Traveler's Package

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Right to travel

2022. All Rights Reserved.


The foundation of this package is based on commerce. Therefore, before you try to implement
methods in this package it is essential you have already completed the steps to become a
Secured Party with a UCC-1 agreement on file, as the documents in this package reference it.
Nationality is also important, however, considering the world we live in today revolves around
commercial activities, the commercial process in invoking your right to travel can be a bit more
powerful. The very basic step to gain a strong footing in commerce is simply understanding how
words and terms are being applied in a commercial context. For example, in relation to this
package there is a big difference between traveling and driving. Traveling is what natural free
men/women do, and driving is a COMMERCIAL activity, or “privilege” as officers smugly refer to
it. A quick look in a Black’s law dictionary will give you the real definition being applied.

Driver: One employed in conducting a coach, carriage, wagon, or other vehicle,with horses,
mules, or other animals, or a bicycle, tricycle, or motor car, though not a street railroad car.

The keyword here is EMPLOYED, which is commerce. Are you getting paid to go to the store
for your groceries, or to the gym, or any other place you wish? Probably not. So, you are not a
driver by their applied definition.

A Taxi driver, or in this era an Uber driver, would fit the bill of a true “Driver”. The corporation
wants you to think and identify with being a driver so they can enforce their codes, statutes,
regulations, jurisdiction, etc. on you - the flesh and blood. A natural being does not need a
license to travel anywhere, however, it IS in your best interest to have some form of
identification. If these policy enforcers cannot identify you at all it will cause more trouble than
necessary. For that reason we have included an International Traveler’s ID bonus document to
this package to use in place of commercial identification.

Additionally with traveling, registration conveys ownership. Anything “registered” like your land
vessel for instance, is basically giving the State control over your private property. What comes
with that control? The enforcement of jurisdiction, codes, and statutes. An officer, or commercial
policy enforcer, can take your vessel because if it's registered, has plates and tags, it belongs to
the state! When you sign any application for license plates, etc. in the fine print it states you are
acknowledging your vessel is a COMMERCIAL CARRIER. If you try to find certain definitions in
any State Motor Vehicle Code, like ‘Passenger’, it's not there. Why? Because these true
definitions would expose the trickery the DMV has played on our ignorance to get us to
voluntarily register our non-passenger private autos as "motor vehicles".

Let’s examine the definition of "motor vehicle" in the U.S. Codes: Every description of carriage
or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial
purposes on the highways in the transportation of passengers, passengers and property, or
property or cargo.

There's that word commercial again. Even what you choose to call your vessel can place you
back under jurisdiction. As you can see, wording is extremely important when handling your
commercial and private affairs in general, not just traveling.
Most are familiar with a name in all capital letters signifying a corporate fiction. Codes, statutes,
and jurisdiction is for Debtors/Corporate Fictions and can only be applied to such entities, which
is why it is very important to have a UCC lien filing before applying any commercial remedies.
As long as you still identify with that fiction and there is no separation, they will continue to
forcefully try and apply it to YOU, the natural man/woman. Sure, you could try to uphold your
Nationality during a traffic stop by claiming to not be that Corporate Fiction, but also knowing
their commercial codes in addition to that puts officers in a tough spot. They can choose to
ignore your Nationality, but they can’t ignore their OWN codes and statutes OR the Affidavits /
paperwork included in this package which no one is exempt from or above. Knowledge of
commerce is key!


1. Read all documents thoroughly for clarification / understanding. Do not blindly

enter information, and use your judgement to adjust points/wording that may not
apply to you - such as references to Nationality.

2. Always create unique identifiers for your documents for reference in your UCC
filing and other documents.

A commonly used format is:

Document Title Initials - Birthdate, last four of social, Name Initials

(i.e.) RTT - 0821875607CAH

For Affidavits, add a footer to the document and put the unique identifier there.

For notices - the template has a section under the signature block for a Notice
number. Follow the Same Format.

Also note that all Affidavits should be signed in red ink. Regular signatures,
such as the Notices and Certificates of Service, blue ink.

3. Get ink stamp pads. Your Thumbprint is your “seal” on your documents in
addition to your signature for added validity and security. Red and blue to match
your signature ink.

4. A Notary section at the end of the Affidavit is not included because the format
requirements for Notaries can vary by State. You can look up the notary format
for your state and add it in, or the Notary may be able to supply it - always ask for
the strongest one ( California is noted as having two - basic acknowledgement
and a penalty of perjury acknowledgement. Penalty of perjury being the
strongest )

5. All documents in the package should go on a UCC Amendment filing.

6. Some states / city’s are more strict than others with recording documents at the
County Clerk / Recorder’s office - Los Angeles being one of them. They may try
and send your package back unrecorded. Included is a document that demands
the clerk / recorder to do their job of filing whatever you send them. Put this
document as the first page on top of your mailing being sent to the recorder ( See
Index ).

7. We suggest going to the post office and grabbing a dozen or so certified mail
slips to take home. That way you can reference the certified mail number in your
documents ahead of time.

8. You will need a third party for a lot of commercial processes, including this one.
A third party is to be listed on the Certificate of Service document as mailing or
“serving” these documents for you. A notary is highly preferred as a third party,
but it can be anyone other than yourself (non-relative). Doing this is very
essential if anything ever gets to the point of a legal proceeding. Your paperwork
can never be disregarded by any court official as “hearsay” because you mailed
or served it yourself. A copy of the Certificate of Service should be the last page
of each mailing. If you choose to use a Notary they may provide their own
version of a Certificate of Service.
9. To ensure your mailings don’t get “lost” in some of these departments, if the
county clerk, etc. has a name listed, or you can find a name of a specific person
in a department, address it to their attention.

10. ALWAYS keep your original documents. You only send copies of them. It would
be helpful to pick up a generic “COPY” ink stamp from Office Depot to help
identify your copies.

11. Lastly, all documents can be edited to suit your needs. If you are not a moor or
indigenous you may take out the information in the Affidavit(s) that reference
Nationality. As for the format, these templates were prepared in Times New
Roman font and structured a certain way to ensure you have a professional and
legitimate document. If you would like to change something and are unsure if it
will affect the integrity of the document, please feel free to ask.

