absorption. EL-Hakiem [2000]
studied thermal radiation effects on hydromagnetic free convection and flow
through a highly porous medium bounded by a vertical plane surface. Borjini et al
have considered the effect of radiation on unsteady natural convection in a two-
dimensional participating medium between two horizontal concentric and
vertically eccentric cylinders. (15)
Example 1:
What quantity of heat is required to raise the temperature of 450 grams of water
from 15°C to 85°C? The specific heat capacity of water is 4.18 J/g/°C.
Example 2:
Chapter II
- Equation Apps -
Chapter II
hydromagnetic oscillatory rotating flows of an incompressible Burgers fluid
bounded by a plate (21)
Jan Ingenhousz had described the irregular motion of coal dust particles on the
surface of alcohol. It is believed that Brown was studying pollen particles floating
in water under the microscope. He then observed minute particles within the
vacuoles of the pollen grains executing a jittery motion. By repeating the
experiment with particles of dust, he was able to rule out that the motion was due
to pollen particles being 'alive', although the origin of the motion was yet to be
explained. The first person to describe the mathematics behind Brownian motion
was Thorvald N. Thiele in a paper on the method of least squares. This was
followed independently by Louis Bachelier in his PhD thesis "The theory of
speculation", in which he presented a stochastic analysis of the stock and option
markets. However, it was Albert Einstein's and Marian Smoluchowski's
independent research of the problem that brought the solution to the attention of
physicists, and presented it as a way to indirectly confirm the existence of atoms
and molecules. This is a property of parabolic partial differential equations and is
not difficult to prove mathematically Another interest not difficult to prove
mathematically Another interesting property is that even if u has a discontinuity at
an initial time t = tO, the temperature becomes smooth as soon as t > tO. For
example, if a bar of metal has temperature 0 and another has temperature 100 and
they are stuck together end to end, then very quickly the temperature at the point
of connection is 50 and the graph of the temperature is smoothly running from 0
to 100. The heat equation is used in probability and describes random walks. It is
also applied in financial mathematics for this reason (23)
Brownian motion
Let the stochastic process X be the solution to the stochastic differential equation
2.4. Particle diffusion
One can model particle diffusion by an equation involving either:
Both c and P are functions of position and time. D is the diffusion coefficient that
controls the speed of the diffusive process, and is typically expressed in meters
squared over second. If the diffusion coefficient D is not constant, but depends on
the concentration c (or P in the second case), then one gets the nonlinear diffusion
where i is the imaginary unit, ħ is the reduced Planck's constant, and ψ is the wave
function of the particle. This equation is formally similar to the particle diffusion
equation, which one obtains through the following transformation:
where T0 is the initial temperature of the sphere and T S the temperature at the
surface of the sphere, of radius L. This equation has also found applications in
protein energy transfer and thermal modeling in biophysics.
index theorem, and has led to much further work on heat equations in Riemannian
Chapter III
-Types of equation-
Chapter III
the rod has a length L (in meters), and we establish a coordinate system along the
rod as illustrated below.
Let u(x,t) represent the temperature at the point x meters along the rod at time t (in
seconds). We start with an initial temperature distribution u(x,0) = f(x) such as the
one represented by the following graph (with L = 2 meters)
is used to model one-dimensional temperature evolution. We will not discuss the
derivation of this equation here. The most important features of this equation are
the second spatial derivative uxx and the first derivative with respect to time u (32)
The positive constants2 represents the thermal diffusivity of the rod. It depends on
the thermal conductivity of the material composing the rod, the density of the rod,
and the specific heat of the rod. The function u(x.t) that models heat flow should
satisfy the partial differential equation. However, in addition, we expect it to
satisfy two other conditions. First, we fix the temperature at the two ends of the
rod, i.e., we specify u(0,t) and u(L,t). In our sample problem, we will assume that
both ends are kept at 0 degrees Celsius:
This is called a boundary condition since it is imposed on the values of the desired
function at the boundaries of the spatial domain. The remaining condition
represents the initial temperature distribution (33)
All together, the model function'" u(x,t) that we seek should satisfy
3.3. Derivation in one dimension
The heat equation is derived from Fourier's law and conservation of energy By
Fourier's law, the flow rate of heat energy through a surface is (34)
proportional to
the negative temperature gradient across the surface
In the absence of work done, a change in internal energy per unit volume in the
material, AQ, is proportional to the change in temperature. That is
where cp is the specific heat capacity and p is the mass density of the material.