Use this Index as a guide to ensure your documents are in the correct order upon
mailing and to stay organized.


Right to Travel - ( DMV , Dept of Transportation Mailing )

a. Notice of Right to Travel
b. Affidavit
c. Notary Page
d. Certificate of Service

Right to Travel - ( County Recorder Mailing )

a. Order to the Recorder
b. Notice of Right to Travel
c. Affidavit
d. Notary Page
e. Certificate of Service


Car Documents
a. Officer Warning Notice
b. Fee Schedule
c. Injunction ( not included - visit ISelfLawAmMaster to order one for your state )
d. Copy of Notices / Affidavits as supporting documentation


The 72 Hour Ticket Remedy Documents

Traffic Citation ( Mailing to the Court )

a. Order to the Clerk
b. Original Instrument ( Citation )
c. Administrative Refusal for Cause, Without Dishonor
d. Affidavit
e. Notary Page
f. Certificate of Service ( Not needed if going in person to “serve”)

Traffic Citation ( Optional Mailing to the Issuing Officer)

a. Notice to the issuing officer
b. Copy of the Original Instrument
c. Copy of Administrative Refusal for Cause, Without Dishonor
d. Copy of Affidavit
e. Copy of Notary Page
f. Certificate of Service

Bonus: International Traveler’s Identification

Right to Travel

1. All areas that need information are in (red). When the document is complete,
don’t forget to select all the text and change the font color to black; As well as
check for grammatical and general accuracy.

2. Add a Footer to all documents ( Reference Item 2. Of package instructions )

3. Print out an original set, get the Affidavit notarized, make (4) copies and keep the
original for your records.

4. If you referenced line (3) in the Package Instructions and have an ink stamp pad,
put your Thumbprint to the right of your signature in the area labeled “Seal” in red
ink on Affidavits and blue ink on the notice.

5. You will be sending the copy of this mailing to:

a. Department of Motor Vehicles

b. Department of Transportation
400 7th Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20590
c. County Sheriff’s Department
d. County Recorder / Clerk ( with additional Order to Recorder )

** Note : Do some research on the County Recorder’s website to calculate recording

fees beforehand. Do not Include the Notice to the Recorder when you count the pages,
as that will not be recorded.
In the last resort case the County Recorder / Clerk is still not compliant after the notice
and will not file your documents, go to to do a public filing that way.

Your Name, Trustee, Attorney-In-Fact

℅ Street Address
City, State [ Zip Code ]
Non-domestic, without the UNITED STATES

ATTN : ( Name of Department Official ) ** If does not apply, take out

(Department - All Caps - It’s a Corporation!)
Street Address
City, State, Zip



(Date) Certified Mail # (*****************)

To Whom it May Concern:

The purpose of this letter and the enclosed Affidavit is to give your office and your principles
constructive LEGAL NOTICE of the following:

Take notice that my private conveyance identified by VIN # ( Your VIN Here ) is not being used
in commercial activities or for a commercial purpose; Therefore, it is not subject to the
jurisdiction of the state of (Your STATE here) to be registered, plated, or licensed as these items
are required by a Driver by Black’s Law Definition operating and employed in a commercial
capacity and does not apply to me.

Take notice that I invoke my unalienable, fundamental, unrestricted, and unregulated right to
travel upon public walkways and highways, transport my private and allodial property, duly
conveyed, unhindered by any private, corporate or statutory law, or Department of Motor
Vehicles (DMV), or Department of Transportation (DOT) regulation or requirement, or any of
its employees, officers, public servants or officials.

Take notice that “Further, the right to travel by private conveyance for private purposes upon
the common way cannot be infringed. No license or permission is required for travel when such
travel is not for the purpose of commercial profit or gain on the open highways operating under
license in commerce.” Shapiro Vs. Thomas, 394 U.S 618 April 21, 1969

Take notice that I, (Your Name Here) , Secured Party Creditor and Aboriginal American
National, am lien holder, Attorney-In-Fact and Authorized Representative for Debtor / Corporate
Fiction ( YOUR NAME IN ALL CAPS) and hold as collateral all commercial licenses and
documentation commercial in nature of said Debtor in Security Agreement referenced in UCC-1
Filing # ( Filing Number )

Take notice that every corporate, administrative court and tribunal, officer, commercial policy
enforcer, public servant, or official has no original jurisdiction over any Private Aboriginal
American National and any citation or commercial presentment issued to I, ( Your Name Here)
the Secured Party, or Debtor (NAME IN ALL CAPS) shall be conditionally accepted for value
or proof of claim.

Take notice that every corporate, administrative court and tribunal, officer, commercial policy
enforcer, public servant, or official who violates my rights and violates the instruments of
CONTRACT which are the OATHS OF OFFICE upheld by the constitution will be subject to
my full commercial process including criminal complaints and commercial liens.

Take further notice that these documents are also filed in a UCC Agreement with the Secretary
of the State of ( YOUR STATE HERE )

Thank you,

Without Prejudice, All Rights Reserved

___________________________________ ( Seal)

( Your Name Here - Regular / non-caps )©™, Trustee

Under Declaration of ( Your Trust Name Here) Dated ( Date of Trust )
Natural ( man / woman ), Secured Party Creditor,
Attorney-In-Fact, Authorized Representative for
UCC 1-207 ; UCC 1-308

Notice # NORT - (Bday/Last4Social/Initials)

A SECURITY (15 USC) - See Attached Appendix A


) SS.


That I, ( Name or Appellation ), Secured Party, in Propria Persona ( my own proper self), of the
Washitaw Nation of Muurs ( Moors), better known as “ Uaxashaktun de Dugdahmoundyah,”
which later became the Al-Moroccan Empire, the Undersigned being first duly sworn and
declare by my signature that the following facts are true, correct and complete to the best of my
knowledge and belief; I depose as follows:

THAT, Commercial processes ( including this Affidavit and the required responses to it)

THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence that under any
circumstances Affiant utilizes the public highways for commercial purposes.

THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence Affiant does not have
the right to travel upon all walkways and highways, to transport personal and private property,
duly conveyed in allodium, unhindered by ANY private, corporate, or statutory law, code, or
THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence Affiant is a 14th
Amendment “Citizen” engaged in interstate commerce.

THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence of a valid contract in
full disclosure between Affiant and the private corporations of The Department of Motor
Vehicles, The State of California, The Department of Transportation, or any of its employees,
officers, public servants or officials making Affiant subject to any commercial statutes, codes.

THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence that Affiant is a
“driver” by black’s law definition, nor any proof or evidence Affiant is an operator of a
Commercial Motor Vehicle.

THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence that Affiant’s private,
self-propelled conveyance/carriage is involved in commercial activities or being used for or in

THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence Affiant’s private, self
propelled conveyance is a “Commercial Motor Vehicle” and needs to be registered with the
corporate State of ( YOUR STATE HERE ).

THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence the corporate State of
( YOUR STATE HERE ) discloses the true intent and purpose of the statutes through a
“Commercial Motor Vehicle,” as is adequately and clearly defined in the 49 United States Code (
USC ) section 31301.

THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence Affiant is an employee
as defined by 49 USC Section 31301 (8), “An employee means an operator of a Commercial
Motor Vehicle, including an independent contractor who is employee by an employer.”

THAT failure to respond as herein to Affiant within the prescribed time of (30) days will
be deemed by this Affiant to invoke the doctrine of acquiescence and admission, to recover, in
commerce the lost or damaged properties plus damages, penalties and costs.

WHEREFORE, All Agents, Representatives, Officers, and/or such, of the "UNITED STATES"
or its subdivisions including local, state, federal, and/or international or multinational
governments, corporations, agencies, and the like have thirty (30) days to rebut any portion of
this Affidavit from receipt, UCC 1-204, or you stand in total agreement. Non-response or
rebuttal is agreement and means you assent to this Affidavit and that fault exists, UCC 1-
201(16). Partial response is agreement. Rebuttal must be sworn in written form with legal/lawful,
verified, certified documentation under penalty of perjury.
Further Affiant Sayth Not.



Done this (Number) day of ( Month, Year).

Without Prejudice ; All Rights Reserved

_________________________________________ (Seal)
( Your Name Here - Regular / non-caps )©™, Trustee
Under Declaration of ( Your Trust Name Here) Dated ( Date of Trust )
Natural ( man / woman ), Secured Party Creditor,
Attorney-In-Fact, Authorized Representative for


THE Lien Claimant does NOT rely on Title 15 as a basis for the “Commercial Lien”. ALL Commercial processes, by
using or relying on notes or paper in Commerce (e.g. Federal Reserve Notes), must bear some sort of Federal tracking
code, a County Recorder’s number or a serial number, which process must be accessible for inspection at the nearest
relevant County Recorder’s Office or be widely advertised. When a Lien matures in three (3)
months, ninety (90) days, by default of the Lien Debtor through the Lien Debtors failure to rebut the AFFIDAVIT OF
OBLIGATION point-for-point categorically, it becomes an accounts receivable in the ordinary sense of a collectable debt
upon which assignments, collateralization, and other commercial transactions can be based, hence becomes a Security
subject to observation, tracking, and regulation by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (hereinafter
U.S. S.E.C.).

The notation “A Security-15 USC” is a flag in Commerce telling the U.S. S.E.C. that a speculation account is being
established to enforce a lien. The U.S. S.E.C. can then monitor the process. As long as the process is truthful, open, and
above-board(Full disclosure), the U.S. S.E.C. has no jurisdiction over it, for even the U.S. S.E.C. has no jurisdiction over
the truth of testimony, depositions, affidavits, and affidavits of obligation(Commercial Liens), and an unrebutted affidavit
stands as the truth in Commerce.

When a Affidavit is so flagged in Commerce, it becomes a Federal Document because it could become translated into a
Security (for example by being attached in support of a Commercial Lien), and not accepting and/or filing a Commercial
affidavit becomes a Federal Offense.

I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing documents including:

1. Copy of Notice of Right to Travel # ( Document Identifier )

2. Copy of Affidavit In Support of Notice of Right to Travel # ( Document Identifier )

has been furnished by Certified Mail # ( ******************) to :

( Name of Department )
(Street Address)
(City State Zip )

On this ( Number ) day of ( Month, Year ).

Without Prejudice ; All Rights Reserved

( Name of your Third Party )
Third Party Authorized Representative / Witness
For Affiant (Your Name Here), Sui Juris
UCC 1-207 ; UCC 1-308 ; UCC 1-103

℅ ( Street Address of Third Party )

(City, State) [ ZIP ]
non-domestic , without the UNITED STATES

Your Name, Trustee, Attorney-In-Fact

℅ Street Address
City, State [ Zip Code ]
Non-domestic, without the UNITED STATES

ATTN : ( Name of Recorder/Clerk ) ** If does not apply, take out

County Clerk / Recorder’s Office
Street Address
City, State, Zip


(Date) Certified Mail # (*****************)

To County Recorder:

It is generally understood by the County Recorder’s office to include only those documents as
would pertain to the transfer of real estate and other legal documents from the court. However,
this office must by law also include a myriad of documents that may not be specifically be listed.
Any instrument, paper or notice can be FILED ON DEMAND with the payment of fees. If no
indices exist, then the County Recorder is required to create such an index. The County Recorder
is financially and personally liable for the damages sustained by refusing to record such

For example, an “Affidavit” as defined by law is not pertaining to only real estate. It is a
document of truth for the public record, signed under penalty of perjury. An Affidavit is a written
declaration under oath without notice to the adverse party. Notices of Default may not be just a
tax default, but a breach of contract that has nothing to do with real estate. Liens are filed and
recorded against those who fail to perform according to the terms of their contracts. These
instruments and many others, are recordable upon demand. Failure to do so is a breach of
contract and a lienable offense per ( YOUR STATE HERE) Civil Code.