Choosing zero energy at temperature zero, this can be rewritten as
The increase in internal energy in a small spatial region of the material
is given by
where the fundamental theorem of calculus was used. With no work done, and
absent any heat sources or sinks, this change in internal energy in the interval (35)
Again by the fundamental theorem of calculus. By conservation of energy,
This is true for any rectangle [t-∆t, t + ∆t ] x [x-∆x, x + ∆x]. Consequently, the
integrand must vanish identically
3.5. The Boundary Conditions
The heat equation is a second-order partial differential equation in the spatial
coordinates. We need boundary conditions in order to specify how our system
interacts with the outside surroundings. There are three general types of boundary
conditions: Dirichlet, Neumann, and Mixed boundary conditions. (37)
boundary. They have a form like this (for the one-dimensional case)
T(x = 0, t) = Tbc1(t)
This says that at the left-hand-side boundary of our one-dimensional system, the
temperature is a specified function of time. If the temperature is constant, then we
have (38)
In this case, we have the physical situation where our system is touching an
infinite heat reservoir that maintains a constant temperature. In a one-dimensional
system, we must have two boundary conditions, one at the left-hand-side
boundary and the other at the right-hand-side boundary. If our one-dimensional
system is of length L in the x-direction, then our second Dirichlet boundary
condition would be of the form:
This says that at the left-hand-side boundary of our one-dimensional system, the
heat flux is a specified function of time. If the heat flux is constant we have:
In this case, we have the physical situation where our system is touching an
infinite heat source that maintains a constant flux of heat into the system
regardless of the temperature. One end of the rod is well insulated. No heat leaves
it. The heat flux is zero. (40)
There are very relevant physical systems which require these elaborate boundary
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في الرياضيات والفيزياء ،معادلة الحرارة هي معادلة تفاضلية جزئية معينة .تُعwwرف حلwwول معادلwwة الحwwرارة
أحيانًا باسم وظwwائف wالسwwعرات الحراريwwة .باعتبارهwwا المعادلwwة التفاضwwلية الجزئيwwة المكافئwwة النموذجيwwة ،تعwwد
معادلة الحرارة من أكثر الموضوعات التي تمت دراستها wفي هذا البحث نطاق واسع في الرياضيات البحتة ،
ويعتبر تحليلها أساسيًا في المجال األوسع للمعادالت التفاضلية الجزئية ،.مما يؤدي إلى العديwwد من التطبيقwwات
الهندسية .حيث قوسم هذا البحث الى ثالث فصول يتكلم االول عن خلفية المعادلة الحرارية بشwwكل عwwام ومwwا
هي اما البحث الثاني يتكلم عن تطبيقات معادلة الحرارية واهميتها امwwا البحث الثwwالث يتكلم عن عن المعادلwwة
الحرارية وما تحتوي wمن مجموعة من االنواع الخاصة بها
جمهورية العراق
وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي
جامعة المثنى -كلية تربية العلوم الصرفة
قسم الرياضيات
بحث تخرج مقدم لمجلس كلية تربيةـ العلوم الصرفة بجامعة المثنى .وهو جزء من متطلبات
الحصول على درجة البكالوريوس في كلية تربيةـ العلوم الصرفة ،قسم الرياضيات
اعداد الطالب
حيدر كــــريم عباس
نور كامل عبدالرزاق
بنين جمـــــعه مهدي
2023م 1444هـ