Those in the employment of government who fail to conform to the specific performance of their
duties may be liened by their failure to perform, even the forfeiture of their personal property. As
a government employee you took an oath of specific performance relating to the Constitution as
did your superiors. Any breach of oath can be remedied by perfecting liens against those in
violation. The only acceptable place for such a lien to be filed is the County Recorder’s office as
required by law.
Please also be aware that your failure to record the Instrument(s) enclosed will be causing me
damage, and will also be reported to the County Commissioner for failure to do your duty.
Kindly see enclosures: Three (3) Pages, not including this notice, and payment in the amount of
$ ( AMOUNT HERE) for associated filing fees.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Without Prejudice, All Rights Reserved

___________________________________ ( Seal )

( Your Name Here - Regular / non-caps )©™, Trustee

Under Declaration of ( Your Trust Name Here) Dated ( Date of Trust )
Natural ( man / woman ), Secured Party Creditor,
Attorney-In-Fact, Authorized Representative for
UCC 1-207 ; UCC 1-308


I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing documents including:
1. Copy of Notice to the Recorder / Clerk # ( Document Unique Identifier )
2. Copy of Notice of Right to Travel # ( Document Unique Identifier )
3. Copy of Affidavit is Support of Notice of Right to Travel # ( Document Unique Identifier

has been furnished by Certified Mail # ( ******************) to :

( Name of Department )
(Street Address)
(City State Zip )

On this ( Number ) day of ( Month, Year ).

Without Prejudice ; All Rights Reserved

( Name of your Third Party )
Third Party Authorized Representative / Witness
For Affiant (Your Name Here), Sui Juris
UCC 1-207 ; UCC 1-308 ; UCC 1-103

℅ ( Street Address of Third Party )

(City, State) [ ZIP ]
non-domestic , without the UNITED STATES
Car Documents


The following document is intended to be a “presentment” to an officer at a traffic stop. When he/she asks
you for your License, Registration, etc. you can hand them your International Traveler’s ID in this package
and if they still persist for a license you can hand them this notice. This notice is to prevent you from being
in dishonor by verbally arguing about who you are and what you are / not required to do.

Including a traffic stop! Everything they will try and tell you to get you to contract / consent to jurisdiction is
purely commercial. Stand on your square, your documents, and your UCC, and treat the interaction as
such. If they wish to continue to contract with you, the terms are they will be charged / invoiced by what is
dictated in your fee schedule for what they are requesting ( more $$ for being under duress + coercion ).

If after reading the notice they try to argue, immediately ask for a supervisor to come out. ( which isn’t a
bad thing because they are on the clock - you’re also adding on $$ for your time, let them rack up a bill )
There is always one or two people in a department that are knowledgeable with either UCC or American
Nationals, etc. and you may get a better result from a supervisor.

Also be aware they may try to refer to you as a “sovereign / sovereign citizen” because that’s all they
know to “label” you as. But you are not a “Citizen” which is still trying to put you under jurisdiction.

Try to respectfully get names, badge numbers, business cards, whatever information you can collect to
invoice and eventually perfect your lien if need be.


1. Fill in all areas marked in red with applicable information.

2. Read it thoroughly and become familiar with the points referenced. KNOW YOUR DOCUMENT.
3. In line ( 3 ) “see attached copies of” …. If you do not have an Injunction yet, visit
ISelfLawAmMaster to order one for your state, as it is imperative you have one.


1. The items in this fee schedule should be taken from your Master Fee Schedule on your UCC-1.
The items listed in the template pertain to commercial traffic stops. Feel free to include your full
Master Fee Schedule if you’d like, or if you prefer to use the template add items / adjust all dollar
amounts to match your UCC-1 Master for consistency.

*Note: Fee schedules are VERY versatile - You can add a fee for virtually every commercial process you
can think of. Get creative with your fee schedule and make it unique to you!

Make copies of all memorandums, Affidavits included in this package and attach to the Notice / Fee
Schedule and keep in a safe place in your car.



This notice is intended to inform you of the following:

1. I am an Aboriginal American National protected under the Constitution and a Secured

Party with a UCC-1 Agreement, filing # (FILING NUMBER HERE) with the State of
( STATE HERE). I am NOT a 14th Amendment Citizen subject to State jurisdiction or
commercial statutes and codes.

2. I am aware this is a commercial stop / encounter and is not based on real law, but codes
and statutes of the Uniform Commercial Code of which all public officers and officials
operate under, and it will be treated as such.

3. Any licenses, registration, insurance, etc. documents you might request during this
commercial stop is NOT required by a private national as I am NOT operating my
private land vessel for commerce or commercial purposes and these documents are only
required for Drivers - by Black’s Law definition - operating in a commercial capacity.
( See attached copies of Injunction, Affidavit(s) and Memorandums )

However, if I am forced under duress or coercion to provide such documentation

please be advised you will be Invoiced / charged according to my attached Fee
Schedule on file with the State of ( STATE HERE) under my UCC referenced in
point (1).

4. Providing you with any license / documentation under duress or coercion is NOT to be
taken as authorization to apply any commercial jurisdiction or to contract with you in any
way or form, including verbally. Please be advised if you accept/consent to take said
documentation you will be invoiced / charged according to my attached fee schedule.

5. Please also note these instruments are in the name of the DEBTOR/ CORPORATE
FICTION (NAME IN ALL CAPS HERE) in all capital letters signifying a corporate
fiction In which I am Lien Holder, Attorney-In-Fact, Beneficiary, and CONTROL all
commercial instruments in the name of said DEBTOR. These Instruments are not to be
taken as identification for me, The Secured Party, as I have my own private

6. If you insist on issuing me a commercial presentment offer ( citation ) I respectfully

invoke my right not to provide a signature. A signature on a commercial presentment can
be considered a contract and I do not wish to contract with your corporate department or
any Martitime/Admirality court. Furthermore, this act is also considered a commercial
activity and you will be invoiced / charged according to my attached Fee schedule.
Kindly leave this commercial presentment under my windshield wiper.

If after reading this notice and the attached documentation you do not understand, please consult
your supervisor or a member of your department who is more familiar with the Uniform
Commercial Code, and natural men/women who are not 14th Amendment Citizens subject to
jurisdiction / codes / statutes of commercial corporate fictions - i.e. Police, State. As I will not
argue or bring myself in dishonor.

If you wish to proceed with this commercial stop/encounter I will be sending you an invoice
dictated by my fee schedule totaling all applicable commercial activities, including my valuable

Without Prejudice ; All Rights Reserved

_________________________________________ ( Seal )

( Your Name Here - Regular / non-caps )©™, Trustee

Under Declaration of ( Your Trust Name Here) Dated ( Date of Trust )
Natural ( man / woman ), Secured Party Creditor,
Attorney-In-Fact, Authorized Representative for
UCC 1-207 ; UCC 1-308


These fees will be mandated upon the informant / commercial policy officer / agent listed on the
traffic citation ticket(s), arrest warrants, detention orders, seizure orders or involved in any
commercial encounter or communication in a commercial nature.

Produce trade name materials:

a. Name $ 50000.00
b. Drivers License ( or Number ) $ 50000.00
c. Social Security Number $ 100000.00
d. Retinal Scans $ 5000000.00
e. Fingerprinting $ 200000.00
f. Photographing $ 200000.00
g. DNA $ 5000000.00
1. Mouth swab $ 5000000.00
2. Blood samples $ 5000000.00
3. Urine samples $ 5000000.00
4. Breathalyzer testing $ 5000000.00
5. Hair samples $ 5000000.00
6. Skin samples $ 5000000.00
7. Clothing samples $ 5000000.00
8. Forced giving of fluids/samples $ 5000000.00
h. Proof of Insurance $ 100000.00
i. Not honoring right to travel / documentation $ 100000.00

Issue ANY citations, especially traffic and tickets of any nature:

a. Citations $ 60000.00
b. Warning issued on Paper Ticket $ 25000.00

Appearance in court because of traffic citations:

a. Time in court $ 75000.00/hr with 1 hour min.

b. If Fine is imposed $ 500000.00

Car / Personal Property Trespass, Carjacking, Theft, Interference with Commerce,

a. Agency by Estoppel $ 50000.00

b. Color of Law $ 150000.00
c. Implied Color of Law $ 150000.00
d. Criminal Coercion $ 500000.00
e. Seizure of Motor Conveyance $ 100000.00
f. Theft of License Plate $ 10000.00
g. Unlawful Lien on Motor Conveyance $ 50000.00

Use of trade name protected material under threat, duress, and/ or coercion:

a. Name written by the informant $ 250000.00

b. Drivers License written by informant $ 150000.00
c. Social Security Number written by informant $ 150000.00
d. Miscellaneous Material written by informant $ 500000.00

Produce any personal information/property for any kind of business interaction:

a. Financial Information $ 100000.00

Time Usage for traffic stops:

a. 30 minutes / minimum $ 5000.00
b. 60 minutes $ 10000.00
c. 90 minutes $ 15000.00


a. Failure to honor God Given Rights $20000.00

b. Failure to honor Oath of Office $50000.00
c. Failure to honor Constitutional Oath $50000.00
d. Failure to honor Written and/or Oral Word $ 5000.00
e. Silence/Dishonor/Default $ 5000.00
f. Failure to honor /No Bond $ 5000.00


(If an alleged officer/ commercial policy enforcer / removes free soul more than 5 feet
from free soul’s private property without just cause, it IS kidnapping)


*Per Occurrence and Includes any Third Party Defendant

*All claims are stated in US Dollars which means that a US Dollar will be defined, for this purpose as a
One Ounce Silver Coin of .999 pure silver or the equivalent par value as established by law or the
exchange rate, as set by the US Mint, whichever is the higher amount, for a certified One Ounce Silver
Coin (US Silver Dollar) at the time of the first day of default as set forth herein; if the claim is to be paid in
Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve Notes will only be assessed at Par Value as indicated above.
Total damages will be assessed as the total amount of the damages as set forth herein times three (3)
for a total of all damages as set forth in subsections a-w added to three (3) times the damages for
punitive or other additional damages.

If invoiced, payment is due 15 days after receipt date.

Make all payments to:
The 72 Hour Ticket Remedy


The process included with this section MUST be done within three days of receiving the
citation / ticket = Commercial presentment offer to contract.

Why Is There a Time Frame?

Any commercial presentment offer to contract can be rebutted / refused within 72 hours before it
has a chance to become a contract - and the three day time frame is referenced as an accepted
time frame in most situations (as stated in Regulation Z of the Truth in Lending Act) This is why
your court appearance date on the citation or notice to appear is always so far out. If you don’t
rebut or refuse the presentment within a time frame, you acquiesce to the contract presentment
and they can now use their commercial jurisdiction process on you, like suspending your
commercial licenses, etc.

Whether in commerce or law or life, whenever someone demands something from us, it is an
offer to contract, and there are only 5 ways to respond:
1) We can ignore – very bad idea because silence is acquiescence and this forms an
agreement voluntarily. Ignoring is dishonoring, both to the offerer and the offeree. In commerce,
it means agreeing by acquiescence. If someone sends us a bill and we ignore it, we have
committed a commercial dishonor and we have agreed that we owe it. They have become the
creditor in the matter and we have become the debtor/ slave. The same applies to traffic

2) We can argue or contest – the most natural thing is actually very dangerous. Once you
argue you agree you are a party to the matter. This again gives them jurisdiction over you.

3) We can reject the offer or refuse for cause, without dishonor, as long as it is an
erroneous claim and there is no liability evidenced (see UCC 3-501) – again be careful here not
to enter into an agreement while doing it. But if within 72 hours of receipt of the offer, this is an

4) We can accept – be sure that is what you want, by accepting you accept full liability to the
“charge”. Entering a plea or any kind is an acceptance. Accepting an attorney for their court is
an acceptance and waving of rights to not participate in their jurisdiction.

5) We can conditionally accept - It puts conditions on your acceptance and the burden of
proof back on them.

Why a Refuse for Cause instead of Conditionally Accept?

Both are acceptable ways to stay in honor - However, a conditional acceptance is generally
used in commerce as a “Counter-offer” to a presentment. “I’ll accept your offer, but you have to
do X,Y,Z before I do so” Well, with traffic citations we don’t want to accept or make a counter
offer - we want to refuse the offer entirely.
It really makes no difference what the citation was for - No Driver’s License, Speeding, No
registration because ALL are commercial. The plain facts remain:

1. It is a commercial presentment offer

2. You can respond
3. You are choosing to respond by refusing for cause, without dishonor
4. This response is fully backed by their OWN commercial codes (UCC)

There is no need to get into the details defending the specific offense you were cited for
because if handled within 72 hours, they don’t have a “Case” yet and the officer probably hasn’t
entered it into the system. At this point it is simply an OFFER, and nothing more.

The accompanying Affidavit provides extra commercially honored validity for your “cause” for
refusal. As with all Affidavits, if they are not rebutted point for point in a specific time disclosed in
Affidavit, it is fact and has to be honored.

If you deliver these documents in person, which you have an option to, the clerk may try to tell
you they can’t take them because your citation isn’t in the system yet, and so forth. Stand on
your square and your documents, and the UCC, which is THEIR code they operate under and
assert yourself accordingly.

If you decide to deliver by mail, it is important it gets sent Registered Mail instead of Certified.
Sending Registered Mail will be proof beyond the shadow of a doubt that you refused and
returned the offer in a timely manner. This is because by use of registered mail, the
contents are guaranteed. Certified mail only guarantees the envelope, not its contents.
You will have to write in the registered mail number the mail clerk provides you at the
counter, so don’t seal up your envelope. Ask the postal clerk for 2 (two) certificates of
mailing. Also tell the clerk that you will need a green return receipt requested card to go
along with the registered mailing.


1. All areas that need information are in (red). When the document is complete, don’t forget
to select all the text and change the font color to black; As well as check for grammatical
and general accuracy.

2. Add a Footer to Affidavits ( Reference Item 2. Of package instructions )

3. If you referenced line (3) in the Package Instructions and have an ink stamp pad, put
your Thumbprint to the right of your signature in the area labeled “Seal” in red ink on
Affidavits and blue ink on the notice.

4. The original instrument ( citation ) needs to be returned to its owner, which in this case
would be the Superior Court. This is very important to never keep any original
presentments. You’re refusing it, send it back!

5. Write on the Citation with a marker “ REFUSE FOR CAUSE, WITHOUT DISHONOR

6. Make (2) copies of the citation after this.

7. (OPTIONAL) you can send a copy of the court mailing to the issuing officer to put him
on “notice” that you returned it to the court. The point behind this mailing is If he/she
thinks you have already handled it administratively with the court, they may not even
bother to go through with inputting it in the system.

8. Print out an original set, get the Affidavit notarized, make copies and keep the original for
your records ( with the exception of the Citation )

9. You will be sending a copy of this mailing to:

a. The Court Listed on the Citation

c. ( optional) The issuing officer of the presentment ( his name/department
should be on the citation.

*NOTE: The Order to the Clerk of Court is similar in nature to the Order to the Recorder in the
fact they have a duty to accept ANY documents for filing.




Discussion and Conclusion of Law

1. The Clerk of the Court is a ministerial position not having authority of a tribunal. As
such it is required to carry out its duties without acting as a tribunal, but by merely performing the duties
authorized by the court. One of those is a duty owed to a plaintiff/Affiant is to file documents presented
for the record. Failing to file a document for the record is a criminal offense and a lienable offense as
an employee of a the court.

2. A document is considered filed once it is received.

3. The clerk of the court, like a recorder, is required to accept documents filed.

4. A paper is filed upon delivering it to the clerk. FPRC 5(d)(2)

5. The job of the clerk of the court “is to file pleadings and other documents, maintain the court's files
and inform litigants of the entry of court orders.” Sanders v. Department of Corrections, 815 F. Supp.
1148, H49(N.D. Ill. 1993). (Williams v. Pucinski, 01C5588 (N.D.Ill. 01/13/2004)

6. The duty of the clerk is to make his record correctly represent the proceedings in the case. Wetmore v.
Karrick, 27 S. Ct. 434, 205 U.S. 141 (U.S. 03/11/1907 Failing to file documents presented and reflect the
documents on the docket is a failure to perform the ministerial duties of the Clerk of Court.

7. It is hereby the order of this court of record that the Clerk of the Court for the ( Name of Courthouse )
fulfill its obligations under the authority of law and file any documents presented for said purpose.

8. Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure: TITLE VII. GENERAL PROVISIONS › Rule 25. Filing
and Service (4) Clerk's Refusal of Documents. The clerk must not refuse to accept for filing
any paper presented for that purpose solely because it is not presented in proper form as
required by these rules or by any local rule or practice.

Your Name, Trustee, Attorney-In-Fact

℅ Street Address
City, State [ Zip Code ]
Non-domestic, without the UNITED STATES

ATTN : ( Name of Court Clerk ) ** If does not apply, take out

(NAME OF COURTHOUSE - All Caps - It’s a Corporation!)
Street Address
City, State, Zip



(Date) Registered Mail # ________________

To: Clerk of Court

The enclosed original commercial presentment offer to contract in the form of Citation #
(Number Here) is hereby refused for cause without dishonor, without prejudice, without
recourse, and non-assumpsit and being returned to you in accordance with UCC 2-207(c) and
UCC 3-501(b)(3) for reasons referenced in the enclosed Affidavit.
The excuse of the court to not have a “case number” on file for this presentment offer does not
refute or invalidate this administrative commercial process in accordance with UCC 2-207(c) and
UCC 3-501(b)(3), or Affiant’s Affidavit, and said process is valid under the Uniform
Commercial Code which all Maritime / Admiralty courts abide by.

If this commercial presentment offer is filed into this court to initiate or commence any such
commercial encumberances against the Undersigned, AFTER this refusal for cause and
Affidavit is received by the court, this will be a direct violation of Title 18, Section 1001 of the
(USC) which states as follows:

Whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States
knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a
material fact, or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations, or
makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious
or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five
years, or both.
If a violation occurs, the right to file a criminal complaint will be exercised by the Undersigned
and said criminal complaint on any public official will be sent to the Insurance commissioner to
perfect a lien against the bond of the official. The violating official will also be subject to the Fee
Schedule referenced on UCC-1 Filing # ( Your Filing Number ) of the Undersigned Secured
Party for applicable damages, as well as penalty (civil) damages for crimes committed that are
listed on the TABLE OF CRIMES drawn from the civil penalties as specified in the Criminal

To remain compliant with Title 18, Section 1001 of the (USC) and avoid any such violations,
kindly take heed of this refusal for cause, without dishonor and cease all further communications
with the Undersigned regarding this commercial presentment offer - with the exception the
enclosed Affidavit is rebutted point for point in writing and signed and sworn under penalty of
perjury within (30) days.

Without Prejudice, All Rights Reserved

___________________________________ ( Seal )

( Your Name Here - Regular / non-caps )©™, Trustee

Under Declaration of ( Your Trust Name Here) Dated ( Date of Trust )
Natural ( man / woman ), Secured Party Creditor,
Attorney-In-Fact, Authorized Representative for
UCC 1-207 ; UCC 1-308

Notice # RFC - (Bday/Last4Social/Initials)

A SECURITY (15 USC) - See Attached Appendix A


) SS.



That I, ( Name or Appellation ), Secured Party, in Propria Persona ( my own proper self), of the
Washitaw Nation of Muurs ( Moors), better known as “ Uaxashaktun de Dugdahmoundyah,”
which later became the Al-Moroccan Empire, being first duly sworn and declare by my signature
that the following facts are true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief; I
depose as follows:

THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence of a contract signed by
both parties in full disclosure in existence between THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ( COURT
HERE) or commercial policy enforcer ( OFFICER NAME HERE - ALL CAPS)
THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence U.C.C. (Uniform
Commercial Code) §2-207(c) and §3-501(b) does NOT apply to commercial presentment offer
( Citation # Here )

THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence the Debtor (NAME IN
ALL CAPS) listed on commercial presentment offer (Citation # Here) is the Affiant.

THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence of an Affidavit of
injury accompanying commercial presentment offer (Citation # Here), or any proof or evidence
that such an injured party exists.

THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence from THE SUPERIOR
COURT OF ( COURT HERE) or commercial policy enforcer ( OFFICER NAME HERE - ALL
CAPS) that Affiant has consented to any personal or subject matter jurisdiction.

THAT, Affiant has not been presented with any proof or evidence Affiant is an employee
as defined by 49 USC Section 31301 (8), “An employee means an operator of a Commercial
Motor Vehicle, including an independent contractor who is employee by an employer.” thus
making commercial presentment offer (Citation # Here) void.

THAT the Respondents’ violations of TITLE 18, 1001, and this Affidavit or
response/rebuttal to said claims or charges, created the mutually voluntary, consensual,
commercial, private contract by and between the Undersigned and Respondents. Failure of
Respondents to properly rebut the statements contained herein within thirty (10) days (or in the
alternative pay all damages) shall constitute deliberate criminal actions and willful default.

WHEREFORE, All Agents, Representatives, Officers, and/or such, of the "UNITED STATES"
or its subdivisions including local, state, federal, and/or international or multinational
governments, corporations, agencies, and the like have three (10) days to rebut any portion of
this Affidavit from receipt, UCC 1-204, or you stand in total agreement. Non-response or
rebuttal is agreement and means you assent to this Affidavit and that fault exists, UCC 1-
201(16). Partial response is agreement. Rebuttal must be sworn in written form with legal/lawful,
verified, certified documentation under penalty of perjury.

Further Affiant Sayth Not.


Done this (Number) day of ( Month, Year).

Without Prejudice ; All Rights Reserved

_________________________________________ (Seal)

( Your Name Here - Regular / non-caps )©™, Trustee

Under Declaration of ( Your Trust Name Here) Dated ( Date of Trust )
Natural ( man / woman ), Secured Party Creditor,
Attorney-In-Fact, Authorized Representative for


THE Lien Claimant does NOT rely on Title 15 as a basis for the “Commercial Lien”. ALL Commercial processes, by
using or relying on notes or paper in Commerce (e.g. Federal Reserve Notes), must bear some sort of Federal tracking
code, a County Recorder’s number or a serial number, which process must be accessible for inspection at the nearest
relevant County Recorder’s Office or be widely advertised. When a Lien matures in three (3)
months, ninety (90) days, by default of the Lien Debtor through the Lien Debtors failure to rebut the AFFIDAVIT OF
OBLIGATION point-for-point categorically, it becomes an accounts receivable in the ordinary sense of a collectable debt
upon which assignments, collateralization, and other commercial transactions can be based, hence becomes a Security
subject to observation, tracking, and regulation by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (hereinafter
U.S. S.E.C.).

The notation “A Security-15 USC” is a flag in Commerce telling the U.S. S.E.C. that a speculation account is being
established to enforce a lien. The U.S. S.E.C. can then monitor the process. As long as the process is truthful, open, and
above-board(Full disclosure), the U.S. S.E.C. has no jurisdiction over it, for even the U.S. S.E.C. has no jurisdiction over
the truth of testimony, depositions, affidavits, and affidavits of obligation(Commercial Liens), and an unrebutted affidavit
stands as the truth in Commerce.

When a Affidavit is so flagged in Commerce, it becomes a Federal Document because it could become translated into a
Security (for example by being attached in support of a Commercial Lien), and not accepting and/or filing a Commercial
affidavit becomes a Federal Offense.

I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing documents including:

1. Copy of Order to Clerk of Court # ( Document Identifier Here)

2. Original Commercial Presentment Offer # ( Citation # Here )
3. Copy of Administrative Refusal for Cause, Without Dishonor. #( Document Identifier
4. Copy of Affidavit in Support of Refusal for Cause,Without Dishonor #(Document
Identifier Here)

has been furnished by Registered Mail # ___________________ to :

( Name of Department )
(Street Address)
(City State Zip )

On this ( Number ) day of ( Month, Year ).

Without Prejudice ; All Rights Reserved

( Name of your Third Party )
Third Party Authorized Representative / Witness
For Affiant (Your Name Here), Sui Juris
UCC 1-207 ; UCC 1-308 ; UCC 1-103

℅ ( Street Address of Third Party )

(City, State) [ ZIP ]
non-domestic , without the UNITED STATES
Your Name, Trustee, Attorney-In-Fact
℅ Street Address
City, State [ Zip Code ]
Non-domestic, without the UNITED STATES

ATTN : ( Name of Issuing Officer )

(NAME OF POLICE DEPARTMENT - All Caps - It’s a Corporation!)
Street Address
City, State, Zip



(Date) Certified Mail # (***************)

To: ( Name of Issuing Officer )

TAKE NOTICE The enclosures and original commercial presentment offer to contract in the
form of Citation # (Number Here) was refused for cause without dishonor, without prejudice,
without recourse, and non-assumpsit and was returned to THE SUPERIOR COURT OF
(COURT NAME) in accordance with UCC 2-207(c) and UCC 3-501(b)(3) for reasons
referenced in the enclosed Affidavit.

TAKE NOTICE The excuse of the court to not have a “case number” on file for this
presentment offer does not refute or invalidate this administrative commercial process in
accordance with UCC 2-207(c) and UCC 3-501(b)(3), or Affiant’s Affidavit, and said process is
valid under the Uniform Commercial Code which all Maritime / Admiralty courts abide by.

TAKE NOTICE If this commercial presentment offer is filed into court to initiate or commence
any such commercial actions against the Undersigned, AFTER this refusal for cause and
Affidavit is received by the court, this will be a direct violation of Title 18, Section 1001 of the
(USC) which states as follows:

Whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States
knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a
material fact, or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations, or
makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious
or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five
years, or both.

TAKE NOTICE The right to file a criminal complaint will be exercised by the Undersigned,
upon violation, and said criminal complaint on any public official will be sent to the Insurance
commissioner to perfect a lien against the bond of the official. The violating official will also be
subject to the Fee Schedule referenced on UCC-1 Filing # (Your Filing Number) of the
Undersigned Secured Party for applicable damages.

TAKE NOTICE To remain compliant with Title 18, Section 1001 of the (USC) and avoid any
such violations, kindly take heed of this refusal for cause, without dishonor and cease all further
communications with the Undersigned regarding this commercial presentment offer - with the
exception the enclosed Affidavit is rebutted point for point in writing and signed and sworn
under penalty of perjury within (3) days.

Without Prejudice, All Rights Reserved

___________________________________ ( Seal )
( Your Name Here - Regular / non-caps )©™, Trustee
Under Declaration of ( Your Trust Name Here) Dated ( Date of Trust )
Natural ( man / woman ), Secured Party Creditor,
Attorney-In-Fact, Authorized Representative for
UCC 1-207 ; UCC 1-308

Notice # RFC - (Bday/Last4Social/Initials)


I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing documents including:

1. Notice of Administrative Refusal for Cause, Without Dishonor ( Document Identifier)

2. Copy of Commercial Presentment Offer # ( Citation # Here )
3. Copy of Affidavit in Support of Refusal for Cause,Without Dishonor #(Document
Identifier Here)

has been furnished by Certified Mail # (***************) to :

( Name of Officer)
( Name of Department )
(Street Address)
(City State Zip )

On this ( Number ) day of ( Month, Year ).

Without Prejudice ; All Rights Reserved

( Name of your Third Party )
Third Party Authorized Representative / Witness
For Affiant (Your Name Here), Sui Juris
UCC 1-207 ; UCC 1-308 ; UCC 1-103

℅ ( Street Address of Third Party )

(City, State) [ ZIP ]
non-domestic,without the UNITED STATES

This document is something simple you can get laminated if you’d like as an alternative
to presenting a commercial license and identification. Most of the time people get in to
trouble when they don’t want to offer a license to an officer because they don’t have any
alternate documents as proof of who they are. There will be later lessons on that specifically address options for identification. Every private
person has the right to make their own documents - even I.D’s.

Licenses and DMV issued cards are for DEBTORS / CORPORATE FICTIONS


Know who you are, and travel like one!

1. Complete all areas in Red
2. Replace the picture with your own
3. Replace the coat of arms with one of your own
a. A Coat of Arms is the distinctive heraldic bearings or shield of a person,
family, corporation, or country. If you’re an artistic / creative person this
may be fun for you. Do some research.
4. Don’t forget to add your Thumbprint Seal !

( Your Name Here) ©™

Aboriginal American National, Private, Secured Party Creditor

Date of Natural Birth: ( Birthdate)

Domicile: ℅ (Street Address)

( City State) [ ZIP ]
non-domestic, without the UNITED STATES

I, ( Your Name Here)©™ natural (Man / Woman) declare
pursuant to Injunction #(Certified Mail # or Document #) listed in UCC
Filing #(Number Here) agreement with the Secretary of the State of
(State Here) I have invoked my right to travel in a private, non-
commercial capacity in my private conveyance not subject to codes or
statutes of corporate commercial jurisdiction as I am not a 14th
Amendment Citizen. I am also not a “Driver” by Black’s Law Definition
nor am I operating any conveyance for commerce or commercial
purposes requiring me to have any State issued commercial licenses,
registration, or insurance. I am the first lien holder and sole beneficiary
of Debtor, ( NAME ALL CAPS)©™ and hereby declare I have a
secured interest in all collateral of Debtor under UCC-1 Filing #(Number
Here) and control all commercial instruments of said Debtor. Any
unwanted actions or presentments by a commercial policy enforcer will
be a violation of forementioned injunction agreement and subject to
damages and fees stipulated in Secured Party’s Fee schedule.

X__________________________________ ( Seal)
Without Prejudice ; All Rights Reserved
UCC 1-103.6, UCC 1-308, UCC 1-301, UCC 1-207

__ __ __ __ __ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ _

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